Conexion Digital Numero 552 Edicion 17 de Enero de 2010

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Transcript of Conexion Digital Numero 552 Edicion 17 de Enero de 2010


Número 552 Edición 17 de Enero de 2010 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMARIO 1. EDITORIAL 2. SERVICIOS Y PRODUCTOS DEL GRUPO RADIOESCUCHA ARGENTINO 3. POR TODOS LOS MEDIOS EN LA ONDA MEDIA 4. SINTONIZANDO EL DIAL 5. APARTADO QSL 6. ABORDAJE DEL DIAL / REPORTE CLANDESTINO 7. SIN FRONTERAS 8. CONTACTO VHF 9. UTILITARIAS 10. MISCELANEAS 11. LA PROPAGACION 12. FOR READERS IN ENGLISH 13. COLABORADORES Y FUENTES 14. REVISTA CONEXION GRA 15. SUSCRIPCION CONEXION DIGITAL --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. EDITORIAL Feliz 2010!!!! Aprovechamos estas breves líneas editoriales para desear a todos Uds. un Próspero 2010. Felicidades. La Rosa de Tokyo, el programa semanal de DX y medios de comunicación irradiado a través de LS11 Radio Provincia de Buenos Aires (AM1270 Khz; y una importante red de emisoras de frecuencia modulada, amplitud modulada y onda corta de la Argentina y el resto del mundo) En el programa del día 16 de Enero de 2010 (el cual podrán volver a escuchar en los días subsiguientes en podrán disfrutar de una producción dedicada a dar una semblanza de la radio en Corea del Norte. Visitaremos el convulsionado país asiático y trataremos de adentrarnos en sus radioemisoras. Conoceremos a Radio Pyongyang, su estación de onda corta y las emisoras propagandísticas que transmiten hacia el norte de la península. No se pierdan los registros sonoros históricos con los cuales se "ilustrará" el programa. La Rosa de Tokyo se irradia los sábados desde las 0900 hasta las 1000 hora de la Argentina (1200 a 1300 horas UTC).- En caso de querer escuchar el programa en

cualquier momento pueden visitar la excelente página programas DX en Omar Somma y Arnaldo Slaen Un cordial saludo del staff editor 73 Todas las colaboraciones deben ser dirigidas a CONEXION Digital: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. SERVICIOS Y PRODUCTOS DEL GRUPO RADIOESCUCHA ARGENTINA LA REVISTA CONEXION GRA Nuestra publicación gráfica denominada "Conexión GRA" es editada seis (6) veces al año por el Grupo Radioescucha Argentino, y contiene información vinculada al mundo del diexismo y las comunicaciones en general. El boletín se edita cada dos (2) meses y tenemos prevista la aparición de cada ejemplar durante la tercera semana de los meses de febrero, abril, junio, agosto, cctubre y diciembre de cada año.- SUSCRIPCION: Los valores de las suscripciones simples, dobles y triples son las siguientes: A partir del 1º de Noviembre de 2009, los valores de las suscripciones simples, dobles y triples para aquellos interesados en recibir nuestra publicación gráfica “Conexión GRA” son los siguientes: ARGENTINA: Ejemplares Simple Doble Triple 3 Números $ 20 $ 35 $ 50 6 Números $ 40 $ 70 $ 100 PAISES LIMITROFES: Ejemplares Simple Doble Triple 3 Números US$ 10 US$ 16 US$ 20 6 Números US$ 18 US$ 28 US$ 32 RESTO DE AMERICA: Ejemplares Simple Doble Triple 3 Números US$ 11 US$ 17 US$ 21 6 Números US$ 21 US$ 32 US$ 36 RESTO DEL MUNDO:

