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Transcript of COLEGIO METROPOLITANO DEL SUR Resolución No 0427 del 11 ...€¦ · ACTIVIDADES DE SUPERACIÓN...


Resolución No 0427 del 11 Mayo de 2010



Área: Idioma Extranjero Asignatura: Inglés Curso: 9 - _____

Nombre del Estudiante:___________________________________________________________________

Nombre del Docente: Sulay Jennifer Rodríguez Bersinger


ACTIVITY 1: Complete the puzzles and word exercises about food.

1. _________________________ 2. _________________________ 3. _________________________

4. _________________________ 5. _________________________ 6. _________________________

7. _________________________ 8. _________________________ 9. _________________________

10. _________________________ 11. _________________________ 12. _________________________

13. _________________________ 14. _________________________ 15. _________________________

1. _________________________ 2. _________________________ 3. _________________________

4. _________________________ 5. _________________________ 6. _________________________

7. _________________________ 8. _________________________ 9. _________________________

10. _________________________ 11. _________________________ 12. _________________________

13. _________________________ 14. _________________________ 15. _________________________

ACTIVITY 2: Classify food and other words into COUNTABLE or UNCOUNTABLE

ACTIVITY 3: Are these nouns countable or uncountable? Write C for COUNTABLE and U for UNCOUNTABLE

Apple C___ U____ people C___ U____ rice C___ U____ sugar C___ U____ money C___ U____

traffic C___ U____ chicken C___ U____ chocolate C__ U__ onion C___ U____ snow C___ U___

ACTIVITY 4: Complete sentences using A, AN or SOME

1. My wife is _________ doctor.

2. My brother is _________ artist.

3. I'm staying with _________ friends.

4. She's a writer. She writes _________ books.

5. I've got_________ car waiting outsid e.

6. I've got _________ more questions to ask you, if you don't mind.

7. My cousin is married to _________ actor.

8. What _________ wonderful presentation! You were excellent.

9. I've got _________ idea.

10._________ people would like to talk to you, if you have the time.

11. I love _________ Coke.

12. I lived in Tahiti when I was _________ child.

13. I've seen _________ good films recently. "The Insider" was great.


A / An (un, una) se utiliza con

sustantivos contables en singular. It´s a sandwich.

She has got an apple

Some (algunos, algunas, algo de) se utiliza en la forma afirmativa con

sustantivos contables en plural y con

sustantivos incontables. There are some apples on the table.

There is some rice in the bag.

Any (algunos, algunas, algo de) se

utiliza en las formas negativa e interrogativa con sustantivos contables en

plural y con sustantivos incontables.

There aren´t any apples on the table. There isn´t any rice in the bag.

14. I need to buy_________ new trousers. I'm getting fat!

15. Sue and Vaughan are _________ good writers.

16. They have written_________ new book called "Inside Out".

17. I like all animals but _________ cats are my favourites.

18. However I like _________ cats better than others!

19. You have got_________ really nice eyes.

20. It's the last question. What _________ relief!

ACTIVITY 5: Complete sentences using: SOME or ANY

1) Vicky has _________ candies. 2) Kat doesn't have _________ money. 3) Marina will give us _________ information. 4) There is _________ milk in the fridge. 5) There isn't _________ beer. 6) There aren't _________ boys in my family. 7) Jose won't give me _________ help.

8) Hannah shouldn't smoke _________ cigarettes. 9) Sue must do _________ homework tonight. 10) My brother can't speak _________ Chinese. 11) My sister can speak _________ Spanish. 12) I can't speak _________ Chinese or Spanish. 13) I must study _________ second languages. 14) Luis isn't _________ smarter than Jane. 15) Angela should eat _________ fresh fruit.


ACTIVITY 7: Complete sentences using: MUCH, MANY or A LOT OF:

1. How______________ chocolate do you need for the cake?

2. How______________ people were there at the meeting yesterday?

3. There's ______________ food in the fridge. We needn't go to the supermarket.

4. There isn't ______________ traffic at this time of the day, but in the rush hours there's ______________ traffic in

this city.

5. There were ______________ people at the concert yesterday.

6. How______________ brothers has she got? Two, I think.

7. There aren't ______________ oranges. We should buy some more.

8. There isn't ______________ milk. We should get some more for tomorrow.


Presente Perfecto (Present Perfect Tense) USOS

El Presente Perfecto en el idioma inglés es un tiempo verbal que se utiliza para referirnos a acciones que suceden en

un pasado reciente y que guardan alguna relación con el presente.

Por ejemplo:

I have sent the letter. (Yo he enviado la carta.) Indica que la acción acaba de suceder.

