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" " o i 5 o § ” T 5 l i ) ) 6 S f i V e 'H l r t o r l e a t ' - S e o - * —-------6 1 0 J o l l a D a v lB D r .B o i s e . Id«lw > . « 8 3 7 0 6 o o m ji .

Phone> Of UM OuT'tftii-lftfSukl.auUi^

rainy » e t n i l s , l > . 7

- V o l . 67, M o . 163

Magic Valley's H om e Newspaper

TW IN F A llS , ID A H O , TUESD AY, O C TO B ER 20, 1970

’■ BUfl V'Bup frPdul-,'-O o lU ^ .W « .U n ii --------^ A Ja -3 S i3 -

(iUr-Rou«f(o«i-Holliil.f 336-537JWandtllJ.roo).- Cood,no-M(,o„r«nn 53A 3535


Re nt . . ." RESULT of activity of validols In Coscnde P ark In Twin Falls

Is filiown by Ihlfi tclcplionc company lustallatlon. One^unlt has ImTch bent and Uie other has been battered. Several trees nt the park were destroyed by vandaU.

City hitspark acts

NEW. YORK (UPI) ^ P r c s v like any mccUiig, wc hope will . Idcnt Nixon will meet Soviet piny n p art In bettor under- . Foreign Minister Androl A .-stnnding,” nogcrs anid.Gromyko Jn Wfls)»lnffton Tliiirs- Nixon had considcret/ tJ)c day for diaciuislons nlmod nt possibility of mcotlnR Soviet casing tl«5 current tensions in Premier Aloxcl N. Kosygin at Sovlet'Antorlcanrelations. Uio United Nations. But Koay- —Sacratary-of-Slalo-Wllllam P .. gin canceled his projected visit jtegcriJ announced tho meeting to Uie United Notions, reported­

ly because of a deterioration of Sovlcl-Amcrlcanrolatlons.

Altliough Rogers and Gromy­ko still wore nt a stand-off over the missile violations and prospects of resuming Arab- Israeli peace contacts were dim, they apparently laid to rest- the Incipient crisis over Soviet Naval construction at Clenfucj'os Harbor In Cuba. ,. U.S. delegation officials gave, this account of Rogers’ second meeting wlUi Gromyko a t which, they said, the atmos­phere was belter Uian a t the first encounter Friday n ight:

Tlie Middle East —Rogers and Gromyko . remained at

Monday night after conferring with Gromyko for two hours and 45 minutes. “'Tills meetlnjr.


Quebec aide

By MELBA TIIORNE Timei-NewflCorrcapontlcnt .

TWIN F A L L S -C ity officials appealed to residents living ncQT city parka to help slop pork vnndnllfim.

ih e appeal by City Manager Jean M llar and P ark s S u p e r in t e n d e n t . .H o w a rd Johnson followed woekend- destruction of about $300 In trees at Cascade Park.

n ie officials askcJpai;enla-lo- control their cliUdrcm and to teach them to rcspcct public property., i

Mllar said toxpdyers pay for parks for tlic generd enjoyment and.benefit.of. the public and losses such as tliat at Cascade Park mean m ore tax money must be collected from tho parents of the vandals as well as other taxpayers of the dly.

City police said one or more • automobiles drove over the curb and into Cascodo. Park Saturday night or early S u n ^y . They drove over eight trees, breaking thbm off Just al^vo thft-groundi They also struck and broke a s{op 'slgii a t the int(»’soctlon..of Grnnada Drive and Alturas Street.

City ofn6ialB snld parks can

destroys tiicir purpose as public facilities!

Jolinson said tlic 1300 Uamngc Is Uio price of replacing the trees without taking into can- aidcration_ tho fact they had be<}n giiiwfng'tivo yew»-nnd were healthy, well-established trees. |

He and A ^ar asked residents of the area to report any in­formation about the vandalism

SHOSHONE — Lincoln loggerheads over the reportedCounty S heriff Thom as W. Sovlot-Egyplinn missile viola-Conner returned Ijomo Monday tinns. No comprornise solutionnight after two weeks’ absence, emerged for “rectifying thatapparen tly with second situation. But It seemed increa-thoughts about his v e rb a l singly likely that Uie Middlercfllgnatlon. East cease-fire would be

“ I took two race horses to extended on a day-to-day basis.Preano,. Calif., In Iwpes of Ttie Soviet Union indicated that selling Ihcm ," a n n c r - s a ld . - i t wouUnike-Arab-Isrjioli talks-“but'I'hnd to take Uiem further under the auspices of U.N.souUi where I left them with the .mediator Gunnor V. Jarring tounderstanding they will bo resume, although how -thisuotd.*' mlglit tnkc place rem ains

Ttio sheriff did not dispute tho unclear,clnlni Uint ho hod told Deputy The Four-Power tolks onMartin WhlloMll ho Inlwdcdl^) Borlln-tho, two foreign mlnla- roalBn, but when now naliod If ho ters clonrod up o mlsunder:now Mko

P r e m i e r . Mo n t r e a l (u p i) -c o n a iinH M im U D FAWZI, 70, hat lH

been c b o c n E n y p f . f i r . t J»uso of CanaiUon unity, Plerro civilian premier In U year.. ‘ff,.Government sourcen ' .old ho '7 " ,," ! '' ',wo. apparently lelected to try the kidnapers ^ British dlplo- to negotiate a ' pencd»l »et- „tlement In the Middle East. , V " ™(U P |. including Prime Minister Pierre

Trudeau bnd opposition leaders from Ottawa, were joining Ijiporte 's family in paying final respects to tlio Quebec lobor minister murdered Saturday, one week after his abduction by the Quebec Uberation Front (F I^ I .

At the fequest of LaPorto's wife, Francolso, the simple funeral nt 4 p.m. EOT a t Notre Dame cathedral in Montreal waftto be prlvatc.Extrnordlna-

Dy United Press International including tho 4.000Government sources said federal troops mobilized Tliurs-

today President- Anwar Sadat Trudeau, woro.polsedhas chosen Foreign Minister for possible FLQ trouble. MalimouUr_Fowzl-nB JE sy p l's - Meanwhile. 0,OOO.pallccAom.- first civilian p rem ie r ,In ' H Uiroughout Quoboc pressed years. Fuwil, o ' Va-yoor-old Uielr scorch for throo men diplomat, apparently was so- suspocts In theIccted to try to negotiate o Wctaapings of Cross and La- pcacoful settlement In tho Slnco Trudoau FridayMiddle East. decreetl omorgency w ar powers

Sadat, sworn In only Saturday broailonlng police powers an d ' to roplnco Gamal Abdel Nasser, suspending somo Canadian civil


twO.hL vo '^o Ju o ^T p im id 'S rn K r i™ » ru ro S w k tT c iS 3 i lf J t^ ^ Ifiiout-ch^OT-M l-atwpectedS S r i f T d r r l m K T e ' Z I » » r i n r v e S ? . m i l c U n i o n t ^ a y . . t „ a , ^ c U d t o F f ^ leader."and proper m anner with a written Uic nature of the misunderstand- .......... o ,i«lJc

slglb s ig n a tlo n to county com- in g .w as not specified. U.S. mlasloners." officials told newsmen tliey

to polico. n jo y urged-rcsldents _ ,Ihc .8 licriff. -Who hM. ?icrved.Jook^ f o r w ^ ^ h o ^ _to be alert to dnmage to such for more than 20 years, has two- to the discussions on Improving^

................. ■■ years loft in hla present term , tlie Berlin situation.Mrs. Luella K ^sey, county

clerk, said Conner hos been popular \n tlio county.

Conner said he developed, cor trouble Sh his woy homo which delayed him several days.

No official announcement has been m ade as to Sadat's choice.

public faculties and to notify officers.' Mllar said such acts are pure “ s tu p id ity " and persons causing them will oventuaUy be apprehended and forced to pay for Uiolr acta.


Burley seeks aid clips ’B l^ L E Y ~ A proposal for a

new city park along the Snake river will be presented to the Idaho Parks Department board meeting Thursday and Friday at Coeur d'Alene,

B urley c ity councllmen Monday night voted to have

parks board meeting.If plans are approved by the

state for 50 per cent state

FT. HOOD,- Tex. (UPI) - Two government witnesses testified Monday they saw S. Sgt. David Mitchell empty two clips of ommuniUon from his

women .and chUdr<m a ditch .five to six

funding, the park will be located between the Snake River and the golf course.

Estimated total cost for thepark la Wfl,000,Bedke said, with ih i ______ _ ithe city sharing half UlC cost.

Enlargement of tho present “ VIotnamoso oldgolf courso to moke on I8J10I0

If! o lrn n itin nn ,! An tU n HUfUCU UIK»

courso im provem ent Is n o t . ,

t o K omS'Sdi' sltdovelopment plan.viotnamoso civilians come as tho govcmmont opened Jta. testimony In on attem pt to

- allow. W tcholl assaulted with _ . th o Intent to murder 30

Vletnamosocivilians. - Prosocutlng ottomey, Capt.

Michael Swan, speaking slowly In his opening statement, said the government will p r ^ MjtdjcH’s platoon miovod "de­liberately,- but quickly through tlio village, cleared tho hoocheiT, ond gathered tho people Into groups.’'

Quebec.They have failed to find the

k id n a^ rs or Cross, who was abdiicted^from- his suburban Montreal homo Oct. S by armed members of the FU J. Ap­parently he still is alive, for he sent a communique to police Sunday bogging them to call off Uielr search and accede to FLQ demands.

Hie Canadian government waited for word from the.FLQ to its standing offer for safe passage to Cuba for Uie

GOODING - Gooding city Udnapors. If tho abductors councllmen passed an amende "Sro” . they would bring Cross ment to tho "Junk" arWinanco ^ U'" t^ncordlo Bridge over Monday *•’“ Law ence lUvor at Uie,

■nie amendment defines what «;,•«,»< Expo '07, Montreal's Is considered Junk m ore Wo_rld's F airg roun^ spocjficolly than the. original


E sco r tcd . . .CANADIAN > e r e t a r y of Stale Gerard . FdleUer-~ walks_____

through arch a t Ottawo a i combat readv escort u o v e i np to Ap* follow. Moit Canadian govemmeot .olflcUls and buildlngt are

uuder heavy security guard. (UPI)

E nrolln ieiit jum ps 3 0 0

ord inance, M ayor H arley Crinpen said- tlie^councU. is trying to got residents to clean- lots of debris and wrecked autos

Ed Peterson, Twin Falla, architect for the now high school, and school board members mot with the council about extending w ater and sewer linos to the now school which will soon be under cqn- atruction. Tlio now facility Is located on tlio west edge of town.

Tlio amendment lists as Junk ‘‘any used material which hos become unfit for tlie use for which it wns intended and in­cludes, but Is not limited to old autos, any unsightly garbage, s ta g n ^ t water, refuse and decayed vegetflbles." ^ ,

TWIN FALLS - F in a l anUcipatMl for second semester There the kidnapers would enrollment figures for the first thlfl year, but he (aeU the

turn Cross over to tho'Cuban semester a t the QiUege of student population will begin to Consul, hop into a waiting Southern Idaho show an In- show a *1uUini; oU" brem Ugti helicopter for tho sliorfPido to crease'Trf about 300 students-iftcreasea ahow^ln-the ieveriL— Montreal International over last year, years the college has been Iq

•themibo; »-way-l ->)^y-M ey«rboefferrdir«etop—«ftistenoerHavanoi Cross would bo re- of adniissioni and records, said teased when the kidnapers enrollment this year Is 2,5^, arrived in Cuba. , while the fall sem ester of thS

He said new buUdin«i being opened next year undoubtedly

..«VM ui vuuo. . will increase enroUmentt but he-But the FLQ has Ignored tlie 1069-70 school year showed 3.245 cb>ei not anticipate te rlj|e to b e '

offer made Saturday night by students enrolled. - more than 8 to 0 per cml'.Quebec Premier Robert Bou- He said a slight Increase ls~ rassa a t about tho sam e time police discovered tho .bloody body of LaPorte stashed in the trunk of the auto in which ho had been kidnaped. The FLQ has demanded release of 23 political prisoners and 1500,000 gold in ransom for Gross.

TTudeai) and Bourassa wore

CSI selects dorm mother

men doopTy grievouji on the daV of L aP orte 'i funeral. Both leaders were close personal

TWIN FALLS - Mrs. Pearl U tterl. .Itrom e, cu rren tly "houM m other" and cook for

Council rejects architect need

friends of LaPorto, a> well as tho CoUm o of Southern Idahobolnghls political colleaguo. athletic dormitory on Poplar

Parliament Monday gavo, Street, will become CSI’a Itfsioverwhelming endorsement to dorm lt^y housa mother. IVudeau’s assumption of war TIto CSI board of In a U e ipowers. By a vote of 100-16, tho approveil a recommendationHouse of Commons approved a from CSI Preaidant Dr. JamesresoIutlonjiupporUng Trudoau's L. 'Taylor that M n. U tter be decision to outlaw tho FLQ and ‘ •

TWIN FALLS - a t y coun- -cllmen rejaotad &-1 Uproposal ta-

requiro an archltoct or onglnoor

cffect. 'Ilio city building In-~t<ri!iintlinig~hl»~

retained as.hoUM m other for i l i r to e d-Tbmilto y w w W il«f

-apootor-now-lui-: deciding whether an architect

to approve p lanj for com- or engineer plan la required formercial construction In the city, new conunerclal construction.

Councilman Eugene Stacoy Hi« councllmen also hold acast tho only support for the public hearing oh-tha proposal

!— proposal m ade earlier by. a t y . ,to,sell the old filler, pfapt.andManager Jean Mllar th at the p ro p erty . Ko com m enta orstrict ordinance be adopted In p ro te a ti w ere offered,the Intereat pf public safely. jrollowInK the hearing the

Councilman Tom Nelson was coutiellmen iiuthorlzed the city4iljs«nt_------ ^ :-------- Aunager-to-cdverUae^the-aale.-

11,0 o r^n an c* was rejected ■me t r a d Includes llU cres ofeii..M><-- .>ehl ^ - Meiiil«» f a m i ' lain) «iiU - r U ltk tUteinlghl, fp U o ir^ criUclam, from plant atructur*. i t .h«a been

for the athletic "domiltory" for the past two y e tf s,' Dr- 'Taylor said, and Is well qualified for the poslUon.

Mrs. Utter wl|l assume her duties when the-; dormitory is completed.

An open house, lor the new h e a lth -p h y s ic a l e d u c a tio n building wa< lentatlvdy aet for Nov. H , after the trustees suggested that P r. Taylor make

- the-flaa l.ded ifc iu M - l l a .rialfl, when it i> determined that the -


rep resen ta tlv ea of building tritd^s an d d raftsm en ' whti

appralaed at mtOO.T n du n d e r suspension of theOutreach__i>.,--■ ................. ........

J ur I Mrs, Leaore Banmey, stops to talk with cam- opposed the melwire., rules, the coundlnun voted toviilUiv 1l)et«u |M l(am rkeralaliport.H ra.R oiiw ey,U li< liln^ • W ithUiBpropoaal'ar^iecUon, change the nam e of QulUcl

la b o la te r^ . 8. Seaale c a p i t a of Mrs. NlKea. ( U P l l ' , , - current fegu taU w i ren w ln ^ fa . i^vehiJe BobUna Avenue,

I 'y f


2 T im tl'N tw i, Twin P allt, Idahd Tu«tday, October so, 1970

Joe CUflk (SnniAmplaining about backi:— . ^ J a c k -

Mayor Lindsay drops Rocky to back Democrat Goldberg

-NBW-yOcan Mayor Jotm V. Undsny cndorsouDc

Ool(lbor({ stood solomn-racod Democratic cimdldato bosldo Uio m ayor along with

Arthur Goldborg.for yoVemor Donfiocratlclioutonantgovomor MQndayMKnorlnjvGov. Ncl80ir~carK lldat0 Basil P atorson, A. Rockctollor’s jr to a that ho whom Lindsay .also ondorsod, remain noutral. ' ' but refused to answer 'a n y

Uto move rovivod rum ors' questions boyond a statement timt—th»—4a.yaar-old^mayor-^pcalslng-TJn(!«ny. f<would switch his alleRiance to tlio Democratic Parly witli an

. - eyo to Uio prcsldentloJ nomlna* — . tlon ln loy , but UJ|d?Qy denied .

tliis at a press cbnferenco at tlio mayor's residence.' “ I am a Hapubllcan nnd I

intend, to rem ain a Republl- can ," ho said.

Ho Rave as his reason for endorsing Uie former associate

• Justico of the U.S. Supreme Court luid am bassiidor’to tlie

JJnlted Nations hia evaluation of tlic "dominant forces" ' in

•praing an act of political courage.!' Lindsay said bo based his en(iorBcmer}t on t)io Goldberg' Palorson ,ticket’s program for "urban survival."

Goldberg appeared angered by a suggestion from a re ^ r to r that Lindsay was repaying Goldberg for his endorsement in the 1969 m ayoralty election when lindsay lost the Republi* can prim ary and ran as a L iberal. The white-haired gubernatorial candidate said tlint .was ‘‘emphatically" not

I\ew V ork pals . . .NEW YORK MXWM''‘3ohn Undsay (Icll'l

endorsed Democrat Arthur J. Goldberg (right) for Governor of New York, fomaking fellow

Albany, which ho said wero^ tlie truth."rooted In tho past." Ho did not "I made it clear from Uio mention RockofeUer, who Is outset I did not expect any running for an unprecedented ‘’consideration from tho m ayor,"

Uepublicah Nelson nockefellef. TfjCTniove increased opeculatlon that the mayor mAy nwltch to the Democratic Pariv. (UPh

fourtf) term on tlio nepubllc/in tlckotrby name.

R o ck o fo lle r^ n Rochester, said lie would havo no commcnt

' on Lindsay’s announcement

he said.Sen. Jocdb K .Javlts, R-N.Y.,

w h(L lu u u » ^R cd Rockefeller, said he regretted , LIml.Hay'9 decision.

T r o o p s t i * e k .

Magic Valley Hospitals

ITAL.IAN SOLDIERS with machine guns on their Bhouldern patrol along railrood tracks following train sabotage In protest agamst the designation (if Catanzaro as capital of the new ad* mlnlstratlve^eglim of Calabrla'Mxate residents of rlval clty IU-rrIo a rc credltod with lhe’attncttt>.'(^PIl

C assia M cmorinI M in id o k a M em orialAdmitted Admitted

Alice .A hn_M lllnrd, M rs. Janyo- Bouman,__M argaretEdwardo Campos, W. L. Pnl- Baldwin, boUi Rupert; Mrs.tersoa^^ Iy ^ c lo M|»rtinez, Dela Nicholas Cardonas and Janlo L.DlricksonT^'V andetta Wolf, G arn er, both B urleyt nndRayiioldo Martinez, and Joe Jam es A. Elder, Hoyburn.Martinez Jr., all Burley; Mrs.____________ B ir th s .____ -Antonio Barela, Mrs. Lewis a doughter was born to Mr

Regional Obituariess . W. Coales Funeral Services Hyrum Mansen Fam ily Slain

SOQUEL. Qjlif. (U P D -F lre .

Wednesday at Bird Funeral m ay .calL at'n iom pson Cliapcl. , , • , . . — o---- ------- Home, Hailey, by Don Pnt- Wednestlny until 11 a. m.

•ansli, ^ I h - o f ^ O a ld e y ;^ ^ and-M rs. Nicholas Cardenas.— tcraon.-.CorcyL Helcn-Moy. Hoaton-ot 1 p, m.Royce Bailey, John Neiwert, Burley. Mr. Coates was born May 21, Wednesday a t Wliite MortuaryMrs. Jose Martinez, all Rupert, and Mrs. Doan Allen, Heyburn.

OlsRilsfed Mrs. Richard Smith. Mrs.

Juke Olivos, Roberto Rendon. JiianA. Rendon, Mrs. Edwardo Campos nnd son, Reed Jolley, all Burley; Mrs. Doris Jean G orrlnge. nnd daughter, Freem an Whittle, all of Oakley; Mrs. Allen Fislier nnd son, Paul; and Mrs. Douglas Reed, Pocatello;

nirths- SQiisntci:a_lKirn to Mr. nnd Mrs. Lewis Parish, Oakley; Mr. and Mrs. Edwardo Campos, Burley; Mr. and Mrs. Dean Allan, Heyburn: Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Borela, Oakley, nnd a daughter was born to Mr. nnd Mrs. Royce Bailey. Rupert.

<>4)o (liiip .M«>ni(>rinl

Admitted Mrs. Ronald Pauls, Robert W.

P eterson , M rs. B re n t- Brocksome. Josopb A. Smitli and Herbert M eyer, nil GoodinK;' Ella Huffaker and

__Jerry Frocnrnn, botli Wendell.Dlsmlsfied

Schlup, both Hagermnn; Slewnrl Johnston, and Mrs. Andy Robinson, boUi Gooding,

BirthsA daugliter wns born to Mr.

nnd Mrs, Brent Brocksome, Goodin;*.

HAGEHMAN- — F uneral Oraar.D. 2 p. m. WESTON — Hyrum 0 . services for Slieldon William Wednesdoy a t the F irs t Hansen, flfl, died of a long illnessCoutics. 03^wlio died Sunday at Cliristlan Church In Gooding by early Monday a t a Twin Falls answering a call to uthe IdnlioT’iiils LDS Hospital, Rev. Hnrold Hnko. BUrlnl' in-' rt'sl'IIome. b azlns mansion atop a rcmolewill be conducted at 2 p. m. Elmwood Cemetery. Friends Mr. Han.sen was born Dec. 7. hiUtop overlooking the Pacific- - . ijjui.nt Weston. He worked n sn Ocean on Monday night found

farmer and livestock man In tlic bodies of a rich eye doctor _Mn tYancisco-thnL-arca.__ - _ . Jmd_four_Qlher. perfwns in _a.

Surviving are two brotliers, swimming pool.Joe Hansen, Cornish, Utah, and SJjeriff Douglas J ^ e s of his men to the swimming pool

M a g ic V n llc y M e m o r ia l1007, a t Carey. He,farmed in the Cliapel by Rev. Del Storey, area for several years before Friends may call at the mor- moving to Arco. where he was tuary until nqon Wednesday.

Admitted employed a t tho Atomic EnerRy Final rites in Sunset MemorialDallce Hill. Mrs. Milton Hood, Gimmission site 10 years. . Park. .

M rs. E. J. Wills. Lynn Murphy, He had lived In Hagerman for John Tlieodore Schmid at 10DeWltt Young, Robert Bybee, Uie post five years. a. m. Wednesday at White

-Hcncy^lHayJlQEn.-Alca,----- Qn_fVt_J^lf)?.n^ fL-mnrHwi_Mnrhinry__Qhnppl__ by__ Ell

Paul Han.sen, Maywood, Calif.. ’Santa Cruz County called it the where the bodies were found.

Ja m e s Rhoades and M rs. Wjnlfred Rallsat Arco.Hts wasn ■ Merllne Sprute. Friends mayDouglas Hawkins, all Twin member of the LDS Qmrch. call at the m ortuary until 0:30 a. Falls; Mrs. Leonard Kennlson Surviving, besldes-his widow, m , Wctlnesday. Final rites Inand Tamera Mario Sweet, both are two, sons. Dan Coates, Twin Falls Cemetery.Shoshone; Mrs. Gary Askew, H agerm an, and Kenneth John David Brockman at 2 p.Kirhberly; Paul Strolborg, nnd Contes. Idnfio Falls; a brotlier. m. Wednesday nt Twin FallsIra- S .-B radley , both Buhl; Qiarlos Coates, Carey; aa is tcr. M ortuary Chapel by Rev.

Mrs. Melba McKendrick. Paul, Kenneth Hlmple. Final ritesnnd seven grandclilldren. will be held in Sunset Memorial

Final rites will be a t the Park.Carey-Cometery. Friends nlay call a t the funeral home

and a s is te r , M rs. Felix (Minnie) Feller, Twin Falls.

. F uneral se rv ices will be conducted at I p. m, Tlmrsday at the We.ston LDS a iu rch . Flnnl rites will Iw nt the Weston

William Hadenfeldt, Rupert; Mrs. Spencer Tilley and Mrs. Floyd Parsons, both Burley; Lucy P . Hamlin, Jerom e, and

.GeorRe W. Carter nnd Martha A. Uerm on, both Flier,

DIsmlHsed Mrs. Patrick Florence and

d au g h ter, M rs. Florence Bnlmor, Mrs. 'Iljomas Smitli and son, Mary Archuleta and Mrs. Gilbert Allen, all Twin F a lls ; Lloyd Critchfield, Oakley, and Mrs. Roger Evans and daughter. Buhl.

"moflt grueiiome crim e In country history" and declared there was "ample CYjdence of both .arson and foul play."

All the victims had been shot in tho back and bludgeoned.

(SmiTteFyT Local arrangements TtT«I!nramlrTnnrbcW~tlwl~t»r by Reynolds Funeral Home. front of them with scarfs. _

Hie victims wore Dr. Victor M. Ohta, 45; who practiced in nearby Santa Cruz; his wife, Virginia, 43; tholr sons, Der-

~rlclc;->Vand -T aggartv ll a n d - . the physician’s secretary. Dor-

^ young people biterested in ' bthy Cadwallnder, 38. an active part^in Uio current

..ChrtHtlBnsm. attending city council m e ^ g . . . !^m a Ricks wearing bright pink coat . . . Fayo MorrlMn looking sharp In Btf1p< f rb tk . . . Frank Barnett lamenting los? of duck during hunting trip . . Tim Qualls

, taking clerical portion of ^U ce .department force out for coffee,

' . . . John Blpye watchlng-.votlng machine d g n o t^ r t^ l^ . . ■ Arndld DePaul telling high school c le ^ o n board. w orkers. ' they could only have one day off for., election work . . . Brad Hlckerson insplrhg students' to now heights of dramatic ex*

I cellence during rehimraal . . . Dr. Jam es L. Taylor p ro s in g over board of trustees m ^ l n g ... . Rev. John N. Garrabrandt and Eldon .Evans swapping charges bi friendly ddbato-. . . Courtcllman F rank Cook listening Intently 16 cxplanQtlon of Insurance coverage . . . and overheard: " I haven’t been able to park \n front of my h6use sbico last year when my ndgh* . bora bought two more cars fo H tliolr children."

Agnew hits '^political po u l t ice ’

a iIC A G O (U p i)-V lco Pres­ident Spiro T. Agnew Monday night said radical politicians are using him as<a "political poultice" to soothe tholr consciences after "flip-flopping ... on law and order,”

"One m ust sympathize wltli tlje distress of a politician as he deserts his conscience, aban­dons his principles and surren* ders to what ho privately

which had been called to tho 2- believes is-a-benlghted-public, year-bid mansion Isolated polsQncd with hatred and among trees four miles nortlj of raoiam,’' Agnew told a fund- state Highway 1 between Santa raising dinner for Sen. Ralph T. Q-uz and Watsonville, south of Smith, R-Ill.

So what do these conscience- a io ( - Pound a o ld P“ P'“ >'“ ■

deputies Ihnl bloody anicars led “" ‘>',‘* " '■ 8 '' '^ C• • • • • wonder a {Dr. Beniamin) Spocktries to spook the people by charging racism.

Twin Falls News In Brief

. Tuesday evening and.UDtll time « v v nof services Wednesday.^_____.

over Shriners

Winner named

political campaigns arc asked to meet at 7 p. m . Thursday ot D(smocratlc Headquarters^ 115 aioslione St. S. in tho Bank nnd Trust Building. A local com- mitteo of "Youth for Andrus" will be fbrmod.

First word of the killing came from Cliief Tod Pound of the Live' Oak Fire Department

mcnedsmhokg m mIn TWIN fAllS, 7 DAYS. OCT. 20 ft 21

Call or vlilt

Custom Tailorlnglloi; RfeVrafWomen at Fontastic Hong Kong prlcos

' Special o ffe r2 S U I T S n i n .

V I - « n d 1 I R T . , , l o r - X X U L :

»* V M O N D C H *N D , 733-04SO, « A .M . P.M.H O tlOAV IN N , 1330 DIUE l«K E S DLVD. N.

Unabid (0 vJiii? Just wrli« tb o o n our rfiaiilnQ list. McNoda. K.P.O. Bok 7246. Kowloon, Hono Kong

Speech wins blue pendl^.

DeSpain won the blue pencil Monday night for his speech on “ Tlie Connecting Link" at (he I. B. . Perrlne T oastm asters meeting at Kay’s Supper Qub.

Other speakers were Kent

TWIN FALLS - Tabulation of results of a ticket Belling contest between members of the Twin Falls Shrine Dub and KnlRhts of Columbus of St.Edward’s Catholic Church wns

BURLEY — Don M orse, completed Monday, revealing reprosonllng Hio Jcrom o Uw Knights came out on top.Toaslmasters Oub, won the Reynolds president of

-.Dlatrlct.Tlireo humorous speeeli “ ' “ '^ 'G h ts ,“ Id his group sold______ contest Saturday evening at J " " .2 5 worth of Jlckets_to_tho _ call M rs-Post aftor.4 p.m.

and L Cafo In 'Rupert wiUi a Shrine. G am e, whIJo the . n( 733-8308 and she will pick the ■smnrch------an------ ^P lroruah ' s ^ ^ rincr.«i-,snld $2fl5,5fl worth . n L (ionations-up-or-lhoy-4nay-J>c—

Mrs. Don Post, 100. Lois St., has received a letter from her son, Capt. William E. Post; who Is a helicopter pilot in Vietnam, asking for school supplies, pencils, color books, etc., for an orphanage h e a r his base. Anyone wishing to contribute

excess of *300 to use for Slirlno charities.

He , sa id . o ther In-

U laiiH ' r .o i in ty

AdmittedJcjanI UruZzcll, Hatley.

^ ^ D o w a y " ” Reynolds said afterMorse wUI now represent the K . ‘1" ’ 1 "

district In the District IS speecli High School, this leaves In contest on Nov. 14 at Salt Lake City, Utah.

Kirk, Martin Foss and Ofuck c lu b ' w cw ^^o^^^ and ^forfinnlzntlonal activities areGreen. Frank Robinson was L T f l r S t t of being planned by the KnlRhts

Tonslmastcrs a iib . Twin Falls, ond the Shriners. was tlilrd in the competition.

Judging tho contest wore Ed Hartman, Rupert, chief Judge; TOPS fall 1^0 Henschold and Jack

general evaluator and presiding officer and Ken Reid, Bill Foster nnd A1 Greenway served as evaluators.

It was reported tlwt club inember Bob Brackett won Hon„„d, bon, „( Burloy, and l i n l r lthird place In an area speech Ted Dlchl, Jerom e, Toast- n C I U

M IIM llllT IK N I tM I.SI ih ; t i m i :s - m .v s

I H i l l l u lls . I iI iiIh i

l(> C iirri.-r T i t imimiIIi l

( l>/iih ^ SinnUf> ) . i.*5 \U M iiil

P iiid ill \ i l\ i i n n -

( I h i i lv \ S iM ii l i i\ )— r

contest held at R upert on Saturday.

Greonway, who served as gram m arian, received tlio table tonics award. Table topics were lull by Dave Baylor. Reid served a s toastm aM er and William Foster was timer.

m aster for the evening was Neal Bresljears, Rupert; and tnble topics were assigned by Clifford Nutting, Rupert.

Plaque presented’ GOODING Mrs. M. V.

niUlngler was presonlou a plaque at the GoodlnR PTA mooting

‘iiiN VAi I PV L. Mm rnrdv ^^^^day nigiu forTlsr~pSin5^

: • irsptt"rtrre';?s eerat“iii“ra7;t^ ' F l M R S - IN I v W S — “ t , nX T " ''" 1 p tl« » Hl'-en for U.0 -

sunsT«u.l5Ks sT rS s Eff s s -s r ,™ -f o r M T vlce o n State School hero


T V T hV-


2 x n n -


nuPEB T - t h e Magic Valley TOPS annual fall meeting was held Saturday at Mlnlco High School wltli 158 m em bers -nttehdlng from throughout Magic Valley.

Taking group' honors In tho grafluating, class were Mrs. Dale Hesselhol., Mrs. Nadine Woodwortli and Mrs. Estlier Tliornton.

.Mu— Margn—Kramoc—aaa.

delivered to her home.

The A m erican Legionauxiliary will m oet Wednesday at 8 p. m. In the American Legion Hall.

The Magic Valley Sports C a r . Qu)) will m eet at B p. m. Saturday a t tho studios of KMVT. M<imbor8 will vote on prpposod^h&ngos In tho by-laws concerning club dues, and will make plans for o m irrored slalom scheduled Nov. 1 at Goodbig Airport. Guests are welcome. Call 324*2254; Jcromo, for furtlier information.

' The U )S Relief Society's "fim ' night" will- be held' Friday

evening in tlio Second LDS Ward Cliapel, Twin Falls. A cafeteria stylo ham dinner will bo served from 6:30 to 8 p. m. Tliemo of tho event Is

•I w lfc r r ft tr r iv r

siioakor a t tho g raduating ixccciaca-.along_w itli_M ca.-

Wllma W atkins, both T'^in Falls.

ft was announced I07I State Rocognitidn Day will be April 23 and 24 at Moffcow.

BridgeT 7 i i » r -- --------

• Monthly hills were paid.

tho Idaho Stato School hero „ I „ _ ______ I

numbera wow nlven bv Ullnd ■*— .

There will nat bo » mooting of Iho Twin F a lls Womon's Dowling Association Oct. 27, as reported Ih tho Tinnss Nows, Uio meeting was hold Sopt, 27. All entries for Uio state bowling contest In • Dolso should bo submitted by Doc, 1.

(^nll yo u r nurrier

, o r 7 : i : j - o o ; j i

’ Hi'fttr.; |irm , dully »r. Iu<f«r<' <in .‘iumlnyk

sludonts and »" on'lt(oachlnri methods wag

Europe's largosrW alorfnll Is noor tho modlovni town of 'Scha(fhauson, Swllzorland, B " '« y *Hero tho Rhino R iver cas- nnnouncod. Local momb(cados down 00 foot, tljiituajV. wanting lo attend should not fyllniloa on to Basel, Mrs, AIm Echelta, '

TWIN EAIAS - Twin FaU« D uplicate B ridge Club m et Monday evening a t EpUcopal auditorium, ,c_: '

Winner* were Mrs, Lewl^ Hack and Mra, A, J . Undem er, first! M^a, A C, Kdly x iit Mra,

Mrs, R. i . Cook, third.Next Monday'a play has been

canceled because of the BolM sectional tournament.

On Nov. 9 there'«riU b* { . dinner meeting a t 7 p, a t the i' Eptsceptl Church.

^RESSfftHT^Dacron, Cotton*,

Rayons, Acetates, - , 4 5 " Wide

Reg. 87'SALE

Slipcover Fabnc1 0 0 % C o H o n r

Machine Washable,— f ^S' Uo 5 4 " Wide

Reg. $1.37

frIlitedFlannel-1 0 0 % Cotton,

Color Fast,w i a t f i i T


Tuoiday, October 30. 1970 Tw in ItiAho 3

Idaho candidates push cam paignsr-nc* ' — Mnfflcir~W(niSrTWnioC?BIIir"™*^“ ^*c*'^~thc-»itui»tion“ of-^«flned'Unon Govr Snmurison td J 'b y candidate for Second District Miw Moon’s Tolojn.lhe_lcglfr. ..” Pl®]pJ/®ny ?fVol«P<Jowinent

cjimpHlgn trail Monday, and U»o State Highway Departm ent. contn'csamani,. said ^ e layoff lo t l^ paswigo.Gov. Don Smnuolson ,8«ld In. J'and thus created tlio atn)OB- altuatloh a t the Natlohal Reac- Jpestn tctreasu rer hnd word*

By UnlteaPfCBirinteriiatlonfll'^^nirumaTieviKl'tivtewe Idflhd polltlclnnfi woro on tho "counring' procedures

Payette tlte flnnnce and inslir' jdicre for the cinbcudemcnt of tor Testing Station (NflTS) was oH jor 6wn Mqridny, and she ance agencies In state, govern* nearly half a million dollars ov> "4nto1<^rable/'and said both the ment have bcen lmprove<l (Jur- cc an clght-year period." o^AlomicEnergy Comnolssion and Ing his term in office. Democratic, candidate for.- tlie Idaho Ni^leftr Corp. must

Samuplson addressed the Ida-' lioutchant governor Paul Boyd share the responsibility^ for the ho Social Welfare Conference In, said In Priest River Monday, employment crisis. 'Boise Monday, a student convo*' ;Our first priority luis got to- .^tate Sen. Jolm ^vans. P-—fci------^ N o rth y rm rt-N ftM rtn e—U5" lo renlizo Uijtl every th ing - M alad, sa id M onday s ta to T re a -i^jiogo in Nampa and^other in Idalio Is not as rosy as the. surer Marjorie Ruth Moon had runctlons in P ayette. governor'would like to hnve lis aided passage .pf 1070 bills to-Democratic jfubcrnalorlal believe." m ake Idaho bank interest pro-

nomineeCecilAndrusmldroiiscd . . if olocted, Boyd said ho A^sions * moVo wprkAlile. Ho‘Blackfoof residents and culled would to see Uiat "non polliit* counteracted charges made by for new clean Industry to bols- ing, year-round industries are ■Wallace Connolly, Republican ter t|ie economy. If elected, he made aware of the advantages candidate 'for the treasurer's .saldlhu-would-^cctileir^te-tlio—of-]o<^AllnlHn-idah<>r^--------------- position rand>sald>ConnoUy-had

, FUNDAMENTALS arc over and a new Beta a transferee to Alpha Zeta ChapierSigiua Phi Chapter, Ueia Rho, will have a from New &nynna Beach, Fla.i'^Mrs. Dentdiiregular meeting at 8 p.m. Wednesday at the • Critehfleld, new pledge Into Alpha Ze(a, andhome of Mrs, Gary Wall to elect offlccn. Mrs. Jim Martin, president of Alpha Zcto, theAmong those present for the pledge ritual a t the sponsoring chapter.Pondcrosa Iim were, from IcK, Mrs. John

T.F. airport operations reach 4 7 , 6 3 2 annual rate

TWIN -FALLS - Airplane operntions nt the Twin Falls C ity-C ounty. A irport, Joslin Field, have reached an annual rate of 47,032 , It was announced today by Harry Merrick, air­port.manager.

Merrick saUl Uie figure was announced by officials of llie Federa l Aviation Ad* ministration following an of­ficial survey made in con­nection wiUi plans which would sec a control tower e.stablislicd a t the field.

Broken down— the—survey- shows nir c a rr ie r itineran t

Bills paidS U ^ VALLKY - Montlily

bIHs wcj^e n'pprbved and paid by the Sun VallL>y Oily Council, Monday morning.

Winton . G ray , m ayor, presided a t tliq brief meeting lield nt ttie ad m in istration building.

operations have now readied flO a week with civil itinerant operations at 431(1 a week. In addition civil local operations liave reac^ied an avenige of 405 a week.

“Tliis m eans/' Merrick said,"that air carrier and civil itinerant operations here arc now nt a 2(5,572 yearly level and local civil operntions now stand at 21.0G0 for like period."

Twin Falls is one of 15-air­ports in'"the western ynited States now eligible for control

-towor-faoilitio6-whcn money-is------HAGERMAN—Jlex-B arJogiavailable. Only fields in Idaho was reelecteil president of the

"Wlien an airport qualifies for sucii a facility," Claytdn Wrote, " i t t-ecelves budgetary con* sideration fllnng with other qualified locations on a natfonal basis."

Pioneers pick slate

at the prjjsont time having control tow ers a re Boise, Pocatello and Idaho Falls.

hi a letter to Merrick, Vaugim M. Clayton, a rea FAA-

llaRorman Pioneer Association nt the annual meeting Sunday at Uie American Ugion Hnll.

Win Condit was re-olccted vice president and Mrs. Dana

m anageprrsn id-that-under-^G ilm ore-w asclccledrflecrclury- prescnt standards an airport treasurer.qualifies as a candidate for tower servicc when scheduled a ir serv ice reaches and maintains 24,000 or more annual operations, including civil itinerant operations,

Special memorial services were conductcd by Rose Allen, Twin Falls, with Earl Justice and Louise Hoodenpyle; both G o o d i n g , f u r n i s h i n g background music.

development of ldaho'y indus­tries, helping wlUi problems and aisl,sting pollution abatement ef­forts. ..

Tony Parkr Democratic can­didate for attorney ' general,' campaigned In Bonners Ferry tmd urged strict enforcement of existing dredge mining control legislation. If elected, he said, " lliere will be no catering to JUiy certain groups or persons because he is politically or economically importimt."

Republican canditLate for state auditor Jack Holley said in Wei- ser Monday Uiat Incumbent Joe

Dietrich honor r6ll announced

DIETRICH - Supt, Wayne Perron has announced the first six jveeks honor roll.

Tliey ore, seniors — Brian Cooper with all A's, Don Price and Russell McCrea; sophomores — Craig Sorensen;

- freshmen — Tim Ridlnger------O tlw rsare: Regina SorenRon,

Lari Perron, an d .Je ff Astle, sixth grade; Geraldine Fowcrs, Kevin P erro n and Kevin Meservy, fifUi grade; Brad Astle. Tresa Sorensen, Cindy

-Dixon-.und-Bobby-Nylor.foucUir grade;'Sydney Durfee with all A’s, Frank Dodge, Kathleen Bingham. Pom Dodge and U o Knowles, th ird g rad e ; and Sliaunna Hubert, Billy Naylor, Tracy Perron and Usa Swift, second grade.

fund prrhcrpul whs'm ost when"" Idaho's Investment Board cash* ed In funds before the 1060

• inaluratlon.datc^__________


Has moved to



R O A D 733-3493

j u s f m r i M E


RevohitiMiaiy 1 9 7 1 Washers (Dryers By

F r ^ d a i r e !







ELfeCTRIC FURNACE .Compact, spaco saving, olflclent. Ofton can be slipped in place of.oxistlng toBSlI fuel un it., using th o sam o ducts.

ELECTRIC HEAT PUMPFor year*around comfort. Provides both heat­ing and cooling.

BASEBOARD HEATERS - . - 1 _________Simple installairon. Inslant henl. Low cost. Spoco saving.

HOT WATER BASEBOARDSSoalod units provFd^hol walor heal without plumbing.

CEILING CABLEEfficient radiant heal concealed In colling. Unllmlled furniture arrangement. Oulot, oven heal.

CEIlliNO PANELSEasylnslallatlon with atlracllvo radiant panels bolted to c o llin g s.'

WALL INSERT HEATERSIndividual units, easllylnstalled.



Jet Action l-lSWaisher has Automadic Soak Cycle

J u s l s e t th e d ia l f o r n n a u to m n lic n g ila to - s o a k - s p in c y c le . L o t t l ie p o w e r lu l o n z v m e s o r d e lo r q e n is w o r k o n s ta in s b e fo re t l ic re g u la r w a s h .

Fr^daire!, re-invcivts the w a sh e r

!aihei!JhaHicii.up.tQ.lhttJIWith htor* IlsxIbI* D spsoliy , mor# s e n lr ^ , and lo m » n y ^ mora Im p ro v im e n li, W l f i y l l ' i " r «> ln v «n U d ."

W iiifie r S an lllzs S e llin g . IHolps you koop your washor frooh and sanitized. Just add liquid ch lo - rln6 b lo a c )i a c c o rd in g |o d .lro c lio n a a n d d ia l .

Sanitizo sotting ( - ) . Espoclally holpful during.. .. fam ily lllnbss. _______________ ___________

Jet Flow t.ln l Filler. T rap s ovon tho llnost lint particlos. Easy to got to, oasy to

clean. O ut-ot-tho-w ay for loading and unload ing ciOthos.

S-Vcar .p ro tec h o n

uc», l o r ‘urnlih'O.Q

F in a n c in g u p to $ 2 5 0 0 5 % d o w n p a y m e n t 8 % sim ple interest 5 ye a rs to p a y (on a p p ro v e d credit)

t d W»lcr pumpi. I

$ 2 3 8SU6ttSTEDWttCS‘«®

Plunges clottios d eop Into w ate r a n d suds . . . c irculatin g,•turn ing every

Itom top-to -bo liom . . . over and over again.p e p e n d a b le l No G e y t . No Olf. Je t-

sim ple F^oiior-matlc U o ciian lsm . Loss to go vVrong. No gears to w ear. No oil to leak.

A l m o s t an y h o m e can be m o d e rn iz e d with lla.meless elec tric hea't, a n d loans are av a i lab le now to h e lp you m a k e the c h a n g e —'including insu la t ion a n d d o u b le w ind ow s for c o m fo r t and ec o n o m y . Call a t ra ined Id a h o P ow er e lec tric h ea t specialist for assis.- t an ce in y o u r p la n n in g a n d reliable in fo rm a t io n o a

• in.sUiiia tio i r aiiTi-op e ratioii i;usts.

■ "TVPICAL e l e c t r i c H E A T IN S T A L L A T IO N C A S H P R I C E ................$1260"■ t v i i i o i c ' P ^ '^ ^ 'E N T ............ ............................................. ...$63

I E X A M P L E ; , B A L A N C E D U E .............................. ........... .................................... ...$11B71 60 fu lQ NTH LY P A Y M E N T S O F . ................. .. . $ 24 .00 .J ■ D E F E R R E D P A Y M E N T P R IC E _______ . . . . . . . $1443 .00I ANNUAL P IR C IN T A a in A T * ..................................S

Id a h tr Power jCo m pa ny


Fngidaire! Flowing Heat Dryer has 18-lb. capacity.D rios up to 10 p o u n d s — yp l 11*8 o n ly 2 7 " w id e . Ffbw ln 'o H oot nnd "S o r l ln o F ln flo r s ” fo r th o r c u o h . o o n t lo " o p o n . n lr "d ry ln o . H u q o 2 4 0 s q . ln . d o o r o p o n in o , 10" from tho f lo o r , m a k e s lo a d in g , u n lo ad -

~mtnnfgy. F itip ■S c ro o n . P o rm a n o n t P re s s C o fe rC y c lb -b r fir s lE p re t .

succes.teow ice‘W9“

’ 1 6 8lUBVESTSHUraiCt

FREE ICE COLD CIDER & POPCORN------------ I " , . " I ' 3 '-



O F i ^ r aM O P i l t S rsee THeM.

E x c lu fiv e Jet C irc le S p ray S v fte m . A b b tte r w o y lo ( i l l ^ h o .

m o st tiio rougfi rinse you can___g e l. RInsos as it fills from ntfi ono, but 12 prossurizod w ater le ts a ro u n d ttio tu b . S p ra y s

d o w n from tho to p so c lo ttio s get under Water fastor, got more rinso action.’P a te n lo d J e l C o n e A g l la lo r .