Ejemplares Simple Doble Triple 3 Números US$ 17 US$ 22 US$ 28 6 Números US$ 30 US$ 35 US$ 42 Quien desee solicitar suscripciones dobles o triples deberá manifestarlo expresamente al enviar su pago, pudiendo figurar el nombre de 2 o 3 personas como socios, quienes recibirán el envío en la dirección postal que se indique.- FORMA DE PAGO: El pago de la suscripción podrá efectuarse de la siguiente manera: En efectivo, para la Argentina en Pesos, y para el exterior en Dólares Estadounidenses. Se aceptan giros postales nacionales e internacionales, que deberán ser emitidos a nombre de Marcelo Aníbal Cornachioni y serán enviados a la dirección postal de Conexión GRA exclusivamente (Alvarez Thomas 248, B1832DNF Lomas de Zamora, Argentina). En estampillas, para los lectores de la Argentina, sin uso y preferentemente de $ 1,00 o $ 2,00, correspondientes al CORREO ARGENTINO únicamente. No se aceptarán sellos postales de otros correos privados que funcionan en el país. Pagos en IRC (Cupones de Respuesta Internacional): Se aceptan los cupones equivalentes al valor indicado en US$ para todas las suscripciones al exterior. Los IRC se venden y se canjean en las oficinas de correo y deben contener el sello de la misma (legible) en su parte izquierda o central, de otra manera no son válidos. No se aceptan IRC con matasellos argentino. Depósitos en Cuenta Bancaria: Disponemos de la Caja de Ahorro en Pesos Nro. 323 704733/8 perteneciente al BBVA Banco Francés (CBU: 01703236 40000070473386), cuya titularidad se encuentra a nombre de Marcelo Aníbal Cornachioni, donde los lectores de Argentina podrán depositar el dinero de la suscripción. Rogamos nos hagan saber por carta o e mail, la fecha y monto depositado a fin de imputarlo a su cuota social. EJEMPLARES DE CORTESIA: Si desea un ejemplar gratuito del boletín "Conexión GRA", no tiene más que solicitárnoslo y a vuelta de correo le enviaremos el último número editado. Para ello debe remitirnos una carta mencionando su nombre y dirección postal, adjuntando una estampilla de $4 (para residentes en la Argentina), o bien 2 IRCs (para residentes en el exterior) , a fin de solventar los gastos del envío postal. CONTACTO: Las cartas, colaboraciones y suscripciones para "Conexion GRA", deberán ser remitidas a la siguiente dirección: Postal: Conexión GRA c/o Marcelo Aníbal Cornachioni Alvarez Thomas 248 (B1832DNF) Lomas de Zamora Buenos Aires - Argentina E Mail:ágina Web:

Teléfono: +54 (011) 4245-5697 (De 21:00 a 23:00 Hs LU) SERVICIOS Y PRODUCTOS DEL GRA Queremos compartir con ustedes otros productos del GRA: Disponemos por fotocopiado de una serie de folletos y material sobre diexismo y temas de radio. Salvo cuando se aclara, todo es en español. Cada pedido de fotocopias deberá hacerse por escrito, indicándose el número y tema requerido. Para abonar este servicio se debe tener en cuenta el precio de cada copia ($ 0,15), el valor del sobre tipo oficio ($ 0,50), y el costo del envío postal, el cual varia de acuerdo al peso de las copias solicitadas y el destinatario. Sugerimos consultar por vía postal o e-mail acerca de estas condiciones antes de efectuar un pago. Los temas a disposición de nuestros socios son: Nº 001: Diexismo de TV y FM. Curso de Radio Nederland. (23 fcts) Nº 002: La Recepción de Ondas Cortas, de la Deutsche Welle. Contenidos generales sobre todo el hobby. Muy recomendable para principiantes (10 ftcs) Nº 003: Diseños de Antenas de OC y Montajes Técnicos. Folletos en inglés de Deutsche Welle y RSA. (25 ftcs) Nº 004: DX AM, FM, TV y Tropicales. Selección de artículos aparecidos en CXN. (13 ftcs) Nº 005: Receiver Shopping List. Manual en inglés de Radio Nederland que reseña con datos, comentarios y fotos a la mayoría de los receptores de onda corta en el mercado. Edición 1993. (37 ftcs) Nº 006: Bibliografía sobre Antenas. Teoría y diseños varios sobre distintos tipos de antenas para OC. (54 ftcs) Nº 007: Casi Todo en Diexismo. Curso de Radio Nederland sobre conceptos básicos sobre el hobby. (28 ftcs) Nº 008: Propagacion de OC y Espectro de Radioondas. Cursos de Radio Nederland preparados por Jim Vastenhoud. (28 ftcs) Nº 009: 25 Simple Tropical and MW Band Aerials. 25 Diseños de antenas para DX tropical y de onda media. En ingles. (30 ftcs) Nº 010: MW Loop Compendium. Diseños de antenas para onda media, tanto para receptores de ferrite y de comunicaciones. En inglés. (25 ftcs) Nº 011: Modelos de Informes de Recepción. Modelos en Español, Inglés, Francés, Portugués, Alemán, Italiano, Indonesio y Dutch. (16 ftcs) Nº 012: Loop direccionales para OC. Artículo publicado en el WRTH'90. Antenas para radios tipo portátil. En inglés. (4 ftcs) Nº 013: Uso de Balun. Aplicable para antenas multibanda y supresión de ruidos locales y atmosféricos. En inglés. (9 ftcs) Nº 014: Catálogo "Practical Wireless". Indice de infinidad de diseños de antenas de todo tipo y bandas, sintonizadores, filtros, etc. Con el catálogo podrán pedir luego lo que desean. (9 ftcs). Todos los artículos de la revista "Practical Wireless" suman 230 ftcs.

