武汉冠状病毒大流行 - Amazon S3 · 武汉冠状病毒大流行 Wuhan Coronavirus Pandemic...

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武汉冠状病毒大流行Wuhan Coronavirus Pandemic Update

战 友 之家

Live stream at New York Time: 7pm https://livestream.com/accounts/27235681/events/8197481



03/04/2020 Wu Han Coronavirus Pandemic Update EP 40Please follow the link for the full video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xncj1wJlkrU

1. The CCP has committed so much treason to its country by sacrifice and ruin the interests of the nation and people for their own gains. Ironically the CCP claims that whoever wreck their country and ruin their people would not end well.



03/04/2020 Wu Han Coronavirus Pandemic Update EP 40Please follow the link for the full video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xncj1wJlkrU

2. As result of compulsory lockdown, there has been so much humanitarian crisis. So many people had committed suicides by jumping off from the building.



03/04/2020 Wu Han Coronavirus Pandemic Update EP 40Please follow the link for the full video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xncj1wJlkrU

3. Cultural Revolution-style state-controlled rationing distribution system is getting launched.文革、供销社来了!为下一步控制生活物资做准备

4. Grocery Price had soared to an unreasonable price. The CCP is taking advantage of and ripping the profits from this pandemic situation.日常生活用品变得出奇的贵,共产党在疫情期间不断把物价抬高。


03/04/2020 Wu Han Coronavirus Pandemic Update EP 40Please follow the link for the full video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xncj1wJlkrU

5. As early as January 2, 2020, Singapore did not believe the CCP’s narrative about the coronavirus being controllable and not transmissible among human.早在今年1月2日,新加坡就不相信共产党宣称的‘新冠病毒不会人传人’之说

6. The CCP uses its propaganda to influence the narrative, trying to blame the West for the spreading of the virus.CCP利用党媒误导老百姓是西方国家传播的病毒。


03/04/2020 Wu Han Coronavirus Pandemic Update EP 40Please follow the link for the full video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xncj1wJlkrU

7.The CCP continues to lie and suppressing information about the epidemic. While the number of confirmed cases is increasing everywhere else in the world. The CCP is reporting zero increases in China.全世界的感染病毒的数量都在增长,而CCP确是零增长。


03/04/2020 Wu Han Coronavirus Pandemic Update EP 40Please follow the link for the full video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xncj1wJlkrU

8.Truth about the Mobile Cabin Hospital. This Wechat message indicates that the so called “Mobile Cabin Hospital” is place without real care and treatments, and is like a quarantined jail.方舱医院的真相:微信称在方舱医院根本没有治疗,简直就是一个被隔离的监狱。

9. Grocery Price had soared to an unreasonable price. The CCP is taking advantage of and ripping the profits from this pandemic situation.日常生活用品变得出奇的贵,共产党在疫情期间不断把物价抬高。


03/04/2020 Wu Han Coronavirus Pandemic Update EP 40Please follow the link for the full video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xncj1wJlkrU

10. The coronavirus has had such a negative impact on society in various aspects and resulted in many tragedies. Here’s a story about a 14-year old girl who attempted suicide after all schools closed off and offer online lectures, because her parents, who are financially constrained, could not afford a cell phone which she needed to participate in the online learning. 病毒导致太多的悲剧发生。一个14岁的小女孩其学校停课后在网上授课。而小女孩因为家境贫穷,买不起手机而不能上课而自卑,结果小女孩自杀。


03/04/2020 Wu Han Coronavirus Pandemic Update EP 40Please follow the link for the full video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xncj1wJlkrU

11. No one is safe under the threat of the coronavirus. Many CCP military and police officials had died of coronavirus.中国人名武装警察部队山东总队原司令员南平少感染新冠抢救无效,于2020年3月2日在北京逝世。

12. This man sabotaged the signboard of a Police Bureau, because he was treated unfairly in his hometown.为自己受到不公平的对待而反抗,砸了警察局的牌子。


03/04/2020 Wu Han Coronavirus Pandemic Update EP 40Please follow the link for the full video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xncj1wJlkrU

13. The CCP government started to commandeer private company’s material supplies in the name of the epidemic.CCP以疫情的名义征收私企物资。

14.One of Li Wenliang’s colleagues also passed away due to the coronavirus, and their hospital has already had 200 medical personnel died. 李文亮的同事因感染新冠医治无效离世。目前为止,至少有200名医护人员在疫情中丧生。


03/04/2020 Wu Han Coronavirus Pandemic Update EP 40Please follow the link for the full video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xncj1wJlkrU

15.The CCP is seeking people’s donations, including those who are still living under the poverty.CCP开始号召老百姓包括穷人募捐。

16.The quality of the masks people could buy from the government is very poor. And they came as unfinished products.这是政府供应的口罩的质量,有些还是半成品。


03/04/2020 Wu Han Coronavirus Pandemic Update EP 40Please follow the link for the full video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xncj1wJlkrU