B la d e le s s , u p -a n d -d o w n a c tio n - k e e p s - c l o t h e s - u n d e r - w a t e r . -


M a u i[Hi<' t o U vy '> { U o i n v S i ' i v s p t i f f v r ,Tueiday. Ocfober 30, )970 Al W edergren, Publiih«r , PHONE 733 09.1 i

Oll<£>ol Cily Couiily Ni>wi|in|)*i / , ol AuiM Uiimnu ol CirculiitiiiM oiiil UPlruH uAnrid 5»t<ro'r> &0 rpfj (HdIxi Cod*. TIiuxHov It h.rpliy civoonnlirti iit ll>» doy of lliir w»i#l. on wlncli Uon< notiCpt will l)« |>ublikf>#d Piihliilixi dnil/ noil Siindny, vacrpl 'Jniutdiiy. ,nl 132 Iliird Wall,' Twin Folli.Idiiho’ B330) ‘ by,Mngi< Vallvy’ Nawtpo|)»>t.' Itu. Inl^riid lu tfcnitd (In u ino.t molior Ap>i( II. IV N). iil ll<« |>ntl o llK u n Tw..o folk l[loli(>jft^WiH - » i » d m hn nM o’l M ouli It UI70

B ored Youths. I . H a y a k a w a , th e e m b a tt le d , “ B ored a n d f ru s tra te d , they lino

p re x y of S an F ra n c isc o S ta te ,, w as o u r c ity p a rk s , e x p e rim en t in th e f i r s t to b ro a c h th e id e a . N ow , d r u g s , s h u n r e s p o n s ib le a d u l t

- a n o t h e r - c o U e g e —p r e s id e n t—has^— -b e h a v io rrad o p t-n e w -an d -w e ird -lifo - spoken in fa v o r of so m e k in d of s ty le s, and g en e ra lly reb e l a g a in s t


It Is An-Ed^icated^oughness^-^WASHINGTON - Soviet linlllnif,'IIS nlwuys, but un- wry, onilo trifle forccd. Ho said Implicit In HoKcrs' ultUuilo In llio wooks imd mpntlis iilicod

Ainbansiidor Annloly Dobrynin, dorlylnil Ills words was whnl ho hoped Dobrynin would do wiis Unltod ■ S tales It Is dolcrinlnod nol to bowlioso crcdiblllly tins come one aide collcd o n ‘'cducolod" just that bocauso iio was con- disillusionm ent . wllh the inlslwl. .imder serious question In rccont loiinliness. In effoct. Honors tldent Ihe ombossiiilor'a word Hussion perrormoiico durliii! ■ U. S. o i p ^ ore oonvlncMmonths, couldrodecmblmsolt If wiirncd Uuit sliowdown llmo curried w olsbt with bis Uio Aruli-Israell coaso-flre. It Is Husnln wants a pleeo of theUieSovlot.Unlon makes a really hud come In his rotations wllh superiors In Moscow. But he Uio oltlclal Washlnstdn view iictliin In , any 8«rlou»sorlous a t t e m p t ' to soil Uie Soviet envoy. added Uiat Dobrynin shouldn’t thnl Moscow connived wlUi noKotlatlons toward » «o‘-President N hon's peace plan to In dlscusslnii the Nixon blame him it hc.(Rogors) wos .Eiiypt In vlolatlnii tlio truce tlemont o( tho Vletanm war.

■ Uic North Vlctnamcso. ■ proposal, Ilogors told Dobrynin skeptical; ■ agrcementi l lie State Depart- Hius lloners. In eitect was.Socrctnrvol a n te William P. hoJio^(ltlio:Sovlot.would'ii30 "W e ' h n v o - it- sayJn i!_ ln ment a lso-has.becn 'unhappy lolllrtK.pobrynln-OI(ny, well

noiicrsi who has bom ' peP^tr)HWfth««^im=H!HWT!f=JSIit==3Bt>R^— BM *:jtwr''foBor»-wimT»hnFllTciinri&b>ynVri’5=^aiin^a1ir:|fflrn!rm nriniilkln8soniilly burned-by .Dobrynin's an accep tance. D o bryn in ' Uild Dobrynin. “ I'm waltlni) to failure a c c u r a te ly to pro!ionltho out of both sides of your mouth,double tolk — especially In the roplled Ibat iHi had studied the . l» shown.'"riicn the Secretary U.S. position bn othor issues to Agoln Implicit In, tho U.S.days prcccdln« Uie Middle Emit plan and was “convinced' of added that he was no lonfer his JCrcmlln lasses. ‘ . position Is that the Soviets con coase-flro — jiad n se c re t your P rosldont'a s in c e r ity ," “W etbehbidthoears— I'v o lis t At any rate,Secretary Ito'KerB bo assurcil of ahwlnn Uio creditconversation wllh Dobrynin iho iijid w o u ld 'convoy 'Ib is Im- my m nldoh.’’ The . la t t e r was p u ll in g D o b ry n in o n notice, ' U a setllcment is after iNlxon announce,il his pros.Hion to his uovernmont. reference Is to n liorso Hint wins without using specific lunguago,p la n . I lo R ers WIIS f r ie n d lv a n d " H onors’.an .sw e rln i! s m llo w a s h l« f i r s t r a c e . ' ................. .................................................

- I - ’

...... ........ .... .............. ........ . Not now, but In the nearthat WasiirngTo'n "found iils future, nol bo woj-ds but byrecent porform anco dlsap-

m a n d a to r y p u b lic . s e r v ic e by A m e r ic a 's you th .

. D r. P h ill ip R . S h riv e r , p re s id e n t o f M iam i,, U n iv e r s i t y (O h io ) , p r o p o s e s t h a t a l l h ig h sch o o l g r a d u a t e s , p u t in two y e a rs of re q u ire d p u b lic se rv ic e . T h is se rv ice co iud b e se le c te d fro m a num ber.o f fie ld s , inc lud ing tlie m ilita ry , ho sp ita l o r con serv a tio n .w ork, po llu tion a b a te m e n t — a g enera l “ p ick ing an d c lean ing u p " of the e n t ire na tion .

"M an y of o u r na tion is you th s a re su ffering , frijm arJ a c u te ca se of b o r e d o m , '' s a y s S h r iv e r , " o f f ru s tra t io n s o v e r w h n t s eem s to be , a n a b sen ce of a c lea r-cu t idea of w h a t it is they w ere rea lly c u t out to do,, w h a t con tribu tions they can maKC to the b e t te rm e n t of tl ie ir fellow m an .

w h a t they perce iv e td b e the in h e r e n t , d o f ic ie n c io s in th e sy stem .

“ 1 sec th e se young people on the. one han d , and I see the thousand- an d one th in g s th a t n ee d to be done all a ro u n d us , . ! and am ' h ca rts ick . F o r som ehow we seem in cap ab le of m a tch in g tile ta len ts an d energ ies of the m o s t a c tiv is t g en e ra tio n We h a v e e v e r h ad in th is coun try w ith th e m y riad jo b s th a t need to be do n e ."

T h e re is room for a rg u m e n t . ab o u t th e idea of a period of public se rv ic e fo r a ll y o u tb ,-p n rticu la r ly the " m a n d a to ry " a sp e c ts of it, bu t few w ill d ispu te the ac c u ra c y of S h river's -dep ic tion of the condition of so m an y of A m e ric a 's young people.

FENCE m e n d in g TIM EdociJH, the Russinns will revoul wli®Ujor_thoy_j|qk:(ously_8ook poacc .in Indochina. On tho

China^s ComebackWhile it w ill ta k e som e tim e for

the full im p a c t on w orld"politics of . - ^ r - t h e - d e c i s l o n ^ o t G a n a d a r a n d - C o m -

m u n lst C hina to do d ip lo m atic business w ith e a ch o th e r to be fe lt,

■ one point is im m ed ia te ly c lea r. P e k in g is a g a in o p en ly

acknow ledg ing th e ex isten ce of the re s t of th e w orld . T he long period of s e l f 'a b s o r p t lo n m a r k e d by th e

c a r ry P ek in g Into th e U nited N ations.

r - .Q u l tp - a x h a n g e -fo r , the sullen, In su lt-sn arlin g , iso la ted China o F only a few y e a rs back-

B ut w hile th e C h inese m ay not h a v e been on d ip lo m a tic speak ing te rm s w ith th e ou ts id e d u rin g M ao’s chao tic revo lu tion from the top, they w e re fa r from obliv ious to tiic

pointing, Jind’th'Hrthcreforti'hi;. iL'iofulnoKs as a roprosontutivo . - of tho. Soviet Union had been wlyht Hldo is tho fo c f th n t Impfllred. TrnnsJoted into uv'erydny RnRllfih, RogerH' wordy expressed the suH'plcion

M o h c o w has u consldcrnbh stake in playinii ball. Wa.Hliin«ton has nfiadc it clear

that Dobrynin had been tarn* tliat Soviet lielp In sottlinB theporlnK with tho truth and that a war. can lead to future ac-promlHo (ronn Mo.scow had lost commodatlons between the twosome of its valuo on tho nations, and in playing a majordiplomatic exchanue.

'Pio .story of the IloRers-peace role Moscow gets a chance to upstaRe CommunlHt

Dobrynin conversation Is Qilna in SouUieast A.sia.siKnlficant bejjause it em- It la early in the p m e to lay phasizes Ihb soriousness of the ' any'^'bcts, blit if everythingPresident’s peace plan and wori(s out sciiolars may decideRichard Nixon’s Jiopcs for it. that a Iona talk betweenWnshinKton wonts all the help it Willlnm P. Rogers and Anatolycan uet from oilier govorn- Dobrynin over a cheering cupm ents; it h as warned the Kremlin throuijh Dobrynin that

j D o ( s a w rCopyrighi 1970 Loi Aiigolci Times Syntlicnto

rates at least a footnote in tiio history of a bad war,


Brain LiningDear Dr. Tiiosteson: Please developed diabetes as adults

write about , subdural but aliould not be used for tliosc hematoma. Cause, cure If any, wiio become diabetic while and If operation, result to be juveniles, or for “ b rittle ,” ■crpected. Is It the sam o-fts-a— unstflble;-or severe cases of blood clot?—J.O. diabetes.

A subdural hematoma is an if dosage is too large, it can force sugar levels to too low a figure. Tlierofore, dosoRC must be determ ined carefully , Properly regulated, potlents can use DjrocbyTeguJflrJyr^—

liing-term studies of it (and otlier similar oral medications) ore continuing.

s e ii 'U U b u i p i iu i i i i i a i iv c u uy m w u iu y WUl U lUT U UIIl UUUVlUUb lU IIIU D A I I I L J A D \ / C V ■grCfftr*CUltTnTTlTCVolutiott^i9*ovor-i--------- r c s tD f ih e w o r I d r P t$ lq n g 4 t a 9-b ee n -e --------- ■ ^ l i L - C l A K-V-C -i --------

I .. ___ _ __ .... M.. n 2 Ml __^ ________ - -1 _J _________________ 1 „ . , _1So in tense w as m a in la n d C h in a 's tu rn inw ard d u rin g th e y e a rs M ao 's

■ R ed G u a rd s 'w e re on th e ram p ag e , fo r toAo w ell into 1900, th a t P ek in g

' a ll bu t-ceased speak ing , e x c ep t for p ro p ag an d a In su ltre v e n -w ith - th a t- m ino rity of th e w orld w ith w hich it h ad e s ta b lish ed re la tio n s . I t fully f u n c t io n in g m is s io n s a b ro a d

— — d ropped from "-40 to only one

. acciiraulallon of blood under Iho dura mnter^Uio dura m nler being Uie toUBhost of Uireo membranes wliieli cover the

-trntn. ‘ ^n ie cause, as you m ay well

guess. Is usually a head Injury, although II need not bo a severe injury to result in a hematoma. Or, conversely, 11 m ay bo a severe Injury involving a skull

- f ta c lllt t,

(C airo).A nd-uvon w ith - th e h o m e fron t

qu ie ted dow n, it has not been quick--------tO "p lc lrT iir th e d ip lo m atic p ieces.

Not until th is s u m m e r w as an a m b a ssa d o r s e n t back to M oscow.

B ut now, a f te r 20 m on ths of nego tia tions, P ek ing is reac h in g b e jo n d i t s fo rm e r H m ited c irc le for

^ s s i b l y its m o s t in fluen tia l con tac tV------ y e t-in -the-non -G om m un is t-w orldn -

O thers , w ith B elgium an d .I ta ly i rep o rted f i r s t in line, a re expected

tn follow th e C anad ian load w ith a

con tinu ing and s ig n ifican t fac to r in th e M ideast, adv isin g an d a rm in g th e m o re ra d ic a l A rab reg im es an d P a le s tin ia n g u e rr illa g roups. It h as fished in troub led A frican w a te rs

—a n d n e v e r h e s ita je s to s t i r up th ings fo r M oscow i r f ^ s t e r n E u ro p e and elsew h ere

In shojtjW herever th e re is s tr ife a n d a p 'o ^ b i l i ty of p ro fiting itse lf

T )F d isco m fItltn g 3 p th e> sJT ^k ln g Is ■ t h e s ita n t to ru sh m^ cu ltu ra l

re v o lu t io n o r no c u l tu r a l revo lu tion ,

In th e ir a g re e m e n t, O ttaw a an d P ek in g r itu a lly p led g e “ m u tu a l r e s p e c t fo r so v fe re ig n ty a n d te r r i t o r i a l in t e g r i t y , n o n in ­te rfe re n c e in e a ch o th e r 's in te rn a l a f fa i r s and eq u a lity and m u tu a l

— benef4tB-

DearDr.Thosteson: Someone tgld me you wrote In the paper

Tills accumulation of ihat, If n wortian had her tubes

Out Of Style such symploms as clianges in consciousness, pulse 'rate, and blood pressure wllhin a day or

■ . two after the Injury.Wlien liie -weapons will be jt is essential to drain oH this

them selves— dec is iv e" and ruHsrwITne It is^sllll nuldrimd capable of destroying the earth (),„ cipeclcd outcome Uien la ati* . .. a a. _____ 1

bloodnaturoUy puts presaUiWn aip))CdTind-tl^-latowiiuLCQlild____ the broln. It Is manifested by have another operation so she

would bo able to have another baby. Is this so? — Mrs. A. I.

Your "someone" is mbiod up. I said that sometimes such an operation (to restore obllUy toFave chlldr^'succcM STbtB a great many times It doesn't. I

at the whim of an Idiot. return’of the patient to normal, gee no objection to trying It, so .N o m ore heroes, no more of course, is on tho long at the paUent understands

'tow ards, no moro i»encra s. ______ »u«. u<... . . . • ^ .

Wliile at the same time the United States'has a three-to-one lend over them in submnrine-

where ihe-onnounced objective is a.midfield slQlcmate.

Up from the mud have come

consequen t r is e in in ter-national a ccep tab ility th a t could even tually


C onsidering P ek in g reco rd a s a p la y e r of th e d ip lo m atic gam e, the q uestion m ig h t w ell be asked , in

War is goinK out of style. the Belgian Bulye and in- 'Hie Institute for S traftgic decisive ent>agements like

"Stuaics mTS'-iSStrerttSTcportTrt—HambtjrBcrHill-wh«re-we pay the right-now m ilitary balanc* with blood for the same real among the nations of the woml estate again and again . . . and and the Russians have o v ^ then give it away.taken us (spelled U.S.) in la n d - \Y e .s te rd a y ’s eenerals cannot -cowards, no more Benirala. „s5urapllon Uiat the injury is In iTdvimco that there can bo tio•bi^eil in tprconlinentalJ)a llisU c^ ,_V jirc licnd .J^nyj..dM ......Per lapfl, ns.lsny , cchnoloBy_ ( o„e_„hldi':con catiso con- guarantee that .it will be sue-missiles. wiiTs under M o n g re l flags will be dlvortetl (rom our hieedlna or tlial sorlodB— HsHDr----------- -----------------------

,V„ .te tru c tio n to a u r deliverimce,But m the agonizing transition ),cmatoma has not occurred, not condemn surgical

l lm e -o f - war4oss w ars -ftn d -j .^ . gurc you sec why I can’t sterlllxatlon, I decline to urge it.No one should have such surgery without being utterly resigned to having no more children. Too many times I have had lettcM-from-DCODlc.who had been sterilized, then wnted to reverse things and found they


based ICBMs launchable from * Uie descendants of Cain proving peaceless peace men die and ..eneralize too much becauseiinfl U 'ith in rfifir>h nf nnvii'hor»> in Vf>S w h ilp im n r n v in L ' ii'nm on nnrl nnU/ G o d * ■

O ttaw a a n d e lsew h ere ; Who is k idding w hom ?

A Story Of Trash


S e n a to r F r a n k C h u rc h is d is trib u tin g tra sh .

Now, h an g on a m in u te before you ju m p dow n M r. S p ec ta to r 's th ro a t. W hat w e m e an is the Senato r >is sending out a b rocim re w hich, rea lly , is p rin ted on p ap e r com ing from the city dum p a t

' M adison, W isconsin. T h e p ap e r •was m ade by the U .S. F o re s t

-^ S e rv ic e and o ther ag e n cies from reco n stitu ted rubbish.

_ T he prin tin g explains th a t th e re 's lu s t th a t m uch less U-ash to b u rn o r b u ry . It show s w h a t so m e people

— Bre-dolng-to-^^m ako-ounw i-cloanei^ couh try in w h ich ^ lo liv e ," t h ^ S enato r says,. '

A nd tho S enato r tak es a d v an tag e of tho " t r a s h " to^use tho " tra s h p a p e r" id e a to g e t ac ro ss sev era l id eas on how thij^^averago citizen c a n a id pollution‘s — o r .ra th e r e liti iln a te it.

H ere a r e so m e of th em a s listed • by S e n a to r C h u rc h : '

1 —D o n 't Idle yo u r c a r w hen it is p ossib le to tu rn off th e engine.

2— D o n ’t -u se y o u r c a r u n ­n e c e ssa rily - r How ab o u t w alking, b tk ^ r id in g o r 'o rg a n iz in g a c a r p o o l? . ■. gaso lin e w hen

av a ilab le . If le ad -free g a s is not av a ilab le then u se re g u la r g as w h en ev er possible,

4—U se re tu rn a b le b o ttles , not th ro w aw ay s o r can s.

5—S a v e , a lu m in u m c a n s a n d frozen food tra y s to re tu rn to rec la im in g p lan ts .

tt—R etu rn w ire h a n g e rs to your cleQijcrg w hen you h a v e no fu rth e r use foi* tiiem .

7 — M e a s u r e , d e t e r g e n t s c a re fu lly an d use o n ly ,th e am oun t recom m ended .

B—U se d e t e r g e n t s w itl \ low —phosplia to-conten tA — ^ ^ -----------

9—S ave te a and co ffee g rounds fo r g a rd e n s an d s a v e cooking fa t fo r b ird s — n o t fo r yo u r k itchen sink.. 10—D o n 't b u y c o lo r e d f a c i a l

tissues , p a p e r tow els o r to ile t p ap e r. A lthough tho p a p e r d is in ­te g ra te s , tho d y e d o es n o t di^solve

- in w a te r. ____ ^

and within reach of anywhere in tlie world.

Tills Mexican standoff may preclude world destruction or insure multinational survival.

But in.elther case, traditional war is going out of style.

— rd-not be nt-nil surprised to see - George . C. Scott get an Oscar for ills performance os Patton in tlie movie of that

—namer—:-----------^ ^ ----------------It could be Ihat the box office

was not mobbed because of a genera] anlipalliy toward war and warriors and war movies. Tliat is unfortunate.

Those m ost opposed to modern war sho;Ud be most ap p rec iativ e of tills IGtli- century reincarnated general.

To George Patton tliere was no excuse for geUing into a war except to win it,' He was .himself fulfilled as a man wiien he was outsmarting enemy generals and outrlgilting our own Allies, ,ilrlvlng anti leading his own m en. in the deserts of Africa and the si

them selves while Improving their weapons imlii tomorrow


women weep and only Icnows why.

Holding; Duo?

the^nature of tho original Injury con bo so varied.

If tho blood is not drained off promptly, it will do t and cause continued pressure on the brain. But when I say “ clot,” It Is not a £1dL_1ji. the sense, of one that occurs wllhin tho arteries of tho brain causing o stroke.

Dear Dr. Tliosteson: Please- t t r o k i n r -MTBrATt— Yo u r-le m l— ino— yoUf— bTOkm;— Note to

WASHINGTON — Wlintever hallm arks which characterized "D iabetes, the Sneaky grandchild's falls and faintingIts Imoge for D em ocrats, similar campaigning,for GOP—Diseafle,"forwhlcliIcncloso 35 spells could be a convulsiveSargent Shriver's congressional candidates, in less happy tlmea, cents and a self*addrflS«Ki, dlsorderofsom esort— b utit lacampaign effort looks like a by Barry M. Goldwater and stam ped envelope. W hat Is pointless for me to try to guess.Kennedy holding operation to even nichurd M. Nixon, him* Dymclor? H you take It con- if your son-ln*law won't take

self. Btantly will there bo any side her to the doctor, why doesn’tIt is not only Uie Shriver effects?—N.C. your daughter? Tliocliild needs

metliods which Interest GOP Dymelor Is one of tlie several medical attention.strategists, however. Tlioy seen effective pUl*typB dru^js used to ---------- '

strong Kennedy influence, also, ]ower blood sugar levels In "T ips On How To Stop.^In the financing of diabetes. S m ol^g ," Dy Dr. Hiosteson,‘CongroMlonal Leadership of u Is useful for patients wlio will help you give up Ujo habit.

some of President Nixon's top political advisers.

Hielr appraisal, discreetly circulated in the Wliite House, is that S h riv e r’s organization , “ Congressional Leadersliln of UicFuture,” is designed to keep the political options open for the Kennedy family and for Uioso Democratic leaders who have backcd Jack, Bob and Ted.

Two such options arc

tlie Future."According to one summary,

which attrocted lively Wlilte House Interest, much of thO' beginning nost-egg fo r- th o

BERRY’S WORLD0 ?” ; ! ° lo 'S e 'e tT l ™ “ -“ 0 a ir lv er Cnmpalgn effort, wast ’‘oT w , r ™ n d '^ » P ± v e l Nixon,as.™i«.eai PUt MP — a o H

Now ' con tac ts can be cultivated and old channels can

George' Pallen epitomized Ihe ^ '“>P‘ “P™' Iasto tthe |d io ,sts o f a p a s t a g e , '

cause of victory. Douglas M acA rthur and

In life -as in -the movie, Gen Omar Bradley tried desperalely to convince the swaggering, p istol-packing froe-whoeling nu tocrd t th a t in te rn n tlonnl ilruggles of tho future w iirbe waged by d ip lom ats and (lecided by-com prom ise and Potton could nol comprehond tliat.

. ‘.'No Blol-y,” Ho'sald

M a ss a c h u s e tts s e n a to r ia l election, wants to reverse his very firm decision not to seek Uie presidency in 1972.

Tlie SS-year-old Slirlver can

Kennedy family and Uielr close associates.

About 18,500 of the organ l7 n tton’a f irst $25,000 came from Slirlver and his wife, Eunice Kennedy’'Slirivor, ac­cording to tho sum m ary . Another 11,500 yvas transferred from a senatorial compaign

-get-somfr-expoflurO'for-hiflouTi—ewwrnitlwHo-oloot-EdivarU-M^ bfotlicr-ln-law brand of Ken- Kennedy, nody cl\nrlsma in case' Ted Myer Feldman, a long-time Kennedy's decision stands and aide to Jolin F. Kennedy as Uiere alio.uld bo nn opportunity senotor, and Inter as President, for Kennedy D em ocrats to contributed more than $1,000

-^ G IV B A W A ^ V D E P T : .H avo soven pup p ie s w e m u s t g iv e

aw ay , ‘The m o th er w as ru n o v e r an d k illed . T h e p u p s a re 'e a t in g w ell b u t w e m u s t g ive th e m aw ay a s

. soon a s jjosslb le. P le a se c a ll te d d le ■ H pw ard a t 733-0499 ,or s e e a t 330 (E lm S t. . , /

"No Uirlll of conquoM, and’ pro“ »" nltoniato condldm yT-Tim l-bocnm o trcn su ro r o(cao tu ro , no ' triu m p h a l In nny ovent, tho Slirlver ''Cffngresalonnl Loodsrahlp ofliomecomlng . . operalion, unilwtakcn with tho Uio Future,"' A war fought by m achines. . . somewhat reluctant bloasinil of . .. ,

"NoUilna d e c id ed ,., no v a lo r . , congressional D e m o c ra tic - ' Edward Dennett WUllama,,n o m an s~miiiliooUToo(flrn\od loaders, will take tlio former prominent Washington attorney, , ," ■ ambomotlor to Franco (nto and presently ,the boM of tho. And a w r e e Patton uild', “ I ’m Ik ‘ upport of Washington R<id«ldn> footbBll

glad I won I be around to see cengrosalonal can d id a tes , team , was also listed as ait," ' Inevitably, Shriver will m ake contributor of 11,000.

But m any p ro fessional some (rlonds and Inlluenca " It appears," the him niary military men.aro arQupd to see some people In tho process, concluded^, "that the operation' I), finding ‘ themselves in a ,. Top Nixon aides — quite Is l>elngllnanced by Shriver and terrible no^nan ’8 land Ijetweon underW 'andably - see In Kennedy Rjfeple," ........................... ' tUesllke 0"-tv<r'« cam p" '"" ’

O l,H NU, lu.

the days of decisive battles 1: I t h e - -"Hhliik l'tl lln 'di ■ard'tr H h t l lh t d .m i e m y r “

I .-- ...............


Club counseTors neededLiterary Art Guild meet

..^Tusftdsyt'Ociobfto 30, 1970 Tim'ai-Newt, Twin Palli, Id* ' ' % f. -ft


/League officers retainedI ' '

TWIN KAIJiJ - - AU offlcora Boriih, wrIUen by Mrs. Francei

DEAU AnilY: MAUyi.OO wrolo to'you snylnR pregnant womoii hiivo no busihoss worktniTttnimififlccfrShtrBnyfl thoy comc Inie to work duo to niflrnlii({ KicknoAH, Imvo to Icavo

filio continues to work l^causo stic-'hns to.Sorry, Abl>y, but In thlK day »nd n^c, no Kiri lins to got

prcRnnnt unless she wnnU to. And if she is r o stupid or cnro> leas ns‘'i(rntKt'h'L'rself in nnnclally able to quit licr Jobj


TWINFALUS —Junior Mi&ic jk'hoJurshlp aJlofrilfon.' “ If you furthiSr ;ihomsclvos culturally ..... ’Club counselors nro needed do not have an nctlvo Junior as well as to Bttmulalo'Interest b C n C Q U I G Q . .tliroui^out' Manic Valley ac- Music Club In your school then In creotlvo music; to provide' t w in f AL I^ ~ The nextc o rd ^ j to Mrs. Paul B. you w ill. V hold porsonhlly Incontlvo foR.hlHh standards o( m ooting of ■ the BookloroHouston, D istrict No. . 5 rosponslWe\ to see to It that porformanco through Festival Utei'ary 'A rt Guild will bo h^d

, you n t tc m iy o lh b r schoo l's ovonis nnd worksliopa; and lo Nov. 12 al llio hom s'o l Mrs...................... .lornn, wriiien oy mtb. hTanwi“11.1s yonr wo .bcwm way JimlorM uslclaubmocllwj Io bo oncournKo sorylco tlinouBli , Waller Poay II Is unhouncod by wcrorot«««ldurln((clccUonol llnrrls, with commenla-of tlu)

sliorlolcounBolorsamlwohuve put on ultcndJnc o rolls or music; to toprtdon fto vision t|,o prosldont, Mr. ClHirlos Uio Saturday iticdlnB of tho lOOtli birthday anniversary ofiKcnunablotoroplacolhom . so quidincotlon, ujAll a coimsolor .and.the ability of the Junior • Twin Falls t to p tc r of Idaho Um senator's w idow ^ •

nf Jiscusslon of ' poetryof com m unity 1 , I I , „ I , M r s . E, Power Auditorium. arranaem ont lod b* M r.,

-D .v:,C rockot{, ;- w ith M rs^ Offlccrsiincludc M rs:±PcArl' J e a n 6 l l« - l^ M o H e F ^ ~ ^ r ^ ^. ..................... Normwn HoraJnyof g iving 'tho Campboll, p m ld o n i ; Mrs. I'ubllcatlonsworflrtDortodb’v’ ' '

A counKolor Kprves .as an I'eslival participation If you arc Club offlcera arc Mrs; Paul D .^ ^^d Mrs'.'Vaiui Jewel Von Ins, vlcc president, “ ” ' *■ - - ^mlvlser to young pcolfilc from not a member Irt good stnnding, Houston,- .p re s id en t; M r s . ...............................................-first through 12th grade level, this m oans 'nttondlng club Gordon Bockstoad, secretary;

meetings ns well.' Mrs.. M arvin Molynoux,If you a re ' intercHtod In treasurer; Mrs, Donald Youtr,

____ - . , . • . , . . .......... Appeal for- voluntoors to help Houston n c ^ . • v ' promotion^arlrim = a:T doctoti!.-«i>polntm m lrc«n 't'r< !ochM h«,ld8M llci-:_ |ii,„ ,|.,l,„;i^u)o |ji^JujilD tM ujU c-?-W ff-^ol -qualify, for - any- oultiiro. -

and cnn't bend down loBotJnlo tho low tiles. Also that sym- Qulw of ibe urw r,''she noted,/M usic Oub Scholarships ' or District No. 6 Junior Miwlcpathetic^co-workers do their work for them. ‘ ■ .........................................

I happen to agree with her. Tho employe with iMogrlty [man or womanl will give his omployor a full day’s work forn full day’s pay. You, Dear Abby, defended the pregnant for one jiour each m onth, working girl, saying, ’'rm sure she’d rather bo homo, but Meetings are generally hold at

tlie Rcjiool from 4 to 5 p.m.H ow ever,»' If m em bership majbrity and the counselor nro

music luid helping youth of tho scholarsh ip chairm an and area contact Mrs, Puul B. natlonnl advisor to Junior Houston, District No. 5 chair« Music Clubs In Idaho; .Mrs.

ii,„h J - . u —1—« ___ unaljle to m eet at this t i m e , I s man of Jimlor Music Clubs, at John Birroll, rating shcots and cnorl;! . t I T , , „ ■ l«"-n ll»» lh le to ( u . l .V th i ln o o t in i r n M M V > 7 I t r i l ^ n r ' 2 M i n f f l i l 5 V S S h i n ^ k r o r a01 , l ia v t n s y n ip a in y lO r n o r. ]_ ,iM rinii nn i-vcn ii? r.H^nlvnfh P n llu “ A ' M r . I .o n {e ^ W h n i* «ftn . .T h n in r '

- . , . ........M r.H agcr,M rs. May BurkhartMcArthur giving tho rcvfflW of a ‘ ami Mrs. ICthlyn Walkington, and Mrs. Campbell Guestsfiction, “Tlie Man!' by Ifvlng secretary. were Mrs. Eleanor ' Fowler,Wallaco, the story of a Negro The roll call topic, Sacramento, a former member,who bocam'e prosldont. 'Ilic “leprechaun, " wa.s answered and Mr. W Mrs Herbert ’author's sketch was d v en by. with original poems. ■ '• Diesner. Tho next meeting Is set*.Mrs. Gartli Galloway. Tho program consisted of a for .Nov. 21 at tho Idaho Power ’

Mrs. S. M. Perm anj Wfls a report by Mrs. Sudiv Hager on , Audltorlmn.

DEAR ABBY: In your valiant effort to defend tljo preg­nant working girl, you said. "There is only one reason-why a pregnant girl would go to an office anti that’s because sho has to, so how about a little compassion sister?”

Well, I musl be the exception because I worked right up- to the bitter end—not. I "had” to, but because my doctor sajd it would be "good" for me. lie said pregnancy is not an "illness," it is' a normal condition, and tho woman who sits around and treats lierself as an invalid is apt to have all sorts of aghes and pains.

I worked well into my ninth month. I gained only U .pounds and never, felt better In my life. One morning while talcing dictation I thought someone had suddenly kicked me In the kidney! That was my first labor pain. Four hours later I was the mother of n liealthy six pound bahy boy.

So. please tell jiregnant women that “work" Is the best medicine. I recommend it. '• BARBARA IN MARYLAND

DEAR ABBY: There is another reifSLn why a pregnant woman might stay on the job in an office whep she would rather be home. Her boss "needs” her.

My boss ke|H begging me to stay bri “ another week'^and "another wet'k” until I almost delivered my baby between tlie reception room and the switchboard. This is no lie. I had nearly -lO witnesses. JULIA IN MISSOULA

DEAR ABBY: 1 have been in-charge of office personnel ‘ for almoct GO-yoarRi-«nd-I havo some nows for MARYLOOr—

In every office you will find the "complniners” (men as well arw om enj who always have a headache, an upset stom'- ach, a backache or a hangover. But when it comes to preg­nant women, I have found them to be every bit as efficient during pregnancy os before and after.


in a hotne during an evenig _hour. Iliis hour miwt meet with fonnhl musical background or Music Festival cW lrman; Mrs.tfie'approval of the counselor education Is not nece.'wnry. W c S. W. Srtiith, president Twinand the parents. need lenders that arc prim arily Fall.n Mu.>5lc Club and Junior

'Tlio programs are completely Interested In working with tho Music Club advisory^outlined for the counselors by young. Our principles are as ParHamontnrlan; Mrrt. John

• t he National Federation of strict as our goals fire high. Wo Coleman J r . , Keynotes

icloLuuealJllQale3s«s,w{)r.c._thp orKHnl?imoii.'8_aiijtQ_(.’Pnv...:._ Rny venllon held in Boise in crM rs.C rockett,

eks jji Vflndenbark'.

D em onstra tionp r e S e r i t ' f e d

con-Stlm -junction with the Arts ^uid

H um anities conforonco. Sho displayedclippingsand reported that tho “Writer of the Year" award* was given to Jennie Riiwlins, Idaho Falls, and tho Governor's award for writing


■ HOLLYWOOD* rUPI) - P ro ­ducer Hal Wjillls acqulrod'the filpn rights to “Tho Night Tlioreau Sjwnt In JoU."

Mufijc Cluba -with which a l l - havo-moro-and more avuUuUo-^ewsgaUiorcr, and Nick.Bond, — KETCIIUM. — ^Plnc._Trcc_^enj_(<) Sister - Mary Alfrcda

DEAR ABBY:. I am .Ifl, single and have done office work for many years. 1 Bincerely hope your readers won’t think MARYLOO's attitude toward pregnant women who work is typical. It's not.

I have worked witli many pregnant women and not one of tJiem has ever expectetl—or asked for any speclol con­cessions because of her condition. Also, it has been my

--------observation that all Ujcir co-workers fincludlng mej always in every way possible wiiJioui Deing

Junior Mu.sic O uIjs are af­filiated.

Eacii year tiie Twin Fnlls Music Club an<l .the Junior Mu.sie Clubs bring many high tvjliber music programs to our area and many have profited from the scholarsliips that have liccn made available at both the

- local and national levpls. Solne of tiie more recent' affiliated ~ m oml^rs now in,professional' fields of music or colleges and universities include L aura .. Vincent. Diana Ilopperstad,. Beck Sullivan. Paula Annis, Velma Guyer and Joyce GuyWi nccording to Mrs. Heu.slon.

Under the attendance bylaws handed down for all Junior Music Club members, if any student of music has not a t­tended two oonscecutive

. jneetin^s or has two unexcused_ iibaencos,__tlic__student-.-la.—

disqualified for entrance in the 'Junior Music FestlYal and also

. .fo r consideration of any


t() our youth In tho fields of p rogram co-ordlnator andscholarships through m usic and adviser, dance than ever before," Mrs. District No. 5 Includes eightIIeu.\ton stated. . counties which include

A club Is not limited to just parochial schools a s 'w e ll nsmusic students, it is nvailable to public schools. Counties includeany child who Is Interested In B laine, C assia . Camasmusic. Tho main purposes nro Gooding, Jerom e, Lincoln,to bring together young people Minidoka and Twin Falls. ■who are Interested In music to ’

Ladles from Twin Falls, Fairfield and the Ketchum area convened at the Calico Inn Saturday to view a demon­stration by <\r<lis Allen on copper Jewelry.

Tlio event was hosted by Doris Colmbs, Barbara Cisco and Mary Anderson, assisted by other club meaibers, . •

Cottonwood.A letter from 'W arner Press,

sotting forth tho requirements for writing religious greeting . card verses and an invitation to the groijp from the Vote R ockers organization were read. Manuscript reading m-" eluded nn article on Senator

offered to assist then

HANSEN - Terry Schab invited friends and neighbors for a buffet supper Sunday in honor of tlie 25lh Wedding Anniversaryof her parents, Mr. . and Mrs. John Schab

•SchnlTTmTasked. LYNN, NYC married Oct. 3, 19-15, in Elko.

They have resided on the W lut’s yonr problem? Vop'll reeriiPtirr If you get it off Naylor Brothers Ranch near

your chest. WritP to AimV, Ho* C970n. U s Angeles, Cnl. Hansen for Uie past 18 years. - . - » M » ^ P .r - « - l ) e r i io n .l - r f | i ly - . f i i e lo t e - s ia m p « d .- o i l t lr « B s « u a lt c n d e d jr o m Tivin


"Husbands" dinner set

HANSEN - Plans for the Excolslor Social D ub’s annual “ Huslionds" Thanksgiving dinner havo been announced by the club president, Mrs. Lyle

_ J ^ e s . ^ 0 d l iw r Is Mhoduled for Nov. lOal'lhe Senior Citizens Hall, Twin Falls. Committees will be appointed at the Nov. 5 mooting at the home of Mrs. Ralph Scott.

Mrs. Rudolf Mortens will boprogram chairm an ' and '.^ a o y

holiday centerploco Ideas.Mombors havo been urged to

study the proposed revisions to the Idaho Constltullon which were road and discussod during the October m ooting. M rs.Ralph Scott, prgram chairman, proBcnted members booklets on “Our Polluted Planet.” •——

S o c ia l (CvenFILER - Filer Star Social

a u b will meet for a luncheon mooting at \ p.m. nm riday ot Uio homo of Mrs. Harry Sliarp.

TWIN FALLS - Emanon Qub members will meet at 2 p.m. Friday at the home of Mrs.I. T. Creed.

, TWIN F A U ^ - Goodwill Qub will havo a potluck dlnnor and work porty ot tho homo of Mrs. IJoyd Kelley, 610 2nd Avc.W., Wednesday bej(lnnlng a t 0 o.m. Members will Work on (lolls Olid stuffed animals to bo

—given to the Twin Fnlls Firemen to bo used f^n o e d y children ol Qirlstmaa time.

M agic Valley FavoritesM R S . G A R Y L G R I N D S T A F F

~ Rbur6~47Bvhl*■ APUTCOTOnANGE.

PORKCHOPS 4 lean pork chops 2 tablespoons oil

Brown pork chops well on both sides. Drain well. Reduce heat.Combiner - - - - - ‘•j cup orange juice *4 cup apricot preserves 1 tablespoon brown sugar 1 tablespoon vinegar I tablespoon light corn syrup or

TWIN F A U ^ — Mombera of tlio Union Pacific BooBlors Q ub will nfieot at 7 p.m. *niursday for dinner at Kay's Suppor Club.

SHOSHONE - ■rtio United Methodist .Womeh will'hold a meeling At 8p.m. W6dnesday at

- the church.

TWIN FA L L S '- Mornlngslde Club will meet at 11 &jn.

6 T lm e «-N e w «. T w in F a ll i , Idaho T u o id a y , Oclober 20,.1970

A r e a F r o d u c e Filer bull sale slatedWar»hoiu;oK

n u i i i .-

Y eslerday’s 3 p.m l Prices H L R R -M o re turm 200 hi({h- i;ni(!cr brcudlnK iinlinal.i will \m

'Hk; offorlni;, cotwl([ned to tlio sale by. roniHturod cattle

for Kiile. ■ • brmider. During IIjo |'ratlln»i,All of the b u lk will bo Kradud each bull will bo Imipeclod for

Jfcan Growers lUiDKon, Inc.

. aiields. ■*lVlnld«d

nUHI.EV Ikan Growers Fcedertt Grain


..WllcatJaarlcyOijUi-MlxiidCbrn ..HlUoa_GrcaL.Cullf._SillpU^HOctioric(lj>lJ'o rani'c bre«‘<lt'rs j>^Jdalio , JOtali atid_(3ct. 29_by Wado Wolls,JlqlHe,_ vlHjlaUlKfccH byW ._.Iohn ,H.ijj.c.) Nortli Pinks Hed.s bull sale to b ^ e l d iiT'ihir'WnBiniiiVtoti, will lhcludo~ «pi X)rilverHlty of idalio, nnlimd ’liwry-,'rwln,Falln.

NQ NQ1..13 l.flOl.a i. NQ

Grain (Hp.c NQ

N Q '1.30

NQ NQ2 .1 0




NO NQ NQ NQ falr|{roiin(lH at F iler on 'Friday,7.5P 7.60 7.50 fl.OO Oct. 20,'commencln|{iit U O.m.,NQ s NQ i-NQ.^NQ ■ Tom Chlvcrs. Challls, iniiiiii[{crNQ NQ r^Q NQ of tiie Hale, reports.' ' ,

D. Jay Harper, Douglas Harper, Elwin Kay.Harper, R.

H arper '&. Sona, 'OolllnKor, Hdbor J. Zollinger, Orson J. ' ZolllnKor, Poal ,

'Clun ofal.s 'ijutuj are alju) n.4lu(I


n tS K c o rMorKan-Undsay

JF’AniFIELI) Qinia.«; Prnlrle Grain

EDKN Mor«an-Undsai' ,

FILER I Benn Growers Qiester B. Brbwn •O.J. Ojilils Seed_______Idaho Bean Alli.son Feed Mill

GOODING Berikon' Bean

- IIAZELTON. Bonn Growers Conida Wrlisc.

JEROMEBonn G row ers..............Marshall Wrhscs. Morgan-Undsny

KIMBEKLY-IIANSEN Bonn Growers Hanjicn Farm er's Elv. Mnfiic Valley Benn Co. MorKnn-Und.iny

MURTAUG1I Bean Growers


RUPERT Qiester B. Brown Hoyd E. Idle Wrhse.


TWIN FALLS Bean Growers Haney SeedIdaho Benn & Elevator- Intermountaln Benn South Siilc Bean Co.T.F. Feed & Ice

— WENDELL-----Wendell Elevntor

l.BO. l.OO / ,

2.05 2.05



proxiniately nOHerefords, bolii sp ecia list; Arson A holn, " ’iliLs will Iw Iho 31kI annualpolled and horned. Black. G rasm ere, com m ercial ca t- r«jnp bull Bale'at Filer under Zolllnyer, all of Mflltn; Hels.s ' f* Anjius, Red Anfjus .* ynd tlemurj, and John Osborn, tho Hponsorshlp of the Ibaho Charnlais Runcli, J .. Chri.«!.

....... '■••■■ra— |}]iK“o7 , ureKon, puruoreu CaUlomen's Assoclalion, whlcir" l!jFael,lK ilirif“ J ^^ J.C., . . s s v . - . - . v , % v v . - . | . - . v . v , , «crve.H In a wide-ranKo proijriim ’ HlKh, Idaho Falls; lonn AnKUs,

iQmjifj. nclilQvinit and main- Gondin({;'. Jensen Brothors,. ■ . IJiininK mnxlmum quality In M ontpelier; Andy K endall,’

------------------ — ijil— inalm rlii^ iK '^a tlT O n P -e tH ii^M U

NQ NQ ■ Nii



NQ ■ i.m 1.05 1.85 '






Farm and Marketmented,

‘"lliy .Filer sale continues to 1m} Uie lari; mixed l)reod ranuo bull auction in the Nor­thwest. It ill note<l foi- tho (jiiallty of Uio animals offered from, the sUindpoint of the iibllity of tiie bulls, to produce top calves,’.’ he said.

The • sa les-u su a lly n ttra c t

Max Ijirson, Burley; Byron Lusk, Su«ar City; Ixo St Rood Murdock, 1 llnckfoot;» Naugle Hereford Ranch, Nampa; Jay .F. Pearson, and Jolm Techick,Ixith Moore; Rwlatln Hereford Rnncli, Crnliinfipnt,

I^wis Rothwell, Arco; Rudd Horoford Rapch, St. Anthony:Tom Shn\v nnd-Geor«o-Wright-,------





' NQ NQ r^Q NQ





. 1.90 l.fiO




1.00 l.flO















NQ fl.OO

NQ .


1.30' , .

' 1.30 1.90 NQ. l.Wl



1.30 l.flO 1.90 1.00

7.50 7.50 7.50 ft.DO







7.50 ,^7.50






W heatsome out-of-.'itate buyers aloni; both .galilw oll; ."G ertrude with cnttlcmen whose spreads 'niornp'sun, Downey; Grant Udyare within 300 Inilos of Filer.

“’n ie auction, at Filer brlnijs the best breedlni> bulls to this ceijtral point for tlie con­venience of both tlie conni«nor and the buyer," Chlvgrs snUl.

• Ken Troutl, Emmett, and Bill Rehm, Belgrade, Montiina, will be the auctioneers. Members of the Idaho Cattlemen's Bull Sale Com mittee Include: Tom Chivers, Chnllls, Chnlrm an;

, Jim Fuulkner, Gooding; Farrell^ , , . “ Daniels. M alad; Kenneth ...............Coim!}’ whcJil «ro ' jr.', u re n ,ii, |,|c, Nompa; Tom Prescolt, licnrriiin, Wnsli, <lirccly lnvo.>.c(l m ■.lio. newW heninc.senrchnralPromollon (-,r„.,mcro: Rothwell,Act, accord nii to Eugene ^ „ o ; Dale Thomas. Malad;A c«andor chairman ot the WcekR,, Swan Valley.,Lincoln County ASC Com- ■ -mlttee.



and Riciuird Udy, both Rockland; Dwi«ht G. Vedder Ranch.DnrlinRton; A. G. Willie & Son, Holbr/)ok; A lbert Wolfkiel, Meridiiln; Charles A. Woodworth, American Falls; Ted M onniihan.^Haycrman; Olson L Sons, Lo|{an, Utjilj; Marlin Soreasen, Sallna, Utah; Lindcrost Ranch, Warden, Wash.; Sam St Wes Ro.s.s, Ranlcr, Wash.; Koltli and Gary Schulz, Donald W. & Paul Wllliam.s. Earl Wllliam.s, all of

ConslKnnijf; for theOct. 30 sale , nrc A.M. & Rucl Barker, Alvin

of .the program p. C arpen ter, Berniceunder the new law is to come Stephens, Reuben A. Ward, all


1.35 1,90 2.00 2.00 2.20 7,50 7,50 7.50 fl.OO

QUOTATIONS arc provided as a Bcrvlce to both farm ers and buyers. Quotations arc given tlic Tlmes-Ncws by each buyer.-

“N.Q." Indicates (hat a buyer docs not wish to quote a price.

V ‘ Meat cops’ com plim ented

WASHINGTON (U PI) - A compliance staff was doing an ~ ^ fc c 11 VC'' JoliTTIje rc|K)r t safd

PLAN FOR MINIMAL WORK - With n lUtle forethought, you 'can design landscaping 'th a t will require IKtle maintenance effort, ’nils celkoVQ tree and the cherry laurel btuih l>ehlnd H are

, hc;uty plants Uint need almost no attention, Tlie wide circle of ground bark mulch around the base of the tree makes gross cutting aa easy chore.

Plan landscaping for least labor

from proceeds of U ie ira wheat „f j j,n culiill i .Sons,export ccrll .lcate pool nnt Trails Inc., both of Welser; claimed by ellBlble farmers, c n ie i ., , nex Daniels,

U cal wheat Browers whose ^iLssel Daniels and Sons. S. K. shares of the export certificate jo„sen ,' Howell H ereford pool iimoimts to S3 or more will ^anch, Hoyal B. .lensen Ss Som, receive notice <h[cctl^y from 'Hiomas Hereford liimdv, Dcq Lincoln County ASCS office e . william.s, all of Malad; Paul

what theirubftre-of i. j.sner, Salfnon; "X Dnw.san the pool is and explaining the G aertner. M idvale; Alvin options each grower has. Hadley. Montour.

A producer may choose to receive his sliare of the e.vpori ' certificate pool or he maj Teuve f Z r r t r i it in the pool to finance the rescnrch ' '- .an d promotion program, Alexander said. Wliat growers in Lincoln County

When evaporated milk Is diluted with an equal volume of water, it can replace "whole milk In any recipe.-For extra flavor, dilute evaporated milk with vegetable liquids or meat broth instead-of water for use in main dishes, and with fruit Juice or conned fruit syrups In desserts.

CALENDARat Ruperteye dinner

task force report says tll e ■■effective" Job. Tlie report salU WASHINGTON, D .C .- ’n ie prevent weeii.s from forclnf oBrlcuIture department s 05- that in any reorKanlzatlon of the their way throiish. If you wantman squad 0 •■meat M|)3 Is Overol meal and poidtry sor- to you and all the more plant m aterial in the area,

.dpInB a 600(1 ob and should be vice, the staff should remain of your family, /isc one of several varieties ofgiven expanded powers in a .nin^r nn/i niin„in/< m . . ' . . . -- -proposc'd rcorgariizntlon of the ag en cy ’s m eat and poultry Inspection service.• The “ m eat c o p s" a re members of a compliance and evaluation staff in the consumer

entitled to re'cciva les^Uian $3“” will not receive a special ndtice but they can claim their share of Uie export certificates by RUPERT — MemU'rs of filing a written request for Rupert Grange will have a payment with the county ASCS harvest dinner at the next

— offico.-------- .------------------- -------------------- iiiectinu-^lQ.v:*J}»-accondinu_tQ_

basicnllym tact and allowed to _ jf you conieJo-tliink-of it as .*crawling'i\y.-You.w!lIl have to report lo the top Inspection „ ,„ e ot a source of drudueryadministrator.