Asimismo contamos con las siguientes publicaciones digitales que serán enviadas por e-mail a quien lo solicite: D-01: Lista de Emisoras Tropicales del GRA. Con datos de emisoras de OC comprendidas entre 2310-7800 KHz. ($ 25,00) D-02: Lista de Emisoras de Onda Media Argentinas. Completo directorio de emisoras conteniendo todos los datos conocidos de c/u de ellas. ($ 10,00) D-03: Directorio de Emisoras de Onda Corta. Direcciones postales de estaciones de OC, incluyendo E-mail y página Web, cuando estos datos son conocidos; la cual es actualizada permanentemente. ($ 10,00) [Grupo Editor] Todas las colaboraciones deben ser dirigidas a CONEXION Digital: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. POR TODOS LOS MEDIOS EN LA ONDA MEDIA por Rubén Guillermo Margenet

*Los horarios corresponden al Tiempo Universal Coordinado (UTC). ESCUCHAS DESDE ARGENTINA * De MARCELO CONRACHIONI, Lomas de Zamora, a través de [Lista ConDig]. 690 Khz Radio Climax Gracias a una información suministrada por el amigo Federico Fuleston, pude recepcionar en 690 KHz una emisora que se identifica como RADIO CLIMAX, con el slogan "El Sonido de la Costa".- Al parecer esta emisora se trata de una WebRadio de la zona del Partido de la Costa, la cual está emitiendo por la frecuencia de AM que hasta hace poco tiempo utilizaba AM DAKOTA (690 KHz) de Capital Federal.- Se desconoce que pasó con esta última emisora, que sigue emitiendo por 104.7 MHz (FM).- Radio Climax se trataría de una emisora en la Web que pertenecería a LRI-895 "Frecuencia Arena" (98.3 MHz) de Santa Teresita, Pcia. de Buenos Aires.- ESCUCHAS DESDE AMÉRICA * De ALFREDO BENJAMÍN CAÑOTE BUENO, Lima-Perú [Lista ConDig] Rx: ICOM IC-R71A; GRUNDIG YB400; SONY ICF-7600DS; REALISTIC DX-440. Antenas: SW: RADIO SHACK 20-181. MW: CPDS-1 QUAD Noise Canceller: JPS ANC-4