Emily has watched “Ghost” many times. (Emily ha visto “Ghost” muchas veces) Indica una acción repetida


Para poder construir la forma afirmativa del Presente Perfecto debemos utilizar como auxiliar el

verbo HAVE en Presente Simple (HAVE / HAS) y acompañado por el verbo principal en su forma Pasado Participio

(ya sean verbos regulares o verbos irregulares):

Por ejemplo:

I have bought a new dress. Yo he comprado un nuevo vestido.

You have studied the lesson. Tú has estudiado la lección.

He has broken the window. Él ha roto la ventana.

She has lost the keys. Ella ha perdido las llaves.

Recuerden que a las 3º personas del singular deben colocar la “S” en elauxiliar ya que se trata del Presente Simple.


En cambio, para formar una interrogación deberemos colocar el auxiliar al comienzo de la oración, luego el sujeto y

posteriormente el verbo principal también en Pasado Participio:

Have I bought a new dress? He comprado un nuevo vestido?

Have you studied the lesson? Has estudiado la lección?

Has he broken the window? Ha roto él la ventana?

Has she lost the keys? Ha perdido ella las llaves?


Por su parte, la forma negativa se forma poniendo la negación NOT entre el auxiliar y el verbo principal, por ejemplo:

I have not bought a new dress. Yo no he comprado un nuevo vestido.

You have not studied the lesson. Tú no has estudiado la lección.

He has not broken the window. Él no ha roto la ventana.

She has not lost the keys. Ella no ha perdido la llave.

También puede utilizarse la forma contraída de la negación colocando HAVEN’T o HASN’T según corresponda.

Cabe destacar que cuando hablamos en Presente Perfecto no debemos mencionar el momento en que se ha

producido la acción, ya que de hacerlo deberíamos utilizar el Pasado Simple, por ejemplo:

I have sold my car. (Yo he vendido mi auto) Presente Perfecto

I sold my car this morning. (Yo vendí mi auto esta mañana) Pasado Simple

ACTIVITY 9: Completa las siguientes oraciones con presente perfecto simple

1. The plumber_________________________________ (fix) the tap.

2. The carpenter _________________________________ (make) a round table.

3. She_________________________________ (feel) really down.

4. ___________ she ever ________________ (work) as a teacher?

5. She ____________never ________________ (doubt) of him.

6. ________________ you (see) Paul today?

7. She_________________________________ (go) outside.

8. ________________ you ever (visit) Paris?

9. I _________________________________ (finish) already .

10. She________________ just________________ (arrive)?

ACTIVITY 10: Write AFFIRMATIVE or NEGATIVE sentences in present perfect simple.

1. They / play / football - __________________________________________________________________________

2. He / speak / English - __________________________________________________________________________

3. I / write / a poem - __________________________________________________________________________

4. We / not / wash / the car - _____________________________________________________________________

5. Nancy / not / meet / her friends- ________________________________________________________________

ACTIVITY 11: Write QUESTIONS in present perfect simple.

1. They / finish / their homework - _________________________________________________________________

2. She / visit / her friend- _________________________________________________________________________

3. The maid / clean / the house - ___________________________________________________________________

4. He / drive / the van - __________________________________________________________________________

5. You / ever / write / a poem - ____________________________________________________________________

ACTIVITY 12: Organize these sentences.

1. to / the / have / they / headmaster / spoken /? ________________________________________________

2. looked after / the / old / has / Susan / lady /? ________________________________________________

3. has / group / met / the /? / she ________________________________________________

4. Queen / visited /? / has / Africa / the ________________________________________________

5. ? / dog / slept / day / has / the / all ________________________________________________

6. lot / homework / a / we / of / have / ? / had ________________________________________________

7. car / a / the / haven´t / . / parents / bought / her _____________________________________________

8. test / has / ? / his / boy / driving / the / passed ________________________________________________

9. a / haven´t / won / they / game / . ________________________________________________

10. players / finished / the / game / the / . / have ________________________________________________

11. has / ? / invited / the / she / neighbors ________________________________________________

12. sent / she / an / them / has / . / email________________________________________________

ACTIVITY 13: Complete the sentences using Present Perfect Simple form

In the garden

The Browns _____________________________ ( start) working in the garden. Mr Brown ___________ already

___________________ ( cut) the grass......but they _____________________________ (not tidy) the flowerbeds.

They _____________________________ (not have) the time. ___________ they ____________________ ( buy)

any plants? Yes. Mrs Brown _____________________________ ( buy) a lot of vegetable plants... ...but they

_____________________________ (not plant) them yet.

Why ___________ they _____________________ (not do) that yet? Mr Brown

_____________________________ (not finish) digging the vegetable garden yet. Look! He ___________ just

__________________ (sit) down. He is tired. Poor Mr Brown!

A nice party

1. Jake and Ben __________ already _______________ ( prepare) the birthday party.

2. They______________ just ______________ ( buy) the decorations.

3. Jake _____________________________ (choose) many CDs so far...

4. ...but Ben _____________________________ (not listen) to them yet.