Further, the report added, the com pliance s ta f f should be given control of “ review func­tions" currently handled by

protectlO(i unit of the depart- other Inspection service units: ;;;; i ^ ' o f ‘;i;rm ost7ew a'’rdinK m cn l's _ consum er and Itoports.from the comp -,vorld. And

staff show Its neld offic a Is ^ome BO* hard yard work also •thC-SpOt field,

Ulan of relaxation and good times, your yard Is not serving the correct purpose.

To people with plenty of time on their hands, gardening can

M.C. PARKER . . . vice president of Gallatin

Valley Seed Co., Twin FoUb, has been named to “Wlio’s Wlm InThe..:. W cst.’‘ .-D r.: Parker*- . . . . . ........................rcficarch director for Ihe local marketing service. Headed byconcern, lint rctUleil In Twin L I - Gnst. director ot the staff made 15,147 on-uic-spot tieia - n„cessnrv physical Foils Uie pant 15 years, coming Uie unit backstops the work of reviews of m eat and poultry exorcise for peooie who don't from Corvallis, Ore., where he poultry and 'm eat Inspectors by plants and handlers,-In tho 1068 , , ( „ 'ny, i( was asMclate protosRor of farm poHcin(f lor llleB a l movements J lsca l year it was up to 23,003. i„ ,„ e s tc d In snendlni! as little

Orecon State of both m eat and poultry In > -T h o revietv produced m [ I r r p S s S mterstnte trade, rep o rts of ■■apparent

TIiesclllcBal shipments. Cast violations " mosUy minor, in sugg„,„|on,?'that will give you oxplnincd, "som etim es a re fiscal lOCO; 1,109 reports in ' ^minor and technical violations flsc,l 1900, and 1,512 in fiscal ' " w r n % , „ S foundation

plantings'alongside your house,.

nurture the young plants for a while to get them going, but once they begin lo thrive, you can forget about tliem.

Outline all planting beds — whether individual trees or an entire row of hedges — with something that will provide n definite demarcation between

S24 million available

BOISE (UPI) - Donald L. Winder, state director, Far- merjj Home Administration, said Saturday Idaho will have some $21 million ayailnblo for rural housing Joans tills fiscal yoar.

■Wlnder sald |, new .coneept'

Mrs, Frank Saylor, secretary..RcsolutloQ.s endorsed by the

Grange for presentation at the national G range convention next month in - I^wiston in­cluded:

Favoring reintroduction of prayer In schools.

Opposing noise pollution from motorcycles.

Opposing cutting of funds and personnel for the Soil Con-

A presentation of the Seventhlawn and lilan tlne a reas , which will era itly speed up pro- p

lo Ihe level of th e 'T 's s in i l-? -FHAr.ruro l ousing

crops at University.

Dairymen plan 1 .‘J”&kite-eonfal> at Utah location

LOGAN — Extension dairymen from the 13 western states will meet In Provo, Utah, October 27-29 for a western regional workshop dealing wiUi diiiry herd improvement and modern dairy ~ farm management.

John Barnard, Utiih State University extension dairyman noted that outstanding authorities from Uiroughout the country hnvc been scheduled to present latest infonnation on topics'currendy of concern to

. the dairymen served by the VJrtension' specialists in the various st^jtes.:'

DENVER (UPI) - Uvostock:Cattle 500. Calves 100. Slaugh­

ter cows stcildy; other classes not fully tested. Slaiighler stcerf packagc mostly choice 28.00; pnckago standard and

1970.which — when detected — are usually denlt.wlth by.fl letter of warning to the offender.

But. violations sometimes can include serious frauds of health dangers. A task force report ^proposing reo rgan ization of ‘some p hases ' of m ea t and poultry inspection serv ices said:

"From time to time in the past there have been national scan d als resu lting from diversion of unln.spectod horse' m eat to human food channels. ,. and other nefarious schemes for introducing products nor- pially regarded as Inedible into the notion’s m eat fowl supply."

To help p rev en t • such violations and to crack down if they occur in a meat-poultry industry of an estimated 100,000 firms, Gast's staff operates with n total of 05 full-tlme»nnd four to five part-time employes. ___________

Fourteen staff members are .B iirlorSooTo"oo s ta tioned a t W ashington headquarters. Of the remaining 51 full-time employes, 10 nro

Bricks, sunk to the level soil, are most effective. Strips of wood or narrow .trenches arc also gnOd.

The simpler your overall landscaping, plan, the easier It \n ll be to maintain. .Install trees, shrubs,'and flower beds in rnhesive units to minimize

loans will be explained nt,meet­ings to be held throughout the state.

nil eligible m em bers a t the national convention. Tliere are nine Rupert Grange members eligible, Mrs. Saylor said.


Advarlliam tnt: 0<lob*r 30 Auctiontatt: Harelti Klaai

o n d J e ib u H ik0 C T 0 B E U 3

. DICK KELIER, JlliO M E Advatliiam tnit Octobar 91

Audionaari: W arl, Cllari.Wall & M aiiarim llh


Acivattiiamanli O cle b ar3 l■. AucliMa-aiT;-WarirEila7ir“ r

Wall and M aiiarim ith


AdvarlitamanI: 0<lebar 33 Auclionaan LylaM aitari

1 ^ 0 m dlcatlon^thnL,'i5nojp_se|ec,_,reei,-flnd-slirubs-lhntl^he-8jtt.m iil-i.f-eari»(iil-«»wiHS—yiolallons were comparatively ,( |.Qn„jp5 pruning. Too lluit mu.s\ be done. Keep thefew was confirmed by reports J , m slakenlv buv ' ........................ .....stowing that only J® eases In d,,,, ^,Jll%9 and 10 In fiscal 1970 were completely outgrow their in,

lo rw ardcd to the lus ice gave yourselfd epartm en t for posa bio work by buying plants prosecution The )ustlcedepartment took seven cases to our needs when they havecourt in each of the two years. „ „ eh e d maturity

POHTLAND. Ore (U P I) •• LIviilock Cafffc atid cafvoi t.S®, esriy talet

iiAuohl«r CAlitc tl«d dv , olhtrtrot e» laiiiitnvd iiy 10 « rr\ . \ u » r \ load cholct "lOilly yield oradn ] 1,0}0 l,}U) lu 39 10 79 K . im«ll lot 96] ID 2 1 3D 10. htHert choice Inuividualt fOOVAilt) ]fOO]9}S. co«i commsrcidl 70 00 3V )S; ullllly It SO }l ;S. lew culltr HOC 30 00

G r a i nSEATTLE (U P I)-G ra ln , fob

Soattlc:Soft white l.G-t Wliito club 1.65 Hard winter 1.75 . ' Corii 57,00-50.50

Produce Prices

Use an effective ground cover around all planting to eliminate Uie need for weeding and to avoid having to get a lawn- mower up against the trunks of trees. Mulches are the easiest and least 6xpensiY£. — ospocially wood chips 'arid ground bnrk.

Crushed slono is an attractive m aterial for this purpose, but be sure to put a layer of plastic sheeting on the ground first lo

lawn areas free of bird baths, ponds, and other obstructions.

A local' m em ber of The A m erican A ssociation of Nurser>'nien will be glad to rccornmend varieties of trees and shrubs that require the least attention. 'Hie ginkgo tree, for instance drops it leaves rapidly in (he autimin, making raking a one-tlmo chore. Tlie limited growth of the crabapple, the maple, and the dogwood makes them Ideal for small areas, with no pruning to worry about,

To reduce flower growing chores, conccntrate on informal gnrdeiiii of wild flowers and herbs, which need only sunlight and occasional w atering to thrive.

«Aj.uw, fitK-nutfU o i» ,t u (i iu illiu ........... ... . . . -good Holsteins SI4.83. Slaughter s ta t io n e d ^ eight regional of-cows high.cuttar-and utility a t. Rccs..lCQviniLJ5-fQr_.(ulhllmD------cMiu-iJu-BtocBiud.ioiuyh.tMi^

- • / and com- hold inspection w o rk .. ' '20.10-21.80; few Utility iin u com- « « . f v . ,.merclnl 10.50-10.00; cutter 10.10- T hai Isn^l enough, m any .’S20.80, Slaughter bulls few com* otflclalH here Ijollove. But of- a ur.d. a or*<]i cmerclnl 20.10-27.00. Feodor cut- 1» Incronso tho size of the „

viieinickyir(rcii6i_cojiee>s;2«;5or;!,”« _ |; ;w f “ *ww„few good 24.85-25.00;, few lota of on economic grounds, choice hoifors 25.85-2fl.C0; com- Most of Uie stnff’s time is

_ merclal foodorcowa.10.80r20.00;good feeder bulls 24.80-25.10,

— HogrllOOrBarrDwirand'gUts- steady to weak. 1-2;

J 1-3 18.25-18.76; 3J|‘ Sows 26 iQUAr; 1-3 14.5M5.75.

spent on a “ fiurvdlllnnce'" program of watching nctlvlllos of about' 6,000 firm s— about 6 per cent of tho total number handling moat and poultry — carried on what, tho task forcc ,

-79 10 tt.ij i i ; W .lO .jJJf.M JMO

....... r-rs 7f,rr 3f is wjoWTO ' M/jj

called an ■■actli/ellst.'' ,faoder la m b 3 -s te f ld y ;^ th c r___ __c lass^sV carco 'B lau k h lo rlam b fl . ." T h o so a r e f irm s ' o r In*choice and 'prime wooled Jairtbs tllviduals known to havc'olUier:27.80-2fl.M{ fow lots choice at tlie capability or Uio propensity26.5<^Zf.40.. Slaughter ew68 fow or boUi,for diverting Inedible orlots cull wooled 5.0(W,M. Feed- othorwiso Illegal m eat , orer IftintM choice and fancy 26.60 poultry products Into humanlo 27.701 few lots choice 26.BO* foot! channels," the reppft said.2fi.00i ‘ T*>e task .fo rcQ s o ld i tho


Fib M j T T j O M i r JO «" 'lT s O Mtr ion M IS 30 V 3010 ' I I May JVM .»?hJl7 »b , JU d Ji.n } (

PolaiMt: Toial (hipminit iff; trri van VI. irack M, tuopllai llgtitj (Kmanii

—moderalt. mariiai tiaady. ____ _. Track u t M - (100 tD. - . U S lAi Idaho

ruiiai burbanhi ofUrlrtariniulHclanl lo -quota, lOoi. minimum 4,00; Mlnnaiola' Korih Dakota Had Rivar Vallav round' rM i nalural color MO 3 )i. commarclal ) 00; Wltconiln and Wathlnolon no u la i' raporlad■bnloAi: Tolil I I » ; arrlvali

J7j irack kuppllai modara^K damand bood. iniftkal ilaady, ,

Track U l» » : UH IdahnOraMn yallow' ipaniih laraa } . l i } . » ; Colorado and WU CQniin no »altf raporltd.


Announces tho ap p o in tm en t o f G il Atkin to its “ l<Dcarb7^nch“ offico a rJ o ro n io * 1 3 a H ^

t J N IT E D F A R M A G E N C Y in n o w In its 4 6 lh y e a r o l torvice

lo b u y o r i .a n d io ilo rt o l ro n c iiu t, lo r m i , c o u n t r y l io m c v a n d

ro c re a tib n a l p ro p o rtio i, a c ro a o e s a n d bu iih oss p ro p o ttie t.

U N I T E D '! u n iu r p o H o d y o a r -ro u n d n a h o n w id o o d v o rliiln o

p ro g ra m t«a m e d w ith a no w hig ii 'ip n c d c o m p u lo r p ro v id a i

a con tinuous tu p p i/ of p ro ip o c liv o b u y o rt from c o a t ) lo

coast.•II y o u a ro inlorosted in iiu y ln g o r to llin o fo ol o ilo to in

thi* aroa< w rite , p lip n o o r d r o p b y tho Jorom ei o d ic e . M r .

A lk ln 'iwill d o b o il to servo y o u r n o od s.. Ti>e o ilic® i i ,

lo c o ta d 1/2 m ilo wosf o f tow n o n 'M o i n S iro o l o lto k n o w n

Q i StatB H w y . '^ S .

UWTtDFARMAGEHCY.INCj, .• B o x 8 3‘ Jeron^d

Id a h o' ‘ 8 3 3 3 8

Gil Alldn-Broker

P h one i o r « o c o d o 208 ----------'324-5^13-^------r

I h a v e to ld n^y (a rm a n d thoso ilo m i w ill be sold a t Pu blic A u c tio n locoted 5 1/4 m llet W e s t of Je ro m e on Ihe o ld h ig h w a y .

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1970S A L E T I M E : 1 1 :1 5 A . M . L U N C H O N G R O U N D S B Y : C A N Y O N S I D E C L U B

MACHINERYF o rd 2 w o y 2 b o llo m p lo w , Fo rd m o w e r 7 ', F o rd m a n u re lo a d e r, F o rd c o rru g a lo r g n d culti- v o to r b a r , 3 point b la d e a n d 3 p t. c a rr y a ll fra m e . F o rd re a r c a rry a ll p la l f o r r ^ h e a v y d u ly , F o rd Q ra ts h o p p e rp lo w , 3 p i . p lo w typ e feed ditch c le o n e r, Jo h n Deere 2* w a y 3 p t. p lo w , M a sse y H a rris 2 8 nolo steel w heel g ra in d rill w ith seeder, O liv e r 3 b o tto m h yd ra u lic c o n lro l p lo w . 2 section sleel h a r ro w , D a v id B ra d le y tid e rak e , S u p e r io r 12 hole w o o d b o x g ra in

d rill w ilh see d e r, I M C 4 w h e e l tie o l wHool m a n u re tp ro a d e r, Iro n w heel p h o ip h o le s p re a d ­e r, 3 p t. c a rry w o e d s p ra y e r, 125 g a l . b o o m s a n d h a n d g u n , 2 ro w , I H C C o rn p la n te r, 3 p i . , 8 ft. re n o va to r, 10 ft. ru b b e r lt lre single cu ltip a ck e r, b e a n tc ro tc h e r a n d sp rin g tooth h a r ro w , w a lk in g -p io w , 4 w h e e l ru n n in g g e a rs fo r w a g o n , cyclo ne w e e d e r o n w heels, d u m p ra k o .'iro n w h e e l w a g o n c h o iiis . '

mUCK BOAT TRAILERS195 7 C lio v ro le t one Ion tru c k w ith O m o h o S lo ck ra c k , o n ly 5 7 ,0 0 0 a c tu a l miles, runs, looks o n d is In g o o d shape, re a l ly cleanj 18 ft. w o o d b o a t a n d t r a i le r . . . needs o p a lc h |ob here

.a n d .t h a ro .h u t .c o u ld .h B -r e it o rB d .r «a io n a h ly .* -G M l2 ^ t t y L lt f l? k J X P J Is i^ D u a U d ie e l m a c h l ^

, tra llfti, d j j ^ w heels w ith t r ip b e d . 2 w h e e l h a y tra ile r . 2 w h e e l h o g fra ile r 7 iv r4 'ii* 0 'l

MISCELLANEOUSSe ars 2 u n ll mill<er, 2 w e ld e d 5 0 g a llo n b a rre ls , fo r o ve rh e o 'd g a i tanks, some 5 0 g o l. b a r -

j : . re t i ; ' fo rg e ; lo g chain*, d e h o rn * r i, 'S a lo r «o n d e r , sp u d c e lla r h e o le r, oil u p rig h t ty p e , fe nc­e r, g o o d p la tfo rm scales, ca n va s d a m i , 0 & S .g o s m o to r, p a n e ls , h o g chule, severol rolls o f w o v e n w ire o n d b a rb w ire , to m e steel a n d w o o d posts, o ld sp u d d ig g e r, 3 piles o f b id

Ir t n a n d 'm u c h m ore w a g p n c o m m o d itie s..

HOUSEHOLDC h ro m e b re a k fa it le l . 4 c h a in ,

• n d t a b U i , 18"T.V. th a t w orks Q o p d a n d

several o th er ila m i.

TRACTORS1 9 4 9 F o rd T ra c to r ,

Runs g o o d , looks g o o d 1 9 5 3 Jo h n D e e r* " B " .

.^ u n s g o o d


A U C T I O N E E R S ! H o r a ld K l (i i )> 3 3 4 .3 6 8 9 _______________ J » » D u H « l ( ' ' 3 2 4 -3 3 6 9

C U R K i B O D N E Y M U I S O F S T O C K M E N 'S R E A L T Y 3 3 4 . ^ ( 4 5

Market ReviewTu e «d »v , OctolMf W , m o T lm w -N e w il Tw in F j ll l, ' Idaho 7

NEW YORK (UPI)Hl«»Ulck _____

TuosOay after recovering fromon early sotback. Turnover was pirnNist tumodoraUl. _ _ ,

— NenF - I > 15topped declines by a b o u t '30 PdPairklwIssues, while Dow Jones fwwiV’iiS industrial avertiKo was up about 2 points at 758.83. __ ’, A threo4joui‘- tu rn o v e r-:o f-§ i5 .5 " »id,710.0Q0 shares compared with S;;TJi. i?

. .S,07b,060 ^ a r e s traded at a comparable perlodW onday.' grii "

NationalTem peratures

•Magic Valley Weather. 1|i(. Il«« W4 » » « ' M«i SIMl-i- Uti »1»i1 J»V| Mi14 i ) 1} 4S ^ -1 n u 9}u- u<] lOUl 10 IOUt+11} }J NH

lu.m.. Noo* .. tp.m. NaUhg.. Pet, chg.

t U -Jr ((-Ulll lH lh * . , L o w■ rsi.os m u K»si4 10 .YI Atianta r 60 55. »$ • « m .*f 104.01 Ro. 7 U .U tii.oi i4},]4 'u o s c o n c . , oo

:« :!{ 'IS:5i :5:l} tS;il a a r ie .u m s . t cyva

If U H UUi UW f ««S3 SI UU. S Q ti- ««ii im im iiw - H4} u ' is< u +- u.M JJVi JJI* V Vi+ Vi

, were Fannie Mac down IV4 on ^ int'r fi IS) ,000 s h o re s ,> Ia lo W u p J H S,*S!ri‘iS on 101,300 nharos, Tcyx Corp. “up IV4 *f)n 84,600 sh v e s , and o*<iT*n.}: Eastern Air Lines % ilR her on cJSmMo

.67;WW sJ»nrosr~Polaroid and Orltisi) Po> oiii*nt i.4o

troleum, also on Uio qctlvo list, c l^ i^ lu r ' were down m - and up %. respectively. Polaroid reported cr.c# w ii lo’tvore nine-month net,,whild oJJn?w BP announced a major oil find } “in the North Sea.


NEW VOHK (U P n -S « lK t»d itoek* on. iht N*vw York Slock Uitchknu*.

Sclitllidd High Low Lait Chg.

44 « ' » 'MIHII vv> jr4« jrw)r MUi MV. . . .i l MV. M>/4 MVi-4 V,

}]4 U U | }h DH4-U 7iVi ;st« }S I « - «:■

• n »ni *w »ifc-1%u U H \ m 14 +M JOH M JOW,+

S}« 7lt% .|OUi -MW-f WS4 M - l»i% M ■*Jt’ OW. tj

Jir 34V. }4l% 34(4 . . .I I i i u t m iiMiII n<4 jjii, » w . . ;

ntrr's*'ir-»nK-*r~»i—• U 44li a<J4 44W.+tw

U . 4}!^ 4)W <41<4i-f ) l 4V| 4W 4 V .i U| 4» i]ih ni.;i u u -f vi

] u 31V. j m 3 m — Vi U ) 3IW 7V/t 3Mk+_... V } m 3I\% S I'-I - Mi

Grind U .10 KIM 31> 3J 1i'^+......... 33 44W< 44<» 44L^+

10 31 34t« 3 4 H - Vi............ . _ 14 4t 4S 41 +Cl W til Fin II 31 30 30>«>- WCl WtUn .M 3 31 301k 3tCrMnCI .*4 1 33>k 33>'< 33'.^- WCrivhd Cp I lU I4?ii U «« 1 4 ^ - </«Grumman I 4]) l|li ||«4 t l ^ —Quit Oil K i 3«W 3 m 3«>‘<'V ' ICullLW« .U 17 U'.« 14. 14

Pelaro . PPOIrvd 1.40 Proea.0 1.40 Pul Col 1.13 PSGI.& 1,44

3»*k.L-U— pU I « C p*.I4. .!?. ~ y* ^urolal 1.40

nalilan ,70 RaylMn .40 RCA cofp 1 RaadJng Co Rap Sll 31/1 Navlonlne I . Hay Ind 1-40*

. RayMa* ),ID RIagalPap 1 Rlvlana .«0 RoanST .4td Robthaw .70

4U « « « 47l(< 47'/«-)W44 31 37V, 3 /l«f W

147 »4H, M 44 + »W371 3IW'31W 3HW . . .

■ IJ3 33V. ^3^ 33V.+ <411 37 34Vi J4 V .- 'mi l 14 IJI/1 13)*+ '%IS’ 10. Stta 40

T I f 3JU >3ti 3 J H - \k* 34 33 3I'/4 »|lii+ »»

340 31W 331% 3J**+ I .? 7 4V.


AcmaMk }q A a rn to 1.40 Admiral cp Air Prd .300 Air Rad .lOd AltanAl 1 36- AllagCp .lOd All Lud 3.40 Allg I'w 1.33 Mia Ch Aiilad&i 1.40 Alllt CKalm Alcoa 1.10 Am H it 33a Am Alrl .10 AOrand 3:10 A nrcti 1.30 Am Can j.:o AmCvan 1<« AmCiac 1.44 Am Unport A Homa 1.40 AmHotp .34 AMalCn 1.40 Amar Uolor AfnNG* MO Al'holo .13d A Small 1.H Am Stand 1 ■ A Sugar 1.40

' A m T lT 3.40Am Zlnc_Co_ Amatak ,U AMF Inc .K Ampax C p . Anacon l.H ArmcoS 1.40 Armour ).tO Arm* Ck .10 Alhl Oil 1.30 Atio Tr OSn AiiHunfid j Aila» Corp AVCOCp .400 Avnal-’ .30n

. . . 40'* 40'i-r >■337 j ; i , 3 7 '» - I

. 4 4>( |i> >113 4S'i 4SW 4S><— <.SI II'* I7U 1l‘ c ^ '<4» 31-4 31- 31 - ‘ I31 ' iw . m-.-.........i i '» - 'i41 !«>• I?)< 19V,- I.ii im )i'si )■»»- >.31 3J't 33 I V 4- i|11 I4«« I4'i I4'j4i $I>4 S0>. S1'j+

304 4Ui 39>i 41 -t'I’i133 .!»> . 1*1> I^'i* ..

41 1» IIV. 39 + >,S3 34>i 3S'} 3S^-.- I41 40'.

143 3Mi140 34) .13S 13

71 43>4

} ft^ 40 —10'» ll'i*- '34’ > 34‘» ..n 'i ii’i* ■43>i 41’ j - '11*. ll‘«* '13'» 3 3*.- ’

f i *1^4 *0U 4l'<— <f 74 10'1 V’ f V 'a - ' i

1SS } l 37»» 3714- >« ' 14 34'i IS -H 'I

13 31 1 1 '( - '•431 44 41'4 44 ««

___ 1 _ l0 ',i_ 1 0 'l_ !0 't - ’ *79 I3’ « l l ' l 1 3 'i - I .

133 31»i 3J'4 '4 111 I I ' . 17'. ' I - ' I

134 31'. 31 31 - '

- i i i r r i i i n H - HaciaM .700 Harcula .iSd Harthy 1.10 H<ublaln .10 Hawlll I* .30 HlllonHoll 1 Hobarl 1.30. Holl Clattn Hoi lnn» .33 Momatik .40 Hon/wl 1.10 MMvar 1.30 Houil-P 1.30 Howml .700

Idaho P T40 IdialDai .40 IllCanIn 1.14 III l>wr 3.30 Imparlai Cp INA Cp 1.40 Ino Rand 3 inland Sll 3 IntpCoppr 1 I n M4.I0 inlMarw 1 lO InlMng .Md inlNleb V30 mr Pap 1'-» in llT lT I.Oi llak Corp.

1*'-. 1»' 1«’<41 SO 4«»k 4 »^ 'f

•17 34'. 34 3I'4+ ’'431 34V, 14<« »«* +

1 31’.. 3$ 3* - '-I* 41'-. 43i« 41'..+ I'.

47 3S'i 3S’ 3S>lit H11 37"j 17

. . . . . 37>% . . . .31 41’ 41^ 41<%- *«.«r. 41N 4)l« 4l<*-«' Vi

130 34Vi 34W 34U> <■%. to UHi ISti 14Hi-

S 33V 3 m >1'/|> H*t S 41* 4 ' » -

. 1] ]l<^ SO'k SIWINocno i.Tog ' 4 33M. Ji'-t .'.RohmH 1.40 44 73U 7 m 731. -

"R6hr C(»"IO— ’-»4 -7 3 '^~ 3 1 H l l h - *»RovalDul Id . »1 47U 47U 47'.* U,

(atawy 1.10 S4 M U K)l-> 30V. .M liwa AAln 9 4 34 « 1$W 34 H

I llV i llt^ 31 -1 .U 13 l3Vt lli..+11 ISM) -14I» 14««+S9 lOVi 30>li J0'-4- '-« 34' 34 « 34<1+ '4

31 U ’ « S4'% *t44- 7»>. 71 >|Vi+ U

n1 .U 'T m » 1 1 U - Vi101 34V. 34l« 34t«-t- ' (334 71 4«V. 70'«4-V<4S 44<» 44'-| 4 4 '1 -7 14 ISVi 14 + >s

M 1SV> IS IS''* ...14 S4'1 54 S 4 '. - <1 37 I4)« 41'« 44'1+ U15 47'« 44<1 47't-f •<

304 34H 34 t 14>«- 3Si 30’.'4 1*V. 30'»+ 'I37 Sl<<4 S3'-) S)

. 3* 33»» 13' » 13»»+ 'l30 SS(» SS'7 SS’ i - ’«10 I1t« 1l*» lit*

Dos Moines cy El Paso pc Houston c Indianapolis r 'Kansas Angeles cy74 M cmi^ls r . 61 Miami Beach cy 83 Mlnn.-St.Paulpc 63 Now!Orleanscy 70 Now York c Phoenix c PitLsburfih cy Portland, Oro. r Ha16I»h by . nichm ond-cy------73 -~ « ;—rr..------

Idaho vr-f Tem peratures

Tcnaetse« valleys into many of the A tlu tie ..

II II IIlU ]]>* IIV . 1 3 l» -47 34' 3 V «-J* -

314 I4 't lS '« l l ’i i - U » -4 31».. 31'(. 3IV.+

II 4 m 40"» 41 + U103 I7h 17. 17'4 .

3JV.+- l.l

kS9 37V, 37'SO 11'. 13 U ' . ---•31 34’ » 34'« 34’ * - *»3S 14'« IS 'I ISV, . .

4M 10»* 10'j lO'-i .141 10'* 3 « '« . 3 «> »- W41 l l » » 17V.' U41 34Vi 34W 34V.-». >43S 4 m 40l« 40V,-l<.l,

. 179 319 3l4'/> 3MV. + 4'74 34'-« 34 34W-'’»37 14't 14'. J4«»+ U101 4S'« 44*4 441 — ’>•3 14V. 14 14H+ H343 44»« 41'* 44'4+ ’4341 101. s m 10‘^ + m

Undar Xlh Sang Bia .40 lap Ind 1.40 Ichnlay 1.40 Uharing .10 ichlum 1.40 SCMCp .4Sh Icoil Papr 1 Saara 1.30a lhallOll 3.40 IlKraPc ,10 llpnalC ),30 Slmmnt 1.40 SlnaarC3.40 tm lin K iF 3 SoCalEd ll'l &oulhCo 1.30 SoNalO 1.40 S«u Pac 1.H ScuihBlwy 3 (OWllPI .74 Ipariln ,4Sh IpRand.SOd SduraD .lOa Squibb 1.13d SI Drr>d 1.40 Sid Kollimn Stoical 3.10 SIdOlrwj 3-10 lid N J 3.70(1 SIdOhIo 3.70 SlarlOro .75

• (lavwWn I .U tl«>daWorl I lunOIICo Ig lwnihM.J?o Sup on 1.40 SwIM Co .40

Cooler jwith scattered rainMorIc Vnlloy, Twin Falls and

v icin ity , N orthsidc, Burley- Rupert area:

Becoming cloudy today. Intermittent rain likely tJjis

precipitation 60 per cont or more early tonlf^t. Decreasing to 10 per cent Wednesday.

Further outlook partly clowUy and coo) W ednesday ni^ht,

afternoon decreasing to scat- Qiance of rain again Thursday, tcred ghowcrs tonight. Partial Camas Prairie, Hailey and

II i'i+ '3S0 35') 34’i 3S><-.- <17 33 3|l> 3311 *S'1 45 45'»' 4 m 43 4m-.-1 7'.

clearing Wednesday.Winds Increasing to 15 to 25

mllcs-porJiour nt times and turning cooler, I..0 W8 tonlKht In Uie 30s. Highs Wedncjwlay In the 50g. Probnoillty of measurable

lower Wood Uiver valley;Same as Magic Valley cxccpt

lows tonight 20 to 30. Highs Wednesday 45 to 55.

A ra th e r vigorous low ' pressure-dislurbance and cool

' front was moving onto the coast Partial clearing will spreadearly this morning. General eastw ard beh ind .the d istur-rain was falling in western bance, Woctiosday and Wed*Oregon and w estern nesday night.W a^lngton andsca ttc rcd llgh t- ■ A cooling trond will alsorains had fallen as far, E ast as accom pany and follow the^ k a n e and Pendleton. disturbance. Hlglis will range

Intermitten rain from this from the upper 4Qs to the upperdlsturancc will spread to the 50a J^cdnoMlay. Consld<ifablo easte rn WaJio border by ''cloudiness will bold ,tonight’s VcBterdnytonight, Snow will lower ori.tho lows In the 30s at most places i^ s tY earmountolns to about 6000 Teet but Wedneaday nights lows will Normalelevation. drop into tho.20s and'lower 30s.

High Lew'

Bear U k e - • 67 2TBoise ' -63 48Buhl ’ 02 37

'Burley 62 27

Enunett 67 48PalrfleldT / '58 20Gooding 60 39Grace 03 ^Grangeville 60 43'

Mlalley . .. 54 2dIdaho Falls . 60 29Jerome* ' 64 37Kimberly ' 61 31

■ K una" - T«4“*38"Mtn..Homc ' ’ 66 >i6Lewiston • 62 47P arm a........ 64 41Pocatello SO 33Rupert 63 31Salmon 63 26Soda Springs 56 20

Tivin Falls Tem peratures

High U wfl3 32 49 35 66 34

J o h n tJn 33 JonLogn 10 Jonai L .]4l>

S7 30>. 30'> 30'#-.- »» .Jo ilani ,70 1 44»» 44*1 44>i , JovMCg 1.40

104 39'. 3I«. J l ' » - '11 ]4 « 3Hi }4'.« i 31 9 l>4 l > . - '

301 S4'| S4<4 S5<«-> <} l 3*1 3>. 3>4- '44 i m IU » I P l - t ■■ ■■ 7 ' j - '

Tandy- Corp Taiadyna 31 'Tan«co 1.13 Ttiiaea 1.40 TavCTr >.53 TvS atT 1.41 TxGuSul .10 Taalntir M

Janlian .log t '1 4 ’4 14'. l4'~,-f Taainil J4(IPIl0l .10 I 37*» 37<« 371«- W TiMlron KJOhnMvH.JO- 1 0 -3 n i “ « ' l - 3 S ' . + T” o kS i":io '

— - 47»» 4 7 »»-109 4*'ii 441* 4 l ' i - »•3S1 47V| ’ >

lJ-.49la 4»»i 4 B 'i - ’ •147 37 14». 14’^ ^ ' ,

- JO 37 37 37 —394 Sl»4 S3U 5 3 «»- >.33 47'1 44V, 44V.-140 UV. UV.—II 157'') 157 is;33 3SVi 34tt 35 '•

33 44U 44i« 4 4 'i - ',

. . S3V, S4II SIV4 Sl'-I S IV ,- ‘ 419 11'* 10V4 10V,- <M3 34«k '34H 34««

31 4Hli 41>4 4H»-^ U

14 lOV, jol, 10>*- '1S 33^ 33'-) 33i«^ '

OabLWil .SO 4) 30'i 30

natn indu»i DaaiFoodi i Dackm ,];a DaachAr .IS nalll,Mli .40 Dandii 1.40 ntngual Inc nalti Sll 1.10 BlackfcD I I Ooalng C .40 nolta C.3S0

a ]!'. 3U» ll««- t«I I 34 1 31>4 34')-.- >■

133 J3’ > 13'. I J ' l ’ - ' .10S l l ' « 13'. 13 ^I I 34') 34'» J 4 '4 - ’ -4n *'» 4'^ 4’* - '4

3S4 31>4 31’ . 31'i

K L M 1.1Uis;£ffi'. J:S

Uaar Sla .SO LanioPC ,40 La*t val Ind Latim 1.70d LOf= Co 3.40

1004m 40»» 40V,- •* 111 101‘1 100 100V.f1<« 101 33'* 3Mk 31V.-4- —11—13— im —M—i- ’a 74 47)« 45'-) 47 +1'1 4 11 30V, lO V ,- <■;,

40 l l ' l I I l l ' l - V* 111 51 S0)» . S0V4-t- 'U 17 13)4 1]',-) 13^ .

------L . t ------- I40 11 I3W 13 « ..3S i m i m i m -31 4»»

Thtokoi T mbart >.«> TranaCo .90 Traniam SS Tranilirpn TranUn 1.30 TranaWAIr Tricon 3.4Sd T R W Inc 1 JOmCan foKUAUInc .710 UnCart)lda3 Un Elac 1.31 Unocal 1,40 Unfuc C p -9 -

311 30104 31'4 21313 13U 11'379 3* 34'133 33') 131H 14>l 14‘l U 75l| 7S'

7 17^ 17'4« Sll* Sl>« S]>(

_IS 31’ »-2I'.4_JH*-t^_U.-.,

19) -.-

im-f '1 7S’ »— 'j 17'1- »l

34 l>4 »')» 37V, 3J‘« 37V,—

9 S3'l 53'-) S3'l-^ '4319 11V, ll>, 13t« ..

IS 4<» 4^ 4^

Mutual FundsNaw York (UPI) PUHDIINCP '

^Foilaw lng II a ll%i OBOUf^: ol bid and' aikad Com ’ |.J9 9.01 prica*.. on Muiual Impicl 4 47 7.or Fundt'ai Qudad by 10/111.71ma NASO Inc. P>l0l 4 31 4.79

MOMOAV ' **" '10 15$■ Id. Aik Catawy a »4 7.5}

Atiardn 1.10 197 Can Sac 0 10 9 10 4 0 M (« A tr V ! GmrGr 5.93 JMCwlh S.47 431 GROUP SBC: inc 1.5* 191 Apan 4 47 7 3* Int 7.0} 7 49 na1 171

Adv Fnd 4.44 1 07 Com SI 115713 45 Aaina 1.40 911 6inFdAm441 7.35

Fd— a 50-TM -Crlh -lna 1415 14 19 ura 4.59 4 55 Cryphn 13OI 14.10

■ 4 10 IS Q utra 33 37 73 37 1 10.50 Ham HDA J.90 4.}4 9 0 44 Ham Cr t.41 7.01

IIO M A PUHDSi un Can I.1S J .« l -Cap 7.41 113 U N ITIO P U N D k i -Inv . 9 94 10.14 ACCU 4 19^71Trll ■ 101 I I ) incom 13 07 11 37

Smim D 1.37 137 Sclan 4 5p 7.13Swtin inv 7.14 I SO van 7 41 1.13Sw inv 0 { 41 S19 Un T Cn 7.30 7.17Sovr in 13.10 11.47 VALUB L IH I PDI;Spaclra S.IO 414 val Lna 5 U 4 04SI Farm (i ) (il val Inc 4.43 4.14Slala St 40 75 41.35 Val Spc 4.43 5 04lY IA D M A N - Vanca 4.T4 7.19PUNOti vndrbll Am Ind 111 1.41 Vangrd

Successful InvestingBy ROGER E. SPEAR

S11 4 17 Q- I am considering buying 111 in lOfifitoa low of I8M1 Uiis i.u 403 shares of Mohawk D ata y ea r, earnings during the

annual revenue growth over the next several years (fiscal 1970 ■ revenue was | 10;2.6 million). The sliares appear to merit purchase by the speculative inveslor.

Q. I have some shares of General Motors. I would like


14.77 11.77 7.51 7.51

vikinoor 517 5.14 Scloncos, now selling a t a period wflre rather good and your view on adding to the»e w th L io M li l i doprcsaod level. Could you give cerUlnly did not Justify this sharesfordivldcnd Income. J.S.

:rA*mIK* 11

119 . l l ' j l l ' l 11’ . - II 34 3SH 34 ’ . Am pqI . ..4



norg Wr 1’ . Ooil Ed 3.34 dourni Inc nranillA .50 Driggi J 40a nn« My 1.30 DrnShoa l'>

-(truniwk .10 DucyCr 1.30 Dudd Co .30 Dulovaw .40 Durlind 1.40 Durl N 1.77d fiurrght .40

31 I . 7«* •I 49'| 41V, 4|l|+ '»

17 57'I S4’l S4’l13 11‘ 4 WV, 11'.:.-.- «4 111. 174«-Ul*4- l».

I}4 35 34'. 35 ♦ ’I 35 I t . ’ IW l>4 .10 30 30 30 -f 31 19',,19 't 1 9 ') - I ' )

• 99 10'.-) 10 10’ 4 - >»191 114U 111',) I14’i + J’.

Lloo My l"^• LlnoTV ,lln Lllin In l^il ' Lockhaad Lo»»v» Tha I LonaSCam 1 LonalO 1.34 to u N u rr* * -

43 43'<. 4H* 43>'4-l- V.41 IS''. 141* 14«» ...

194 331* 311 33««4- '479 10«* 10 10^+ '*

IDO 39»» .311. 39»»-^130 34 31 34 -t-1'415 ll'-'J 31 31'. -*- '4

Unlroyal ,70 U AIrcr t M Utd Brandi UidCp l.OSd USCypm la US Indui SO USPIyCh .14 US Small 1a USStaal 3.40 US rob 1,10 UtdUINIl .93

Am Mut


193 m w n ' II — '141 14 1 1S'1 1 5 '* - 'US l l« , I7<« >40. isv, is<« i m ^ '

_ l W - 4 3 i _ 0 1 ^ 3 W _47 17' 17 17'4 ..t/ 35 13J. 34».+ J34 IS 14>< I4 'i— '30 911 *l« *»»37 SIVi S7V. 'Sl'«.-^ »

101 14*4 14 14'* .U 3IU }|<4 31’-)— '14 34*» 14V| 7i‘1* '

131 lO 't J0'» 10»*— '7 34 34'4 3S -*1

74 1l‘» II'* 1l'4 ,'I SO 49H 49>» - »* Af,rn»

. . . 34 Hari ..............34-10 31'Hi.C LV- -1,17 1.17- 13-M.73 Hl-G Fnd 4 40 4 40

Hadoa 9.4110 11 Harrfga 1.93 7.11

7.14 1.04 Hortca 11.SO 14.04119 9.17 HODinn 3 47 3 79

.91 1.71 ICM Fin 453


II 37 19.4

m e any Information on the type of price action. In fiscal "com pany?“ Do you think this 1068, 39 cents a share waS"

A. General Motors* current yield of 5i 6 per cent Is not an

i u ' i u ^ Intelllgenl long- reported, $1.15 in 1M9 and 11.62 outstandJntf ra le of return for a4 9 1 t erm Inveatmont? C.H. In the year ended July, 1070. person .seeking high .Income..

10 41 11 47 A, TTiis leading producer of According to m anagem ent, Good, quality ' u tjllty sh a res

7.54 ISI Cr711 154 ISI

3 74 4 II

ij'rSum Tacn

Syncro 7.40 1.31 TMR Ap 1009 11.01

nan 113 147 TT..WW . .. w . . . . . . .Jprocessing p e r lp W e i^ a rn ln g s in the October quarter return over 7 per cent, U.S.

Towar 4 44 4 15 wall Ind 5 3* S.7* equipm ent expects higher m ay b o . " re la tiv e ly f la t" Treasurv notes vield 7V4 oerTrlC'iTn 151*10 wmMD ’^I7^‘4 u M rnlngs in Its July^lO?!, year jjom parod wit)} the 32 cenU_fl_ccnt»ithJii«lm u(n.5a/ety-Land_K o " ” 1 « 'w l u o V '[ S l u 'gc;ntirnl slmrob'roughTdowhto’ netTnthe ’uUlity -bonds, depending on3oih Cl 3 11 4 11 worm 314 3 14 cconomic condltlons. AlUjough yea r-ea rlie r in te rim , but ............. -unillmri M 'lS ? TUna"alubi?.' tlic stockdToppod from B High of gradual galns Bro llkoly fot tho

"■ ^lialancrTrf'the-ye;

Varlan AiiovandoCo .40 VtctorCC ,so Va eiac 1,11

.. . im 13VV- 1*ii 1*H 1*i»—


14 3I’.« 31'.) }| li+------V .V— I

133 is 13*. 14**-.- ’ *14 11 11 11104 -If 17') If '473 30\a I9M 19'«

— W.Wt = ,

4 80 4 1C Imp Gr 5 94 4.517 71 I SC Inc noil 4 33 4 1)3 40 M4 Ind Fnd 5 3 9 ^ .9 )_

ANCHOROROUPi md Am 3 9} 4 31Cap Fnd 7.09 7.77 Inlagon 7.74 I 19Cwin 9.44 10 35 InvC Am 11.55 13 43Inc 7.30 7.19 inv -Ould 100 i.OO

Fnd Inv - 7 4] 1.34 mv lna 4 4] 4 43Vant 34 45 40.14 Inv llQl 10.70 11.41Apollo 7.43 t . l ] INVKSrOMOUP:

i J L iJ L |y jE L J : |j_ I :! ; ------ N E W -y o H K -H J R H -a —1«----- ance-G «i«ro l_M olorB -ii< K -(iv^y«ar»H

W all Street Chatter

rating, yelld. 6.7 p«r cent or better. In view of the un-

“ CB rtfllntyTjnheTsffectrthanhe- United Auto Workers atrlke will have on General Motors' sales and warnings, I would suggest

Apparently Id million In bank loans elbnlnates the need forimmediate financing, although __________. ____ ______European expansion proJecU putting ’ihiV avallable ’capl'tdnecesaltate the raising of I154M Inio q higher yielding utilitymillion over tho next three to jjond or stock.

i-ln rth e- 'R o g e r -s p f ia r rs tp f lg ro u id e ' to Successful Investing

30'-) Id -Jff-

Cam pSI.lO 31 37^ 37CanPae 1.30 4 41*. 4U4CaroPl. 1.44 114 31'. 33Carrlarc 40 74 H'4. 11V. I I W - ICalarTrl.30 ................... ......................

— Calanau. . J ___•Canll Soya I - 11 J m — . —

Carro l.40o 17 11'-. 171» 1«'.J+ *%Carlaln i .10 7 19V. 19W I 9 H - H

103 14V, 14t« 14'/i- 'T11 3I'« 3 l'«-»

KI44 U '-) a 44- - - SO»»-f )«

AUcy A >1 I AAad F I.l4d Maonav 1.3O War oil 1.10 Marcor ,u MarMid 1.70

14 IK* 7^

10 'jm 3)l»

40 74 H'4. 31^ i m - 1 ' 7 ,0 •« i : 1 '* M J r? «r l ,l0 “ 3S

. 1 —iJ]'

Caiina lOgChmSPI 1.30 ChaiaM 1,10 Chai Ohio 4 ChrltCt .ion Chrytlar .40 ClnGiEl IV, CIT Fin 1.W ClllaiSv 3.30 CIU Inwt.SO

__ CllvaCI 3.14

179 41* 4’4 4V,-»-437 34'.t 311* 34

39 34H 34’.;, 34’4, ...34 19 UV4 IIV. ...71 4SW 44Vi 44l«— V,114 14 1SV| 14 li

n il 11'. 33H i m

May OS 140 Maytag 110 AAcCror 1.30 Mc»onO .40 McCr B 1.40 MCOHII .40 MaadCorp 1 AAamw«K Marck tCo3 M O M Inc MidSaUt .94 M M M IV1 MlnnPL 1,30

Waigraan 1 WarLm 1.30 Waih W 1,14 Watt Air L WiDanc 1.10 WUnlon 1.40 Waal ei 1.10 Wilvac I.OI Wayarhai.lo WhalPIII til wnlrlpi 1.40 wn Moi .son

, , W tchaiCpl .174~jiv4 3ri=rU—;Wlnrit>i«-l,tt---- IJ-»4W- .. . - . ____3 3* 39 3* Woolwh 1.30 14 14'* 3 m I I * . - div Sh ( i l l i i Knk Gin 7.41 114• *• •’ •’ — — X V I ^ — Nal (II (I ) Ua« cm 7 73 1 44

XarovCp-IO. 151 17 *4V, l4««-r <• u y yan <t) i i ] La> Rai ■ 1] 5] 14.712ilaCorp-.44------ U^5^^|-3S• VpJ’V - n o '!; Vnd ' j V r i s i LIbrly - S33 S.70Zayra Corp 44 10';. )9 h 3*H— ^ CC Fund 714 I so Vila Cr 4.71 'S .15

'* ■ ' Capamar 7.07 7 74 L i la ..........................

HOUOMTOM; , . siock. 14 54 17 *1 finally becoming apparent to counts for about 3.5 per cont of process of toing transfo rm ^Fndo M* var^pay ! 3* M! tlic big Institutional Invostors all consumer expenditures, all from a hardw are-orien ted (recently revised and in Its 12th Ma u i Ii* 4*34* I'lTaiVd I77j’ i i j i markc^ has turned, economic statistics for the concern into a systems com- printing) is available to all

oaDion 131 131 vivyFd isi ils) thot last spflng's lows wiU Very current period will require pany, readers of this column. Forbo-wan again and-PclntorpraUtlon-bocause-ot-thft---^^ P. R lfenburgh.

14 i m i m i m - '.n311 10 1 10 10'/4— '«110 MV. J0'.» 10'.1-»- ' 4134 34^ W-% 34H-f U

' m 3S«« is''i ..343 34V, 31'% K'.4

14', 14U, 14> ..

naicon ......................... ........- Uargar K 7 51 7.51 K I Y I T O U I ,

14 9V. 9H 191.- ‘ 4 narklhr 5 ]4 514 ApoHo 7.91 1411} 111. IV . 11'4 niair Fd 5 55 4 07 Cutt HI 1133 19.03■' 13«1i 13'* 13W+- »* Ond 51k 5 51 «04 Cull Ow II 37 19 *1

' noil SI 7 04 7.73 Cuit (lr 7.19 1.41Ooil Fdn 9.71 10 49Don Fd 7.50 I 30nroad SI 13.35 I) 19Drown 1.50 111 BULLOCK PUNDIi


Div Sh

Ihm “tho Word for to(lay Is strike, Thomson * McKinnon president, looks for M p«r cent

171 14'« U 14 —111 44H.441* 44V4—

59 i m 31 >1‘'4315 SO 4914 49i.-«-

11 l l ' l ll>4 l l ' l ,41 SIV. U>k Sl .-.^S4 1SN l4Vi 15W—1 l4^ )4H 34(»-

Cult K1 7.14 7.10Cull K3 J l ] 4.71.Cud SI IS*] 17.11CUII S) I *1 9.7]Cull Sa 4-41 .7.03Cult S4 1.74 4.11PolarJl 1.04 3.1)

‘Better , late than never'," Audiindoss Inc. observes. Mort Wright Advisory Reports says. Important to tho stock market Recent reoord-brcaking volume is the fact that the strike wiU

O v e r Th<» C o u r i t o r. Quelatisnsfrerp NASD at oppioK'

postpone rather . than cancel imauiy no»n. ah bid« a«« iriurdaei-

94 19^ 19 V. I94«— In 10 lOV. MW 41 17 14H 141.- '

rcQected tliis switch from ________ .............. .. _ . , . _____ _______pessimism to\optlmlsm and "a economic growth. It adds. •* bid*. inUfdaoitr quoioiitfnt d«

strike. Just when other econom-

your - copy, send - | 1.with - n am f__and address to Roger G. Spear, Tlmes-News, !Box 1618, Grand A n tra l Station, New York, N.Y. 10017.