Actividad Radial en Lima Desde el mes pasado en los 700 Khz (ex R-700, Ex Aeropuerto) se irradia la señal de Radio Integridad En los 1570 Khz hay señal de prueba, no IDs, así que me imaginan en todos lados oyendo la emisión hasta que lancen ID. ESCUCHAS DESDE EL RESTO DEL MUNDO * De ROBERTO PAVANELLO, desde Vercelli-Italia 666 8/1 22.55 R. Barcelona - Catalano pubblicità locale buono 1470 5/1 00.10 R. Vibracion - Carupano SS MX suff. 1503 9/1 17.20 R. Beograd 202 - Serbo MX buono 1521 9/1 05.00 Gold - Crawley EE MX oldies // a 1548 KHz buono (SER Castellon era spenta!!) 1575 9/1 11.10 RAI R.1 - Genova IT NX reg. Liguria buono 1584 6/1 11.15 R. Studio X - Momigno IT MX suff. * De CARLOS L. R de GONÇALVEZ, desde Portugal GAMBIA 648 GRTS, Bonto, 2011-2011, 07 Jan, Vernacular, talks; 54433, QRM de E. Vy. powerful audio as usual. MAURITANIA 783 R.Mauritanie, Nouakchott, 1901-1935, 07 Jan, Arabic, talks; 54444, QRM de E; \\ 4845 off this evening. MONGOLIA 4895 Mongoliin R, Murun, 2313-2323, 07 Jan, Mongolian, talks (news?); 34342, CODAR QRM. NOTICIAS DE RADIO ARGENTINA Pedido de quiebra para radio Mitre por una deuda de U$D 7.000.000.- BUENOS AIRES. 15.01- Un acreedor uruguayo pidió a la Justicia la quiebra de Radio Mitre, perteneciente al Grupo Clarín y denunció que la radio utiliza como "instrumento para eludir su responsabilidad patrimonial” a la empresa Cadena País. El pedido de quiebra, al que Télam tuvo acceso, lo promovió un estudio jurídico porteño en nombre del ciudadano uruguayo Álvaro Vargas Lerena, quien obtuvo fallos a favor en la Justicia de Uruguay que están firmes, por lo que requirió y obtuvo ahora el Exequátur (traslado de la causa de un país a otro) en la Justicia argentina. Señala que el demandante es acreedor "por la suma de 7.160.445,10 millones de dólares, suma a la que fuera condenada a pagar la sociedad Cadena País, controlada por Radio Mitre en un 99,98%”. En ese sentido, los demandantes afirman que Cadena País "no es sino un instrumento de Radio Mitre para eludir su responsabilidad patrimonial por los actos que Radio Mitre efectúa en forma directa, pero que a los efectos formales hace figurar como efectuados por Cadena País”. "El crédito de nuestro demandante -explica el pedido- proviene del incumplimiento contractual en que incurrió Radio Mitre S.A. -utilizando el instrumento Cadena País S.A.-, respecto de un contrato que la vinculaba con aquel”, sostiene, y asegura que