5. He _____________________________ ( be) busy since two o´clock.

6. He _____________ already______________ (put) ten bottles into the fridge.

7. He _____________________________ (make) lots of sandwiches so far.


Hay pares o grupos de preposiciones que son especialmente confusas, como for y since.

- Usamos for seguido de un periodo de tiempo para decir cuánto dura algo, o por cuánto tiempo ha estado

ocurriendo algo.

- Usamos since para hablar sobre un momento concreto en el pasado. Con sincepodemos indicar cuándo empezó algo

que sigue teniendo una conexión con el presente.

Ahora, imaginemos que María nació en el año 2000, vivió en Florida del 2005 al 2007 y en 2008 se fue a vivir a

Chicago, donde reside hasta ahora, 2013. Cuando cumplió 3 años, en 2003, le empezaron a gustar los perros.

Haremos estos enunciados verdaderos sobre la vida de María:


- "María lived in Florida for 2 years." (María vivió en Florida por 2 años)

- "She has lived in Chicago for 5 years." (Ha vivido en Chicago por 5 años)

- "She has liked dogs for 10 years." (Le han gustado los perros por 3 años)


- "María has lived in Chicago since 2008." (María ha vivido en Chicago desde 2008)

- "She has liked dogs since she was 3 years old." (Le han gustado los perros desde que tenía 3 años).

Ejemplos de términos que irían después de for

five years (cinco años), a week (una semana), a month (un mes), a minute (un minuto), too long (demasiado tiempo).

Ejemplos de términos que irían después de since

1984, the day I was born (el día en que nací), She went to London (ella se fue a Londres), my birthday (mi


ACTIVITY 14: Complete the sentences using SINCE or FOR

1) ________________Easter 2) ________________ two weeks 3) ________________ my birthday 4) ________________last summer

5) ________________1999 6) ________________ ten days 7) ________________ a few minutes

8) ________________1st April 9) ________________a long time 10) ________________ 6 o'clock

ACTIVITY 15: Complete the sentences using SINCE or FOR

1. I have been waiting ________________ 4 o'clock.

2. Sue has only been waiting ________________ 20 minutes.

3. Tim and Tina have been learning English ________________ six years.

4. Fred and Frida have been learning French ________________ 1998.

5. Joe and Josephine have been going out together ________________ Valentine's Day.

6. I haven't been on holiday ________________ last July.

7. Mary has been saving her money ________________ many years.

8. I haven't eaten anything ________________ breakfast.

9. You have been watching TV ________________ hours.

10. We have been living here ________________ 2 months

11. I have been living in New York ________________ 1 year

12. I haven't seen you ________________ a week

13. I have been waiting ________________ 12:30.

14. I've lived here________________ 5 years.

15. I've lived here ________________ 2003

16. ________________ she came here I've been very nervous

17. She has been married ________________ ten years

18. She has been a doctor ________________ 1998

19. I have been living in Valencia ________________ last June

20. I haven't seen you ________________ last week

21. Yesterday I studied________________ three hours

22. She has been studying English________________ two months

23. She has been studying English________________ last January

24. She has been studying English________________ 12.00

25. She has been studying English________________ your birthday

26. She has been studying English ________________ two hours

27. She has been studying English________________ six minutes

28. She has been studying English________________ a long time

29. I've been working here ________________ the last two years.

30. I have loved you ________________ the first time I saw you

Present Perfect with Already, Just, Still & Yet Exercise

In affirmative sentences Dad’s just washed up. (Papá ha lavado recientemente)

In affirmative sentences Dad’s already washed up. ( Papá ya ha lavado)

In negative sentences Dad still hasn’t washed up. ( Papá aún no ha lavado)

In negative sentences Dad hasn’t washed up yet. ( Papáno ha lavado aún)

In questions Has Dad washed up yet? ( ¿Papá ha lavado ya?)

Preposiciones y adverbios con el pretérito perfecto

1. Since + momento concreto de tiempo I haven´t studied since Tuesday. No he estudiado desde el martes.

2. For + período de tiempo I have studied for three days. He estudiado durante tres días.

3 Adverbios de frecuencia

Generalmente suelen ir entre el auxiliar y el participio del verbo.

She has always been my friend. Ella siempre ha sido mi amiga.

I have never worked with him. Yo nunca he trabajado con él.

Aunque tenemos que tener en cuenta algunas particularidades.

4. Never Significa "nunca". Va en oraciones afirmativas para evitar la doble negativa. Se coloca entre "to have" y el past participle. She has never studied English. Nunca ha estudiado inglés.