37 14 i m 1 H 4 -343 I0>» }>107 I4> 14 I4 '.d - V, 19 ISV, IS IS

119 33V, 33' 33>4— ^ 101 U N U U V . - 17 17W i m 17'.» . , - H

ZanllhR 1,4 31 11'4 low 11 *13 iiV) 33H im ... ■; i;i! ;?i:

c im u , i .» .» .jv , I, S M " « m . i l l . !SS Swt !JJ!;? n , Molorola .40 43 47V, 44'X, 47W-f V,1.41------30» 13 ii i m » *«

Com Ed 3.30 ^Comial .SO

ConaL'd I.IO ConiFd 1.10 ConiNO 1.11 Conim Pw 3 ConlAIr .3Sh ConCar 1.40 ConllOII m Contrl Data CorrtOI 3Vy« Con Drd ,10 CPCIntl 1.70 CranaC 1.40 CrowllCol 41 Crownt 1.40 CudahyCo 51 CurlliWr .40 Cyprua i.40

DanQlv ,35n Oana Cp l'4 Oart.ln ,10g DaycftC 1.14 DayPLt 1.40 - Daara liCo 3 0*1 M nt I.IO Oannlii^ ,40 DalDdIt 1.40 DIam thm 1 Olabold 4*g Olinay .30o OUllaa 1.30 DomaMn ,10 OowCH i.u Dratiar 1.40 DukaP 1,40

49 l l ’« llVi 31 '4. 100 471. 44Vi 47

II 33^ 31V| 33W -53 I I 37'/) 31 * ' t14 37>.'4 34W 341»- <1 34 3I'/4 30H 3 0 ^ - U 33 101. lOV, lOla-t- Vii 49 3*1. 191« 19Vi- V,

157 341. 34'/1 34U-V W34* 44<4 44M.-I-3W31 143V) 141 143' . + 1V,4 11'.) II';, l l ’.-i .,

70 30H 39H »'«■«■ Vi4 14^ 14>.(, 34(»4 \%

n144 10'/, 9H lOI.-f M119 30'. 39V, 30\.+ H15 II l3Vi 13ti .. 31 M '» 10*H 10**-

104 f»V» SI

I I 7U 71*- I.*41 341* 34 34'.* ■» '*13 311. 31'1. 3 m - ’/I 7 151) 15V, 1SVI+ ’»

31 311* 31V. 3I>* ,I* 34 1S^ ISit-f I .14 74lt 34 341*f 1»

174 1*lk lIV) i m f m 41 ii<« II mil ..

337 1l’4 1M« II <i13 40^ 40' 4 0 '^ - U44 11711 11SV, 117^*4 ««

I 4 m 4 m 4 m ,- u31. 451* 44Vi 441* w71 4111 4J 4 iH > M,■ M 31V. 37' 3Hi■ H31 311* i m 3 m ...77 111 1 lm 111 4 IU47 3QH 30'. 3C^

NalOlllll .*0 Nal Can .30 NatOfp 1.05 Nl Laad 1.70 Naidaal 3'^ Nav (Mr 1.14 Nawbarry 1 NEngOI 1,41 NIagMo 1.10 Norlolkwi S NQAmRkl.30 NoNIOi 3.40 NoStPw 1.70 Hw Ban 1.40 Norton SI SI

.44 4\» 4, 4’.33 1|U I l k IIV. ...

M* N H I3U l4U-f H 314 47H U U U -f V| 41 3*V> 39^ 3*V|-f U, 14 14M 14M 14^-f 'A 11 33 31V. j m -

................. U 31 30U SI + '^

Pabaroa 40 73 'Im' llVi- W

CatcoCp .*0eatfarn Air eatlKod la GalonY 1,40 OlPawNO 1 B IB In 1,30 BiMlnt 1,30

Morugram Montan 1,|0 Motorola .40

H S I - . M - ................MurpCo 1,30 4 31V. 33Vi 33V|—

Mat AJrl .40 in^ ...N a m iK i«)0 1..4S1 44. 43'4 4 m -f <4.NalCaiH.-73 34* 311* 37H 3l‘ - f l '.. ... ..

4S I4I« 14 14V)^ M,4S 3 m 30V. 31 -f ^

111 3IU s m 3 1 t ^ W*4 IHH 3* 3* -13 3 m 3I‘4 ]IV> ...

' t i m 14(« I4H— V,35 i m If 1t^ .,.44 14U 14W 14<->— %4t 40H S*Ui S * 1^ W93 17W 14^ IIV1— V.* 451* 4SV|> 4S1*-t- ^

17 31'* >i'.<,-»- VI,I 3)‘.<i 33 33< -f Uk

49 41 . 40. 40 ^-1-------0 ,0— - I

OccldPal Ig 343 30M. I*t> 30M,-f V,OgdanC ,30h 31 13 i m i m -f HOnlo Ed 1,14 33 33 3 m UV,— <4.OklaOB 1.11 a 33H 33W 33S-I- V,OklaNO 1.13 13 I9H II t»H4- WOllnCorp.U 47 IIU 11 IIV1-*-O m arkln4l 3 13«» 13^ l3Vi^OfRoek 1,30 3 i m 1IU. I l l h - V,O llie iC o 3 u 40 3*t«. )* U — wOutb^rdM ) 14 3 m 301% 30N -.Owanlll 1.35 31 47^471* 4 m — H

P a c C a im ” *3 37V. 37 37W+ V ..PacLICI.40 44 3 m 3 m sm -f

PaePal .3Sb 141 37V, 34^ 37i»+ W 1PacPwr 1.31 34 l7Vt 149« 141V- WP c T iT 1.30 . 14 17V, 17^ 17W - HPanAm W A 374 13 134* 13N ,.PanKdl l.M 311 3*UkUV. U V . - V ,ParkaOa .40 I4« 331* 3 m WPann Canlrl 304 7 ^ 7>,<i IV, ...

Paf»nav JC l ' ’1>3 4IW-47W 41PanDlV .IS« II 10H 10\k lOlfe— \kPannPL 1,40 44 30V, 304* 30Ui-f WPartnioll .M 341 30U 30 30V>- V,PaopOl 3.01 34 J4Vi 34 34 — <4Paotica 1 U 47^ 44i* 47H-»-

PhllaBI 1.44 . 145 l**4 1*V% HU.'f %PhlllpM orl 7» 43V. 43^ 43U+ Vb

NEW VORK (U P D -S a lK la d ItOCkt on lha Amarlcan Slock E»cttanga.

SalaMhdtl High Low Lait Chg.Alld Control 3 10 10 10 — ’ .A Pair l.OSd Kl4 lO 'i 30 10ArkLaC 1.70 41 31 37V. 37V,-.- '4BraacanLi 1 — 31 13i-'i I3i* l l ' .n - .'.1ngndy Cp I 14 17V. 17V. 17V.Clary Corp 1 4H 4H 4t*Compula»l 10 17 14H 17CraolaP 3 40 34 33(* 33'* 33'')-^ '•OayAAnMSb 13 13V. 131* 1 3 ^ - u-'c ty «-C * »..................... ...’ **

3.94 i ' l l Line Nal 1 94 9.57i.ap ;>nri 5.51 4 04 Ling Fd 1.55 3 91Cant Shr 10.}7 11.33 LOOMII SAVLBI:CHANNINO Can Ini Ini 34.PUN O li Cap Ov 9.44-9J4Dalan ' 1015 11.11 Mul 13 47 13 47Com SI 1.47 1.41 Luinarn 10 40 11.51Gwtn 4.43 4 14- Magna — 4.0t.-l.l4-Incom 4 13 7.45 Manhin 4 34 4.75

' Spaci ' 1.53 1.47 Mail Fd 1.47 10.40CHAIB BOITOHi M ail Cr 10.4511.43Cap S.94 4 49 Mau Tr 1)17 I4.]9Fnd Ool 7.91 1.44 AAaiat 3 U 3.41

Spot MetalsNEW YORK (UPI) - Metal


flower, thff (Irm says.

Uie blue chip section, as

29.00c. lb.

Elcor Cham DqullyCpSi — 14 Put Rl

SI* SV» S’*

Put RMOur FInCpSD ,30 Ford Can 3 Fronllar Air Gan Dallary Craw’ Hy lb HuihyOl .15 Kaltarliwl 3i Hirbylnd .34 L t« Nall Cp McCul Cp Si MotiiMk Alrl

PacNW 1.04 Pnaom Dyn PUtKBP . IS0 naavH Indi tnalluck On lolllren ,14h ItdAAatal Sk llalham Ini Ivnlak 40g Tacticlr .30*1 UnvConlf il Ulah tor .10 W ii Nuclaar


3 im 1*'-) im-.- ■«140 43V| 43V| 43'^-339 SV. SU 5 W - H33 I7>* 17'/) 17I.-*- ».3 7»» 7V, 7 V . - ' .7 131 13». 1 3 »»- «*

S* 13'« 111. 13133 39H 37>4 39’„ + l ' . ^

4 IV, m IV.-*-'* CmSIFd . . .131 14V| 33«* 34'^-^m COMMOMWLTHII 4’' , 4)« 4 ^ T R U IT i3 SI* SI* S »a - A iB I 31 1.31

I3S0 104 ' 103’a. 103V,— ’. c i D I 44 1 5410 14H 14V, 144*-► I* comp Al I 51 *3417 91* *»» *•*-♦ Comp Cp 191 455

. . . Camp M « M »7 « Comp Fd' ■ 30 *03

• , ComiHl'l 3|] 419V13 W.-) i m I4’.*-*- concrd 110* -----------

ST 001 * 35 10.33 Marldn 11,70 3.7*ipaci 7.U 1.34 Mid Am 4 13 1.37

Cham Fd IS.74 17.3) Mdy'iCo 11.3) 13.31COLONIAL Mdy'l Ftfl^.51 I3.U••UNDti MFdCv I 10.30 10.14CQt 141 171 AAIF Fd 7.47 139Col *4*10 5* M IF G Ih 4.41 S.OICwth 5.17 S45 MuOmOr, <i) (t)

“ bulk-130.0pc-lb.

GO.OOc lb.

not over the past year has

nevertheless advocates a "poBl-

9 * 4 MuOm In' <l) If) Van! 4 to 4 41 Mut thr» 11.3*13 3*

Colum 0 11.00 1100 Mut Tr l,*5 l.*S.............. NBA'Mul *.fih 9.19

Nal ind 1.19 1.19 Nat Inv l U 7,31 N AT IBC IB U i

Baian *.u 10 U

Lead, common, N.' Y. 14.60- tlve tnw ket approai l&.C lb.

lloni Ola ptovlUtm by t: w n w « 8b-a r U a Co,

TJid AikBank of Am. 61.50 62,00Equity Oil 14,12^ 14,62^First Sec. C. 33,00 33.25Garrett 19,00 21.00- .Idaho Pwr. . 50,00 55.00Id a .U tN a t’l 29,00 31.00Itm n.G as 8.75 . 0 ,12^J .S .ln d . 8.00 8,50

.KeUwood. J2 4 :» . 26.00 ■M-Knud 11.50 11.62VPac. Eng. 2.76 3,00P ac .S t.U fe 4.50 5.00Rogers Bros. 18,25 17.25Sierra l ife 3.00 4.00Silver Star Q. .07 .12Surety Ure 4.50 5.00


10^ 3'*

Olvid P< SIK Intom ItKk

'. Gwtnm - H coni Inv 10 II 10 43 Nal Or


4.70 S.14 3 4) 4.03 4)3 110 4.5* 1.03 7.31 7.U 7 *3 * 47

_______ _____ 7*1 1434 74 4 71 Nau Cani 4.51 4 *4 7 45 7 73 Nauwvttl. I7.4S 17,41............. NawWld in i1 l ,3 «

N«.vt0A 13.74 14 17 NlCttOlIl *14 9.14 Naait IT 14.0S 14.05 Ocaan 4.31 4.M O m M i S.I7 I.H 101 Pnd

SE A T T U S(U PI)-G raln ,fob batomV ScatUo:

.Soft-White 1.64White club 1.85 . . . .Hard winter 1.70 ? ’*Com 56.00^,00 Barley 48.00-48,75

11.30 13 35' 101 /nd — i j i t ia 10.5* 11.57 . • 100 P M * ^ lT Jn 3 *7

vt.33 4.11 O n a ^ 13.11 13.U »»,oj n,03

IB 41 i n T OppAIM 9.33 10 61

......... g??- ...........*.3*10.11

Owin 10 73 11.73 Incoma 5.4* 400

7.41 I .U

Cbaril ..........Egral 11.05 1 Emarg.

' m -11.001 S.4I .

t l - l l l -

4.15 7.4*- - ............40 10.33«*aca Fd 7,07 7.73 'PaulRtv 4,17 7.S1fann Iq 7.11 7.11^ann M 3.*1 3 *1* h llt fH 17 47 l i . t fPllOi'm 1.31 |.*7Pina II *,*7 *,*7Plon Ent s,*i 4.44 'Plon Fd 10.40 1I.S0Plannad ( i ( IDP B IC I ROW Ii

ManganesoOO.Opercent,boxed m arket index,regular — 31.25 c lb. , . - —'_________________________________________________Nickel,olectrolyticcathodes,gob straioht d ourdon whiskby , obbDenHAM i. w o rts u to ., pboria , ill. Port Colbome. Ont., 133.00c lb.

Plantlnum, soft, D9.5 fine |130- 135 oz.

Quicksilver,. |350>360 70-lb. flask.

Tin, N, Y. prompt delivery172.50 c lb.

Tungstenpowder, 08.8 per centminimum pure, t3.00 lb.

Zinc, prime western, N. Y.15.50 c lb .; East St, Louis 16.00 c lb.

BUYINGo p p « r fu n l l l * l in iM t a r « o ...........

Must fiavB larw or llveilock background to train in com' p leta know -how of a ll phatBi ol buying and mar- eling. including Cottle Fu­tures. Age 31 to SO. Give O0 j» oTid 9xp*ri9nc9 for ional interview. Wrltei .


D .nv.r, C«J<rotla, I03MMpp/ovad icf Gl haMfio)

A pdval* h«m« tli*dy , . I r a ln ln g •re<>nliall«ii

NBW .VOBK IU 1 TB B NEW YORK (UPlI — ig iO AI-Butla/

narkal Tuatday: OMarlAg* ampli. Da-

Goiiimodity Fut^11 a.m . Today

Prev.n ' doM - High Low -U B»m,

May Idaho Potatoes M-16 $5.21 8 5.10 «5.13Nov. Maine l^ta toes '• IM IBS 182 IBSMay Maine l^ ta tees S.55 3.58 S.50 S.55

IJcirLiVfl CattJB- - 29J5 30.15 ».BS 30.00-----June Uve CatUe ■ M.U 30.42 s o is S0J7Dec. Eggs .3680 .3755 .9806 4700Dec.. Com 14S^ i m 143^ 145Dec. Wheat m 17m MWk 170%:Dec. Silver 17LW 171.S.M 172J0 m JOJuly BUver - 18IM IBSJO ULOO u u o

PORTAND (UPI) - CmtlSji * m i i i i grain, coast delivery prices: "

. While wheat l.«& »-«•> " j n j ij& (t.w hite no bid - pm but i.n ..mwhito club i.e««r---------- - " f g - K ! ' <SU !i ; i 'Hard red wlnlef no bid ; « j j « i<.i j Data no bid • W lB J '. li* '" "

_ t o r l e y « .MC H IC A Q O (U P I)-O r« ln p .k M .M O :) l Im J iu

■,m. COT: v/wtl l U,Prk* l^ti. -CH. lalV v. Im I

; . , J ’+,«>. j:i (“SO* };s

i . i i . Ijim +-OII* I E ; r

, , w ,.,1 , + .»» {;5J

NBW V O R K .B O O l NEW YORK (UPO — ( U I D A I - B m ......--adavr-oth ‘

W HBATD4CMar .......


OaMarvf slow and unaooraailva, WheU- u la ulllno prkai.Irt canI* par. tfoian

S'®* 1 ^* 4 M j’!2 >0 par W l AA, 71

-------fai>ev-tnadiom-|MM,-l»i»af can» 4fA,7l_par cant A, »va, 41 lb,) Milla.3437.

Paney tmall poirad (Min. 7( par «anf A, al/o. U Ib.l Whitt 11-33.

lluAdarcM (Mkt. M par cant B. avo- 41 lb.) >t )l.

Q u o U tio n a b ^ L o u U N .m tt« (b M Tvrio

■?S^b’. '‘ I I (■ilAMkUM''::::::

••UTNAM llUN DIiBqu/tv' 4 t t 7.11 oao 13.49 U.4S0«rth 1.30 9,11Inc M 3 7.71Inv 4.34 4.14Vlftla • 7,1* 7,UVOVO 1.13 I M

Ravara f .M ,' 9.U

Raa« LM io lalam 4.T3 I.W «(HM lr )1,MY4.U

l"lilk Com . t 4 f I .H

. W m 'S',"■aui»

■Hie «lle o( the New Orleani BVench M arket was B u t uaed by Indlaiui u a b a iH ^ g l^ c e ;


B R A M B U D S *

BourbonM yindieFe BOOMOK*


' Iriiilu,' a -io ls 'i- M . )y.'0

=Biiirker o^imistiCrai^ba^’ SAICSON (UIM) —KUsworlh a Krowing roglonnl coo|>orfltlon ‘Hunker, U.S. ambassador U> which will bo fltrong enouKh to South Victiiam. bcllcvos Uiut “dlscoura|*o any advbnturtiim" tiio next decade In will Roo by Qiina. ’ ■ '

Ho added that peace In Asia _la_paaaiblo-iibut-lt-w lH -only

the liext dccnde politically and millt^jrlly-'. for Vietnam and Indochina a s o wholo?

Dunkor: Much will depend on how .the wur In Indochina ends

come about when tJio Conunu- nl«t ri'|{ltni)s in North Korea, North Vietnam and mainland Oilaa renliio it i.q hot ’to their- adVanliiKO ■ lo promote terror

|-and-iiHgr6«fi|o»rln-n«lghl>orlng— Jirea.s.”■ Bunker j(ave written answers to six questions submitto<l to ' hlm by UPI on tho mlllt;iry and political futiireof Indochina and

• Asia shortly before ho loft for Uie United States’ Sunday for- White HousejmVState.Dop^^

^iVonrl'onsu\lntlons. Bunker has ■■^;bccrt-nmbns5fl(lor h r Sal«on . .•since 1(W7;• Tlie que.stiona and. anawers.. follow: . , ' ,

Q! Wliat do you fo’reseo in

-w heU ief^bjr-

Q: Do'you forus(je a kitul 0 / •roKlonal diKpulcs (Indla-Pakls- tinental poacckeepln« force In “ Udrd world" In Asia, neither tjui, Indochina?) . Asia mlftW discouraKo u«Kros-hardline Communist or a n ti- . Bunker: Yes, tlvere can be .slon by tho Communists, but it Comnunilsl? . \ * pence In this area hut It will remains to'ljo sefen wliotJicr wo

Bunker: Porhnim ... alUunijdi only come ahoijt When tho c<iuld havo tho conditions where

settlement or by {;raduiilly reduclny in scale and scope ns North Vletnanj finds It Intrca- sinf’.ly difficult and p s tly to them lo carry on. m eltlicr

contlnuind development of poli­tical and economic Institutions in these counlrlos and a trend toward- reijiohal cooi)eration.- 'Hiu extent of military coopera­tion it( Tndochina will be dlrccliy relntod to U>e behavior of North Vlctnimi.uml Coinmu- nisi Dilna. If Djc latter believe we would"twl* aland by our commitments in Utis area, Uiey

.mlnliL^-wcU-...lncrQasc__ihelr-prossure, by direct or indirect methojls.

•fiotinted—I-wtrald”llabel. Tiiere Is an increaitlni; recoKnitlon amoni: the Aslan countries of the need for further rcijiona^ cooperation— |)arlicularly In economic ;ind

Korea, North VieUiain and effectlvoly. ' llio : history of mainland Qiina realize it is not • |MJacokoopinK forcoa in Iho past lo tlielr advantaite lo pron>oto has been w spotty one, and I do- terror and aiJHresHlon, in not undore.Htimate Uie problems

,............................................... neliilihorinfi areas. I don’t want tliat such « prosence in tills '-iirilllary-ttfi‘ttar;G^uecidl«nd&=rbt:<‘<Miui?flal:7.Qindbe=rtlttHon»=|nrrrnrth0nwjcW‘WrtUl«lTmw^■ already underway and rei(lonal IxJlween India and P^ikislan . • . . .

orKuni/Jilionfl are makiiii; Kood . tjxcept to say Uiat both sides ,.be|(lni1inj!». If this ret;ionallsm undoubtedly see obvioiLS advan-. On Uie other hand, we'believe lis permitted to evolve we can taijes in coming to a peaceful some form of International ejcpectnh Asia which would not .solution to tliolr differences and supervision Is desirable and necessarljy i)e a "tlijril world" .1 hope.>they will make early iHJrhapsan essential element of 'but one which would not be proKres-'i toward this.I'oftl, a fwaco Bottlonient. liwkinBinimical to CoiiimuiJlsl-.Cliiiiu. — .--t; ._________ — tfurllrtr-aheM-J-wouldhopc theYct_nl Uie same lime, would be *' Q; What role do you see for major powers could reach some,

y co lie^c enoiyjh to discourage the. bl}{ pou'^ers? Possibly a dotireo of understandinK Uiat any adventurism by mainland^ continenUiI pcacekeepin({ force would permit tho countries’ In

-Q ilna,^------ ------------------------ ,^ to uiiarantec..accuflty.und-nQn- tbc region to do'yoTop__andQ; Do you Ihink Ihere can l«3 nyijres.sion pacts? • 'pro.iper in accordance wiUi

THEATEfl I boxomcEM A T I M K g m i . . l A T . . f U M .


I l l‘NAKED P U R S U I T ^ '

Anye^ 0 w ith o reciblpt from Alloy Club or Brand

pence wilh so many sub- Hunker: Some .sort of .con- th'clr own desires ond needs.

Monday night pro football doing welt in TV ratings

HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -T iie Monday ni^hl pro football

For a nation In whjch leisure Ume activities have (become aMonday nlyht pro footbaU Ume activities have (become a

Ramos on ABC-TV continue U> lnif{e business, the sc/ieduling ofdo relolively well in the ratiniis, the Monday nlKliji football

■ and I think there’s a psycliolo- ^james was an astute move. For('icid reason for their succe.M In Uie week endina Oct. 11. ns an

. addition to Uic b isic interest of example, the Dctroll-Clilcaf’o• fans, Monday, contest ■ ranked ' a

A Monday ni«ht prime time strhnR 27tli tied w ith Deanfootball Ramc, on lop of the M artin.ln tlie television ralinys

Saturday and Sunsday televised for Uie major markets,gridiron contesls, is video’s . Tliat game, by. Uie way,

. version of, and conlrlbuUon lo , . coihpeted wiUi Bob Hope'sthe •’lontj weekend" way of life NUC-IV special head-on inUiat is so, attractive to working much of the nation. Hope cnmepeople. In Uiird in the major market

II lielps take the drmlnery oul ratinf’s, another powerful sliow-of Mondays. The day’s work, to in« by Uie comedian, a rabid football fan, seems like Well, of course third place only a minor inierruption-to— nmonfrnll'showfflfinTbntrBbl'three days of glorious sports on the o ther hand, Hopeaction.. Suddenly it no longer d id n ’t know the game

seem s like a five-day work out of Uie box either.'riie ratings, by Uie way, arc

offering a continuing mystery [rom week to week, and tluit l.s

week. Mondays are part of the past weekend. And, onceMonday night games hre over, ____________________

‘ ii is only th rS ’lfl^.'.workinB 'th e au'ddonly rcj^arkivblc sl»w__days before Uie A^xt weekend’s |ng of CBS-TV’s ''‘Medical

holiday mood, begins again on Center” series, a prdgram UiatFrtdnyffi ; has no pariicular dlsttnclTon,

J - -

Suddenly it Is right up there in Uie Top 10, or tliereaboul;!. And, followed on Wednesday n iglils by “ Hawaii F ive-0" a cfips and'fobbers .series Uuil also gained popularity after a while on Uie air. It gives CBS- TV two hours of .formidable ratings b^ick-to-bock in a genuine programming One- Uieory is that' the enormous succeiJs of ABC-lVs ; ’Mnrcus Welby, M.D." has s tir re d in te rest in m edical tales.

On Uie oUier hand, CBS-TV also has another medical series,

- n -n e w - o n e ," c n l lc d ~ “ The Interns,’’ and il is going nowhere in Uie ratings. Well, actually, it's not really like "Welby” or anyUiing Uke Uiat. You could easily change the title to •‘Hospital A-Go-Go.'’ I

■ulwuys~'gel Uie feeling it is going to introduce a rock band called “ Group Health."

Artist responds to claim•‘SAN FRANCISCO (U P I)-In

the paintings of Walter Keane, the jjyeshave it, ’ . • ,

But tiie artist and his former wife, also a .painter, are di.sputlng Uiese days over who actuaUyjjdnieiLttie_J)lg!cy£(L walTniiat sold so well during the past decade.

Keane responded publicly for Uie first time Sunday to Margaret Keane McGuire’s claim th'at she did aU the "eyes" paintings wiiile her former husband promoted arid .sold them.

"I wa^ flabbergasted Jietuid- ly, ah(I a f irioss 'for'‘\vor"ds' al first,’’ said Keane, who added that he is now amused by, tlie claims of the former Mrs., Keane.

Tlie painter ignored iier challenge to » painting duel "at high noon" in a downtown Sjiu Francisco Park., "Tlie really surprising thing,

-is thal il’s-Mnrgaret getting up and saying this," Keane said.

It isn't at all like her. I

Priest in 10th year as " Insight’ producer

IlOLLYWOODlUPD-Televl- sion's most unlikely producer is a towering blond giant whose, show is ‘insigh t," and whose mes.sage is the Ten Command­ments;

He is the Rev. fillwood Kiek-r, ' a Homan CaUiolIc priest who could pUiy lineback-

"cr'fnr'thG Green Bay Packers,Kieser is in 'his 10th year of

prodiicing Uie half-hour syndi­cated series, which is seen in 270 m arkets without commer­cial sponsors.

A hip man of tiie cloth, Kieser digs show h h us weU us religion. Some of his observa­tions and tactics might have

-shocked thf* church’ a cl'ncra- tion ago. Today tiiey are acceptable.

• The nice p a rt al)out our slidw is that it’s not 'siiown jn the roligious ghetto of television - Sunday niornings.''. thc.priest

■ sail!•in places it is aired on

Suntlay afternoons, frequently -beforu-or—after—Uic—foolbaU—

games. We get a larger audienei’ iliat waj'."

Tliose who give are Uie actors whO' work for union minilnum sca|e and Uien turn oyer thuir checks ns donations' to 'the siiow,

Among Uio. performers who have given their Uilenl.s lo "Insight” are Jane Wyman, Jack Albertson, . Brian Keith, Ann Sothern, P e ter Fonda, Howard Duff, Beau Bridges, Anne Francis, Barry Sullivan and Hobert Lansing,

/\n innocent smile adorns Kieser's teutonic features as he silently blesses good people who donate Uieir Ume.

TOMORROW!!• F ro m th e c o u n try th n t

__dnvf? y o u ^ l.A W O M A N " .lN C ;A ''a n d ‘M A M C U U rO T rS’"

' T A N N Y M ILL' it- ;i • p f j f n n -c i , i c ! "

’1(1 tlioio v.iUi, ',r;x ;mc] luvt iiU

Dlstiibulca b y C I N E M M lO W I M D U S T W E S -C O L O R b y D o Lu «o '

Television Schedulerremember her as a sweet Kieser explained Uial

Tuotday, October }o, |«70

2D — Tru in or C onj«iuencc» 4 — TrulH or Consoquoncci

5 '— Nows, Wcflliicr, Sports 7D - Julia •11 - Green Acres

4:]02SL - - Don Knotli

, - - Hpo Haw S - Hcc Hav, .\i - Hee haw3 — Movu- "W iia WomiTi '7B — MOviC. ’.'Wild Womun”

- 4 — Mod Squad - - • 7SL - W'sluroocrs

e - Juiin7:00 '

7SL - NCA-B '-- M o viv •"M0U5L’ of Caras"

• >;303SL - Juli.1 2D - Sfvun-Scfls4 — Movie Women"5 •• Dofil Day 11 - Doris D.iy 7SL - Uliifi Tr,vis

4 *- TruiM or Consetiueocus 3 — News. Wonther, Sport*5 — Nows, Woftthcr. Sports

, 70 — Make Room (or Grandaaddy 4:» .

2SL — Men from ShKoh —3R-

11:00 - 2D — Moviu: "F ra u fo ln '’4 — News. Woat'nor, Sports 7SL — FIgurino II Out

11;1S7SL — Communtl/ Alert

perjion, very shy and retiring, and a sensitive artist. I simply

-po fu9e-to -i> o lieve'liiH l-'W a3-lie i> - own idea."

Mrs. McGuire, who lives in Honolulu with her sportswriter

s ig h t" is not a recru itm en t proi{rnm for tlie Vatican, ,

— ^Our—slopiea-are—aimeil—a l- Uiose with no religious commit- iiient." he .said. •'It is not an ecclesiastical show. It’s a

3 — Govornot- and J J.11 — Governor and J J.* — Eddie’s Father 5 — Political Talk 7SL — Mlsterooers .7D - Room 222

7:002D — Dovorly Hillbillies3 — Medical Center 5 - - Medical Center4 — Make Room tor Ornnddaddy 7SL - K U ^ D SpL‘cial70 — Johnny Casti . a — Johnny Caui '11 — Music Hall

7:30 ‘ ;30 — Grotfi Acres '4 -- Room 222 ' -7SU — Across ttie F it c c


husband, made thtf accusations profiindly humauishow which last week. Slie was in town, to doesn’t deal explicitly with the finish work on a lithograph; church.”

4 — DlckCavott

-'S — M ovie: ’■Raclno'aiood"12:00

3 S L ~ ^ to v ^ e ; ’ 'Dfivit Takes Ttiroc" 1:00

■ 4 - - M ovie- "Ttie F u ry of Actiilles"

series to be sold at a local gallery. . .

She said her former husband had n genius for marketing and publicity, but absolutely none for-painting.

Still,' Kieser manages to make sure certain Qiristian values are Uiere.

One concept of a iristianity he .effectively is thnt it i.s better to give Uian receive.

Ql C.12SL - MOvit -Hou'•1 - HoOJn'v Heroei 5 - CHS News Sprcuii 7SL — Per(orm,inct:7h - - Marcus W elOyTM D 11 - Miircus Weit3,T*MD

8:3020 — V y Three ioni 3 - Odfl Couple 7SL - D U E D M,.ifi.wmi.-

V:0020 - MfO.c^l Ci'fiiur3 — Au«usi4 - Marcus Wl-lt;y. M D

_ 0 — Marcus Weiny, M D

11 — H-iWflii (J 7SL - - Aclvoc.tU'S 7 » • Don Knotis

10.0025L - tJows, V;e,ith(.T, Sports 20 — News. Wciiihei-. Sports

2SL — Four 7Q - Four 8 - 'Four in 11 — Four i 2D - Movil

in One n Of%e One One. "ReO Skios ol Mon-

Man Who Shot3 “ Movie: '-T Liberty Valance'4 — Johnny Cash • ”5 — Movie: ’ ’The Hflngi-d M an" 7SL — Julia ‘Child

1:307SL. - Civilisation

9:(J02SL - MuSic Hall

- Music Anil 8 — Music Hnli 4 — Dan Auyust H — Jotmny Cash

7SL - nolit.c '70

3 - Nev.

7D - - lu-ws. Weather, Sports U - - News. Weulher. Sports 11 — News, Wealher, Sports4 -• l»«rfv Mason

10:302SL - Johnny CaTson

. 7D — johnny Carson il — Johnny Carson 20 - CDS News Special3 - CHS News Special 11 — COS News Special

10:405 Suspense Ttieatre

11:004 - News, W ea'hej,'Sports4 • Dick Cavell

11:405 Movie. "A Privole's Aftair'

12:002SL - Movie: ’'Remains to t)e

W «d «io id a v ,O c lo b ira i. 1*70

p.m .. on Jsl, 7|j and. S - Music Hall. Dob Goulef, Carol Lawronco. Martin Landau and ilarbara (tain

5 - Pollilcal Ta lk 10:00

2SU — Nows, Weather, Sports 211 “ News, Weather, Sporis3 ~ News, Weather, Sports5 — Nows, Weather, Sporis 7D — News, Weather, Sports B — News, Wiiaiher. Sports II — News. Weaitiur. Sporis4 — Perry Maton 7SL -• Homewood

10:303SU — Johnny Carson 70 •- Johnny Carson6 - Johnny Carson 30 — Ouck Owens3 - Slorelront Lawyers'11 - Oold Ones

• »0:405 - Suspense Theaire

'Hie U.S. population in 1830

D U E T O L A C K O F F O O D ^ B U L K IN V O U R D IE T ■

T R VPrtof Girtnftro cJancors.

Cvtnlno '*4iM

3D -* Truth or Con«B<iuDncc»



' P B A W N S■ v n v D A y

(^luti 12 d iffa re n i , kinds o f p a n d a lie i

a n d 8 ty p M b f/w d ffl8 i


M n t e r d —

s . j „ o j - 0 - i e u

'F R ID A Y , O C T O B E R 2 3 rd 7 to 11 p .m .

Alt you can e a i . . .A d u lts .............................. ............. .. . *3.50C h ild re n u n d e r 1 2 ..................M .7 5

u n i e r d

n n u a i l b

S A T U R D A Y , O C T O B E R 2 4 th7 p .m .

,.PorPlalo M

F e a tu r in g :• R o a s t Prinne

’ r ib a u jus

Both Buf fe t Dinners S e r v e d b y C f i e f C o f f e y '

In th e P o m e re llo R oo m a t th o P o r id e ro s a C o n v e n t io n C e n te r


-■ P l e n t y i f F r e e . P n r k i n i <

■ \ e x l l o ' t h r G o l J C o u r s e

F e a t u r in g :• Fresh C racked C rab• Lobster Nowburg• Shrimp Chow Yul<• Baron of Bed icookod <>« you i>kc>• O ther delicious dishes & ass't. salads



Agencyio yiew"'

programprogram for next yonr’s ' opcrotlon of Uie South Contra! Community Action Agcneywlll

'be reviewed'when Ujc Twin Kails County board m eol^at 8 p. m. WodnouUiy nt the Episcopal

• Giiir’ch.' - - —Ijirry Mack. CAA director,

•sflJd l)jo work profjrom has evolved from n planning cycle, which ended in AuKust and from pi'iorilles which ;w ero

' estiibllshed iit 14 moetinKs in tlie tri-county after the cycle.

-He M id-he-w lJf-^osent-.fl—I .preview Of staff mo<liflcntlon and reviHion 'darlhH 'th e mcetinR. Tito bdnrd nlflo will

, -discusM the seven and one-linli I» r ccntToductlonin-He«d-St«rl fjintifl. Mnck saiti he did not know whiit the local im> plications of the cutback would be, but lioped to liave 'a ' plan ready for presentiilion to the board Wednesday. '

f?oy Sloften, board member. Mack said, will review the OEO evaluation of the CAA and present a report on it.

Hansen to sign/ lease

W J H M i l

trusteed- '

Tlme»'NoWt, Twin. Palls, Idah6 Tueiday< October 30. W70

7t3visory r council

TWIN FAIXS — TVustoos of buUdinfi dufinu Its uso by u. charged by a Brpup using the -Ihe-Golledfi-of-Soulhem-Idaho-iMjbllo-iiroup)—W-(or-8up()ort bulldlnii^Whfin—fldmlsaloa. is

Monday ovcnlUB approved a («! personnel In tho malntc(ionco' ■ ■■ •schedule for use of the now building;; .'124,. four , socurltypliyslclileilucatlUnbuUdlngond personnel for pirWnKi $71.50,heard 0 report on other (inmpiia “ hea t d em a n d ;'' »1S0 forconstruction. llBlitlng, and $80 for 40 man-

to m eet

choriicd;' tho fees, are 1400 for each usa^e, day or 9yoninj{; 1150 per afternoon or evenbig for’ rehearsals or Betting up; and 1250 per day for building

rnacrg^crctttiimp'. "==: ■' : ------3d 3 rut=utl»tgLiti}dg;tc4 = w i c r : :considering a proposal outlblng Other estimated costs for use 'Hie' maximum time- to bo.

. eslimatod cdsta of use of tho of the gymnasium include 115 alidW6d-flny'gftUp-WIU-bS~13— building'whldi would equal for w ater, 115.50, restroom days. '

_ _ -JW IN F A l^ tS — Organization about W35.M for one session by supplies, 17, depreclalion of When no admission is to bo IM ) f tho new ly appointed T w in '® Sroup. . • ■ lighting equipment, 115, use and diafged, the fees will be $200 for

Falls Youth Advisory Council Is IliO cost breakdown Includes dopreclptlon.of air filters and each performance, IlOO per day sdiedulcd Wednesday morning ll& forancloctrlclan;;|10.50for $16 fo r aii'nngemfant of seatbg . for rehearsals and 1100 per day

•• P a u l-O s ty n i - city council --------(eclmlcal work, with amember. announc(^ today. custodial'costs; |3 2 M Tlie fe'o schedule 'allow s-a mftximum of three dnyrallow ^-

Ho said tho youth selected »«cuHty officers in the varia tion If adm ission Is for such usage.


HANSEN - Bill Wiseman, clinirman of the Hansen Sewer find, Wfltcr Im provem ent Association, was given autliority at a meeting of the group Monday night to draw up a lease agreement wiUi Uie city of Hansen for instullatlon of a pump on tire newly dug well.

The well has been completed as part of tlie city’s sewage ahd. water project, financed by a IlfiO.OOO FHA loan. Wlslman said the Installation of the pump

Hold workslKkp. . .MRS. EDYTIIED.KOONTZ, left, Twin FallB, Others participating were Mrs. P«nrl. Fleid,

Rocky Mountain regional governor, conducted president, of the Idaho Falls club, and Lucy the Idaho slate SoroptimlHt meeting over U ie. HiRRlns, Boise, parllamculorlan.-

from all interest groups at local jun io r and senior high schools will m eet at 7 a. m . Wodnesdiay at tho Rogerson coffeo shop for a breakfast session. A chairman will bo named and committee assignments modo.

AplMlnted two weeks ago, tho group will servo os an' advisory unit to Uie clty douncil on youUi

'and-govem m ont as a whole. Ostyn said Jam es Adams* stale youth coordinator, met wiUi him last week to discuss youUi council Activities.

“When wc complete organizaUon, wo will have one of Uie first if not tho first'such councils funcUonlng In Idaho,” Ostyn said.

Majii' ValleyCommercial orRBnlzatlohs

will pfiy $76 per hour with a $200

South Parksewer e

Lack of funds term inates (chamber post at K etchum


City property owners would pay for Michaels Uieir share of the improvement.

TWIN FALLS - Engineer Georgeadvised oily council members Including lateral lines over 10 toMonday night It will coU the 20 years,city $4,SOO for its share of anew He said his department hassewer scrvlce for a group of worked this out on a basis ofSouUi Park liomcs where no to.35 per lineal foot of proptirty sower fncilitios a re now if paid for in 10 years, and W.Q9available. per foot If extended the full 20

QuUinlnij qosta of the SouUi years because of higher Interest

KETCHUM - Kotchum office. Helen Dupuis will be In Qiamber of Commerce officials Uieoffice from 1 to 3 p. m . week*said today the full-tim e days to handle phone calls,m anager’s position, held for the * Nelson, who has maintained a

V Nelson, has liome In Hailey for Uie past twothe- , years, _M ld _ li!!_ n C B m L U »

(rom Installation of the scwnte remainder of the year due to necessity of Uie clmnee and haslock of sufficient funds. enjoyed worklna with the

Althoj«lLN’olsonJsjio longer m em bers of the K ctchum bersh ip behind It, , bofee of llOfor Ihc^eweT^^^ “ m m u n lly n re a'uW'Tjecause f ln n n c ljirS u p p o rt and’ par-

rccelvcd. In addition to Uie r j i n I ? » . t ^ ^ Jim iiiiiiiofcc,»5wiiibccharRcd 1 , m a u w o u n c i e c i

_pcc_huiir—n ftfir tli<> . l w n __________________________ ______________ho u rs .

muumum, and a maximum of 72 hours allowed. Conventions will pay >50 per hour if no ad­mission is charged, with a 1200 m inim um ; if admission is cliarge^. U)0 first fee schedule Is put Into effect, as with w v public group . charging (ia« mission.

Dr. Taylor said there has been a problem with groups wishing t^ rent/ tho Fine A rts '' Auditoriumt U)en oxpocting to use Uie hall at no diarge in

' advance of the perfomiancc for, "testing tho sound" or "trying I t,. on for size."

Such use In tho { education building wlU require a cliarge, Dr^ Taylor 'said.

Tho tru s tees appi'ovod b request from Dr. Taylor that Uio Lyceum Conunlttoo act as Uie board's agent in handling public rentals and uso of thev . physical education building. The committee has approved tho fee schedule. Dr. Taylor said.

Thehealth^physicsl education - buUdlng Is essenUally complete, Dr. Taylor reported to the-


. . . r, , Locust project under a local charges. Total cost of the lateral improvement district plan, he sewers would bo W,500 and if

only half of the merchants in coupcllmen Monday night in* said the city’s 14,500 would build, Uic property owners choose to .......................................... .......................... .......................... .......................-K etchum , including the sU-ucted city attorney WUllam Uio short hinin trunk line while pay cash the cost will be 14.60 . -board. A represenUUve of thou tilities , con tribu ted mem* Parsons to-am end Uie city’s . . . . . . . .beraliip support this year, not sewer and water rate chorges to cnougl) funds were avoUable to include Increases overlooked inprovide a payroU for, 12 m ont^ .. two calCgQCic^____ _______

"Any chamber of commcrce Tfieiwj are an Incrcasnfi .lhe only as good as the mcm- sewer flat ra te for apartments r C C C l V 0 S ,bersh ip behind It. , both In and the water rate for motels..____ I ____ _____________

^ w a rd 'C T O T wa^ lippoUitcd f k l 7 w r U f » o l f Cl serve a soctlon of South UKUst (talrwoy, Dr. Taylor said. In.......................... - - deputy sanitation off cer. u i i i u nddltlon, Uiere may bo a few

programs, he said. — Under suspension of Uie rules, q-,rTV] i c 'hia Canyon with clty 'provlding the items to bo “brought up to ourQiamber directors have not councUmcin voted to chonge the •- iw iN tALLS — ine iwm r«A«t k,.

per fool, he said.Ho sold law requires GO per

cent of the property owners to.___ sign , th e /p e ti tio n . for_ the

™facllTfic8 and rough surveys indicate 02.5 pe cent are now in

------ favo^,41io-proposcd-Unc-would-

federal office of education, De« Moore, toured Uio buUdlng on Monday to determine the state of Uto construction. T h e i:e j^ a few Items yot to be deu^ and Installed , including an intftrlnr rn lling around

Dem os^ d resschamber

BURLEY - 1 Burley ainm bcr of Commerce members heard two D em ocratic candidates voice Uieir views ot o.luncheon Monday noon.

Candidates were ciur.cncc P«rr, who Is seeking the post of

“ Cassia-COUilty~represcnlntlve" , on the Democratic ticket; and

Robert Saxvlk, Dem ocratic candidate for state senator.

Roth . cand idates ' filed .nominating petition.^ following Uie prim ary election in August.

They were introduced by Charles Hendrick.«}, of the chamber, who also announced th at the Dem ocratic iieadquarte rs would rem ain open each evening until the Nov, 3 election. Tlie office Is located across the street from Uie city haU.

E rn est B lauer, cham ber presldenl, announced that a board meeting will be con­ducted at 7 a.m. Oct. 29 at Bryan’s Cafe.

TW IN FA U ^ — A Twin Falls plained the aliootlng was an after m embership contributionsman who was Injured earl;^ accident ond no charges have a^o ogpin submitted after thotoday in a aliootlng in Twin been filed. first of the year,

- Nelson, who said he has noh i V t r n n r ^ t immediate plans for tho future

i i w i . except to remain in the orea, TWIN FALLS - Twin Falls udvbcflleiT’a aiiiglfi chAmbef

municipal firemen answered a organization for the entire Woodcall at 11:20 p .m . Monday from River Valloy Instead of tho1782 Eldridge, the residence of sm aller organizotions for theRalph Garrison. individual communities.

Firemen said an oil stove In "A concentrated effort wcJld Uie frame homo overhoQtod,.but bc -better for the county," heUierewasnoflro. sold.

FaUs was releosed from Magic Volley M emorial Hospital following U'catmcnt.

City police said George Bnlles was sliot Uirough the left leg above the knep and through the left foot about 2:10 a. m . as he and two other men sat in a car on Fourth Avenue West.

Offlcers said Uio men ox-

w . . . . M . x - ,.w. ------------------------------- linc 'lnto Uie canyon to meet BtondnrdB" by tho bondingyet made a dcclsloa as to what jonlng of Uio area whwo the J th l cnur "ower ll"i!». company which Insured the.vrtlLbtaono Jtau U h elp o aJtlo n , Jlalry_Que™ ^ S City officials took no action on performance of Ui» contractor,

com m crclarto IndlfatrlU m tH ' Uie district, pendlng“ hr»ald ;---------------- -j ro a also includes Uio house on further visits with owners of All fimiltiiro tor Uio buildingtm ie r Avcnuo which Is to ot ifto Idnlio ( i n ^ t u l on. , , i„ .....................................................“

bcMmo Froderlckson Hobby „ Tliere a?e m i o L s to bo servedand Crafts business. Secretory of S ta te Pete . . . . .

CoundUnen also set Nov. J o s C enarruia, com pares the ond mur o[ inoso are owneu uyth rd n trtirh lre -a 'g o lf- p rorand prosent Idaho ConsUtuUon wiUitold John HiHIng Ujo city is the revised version and com- unablo to provide any services “1 7 “ ownersto nreos outside Uie city limits. U»W«t ^ to sn o stand elUier for ™ ,, , ,.He was inquiring about the or ngalmt adoption of tho *

has been shipped and should be in placo wiUtln a week, the CSI president added.-

The student union and multi* purpose buildings a re ap>

posslbUity of putUng a 100-unlt revision, but was printed as an traUer court on SouUi Overland -cxplanalion and clarification ofnear Farm ers Comer.

Ketchuni council approves project, KETCHUM - Plans-for\ o'

five-unit model condominium at Warm Springs were opproved and the building perm it issued by Uie Kelchijm City CojincJJ Monday. ‘

Tlie International Village o t , Warm Springs Condominiums.

planned by Worm Springs be'droom studios. Estim ated surrounding property owners.Properties Corp., win include 30 cost of construction for Uie five Mayor Kenneth Richey said 1 *. J 'units, tlie initial five of which units wiU be $85,000, acco rd in g 'h e will InsU-uct the chief of C O r n p l C l G C lwill be built this vfinr.TliP fnijil to Jim Ruscitto, orchitect for police, Dennis Haynes, to ^

non'Tesldonts -and are rented.No comnfiltment h as been __ ________received from these property ^ o i^ a t e l y io pe*r cent com*--------- plete. "We could have a bond

. . aale within a couple of weeks,"purchase of parking meters in Taylor said. How ever.Uie downtown area was ap- getUng the proper document*

a t y M anager KUlw_ ^ p ro v ed by Iho D e p a ^All Idaho voters wUl decldo “ W »"» TiW rocelved jJoujdng and tirbm ' Develop-

whoUier to adopt Uie revised In tho first openUig M d pMkln^ ( h u D) hss been aconstitution I n 't h e general * “ ‘ '1 , problem ^ c e the HUD agm cyclecUon Nov 3. ' change in siMciflcationa Avould n , p „ ,.

be desirab le for the n e v ir - 'y j„ j ..u ,, p „ p j , („ p„^.„ . - <lowntown parking spaces. 4 ,„ .t imow about US and


U)e diangcs.

will be built this year. Tlie total ...................uniis-will-cover D2.800 squflre - th e f i r m '- " - - feet.