ese crédito "se encuentra reconocido por una sentencia extranjera firme, dictada por Uruguay”. Además, el documento -al que tuvo acceso Télam- asegura que Cadena País "solicitó la formación de su concurso preventivo”, lo que "conlleva necesariamente la confesión del estado de cesación de pagos por parte de la concursada, por lo cual tenemos que Cadena País confesó el estado de cesación de pago”. "La razón de ser de Cadena País es obrar como un mero instrumento de limitación de la responsabilidad de Radio Mitre, ya que Cadena País no tiene giro, ni cumple con objeto social alguno”, prosigue el pedido, y asevera que la radio es "quien toma todas las decisiones y las ejecuta”. El documento concluye que "la confesión de estar en cesación de pagos efectuada por Cadena País significa que Radio Mitre se encuentra en cesación de pagos, ya que era Radio Mitre la obligada real”, por lo que la emisora "es el verdadero y único deudor”. Para fundamentar el pedido de quiebra, el demandante aportó numerosa prueba documental, informativa e instrumental, que fueron sumadas al expediente. El petitorio finalmente solicita que "se nos tenga por presentados por parte en el carácter invocado; se libre oficio al Registro de Juicios Universales; se tengan presentes las autorizaciones conferidas y las reservas formuladas; se disponga la citación de la deudora en los términos del artículo 84 de la ley de Concursos y Quiebras y oportunamente, se decrete la quiebra de Radio Mitre SA, con costas". Fuente: Fuente: El Eco Digital vía Yimber Gaviria, Colombia Radio Diez terminó el año líder en todos los horarios Radio Diez volvió a terminar primera en el ranking de emisoras más escuchadas Volvió a ratificar su liderazgo con casi 1 millón de oyentes solamente en Capital Federal y el Gran Buenos Aires. El share de La 10 volvió a subir, ubicándose en el 33,95 por ciento en el último trimestre del año En el segundo puesto quedó Radio Mitre, con un 18 por ciento y en el tercer lugar permaneció Continental con el 15,14 por ciento. Por su parte La Red se ubicó en el cuarto lugar con el 10,79 y en el quinto Del Plata con el 4,45. En la primera mañana, de 6 a 9, Marcelo Longobardi encabezó la grilla con su programa Cada Mañana, con el 35,39 por ciento del share. En segundo lugar, Eduardo Tenembaum, de Radio Mitre, alcanzó el 20,50 por ciento. Oscar González Oro, con El Oro y el Moro, volvió, como hace casi más de 10 años, a ser el programa más escuchado de la radio. Alcanzó el 35,92 por ciento del prime time de las radios. En segundo lugar, Samuel "Chiche" Gelblung, logró un 19,22 por ciento del encendido. También, en el tercer trimestre del año, Fabián Doman (de 18 a 21) logró el primer lugar con De Vuelta, superando a su colega Nelson Castro, también de Radio Mitre. En el mundo de las FM, Rock & Pop se quedó con el primer puesto con el 10,06 por ciento del share, seguida por Pop Radio 101.5 que obtuvo el 9,84 y el tercer lugar fue para Metro con 8,91. Beto Casella ratificó su liderazgo absoluto en la FM. Su programa, Bien levantado en Pop Radio 101.5 mantuvo el 21,51 por ciento del share, triplicando a su seguidor. Por su parte, Mario Pergolini (en Rock & Pop) volvió a ganar su franja con 15,96 por ciento, seguido por el programa de Analía Franchín y Santiago del Moro (Pop Radio 101.5), quienes alcanzaron el 11,61 por ciento en la franja de 9 a 13. Fuente: Vía Yimber Gaviria, Colombia

NICARAGUA La Poderosa con 30 mil kilowatts * Restauración de emisora cerrada por Bolaños tiene un costo de 250 mil dólares * Transmisiones de prueba llegan hasta Honduras y Costa Rica Por Ramón H. Postyome Radio La Poderosa se convertirá en una de las radios de mayor cobertura en el territorio nacional y sus principales programas estarán a cargo del ex presidente Arnoldo Alemán quien dispondrá de tres espacios diarios conducidos por él y miembro del Partido Liberal Constitucionalista, PLC. Según el vocero del PLC, Leonel Téller, “pretenden mejorar la imagen de Alemán” y resaltar, lo que ellos consideran logros de su partido en el ejercicio en el poder. En los programas pretenden señalar las debilidades del gobierno del presidente Daniel Ortega y hacer sus propias propuestas. El PLC pretende llegar a la mayor parte de su base, radicada principalmente en la zona rural, que lograrían con la potencia de la radio. La inversión en la emisora se estima en aproximadamente 250 mil dólares y según el gerente Milton Guzmán Baldizón cuenta con equipos nuevos y un transmisor de 30 kilowatts de potencia, aunque no sabe con certeza cuánta energía consume la radio y el valor de la costosa inversión. Actualmente está en un periodo de prueba y trabaja con 25 mil kilowatts. Guzmán asegura que tienen reportes de cobertura a nivel nacional incluso desde Honduras y Costa Rica. Adicionalmente en la radio según reveló Téller tendrán un espacio para los alcaldes liberales organizados en la Asociación de Alcaldes Patrióticos Asalpat. Las operaciones de la emisora comenzarán el próximo cuatro de enero y darán la mayor potencia a los principales programas. Actualmente cuentan con el noticiero El Despertar y El Momento, este último dirigido por el periodista Moisés Absalón Pastora. Radio La Poderosa fue cerrada durante la Administración del ex presidente Enrique Bolaños Geyer, tras severas críticas a ese gobierno y cuando el PLC se convirtió en partido de oposición. La emisora funcionaba con mucha menor potencia y siempre fue defensora del ex presidente Alemán. Fuente: El Nuevo Diario vía Yimber Gaviria, Colombia.