5. Ever Significa "alguna vez". Se usa en oraciones interrogativas y se coloca delante del past participle. Have you ever studied English? ¿Has estudiado alguna vez inglés?

6. Just Significa "acabar de". Se coloca entre "to have" y el past participle. I have just studied the lesson. Acabo de estudiar la lección.

7. Yet Significa "ya", "todavía", "aún". Se usa en oraciones interrogativas y negativas. Se coloca siempre al final de la oración y la respuesta puede ser afirmativa o negativa. I have not studied yet. No he estudiado aún. Have you studied yet?. Yes I have/ No I haven´t. ¿Has estudiado ya?. Sí/No.

8. Already Significa "ya". Se utiliza en las oraciones afirmativas y en algunas interrogativas. Oraciones afirmativas Va entre "to have" y el past participle, o al final. I have already studied. I have studied already. Ya he estudiado. Oraciones interrogativas Se usa cuando se espera una respuesta afirmativa. Have you studied already?. ¿Has estudiado ya? Has she already finished the lesson? ¿Ella ya ha terminado la lección?

8 Otras expresiones in the last week, month, year..., en la última semana, en el último mes, en el último año... this week, month, year... esta semana, este mes, este año... so far, up to now... hasta ahora Ejemplos I have studied three hours in the last week. He estudiado 3 horas en esta semana (la semana no ha acabado) They have not studied anything up to now. No han estudiado nada hasta ahora. Si usamos expresiones como last year (el año pasado) o last week (la semana pasada) habrá que usar el 'simple past' . She studied last week. Estudió la semana pasada.

ACTIVITY 16: Circle the correct option

We can't have chips again. We've ____ had them three times this week. yet still already just

I haven't phoned Begonia ____. I'll do it when I get back from work. just already yet still

Monica says she's ____ this minute caught the train so she'll be here in half an hour. yet already still just

Daphne ____ hasn't bought the tickets. I hope she does it soon. still yet just already

Betty: Have you cleaned the bathroom yet? Billy: I've _____ done it. I did it an hour ago. just already still yet

Billy: Do you know anything about Sally? Betty: Oh she's fine. I've ____ spoken to her on the phone. still yet already just

I can't decide. I ____ haven't made a decision. already still yet just

Jim sends his love. I've ____ seen him in the high street. yet still already just

We're going to a concert on Friday, but we haven't bought the tickets ____ . still already just yet

The government ____ hasn't said anything about the oil slick. already yet just still

Have you seen the movie “Avatar” _____? just already yet still

Bobby: Can I go online now, please? Begonia: Sorry. I ____ haven't finished using the computer. still already just yet

ACTIVITY 17: Complete the sentences using Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect simple + the Adverb given..

1. She _____________________________ (stop) smoking since the birth of her baby.

2. He_____________________________ (be) in the Navy for two years.

3. She _____________________________ (to become) jealous since the birth of her brother.

4. They _____________________________ (never / tell) the truth.

5. My teacher_____________________________ (always / help) me to improve my level.

6. I _____________________________ (just / receive) a new message.

7. He_____________________________ (already / finish) reading the novel.

8. The plane _____________________________ (not / land) yet.

9. She _____________________________ (always / respect) his point of view.

10. He_____________________________ (just / find) a title for his new book.

11. I _________________________________________ (not / make) my bed /yet

12. I _____________________________ (/already/ listen to music)

13. I _________________________________________ (not/ go) swimming/yet

14. I _________________________________________ (already / take) some photos

15. I _________________________________________ (already /help )Jane in the kitchen

16. I _________________________________________ (not / play) the guitar /yet

17. I _________________________________________ (already / have) fun with my friends

18. We_____________________________ (never / come) late.

19. You_____________________________ (finish / not) eating yet !

20. I _____________________________ (just / see) an eagle.

21. I _________________________________________ (not / wash) my shirts /yet

22. I_________________________________________ (already / do) the washing-up

23. I _________________________________________ (not /speak) to my Maths

ACTIVITY 18: Change the following sentences into the negative. Pay attention to ALREADY and YET! Use the short

forms of verbs (haven't/hasn't) and do not add a full stop at the end of the sentence.

a) My sister has already arrived home. _________________________________________________________


b) Our neighbours have already cut the old tree. . __________________________________________________


c) Alex has already finished his dinner. . ___________________________________________________________


d) My parents have already decided to buy a new car. . _______________________________________________


e) The teacher has already given the results of the last exam.. ____________________________________________


f) I have already bought all my Christmas presents. . ___________________________________________________


g) We have already washed the dishes. . _____________________________________________________________


h) My cousin has already travelled to New York. . ______________________________________________________


i) Jane and Sara have already seen that film. . _________________________________________________________


j) She has already sent all the postcards. . ____________________________________________________________