Each of the unite will enclose 400 square feet and will be one-

CSI students returnTWIN FALLS - Three

student government officers of Uie College of SouUiern Idaho returned Monday after a Uirce- day conference in Boise for S t u d e n t G o v e r n m e n t Aisoclation members.

Tlioso attending Included Red

B arber,, CSI student body p residen t, and Doug E. Tremaine and Dan Watson,

The building permit and three others approved Mondoy_nlght brought the total new con­struction costs In Ketchum so far this 'year to $2,724,6fl37nie total for 1060 was $1,800,000.

Mrs., Jack Allred, parttlme Kctchum resident, requested tho courtcll J p_..Investigate vandalism on property on ^x th

— -conduot— a - thorough— in*-.

academic^ senator^ of the CSI Street near Wood lUver. 9 iestudent government' program, said because of the severe,T rem aine also presen ted a repeated destruction, her in- report on drugs on tho campus surance has been conceled, asduring tho meeting. well os policies for several

vestigation of the matter.Councilmen also placed on

first reading Ordinance ISO, changing the zoning of obout two acres of land owned by Mary Rchon in the western part of town from limited residential to mobile homos.

In oUier buslrjoss. councilmen tentatively scheduled a joint meeting with Uie Sun Valley Water and Sewer District Board fo r .N o v . 10 to determ ine proportionate shares of the sewer plant cost.

auUiorlzcd a call for bids on Nov. 12 for.Uobillty insurance on B Uiree year period.

TWIN FALLS — -State hlgh^L— Jidflw lll bo opened Nov.-5 a t 4way olliclals have c o n v e r t e d P.m. lo r Hve new city vehicles the truffle lig h t on Second which havo been provided for inAvcnuo SouUi n t intcrsoction U'o current budget. Thoso In-wlth Socond SU-cot to aiflnsher elude Uiree now police cars and light, city m anager Jean ■ Mnar-Hv« pIckups-foiL various-cityannounced today. dopartmonts. .

He sold under Uie rocon- Chief of Police Frank Barnettstructlon plan for Twin Falls, was auUiorliod to sot a date forSecond Street will no longer snlo of unclaimed cars andhave 'th ro u g h tra ffic an d blcycloa tho pjlico departmentbecause of Uils Uio highway now h as In sto rage. Ho department has decided U. S, 30 suggested Nov. 20 at 10 d.m. otoast bound traffic should not bo >ho city lot on Washhigtonrequired to stop for Uie full Street and 4Ui Avo. W., as timetraffic cycle, ond pinco for sale.

Hansen due Thursday

TWIN FALLS Congressman Orva) Hansen, R> Idaho, will be campaigning In tho Magic Valley a re a on niursday.

His announced Itinerary Includes a visit to Twin Falls following a se rie s of - engagem ents In Bonneville County and at Arco on Wed* nesday.


(Editors note: This Is the eighth of several dispatches out- lliUng the V|ews of the various baudldates for state and'con* greislonp] office In the Nov. 3 genera] elecUon. They ore bas*

' ed on exeluslve interviews wlUi each of the candidates. Today '-a tto m ey g en era l.)

By RICIIARD aiARNOCK BOISE (U Pl) - Republican

Inoumbcnt"Robert M.-Robsorr and his opponent. Democrat W. AnUiony (Tony) Park , agree Uiat Uio post of attorney gen*

- oral often U a political step­ping stone.'

* BufthBjr d trnot neceasarUy agree it should be removed

ifrom the partisan . political V e n a and put on a non-parti*

Jan-tiRkftt, R lm llnr..................

whole lot of difference provld* Ing' they’don't use the olflce for political purposes."

Park disagreed wiUt Ura Idea of niaking It non-partisan.

"Even though Uie' attorney general Is Uie U all cohstitutioni dopartmonts, ho Is aUll sible to tho people ultimate] Park said.

have tlie skilled people In the where Uie lawvera a t Uie state Land Department or tho HoalUi level wore working directly wlUi

wlw resigned to stop up to thoSupreme Court. Before Ills ap- .............................. , ^ .polntmenti Robson pracUce<l .Department o r this office. Uie state pollco and local lawlaw a t Kellogg and, prior to We've just scrotclied tho sur- enforcement officers and whereUiat, at GrangovlUe. lie Is a faco really on aomo of the pro^ we havo some autliority to in-

,. ........... formerproaecutlngattomeyand gram s wo'vo startisd.’I t takes tervenew tiorelhingsarenotoe-ii adviser fo i^ 'during Uie Elsenhower adminis; tim e to develop the baslclnfor* Ing done...."officers and tratlon was dlsU-ict attorney for motion 11 Ukoa jo bring legal^ Park : "Tho uttortiey gener-

respon* the Pacific T rust Territories, action." al'a rolo Is, of course, basicallylate ly .'' Park, 35, was bom in souUi* ' to be the legal officer, coun-

eastem Idaho and reared In the • Park: "I don't think the pros- selor and lawyer for tha state Brtliw-aMflt.Hft-wa^.flr.a<lnated.,. eht^tQrnBV,jtenefaL'a-OtflMJg_agencies. the consUtuUonal offl-from Boise Junior C^ollegif and uniformly and wnslstently cn- cera and generally for the peo-"We . ............ .................................. _

vo seen oxamplf^ Where > from -the iJinvfiVTlltjrct1fdahar~fDrctnffT)Ur .politico has entered Into the He has degrees boUi In law ahd A lack of conslateni action has mental sense. I don't Utlnk Umtodvlce which h as been given by pollUcal science; Ho practices typified Uie Incumbent’s ap* enytM rtlcuUratrenglhenirttf ofU)o incumbent attorney g w e r a r law In BoUe. ■ ’ proach to enforcement of our Uie lawa or Uie*oontUtuUon->lstoT&pposiiigiwUUcal officehold-— ' ’r t i e r 'indicated-U iey hove existlnu laws against m ajor In- required a t Uila time..,,*'ers," ho aald, mwUoning the many areas of disagreement dus(rlei..,;I would not tiraat Q. "How best ^ you N le v e battle between Auditor Joe WU« about the office whon.U^oy ans- liams, a Demobrat^and the Re- wered Uiese questions:

on the supreme or d istrict courts."Yes, Uio analogy idUi tho

judges is very «lmUar;'‘^Robaon said, “ I have had a poUoy here of not asking people I recruit what political talUi they hold. Add, as you louw, I have Dem- ocriits as well as RepubUcaiti on my sUilf,

"I'm Interested in Uielr p « - f ^ o n a l ability. Because Uiii is a professional office' I don't Uiink Uieir politics m aitet a

Amalgamated Sugar Co. one Uie state should dul'w iU l suchway and Simpiol Industries — problems as ■ campus unrest

Jiihllrnfi B nardof EiMminers, Q. “ t s Uiere anyUilna not be- or any oUier polluter — hi a andorv lo lenceT .,.dv llriilh la7 H« said 1/ an office Is run «» Ini UoM now which you would d ir~

system itself has b be the de- , fender of human rlghhi:...! have volunUrUy set up a consum er' protection division to help the public. We've bden tuccessfid in a couple of instances W putting down people who hsve engaged in large scale ErauduIehC prac- Uces.'”

P arle " I ’m laUsfled that Uie roipoctlve administrators on each campus will be able’ to

' Mijg- WUI-gliytMnii Uiat may -

should get out of handjand < ot Uie local admlniitraliir’s con­trol, Uie statem ust be prepared to act to protect lives and p i w erty. The Natlonaiauard should be considered only a s a las t re- s o t t .„ n aeems to n)e..,.that Uie

's ofllce can.

a professional agency and pro- fesslQnal.'standarda are main­tained Uie "political" problem will not e ils t.

"lUdnk th a t U you m ake Uie

do 11 elected attorney general — Uiat Is, legal actions specUical- ly for which Uiis office Is re­sponsible?"

Robsoni "H iere are someofnce Into a jion-pattissn posl- Uiings I would like to do In the Uon much of Uie Inherent re- area of consumer protection

islv( s to the dectoratecould be lost,” P a rk said,

Robson, 4>, w as appointed a t­torney f e n « a l In January, lt69, to su o cm 'M ilan G .'S hepard

Q. "What do you consider to be Uie attorney general's role Robson: " I have no reason to In overall law enforcement in suspect w e're going to hl|Ve any Idaho...(and does) It need any campua vlolenee an any cam- strcngthenlng?" .. |i iis ^ in Idaho a t thU diiM.,..

RobsuI "M yauthority la e (- (B u D 'm h a v a to a ssp m e ttc a n lreinilyllmlted,.,ttiestate agen- happm.. In order to prevent a

_ _ _ _ d e s are m erely supplementary K « t t o t e we have to draw theto because I don't h iv e Uie peo-' pe«|ile wid supporters o( local Une In the minds of Uie pubUo; pie. There a re some things In Imf enforcement agenclea.,.,1 and students on what 1 irf Uie a rea of twUuUon control I would like to aee a state de- tctiori will or will not Im tol- would like to. Ifo.:,but I * n t partm ent-df . justice set ^ ^ « a te ( l.. ,,t; if lp ia le ly /th e co irt.

rea |grM aivftlaadar~ In the guidance and coun-

ol the QvU Rlghta Cony........ j,,.4di(h,’lO)|isumer|«i.

te c t ln lawa are.wMluUy a n ti- ;■ UiealtonM yqua(ei).'l balieva


^ i d . e l i n e d

h l i s t e r ^ S k i n s 3 4 - 2 0-JUCt,AlfTA (IIPI) - ,-Q m lu ia n y oha Jorry Quurry, uttor o "Ne w YORK (DPI)—Joo Na- bamrol the tHumb Iji his right Monclnjweek of hnggllnij, anrt^otl 'njilh, who has novor mlsMtl n wrist—hla Uicowlitg h a n d .,

toUw-luilgcs and a rcg^arM aM hganio IwaUM of n io Injury- was • sulforodroforoo'sMroUiolrlioavywolght . w talury In pro ball, wlU bo Sm Jay In Iho Now York Jets’bout horo Oct. 28. . .■ sidelined Sunday tecauso of a j j- ja loss to the Baltimore Colts

-Tlio tliihtcrs also agreed t o . t h e wasn’t rovcUod . untillUio tile Now York alato scoring ^ 'Bueks’

OAKI.AND ( UPI ) -A revived H ew itt DIxpn ■ shnllered t|ic Washington defense' for 1B4

_j:ncdaj:uahlnB .iin(M uartcchack UiiryIe~T3iiioiilcB flifedThreo

— 6c!!clng.p»sseaMpndnyjilRhLte. Uic Onklnnd Raiders blistered

tlic ,IIcd.iklns ^4-^.Troubled by kiieo nnd shoul­

der m iseries just wason.'Dlxon

Plril downt —H0U»ln0 P«»Hna V«rtlli0«

'Naturn v*rd*g«

punished the Redskins with n masterful 39-ynrd «corinR dnsh the first time .Onlcl/tnd Kot tlie hall. He compiled his most prwlijctlverushinnporformnticc since 1068 in helping set up Lnnionica's touclulown passes of 2fl nnd 2-1 yards to,W arren Wells and lf> yards to Oinrlie •Smillrr

Dixon, a muscular eii’ht-ycar " pro from Florida A&M, Jolted

Redskin defenders H'ith a brut/il straight a rm nnd repeatedly carried tncklers with him to rack up .IW yards in U>c first

' half on'only 10 carries. — - Ijjmonica completed -19 of. 27

passes, for'232 yards to offset a fine perfonnance by H*year veteran Sonny Jurgenscn. Tiie expert Washington- jiasser hit

ISU fi lm

d iarley . Tiiylnr^for a .19-yiird' power Hwcep and tfien cut atl'TO play and found Jerry Smith' tlie wi^y |to tjio rlgHl'ilHelino on

• from 2.1 yards in addition to pakland 's first piny from his Ifi p ac ing atteirtpti/In the' _{U)ttlng up a p»ir of field goals Bcr|mn\ngo to spark on early first half tp 'provont a Iliiidcr

" liy Curt Knight. ' , 14-Ot odvnntage. : ■ runaway and. m ake the scoreDfxon turned .loft end on a After .Lam onlca's f irst TD 20-13 at IntcrmiBslon.

fiyRt^n'.wherein tho fight wUl-bo decided by which fighter wins Uio most rounds. A KHwlnta- per-round score .Vlll break a deadlock If (hQ roundi come outeven. • ■ ■'___ ----------

S p o k c sm n n M u rf tiy Goodmunim!(P&iaHlncihlhoro a re no cxporlonced-boxing of/j.clals In Georgia.. 'flic of' fici'ols-will bfl brought in from

sayt it le s in hag

MTfjWAUKEE (UPI) — The chuinplonsliipi after only one MilwaukeoDucks—in the minds' game and ono victory.- of Difllr m ost-rnbld fans—flro But Ray Patterson, prfisldont

i i t ;iu m -w iii U « U IU U K IU IJI M U ... woU on thoir way to tho o f the., ysung NBA team, ............, ’ . n v■^ler states andU f6im flnicB “ Nnttonnl BaBkotbnll'ABsoclntlon—odvisca-bftskelball-fansrUgBlnKt—tak^aJook-Uii3-W 4io!lLaLM l__^,

tieh ^ a y f l .werc-T- taken a.? u precautionary measure when Uio hand swelled up. Uio x-raj(8 revealed tho navicular bone Was fractured.

•Although coach Weeb Ewbank____i_.s/ild that NamijU) will iis Sunday's ^{amo against , •nuffalo,. NumaUj •said,’ ‘‘w'fi‘11 wait until the doctor sees It' but maylw there’s some type of cn.'jl tliey can put on It bo I can play this week.”

Ewbnnk. who said there wn? no poMihillty Uiis would hap« '■ pen, sai3^'"that Jiwt 'showa the type of competitor thiit Joe is." '

Tlie Jet conch said hd woiijd

will no} bo announced until tho night of the fight "to prevent any chance of.roJ}uslon.’'

Both Clay and Quarry took Monday off but will resume training Tuesday.

tonightFans will get a chance to

Judge for themselves toniglit if the controversial blocV thrown in the late stages ot Saturday night’s Idaho Slate • Montana game was indeed a clip. Hie

— Pjtme“i*nvon by Montana 3M-I — will be shown at the weekly ISU Booster meeting in Uje

— rHftli(lny-Inn-ata-p.-m.--------------Booster, president Bob

M cElfresh invites .all ISU alumni and area Bengal fans to the, showing nnd notes that

' to Uie Boise State - ISU game In the Mini-Dome will be given away as diior prizes.------

Baylor lost to Lakers

Sullivan awarded SEC tab

expoctln({ too m udi.. "To go from an expansion cJub ono year and throe years later talk about tho world's championuliip and building a dynwty, might be a little prem ature,” said Patterson, olt))ough ho odmittcd ti)c Buoks

' had come along much faster Uinn club owners had anticipat­ed.

Palterson’B rerharks camo in an interview ClTb local radio ■ station (WRIT),

urn junior said ho was afraid

Elgin iioyior, vetcrun posllltn**oT befng "aBasketlMll Association star, will ("Huro II It didn’t win,be lost .to the U s Angeles. Georgia Tech s Bud Corson Uio NBA cham D lon!iW ii.J^ •U k e rs for two to three weeks K S “ ,|’“ i 5 Tl,e Bucks, who boat Atlanta

A ch iner„don“, tom"n P l ' v S n ' ™ ,r u c h w ii '^ fo o fta iFo

Sulllvnn had his best gnme,' ' “ T ' ’ ever ngalnst Tech Saturday llie addition of Oscar Itobert- whon he rolled up u total 0(351 I^ b liM ior .md Lucius y«rd.s, passed for Iwo loudi- Allen durlnp Uie off-seaMn to a

•MONTGOMERY. Ala. (UPI) —31ie io.sing coach put Pat Sullivan- oh a pedesfal and

'rNGLEWGOD, Calif. (UPIl - claimed the Auburn . junior

Dr. Robert Kcrlan annourtced Monday.

Bnylor left tho Lakers in Baltimore Sunday «uid flew home to have his sore leg examined by Dr. Kcrlan.. TlicW ysiclan placcd Baylor’s ,rlg h t._ ^ ‘™ |L .^ “ ™ „h lth already boa.,todr t ^ g e b t ^ a 3,“ S y . P > aK - - e h as U w _ A lc ln ^ r,tlie sore tendon complete rest and said it would not bo removed for a week or 10 days.

Dr Kcrlan reported tlie leg had not responded to normal rest and treatm ent nnd recove-

Dnvis, a member of tho Jot taxi srjuad who is currently playing for the Jersey Jays of the Atlanta Coast Football Ijsague, but .said he wouldn't decide whetlier to, activate him until Inter in the week.

But it’s almost certidn tl>e Jets will activate him the only other quarterback on the squad —not counting kicker Jim Turner —is Al Woodall.

Namath wasn’t used by Ewbank in tii(> Jets ' first game in 1%5 but Namatlj has played in every Jet regular season game since then, although he lias skipped several exhibition contests.

Namatli played the whole gnme, completihg 34 of 62 passes but had six passes Intercepted in tlie loss. He said after tJie game he injured his Uiumh In Uie third period.

A cast will t)e placed on the hand Tuesday after the swell­ing goes down and Namath wilJmis.'jSunday'sgamoagninst. _ Uio Bufralo Bills at-faiea-Stnd- ium. Despite his fragile knees.

REDSKINS’ C harley H arraw ay (31) is stopped by Dove Groysea of Ibe lU Jdcrs after

'H arrow ay-ucn t-around_cndJor_ -fllr_yard8_ Monday night. Ilcwritt Dlxou erupted for a big

night on the ground an<) Daryle Lbmonlea threw Oiree touchdown paascB as Ookland won 34-20.

- (U P I)_____________________________________

Esposito top NHLr

. scorer

For h li ni.rfnrmanr'o the Bob Dandrldge, Greg Smith and ,lunlor from Birmincliani was Jon McGlothlln, autoinallcaily Nnmnth had never beens e S ed t ™ a f » ? S K s t ™ '" ‘“le Milwaukee U.e prtoio taocked out by In jy y during

Z y e r ol the we“ by contender for Uie title. . ■’'eu l" '' “ ““ n In ills si»-U n U e d ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ O n a n o th e r s u b je c t , P a t te r s o n p ro c a r e e r . .

, , , . .................T the second time In ^ » ld he opposedv* m erger with However, team pliyslcian Dr.would - b c - h a « o n e d -b y ; ^ American BasketboU James Nicholas Is'out , ( town

placing the leg in a cast. . “ " i H i “plcke'^ Association “ Uiey con- ‘>"‘1 >he Jets 11 not speculate for his showlnu when Auburn tlnue to do things which Idefeated^sS ilireT rM Iiiliilj^ tnnno t-posslb lycondone.-------^ 1 ™™33-H in Hie season opener. , The inconsistency of the ^

. • Pans aro wenrlna "P a t ABA ... will always moke me ,try clgclin "Wlio?” stickers, copied after vote against a merger with the fMtbid world on Jan. »2, IMO^ the M l.,s i.,s lp p l.faS . paying NBA, Patterson said. "

F la m e to ~

T h u r s d a y sB k _ 1 ^ 1 1 1 'Q r l 2 ) V - — homage to Archie Manning.

M ' jce'f'‘’“Na““a;”Jid‘‘r"]'‘l’B0NNEVILU3 SALT FLATS, Simpson by Denver prio r ™ Namath and the Jetsf y Utah (UPI)-M alntennnce re- "No quarterback could ask ''is graduation despite Uie “" i

» pairs and lack of fuel for the. for better protection than I've statement by tho commlsslonor ‘‘ ------ Blue Flame rocket cor Monday gotten this year," he said. "In of the ABA Umt Simpson would “-------- p n s h e d w lu r th o r attempts at five games the line has kept not play. ■ meeting between the two clubs

a new world land speed record Uiem off me so well that I back until about Thursday. . haven’t been dropped for a loss

Ttie decision to delay another biick to pa.*J3 .”

rrcfcrrlnR 'j -Super-Bowh-

NEW YORK (U P I)-P h il •Esposito of the Boston Bruins, only seven points away from coming the 42nd National Hockey League player to reach the 50(H>oint plnteau, has taken over the NHLscoring.Iead with 10 points in hi.s first four

— Kamcs---------------------------- ------_ Esposito has scored five go'nls

and five assists to lake a two- poinl lend over four players — .teammates Ken Hodge and

- . JQ)m. McKenrip. of Boston jin d ■Jean Beliveau of Montreal and” Pit Mnrtin of Cliicago.

Esposito has how scored 493 points in his career, including 20T) goals and 287 assists in 403 games.

Of the 41 players who have scored more than 500 points, only four have scored an average of more than a point a ganw; —Stan Mikita and Bobby Hull of Cliicago, Jean Beliveau of Montreal and Gordie Howe of Detroit.

Tt.c ioi> lO'icoffria I p»»I.l(<0»i10, i 10XOUUB, IIQIton I J' ) B^ lKetl{le. Uoilim } 6 IIUeiiyc»u. Monlrciii • 1 J ».

. Ms'W'. C'"c«ai •- ( r Iilef»nion, M Liiun i I fCournoror, Monlrtai t I 1Cilhrfl»f>, Oonon } 4 1Itoraoliau, St Louit ] \ >M«ki. V«ncouver } } r

Pros i a i i f l i n g ’s

Niliond PMlb«llL*aoi»’* tiandingt B r U nittd IM irn itien tI

Amtrlckn C«nl«r*nc*

Prothro says interference rulings hurt college play

attempt at the existing GOO.COl miles an hour speed record came at a meeting Monday of project m anager Dean Dietrich, driver Gary Gabellch and the Blue‘Flame’s trew m epit>cra..

And It come only a few hours after Gabellch fell aliort Sunday night of surpassing the record


since the Super Bowl. Tlie Jets •nie Bucks resume action are now 1-4 this year and have

Tuesday night against tho qualifyingPistons at Detroit and make for the playoffs oven If NamaUi tlieir 1070 regular season debut at tlie Milwaukee'Arena Satur-| day night againBt tJjo Baltimore Bullets.

A’s m an ager labs coach es

IX)S ANGELES (U P I)—New calling tiie penalties fairly but defense against Washington’s strict interpretations of the the new interpretations “make Sonny Sixkiller and the sopho- ^u,u k luiuu ujuy u »uw nuu.» interference rule have pass defense almost Impossi- more still was able to throw, nfter Gabellch fell aliort Sunday i l W d J l t S i - taken away the collegiate game ble." But Fertig said Sixkiiler’s - / *of football from the players. Prothro made his statement performance made people for- ■coach~Tom~Prothro“ of“ UCI:A~(Iosplte'thefact-thnt-UCl:y\‘.wnff-gct—that—Jlnim y—Jones—wascomended Monday. the beneflclarjl of two p a is Jiasslng excepllonal^^^^ In order to break Breedlove’s “ OAKLAND (U P I)-M a n a g er

Prothro told the Somhern interference caUsJhatJel^p^^^ NEW YORK! U PD -T lie New Dick Williams of the Onklnndexceed It by 1 per cent—or an York Yacht Qub Is stlU Athletlca completed his four-

A B A e M i r T f ------------^ o rc a to rT a '" '-

i d S o d S M la T e ? s 'c o " w r t t e «e"7ve?".“ “ “ “ “ 'I”

California Football Writers Association the officials were

go after tho ball as long as they Offensive coach Joe Sullivan rockorca’r d o w Uie dove for tho, b a ll ,-^ P ro th ro -o f the-Los Angeles Rams said s a id . ’‘Now tiic dcfendowanl.t^Cflnch George Allen and theplay through the receiver if the team were delighted with their - uAhJnln llmimd nntlreceiver is In position la catch win over a fired up Croon bay ' c ^ drWer•be ball.’’ ' team nnd added "It Is always

Prothro said he wanted to' very satisfactory to beat the ii ?V ™ h warn the University ot Southern Packers at Greijn Bay, some-. 2 „ , , '®

els’ 31 ^Cnllfornln to expect trouble thing wo haven’t,d o n e very only Ml 055-nbol?M ia m i W -en It plays. Oregon, anolher often. It was an exceptionally

of the many tenms on tho coast emotional gnme on a , |„y - liv e mucs an nour snon. with outstanding passing at- honoring Bart S tarr.”

Wiami lUiiitnort K*w York jalt notion H u ll t io IClivtUmlHouvlonMllliliuroliCincirirxii

0 «nv»r

.too lor lOi 700 111 in

.700 t< »l

I pel.'pi PI0 «w 1)1 no0 .400 )} n

w I t PCI. pi p«4 1 0 too 114 II

— t4«*»**-CUV------------------ J -4 -0 -* 0 0 -»U -H U -Oakianil } 7 I .&00 1)0 t}l(•n Ui*go 1 1 1 . .}S0 fi lot

NtllontI Cenl«rtn<* l l t l

w I I »tl.SI, Loull 4 I 0 lOL .O s l i t t 3 } 0 to o H . .. W aihinglon } ) 0 400 111)11N tw V orkC U nIt 1 S 0 .400 17 II Ptiilt4«lphia 0 i 0 000 ir Ut

CtiilrtI •w I I per. p< p«4 I 0 100 14) U

ro ti ■ ' 4 1 Q ,100 i i ; t}OfMfl fcpy j > 0 M I I U i

Pacers whip FIbridtanfr

INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (UPI)—The A m erican Bnsketball Association defending champion Indiana Pacers rolled to their fourth straight victory Konday night behind Mel Daniels' 31 pointH, boating the

. Floridians 12.1-97.'Tlie Pucers take their 4-0

ABA m ark to Carolina Wednes- da>*for tlieir first road game of

"the young season.Indiana trailed only briefly In

Uie first period as six Pacers once again got into double figures.

Bob Nelollcky, who mls.sed ■ Sunday'sgaln^^ liillifd 10points „’lo trail Daniels. II,rfier Brown ;carded 15, F n d U'wis 12. Art " , fil.'.lif.lBecker 11 ami Hick Mount 10 ................... .. ...................for thc Paccj;.'., .

Muck Cnlvii) and I^irry Jones lied for the Flocldians high scorer with 23’ m arkers; Klch Mieman added 13.

Tlie Pflccrs Jumped off to «30-2S first period lend and thon carried a GA-&1 halftime margin and increased the score to flfl-7-l after three periods.

tacks:"Wo founds out Oregon can

really throw the ball. Tliey do It almost as well aa Stanford, but Stanford has a more balanced offense," he said.

Prothro said ho agreed wlUi use's coach John MkKay that

opposllui team couldn't ................................blitz

Tennessee back has loop tajb

cause of the danger of leaving receivers open for the quick pnss. UCLA meets Stnnford here SatiiVdny night.

A tooth extraction keptoff a 115-ftame streak dating back to ID&O since tho Tide was

McKay from appearing a t U» "ledmeeting but assistant eonch '.S„ Y”'"Craig Fortlg said tho Trojans tried . every , possible pijss

of his tea m 's '30-14 upset over flflh-runkcd Mississippi.

KNOXVILLE, Tonn. (U P I ) - N„„riy 3 ooo sludents gath- Whon Tonnossoo shu t ouli orcd In Southern’s coliseum Alabamn Saturday, 2M , culling |,cre to see Mayor Paul Grady

by Intrepid.A spokesman for the Yacht

Club said that no announcement wouldTw madffuntirnftortheiK^- day period for clmllenges • expires after the now year. Tlic_ New York Yacht Club can only defend Its title at three year Intervals.

A challenge from the Royal Pertli Yaclit Club was proposed last Friday and was to be mado by millionaire businessman Alan Bond.

Australlari Sir Frank Packer, ownor of Gretol I and Gretel II,

IIA 'm ESBUH G,M iss.(UPI) three yach ts th a t lost in —Southern Mississippi coach September to Intrq)ld 4-1 in the P.W. “ Bear" Underwood was best-of -soven series, indicated named honorary mayor of* tliat^ he might challenge again Hattiesburg Monday as a result and Mnr<?el BIch of- F ra n co ,'

who also participated. In tills year’s Amerlcb’s Cup, said he- might try again In.tliree years. Tliero have also been feelers from Britain.

Fans ijame coach m a yo r

CanadianOub{,finestX!]iib you can join.


WiM- - . w I I pci. pi paLOI Xno*lM 4 1 IT UO 177 *4Uii^rtAciuo .1 I I .7S0 m »),A)|»n|a 1 I 0 , 400 tf iror.ipMi I )' I OM 14 «4

M M d ty 'i Rtiutti

X o n g sh o i top', p> run in race

tXJNDON (U P D -U ren iiic . d o , {nirprlso winner of the Cliamplon Sm tes ot Nowmork- cl on,-Saturday, and Hotfoot,

,_who fin ish ed ......................boltlmT InvitedWoshlngton D.C. International nt Laurel Pork, It • was announced today.

Nerv stadium astro turfed" -

defense Uint did If.Priest was named Tuesday

by United Press International as tho Soutlioostern defensive' player of the week. It was the over." second week in o row thot a

confer the honorary title on tho coach.

Gov. John Dell Willlanls said Southern's victory "made Hat- tiosburfi ((10 1070 football capital of Mississippi."

Underwood termed the win ’SouUiern's greatest, victory


SULK IN VOUff o tc r - ■ T«V, ^ ^

C .in a d ia n C lii l i, . S nio(>liv4fc.4Uttw in(l. M e l lo w ,ts s iin siiine , F f iL M id iy .is l.)iig lilc r, O n .i r / i . in C f (jh is

lho\vl)ibkvlhiit‘slu ’,lil ei)cni|di lor women yet

• iioidennugli lor men. TI)l> wliisky Ihiit's gre.t( f*no(;gh (a be* '•TJieOestlnThi*I lo i is e ''^ in l\7 l.incis,

'ouiuiuujr. Him nu iiuu i,.nished Uiird in the 'race /

Nijinsky, hQ V Q ~lm n' I to run In tho Nov. ll

Vol (jofender won Uie..hooor.._ Safety.Bobby Majors got tlie

BOSTON IU P I I -H ic Boston ".“<1»Patriots announced Monday . .. their ;iow «(«diu/n In Foxboro, In oDJOr floroes, Tonnes* scheduled to, be rondy for next see has given up two field goals season, will be oqulppMl wlUi «"d six points on a touchdown

' synthellc turf. ' . <H>y-C«orgln Tech.SU.ilium Realty Trust, a t l r in _ P n « t i j ) « l ^ oil tlirc e ,

created to build (ho,M ,«»«>l* -Oabamapasses.roturnlngthom W tH iiiM H Id American B lltrlir?< r> 'f,"‘?“,®?‘“^ ‘ - * " ‘ " 1 " ^ '—

Rubber Co., Inc., of Bbiton was His first Interception and awarded a dontraot to Install yardrunback pulTennejnuieon 74,000 square teet of th^ Uio Alabama 16, and set up the ,

ALL eves

svnthetictplavln/fjturfaee. first touchdown of the game.

■ . ■ .

v u e D N e a y ^ y . «viui MD. lumiib M wmi ftoM cuuu iv' 'llliut ttUMI lUPOfflrtl |NC!.MTIOIt, UICH. M B NOOT. UUlDiD CUlDUK'ViHIUY.’

Longhoriis edge closer S t a l e ^ l T p o l l T ^


dead !

. T u e i d j y , ,Oclobor 20, I9 ? « Id a ho

-Eilms sho-w D:Umin:it^ ■u„

IIiiycBOf OliioSUitcinid Darrol) tern chniii'cd. Ohio State wati Uoynl of Tcxiifl tniist foci jih if , nitcd Urn nnlloti's. No. r Icum tnuUUomil b«llIo iiKalnst ^-k-. tlioy.Vc rrlivini; tlio lOflO KOiiHon. todny It) balloting by Iho 35- 'nniuis and ul Uiisalat{o', It looks

A year ac.o, Ohio Stnto held nioiiiber UnUwl IVoss Interna- iis If Uioso two will decido U»o tliu No. 1 ranking' through most tiontil lioard ' of ConchcK and W tlwTwjHOM.'tnjIJwrtfJoWJy by~T ox«srflnkod;socom Jjirsam l Texas. 'Hie Buckeyes were ciijlit |>olntH bcliinrt. Both team s’upscUlnU>clr,iU!asfln-flnalc-i)y—rcdcivedJ4Jiffll.placc-VQlca.___

■” ............. Ohio State,, 4-0, has fourrelatively e’a»y- »{nmcfl before

Momlay UCLA julio added Uiat dctcnalve iiiicliicason on Doc; ,0 .wllli lU alppl.Houjton, Snn DIoko Stat® qunrtcrbocK UcnnU JUmninll _D4vo U wson sutfcroiTrBrotlcn a lia ro d 'o n fn ilv rp IS S ^ro n iiT

score wmnihg touchdown„\.OAKLANDJUPI)_-^Coach._al_lhan.-physlcal J lian .u p * " ___Hay-Wlllsey CallfonjlB-lhe-m ornent/'-noled Wiltsoy, One of those ijuartcrbacka Is

....................................................................Stanford's Jim ■Plimketl whoa ip p t, n o u s io n , D «n u ic j ju o u i w -ju tm iuiyv -u u v u i^ w a u i i B iu iv iu u u u lU R u i Hiiurou o iiv n s iv u p m y c r o i inoand UCLA. liOulHlann SUUo and J? n , a » k S nbvor scored 4) touchdown with arm ognlnst U C U and maxJjc week honors witlj University ofToledo, tho only other teams w i f f i a S ^ ^ fou^ seconds loft in Uio Rhmo. -lofrtfor the season. _ . . ’7 -T iraflcquartcrback John Head,

Mlchlcnii and Tcxn» pulled off one of its miraclc finislieii to beat Arkatis^is in Its' last I'amc and take the mitloiial title.

Tlie scene is the sarne this

recelvlhu votes,'tied for 17th '‘eaacm wimanomor pinyer. "Facls are facta, his kneo Wt Coach John Ralston of .a Berkoloy native., national title. and last place. ' St anford, whoso Indians play at • Plunkett l>ocam8 the alltlmo- 2=,- Notro bamo_mai«tflln«J, a Ohio-State bcyt Minnosotfl & c n d jto n c /* Wlllsoy, told^UCIA.^tucdttV^lgm^flftld-tl}<^-NCAA-^ardMtffr-^fttnw— In-------cloHO third, 20-points behind Saturday, 22-B, to rctnalh r ^ , ! ,, • p - never Horlhbm Canfomio football •BrUlrfS would be on "cloud . loadlnK Ute Indians to a 63-16 ■ ’ -•^exQS.^Cbraflkalwiis .foiirUi.,^mibcutcn^v^<llc:/rox^^ v - . j ' i.. rout of' Wnia lnHton State. Hefollowed by Auburn, Air Force, bye. Nptre Dame rallleil to beii ! Mlchl|(an, Stanford, Arkansas Missouri, 24-7, and Ncbn

ondlni' unainst Mlclih{an. im- a?Ul Arizona StjUe to, complete walloped Kanwjs, 41-20. beaten In fjve games ami iho top. 10- ' Auburn 1

rcf'nlnod conscfousneas:\-—'l’ho‘~nxW.hnp—occurred— In

J ia riiw sa , Oillf., In 0 aamo i)bctwficn.>'.thC. Alwotor Hlfih

............................ ............................. .. .............ran lla rccord to 6 ^ ^I'oo l.JuntaB jIurslty and tlioranke(f eevonth In the nation. Soutl/ern California w as.llth , with a 31-7 roul of GcorKlo •

. : , Tech, ranked 15lh Inst week, , was. a ^ ,m ,u„y „ i u „« ,„^uu iu iii. »««uik muwiu s-ivw *» wiu.---------nnd; -KUrprlsliiM:"-Ali‘--,F o rc ti- *“^ ^ ‘ Y°‘' - “ '®-«ttular-A twa-.-_«i-noted three things foraure -tw o KToat-quart«rbiu!k*4o**lnH-

continued to roll, boostihii its varsity squad>ut was sent films." saidrecord to B-O w:iir«,2II.3 romp “ P »y In Iho JV Uamo tocniwo •.Dummll did notoVcrNavv. . “r " ' ' s c o r o , ho was nol oul o( bom

--------------- and-U G bA -had-no-illm oom s—Foreman, Frazier will be

meeting. " • “ ‘Tlut We’re Kolng tol>31ilKh"' completed 10 of 14 passes forWlllsey said ho arrived at his too," noto'd Ralston, "bocausc 224 yards and .two touchdowns

conclusion only after rovlowind w e'haven 't won at t h o .U s In addition to scorJnK o n ’a .30-films of Duminll's run which Angeles Coliseum slnc« 1062. yard run ..gav6 tho Bruins o 24-21 victory *i'm sure Uio ball will bo ' "noatlng Washington StaleSaturday a t Bpara Radium. sailing around quite a U t with was . a bi|{ thing," continued

■....................... ................................... ...... -lulfitim.--------------------

Tiny Lund

in unique ring twin billNEW YORK lUPD—T he' Square Garden on Nov. Ifl as has knocked.out 19 opponent.s.

George Forcman-Doonc Kirk- part of a unlque-ddublehcadcr. Only 21, ho l.s regarded by mtm henvyweight fiyhl. o rl^n - it was anhouncod Monday by many as the prime Title ally scheduled for Oct.*1‘5, h{is the Garden and TNT Commu- contender for 1972. 1

............................... nlcj^llons, Inc. currently the third rnnking'Ilje ForCmnn-Klrkmiin 10- heavyweight,

round fight Ih scheduled for the sAme n i^ it as the Joe Fruzlcr- ,.Bobby Foster 15-roiind hea- vywclt'ljt litio fight at Cobo Hall in Detroit, and TNT Communications plans to tele­vise both events live and In . color via a closed circuit setup / 1 r i /> / j /> c to hundreds of theaters and <u-cnas Uiroughout .the United Stales, Cahadji and abroad.

Natlian L. Halpern, president of TNT, said Ihjs unique electronics doublelieader la the of Its kind.

Fans attending the Foreman*Kirkman fight at Mndlson Square Garden will get to see

Frazior-Foslor maloli on-w rapp lns ijP Iho Grand, Nallon- c a lM Intcrtcrcncc on the four 8 anl Iv screens upon a lim o . i "Bencals Fletcher Smith late in “ "tlusl°" “ I Forcmnn- Lund, a Cross, S.C.,

. S o o m c wiUi u J Chiefs ™mp operator, has won aIcndlnc only 24-10 Frazier-Foster match will record 10 races this scnson nnd

' .............. have to come early to see the |,„3 pUcd up 1,M5 points in hisForeraan-Klrkmnn tau t via the Camaro. He finished sccond to same setup. _ j im Pnschnl J a lu rd n y In the

Madison Squiire^Giirden-wlll--‘HoBfy Couniy 16ff nt Marllns- hove the exluslvc rights to the ville, Va.. but with only one doubleheaderinNewYorlfClty. Grand Amcricah rn6e remain-

"SnHh” ‘1 l"™ ia B c lI ir f5 fc n r if^ '‘'l‘“‘' ' “''‘' ' “'* !':^" ;!^“' ' '" “, u '" “ l ''F l '“''™” ‘'™ ‘'T!"““Bh-potnts

“ I p S s - " a r - “T it^ ^ said Brown. ‘^Ve gave ItlT

k (Ul I I 01 '

been ro-srfiedulcd for Madison

Chiefs pul out fire in Bengals-

CINCINNATI (UIM)-C'incin-', natl Conch Paul Brown said Monday "we were on fire then somebody tlirew a bucket of water on It" in reference to the Bengals 27-10 loss to the Kansas City Chiefs on Sunday.

Brown didn’t say so but that ’•water" could have been a call

“ It was a helluva call," said Smith. "I don’t tliink I was

- guUly of intorferonco. But It was Q judgement deal.

“ I did make contact but we were both In U)e a ir," said

I Nolri Dimo I . . .. 4. Ntbraika (II (SOI!

Auburn IS 0) t Air.Foret <tO)7. Michigan,OOl I. S Unlo rdjl) IS 1)V. Ark«nia» N II 10 Ariioni SI. l i 01 U Saumcrn.CaiitorniH I. 1}. T in n iii«« (4 U

H e Is '3- Mitllltlppi I)U. Houtlon ( 1 1 )I]. San Di»uo Si i«0 ) U UCLA (4 ])17 ITIa) UoultlanA S' ' ITifl Tol»Oo ktO)

The accident Occurrod about midway through tho game.

Maloney was rushed to .a hospital In Marliwsa nnd later tran sferred to 'a hospital at Castle Air Force Base. Sunday

'h e was tran.sferred to Doctor’s inrariital here.

_ Doctors , said the youth, suffered severe damage to tho right side of tho brain.

remaining wiUi four secoads loft. , '

"You can draw your own conclusions os to who won."

Cal m ade n sequence of still piiotogra{)h8 from tho fiUns and distributed them to various news m edia Monday. They alM plan to lodge a protest wlUj tho Paciflc*B Conferenco.

'"Rio team has more cm6tlon-



S P E C I A L I S T S *

Sarving Ail O f M a g ic V a iU y

VALLEY GLASS CO.146 2nd. Av«. South Twin FolU 734-2230


(UP!)—Tiny Lund clinched his second NASCAR Grand Ameri­can Series driving cliamplon- shlp during, the weekend and Bobby Isaac moved closer to

good try but wo gave away too many tilings early In the game."

"We made mistakes In the first half, then began toclcan itup," said Brown. ______ _

■"mose last three points were the Wllcr," said Brown. "T>iey took away all the chance we had."

One of tlie hlghllglits of the n ; / , ^ gnino was a .59 yard touchdown

Paschal, of High Point, N.C., holds second place with 1,599 points. Lund also won the Grand American title In 19GB

-TlokotB-for-tl»-Gordon-ouont_-„hi!irlh<rserie!t-w»sT;«lled-tho-are scaled from $25 to $5. Grand Tourinij division.

Tlie Foreman-Klrkman bout features two of the notion^ t - f n i D n r r l / i / i c leading heavywcigljt conten- ders. Foreman, the lOfifl Olym- pic champion, Is undefeated O f t l C r ^ C . n C y after 22 professional fights and

Richey h^lds

run by Kansas Clty'^s Ed Podolak who lent straight down the sidelines after taking a short pass from Qjiefs’ quarterback Lenny Dawson'.

“We missed a tackle on that _touclidown." sold Brown.

Tlje Bengals arc now W and Kansas City Is 3-2, over the .500 mark for tlie first.tim e this season.

operntion‘ GUEEN BAY (U P D -W a s h ­ington Senators' first baseman Frank Howard was resting comfortably at a hospital here Mo’n'day aftci’ undergoing anemergency appendectomy.

Tlie G-foot-7, 270-pound.slug­ger was ruslied to St. Vincent's Hospital from his suburban De Pere home aliortly after mid­night and underwent surgery a

B aynham w ill g_el surgery

craCAGO (UPI) - Fullback •BaynJiam of the C|iicago Bears will undergo surgery Wednes- dny to repair a dislocated tendon In his Injured leg. Dr. Theodore Fox, the team 's physician, said Monday.

Fox is scheduled for a doubleheader surgical perfor­mance on that day at Illinois Masonic Hospital. He is also slated to operate on Bear- halfback Gale Sayprs on Woilnesday.

' Bayers Is lost for the season, but Fox said it was likely Boynham’s leg could bo siiffl- qlcntly mended for action in the team 's lost four gflmefl-j ,,

Shoulder nol dislocalcd

— L O S ^ G E L E S (U PI)— :• Roman Gabriel, tho National

'^Football L oaguo's most ' valuiiblo playof last season jlid

not suffer a Moulder separation in tho Los Angolos n a m s ' 31*21 win a t Green Bay Sunday a s ' feared,^tho team announced Monday.

X-rays— of • Gabriel’s . loft slMulder proved negative. It was a contusion.

tiabrlel Injured his shoulder in tho first quarter against tho Pflckors. Ho aggravated It In the third period and had to

-Tloavo-tho-game-toiUO-mlnlitoa.. babrlel Is expected to start

at Minnesota next .Monday night', the Rams said.

NEW YORK (U P I ) -a i f f Richey of San Angelo, Tex., holds a tlu-ee-point lead over Ken RoseWall of Au.stralla In Uie $200,000 Pepsi Grand Prlx Tennis tournament, according to the lateai-flBures: re leased -d io r ttlm o lu te r ;Monday. Richey, who did not Doctors at the hospital said play in the recent Thundcrblrd Howard, 34, wus d6lnB_well_ O pen—in -Phoenix ,— Arlz.-, a f te r 'th e operation. He F a because of an In ju ry , has veteran of 13 major league accumulated 45 points in the 16 seasons, the last six with the loumamontB played. - Senators. • -------------------.



Wed., Oct. 21st. (Former Storling Jawalry locafior^ In lh«

Bonk ond Truit Buildino)







Everyoro invitedM . f . l . t T . C .u .ly p . r » O o l Cm lrol c U » . .: , ,



A S L O W A 9

IFDR blickMill plul (W ill! fiO lt tti 01 V M


PficaBbI*Pfica “f .c .t .

6 66-15 ■ 122 56 *10.17 11 76

C70 14 27 70 33.B6 2.17

E7S & 15 2D t& 24-70 2 363 23

F7a 1 4 1, n 3046 36.BD240 2 44

G70 14 a. 16 33 06 20.77 2 00

H)[J-14 K 16 37 00 31.46 2.D0

J70-I4 4440 36.10 3 01

L70-15 40.46 43.04 330

PiKtt tUckwill Whiliwlllt ili|hll| hllhtr.

O F F ER E N D S O C T O B E R 31.1970 BUDGET~ TE R M S 'A V A IL A B LE I


t r iiiK h i b u i l t o n n u o u n d h c id y M ifo w i n t t i r d r i v i n y .

L A n o i

!!l) II;&D0. it (S I4 ;S (0 -l l

* 1 4 i B *181• WhltMitlll IIJS M ' III* r.t.l. tfBmll.IStoU tOr


fooiures a s p o rty w id o p ro h io w ilh p op u ln r. "Po lVO Bie r c o rd 'F ib o rg la s s b e ll" c o n s U u c iio n .

J h e ro Q d -h u Q o in o trSlfd is 2 6 % w id e r for b o uo r h a n d lln a Ih s n n o rm a l profile (ires.

E 70-14AS LOW AS

t=.E. TAX $1.43

BRAKEJELINIi MOSPECIAL« Inmiltnnn ol lininpi .• Rrp7clL linni .sriell--------- j

■ .rn imcl iKlke Muid . llviil

1nip«cl aoiiiit IVMC”

, O R I G I N A L E Q U I P M E N T ,



R E G U L A R P R IC E .•28.06 j

»n h o w n »l ■ f 0**W

KIMBERLY ROAD 0.K7Tllffi WENDaL-BIG-0-Tilffi -^W A R Iffi^^■ D ic k K i n s , T w r n , ' M l i ~ - ' - M o r i H o l l H o u i d . ‘n » M « M t i t h o * l » , W t n d t l l . W o r » n l < c l « , O o z i n g

BLUE LAKES OJC TIREK v n n y & D o n , T w i n F a lU

EARL’S 0.K, TIRET o m ' t C q i l D ^ y l i i J » r o n M

NORM'S OJC TIRE. H o y i l t T a m , T y v in M | l

/0 0 /h .

n Tlm*t Newi, .Twin Fall*, Idaho Toeiday, Ocfobor 30, »W0 GASOLINE AilEY

W t W G EBy Jacaby

Forcing Two^Oub

N o im iA K p H

♦ Q »32 :. 4i(N

WKST-------- — "EAST-------A JO.') . a i i >7i m ;iV 0 8 2 VJ oa♦-KU 4 ---------------,-.4 .ia-7{ i------«A.ORa -

' I SO U TH (D )4 A 2 . •

-------— V A K 'Q n.------ - •--*♦ A J R *K Q 7:>

N o rtli-S o iith viih u T ab lf \Vet>( ' S’orlli f^Kl Sdiilli

24*Puns 2 N.T. Prntfl .1 V Phhs Pnsa ,

P hiibpAHItPnR«Pnsii

O p P n in « Ic iu l— V 2 v .