Todas las colaboraciones deben ser dirigidas a CONEXION Digital: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4. SINTONIZANDO EL DIAL por Miguel Castellino *Los horarios corresponden al Tiempo Universal Coordinado (UTC). ESCUCHAS DESDE AMERICA Captaciones de Rafael Rodriguez R., desde Bogota, Colombia 4451.3 RADIO SANTA ANA. Santa del Yacuma, Bolivia. 09-01 2310-2326 Mencionando el estado del tiempo en Santa Ana y el tipo de cambio Dolar/Boliviano"...en esta ondas de Radio Santa Ana..." presentando luego el usual pgm: El Mensajero de la Mosquitania. "...RSA..." 4747 RADIO HUANTA 2000. Huanta, Perú. 10-01 0051-0102* Musica folclorica y programacion bilingue a las 0100 con ID como cierre tambien: "...Transmite desde Huanta, bella esmeralda de los Andes; Radio Huanta 2000 OAZ5D 4755 KHz onda corta; OCX5O 1160 Khz onda media y OCC5A 92.9 Mhz FM estereo..." luego Himno Nacional. 4796.5 RADIO LIPEZ. Uyuni, Bolivia. 09-01 2334-2345 Mencionando activiades de la Federeacion de maestros bolivianos.Enviando saludos a oyentes en Ecuador, Perú e incluso Colombia!. Baja señal

Salar de Uyuni

4865 Tent. RADIO LOGOS. Santa Cruz, Bolivia. 10-01 0110-0220 Fuera del aire las brasilenas Radio Alvorada y Verdes Florestas. SI una positiva ID. Programacion de HCJB Alas, prsentando el programa La Hora Adventista e identificaciones de esa cadena satelital. Luego de las 0200 pgm Gracia con nosotros. Una lastima que no presentara programacion local , es la primera oportunidad que tuve de escuchar esta emisora boliviana. 5939.3 RADIO MELODIA. Arequipa, Perú. 09-01 0103-0125 Fuerte QRM desde 5940 KHz de la BBC. Melodias peruanas, entre cancion "Melodia" luego de las 0115 con el pgm Melodia en los Deportes. Con la programacion de partidos de futbol de una copa local. 6035 L.V. DEL GUAVIARE, San Jose, Colombia. 09-01 2015-2035 Reactivacion luego de varios meses fuera del aire que me llevo a pensar que habia cerrado su onda corta, no la escuchaba desde marzo-09. Presentando programacion musical. Id: "...desde Guaviare, La Voz del Guaviare 1180 AM HJFC emisora afiliada a RCN..." "...este es el programa numero uno de la radio en el Guaviare Fiesta RCN, RCN Voz del Guaviare, disfrute de los grandes exitos y las mejores orquestas, los ritmos que nos ponen a bailar y gozar, la verdadera fiesta de la radio esta en RCN Voz del Guaviare...· 6134.8 Radio Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, Bolivia.10-01 2202-2218 “ importa cuan lejos estes Radio Santa Cruz siempre te acompaña..." Anunciando el inicio de clases del del programa El Maestro en casa del IRFA. Mensaje de la Administradora Boliviana de Carreteras. "...contigo esta en cada momento Radio Santa Cruz, la mejor radio de esta tierra oriental..." Mencionan FM 92.3 y web en Band Scan 1100-1200 Domingo 10 de enero 2010 Se excluyen la emisoras brasileñas. 3280 LV DEL NAPO 4747 RADIO HUANTA 2000 4775 RADIO TARMA 4790 RADIO VISION 4835.4 RADIO MARAÑON 4950 RADIO MADRE DE DIOS 4955 RADIO CULTURAL AMAUTA 4974.7 PACIFICO RADIO 5025 RADIO REBELDE mezclandose con RADIO QUILLABAMBA cochannel 5120.3 ONDAS DEL SURORIENTE 5460.5 RADIO BOLIVAR 5910 MARFIL ESTEREO 5939.3 RADIO MELODIA 6010 LV DE TU CONCIENCIA 6019.3 RADIO VICTORIA 6025 RADIO AMANECER INTERNACIONAL 6035 LV DEL GUAVIARE 6104.8 RADIO CANDELA 6134.8 RADIO SANTA CRUZ 6174 RADIO TAWANTISUYO Captaciones de Horacio Nigro, Montevideo, Uruguay Uruguay 5776.xx v (no oficial) R. Chaná, Tacuarembó, 0204 en Feb 9. Todavía con emisión inestable en frecuencia, desplazándose 5774.xx, mx: Zitarrosa. QSB (Horacio Nigro, Uruguay)