17. There’s no justice under the CCP’s regime. Innocent Chinese were arrested and suppressed for any reason that the CCP would give them. CCP的统治下,老百姓随时可以无辜被抓。

18. At Luliang City, Shanxi, such commotion took place, where many CCP officials gathered together accompanied by the police cars and ambulance. Some said it was the CCP leaders are commandeering the resources of private companies.山西陆良市,很多CCP的政府官员聚集在一起,还有警车。据说是政府官员来征收私企的物资。


03/04/2020 Wu Han Coronavirus Pandemic Update EP 40Please follow the link for the full video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xncj1wJlkrU

19. Protesting merchants are demanding for rental refunds商户抗议,讨要租金。

20. Man in video with Wuhan accent commenting on overwhelming ambulances.武汉人录的视频,满街都是救护车。


03/04/2020 Wu Han Coronavirus Pandemic Update EP 40Please follow the link for the full video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xncj1wJlkrU

21. Many people resumed work. At the shipyard in Shanghai, employees line up to have their temperature taken before and after their work daily.很多已经重返工作岗位。造船厂每天上下班排队测体温。

22. Cross-infection. In Guangdong, Guangzhou, an old man found having fever on a bus, the entire bus was locked down, and no one was allowed to get off the bus.广州交叉感染。公交车上一位老人发烧,全车人不能下车。


03/04/2020 Wu Han Coronavirus Pandemic Update EP 40Please follow the link for the full video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xncj1wJlkrU

23. In Liaoning, Dongbei, the entire building burst into the fire due to the improper use of disinfection material. 东北辽宁,因消毒方式不当,导致整栋大楼失火。

24. On March 4th, Hong Kong sent a charter plane to fly back 258 Hong Kong people in Hubei Province.3月4日香港政府包机接回258名在湖北的香港人。


03/04/2020 Wu Han Coronavirus Pandemic Update EP 40Please follow the link for the full video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xncj1wJlkrU

25. In Iran, in the Hazrate MasoumehMosque in the holy city of Qom only , 48 bodies were counted, which suggests that the official countrywide death to 77 is an underestimate.

仅在伊朗的圣城库姆的Hazrate Masoumeh清真寺就堆积了48具尸体。可见伊朗官方的死亡人数为77人是虚报的。


03/04/2020 Wu Han Coronavirus Pandemic Update EP 40Please follow the link for the full video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xncj1wJlkrU

26. In Korea, coronavirus continues spreading there, more than 500 cases have been confirmed since Tuesday (March 3rd), which brings a total number of confirmed patients in Korea to over 5,300. And with four more death reported overnight, the death toll now stands at 33. More than 60% of the total cases are linked to community based transmission. Seoul has confirmed one more case bringing the Capital a total to at least 99.在韩国,冠状病毒继续迅速蔓延。自星期二(3月3日)以来已确诊500多例,使韩国确诊患者总数超过5300人。隔夜报告有四人死亡,目前死亡人数为33人。总病例中有60%以上与社区传播有关。首尔又确诊一例,使首都感染的总数达到至少99个。


03/04/2020 Wu Han Coronavirus Pandemic Update EP 40Please follow the link for the full video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xncj1wJlkrU

27. In Australia, fearing of the coronavirus, people are buying supplies to prepare for the worse and wiped out all the toilet rolls.澳大利亚,超市里厕纸抢空。

28. In New York City, workers are disinfecting thousands of trains buses and stations. The massive cleaning effort following the states for suspected case of community spread of the virus.纽约政府为数千量火车和车站消毒,以预防病毒的社区传播。


03/04/2020 Wu Han Coronavirus Pandemic Update EP 40Please follow the link for the full video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xncj1wJlkrU

29. In Liaoning, Dongbei, the entire building burst into the fire due to the improper use of disinfection material. 东北辽宁,因消毒方式不当,导致整栋大楼失火。

30. In the financial market,, the DJI suffered the biggest swing since the 2008 financial crisis, the DOW, S&P, and NASDAQ all falling around 3%在金融市场上,DJI遭受了自2008年金融危机以来最大的波动,道指,标普和纳斯达克均下跌约3%


03/04/2020 Wu Han Coronavirus Pandemic Update EP 40Please follow the link for the full video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xncj1wJlkrU

31. President Trump after taking decisive moves is actively seeking solutions for the threat of coronavirus.川普总统采取果断措施后,正在积极寻求解决冠状病毒威胁的方法。

32. Mr. Bannon at his War-Room-Pandemic had warned people about the second outbreak of the virus in China after the CCP government had forced workers to resume work.在中共政府强迫工人复工之后,班农先生在他的《战争室》中警告人们中国将会面临第二次疫情的爆发。


03/04/2020 Wu Han Coronavirus Pandemic Update EP 40Please follow the link for the full video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xncj1wJlkrU

33. Mr. Miles Kwok pointed out that the so-called quarantine in Wuhan carried out by the CCP is actually a massacre!郭文贵先生指出,中共在武汉进行的所谓隔离实际上是大屠杀!

Thanks for watching.