2 A3.4.

Ihoi'c* n i i i ih t ho o l iu a r l s la m In il ho ( l id not need to do a n y

lia in o . T l} i ' tu'ci'.<3D{i(le l) id lu u l Khown 7-1). h liih-t-’ i i r t l p o in ts . T h u l io a r l ra iK i* show ed fo u r , l ic a i ls . I t w{iH u p ' t o S otilh . t j i i;o- • * .


In .JA C O B Y M O D E R N , the o n ly fo rc in g o n e iiiiiK h id is t u o c h ib s . I t h n in d e w it l i a n y h and th n t is n i'q i^u Irv s ta n d a rd A m e r ic a n tw o -h id in a n y s i i i t o r w i t l i c e r ta in v e ry s tro n g t t 'h - tn in ip liand s .

T h e f i r s t respo nse is based e n t ir e ly on h iR h -c n rd p o in ts In a c c o rd a n c e w i t l j t h i s ta b le : tw o d ia m o n d s 0-3. tw o h e a r ts 4-Q. tw o spades 7-9. tw o n o - tru m p 10-12 a n d th re e cU ibs 13 p o in ts o r m o r e . ,

T h e f i r s t re b id id e n tifie s , th e op e n in g hand . Thus . S o u th 's tw o no -tr.u m p re b it l show ed a 23- o r 24-po in t no-

- t r u m p ha n d . 'N o r th ’s th re e c lu b s w a s S ta y m a n to ask S ou th I f he h e ld a fo u r-c a rd m a jo r s u it. S outh b id th re e h e a r ts a nd N o r th ra is e d tofourr^ — - - ....- . •

H e w a s w e ll a w a re th a t


oM. T h e t i he roa llu od th a t h is n a r lr u * r - k iu * w - ^ U - lU ) « u l- h i i i— ; hand and had nut in v ite d a .

.s la m . Ih u ic o . K w as m o s t un* lik e ly th a t N o ilh w ^ U I J u i l t l Hie n in e -p o in t' u ia x im u rn T o r '

.his tw o -s p ju le response.' South se ttle d fo r;- -W lte n - -K o, t[ t h --K « w - th o - d in h m y , he re a liz e d .th e re , w as a f a i r p la y fo r the s la ifT ^ l)u l he needed l l ie d ia m o n d fin e s se u m l b re a ksthe o th e r_ !ju ils .

(Newipaper fnteipnie

Tliu hiis hi'cii:Wvkl N orth Fiikl Stiiilli

1 A Pi'ss. 2 ♦ Pass 2V Pass. 3 A Pass 4 ♦ Pass ?

You. Souih, liol»l:AKJ H5 V 2 > A K n n

What do you tio now?A—Hid four Your

linrtncr would hnvc lil<l four fcpnileR {f ho u’oron'l inlcretlccl lit Kiniti. Ho im4l<)iil)lcilly hni ouly ctue rlu ir niut all y o u r Holutk uKccpl tUc ct»U Jack arc uorkiittf.

TODAY S QUESTION' , Your pnrtncr bids five lif/ir(3

•to uhow two nccs. Whitt do you tIo now?

Answer ToiniiticiwChompioni/iip f#c/ir*igu»i aie toiy-lo-unJerttand in Jacoby Modtrn in n§w 178'poQt, illutifaltd book,

-foryout 'eopf.-iinJ-ndm»7-a(iJi*ii. Zip and S ) c/o thit ntwtpoptr.


. n in th '.M O S T ’J'OPULAK n*mc among 18-year-cld g irU i nationwide is u ld to he Uarbara. Among 18*year-old boyi, the^

-n in th —‘««noat-~popular-7 nam »~t»"'~6 w>rge vTHB— SAN*™ FRANCISCO CIIAPTBR o f a collegiate lororlty requires each of its pledges to got at least 50 signatures on the shell of a raw

- egg , THAT MAN WHO puts the most miledge on his car is

~ tn t ir ? y y g ^ id7~

LOVn AND WAR - A divorced woman is not as eager to remarry as ifi a divorced man. oviuently. A statistical study of

• the averngoB^slioivs a. typical divorcoe docs not get married ngalm' until four and a half ye^rs after the breakup of her first marnago. The typiciit'divorced man, however, marries again (wo and a half years afterwards,

V n R S B ^A poetic horseplayer named Dave Hlrod, known 'hereabouts as ihe Arkimsas Traveler, composed the following: "In this great land autonomouji. . . . These things we hold sy n o n y m o u s . . . .'Age and 'Sage . . .'Adolescence and • Effervescence. . Ihit not Youth and Couth." Pulitzer committee, please note. , ^

OPEN QUnSTION - What trees ordinarily shetl their leaves first in the fall? . •

- LOOKING-HACKWARD -There,are two people I never see anymore. As a youngster I saw them all the ‘time. They’re composite characters. One is on old man stretched out on his back 'to take a nop with a newspaper over this face. The other is nn old womon with an apron full of pea pods on a porch rocker. Where did. they go? Did they die? i

CUSTOMER,SliRVICn - 0 . “How. often does an ostrich lay nn egg?" A. iiveiy two maybe three days Until she lias laid about 30 Then she knocks off for the season . . . , Q'. "Those movie stars who go to Switzerland still have to pay some taxes, don't they?’.’ A-. That's nght. About a tenth as much as they’d pay if they lived in the United S tates. . . Q “ How big is one of my tear glands?" A. About the size of an almond, probably.

THE RECORD SHOWS a Mr. and Mrs, Wheeler named their little boy Ferris. What do you think of t hat ? . . . . A MARRIAGE LICENSI- CLERK of lengthy experience contends the prettiest women in the country marry engineers . , . . DON’T FORGET NOW, if you want everything on your hamburger when down south, you tell the waitress^ "Drag it througli the garden."

OSCAR - WlijTwas tiie Academy Award statuette named after Oscar Pierce of Texas? That's what 1 asked. A client wys . one Mnrgnret Herrick, a librarian, so named it in 1931. When Miss Herrick, saw it, she reportedly said, "Why. it looks just like, my Uncle Oscaf!" A newspaperman overheard. And the tag took hold.

RAPID REPLY - No, sir, nobody in the world knows exactly how many research laboratories the Federal Government now operiTdS^— — • '

• • •Your questions and conimenis are welcottted aurf will be

lu e a itrV A S S ) j UN wherever possible. Please address your letters to L. M. Doyd, P.O. Box 99068. Seattle. Wash 98J99

VarietyAniwtf ts Pr«vleui P u iili

■ ACItO.SS 1 H iuhost point 4 AiluU molo

roddw ir aC oarao fllo

12 Hail!)3 H a rn e u p art

. U A gainst IS G olfo r'i (orm IC S i l l y i n g

•]8ChBnBi)(l20PixMriook21 R tquoat22 D ouorU 24 U inn c u t .MClv^Vix------27 Deep hole30 T ru itw brtlty 32 Freebooter34 Iwouiiiona

narltit35 H abituated

• (var.)30 School of

w hales 37 M outh parU 30 River

lurrlera 40Gorn\an

courtesy title41 Footllko part42 Luater45 Columbus'

discovery 40 Pauses

Irresolutely51 Spigot52 Captor of

Jerusalem (&S2.IU4)

U Church tost season

M Blgmold curv« -U N a m e o f 1 3 ^ -

Popes SCPuUto 57 Pronoun

D O W N1 Dark oT die

p a w r - - mulberry

2 Ellipsoidal3 Had reference


4 ElAimobrancIt 27 Svcopliants flsli 29 Newspaper

5 Story naragraph fl Pertaining to 20 Scatter*,

an amide as hay7 Jewel 31 Taciturn

'S T U ves' “ 33 C ruder— ' ‘0 Brazilian 3fl Prattled

tapir 40Inherltora10 Asterisk ' 4lN ulsantes11 Heap 42 Store17 Physostlgmlne 43 Half prefix)10 Natural tat 44Drot)terof23S leeve leu Jacob (DIb.)

flarmenta 40 Repair24 Ocean v e u e l 47 Ready money25 Timber w olf 48 Church part 20 Flight of stops 50 Wlnglike part

"Soo? E v e iy H m o I say I had it f irs t a n ' Y O U say Y O U had il; f ir s t . M om m y's tho orie th a t gets It ,"

- iiv c i.v Y R I’OI.Canj- -------------------Your Ooily Activity Guid«A t t o i d i o g lo >)ia Stori.

To develop, mcisaoc Wi-dnc-.tloy, rood words corrcipontlinQ lo numbers □( your Zodiac birth S'on,


■ //T A U B U J

THA*4 TIIUB, M A R SH A L . .(HJT e v e n a c m a m c a a tU V I N * 14 & B T T B K . T H A N

t» y iN 'p o K « u p u i .

I 2 3 4 6 6 I 8 0 to 11

12 14

15 16 17

18 19_ 20r-—'

2. 23

24 25 ■r 28 29

30 31 32 33


38 | 3 , p9

140- —r

42 43 48 47 k

49 60 b1

52 53 64

55 68 57-20

‘ rey Fox’ enjoying his pdTiticai fightNASIIVII.l.E, Tcrlri. lU l't) - (.■Ky Jiial hours bctora llic GOI*

IX*n»ocnitif' Sen. All>ort C o r o ,. . affHlr.•‘’llio’GriiJ'"Kojf** of TftincRsec MHnH.Hr‘»j||T->nrdp»t-nt*Gore’»-

is nKlilinf* for hiH (lovlHli|MiHilion on Iho Vietnam ''political life ami. «ccmln);ly. War ami liin nn vote on two

lovinii'ovory mimito of it, — ^Suproino Court noniinocH. — ^rt-vrcrfi»t7Tn-of-;S2-ycnnMn— Hirclr-irntlir-ttitJ—t vo—isjjiirs-

CnnKrewj, Gore revelsi In hl/i "insiills".lo many Tcnncsseanfl. "Gray Fox" title and'recently ' Gore HirosHOM. wliat-lie ha» ileliljlitiMl Hiipportera by claim-, (lono fnr tlie pliljllc and raHlo«

cliased, but never cau(»bt by fat catp," . — ----- ..................

- atyplificH the now breed of younfiHepublicans. , , •

Brock Itcpiiblicun confidence of one iuuulpicltcd

.. .by-llie.nallon’a.Qiicf Executive.. to carry tlio banner. IIo \a lieir to a Clujtlanobi'a candy inanufacturinf! fortune, nml a low-key voice for ’ “ fiscal refipon.sibllity," administrntion

I forei|{n policies and a war of crime.

Gore Adds Spnrk Gore added spark (o ii

cainpaiijn already lienvy witii fireworks.

\Vlien Vice President Spiro T. Akocw visited Memphis on a mission to raise Jund.H fur Drock and nepublican piberna- torinl hopeful WinfioPd Dunn. Gore met the plane and bid himwelcome. • _____ ^

A week laTeV, 'th'o senator" pnrtiflliy upsta^'cd a $50 a plate Republican “fox hunters” din­ner, by liostinf; his own "one Knllus" lunclieon in the same.

tax reform, road.^ and other broad and buttor lo|{lHlallon.

' DemoonitA Hnrd (n Find ■ II'h I'enorally accepted that Gorc—can writu off East Tennes.seD, where in sortie sections it's bard to find a Deniocrat. But he Kliould poll well in.hrs own^.nrca. Middle

.'licimc^scfi..:________________ ___It's in thq WobI sectlon-of the

state that the outcome nbould be sisttl0 d.

IVnnary voting |n rurjil West Tennessee showed disappoint­ment in tiie senator's last six years in office. In' populous Shelby County (Memphis) where -10 per cent of the registered voters arc blnck, there was a poor turnout in the precincts that could do Gorc the most Kood,

However, Democratic {;iibcr> natbrial nominee JolUi Jay Hooker Jr. May prove n boon to Gore in Memphis. Hooker forces are counting on a heavy black vote, and extensive work has been done on the Democra­tic candidate orf tlie precinct level.

China % population explosion slows up

TOKYO (UPI) -Communist in Tokyo nl tlie regional ajin»'3 l5.year-efforl-lo-t‘jjrb—ronfcrcnce of the Infernfltionfl) its population explosion may be Plimned Parenthood Federationpaying off.

That’s the cautious guess of population experts from the United Nations, Tliey.say that by the' end of tbe century,

" China" could“ h'ave i f 'stable population with a slow growth rate, like present-day Japan.

— Ncw^t^dics^)^Chi^I^bJ^thp- U.N. came'to light this montli

TuoicJny, ^ tobor. 30, 1970 Tlm«-New», T w in Fajli, Idaho « '

News Of Jtecord. others were Mllly Uoycr and Jainus A. Iloyor, |)olh Twin Full.'i, lx>th <lisorderly conduct, « 5 fln« each; M urlln L. Quollettu, Twin Fulls, 130, drunk in public; Jiuliih Carolyn Quinn. 'IVin Fall.s, Jflfl (>on<l forfclturo, pHtIt larceny.

Portugal was a part of Spain irtitil It won Indopondonco in the TiidtHe-nf‘thc"12ttrcontury7*^—


. N b T IC B t O B IO O B R STho StMo PurchAklnu Agent win

rocolvo toA lod .b ld i ai h ii o lllco. Room 701 SlAlflhouttt, lloltn, Idnho UnMI; 3;30p.m . • Nai^omlwr J, lfl?0

depnrtmentt AncJ Intllfulioni varioui tocAMon(.

All hltJi will bo puhllcly ope<ied And. a I (he Above |ime And plAQn. Fo rm t (la lin u condllioni.IWWUi-'Tiieto Aro nVAilnble irom Iho JilAte PurchAting Agonl't Office.

TED CRAMER SlAle Purciuillng Agent

PUnil&H: Ociobof- 70, 21 8. 32. 1970.

(IPPEl,In the studies, the U.N.

Population Bureau estimated tiiat Mainland (Thina now has Just under 7fl0 million inhabi­tants—more than three times the population of the United States.

-M ospslRnKlcim tT-hoOTwr^ W SSinNGTONTlIPrr:W cs- inllntimnSFoSF--------- -----------was the guess that between jdent Nixon obviously believes Tiie President is campaiwninc

Foreign policy N ixon’s stro^n^e^t talW

Ind l a n s

meeting in Alaska

ANCHORAGE, Alaska (UPI)— nepr.csentatives of 120 major American Indian tribes and go­vernment officials involved in Indian affairs convene this week for the 27th annual convention

,_oL.the . .N nllonnl_Coni!ressjf__lh?A‘“J 'i™ ™ ' & "

lOf)!! and 19G0 Chinn's population grew at a rate of only l.-l per cent a year. Tliat would be one of the lowest growth rates in /Vsia, and comparable to Japan and the advanceu coururio.s.or the West. i.

Japan’s yearly population gain in the same period was 1.1 per cent. Hie American figure was 1.2 per cent:

•'All of this is guessing," said Dr. Irene B. Taeuber, senior resea rch dem ographer at Princeton University. "We will have to go on guessing until the Cliinese choose to tell us what

that foreign policy is one of iiis inbehalfofUepublicanshopefulsadministration’s strongest talk- with a flat promise that "theinj,’ polfits in o campaign where Vietriarn war is corning to anRepublican.H are meeting diffi- end."cultiesDM' nUuM- front.s — And he savs' that with

Television antennae rise over Israel

JERUSALEM (U P I)-O n e o f ' And the set is worthless the first things you notice in witliout an antenna, a 300-pound Israel are the television anten- (about $100) outlay, nae rising like forests over the flats of Tel Aviv and among the

‘ird ‘eljualel;3hgfe!ilonill‘ lipport~ he has a chance of giving the electorate "not ]ust peace for the next election but peace for the next generation."

Tliese might appear to be overly optimistic predictions in view of tne facts that Harioi luis” rejected Nixon’s peace plan as a fraud and Uie American peace initiative in the Middle East has bogged doivn with no breakUicough in sight-

However, the President’s promises on Vietnam acquire at certain credibility because of

-the fact that he has withdrawn n 7 OTtmni""I)cpcn(Un8 on- ■ WS,™" V/®'

Uio atmosphere, will fc(ch ehc • I ' " ' since July JM9,

American Indians,The delegates are expected to -

take a stand on legislation Pre­sident Nixon Intends to present to Congress. Interior Secretary

■Walter’Hlckel will keynote the week-long convention and pre: sent tlie administration's views.

One of the Nixon administrn­tion bills would create an assis­tant secretary of interior in charge, of Indian affairs.

Another bill which tlie Indians will consider would create an independent Indian legal coun­sel authority. It would be em- powored ^ defend Indian wa- ter and land claims against di­rectly conflicting claims of the federal government. ' '

ing meaningful statistics about their country in 1959, during the economic setbacks of Diairman Mao Tse-tung’s "Great I^eap Forward."

"All the , reports we ore getting out of China suggest much, lower fertility in Uie urban a reas,” Dr. Taeuber said. "If you assume that &S pei* cent of China is rural, the real question is what is happening in the rural area.

“ We know th at in 1054-5G period, contraception, steriliza­tion and induced abortion were all put Into the Chinese public health service, anU we know they’ve stayed there."

Unlike many South Asian countries,'the Qilnese have a

_____ J l i l r i v ymrs aco. fcivcrlhnii.• ' • ■ .{I control by Infanticide, D r r

^ e 'C T ii^ i^ ^ ^li>^dliuhIIsh-“ ” i>nnrets of-^^ ------- -------- cartoons from Cyprus,-tho-old -**|J - to piUI__out^ artinc (,mncse sioppcu pubii!,!. y^licnl Tibcrlni on the Sen Enelisli movies from Beirut, nddillonnl 100,000 by next Mny

of Galilee, the streets empty at the news in English from « i» r9 Tuesday night when "Mission Jordan and the Arab andImpossible" comes on. Tlie -Freiich films from Cairo. Plus •f’® approximately 550,(>00same hoppens for Tom Jones p gof>d dose of Arab rhetoric. American serviccmcn in the

■ " ' ■ Asoocf portion of l lic .r s ro o ir-™ r tho,ilor thatpopulntion spcnks or under- l'» "ssumod otlleo.

on Wednesday. Hi's songs echo through the town. —

Television provides one of the signs of a growing Israeli affluence despite the constant state of w/ir. readiness and the high taxes th a t go with flnflncing It.

One of the “great debates raging in Israel xoncerns not the Soviet buildup along the

■Suez Canal-but-w hether—tJie-

stands Arabic and English In addition to Hebrew.

Israel didn't get into the television business with its own channel until May, 10C9, far behind Its Arab neighbors. You had to have a good antennd before.that time if you wanted to pick up anything from next

It la against-this background that. Nixon's new^peace plan has been a domestic political success even in tho face of Communist assertions that they will nevervonsider it as a basis for negotiations. (* Tlie President's top advisers prepared the American public for this rcicction bv_fio.vinU-

onc-in-five wns bcipg saved from cancer; today the Ameri- cnti CnnclT Society reports, it is nnu-in-threo. it coultl ho nne- in-two wf'th early clotoction and prompt treatment.

Taeuber said. Tills makes It easier for them to accept the idea of birth control, than for people in Moslem and Catholic cultures.

government’s television station should begin-accepting com- mercial.s to take the burden of its operation off the taxpayers. Parliament.will decide.

Israelis- who have-up-to-hnlf

Israeli television broadcasts only four hours a day—one of them in Arnbic—leaving a gap for the programing' and propa­ganda of the Arab world.

As.lQtcas.thls.sprlng. Israeli

—Taking^alm. . .-----------* ^ ^ ™ E I ^ c ^ I r s o ^ n E ! n i^ lS T H a ^ s t« “^

candy b*r In ISknio itb tiliei aim wlUi ii M -n ^ ,n ; iu id e laan d itr^a t. Lciaig, SoMlli

their wnecs wllhlieW (or tnxes •umoil Into Beirutfork out upwards ot i.aoo for l ye covoriiBo of their team Israeli pound-S (about WOO) for , Wwld Cup soccera.tolovlslan set bccuim at tlio plnyoffa In Mexico City, steep Import tax.

The AlmanacRy United PresB IntemotlonQl Today is Tuesdoy, Oct. 20,

Uio 2D3rd day ot 1D70.Tlio moon Js between its full

-phasc-ondJxisLqunrtcr________11)0 morning stars are

Mercury, Mara and Saturn.Tho evening stnra are Venus

«nd Jupllor.11)080 bom todoy are under

tho sign of Ubro.On this day in h isto ry :' v In 1018 (ho Gormans accepted

President Woodrow Wilson'sterm s lo end World W ar I ------

In 1044 American troops landed on tho eastern coast of U y t« Island In tho PhUlpplnes. Gen. DouglaB M acA rtbur. forced off island 2 ^ years before said a s he strode ashore. " I have returned.”

In 1M4 fo rm er P residen t Herbert Hoover died a t Ube age ofOO,

In 106fl >frs. Jacqueline Kennedy m arried Greek ahip* ping m agnate Aristotle On&ssis.

Athought for today: Edmtnd Bruek said, *'I do not know the'

drawing up an ■ ir t . a whole

when he unveiled the plan Oct. 7 that they cxpcctcd Hanoi and

'the Viet Cong to turn it down at first but to decide eventually to negotiate on it.

Mnny!admlnistration officials (irivately acknowledge that tho pcace plan may never get anywhere. However, they claim tliot Nixon’s political promises a re v{ill;l because peace for Uie Americans, a t least,-eventually will be achieved by “VIetnami- uitlon" of the war, turning it all over to South Vletnani.



How como teeners who know all tho answers do so misor&bly in school?

//itcli-hikino c h u m fs ju s t back from hfi'thlAnb- cr vaco«o)i. *- -

T here'll be s o m e now th ings on cam pus this fell.

Vlehiani, »lilch U .lM dhan ainU e.w iitliolU iB ______TJMZ. Be wear* a hat oil wklch biHiaa wrIKeu ^meUtwl tk i^ ln n lc aittl-war t|i)|aii,:.“ kiU (or |w«cc."(MPI) ■

Indlctoiiit agaliii

an d m any a 'budgot h a i b ten brokeii to juplply'em .

T he old ION0 f)uit iM jbest th in p i In life

.W r e Ihe com- ■p o ie r le jl o u t the line , about "w ith the purchiuB

t h t laroei e^ononty

■ N O T IC E OP S A te OP S T A T E H R O P E R T V

----------- TOTirSOCDTVT- -P U O L IC A U C T / O N

The SlAlc of. IclAho, UirouQh it& OcpArtrncnl of HlohWAVi, will offer uteo SlAlc property (or (AId At public auction.

? SvdAn&6 Pickups3 Town W/iuons,3 CrtfTVAllS9 Tru ck i1 lMC}Dr3 SAnclurt9 Snow Plow OlAdos2 Ta m p o ri . '1 ShijvolI TfflilcfNumerous oiiior nom i of roAcl

oquipiVio'nl, otisololo pArts supplies. |unk bAltorios. 1ira&. And scfAp iron.5 A L C T IM E . J 00 P. M .. VJod ncsa.iy, Octobcr 31, 19;o, L O C A TIO N DopArfmcnt ol High WAVJ, D iitricf No, 3 HoAdquArlnrs VArd in Shoshone, Idnho, IN S P E C T IO N All oqutpmw^l will be AVAilAblo for Inspocllon on Iho

01 items to offered for sAlo mAv bolecureti by conlac}lno-V>e-Deoarl

I ment ol HlghwAys District Offico At ! Shoshono/ Idaho or Oto Main Oflico, ; P. Q Qi.'! 7U9, OOitO, IdAhO 9370r I T E R M S ’ The term s of the solo aro

cnsh the OAy of the saIo. Perionnl l'checks drAwn on an Idaho bank. I bank drafts, or money orders are I Loovdervd to be cash All units shall I DC sold on an AS IS basis.

------------------ e »* h -A A A 7 H E£ . P .E . -----------! Sta-o HiQhway Engineer! PUQ J-ISH 0^1 15, U . j M , 20, 1970.

ClassifiedL e i) a n d l^ound

R E W A R D Itadlno lo th« r tc o vv ry o f -u r com mercial floor pollsh*r and

from ihe bach of our t io r t fh« evenlnoof September 30ffi, W llion - Qaies Appliance Slore, Twin Fall*. 7336144,.

t O S T ; B r«c»rif»* rca ff. * » T » o n d » . hilt yellow tag In esr w|m Duck Shoulder*. In Clover area Safur day. 334'43S9.

L O S T ; M o th e r'* p in. S om etim e Wednesday. H at M »e ti. f>hent 7311M7,

LO S T : Winchester 3A4 m agnum rifle. Saturday Afternoon n « v th t old iheep corral* above Th ^rn

- cr*eK- Ranch,” «»w a rd ,--O e n n vLaughlin. B8&-7779 Shothonf, ^

S|>Mial Nolle**

T R E E T O P P IN G , rem oval, and shrubbery ta rv lc t . Fully Insured.

- C ifI J a c k Parroff. 733-7WJ. or733- ■ 'O S M ................

N V P N O SIS — Stop im okino, Iota w e ig h t, deve lop better ttu d y hablft, Call 734-3US1 ■ I p .m . AAon FrI.

T R E C T R IM M IM O and rem oving F re t ettli^ale*. Insured, Phone 733-6DU, So n 3M. Twin Fall*.

C o rd o f T h a n k i

W C want to tK p rti* lincere a p ­preciation fo o u r m a ny friend* for the kindne** and lym pafK y ex- (anded m ai tha death of our beloved huiband and fattier. Alto our- d e e p e it thank* for ttta beautiful flora l, offerinot. card* and food.

The F a m ily of Fred Ra lchirt

H « lp W d n le d 18

LC O H O L ICS A N O N V M O U S , T w in I

n r ' i T y , s . “ " ' " r " ’ iP R IV A T E Inuesfigator Hour

Service. AU confidential. Wtona ’ 733 M 3I - night 7)3-S;73.,

E X E R C IS E Ihe nevv way.' R w t oMerclit and health fquipm w tt

v ibrator, actloncycle. B A N N E R Turnilur^e, 733 U3I


^ .k y SlH*n—Child C m I * 'C H IL O B B N 'S V IU L A O B child tm n

cw t.f. LICWlMd, Aoti art md up.Norih Lo cm l. Phon, > u .7 0 « , 7U'9010, ' '

JA C K «. J IL L Nursery, L icenM d Child ca ra .' C hU drnn school 1104 lom Ave, East. 73).’

W L L H A U Y S IT Jq m yhom e, B a b lH ' c W y , In5u(re I J I J Kim bej^yi'

lAgantUs 17M A G tC V A L L B V Placem ent

Consultant*, Do k 710, ucend floo^ n «n k of Idaho Dullding, 7 »-4 }3 0 .

j 6 d o p e n i n g s at Personnel- Service of Magic Valley. il9 P lW Avenue, tUtu U13, 733 SS43.

H »|p W a n U d I tA T T R A C T I V E lales minded woman

needed. Must bave car. Good earnings. Phone B35 S3U.

P e R S O N N B L S e n V IC BOP

M A O IC V A L L B Y"Service with Integrity''

M rs. Evelyn Wilson M rs. DeA/ina Vollmer

<l) Excetlenl opening* for clerical, s e c re la rla l, re c e p tlo n ill and general'offlce. Full and part-tim e avaltat>l«.

13) Good salaried *aie*-poiitien avAiiahlo. MAve at company ex* pofjsn. ^


T V. R E P A IR M A N , Qart o r full-fi/ns. Cam tra .Music.

1 M E N with Starting pay of U . U . Carter Packing, Si3-43U o r 5 « - 4&33.

Txnr~T tr"C fve~fN ” MirTe"*i*F=w om an with 3 ch ild re n and - housework, 733-7II0,

-E U L L E R -D R U S H -n * a d * -m a la ^ f t d _

W A N T E D . D rive r for hay o r g r lW truck. Opportunity to learn to drive ,die*el fruckt, y* a r around work. Top wage*. Call 934-40M.Gooding.

MEOaA&JCA-BARtl&IKMlady bartender*. No <neceitary. Full tim e work, da y of nighf (hlff*. Apply In parton.

C X P E R i e N C e o r t i la u r a n t am* -Plava«-j4M)yj/).eaf»on^(»eoar*aft-^


W A N T E D eHperlenced bank lallt<. Apply to M r, Taggart by phonlne 7 ]] 0414.

E X P E R IE N C E D S A L 6 S L A D Y tW Tw in Fall*' largest Ladia*' Raady- To.W ear ihop*. Voong wom an. Top la la ry com m ertiw ata wJWi tale* ability. P la a u n t werktng

-c o n d l f l o n t .^ good -h o u r i -a n tf - benetit*. P le a ia w rit# Im - mediately lo: Dom C-M . c-o T Im H * News.

dable dinner cook. Nel*on l Burley, ld|bo, Phona 4715)31. L m

D R IV E R S W A N T E D : A p o ty In ' perion Yellow Cab Company.

A M A R S H A L L P I B L D ♦•WTTV:— o\Hiad anterprlta ha* opantnoi levaraf woman. IShour* par waak. ' ISO M r -w e a k -M ia ry if u la cfad . Call M r. Franklin, phftna S43-447S.

SUB C D N T R A C TO R S to bulld PO>l building*. Buparienca n K a ia a ry .

s e e T O D A Y S W A N T AOS f « r ffta be«l buy* In town.

W A N T E D exparlencad m llkar foe Qrada A . D a iry. AAarlt Brown< )4S.

, 5075.


r '" ' "Ju t I b e c o u ta y o u loo k d o a tn 't rriaan y o u 'll U a p . But lim p la , la lM n la re if m o lie t It w l ia to k n o w w h a t |ob< m a y b a lufk irig in the iu n g la - O tte of the b « i t lo o k 'o u t p o if f c o o ld b « o u r p e rto n n a t f i ( « , (f’< lor Tlo a r* w h o d o n 't w o n t to m lt i tha r ig h t o p p o rtu n ity ,

_ y ^ t -c o n ! t -p r o w U n - t h a -o p a n > - l { — t h o t f t ^ D U ^ d n d ^ v o u V e a g g r a i i lv e , h u ftg ry ,a n d a a g a r , h o v « lorn* k n o w le d g e n e w ip a p a r a d v e rt liln g la y o u l, a n d ’ c a n hof^aitly m o k e t^o ra e a lli o n o th e r c a t i thon a n y o n e e lte y o u k n o w . , . ter>d In y o u r re iu m e o r coll.

It cou|d Improva.yeur ju ilgU itatKllng.

WILEY DODDSl3 0 9 r d l lm )W a ir * . “



Bur(ey, - r H«yburn ort^arO<»<il,u^^ ■ profit for

U . T im («» -N e w i. T w in Fall*, Idaho 'T u o »d «y , October 20,' 1970. jU -SCHOOL BELLS BRING JIM E O N YOUR HANDST. . G E TP AR T-T IM E ^ WITH A W ANT AD!

' H e lp W a n (« d '


“ ~ p »V iT iP / in r ~ n if 'V 0 irT T ^ » v ^ v m ir (iflv tt'o rn»t, Priti' ilA.SOO.

H iiA L i : r . i A T i : s t iw ic c i


IrrrtlinQ wo<l>. |>ciid Qrpijp iiiiui- >cr' vncKlion tnmo livii)(| qunt '>nvqilnl>l«

f H O N KT 3 J . l l l 4 o r 7 3 3 . n i 6 3


Burley Nursing HomeH elp w a n ted im m e d ia te ly ..

M a k e a pp lica tio n at

129 Millet Ave.. Burley

M A N T O P E E D tm nil burich "o* CAtttjj and tend 60 sere f«rm tor wm tpr Goodino, idflho Oiom’ mfln preferred. 754903?. Carlin, Ncvfldn



B J t lm .l Opp oftun ll l . l 3 0 1 Hom «t for SoU

W IL L p'orcl\«t« roAl ettnio con ' i m e t i . ' Iru tt (ioodt. t»orlu*UM '

O v iT »S,000 per conlrftcl, AJ d iicounl. Caiiyoti Lonn Co . JloK B i;. liiirU v . UlAlto..

W t :N O ^ L L .v .T H A E E b td ro o m i, « lo c lr ic h o « l. c o tim lc U ly ro i»o d « l«< lr w ith w « l l ' io W «ll cnrpftlinu Ihrouahoul. Lftfo« living And (llnino room t. IV| bn ltii plui cnrporl, Prica roducod lo tl7.J&0, fMiT.GRSON H H A L E S T A T E 534 30M, Wondnll,


E A S T lA N b 'd tt .,> * -* « i^ C H C ,3 b «Jro o m modern homn

r tru N oot U u lld ln g i, IHO.OOO. UflslisOT Drlvv SbUlh, ' •.

■ M o*e»— P « rm »-:-C «m m tre l«U

H o m « « For Sal* ' 5 0 Farm * For S a lt S3 M obil* H e m e i'

G O L D M d D A L L IO N Honio In Kim berly, 1440 iq . II. 3 bodrooms,7 bAdii, living room, comiilnin ' a ln c lric k llc h p ii w ilb nil n p- i p llfln c o i, rucroAtion ro o m , j llroplACD.7l)odrooiitB.workaltop In i liAtorVlenV Lnrge woH knpl VArd in rf l» lr ld «d loCrtlionr'473 S544

— 4 oyo J/jh i)e n l_i* _iM . MiJi_JovuJ.V!_

3SS ACM U, 350 tiOMi IdenI c k M<i/ rAoch. 3 iMidroom niodcrn ttomD. 374 40»n*-- 4S!iWn4.

IS.DOO DO W N n U Y S Ih lt im n ll dnirv or tiock (utu|) over UO AcrM . modern homn pxcollonl lormk, Seo

■ L c i Thoinp&on nl Wo»1wn Wwicli


W E E s t a b l i s h

A L U R O U T E S |

<nn iellino Involved)' f'I.inono , 197S OO,

C lA n lw o ' J1A3S.OO ;PlAnlhrcfl IJ3S0.00

.CflUi Hociiilred. liMCollent Incortio i lor A litw >K)uri wooklv work.

_lDoyil._Cv.Cnlnos), RoJIIIIng At*d coll«*rltno * n ib rT rv " ‘ *''om— '<!an' operAled ditponteri in Twin Fa II«And turroundino nrnn. (HAndins ^nAme brAnd CAndv <>nd (n n c k t.) Tor pcrionAl irilrrvic w In Tw(n r.iii& Are.i. lend nAme, Addrn*s

“ flatriyiono num ncr'to "M u iM .stAi» : D i& lrIb u lIn o - in c, lAGT Wo&t llroAdwnv, Anrthelm, C.ilif. 93002 (71^) 3’7B.S040, '■

I n v e i t m e n U 31

SHAW R E A L T Y733 0473

K’s SpecialsiVe W L IS T I N G -------

Choice locAtlon- Aln^otl new 3 t>cdrooni brick homo. 133.SOO.

O W N E P Anxloui lo lell. See Intldo lliift linb brick homo lo AfipreCiAlo' It's many fOAluroi. *37.900.

D R IC K duplOK. Good incom e property., 136.500.

AN IN T E U C 5 T chock ■v"-V 9 pcrccnl inloreit pmd on loAns o

. *ivp itwusAno or more. PnnclpAl ruriv sccured and Qvnrnn^eed. W rite SAwtoolh Venlurc G roup. iloK »006, Twin FAlli.- idAl.0


7 3 3 -2 3 2 2

.School! 4 4

E A R N A K.S. diplom.i nl home. Write (or iree brochure. Ame'iCAn School Ditirlct OMIce. Bok 76J6, Ooi&c, idAho

H o m «« For Sale

OY O W N E R : 3 ie d ro o m liomo. LArQC (cnced lot. Near school. Rentiil unit on Alloy. Plione 733 B379.

O UR S IN G L E bedroom home plus 3 • im a ll cleAn rcnlA l». All lurnlihod. A i A packAQCor sepArfltely. Owner i ItnAncmo Phone 733.5300. H. I,. '

j IHAd) CInrk., )071 2nd Ave. W e it. '

1 DY O W N E R : Qeautirul noArly new tu ily c'drpeted g old M edallion

I home. Excellent locAtlon. 73J «973,


PHONE" T 4 3 - 5 3 0 ^ r



---------------*WE H A V E .......Several excellent 3 or 'm o re bodroom brick homot wllti I ' ) or

' more balht In finest Tw in Falls Areas. A N D priced to lO llll

A LS O m anv olhcr outstanding tiovs in any fypflof home youynd^'

-t N im rt t o w -o f -p rB ae nt-flU tfcO lN G - CO STS - vour B E S T B U Y is Among our listings. D O N 'T W A IT - C A L L T O D A Y ,

"Torm W o t V Wanted t a n n r i s h T r j r a B S r

C U S TO M B E E T oioo'no. HnrolO . Ptte ricn . F,ier. 3:6 4226 or 733 ■ 5990

RESULTS B o t h W l ' c k h o m , 7 3 3 -5 4 7 4

Custom p lo w ing , ''a rro w in g , d, tall Don McDowell 334 5165

C U S TO M S W A TH IN G , baling, grain an« pea combining, bean <;om-

- -D 'n m g -C - 0 ,-M s m o p a n -m a c n in e — and :puO harvesting. Art or Ron

S lu hlbe rg , 334.4050, 334.4055. Jerome

C U S TO M M A N U R E H A U L IN G Llllibndge Custom Farm ing.

733 0343

H A V S TA C K IN G , coll 733.207 1. No Saturdrty calls, pieasu.

S P O T L E S S B R IC K ra m b le r , NorthoASt location, carpel, ap- pllAnces. 3 baths, double garage, Ace Realty, 735 5717. -

7 B E D R O O M S upsta irs, 4 bedrooms down, 1 path up and 1 bath do w n. Good c o m m e rcia l

•pri^perty. 112.000.


Hi..r Kikc^NcHi. 733 yur,733 ?:9i

v c ((,-r - 733 345^ j ... ---------- 7 33 4 iJ6


(2 0 0 ) 733-4081 '

" M o m b «ro j M uJllpIt L lil ln o "

. B E E T H A R V E S T IN G W A N T E D . Have iwo 3 row machines, coula

throf more trucks .Want two • ruck drivers Call Joe's Farm Servrce, 32d 4898

V / A N TE D Bc-cin ihr.ishmo, corn 'hra-jhinf;, Art Peturion

' -4 3 * -? 5 i 3 ; - --------------------------------------------

C U S TO M O E E T hnrvfstmo and plowing. Ali-ii Mi-ilon and Son. 336 4956, 336 5435, Flli;r.

W A N ,TED beet harvesting and corn com bining, Vernon F a irc h ild , phone 543 5463, Bu»il.

B E E t ' h a r v E S T IN G - 3 3 ro w a n d 1 3 rowharvestors, and 1 4 row beet

. whippcr and topper, would like' trom 300 to 500 acrus. j 0 . Co» and Sons, Kim berly. 433 5401 or 433 5109

C U T E 3 B E D R 0 0 M ,Ai 57V Quincy, Tw in Fatl-J. large living room , ont in kitchen, utility room, gas lurnace, lenced yard, Uor<ige shed, only U.300

C U T E 3 0 E O n O O M Home wilh iilurninum siding, lull timsliod Davcment.hAS recreation room , bodroom utility and storage, li'OCfd y a rd .'G a s 'lu rn a c e , Only' S13.000.


H A V E L A T E -m o rte l beet toppw. Also trucks. Call order lo 374 5141, Jerome.

C U S TO M P L O V / IN G 3 b o tto m Got Dickard, 433 5990, Kim berly.

C U S TO M hny stacking anywtiori Messenger and Lewis, 334 3345,

S W A TH IN G A N D ftA LIN G , U laifs Custom r-a rm in a - ca ll e a rly

mornings or evenings, 334 4459, Jerome.

W o rk W a n te d 34

C O U N T R Y H O M E for retir'ing couple? il3.500. buys acre plus with fru.t trees and posture, ditch w a te r, g arngo Call M o u n ta in StAles RoAlty 733 5974 MLS

O W N E R h AS left St Ate, duo to illness must sell immediatelV reduced price. 3 bedrooms, carpeted living room, nice kllchcn and balti. Sewmg room, garage, completely furntshod:* ( 7 ,BOO. Im m od ia te possession. Call Eunice Cooper 733 4940 o r -L A N D O F F IC E O F ID A H O R E A L T O R S , 733 0716. across from Soars,

snw iN G a nfia lte ra tio n s, Phone 734 3405 Bart).'ira Hoshaw.

P A IN T IN G and roofing and car, \ ponlry done by the hour or |ob. 733- 1 4344, After 4 p. m. I

IS N 'T T H IS U _ T H E -D A Y .? _ o r ; - ,

W O R K IN G F O R E M A N 'S job for cow r.alf operation. 30 years u k . 4}encnco. References available.

’ Call 334 5554 or 334 4545, Jerome.

Y O U R H A N D saw and circle saws sharpened — nutomailc machine process Shane's S horponlng Service, S43 5th Avenu0 North. 731,3454.

O u t of T o w n H o rnet

C K tn rn ;.:Jw d £ l3 C f lr j3 o m a ^ :

B Y O W N E R ; Large new all brick! hort^o on corner lot In N ortlivast, Tw in F n lli , 3 bedroom i, 7 baths.; kllcticn, living room , dining room, > fam ily room And den.or office, all carpeted, fuff batemenf, do.uble’ c a rp o rt , re frig e ra te d a i r i conditioning, boaullful homo, ca ll' 731-3891 d ayso r 73 1 6440nlghts and Sundays.

B Y O W N E R : 3 bedroom house, double aarage. f^lnced yard, 733- 5133,

C O L O N IA L 4 bedroom. Hugo rooms, flre p ia c e ,4 0 iy d A v e , Nohh A C E R E A L T Y , 733 5317,

oKtra large lot In lown. til500. W<u never buy more, convemoni term ,I , RvAlly a comfortnble hoino.

I H u rry on lliis one. Tw m l-a lll Realty, 713 3m3. Evenings, Georgi' or rsffi<rr noyK- ,

I IN O E L L C V U E , AAflbllo home with ! bullion OKlcnslon, 3 bedrooms. 3 I balha. air coodllioned and car I ' pefod. It> boaullful. Also < |

i -S -A C H E S -W i t h -3 b e d ro om ,'’ All I electric. In boaullful Hngern>an 1 Valley, W D S T E R N R E A L T Y CO ..I 733 3345, ____

i Farrnt F6? S d U \ ' 5.2! O W N E R desperate. Musi sell 40 i acre i. Tw in Falls tract, fenced.' Lays good. tl9,500. Tradeable. !

A C e R E A L T Y . 733 5317 ^

■ M acre i. Good •K>ll._AV)aefn I c m e -Year round water. Weot ailolm eni, »4j,000. E icellenl terms, FAH M G R S r e a l t y , Huhl, 541.4650. or Ken Beecher.

■ 80 A C R E S , Jerom earoa .523,000 1 40 A C R C y beautilUl home .muI view,good soil east. Buhl V3A.OOO

Call Joo Wagner ' • F E L D T M A N R E A L T O R S

>33 1900

160 A C R E S . Full Tw m Falls wfllcf p lus w e ll. Near pL-rlect K-ed. corrals, ^ a o r n 4 bedroom home Ow fier d e s ire s -s m a lle r place W E S T E N D R E A L T Y . or....evenings phone Al Dfliss, 54J 457H

100 A C R E S . Full water rights plus Irr ig a tio n w e ll. Ouct a c r u a u t ." Good home and corrals. One of the best farm s in ili'C'Wenaoil area. .

30 A I.R E S . 30 shares of water. 3 bedroom hom e and buildings Close 10 town. tl7,500

; f OR S A L E o7 frade: 00 n cro i, BO ih a re i ol T w in Falls canAl water.

• Soiilhwest 01 Hum. »4S,000, Would like liotne or rnnlal for (13,500

■ -i .m > U v -» H lt ;T O U -A f .ta jC Y -. -3 3 i- SA?U (If /jir jiiiil.

40 A C R E S■All in. firty onrt panvrtt. Goodhviible 4 Ijodrooni Itoinu. r>OUth-wiisl of Jernt^io. Tota l price


rre d , 733 3D30 ---------------------------- ------------*f^ogyy. 713 6015Tony, 433 SAHn " DANfiif.-,

T . i r l , 433 5659 - , . . -, 1043 blue LAkes North •713 HJ 37

I96B 14' S C L F C O N T A IN E D VisfA L in e r IrA v e l irA lfo r. S H A R I ’ M o d e rn 'trn lin r Coivl, ir><ico 31.. Jerome,


• ^ B e d r o o m s

Shaig Carpet Furnished


FernnB For Rent B4 C attle

E X C E L L C N T 150 flcru«, between Twin f-AlU anil Jnrom n on old

'highway, 334 501B,

S EE T O D A Y S W A N T AD S lor 1h<: lK‘'.t Duy*. in lowi«.

W a n te d To Rent

U N F U R N IS H E D two bedroom house, tW)yd Asii. Phono 731 0405,

W AN T -to R | :N T . Country »-)tnit w ithout buildings in Gooding County; Write llou C 14, c oiTlnies.

■ News. I .. .

00- lig h t In d u ifr ia l E q u ip . 09

72 A C H E S TO C K farm doso to lown,j 3 bedroom modern home, 130,000.! M u lfle y R e a lty & Insurance, Gooding. 93-1 J7Q1

16 A CH ES row crop Slock, Twin r .ilis iirc-,1 Khnku- Agency, 711. 11391, 733 ^740, evenings 733 U974, 733 073,1

Real Ettato For T r o ^ e 53|

E X T R A Nice llO hiMd Slock runch ■ ni'.ir Arco, lor -tO acres with good ’ tinme >n South Cenlral . Idaho,, Contact Keti T n lljo rt, Jones, n r.iity , rV)» 131. Arco, Iclatto.' Phone 527 3 1 14 |

^ 5 4 ..Lottond Acr«ogD>FOR SAI.E or trade. 3 acres, 3:

Ijedroom modern home, oarage | ti.h e n *iou5c. Pnone 334.3323,'

B u « in e > i P r o p e r ly

O W N E R Nl

W E N D E L L R E A L T Y P h o n e 5 3 6 -2 2 7 4

R U N DO W N farm . 140 acres Good ♦•elds,— poor-butititnos Priced at o n ly »25,000 S T O C K M E N S R E A L T Y . 600 South L in c o ln . Jerom e. Phone 334 J645

duplex. Electric Good loCrt'ion.

bi.'ll or Ir.Kli.- Call 733 5644.

I'a i C,il.' or Ri-nt. RuSinelS lol witii i(X) *01)1 (roni.uie Choice location Ciirpi'N-c) oKice C.ill 733 2U74

CDrnf’ .ercial Properly A S P E C IA L T Y ne.m ors 733 1988 .


Pickup Camper Close Out- • A T GATEWAY

2 K«»irc«UMCouilryCiiTiptfi ‘W9S00,I ll/2'B*iv*rUi»j . , . 'tl95.00isi(i1 WfubifoSUibiutid..................m o o :1 SKUfityl/lcabuttd. . . '59S.00itit'

1 10'Quick|Hckup(im|Mruti<l m O O * tn | 1 l0 1 / rH «t»M jd «. , ,‘ , ‘5 « .0 0 i» it ; I S'Rwho MOS.OOisis:

W in le riie N o w . Non-Toaic Antl-Fiaaio Available!

Wo Carry:Moftelte, Kil, CiioTipion, Tonima-

ratV. rroveieie, Roodfu-'-'cr. fcrty Concord

OPEN: ,7 Days a Week. Evenings by-*.*' AtJ<idmtW.rtr-^7a3-?410-

Dlnbe at Adcliten, Tw in PAIIt

U S E D I t v l O U S T R I A l

. E Q U I P M E N T . . _

M ifliiu n n TjiA iocidot. S6500 ' JD n40»,S5,OOQ Honcock R£4 vanpfr, S7,i00 Col 1? Gioilor, 5650p AC roodiil H3 (iliwlix cloirr

54750CASE. modnlW9 loadi.-f. 56.000 IHC modfl TD lU Cfow|,-f wilh

dojer, 53500 JD 2010flncUioo, S6250 CASE 530 Bticktioc, S6V50 Full line olxow Join. Dcure i.idm- Itxjl C(fuipin«iit

ELLIOTT'S1 H O v a ila n ilA va .. Builty, l<i.

Phono 670.S50S Dob Houston—

. Soles Represenlative Home Phone 7 3 3 -<-1V0

Farm Im p le m e n ti 90

M T R A C T O R with M i l beet h.»rveslor mounted. Ready to go jvoo 733 0059.

M IL K E R — DeLaval, 7 units wilh extra bucket for sale. Phone 54]. 5945


SPECIAL DAIRY SAIEEvnry Mottdny 11 lOO to liOO p.m.. IS 0 lo3S 0D t]ityCo ltlet»chw *»k '

Hagulor lolii liOO p.m.Slockar cin<l r«*dar Coltla, Slouglitat , cowt ut>d built, llogi.oii<ltl>Mt>


0 , J - •’ 8 B 60343BlIIHciifU BB6-7&16

-Bufifon'' Hlghwfw30,-543 4744. If no nnswor. 543 4013.

H o rte i

I IO R S E S t| ,O E IN G , t r im m in g , groom ing, Denver Flhs.-336.i63l, Filer.

E X C E L L E N T lor hunting. SopCf built 3 horse trailer. Good tires. ^350 Cnil 433 5430'

A P P A L O O S A And quArter horses. • />ll lop blood lines. For racing.

_p le a s u re ,.4 J — you cifoosli. Call• itill Flo'yd, nights, 433 5590- '

A L L T Y P E S of horses, lioughi, s o ld ,. traded. Plenty of ranch geldings. Ron Hatoy. 733.4055.

S A D D L E HO RSES (or Anyone, pony h a rn osv. Holstoin bull calves. Small garden tractor. 433 5750,

i H E A V Y D U T Y 3 horso trailer, tl95,•, ? blocks north ol Rangier D rlvu -ln ,^ - I Jerom e. Vernon Olake

: Sheep 106

I T O R S A L E . 735 yoArimg ewes, ' I bloods. Start lambing Jan. Is , Pltonu S43-40A3. ■

W A N T E D L A R G E 's i H - feeder w a gon. P re lo r c a n type with

- •l Af> «e m -w he e ls - A round- 4 lon capacity. Phone 334 5350, Jerome.

130 A C R E tarm on Salmon Tract. 300 shareof w ater,good 0 room housi' domestic well, pond ann pu^^[l back System «6 ,500 -Pnone . J43 0474. npise, alter 6 p m

- C a m p .ii

00 A C R E S wilh good GrflOi.' A c jj.ry .barn, hay shed and loafmrj sht.<i 2

— UediifiOnLJiQmii— CloiiU o-ijQ o a ino — O n ly ■ 137,000 M U F F l E Y ' R E A L T Y 8, I N S U R A N C E , Goodmg, 934 47QI

fJU Y -'l H ir -t ie S T . -A l l m o d e ls-1970 Travel Queen 'campers. Now in Stock. S portsm an Lo d ge . 1000. Spr.ngs. H.»gurman, laat'O

- N A S H U A ------------------M o b i l e H o m e s

K I T - K E N C R A F T

T r o w e l T r a i le r s

K J T c a m p e r s _____

C tiA M P lO N 3 row potato harvcstor.l. good -contiilio n.------ Q vasonjblel

priced. Phone 655 4367, Hollslw.

Icijnir '1 Oil- Chi..( Sio

117 ACR ES number 1 (arm iitno W'in machirje shed. Nino miles c.isi o' Ha:elton on intersl.ite iSCO uei acre S15 000 clown wiin lerm s on balance. Write W A'.eil isM ' Peinorook, Doi'.e. icJ.iho, or phone 175 9674, evemnvjs or Saturday ano Sunda>

« 35 M O B IL E homo. E Kirn clean, Pnci'd (or immediate sale Phono PJ-i i i J l , Cocdinq Baker’s

F IV E B E D R O O M BR IC K acre, d in in g ro o m , large kitction,.;

■ ■ panelled fam ily roOm. workshop, 3' full bafht. double carport. BY O W N E R . 733-1305.

B R IC K D U P L E X Blue Lakes Blvd. W ill consider te rm s. K ilnke Agency. 733 B391, 731 0734, 733 5740.


One of Jhe .best In the state LiKQ';. level fields'. 2’e'itfra hice'all cleciric homes plys tenant house. L.irrje potato cellar. N e w 19,000 bushel grain bipi, 11.370 (eet of pipe ime Raises 400 sacks of potatoes per acre. 130 bushels ol grain per acre V44.000

L 4 N R E A L E S T A T C C 0 .331 So Lincoln

334 4000 Jerom e

Sale Approxim nicty 300 acrp larm all m aitaiia. S60.000 eas, down easy lerm s Can Smooch are 3240 Overland Realty, tluriey Overland Shopping Center



M o b i le H o m e s4l2Addi\onW fM • 71:J.-J3SI!-♦

H o ua et— U n fu rn lih e d 74:

T H R E E B E D R O O M , fourth in t)Asom ent. U tility ro o m , gas

.furnace, connection for gas stovu and dryer,- also electric. tl25.; month. Phone 733 7351.

M O L Y N E U X M a c h in e ry Co.-t # a c t o p -»e i)a .^ t« o , .iU-*Hakcs.

Phono 733 7547

560 I N T E R N A T I O N A L F a rm a ll, — r»ce m !n n D n o rT ;o n 7 ^rA n d ~ n e w

•ubbor on front, 13.000 phopo during day 063 3643, evenings alter 9:00 733 4753.

TW O ROW G E M C O boot harvester, single rear whecU. Good iftapc. Tractor mounted topper. H,450. 733 033A.

ID AH O T R A C T O R SAjvage. Cash for used fractors Us'e’d parts af big' discounts. 733 0393.

IMCO O E E T H A R V E S T O R with iractor mounted topper unit 3 row tank type only duy 130 acres, $3,000. Phone 039 5407. John Okclberrv

LA M O S A LE - Oct. 33nd C U S TE R C O U N T Y L I V E S T O C K M A R K E T IN G A S S ” N Sale B a r n — Mockay. idaho — 1.00 p.m 3500 Fals & Feeders 300 Ewe Lambs — 150 Old Ewes Contact Lynn Johnson. Challis. for Details

Pet« a n d Pet S up p tla t 110

P O O b L E G R O O M IN G , Stud ser- v.lce. puppies.. O ic rl Miller Ken­nels,- West Redcap corner, K lm -

— bortv,H33-S104. ___________

H U N T IN G DO GS.'English Pointers, Had shots. Best o( breeding. Phone 533 4305, Hansen.

I P U R ED R E D h u n tin g VlislA lor sale wlH^le they last »I5. Phone 733..

A D O R A O tC -4 -w o vt< old' purebred bAsseft puppies; J35 each. Phone 543-4566

B O STO N Screw Tall puppies. DIacU '■ and white. Well marked. Call 73}.

0979. .

TW O 0 week old registered Samoyod female puppies. E , A lldrltl, 433. 5713, Kim berly,

T IN Y 4’ j pound A K C white toy poodle lor stud, *40, Phono 733.

___37i)3_____ ___________

AK C regislered Dachshund puppies • vyith pup Shots. Reasonable. 433, 5017.

A K C risoisicred lov poodle puppies, . Wtilie also apricot ones. Ption* 733- BOiO.

T H R E E B E D R O O M p a rtia H y l tinishea lu ll basem ent L a rgo ; doubte garage. Birch cupboards-

'and paneling, lireplace anu Iruii (fees 733 1326

. _ This.-dusirablc., h5 tTie_ leat^ircs everything a fine home should. 3 ’ bedrooms, plus orie in finished basement, lovely living And dining ' rooms, beautiful family room wilh

-t iJC C O y !.____ H re p lAce.

) ACR CS, mostly hoy and paslurv, nice 1 bedroom home, basement, plenty ol Out buuolnqs inciudinq 4 stanchion walk through barn, (ot Ouick sale priced at only S34.‘)0.' t e r m s -- - JE K O .V .C .R E A L T Y , Glerl JaCKSon or Bill Kersey 324 j3Bn



w e l Trailer Motor Home-J i .m ilrs weii of WfSl 5 Points uni 9 6, unless advance ap ntmeni, 733 6141.

5 M IL E S south of Wendell 7 rooms. Strictty modern Gas furnace 536.' 3601. noon and evenings. '

R o o m i— B oard a n d R oom 7 6 ,

C L O S E -IN . clean, encellent s'leeping , roo m s, p riv a te e n tra n c e , ,.Air , co n d itio n in g . 137 4th Avenue North,

I W IL L C A R E (or'elderly persot\ in ' m y home.' Vacancy now. Phono-

' ^33»13._______ _____________ .; S E N IO R C I T IZ E N S bo ard a n a '

private rooms. Phone 733.1093.

H a y, G ra in a n d Feed 94

H A Y douQhl And sold. Bonded oeal-.-rs M c K itr ic k Tru ck in g , Bellevue, 70D 3301.

C U S TO M S T E A M grain rolling, mobile — molasses. Al Haskell, 433 5000. Klm burly,

recrcAllon room In basement. 3 baths, p re tty ya rd and well , located, a dream homo at $34,000. '

L Y N W O O D R C A t T Y 610 Blue Lakes North 733 931 1

A F T E R H O U R S : >R .J. Schwendiman 731 7100Harley Mathers 733 0473

6th A ve. North 'Very choice older 3 bedroom

- hom e, large fam ily kitchen, wall I , lo wall carpotlng In llvlnaroom, 1

<— dlnlng room and bedroom gas 1 furnace and air conditioning unit. Possible trade for mobile ; homo, A Inust lo see at only i

! $13,000,4 '] { i e r cent Interest per Annum !

Gold Medallion home, 3 large 3 ; bedrooms, fa m ily room, living j

, room, 3 baths, largo 7 c a r I garage, beautifully landscaped |

, yard w ilh all under ground | : sprinkler ty tle m . Owner ta y i , 1 w ith a re a io n n b io down '

paym oni, they will do own 1 financing. Call lor appointment. '


Below y o u w jil fin d m a n y soivicus a v a ila b le tro m M a g ic V o lle y Dusi- nesses. Look u n d e r the to w n in y o u r a re a , , . c onto cl o n e o l these firms lo r ’iho finest in service a n d q u a lity pro du cts .

A reliable market for your baled hay 1 ID A H O A L F A L F A P R O D U C TS , 1 INC Just north of the ^ g a r l F a c to ry Phone 733 91B7 t w in :F .iin »_____________________________ :

W A N TE D ^ Fall pasture lor lOQ' COWS', nuhl — Casrietord area. •

• Phone 537.6545 or 537.6555.--

Ar>lmol B reeding 1 0 0,

S E L E C T sires tncorpornteU. All breeds, dairy, bcel. Walter Lellch, 543 46SS.

A R T IF IC IA L Breeding to ABS great proven lires, nAtlon'a highest type 1 production sires. Also All breeds ot ! bee! AVAilable. Duhl. 543 6103, I

- ' “ Jerome; 334.7657,-SnoshonorBBfl-" 7507; Durley, 476-9753; Haiellon, 979-5307. I

BO B'S K E N N E L S : Gun dogs,' -• O bedionce tra in in g . Boarding, Have some dogs lor sale. 733-7330.

T O G IV E A W A Y IV) yeai» old part T e rr ie r mole. Housebroken. Phone 334 3591; Jerom e, from 9:00a.m . to 5:00 p.m.

AK C M If l lA T U R E Schnaui'e'r'pups'!' I E «tr .i nice litter, Satisfacllon, H,

M nhrt, Durley, 478-7942.

A K C G R E A T D A N E S , Poodles, Brittany, Gorman Short Hairs, N orw e g ia n E lk Hounds, S a m oyeds, P u re bre d G e rm an Shcpherdpi 'E n g lis h .P o in te r " Shorthnlri' cross-breed. M a c ’s

i Kennels. Phone 536 3317,

1 . P O O D L E P A R LO RProfessional Grooming

Any Breed of Oog — 733 1195

Llveitoek W o n te d _________


Phone collect 713-6035

T T 7

C a t t le 1 0 2


R E F R I G E R A T O R S , w a s h e rs , dryers, ranges. Reasonable rates. 30yoar&oMporlonco. Del Shunway. Phone 733-6147.

R E G IS T E R E D H E R E F O R D S , Ted Monaghan, Haflorman, B37-404O.


Mobile Homo Transporting

H U G H E S ,


E A G L E Book Binding, Old book — Bible rest or At Ion our specialty. 500 F illm ore, 7337314; 934 5195.

Mobile- Homos, Locally Insured carrier. Local and

long disltince. 733 3773.


A L L M A K E S . Specialized Equip­m ent Call 733-3036, d a y or ovonings.




Prescott AAobll Dulchering Cattle and Sheep

Phono 731-7191 or 433 4931

C U S TO M rock picking with Afi' derson rock picker DrenI Bower, 543 473i.___ ____________ _ _ _ _ _ _

5 E W IH 0 M A C IH H E S

P AR K S A N D SONS - . 733 4441, C o m m e rc ia l and reside ntia l iflullng — containers — .special iflU li_ := _Jn ild o -o r .outiide city Imlts,'Ml'

: T R O e S B R V IC e


C U S TO M P L O W IN G j Phono 357 ^755, Bliss.

B u iin e tt O p p e rtu n it ie i, 3 0

' _____ S N A R -O N J^ O l-S iC O R P O R A T IO F i '

H a t an npenlno lor an Indopendont d e a le r, T h lv .^ lf t . a fra n chise forrffbry and fne man qusilliva lof this vwuld l>e In 'D u iln e il lor

.h>r>iseH. The qualified nnan can Lv;icfi 10 ma;<a over 113,000 per yoiir. invirstmenl requlrod. Sales e «p o rle n c B h e lp lu t . I)uf not re q u ire d . & n«p-o n witl tra in qualified m an. If you want m ora out of life m an |uU e job. w rile

/M'-i 54 -nit, double-decker, eir roodlllonlatl. M A W

- T ra d W le . A C B B B A L T Y • 7M-

Como‘^see this elegant homo, 5 Ibedrooms, fam ily room p lu i rec,, 3 jbaths, 3 fireplaces, don, garden |court. Real wAter falls In living ;room. All oloctric, Y O U 'L L L O V E •IT I — I

S H O R T A C R E . 3 b e dro om i,fam ily ' room, 3 fireplaces, 1' j bath*. C U O ^ E l ^ , .■

D U P L E X . Just listed, fv ice Is rightr S E E TO O A Y 1

3 B E D R O O M S . O nly $1000. T E R M S


A fle rh rt , Ceo. Gould 733 9643

B R IC K 3 bedroom, der , 1</i bathi, • Ir conditioned, iprlnkler tytle m i

— double oarao*, lop a re«, oood loan . M S,000 3 I IE D R O O m northweit, a sharp -------- _fja.50fl.

...............- .heap 3 bedroom, g a»iitrnace • »7,B00B R IC K 7bedroom 134,100

P B L D T M A N R flA L T O R S Shothone Street North 733 1911

R E A L T Yr a s - E t t s

733 5457,733 7340,733 5045

F R E EThis space will be used to 'fid verflie VQUf property. We have

. sold alt our lilte d proportion except . m hom* d«KrU>fl(l t)e|6w - a n d

that will be u i d toon: T A K E ad, Vanlago ol our F R G G advortlilng o lfe r,-L ist your property N O W II

D E L IG H T F U LThat best deicrlbet this ruggod briclthom e. Everything for luKury

. living — and only 134,900. 3 bedreom, I t m l ly room and formal dinino area. Large well planned kitchen. Fireplace.M W bathi, and attached 'garage. Qail location near high ichool. Low Inlereit linancing, InBpeci this properly loday.


Davfl Hamltll, B.olifl.Mm u m il 7 3 ]w tO I'» Ib n y llm il

Ann H a d n w lU , « 3 . J I I 0 Ih t m i l

A C M A H A R D IN — ChlroprACfor, 157 North WAshlnglon, Twin Falls. Phono 733-4741.

E X P E R T sewing machine ropalr & .sales. Now and used com m erciali.

Scissors sharpened. V lc 'i Sowing Mftchlne Service, 570 4th Avenue

— -----------------------------


V A L t E Y T R C C S C R V I C E Dangerout Treee, Give U » A Call.

733 3331.


B A S IC H a n il.'o th e r ShAkJeo products, Fr'etJ Yoder, 315 Lenore Street, Twin Falls 7i;i 1545.

L A W N fcrtllliatlon, lorm lte conlrol, house lum igatlon, root leedlng. Gem Spraying Sorvlco, 733-4304.

TO W N A N D C O U N T R Y Tfo e ler, vice, 'Froo estlmatoi. Insured,




Top Job — Janitor Service, wo do 'j:a^pj*i •'•‘>_*‘ni.njj; Cfliii_733 7549. _

o w p u M A K IN Q

D R E S S M A 'K IN G . women’s and p ir l 't alteration. Wedding dreiie s, T^. 714-3401.

R O T O -R O O T E R sew er se rvice ,' S ow er linos antf s e p t ic , tank cloanlng. Also all types* of ox- cavallon. John A. Hakon. 731-3S41.

I* U R N 4 C B C L B A N IN O

S U P B R V A C fu rn a ce c le n nlno. B x p erlen c a d o pe ra tors. Idaho Purnace C la w in g . Piiorte 733-4306.

BZ H A U L National irucV — 'I r a l l* renlal. Kernper — W alilce TeKaco, 404 Shothone Street W eil. 733-V9J3,

H A Y I T A C k l N O

Custom Hay Slacking wUh harrow bad. Call 936-^lSI V^ndell

C R A V E N '6 Sewer. Service: Septic lank • sower line cleaning- Power enulpment, tree Intpecllon, 733-

. * 3053,


H b S P iT A L taedi, wheel c ha V a , commodos, crutches, etc- Rent or lale. Crow ley P harm scy. 733-9971.

W H E E L .c h A lr s . exercising aoulp- menf, crutches, walkers tor rent or

Main East. 733 4574 or 7

F O R S A L E : O ra vo l m a te ria ls . Smith Sand & G ravel, 837-4804, Hagerm an. .


W D A R E T H E A U T H O R IZ G O Dearer for Hoaver, F.lltflX.flnd. k i r b y Vacuufn clearters. We service and repair all makes. A good selection of rebuilt v a cu u m i. Vacuum Ctesnerrol ldat>o. Corner of Dtue Lahet and 3nd Avenue B a it, Call 733-1037r

V A C U U M Service Center: Parts- rep a iri An Kirby com pact, Most

'Others'. T w in RellS'733 6041.

t’ O R ’^ O L E o rs h o p w e id ln g , Phone

-24-HOUR-A n iw e r in g w r v U e . -T h e a d v e r f l ie r w ill ba no tifie d to c n l l 'y o u : - | f - t » t « - t « t » p t « j » n r o t T n i y 'T i d v » r t l w r - l T r - l h l r — O IR B C T O R V l i n o t a fliw a re d , d ia l 7 3 3 -2 3 0 6 , T e le - p ito n o A ritw e rin g Serv/ce lp '7 w ln F a t lt , D a y d r N ig h f .

- r

too A. B E T T E R head Hoistdin Springer hoifors, weighing from 1,000 lo 1,350 pounds. Lots ot cloieup hellers, lor sale or trade, Somo Je rse y and G uernsey Springer Mullers. I now have Imq linanco companies to sell cows through, i can llnancc from 3 lo 5 years. See me lo r- further In­formation, Eugono Hughes, 334- 341J, Joromo,

A p p lio n c e s ft H H Eq u ip . 120

-R E F R I G E R A T O R , $160. Also Kitchen A id porfable dls/twashor, S140. Phone 733.4055.

Frigidaire Cyclamatic relrioerator, . oxcoiteni condition, guaranteed, «9[| at Cain's 733 7111.

Frigidaire washor and dryer, pair, reco nd itio n e d and g ua ranteed, $190 Al Cain's 733 7111.

• R E G IS T E R E D A N G U S BULLS, See Dee Hord, I norfh, 1 wesi ol Jerom e golf course ori 4014, '

o^ 3

G O O D O AD Y and pasture calves lor sale. All kinds.'Phono 334 4143 or

— J24U03»,-Jerom er— ----------------- ---------

10 H E A D B U LL S . 35 head hellers, ' j lo Charolals cross bred calves. All elioiliio lor registration. Phone 731 0411,

W O O D sliavlngs in plastic sacks. M iller Enterprisos, 33fl West Ave A , Jerome. 334 3731 and 334 4083

D A IR Y H E R D , 70 head good m ilk cows. Phono 334 4135. .

AN G U S D U L L Mon Repoia slock 16 m onths b id - Phono , 334,5131.

~ j# r o m » r Idaho:------------- -— ..............

R E G IS T E R E D aIn O U S 'bulls, lop quality, big ofow llw - RnftlV tPwork, Phono543 405?alter 4:00

W O O D C H IM FO R S A LE, lem l loads at 10 wheeler prices, 6781419 alter B p.m .

F R E S H or Springer c o w io rlte lle ri. Ouaranle^d. Buy or, Irada for sprlf^O**'* 01* beet. Hap or Clyde Hughes, Duht. S43-S83Sor S43 S969.

F A M IL Y M IL K cow t, cheaper than mill^ bills, ftnMcino available. Jsrome 334 34U7

C A L V B S ttA B Y a n d O ra is c a iv e i. all kinds. Vi W ait. W South 6( Kim berly. 4}3-

o r 4^-sa09. P « . 6 Came. •

M ayiag gAS dryer, electronic con- iro l, like new, avocado. $131 al CAln's 733-7111.

Com plete bedroom sot, double dresser, niont stand, caii s43 S131Buhl

H O O V E R U P R IG H T vacuum, good condition. $45, Ptione between 9:00 and S',00, 731 3000.

_W EST.1 N Q H QU S C -U A U N Dft A M A T — jrw iN S — wASher and dryer.' Both only $149,50, 90 day warranfy. M &Y E L E C T R IC , 441 Malrv Ave, E .

H O TP O IN T 30" range. 90 day warranty. $119,50, M 8. Y E L E C ­T R IC , 441 Main Ave. E.

F u m llu ra & H H O o s d i 1 3 }

Vory eld lolldoak single dresser and m irro r '.' oood sh ape,. I39.9S at

• Cain’s 733-71U.

doors, U9.9S at Cain's 733 7

Oeddavsno and rocl^er,nylon cover, 1159.95 at Calt>’i 733 7111.

U S E D n U N K D E O let with mat, tresie*. $79,95. Term s. W ILSO N- 0 A T C 5 , 733 *144,

W A N T B D ; Used lu rn ltu re , an. pllancei, baby thli>oii coal itovte , antlQUH. Repalrlnp. upholilerlna. H ayat Purniturt, 733 4010.

CASH POR G O O D u t» \l ilokerm atlc parlor furnacei, a lio good used oil healeri, B A N N E R P U R N IT U R B , 733 U J|:

Per Purnllure-ADpllatsces Thingsof Valua

- BANNeRPURf^tTURB'197 3nd Avenue West. 733-1431

T u e s d a y . O c to b e r Jo , 1970 T I m * | .N « w » . T w i n F a lU , Id a h o 15’':T

resu l t s a r e w h a t y o u p a y fo r a n d r e s u lts a r e w h a t y o u g e t w h e n y o u u s e a w a n t AD!himltuf HH Otodt 132B U Y • S*ll • V r « d i. Cam era Canlar,

Hall or Mutte. .

S M A LL Oanlth mod«/n lola ^Mh - atuchad and tabla. Immaculala.

14?, Parfad for offica o f dan. Graan lofa and c h a lrfTu rq U ofia

' bad davano. S placa kitchan lal.> i n u U ^ i l i iva«. Ct4uda

Jx>n.dlxilno-Iabt« Brown’* Muilc

AU L T H E naw tly^a i of..U irlua dinino .a<id< kllchan la li. Ju it arrived. AH reduced at much a* 30

— paf~caittr-*€»avd*-Brov»i»)**-Mu^le and Purnllura.

124B AN D IN S TR U A A g N TS , uiad and

naw. Rantal plan, rantal a (» ll* i on purchaM prica. Conn ■ Bundy • Salmar and Raynoldi, W arntr

■ M uilc. )33 &ho»hona North.

R E N T A L R E T U R N : H am m ond Oroart T - i n . Sava (M O. M a u n a r M u ilc , 733'8i09. 331 AAaIn E a it. .

N EW Vam ahk p la nM j U ia d planot; Vox oultar* and’ am pllfleri, KLH ifarao racord p la ya ri. Warpar M u ilc . 131 Shothona North.

DO C EN SOwah P. A . ampliliar. |7S. Clautif'O rqM n't M utic and P ur nllura. ' • •

Radio a n d TV SaUS P A C E C f O H T A W o S U ra o .llra c k .

Com para our S49.9S p rIca anywtiara. Cam ara Center.

G arage Sole* 130D E L IC IO U S A N D W IN T E R Banana

applac.-vaO P>ck. cabbage, rad potaloea, 0 0 D E N 5 T A D S , 3 mllat. Norih, 1 mile Watt of W t il S Point*,

. M O V IN G S A L E : Furniture and mitcellanaoui itar^l. Wedneiday only, gi-t mUaL E a it ot-WaihlnBton School on Addlton.

Oaed Thlngi To Ea>C A N N IN G H E N S , 3 poundiup. tM O

each, Pouffry Supply 2I3' Sth ■ Avenue Wott 733-31U.

T R E A T Y O U R S E L F to wholeiome m ilk with a oreAt flavor. 77 cents a oallon. Save at oinoham Dairy. A d d iu n Avenue Ea tt-

D O U B L E — R E D dellclout applet. 13.00 per buihel. You pick. DrIno CQntalneri and picking bucket*. J .E . Bowden O rchard, ' ' t mile touth ol Kim berly.

A n H q u M ' 13«G U ID E D T O U R S D A I L Y . Pete -'Johnston, 304 South Waihlngi

(A irport Road). 733 3341

-1 4 0

9 K 13 L IN O L E U M rugt, i ito rla d pattama. U .«S . D A N N E R F U R N iT U R I i . Twin Falla , 733-U3I.

H w tlh a iq u lp n w n t .L E N N O X W A R M air lurnaca J l lh . fan and Uokarnjatic ilo ker. both In 'a xc a lle n t condition. F or a p ­

pointment to eKamlna both • artlctei. A real buy at *300. Call attar 5:00. 473 Sa00,

________________ 1»4S C H E V R O L E T Mi.fon .*hort

-PPV” > sa-M O D E L 900 Polaroid, black and

Whitt or cotor plctur'ea, wItt) ca t«, new price w a i I3M, m i uli lar- «4S. >33-1373. Days.

Sparling O e ^ i 15V13 G A U G E S H O TG U N , m o d t(" l3

Winchester. verv,oood condition- . Plwne 3J4.5104,. Jerome.

-)9 i3 -K C O U T ,-G o o d ^ -W tte a l-d r iv a ^ Bast offer over 1900. Pt^ona 53A- 3309.

Sndwmebllet 160. .Yamaha for '71 Is Hera


SJOM alnSo.TwIn Palls 7334000


SALe S and SERVICE-D & C A utD m ovile

136 3 n d A ve .$ . 7^3>43«S

P O R IA L f i . ■19M G M C 3 ton, S and 3. U If*, steel floor bed with 10 ton double ram Iw lit . One owner. 73,000 miles. i43S0.

19M C H E V R O L E T ^ ton pickup. 4 X 4 lock out hubs, VB/ heavy wheels and hltdn. S179S.

19U Pi VS. Sai


BaoU For Sola 169C H R Y S L E R boats and mofor*.

Starcraft boats. Camper trailers

U ' boat, motor and trailer. Uifst oiler over llSO. Seeat 33S I4lh Ave. North Quhl

Boats . AAolors • Snowmobiles • Your Evinrude and M ercury dealer. 11A3 Blue Lakae North. 733.1)94.

B U Y A N EW 1971 custom built I I fool deep V boat In outboard, ^n- boardoutboard or jet or V drlvv, at fall 1970 prices. Sava money, traderw>wl No payment or in le rn t

~ l t l Spring. Other H i m avaliablt.' ntiirv Aiilnmntiva AAachlna. 341

W IN T E R S TO R A G E for your boat, camper, or camp trailer. Century AL^omotlve AAachine, 341 West Addison. 733-5070.

M a la r c y c la t 180'43 Y A M A H A 350 with 1944 305

engine. tSOO, 733-4973 alter 4 p. m.

1 9 4 7 .-TR IU M P H *500. Excellent condition. Lott ol chrome and extras. t775 or best offer. 733-5070 or 733 0584.

1944 441 BSA Victor. Good condition. 1435. Phone 733 5474.

1944 H O N D A 90 T ra il. 1944 Yamaha. B O Trall, 314 Ja c k u n Street, Tw in Fails.

N E W 750 H O N D A . New (or 11300. Call 7 U 4034, Hailey, atkfor Dick.

Trucl(» .196

N EW 4' x r R E G U L A T IO N pool tablawlth accH torle t. S350. Phone 455-4331-

-S EA R S -G E N E R A TO R -IJO O O -W fltta . Oouflht new In June, 1970. Phone 455-4315. Hollister.

" N E V E R used anything like it," say user* of Blue Lustre carpet cle/tfier. Rent s ie d rlc ihampooer %]. Greenawalt'i.

t . SA U YO 9" reel to reel tape recorder with speakers and microphones. Four Buick m agt. 15 x 7'. . Phone 713-3999. •

O L Y M P IA portable lypewrltsr with reflular i lie keyboard. Phene 733-


L IK E N E W beautiful mink ttole. Auburn haie In color. Very at­tractive double collar. Thisitola it in excellent condition and Is roasonabty priced. Call 734-3394 or 733 4475..

F A L L C L E A N your carpet with Host. No we4 Shampoo problems. Rent machine t ) . Wlison-Dates. Tw in Falls and Jerome.

U S E D S T E A M claaners for sale, high prassura w ashers, call Speelalliad Equipment, J33 X U days.or evenlnos.

C H A N N E L M aster s te reo .ta p e recorder. 7" reels. Like new/. 1140 or offer. 733 5070 or 7330514.

W E R E O U IL O hydraulic lacks at A bbott's Auto Supply. 305 Shoihone SI. South.

V O L K S W A G E N Bus. Needs motof. Good tires. 1100. )737 3rd Ave. Eatt.

S H A M P O O yo ur own ca rp e t, professional rasulls. Rani a Clark* lh a m p o oa r w ith com panion vacuum. Banner Furnllura, 733- >431.

M U F F L E R S Installed wfiila yoi^ w ail. Complsta muftier u rv lc a . Including custom duals. Abbolt'i^ Auto Supply. 305 Shoihona St. South.

S E W IN G M A C H IN E S , new and iisad. Service all makes. Complata stock of S -T -R -E -T -C 'H fabrics., Patterns and notions. Skinner's Sewing Shoppe. SaveOn Shopping Center.

naau t W anfad 141500400 G A L L O N m ilk bulk lank.

Phone 433-5U3, Hansen, evenlnot.

W A N T E D ^ Tw o 4' or A' CountK Glass Display casM . W rite: Box 39S. Kolchum. Idaho 13340.

W IL L B U Y direct or Auction your furnlture appllancee-odds I , ends. Snako River Auction. 733-77S4.

. I^ICMCST (^ASH p/lf«i for your d ««r and elk hidei, IdoKo Hideoed Tol- low Co.

CASH P O R S C R A n M B T A U Copper, B r a u . Alomll^um. Radiators. BaM erlei.etc.

.H .K O P P B L C O .IS! artdAvtflU* South

h M l a n d W M d

F IR E P L A C E WOODCul Id n i i s f : d « l l » K « d (or only « U g M v p lo*d(Pho(ta'n3-3M4or 733-

D R ^ S B A B O N B D llreplac# vwead. A ll kinds. Ptione 733 4304,

varlatlM . |30pefton delivered


1967 DODGE 600Tilt cab 361 engint, 3 ipsed tiont- mitilon. 3 ip ««d t*or omU, 900x30 tir«t, powtr tl«iring,

1965 DODGElong 2 ton, V-0 engine, 5 tpted Irantmittion with a 7 »p**d reor

1966CHEVR61BITilt cob, 337 V-0 engine, 9 ipeed tranimiition, 3 tp ««d n o r a i lt , powtritaeiing.

1965 CHEVROIEYaO SerlM 3 1/3 ton, V-8 inoine. 3 ip e id tiantmitiion, 3 ipetd raor a .U , 900*30 tlr.i-

Ford N .7003 ton truck, V-B enQlnt, 3 tpied tronimliiion, 30' factory Hot bed, 10i(30 tlr«i. 3 ipeid reor axU, compltlaly rabuill motor.

1966 GMC3 ton, V-6 engine, 4 tpeaJ tioni- n tiion, 3 ipeed raof oxU, 900*30 tiiei.

I960 INTEftNATMNAl3-ton, long wheel boie trucli, V-8 en­gine, 3 ipeed Irottingtiion, 3 tpeed reor axle, alinoil n«w 639*30 tlrei.

1965 FORDC-700 till-cob, 361 V-9 enoina, 3 ipeed trantmiiilon, 3 ipied raar ,}*le, 900*30 tirei.


SNUock2nd Ave. South

OpMevmin(sti8|i.m.P O T A T O t r u c k ! ..

Good dependable pickup. ‘57 Pord P 350, V -l . 4 speed, heavy duty raar ei\d, t>»w tires. m « II to belleva at

•^335 )4th Awa North# Buhl

1993 D O D G C Vi-ton 4 spaed, . cy^n^ r . Phona »3 -)4»9 .

I..V I tow b a r, lafaly m<

Truckt. 196N E W Il'iB e e t 'B e d . Metal frame.

*900. Call 733-5930,

1943 C H E V R O L E T 3 ton long wheel .b a s e .' 4-speed, a-speed. goocf rubber, 431-5095.

1970 C H E V R O L E T b ick up . 350 automatic. 10,000 miles. 934-4 ~ 353-4443, j3<-997l...

T R U C t i S H O P P E R S . 1950 G M C *>»■ ton pickup. Everything works and In good ctondlllon. 734-3735.

14' C U R L bed with 1 horse heavy duty motor. 1375. .

Pttone 334-4611

A utei For Sale • 300

1947 90 O L D S M O O IL E L u v u r y sedan. F u lly equipped. Stereo, air conditioning.,Phone 733-5171.

A u t e s F o r ^ o l e K 2001943 P A L C O N Sprint V I. «4'speed.

Very clean. EKCellenI condition. S79S. 733 5070..733-05M.

1944 E L C A M IN O , 4 cylinder. 3- spe«d. ExcWlent motor. tIOOO. 733- IS44 afler S p . m .

FO R ' S A L E ) Sharp 1945 Chevrolet ( l r r - » ) 0 5 0 r -€ » t t —m p e lvr


V O L K S W A G E N Bus. Needs motor. Good tire*. »100. -)737 V d Ave. E a tt. , . • .

■l944-OL;DiMOBIUB_R.aS-^U»t- ' overhauled. Good llree. Chrome

wheels: 1330 ^ s t Addlton. Best ■Offer.

1947 V O L K S W A G E N , low mileB()r. . 1971 Ute Liner motor, home, Under

3.000 miles. 733-S04I.

Good 1944 c a r . . Power tleer|nQ,

«I75.00. Phone 733 5079 jyenlhgs.

194fl C H E V R O L E T ImpBla SS. My equity or older car. Take over payments. 733 74BI.

1940OLDSM ODILE B9 4 ^ r . Clean S375. Ptfone 733-7494.

1944 V O L K S W A G E N tedan. Good condition. Dark blue. Phone 543' 4935, Buhl.

A u t M P ^ S o l a

IVM C H E V R O L E T Mallbu jS , Good .condition. Mag whaela. 337 engine. High performance. Phone 733'73SS.

condltkin. f ^ n « 334-4444, '

1947 V O L K S W A G E N P a s jb ack .' -.»UU^Pt>on»-73443gr

1 9 7 0 C H E V R O L E T

______ 9 P ciss«n 0 a frK lngw ead Estote W o0an

Turbo Hydramotie tronirrti»'tion— 4 Sioton Aif condilloning Powtr S t« » r ln o — Power B ra k e i— Tinted g lo i i — E ie clru Window lilti— ^Ittlrlc door loclii— Poih bulton rodio, 4700


IM M ID Um V AVAILABU AT f 3T4SPhone 726-SB23

Sun V a lle y .


T 9 7 0 F o rd R e n t -G a r s - Nov^f A v a i l a b le

A t B ill W o r k m a n F o rd1 9 7 0 G o la x ie S O O '4 'd o o r t e d a n 't , 1 9 7 0 G o lo u io 5 0 0 2 d o o r h a r d to p 'i , 1 9 7 0 T o r in o 4. d o o rs , o il w ith V> Q ,e (ig ln e, a u to m a tic Ira n tm lttio n . p o w e r sle e rin o . fo c fo ry -o ir -c o n d lf lo n in g . o il u n d a r 1 0 .0 0 0 m ile i. B o lo n c e o f fa c to ry w a r ra n t y .



In Downtown Twin Falli FORD . Open Until

7 P.M. W Mkdoyi > Cloied Sundayi

Phont 733-3110


'47 M U S T A N G G T fattback. V - l . 4 speed, low m ile s , fa c to ry w a rra n ty. 734-3734 o r 733 0543.


QUAtlTY.1970 Piytnouth

M v td tr m 4 'door u<ian. A tp tc ia l loctory purchoie ol thl< b«<«iitili|i liii| neW'modeLolvei.the balance - ol new cor 5 y#or 50,000 mtU wof/oMy. full^ equi^pad and air

lr\Ot ol ’ 'r big I

----------- 1 andortiy 10.000 m lUi,- '

1968 Mercury4-door. itdon, beautilul 3 ton* blui ond whiu. Fully equipped with powi/ ttMring. powtr diic brak«(, automatic driv«, ladio, plut lactory Qir (ondiliortlpg.

• 1885®“1967 Chrysler

Newport CuUom t«don wiih (ull pow«r and air contiilioninn. ftiri vtry eltai* cor now. Spfcia/ Pric«

•18830”.19-67 Plymouth

Fury III Sfollonwagpn, V-B

'1660 lOO

1966 FordCu»lam StolionwoQon, Radio*

.........“ »■

1966 Mustang3 door Hardtop V-8, Radio. Bucket

f h o f th ih o n d air eondi- lionino. Priccd ot only

• 1285””1966 Toyota

4 door f don, Slondord titih »con. good irontportoiiort ot

Auloa For Sola

1944 C O R V E T T E . , Btue. Luggage ra c k - One owner, 34,000 actual miles. -Sharp. Phone 733-0457 or' 733 1935.

1943 C H E V R O L E T '3 door hardtop wJtt) U 37' engine, 4«peed, Engine transmluk>n Has very

1951 O L D S M O O IL E 9a. Phone 734> 3733 after * p, n],.

1943 C A D IL L A C . Very - d it lo n .-A ir . S79S. 733<S234..S««-Bt

- 7 w r f e f f r v ~ D f iv i

1941'M USTANG, 9-speed aOtomi power steering/ V* engine. Real

Sharp. Phope 733.1573.

t959 P O R D Ranchero. AAake offer. See at Curl Manufacturing, phone 733-57B1.

1944 T H U N D B R B IR D . jcall Lynn Schmler, Grand Vu Trailer Court, space 41. atter l O a . j n .

Autoa>Fer Sola 2001947 C H E V R O L E T Impela S u p v

Sport. EHcellent shape. 44,000 miles. Inquire 733 4773. deytlme. After 4 p. m . 543 41*1.

1943 S C O U T 4-wheel drive, Excellentcoodlllon. Phone 334-4317, Jerom e,

B R O T H I R I IPentUc-Cadltlac .

OM CR uperl. Idaho, 434 3474

A ulo tF erS ^U ** 200

1949 M E R C U R Y M A R Q U E Colony. P a rk n a t io n w agon. Te n pauenger. a ir. new glass »>elt tires. Phone Eurlev ' 4713071 or alter 4:00 p .m . 47I-M73. ^

■ p O N TI'A C SB U IC K S '

~ c H e v n a D B T T r “ O L D S M O O IL E S •

N E A R L Y N E W 1970 Pord Ranchero. Under 3,000 miles. New Mlchelln llres. Phone 7339494. after 5i00 p.m . •


D i r t f l e S F a c t o r y l l « a l « r

HARBAUGH MOTOR CO.• V v "D r iv e A l l l l l e ; Save A i f l "

G O O D IN G . ' 934-4112.

.00•8861966 V W Beetle.

A nice cUon economy unit. Stt iiti* now ipeciolled at

^ 8 8 f


25 4 4 lh Av«, W ail


19«v Dodge $3395 i m o i d i S U MPolara 4 door sedan, radio. V -l engine, automatic transm iision. p ow e r ste e ring , fa c to ry air conditioning. ’

19&5 Mustang $1395Pastbfick, V - l engine, automatic tra n s m iss io n , pow er steering and t>rakH. factory air con- dltlortlnoi nice:

'9 « ' Luxury sedan. V - l engine, automallc traniml>slon. power steering and brakes, windows and seat, belled tiree. tu tone paint.

194j9 ChryslerNewport 4 d o o r hardtop. . . en gin e , a u to , tra n s m iss io n , power steering I. brakes, factory

■ a ir.-itia rp ;

Dodge $1495Polara slallonwagt>n. V I engine., aulomatlc iransmlsslon. power slerring and brakes.

19&4 Dodge U95• 2 4 9 5 — door IM . V l V g l n e . automatic

1967 Chrysler $1795 69 DddgeNewport 4 d «o r sedan. Power steering, power brakes. 1 owner. Ve ry nice Inslde'and.out.


19<9 Ford $2695Calaxie 500, 4 door hardtop. 390 V - l engine, power steering and brakes, lactory ,alr; vinyl top, low m ile a ge ..

1968 Dodge $1895

Coronet 500 3 door hardtop. V I engine, eutomatic transmission, power steering, brakes, buckri seats, v in y l top , fa c to ry w a rra nty, sharp.

19*9 Plym ^utr* $2795Pu ry III 3 door hardtop, V -l engine, automatic transmission, power steering, power brakes,

. -winvl- to p .-~ la e io rv _ -^ iu .. conditioning, sharp.

transmission, power steering, power brakes. ‘

* 6 9 C h ry d a r -------- --Town & Country iloiionwogon; V8 • ngine, outematic troniminion. tully powered, ,lotlory gir condi-

* tioning. one owner.

1944 PlymouthBarracuda, radio. V - l engine, automatic transmission, heater, see this onel

Coronet 440 stationwagon. V I engine, automatic transmission, power steering, brekes, 1 owner.


'68 O ld i 96 $3095

'47 Chrysler300-3 door hardtop, V -l engine, * u to m » tlc t r s n t m l i t l o n . power steering, power brakes, realnice.

'^9 Dodge $219'?in. V-8 engine, vin^l top. one

luiury Sedan, luily powered, oir con' dilioning, jutl llkeb'ond n

1943 Rambler t5954 door wagon, 4 cylinder engine, with overdrive, and very clean.

47 Plymouth $1395Valiant 4 door 4edan. V -l ktglne, automatic transnHsslqn, very

1966 Mercury $nSOAAontclalr 4 door sedan. V -l engine, automatic transmission, power tteerlrig/bflght red.

^30951«4eChryilerTow n and Country wagon. V -l

j»og^Ht-JVtomaHc-tr«nimlMlon-.— pow e r ste e ring , and pow er

1970 Pontiac 400Catalina hardtop, V - l engine, . automatic transmission, power steering and brakes, lactory air

'conditioning.'^9,0 0 0 actual m lle r A new d iry sier trade-in.

1966 Mustang $M95H a rd lo p TS w cu. in. V - l engine. aW om alJf »/an»mJulon< poMW steering. In eucellent condition.

“19BrChevrolet « 9 rSta tionw a go n. V - l en gin e , standard transmission, radio, and he aler, runs good.

68 Ford $ai95Galaxle 500. 3 doo^ hardtop. V -l engine, automatic transmission.

S pow er efeerlng and brake|«^r*efd?r»i»^'^*''«i'»>*i"orvrnvrJ top. Ilka new.


• KENNY MOON • JOEBUTUR • WINELUSO P E N I V f n i l l G S 'T O . a P J H .


The eourtaous, aMlcJanf larvlc^ . y o u racaiva from Bobby W lH i m ade him o 1969 NolloiSat Sarvica M ono gar of tha Ya^r A w o rd Winner. Bobby l» our cuitom er'relationi m onooer as w e ll ' os service rnonager. " I f y o u w a n t it don< rigfif,#oia i f l o B o b . " •

You’ll Save Time, Trouble anil Money You CAN do Better at Wais


336 shofhene It* West


------------------— ALtSELHNfrAfFAMTJlSTICDISCOUHTS--------------

1.971 C h e v ro le t3/4 loit pickups 350 cu. lit. V>8 angina, oulom alic (rontm ii' lion, power steering, factory oIr concJIIIonlng, custom cab, new 10 ft. Ball camper. • .

1 9 7 1 C h e v ro le t3/4 ton pickup; 350 cu. In. V>8 engine, 4 speed tronim iitlon, pow er steering, new 10 ft. 1^1 com per.

R otall$6289 ... This WeolrOni 4 9 9 5 $73^A~:TrThis WetilrOnly ^5990

1970lmpala . 1965 Pontiac j 1964 BuickI) ^oupe. V<8 engine, oulom otic G T O C oupe, 4 spaed tronsmlislon, m ag leSobre hardtop coupa, V>8 aitiCuttom Joupe, V -8 engine, oulomotic

IronsmisVion, power steering, pow er diik brakes, factory a ir conditioning, no tronifer (ee on w orronty.


Hardtop coupe, V '8 engine, Hick ih lf t . fronim iition.

G T O C oupe, 4 speed tronsmlislon, m ag wheels.

*10951965 Chevrolet

Bitcoyne 4 door stationwagon, V -8 en­gine. stick lihllt^ o nica ona^

1395 »895

leSobre hardtop coupe, V -8 angina, ou- tomotlc tronimlisJon, pow er itaar)«g, o cream puff.

*9951951 Plymouth3 door, itk k thiH , ru m good.

•90— 1»**TCkswlls“

396 C o u p e, autom atic trontmisslorir pow er steering, beautifut soK d ^h e rry red finish, Just- ■

*1595IM iF o rd

G olaxie 500 X I C oupe, '390* V -8 an­gina, automatic tronihtlsslon, pow er steering, power brakes, pow er te a l — ’ a creom puff.

Commercials1969 Chevrolet 1962 Dodge


Custom 1/2 ton pickup, V -8 engine, o u lo ifio tk tro n im liilp n , fa cto ry o ir conditioning, Nice.

*26951967 Chevrolet

}/2 ton,-long wlda boK ^teatsid* p(ck> up, 6 cyl. engine, itortdard tronimii* lion, ihorpl

1/3 ton long w ide box Flaatilde pick­u p , 6 cyl. englita, ito ndard tranimls* sJOftJuit. '

*2951 9 & 2 C f i ^ e »

- 1 / 3 ten l o n o ^ U a b ^ F l U i ld * ptckup, .6 cyL artair>a« 4 spaed ^ansnihilofi,

'.Special, ■ - . ■ • '

• ' . J , I

- r t

» T lw «i N«w». tw in . F a lli, Idaho Tuoiday, Oclobor 30, W O

Grocery; M r i k e r s

con fid en tBOISB (U P I) - BoUj .sides,

o ppcarcd conflitcnt Monday (is m em b ers of'Fletflll C lerks U n­ion 7i)C}i] IDH continued plckot- ln« D u ttreys ' sto res In B o ise '

' LAZARO G ordenas; fo rm er P rc i i id e n t of M cx ico , dfed M nnday n( his M cxico City- hom e n t. 75. He notlonnllzcd foreign nil Inlereslii In Ills coun try In 1938. |U P I»

L eagu esu pp ortsred raft

■BOISE (U P I) - Tlic preai:_ dent of Uie Loagiio of Women

- —V oters In- Tfliihn .. m tH _M nntjnywhile Uie rev ised constitution (Iocs not includc oil of the

.Ipngue' reconunendntions “ we do support its Adoption.”

M rs. Clifford Doblcr told n Boise new s conference Uie r e ­v ised constitution " is m ud) m ore iji keeping with Uic needs And d es ire s of Idnho c ltlzcns."

__ M rs. Dobler snld nic^mbers of...U ie 'league bcgnin*io'stUdy t h e “ s la te 's constitution In lOGl and •'over n period of nenrly 10 y ea rs we nrrive<l n t a m em b er­ship ag reem en t upon m any of tlie Im provem ents tlint sliould be m ad e .in our s ta te 's m ost bnsic iViw."

9 )0 said both the> N ationnl M unicipal le a g u e 's - ‘‘modelconstJtunon '^ the l).S . Constltu- tlon a n d the constitutions of all 50 s ta le s w ere studied by the league, but snld tlic recom ­m endations -w ere b ase ^ on ou r study of Uie Idaho Constitution,

—n o t-o n -a n y -s to n d ard - constitu ­tion, not on nny s tan d ard con- slltution. Our concerns w ere U]ose of Idaho people, not any o ther groujj organized In Ido- lio p r e lsew lw p fiJ l- .

M rs. D oblcr said th e so-called “m o d el" and the proposed re ­vised constitutions w ere “ highly disaim Unr” and added "Uterc is considerably m ore sim ilarity to the foderiU constitution as rev ised , an d two-Uilrds of the revision com es d irec tly from Uie p resen t constitution."

S ii; urged Idaho voters to carcfuUy exam ine th e com pnri- Eon betw een Uie p resent and r e ­vised constitutions, adding Ida- hoitns “ should not be sw ayed by side issues and d istortions, but b ase Uieir decision on the facts. 'Diese facts cleorly dem - orisU*otlon Uiat the rev ised con- stition is be tter for Idaho."

Court eyes -Gem-liquor licensing

COEUK D’ALEN E (U F l) - Tlie g ran ting of licenses to sell {ilcuhollc beverages based on tiie business location in Kooten- ni County Is unconstitutional.

At leust Uiat was the decision handed down la.Ht week by F irs t D istrict Ju d j'e W att E . ProUi- or.

County P rosecator G ary Hamftn sai<l M onday th e deci* Sion will be appealed to the S ta te Suprem e Court.

H am an said sliould the deci­sion be affirm ed by th e s ta te

— hlgh-oourlrho-onviflion»-a-oom - plnte d iiinge in Uie liquor law s in Idaho,'concerning licensing.

P ra th e r 's decision was m ade in connection wiUi su its brought by Uie s ta te ag a in st Jam es and Ja n e C an tre ll, operations of the L u n j ^ r ^ c k Cave o t nose Lake, and Q ja r lc s M iller,-operatolr of Chnrlic'w A cres on S ta te High­way &3 th ro e ' m iles west of H a th d ru m . Both d e fe n d a n ts werp accused of selling liquor wlUiout 0 license.

PrflU icr sa id It ap p e are d boUi -d a fcndA ntiiJ iC om cd-io -posscas

the pcTBonal qualifications to o b ta b 9 llccnuo to sell alcohol­ic bcv ero g o s an d ttia t boUi hod llccnscfi to soil b ee r for con- sum pUon on th e prem ises.

, Wayno I j ir s e n ,.s e c re ta ry of tlic LclrtlbirUQn.!M tL^l>0)(0Yc„ w c 'ro h u rting U>cm. You alw ays h e a r a lot of ru m o rs and I w ouldn't w an t to speculate', but I beliove wcVo hurting th em .", At Uie snnlo lim e Tom Haz^

T ard , re p rese n tln g -U io —I(lfllio' E m ployers Council, said sto res h a d rep laced Iholr m ajo r-w ork force nnd *'thlnt;s o re run n in g ' fim oo th lf nnd w e 're very p leased ."

d o th s id es see m e d pessim istic about ..chnnceb for fu r th e r n e g o tia tio n s .--L a rse n ' s a id i ^ s i b l y . th e F e d e r jit M ed ia tio n nnd C onclH ntion Service m ig h t moyc to bring the two sitlea together, although no n e g o tia t io n s w ore p la n n e d . Hnzzard snld em ployers felt Uiere wa-s "no m otivation" for a m eeting.

'Hie s trik e nffcqted som e 600 union m em bers a s w orkers

.p ick e ted B uttreys s to res and g rocery ' s to re s locked union n ieinbers out of 25 s to res in Boise, N am pa. Mountain Home nnd P ay e tte . •

I^ r se n sa id he- understood m em bers of tiie T eam ste rs Union w ere m aking deliveries to pioketcd s to res , but said he a lso hea rd superv isors had to leave Uie sto res to take Uie deliveries inside.

E lg ie F n r r i s , s e c re to ry - t r e a s u r e r , T e a m s te rs Union U c a l 4(13, sa id te iunsters hod to

;:'uso.Uk6l^wn.judgiu&»LV_uhen- deciding w hether to cross picket lines to deliver.

• i t 's illognl for m e to tell them not to cross th a t picket line i t ’s not o u rs ," F a rr is said , “ n in t would be u secondary boycott. One labor organization can 't help another a nym ore, according to law ."

G oyerhor askfed to E xplain I^st State en d ow m ent fund

AnCX), Idolio (U P I) » Stuto "Since th e govunuir, up to TVeasurer M arjorie HuUt Moon Aug. 14. of th is y ea r a t least, called on Gov. Don Sa/nuolsqn lias been nlgning o rd e rs for M onday to oxp!a ln \^hethor any ’w urraiiU perta in ing to the in­school endow m ent fund prlncl- vestm ent of endow iiient fundi, I ■patT?rq!no5r‘W c i n d i ^ o ’r i n m i i n k : i n r D r t i n ’r o p c f t h a r h e - ve^tm ent board .casliod in on- tiliuuld u n se r u s to w)iDther dow nient funds before m atu rity Uicre ha.<i been ((^violation of the In lOCfl.. • constitutional provision reqiilr-

M lss Moon, Uio D em ocrattc Ing tliat school enilow m ent mon- Incm nl^n tseok lng re-election to ' ey m ust ‘fo revor re m a in Invif)-

hldden ynder te n n s of' the law wlik’li allow s Uki "w riting .down'* of the value of the gov­ernm ent l)on<ls originally held -by the endow ment funds to ^ jn ij/v riire n rW iiie -tsW k n in n ir* m arket v a lu ^ when the law went Into effect on M arch 25, IMO. • ■ • • •

"In addition to Uie loss Uiey are lilding by )uf>nlitiB Uie l)ool

....Uiypba^ion7ioi^~^U 1cnl'idin«-lntg~nnd~lntnctV *'^i?iy~M om T~H ;nhiC7nhcy~iu1m it'Trn^'loss~D f'' ' ner th e Investm ent board h as said. . ' - J5'J5,555 m a resu lt-tff selling

Uikan a lo ss of $1.27 million to • Slie sa id an outside account- Ixmds af te r M arch 25, IDGO, Utat $ lli m illion on the ca.^hlng In Ing f irm 's au d it of Uie Invest- luul gone down even furtlicr in of enddw m ent fund Iwnds l^ o r e m ent Iw ard sliowed a ll but hulf m arket V a luo 'from tiie took m atu rity . '- .............. ' a million "dollars of the loss w as , value on tha t d n k " sho -Wild.

Sm elly |i ilc - ii |i . . 1WOMAN CAHEFULLY places her bag of

gnrbagc along a fence lined with re fuse In Loudon. G overnm ent troops w ere read ied to m ove Into strikebound sew age works to c le a r

m ountains ot gnrlini'o th a t had accunuilated durlag the four-week s trik e by garbagem en, scwnge w orkers and o ther m unielpnl em ployes. (UPI) ' • • : . - -

fAMlLV specialFeed the Fom ily '


TWIN FALLS ~ BUHL — JEROME BURLEY — RUPERT — HAILEY . AU paflUipullnu (torsvi't lilalio, O(«uon. UUili

A ndm ssupported

Tlie s trik e clim axed eight w e ek s of n e g o tia t io n s . The union .re jec ted the first^ offer

•frohi the stores, then union l e a d e r s h i p r e c o m m e n d e d m em bers accept ft second offer.

I'O EUH D’A LEN E (U PI) - E ndorsem ent of Cecil Andrus for governor w as m ode Monday by six Idaho w ln n era of a na- Uonal conservation oword.

.. - I n ^Lstatem finU rdG ascdJicro- M onday Uiey ca lled "for a r e ­turn to effec tive conservation leadersh ip" and said they sup­ported A ndrus.

Tlic six , rec ip ien ts of the A m erican M otors Corp. aw ard for •‘exceptional serv ice in the cause of conservation ," are ScoU W. R eed, S ta te Sen. Art

_M onley_nnd_Etank_C uU cii_Q L (^ e u r d 'A lene; E rn e s t E . Day and B ruce F ow ler of BoLse and K enneth B. Reynolds of Pocate l­lo.

T liegorilla is a vegetarian . ■

m o ^ l ; c f i s p , t e n d e r

c Q s t y p o p c o r n

y o u e v e r o t e i

— H o r o is j -o a r in g p o p p ln a - b f c r is p y c ru n c h in g m o u th fu ls o f th o ta s tio s t to n d o re s t p o p c o rn ... fu ll f lu f f y f la k e s th a t'll sp oil y o u fo rG vo r.

A t 7* o f f t h o r o g u lo r p r i c o a t y o u r f o o d s t o r o l

Jolly Tim e Is tho ligh t h u llo ss p op c o rn that p o p c o rn lo v o rs ovory- w h o ro h ovo b o u g h t ao n v ld ty r- thoy'vo m odo It tho world's lorQO&t oolllnQ brand.

\V lm t; If any . Is tho rolntlon- <lilp l»otweiin virukcx and hu ­m an rancorP Hdsoarch »clen« Iji}! a re try ing to find n u t.H e lp tiMi'in by glvhi(( to tiio American C o n c u r S o c ie ty . T h e o n iw o r cotild savo llvdn. '


6 0 Years

A nd S t ill

B ra n d■New

W e w i s h t o t h a n k - alj o u r p a s t c u s t o m e r s w h o h a v e m a d e this e x p a n s i o n p o s s i b l e . H is o u r

d e s i re t o c o n t i n u e to s e r v o M a g i c V a l l e y w i t h q u a l i t y a n d i n t e g r i t y . . . W e a l s o w i s h to

e x p r e s s o u r a p p r e c i a t i o n to a ll o f t h e sl<i,lled w o r k m e n u n d e r t h e d i r e c t i o n o f M r . J o c k D e s -

s e n b e r g e r w h o e x p e r t l y a s s is t e d in m a k i n g o u r s to re so b e a u t i f u l . In o u r n e w l o c a t i o n , w e

a r e p l e a s e d to o f f e r o n e o f t h e f in e s t j e w e l r y sto re s in t h e I n t e r m o u n t a i n a r e a .

These NamfisJHave Also Let Us Grow .i n t e r n a t i o n a l ®

D E E P S I L V E F \ a « . « * s■ p O M


W y l e i *


■ C’,■O'

C h arles l? ic h a rd l^ T M a c h a m fe r H o w a r d L. A llen


4 D A Y S O N L YWednesday, Optober 21st to

Saturday, October 24th

a P o p u la r , . F.avorite

W om en’s N ylon Panty JHose in-Most Popular Colors /

A smooth oomforbible. ni. a t this ouUtandinff low S^ani nrioo. Nudo hMl* and reintoreed tOM for Uia right, look, long w«ar. All . the popular colon ara available'. ; 8I»M fof averageand tall. •'

C H A R G E I T on Sean Bevolvlng Charge

S A V E *3•13.99. m - T o n H y d rau lio J a c k

i 9 7

STOCK VP45-in . P e rm a -U n e d

Creipe F ab ric s

kitdra. and Myoa bl«a(l

T I i f T j i n i 'a N rw a . 'I'drw iiiy, O n . 20. I ‘>70

C U T 5 0 % a n d M O R E• " " "" !......... " " " ........ . ~ ' ~ ............... - - - —

M en’s *5, *6 and ®7* Long or Short S leeye

* W o r e• 5 ,* 6 & * 7

In Full X>9 ( '. i i la jo ^

FORG re a t lo o k w ith thcoo P E B M A -P R E S T * D ress s liir ts in y o u r clioico o f long o r s h o rt sloovos, b u t to n dow n o r ly n n c o lla rs .. G ood co jo r scloction . N o iron ing nocossory

jw lion m ach ino w ashed an d tu m b le d ryod . All m e n 's siioB.

s k a k s . n o t a v c K a n d c o .

22 and *25 Gar Goats1 9 9 7

S«ve«now on acH^LoJiying^yfcA w ith tlie Intcat iooks. Scars whopping snlo includes p len ly .o f q u ilts , rilia, p ilesnm l oilier fA v d r i lo u . A nd ovcry one f e d s no good ns it looks l^ccniiM It's got a 'co zy pilo o r q u ilt lin ing . H ave 'yourfl holtlly but. toned, hooded, belted , Bimpped o r r ip p ed . .Cliargo it on Senrfi R evolving CImrgc.

Handbagsno time like the present to buy pants

r e g u la r 'R

D ut n o t j u t t fo r p rlo a a t o n o , . .ilio y 'r« o n ta le , a n d that*a ■ Im p o r t A i it , b u t.tiio re 'fl iQts m u r e to c o n iid e r , to o l L ike

- t.he_gr e a t d o u b le k n i t n y lo n , th e s t ito h e d > in o r o n iQ ,

BtrAigHTlega, ae leetion o f p ro p o rtio n e d Bixea a n d colora.

C H A R G E IT o n feeati.RevolvinB C hnrge

'IVavcI hnndlm gs . . ihp (hut itold cvorylhinB . Sliml> Hclon grnio o f, Bmoolh vinyl with lota o f inaido; pockcts foi oxoticn’or jiia l plain atuff. Asj- sorted stylea, som e w ilh .nov‘ l- t> hiickinB. in_g roHl fidi


: n i _

now Sears brings you this fam ous-style bra at

fabulous savings

3 0 % . ' 3 3 % ~


who ever heard of

Orion* acrylic and wopl .

jersey dresses for 1 1 ^ ^ ?

W hen you acc iFiem you’ll probnW y wish

waB juBl between u«! Bccnwuc nothing mnlces

for a greater faaliion accret limn an incrediblo

buyf A n d wlicn it involves dreases that are

bonded to ncctntc, you know thofle good looks

are there to atoy. Some are one piece, some

ore two, and nil lo r Misacs and H nl f Sims*

Sears. . . the r « « 1tl6ii Hop

C l I A n C E I T o n S n ar# n e v o lv U ijt C h a rg e

O R I g j iA no POMT

. . C L

PERM A-PREST® Underwire Stretch Bra

w ill ho prii’r«l Vi.r>0 afUtr tliiH

H a n d ( ' ( 'u p



- D — G i i p -9 9

You rocognixe the bra, of course. I t ’s fa- nioTis lor siiporl) fit and strclch comfort . . . features flexible, self-adjusting wire to give you maximum support, firm up­lift, and flattering separation. Luxurious sheer nylon lace cups, w ith f la t te r in g lower cup lift.^ Tw o-w ay s tretch sheer elastic back and sides . . . w on’t ride up. i 'u lly adjustab le stretch straps. Nylon , Lycra spandex. W hite. 32-40B, 32-120,-1

J L = a _ _

one of the biggest

little sales ybuVe ever seen!

A c riln n * A c r y l ic C r ib D lf ln k c t

T lio rm a l w eavo^ . N v- lo n b i n d i n g n il around. W h ite , y o l '- low, •eafoam in. gifth p x .------------ -------- r t 9 7 —

Sa iii'G oriP T ra in in g Panm

-Super, -flbaorbent,- r ib - k n it h e a vy cotton . Sisea 1 to 4 . Save on

iirH iiih raro r 'i.iw 1

Tlierm ogloft* N u rtc r S e t

Inoludea bottle, nii>« p ie , “D A V -D IA L '* * cap and anap^on hood. Stock up now.

l l w l » r .W 2 lor 8 9*^

C otton F itted C rib S hee t

Sanlforised* cotton; — el ai t j ci aed-

oomora and endi. In~'white, only.

C olton Pak-Nit® •-J, P-jftlo S h lrU _Long aleeve cotton knits, tnap ahoulderi. Pattema and atrlpea. Small to extra large.

’ 1 *^7 noHHlnr'l.yo I " ’

W ate rp ro o f V inyl P u l l - o n J P a n l B "

Boilablei with olnatlc > waiat, loga. Siiea new* bom througlt extra* large. Pack of tliree.

3.,.87“H o m e co m in g •.

G ift S e t SIflflper and aaoque oeta Include Ifht, rattle.

. One aiae. W b it^ paa>Gift bpic. Q QY

MoKitlur O

J b L ____________

Padded Knee Goveralls'Hic just \vlu‘re hutiy noetia itmost - “ on the knees. Those comfy coverall^ have eiisy-on zip front and snap crotcli.. No ironinK when maehine washed and Innihic dried hecnuae these are I’Ell.M A^ I’lUJST® coveralls of cotton and hylon cor­duroy. For l)oys and (’iris in {imall to extra larne.

Regular *3.99

100% Orion Acrylic B lanket Sleepers

B ru sh e d n c ry lic ficcce luivc plim lic Bolea, liundy fro n t zipper. Y ellow , p ink o r lim e w itli eon- trn s lln g color a p p liq u e . In rp n ls

, l l o - t .


R e g . ‘21.99

Corduroy Bush Coat

c o l to i i r o r d i i r o v ItuKh co jil. ( r r o l t n ’o n l - f o r - f a l L - K o u r

■ lu u 'k e f f i , h ff ltrH w h is I.- r p l t o n Im cU cd p o lv c iile r l in in g . SizoH 6 to 12.

The A ction Leader

B oys’ Bear Parkas

R e g u la r


' I ' l i o t w o - f o r - o i i R i n c k o t . Side o t i o i l ’a n “ h e u r l o o k ' j n c k c l o f p i l e l l u i t I t l c l i d a i i c r y l i e a n d m o d H o r y l i c . . . r c v e r a c i t , i l ' a a p a r k n o f n y l o n ( l u i l l c d U) p o i y c a l o r . . . h o l l i w i iy a I h o r n ' s a . w t i r i i i l i n o d , n y l o n U n il. q i f f a a n d z l p | i e r f r o n t ( o r w a r m coiiiForl.. S izes 6 lo 12 In hinck, h r o w n o r jpjoUI. ,

Regular *15.99 T a k e co v er in th e n a c c se lle r sk i ja c k c t! T o w - c o a t styling: keeps tn c wea th e r o u t , w ith h o av y - flu ty f ro n t z ipper, 2 side z ip p e rs , /.ip -up p ock­e ts , concealed s to rm cu ffs . D raw slrinp ; hood . rolls up u n d e r sn a p d o w n co lla r. W a te r-p ro o f ny lon ta f fe ta “she ll: w ith ” q u ilte d n y lo n hnitiK^ conncs in yellow , p o w d e r 'b lu e , n av y a n d red . Sizes 7 to 14.

- I -

.\](Mi’s *1 Streloli Crew Socks7 7 0

S h i r k l i ' i iK l l i HocliH o f O r i o n i i i h I H i n ' I r l i IIS Io n . I t c i i i r o r n M l I o c h i in d I mm ' I k . itil p o p i ^ i t r r o lo r H .

SA VE 1fi7cYour clioicc of briefs, boxer shorta , T sh ir ts or a th le tic sh ir ts , .,c a c h is m ade o f h ighly a b so rb en t Kodel® po lyester a n d P im a c o tto n for b rillian t, long las tin g w hiteness an d m in im um sh rinkage. Briefs a n d boxer sh o rts h av e h e a t-re s is ta n t w a is t­bands 80 y o u don’t h av e to w orry a b o u t m ach ine

-w ash ing-o r-d r-y ing .-^

SA VE m2S Tow Coats or Corduroy Bush Coats


i \ y l o i i ( ^ o a lV o rH iitilo n > lo n to w c o a t r n n ( io u l ) l ( ' a s n s k i p n r k a . f r o n l a n d |MX-k(*ls.(M)nciMUfMl Ik x h I w 'it li d r a v N s lr in ^ c lo s iin * .

\\aiv;1; ( l o i j i ! (• olor s o h 'c l io j i.

C o n h i m y i i i i s l i C.oa l—UuKK(ui-<'aMan-(!()rdiiroy— trally—<i<’

l a i l ( ‘( l . lu v iir p o c k o tH . Ito llo d w a is t . (^ o L tu ii l)ack(M l a c r y l i r l i n i n g , h i ( a i ) 'a n < l l)ro n /(> I'o Jo rs . A l l iiH M j’s siz<*s.

Floor Care Equipment

Portable Sewing Machine

C om plete sewing convenicncc. Sews ziff-zag and alrnighl iilileh- CB bolli forward and rcverac. Darns, m ends, m onogram s, sews on b n tlon s atid m akes biiUon Holes. C om plete w ith portable

o o r C h o i c e

$ -

Konmoro Floor Copditionor S c r u h n , w n x cB n n d p o lla h o R lia rd w tu id o r t i le flo o m . W ith pntiH n n d Itriinhfft. •—Konmoro Cunialor A^«cuumPoworfn) R u ctio n ro Is the d ir t o u t

uttoclim cnt m L

Warmly Pile Lined, Luxurious Leather

W om en’s ^ i z e sM edium W id th s

A sm ashing way tonconquer the weather come rain, sleet or snow. Luxurious leather uppers are side zippered for ease in putting on or taking off. Cozy Acrilan acrylic pile Uning keeps your legs and feet'toasty-warm. Skid resisting composi­tion soles and heels. In black and antiqued brown.

C H A R G E IT on Seiirs H cvolving Clinr({c/

1 -8

o n S e a r s G O L O R T V ’s

15-in. Diagonal Measure COLOR Portable II-in. Diagonal Measure GOLOR Portable

ontiiifili for fnm ily v iuuinff, ro iiip ac i iMioiiuh for.oHny m obillly . A u lo m it l i e r n r o n m c o n tr o l nnH c o lo r p u r i f ie r . K fy«H n u lo m n lic

coiitrftt.; InR lanl HinrI mftnne no w niliim . \ I I I ’ ‘‘M onio ry ’' fine

Muniiiff. (Stiinriu nvnllnblo nt Sfinru . _.. low prices,)._____ - • ____ _______;__

l l ' i i i c h iliuDonnI mcnmirfl' p lc liiro M ith b u ilt -in co lo r p urifie r l l ia l kocpD.rolorft vH -iil lio m n tlo r how oflPii the ftol i» nmvfld. Auto m atic efironin control nnd n keyo<l a u t o - m u t i c p i n control. V I IK nnd U H F rccAplion.


Ucgular *2.50 yd.

“ Hegalia” Cystpm

Di-a[)cry V a iT r a p '

9 ^ % to 4 0 %Custom Drapery Fabrics

$1 . y a r d


lU'«ular yd.

■‘Imperial ’, “ \N indsor”

or •‘All'resco” ardage

l icau lil 'u l d ra p e ry fab rics in y o u r choice o f jtheers! t e x tu r e d a n d n o v e l ty w e av es in e leg an t d e c o ra to r co lo rs . F re e p ro fe s ­sional nieasviring and e s t im a te s .

Save 3.* 14.99 “ Farewell” Quilted Bedspread

97'I'wiii or

I ’ l i l l S i z e

\ ri< l i l o o L i u t j u c c t u t c s a t i n l i i H l s p r o a d

--------- f i l t i - t l— w i l l i | i i i f f .v p o l y e s l e r f i h o r f i l l

nil pill tiiKi'thor w ith alroni; n>j»» slilcliiiiK. Proloctivo cotton li»fl.iiiK anil I oriidd cdKcfl.

The No Profileim Shag th at A c ts as Sm art as it looks

If you th in k Ih n l sh ag s a re a (Jrap w hen il con ies (p c a rc ^ o r if y o u th in k its lo u g h to keep th e ir fluff, th en m ee t S h agm oor. I t 's the ,n ew . b reed of shag th a t w o n 't ta k e tra ffic ly ing dow n. D u p o n t Dacron® p o ly es te r, th e fo rtified c a rp e t pile, s ta n d s up to w ear a n d defies c ru sh in g feet. A n a th o se 21 show -off col61¥^w iir n e v e r tu rn .d u ll a n d d in g y bccau sc S h a g m o o r 'is a6 e a s y 'to c lean . N ow , a r e n 't y o u an x io u s to see th e no- problenri sh ag ? I t ’s a t y o u r SearA s to re . W a itin g to show off i ts colors.

21 Scrumptious Colors

A vocado Delight GoUinn VVh'onl K illiirnny I.41I10 G old CoABl Bolliaimn Brortzo S o u th Seas F ir e w a rM B ittn rsw eet Olivo PIn tim im W illow M odite rrnneon M ood


Snow Slioon Irish M oai F o r t Knox Gold Bed j^xcUemnnt U lim or tlio Viillnyn in e WiahN utm eff . Asnen Ath M u ln lgh t E nrlliC o u n ty C ork Greoti n 'a I ji lr Sale prices in effect

4 days only



S e a r s

■as®*W p ? ;t e ; , s

m ^ M

sisii■ V.. l.‘ '.T ,

SAVE »10 on 47-PieceS erv iee -F o r-E ig h t

“A u ro ra ” “ D u n m o re " "B cllcgay.”

- w t w -C H O IC E

’ R egu ln r '39 .99

I loro 'a Mio (linncrwiiro o f .y o i |r dronma: hcnutiriilly briKlit. (Iiirnl)lc nnniioli to bo ovenproof iintl conyenionlly aisti-

' wiifllior siifn. P a t l o r n B range from Bporkling w liilo witli n prim flornl design to defin ite Spanish I66k7 Miule m Japan."

CHAHGli ITonSonranovolvingChiirBO

S A L E !


T i l . 9 9 l j i U i i r y B i l l i o n ' I ’l i r io d V F i iy l

\ S tI ) i t | )-scm Iim I li i.v iif v ill Hoft, (Misy r n r e vinyl fo r r e n i l u in iK i i i gcdiiifdrl! r.liair liii.s controls for iuMiting mill viliratinK to pro- ■vidc the iiltin'iate in relaxing com fort. Vinyl npliolatery cleans willi a <lainp clo lli. '


*J 59.99 Recliner with Heater, Vibrator

s 1 3 4 ^ ®Big, room y com fbrl fo r rend ing , w u toh ing T V o r ju a l re ­laxing. S u p p o rted v iny l c o v er w ipes c lean w ith a d n m p c lo th , Scrofoam p o ly u re th o n o p ad d in g . 3 speed v ib ra to r , h e a te r controlB a n d cho ice.o f-dccora to r co lors.

• r - - -

~ " S e a r s ^ l > e f c r r e d “ E a s y P a y t n e n ' f r - P l a M —

lets you buy now with your first m onthly paym ent in Feb. 1971

PAIR U P TH IS Washer and Dryer and SA V E !


I^egiihu’ S ep a ra !e Prices ' l o l a l *259.98

Washer and Dryer GUARANTEE

Y E A H Froo r«p la c «m «n l and iiu tn l- Intion of n n y parta w hich prove do- fectivo w ith in 1st year o f anlo.

N Y E A R S I<'ree replacenient o f a ny J pArtavfltich prove d e fe cllve w itli- □ in 2 yenra o f s a le , im la lla iio n

extra du ring 2nd year.

Y E A n s D e ff lo t iv e Bear>caae W (r^ B v n in i* n ig ita to r“ d r r '

autom atic waahera only replaced free w ith in 6 yeani o f aale, inatallation extra d u rin g 2nd th rou gh 6U i year.

P r« e r e p U e e m e n t o fd e fa o tW e p o rc e - U ln - f in ta h o d p a r ta w i th in 90 d a y a o f ■ale.

Washer with Work- Saving Lint Filter

R eg u la r* 159.99^

2^Temperature Electric Dryer

R e g u la r *99.99

i - N

> VVnalies with jiiat one sim ple dial ac ltin f!. . . , cnay-lo-usc

> I J n l filter rem oves imaiRlilly Ijn l» D urab le porceln in-ennm eled tu b . Acrylic

enam el c ab in e t* Sofety lid awilcli s tops sp in notion wlien

lid opens

S»ar$ C ur€ S e rv ic e p ro tects tlio vflliifLof y our Ken- m are W ia lic r «ncl D ryer. S e ir« liillily -tra in ed tech- niRiHtiR ■aoiire you oervioe (laliifiictlon w ith personal* iie tl, profeM ional oare, "SVe u rv lc e w lia t we Rell

-w h e rev e r you live o r m ove in Ih e UiS.A. . -

• Normal settinf! quickly dries all fabrics safely and gently

■ "Air Only" fluffs ond freshens pillows, hlankots; safely dries rainwear, du sts draperies

» Mns lin t filter, sa fe ly door switch

Soars February Deferred E aoyP ay- mokit P lan le ts you bu y-n ow w ith first m o n th ly p a y m en t in February

14 Cu. F t. Coldspot Refrigerator Freezer

tliiukvilli a i il it iii i i lir

ili-froulinu rcfriK fru lor a rrlio n . ' iiutnitul •irfnMl lOR III.'ra|M irt-

l> fn'(‘*cT w c lio ii. l)<Kir

i-jfM ru rl* .



l l;8 Gu. Ft. All Frostless Sidc-By-Sidc Refrigerator

It'k iitih UJ'iiii'lH'M will)' iiikI“ lin -in i'hr* " liijrh:—

rrlrif:i-riih>r uiui J7 I ll>.M'cliiiii. Iliiiitiv

■ liMii kIk 'Ivi'h ill Ih iII i M-i-li<iii».i'lH i cliiiii I'liiiiiirli’il iiiiiTini'.

10 Cu. F t. Coldspot U pright Freezer

III. <a|iiiri|>, (liin\i'iii<‘iil »Niriijif urilN'>l« |H-

I l>«HiV-i.lirU |iih 1 ’iik«-|>>, »|iilt'ilM|i) iMllhlllt M TlittU

I'lH. Iiiilliv ili'iuH. 'IV iiip i'r - ithtrr iiiijiiHiH |(» fit >iMir iim li» .


w S e a r . s F e b r u a r y D o l V r r e n l

l]as> l*a> m o iil P la n . . .

, ( ' l S \ ( ) l 1 I M l \ \ ( ) \ \ . W 1

I O i l 1111 \ I ’ ; i \ J i K M i I ill 1' I'N l ' ) 7

*329.99 ALL FR O ST L E SS 15 Cu. Ft. Refrigerator w ith Space-m aster Shelves

Price, $N e v er lio lh e r w llli nicsHy d c rro s tln g uguin in c ilh e r th e re fr ig c ra lo r o r 136 II). fii|M irlly frccxcr scc lio n . Porooliiin en am eled in te r io r is e asy to ciciin. S|)ncc>n)nslcr n(ljtislabljB_sliolvos m ak e ev ery in ch 'o f re fr ig e ra to r ,sp a c e tiutre iiaahle. M oves iiboiit easily For c lean ing b eh in d fridge.

U se Sears Easy P aym ent Plan , 'i


R oofing an d ^ id in g

.•ipplianrfi, Carprliu)), W aUr IlfaUrM.

T ir f t , HalUrift A Imoal Sfar$ A ppliaiirf i.

......... SInrrt;

r.llANfJKH.lTVH27fll « .3 S 0 ftS o .

9 3 2 8 0

30-in cli Keniiiojpe E le c tric R ange

* ^ 1 3 830-inch stove has four surface burn­ers th a t rennove for easy cleaning. Infinite heat controls, easy to clean bro iler pan and gr il l . P o r c e la in e n a m ele d 'to p w ip es c lean wi t h a damp cloth. '■S e a r s C a r e S e r v ic e . . .P ro te c ts th e value o f your K cn- more, A pplinncc. Scurs Irainetl lechnicionB assu re Rcrv’tcc R ntisfoction w ith pcrsonnh';7cd, profcHsional care w herever you live o r m ay m ove in the U .S.A.

\ G ro a t B u y !30-in . E le c tric Stove has Cloek and 4**lIr.~Tlttier

9 « a r iL o wP r i c e H i t n

• S « l i lm e r lo slgtutl foo<] It (lone« p re ve n t overeo ok ln jr

I P o r « « lB n e 1 e < ln o n ‘< lH p


eooklop elean» eaitljr • H andy full w ldlli ilorage

draw er for pota and paiia

B— r* Febru ary E n iyW y m e n l I^U n le U y<Mi buy

now wllb flr«t m onlhly IM y M «n l In F e b ru a ry '

3xin~l Standard A sph alt S h in g les

Seifrs siiinglea. uro m udc of u to u g h fe ll base heav ily s a lu ru lc d w ith a sp h a lt and th e n th o r o u g h ly c o a te d

• w ith co lo rfa s t m ineral g ra n ­ules for long p ro tec tio n .' ( M iniiminti jo b of 900 sq. ft.)


2 0 sq . ft;

Alum inum SidingO ne of th e b e s t in v es tm e n ts YOU can m ak e for y o u r hom e. In s ta lls o v er w b oJ, shingles, stu cco o r brickT”Occasionalv w ash in g keeps fin ish like new . B eau tifu l s ty le s and colors lo choose from .(M in im u m jo b of 900 aq. tl.)


8 9 sq , ft.

S«a ra Po urlntf W ool


1 97FiltorRlijjiB.Pouring W ool I iib u - Intion for ihoac hard to rcoch plncoR where bnllB nnc) rolls u o n 't N^orli, Rfike bctwonn n tU r joiBia (o the doplli you w «iM . C o ve r 30 iiq ;V n . lo n depth of 3*ineheR.

T i n s AD IS o u n WORD •

I t ii baeked by Se»r* Atl- verlUing PolioiM M «nual vbieb requlr^ every ad- verUt«<l item to Ite "■up- ported in e«cb partieipAllng ■tnre wUh auffiolent mev> eluindife.. . I f we altoulil nin out of any reduee<l pdoe ‘ item i1urlit| tlia aal^* we wUl recorder fAr you'al the lale pri<M. T h U <loM not epply to olearanoe and eloaeotit aalM wbere'availalile ^a n > titiea are limited.

ffigjPimd the h o ^ }mans :oi: P 6 BEiE THIH0

f« r yo u r b a r r o o m

' 1 1 .9 9 H o co a a o d M c d i c i n c C a b in e t s

g e r(M ruininK r lin in it ' iriiii iBPUHj lo r lra ii. OiHldrliiiii fn ‘«Mnirn>r.

C om pact M odern Vanity

97•5^'t9 P l n s l i c J T o i l c t S e n t

■ . 4 3 7

Sculptura Toilet O utfit I t c g u ln r '4 1 .9 9

^ 3 4 9 7

SUde-Door T u b E nclosureR e g u l a r M 2 .9 9

^ 3 4 - » 7 -

Stuiidiinl hIj c |ilnutiklo iirl lu-al u o it 'l iT iirL iirH|ili(. loinMhitl

Decorative, vinyl-coated cabinet. 20iin. widtli fit« most batliroomB for aleek, contemporary bath addi* tion that keepe iU good look#.

M odem styling blends perfectly witii the contemporary bathroom. Smooth vitreous china provides durable, lasting service.T o i l e t ^ n t H OR lo w HO.................... 3 .9 9

Aluminum f r a m ^ fo r durability . R ubber bum per fo r qu ie t opera­tion, rigid Styp«ne plastic panels.

.2 towfli bars included.

M Y E M J qM -Sears “Cloud Supreme”

Bath CarpetingR ogular

•1 < ).9 9

1 5-i X 6*ft.

. 1 9 ’ ^

. 2 6 ’ ’’

• 2 . ' i . 9 9 , 5 X 6 - f t . . . ; . . . . . . . . . .

• 3 3 . 9 9 . 5 X 0 - f l . .......................................... I . . . , . . . .

* 66 .9 9 , fl x 1 0 -f t . (S p r c iii Io lr ( if l r o n Iy .) ........................ ... 5 3 ® ^

^ n r t ) Ctouil Sunrome oorpotlng is soft ond fluffy as tk cloud, il'Hm tido of lOOH D u P o n t nylon pile th a t’s com pfolely m ackinc wnflhnhin and dryoblo. Instnll yourself w ith Just o rd in o ry scissors.. Polyurethane foum h a o k in f(~ io r-e x tra > lh lc k n D ^^S qm a .a iuu -b n d^ coloni. Special ordonr only.

) 1 1 : 1 7

I • -

U ncoiidiliooalJ y ( i iiaraii tc(idC r a f t s m a n H a n d

r n

S A V E * 2 e . 4 2

S A V E n O•74.99 10-D raw er T ool G hcst\ » . » \<in m il orKMiii/.- »-w r> ifiiiiK ill > »iir wurL<.li>i|i. Id dniMrrH |(i\i' M ill ii iu r r iiHi-fiil K n r h juh - i-.

KiiiiKi' nln-1 r o i l - ’H(riir»m ti for l<inn lift-. O iir fiiiu-^. m il liiriiii'il hI i iIi-o.

64 97

'80 .99 5 -D ruw er H oller C a b in e t

Craftsman 92-Piece Mechanics Tool Seir^

T l i i » »o rl.» li i» ii uri;uni/cr Ik rum - {» l« Ir )v u)i)Ji)li*.Hilti 2 Kw i»rl n u tfm niiii 3 B lntio iuir) t U H lrn . . . liikn it wUnrflVflr you iitisl iC Hrav.v «»!»««• wpUlml n lrr l rnnH lnirtinii for Iod k lifn.

Hofjuliir Sepurul.e I’ricea *86.41

6-Piece W rench Setsp H oK uIur'H .O 'J

(I lu M M io o r r c K i i I u r o [h *i i f i u l

w rcn rh c H . H o th w *lH .fraluro (Iro n fo r- jfo rl Htooi ('liiiH tnfciKHi. (N irn rn c

i r i s

6 97

Sol feutiiroB exclusive an d .1/^-inch Q uick rclenae R a tc h e ts for easy ,re- m oviil of Hockota. In c lu d e s 1/4, 3/B, 1/2-ineh d rive so ck e ts an d accessories; ip;iiilion w rench s e t ; O pen en d w renches; hex key so t; sc r’e w d riv c r; C ra f ts - niuii tool box an d m ore.

— ^U se_Sears EasyJBaym ent-Plan___ '' '

*5;99 Colorfast Latex Flat Paint


I t is Itinkfid U y Sflirn Ad* vrrliaing M anualwhich ro<nitre« «iv«iry i d - vrrtiifld ilniii to Iw "■up* ported h) rach participating Htnrr with aiiffit'irni in«r>

. cljaiidi«f...v run out of any rrdtic«il pric« item ditriiiR th « hbIr, wa will rr-o rd ff for yoti at th#i aaln prirr. Tljiii not apply to ■clraraiK'fl and rlnacont RalcH whrrn availaldn (pion* titiM are lim ited.

G allon

Ivisy iipp lica lion w ith l)nisli o r ro lle r. D ries in j u s t 30 niimTles wn i P ’no '^pnin 'ty ufUrr-odorT' Di‘l]jl6S£r fo rm ula fo r n eu te r painlinp;. 'I 'o o ls a n d linnda c lean u p w illi.aoapy w a te r. R ead y -in ix co lors o n ly .

( j l lA U G I i IT on Soars R ev o lv in g CharRC.,-

■S A V E * 2

*6.'i9 Latex Sciifii-GlossIn te r io r I lo u se P a in t

SiilePrice 4 9 9

O u llo n

DnHignud Hpccirically for iiho in kilchoiiH, hal.hroninH,' children’s rooinH.and nil trim joliH. AnplioH sm ooth ly and even ly wi(.li nrufih or roller. DHoh in h -h o iir . Com - plelely waBhablQ nnd fipol rosia- (nnU W h ite o n d 3 cblohi.

& £ E E Z ! ^29.90 T h e rm o s ta l ic 3 -H e a t P o r ta b le E le c tr ic H e a te r

\iTHiiiiic ;i-hi’ui (1(100. i;i2o. i(ir.o»)tIiiMil ImmiIi t p n rh ililr . I hi> for iiiHliinl hoiil

nufhiT). m>nigc.-\u rk sb o iniiiiptiH ro o m . I J g h 'f u e iu h l . Kotm oiiHily from room to room . . . tlio rm oH lu l holdH h riil HtMting you chooKc. S h iitu o ff if k tio rk c il oNor. "w _ j

$ 3 6 .99 T lic rm o s ln tic D i ia l - l le a t B a se b o a rd H cateir

Nit H|M'(;tul wiriiiM itiwd* rd, iiiRl idiig h i . . . Inoki liiurt-|n. AiitnnitttlrollytiirhH (tii-n ff t o . iTiHio'tuin n tin fo l U v u l. InHtniitrad iiiitl, fu n -fo rrr il Iik u I.

2 9 9 7



S e a r s

SA VE^7 to■ T r e e s - a r l

S e a rs t r e e s a r e s y m m e lr ic a l ly sh a p e d a n d n a tu r a l look ing w ith no bad aides , . . T h ey d eco ra te b eaiili- fu liy , stu y lovely for y ears w ith o u t needle d rop an d n r c h r c r c a i s l a n l . T r i m A v o i ln b lc .

7-fool jVrtificial

T ree

•1 1 .9 9 . 71 j - f l . M o i in la in K ir

Lights and Trim35-Light Diamond Ball Set

n ’r i ( 'c |o r liiillH v s illi.ii i to ii l i lr Ivsiiik lc . I lc p lu c i'- a h to If oii(> (Mil Ih i ' r r s l Hlti\ l i f ih lr d .

H«‘Kiir«V * i .y j 2 ' i ‘ i t i .S i i l in HiiIIh

-jir Hr»J or(jnl(J-tioJnrs"

All Y ou N eed for Com plete

C hain Link Fence

Only . . . foot.

includes-Ghain-link—fabric—t o p - r a l l T - s l e e v e s ,

line-posis,Joop, -caps and-aLiuniiiuna tie,c^ Full 48-inch high fabric is cul to meet your exact requirements.

Expert Low Cost Installation Availableru s l, Biinrnnleeil insliilliition by Seiira experts. Highly B k i l l e d

for a h ctlcr job.

10x5-ft. All Steel Lawn BuildingBipf B lo n t f r r rn(m ril> _ fo r lD uii iiiuJ ^nrcJcn u i| u i| )- i n c n l . p o o l nunplii'H o r I o n r . F u ll u i i l t h f llu iiu K doorft o p e n w id e fo r u nsy nrccBH. •

I O «9-ft. I ^ w n B iiililin g ......................... .... * 1 7 9 . 9 7

Sears 6x5-ft.- All Steel.,

Storage Building

RtoruKo Rpjice fo r p u lio f i i rn i tn rp . Iiuv n n iro ognijm ie n t o l f . I 'V n lu r i 's S o»r»i S -R lni)n iiin l ‘ ------------ ■

lo o k H

I'lM M urt'H aciiTM a -R in p p ii in l rin m h fo r la n tln ff pooil

(.’o n ip lo l j ' w i (h r lo o r .

- : i r

Chrtstmas l.av AwayB IK E ^ A L E

" C E Z z f i S : "

off t^ n 196rr> ric c s^ r l s ’ 3-Speed Spyder or B oys’ 24-in. Spyder

G irls’ 3-Spood S p y d e r w h s '54 .99 G irls — lukc llic Iciul in o xcilo incn l w ith tliin dazzlinE yellow S p y d er h ike. Kxclimivo Scnra b lack b u ck o l Hcut faces liiglirjHO linnd lcbura w ith Iw ia t-g rip !t-ai)ccd c o n t ro l , ' dun i linnd b rakes, 20-inch wheels.B o y s ’" 2 4 - in o h S p y d e r w a s *5 4 .9 9 All th e g re a l S p y d e r fe a tu re s : b a n a n a b u c k e t

«eirtr-ctin>med-lemlerfl;-relittbl6-<)o»Bt«iv-l>r4ik»Br- ram s-h o rn tw is t g rip h an d le b a rs a n d h a n d y c a rry in g rack on rea r fender.

P H t C E C W J T ^ S -

rff Fall 1969 PrieesBoys’ or Girls’ Spyders

Use Sears Easy Payment


B oys' S p y d e rT h e b a n ir S p y d o r fc u tiiro a liigh*nw> h i in d lc b a r f i . I m n a n i i b i i c k o t a o n l . b id ro f lo c lo r iin il k n o b b yro a r tirc it fo r I r n c l io n .

G ir ls 'S p y d e rG ir l s ' 2 0 - ln c h S n y iJ o r h a s o liro m o

Filu te d p o w e rf tr ip liiin d ln b iir a , cflrn* o r t n b l e b i in iin n a a q I . p r o t o c l i v o

o im in f f iin n l a n d B iiro B tn p p ii iK co a ftlo r i ira k e . , . .

. priced *34.99 In Fail 1969

Heavy Duty Shoelis

S A V F v ^ l 2W hen Y ou B uy a se t of 4

Ijcfjiilar *7.U9 Hacli

K A C n

'I'Ik' sitiool h way U) euro a roii{j;li ST'arbTT Foa V y - l-)ii( y IrSlioc.ks

lia\(' I pisloii, larf'(M- thansi a nda rd sliof^Us! 'I'licy’ll rodiuM' p i Ltil uah (J smaA _l!o i [| a I Lc r (■o f tuM- i n .siin>r l)ca

G uaranteed As I^one; As You OvvW'Tour Car

( ' I 1 \ It( I IV I I oil Si'iii's H('\ oU inn 'I'iii'K*'

ALLSTATE Remanufactured Engines

S A L E I_'S ^O Q -V inyl F l o o r --

M i l l s f o r \ l o s l C u r s

Siili'P ricc ______

r n n il o r l ln i r

liriiVN iliH v tiiisl floor iiuiIh iirc niH\ lorlruii . . outm*urH mb* her luiitH! ( ’.Iriir. Htiiokr or l)liir litil. (i'lil-dff imI oh. Tor'front or n'ur Kt'iii.

'I'hiH Ad 1h Our \N oni'l l iH Id irL i'i l |>> S<-iir>> V thi-rU H itiK I'olii'ifH Miiiiiitil utiii'h n-i|iiin-H

ilcni <o lit* inflit'll |tiirHi'i|iii(iiiu Hliin- Mill* Hiiirii irnl Mit-rt liiiMiliHj- . . ir wi- hImidIiI riMt oiil Ilf iiit> rt'tiiii'cil |iriri‘ ilcin ilttrinti' lln ' will'. Ml' w ill n - i in ir r fur >«iii ill lli<‘

■Mill' |iril'*'- 'r illM ' lIll/'H llUl ll|l|ll> III i - l i 'i ir iii ir i ' m i l l r|iiHCiiiil h iiIch w ltrn v iOlilliilili* i|iiiMililirH iin'liM iiliitl.

T H I S C O U P O I ^

W O R T H 50R em anufaoturM l KnKlne

Guaranteeir ■N)’ |Mri falU tiiM la tT«rMli U m iImU) or W M k M a i^ ip durlMi lk « f ir .t 90 dav* w 4,000 H ilM . wbklM VM oMUf* w « will Mpalr or r«|klM<« M r la frM of ck tri* iMovldiHf r ^ u i r ^ MTVU* k M b*«M p «ifa n ««d ac««riilN| ta iIm ■uariH lM M flirU a U . A h w M dsv* or 4,000 M iU « u p lo 34 or S4.000 J I m .wbicboVtr Meur* flril. and U har ekaria %,>IU U proralad >BW<I upon tk« |W M H la|« of tuaranlM d iwM lka or wilaa, wkUlMvar la traalar r«pr«MNiiNj UM«« mmIvmI. P«rlo<U« aarvW or p « » l 6f aarvUa U r«aulr«d l « haap |u*raiila« In

'I'ow iird lh(i ()iir('.lias(! o n a n y rem a n iifH c- l.iirod 6 o r it c .y lin d c r onp;inc i i is ta lln d by

S o a r s . L in iil o iw c o u [)o n |)or (M isloninr per I-(Mif'iiu'. O ffer g o o d O e lo lu ir ■ 2 1 s t l.o O o .

lo l) (> r 2 U li .I

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l T i r « a n d A u lo C « n l« r

T w o F ib e rg la ss b e lts p lu s tw o n y lo n cord pires fo r su p e rio r strengfth , tr a c tio n a n d vtoar G u a ra n te e d to w ear a full 36 m o n th s E x tra w ide trea d p u ts m ore ru b b e r on th e

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_____ NOTE: On The Crugnder Gunrantcc Applies to Trend Life O l„