Captacion de Ruben G. Margenet, Rosario, Argentina URUGUAY: Enero 10 de 2010 a las 22:40 UTC, Emisora Chaná en la variabilísima frecuencia de 5795,21 (subiendo) con avisos publicitarios "Centro Estético... 25 de Mayo 254"; "Taller Manzanito..."; "Pelos-Pelos peluquería para damas y caballeros..."; "Semanario Patovil (?)..."; "Herrería Chiché... Avenida Oliver"; "Transporte Nahuel..."; "Taller 19 chapa y pintura... Sarandí 91"; "Mueblería Godini estamos en Juan Ortiz 333"; "Tornería mecánica Lima..."; "Carpintería Centenario". 22:44 UTC ID "...Emisora Chaná, ciudad de Tacuarembó". A las 23:00 UTC estaba en la frecuencia de 5799,16 Khz y seguía subiendo! SINFO=35222 Rubén G. Margenet Captaciones de Jorge Freitas, Brasil 6070 10/01 0755 LIBERIA, ELWA Monrovia, EE, desde Monrovia. OM com eloqüente pregação. As 0756 UT outro OM com fala mais pausada. As 0755 UT sinal degrada tão rapidamente que as 0756 UT passa de um sinal moderado e com moderada falha de propagação para um sinal fraco. As 0800 UT ID por OM e gospel música. Sinal volta a melhorar as 0801 UT. Transmissão não encerra as 0800 UT conforme a informação da lista Aoki, a lista EIBI informa a transmissão até as 0900 UT. Segue sequência musical de musica gospel as 0805 UT. Sinal fica regular, com moderada falha de propagação e leve QRM. (Jorge Freitas-B) 7105 09/01 2253 Jammer chinês da CNR1 sobre a Xi Wang Zhi Sheng SOH. Ouve-se duas modulações distintas na frequência. Primeira vez que chega com um bom sinal, baixo nível de ruído e moderada propagação. 7510 09/01 2257 TAIWAN, Suab Xaa Moo Zoo(Vo.Hope), Hmong-Blue/Njua, desde Taipei. OM fala com fundo musical de música suave de Kenny G. Essa frequência está próximo de um bloco dos ruídos da minha rede elétrica. Chega com moderado sinal, sem QRM e boa propagação. As 2259 UT OM com as considerações finais do encerramento e fim da transmissão as 2300 UT (Jorge Freitas-B) 7540 09/01 2302 Jammer chinês sobre a transmissão da R Free Asia. Sinal quase local e não se escuta ao fundo nenhuma outra modulação. (Jorge Freitas-B) 7550 09/01 2305 Jammer chinês sobre a R Free Asia. Ouve-se a mistura das duas transmissões. Sinal fraco e sofre forte QRM do firedrake chinês em 7555 kHz (Jorge Freitas-B) 7555 09/01 2308 Firedrake chinês. Sinal forte, sem QRM. (Jorge Freitas-B) 7570 09/01 2312 COREIA DO NORTE, Voice of Korea (KCBS), em coreano, desde Kujang. OM e YL falam alternadamente. 35433 (Jorge Freitas-B) 8400 09/01 2309 Firedrake chinês. Sinal moderado. Pela primeira vez ouço modulação chegando junto a música instrumental do firedrake. Em 9000 kHz sinal moderado apenas do firedrake chinês (Jorge Freitas-B) 15135 10/01 1108 CHINA, CRI, em indonésio, desde Kunming. Pop mx romântica chinesa. As 1111 UT curta fala do OM e mais mx. 25432 (Jorge Freitas-B) 15600 10/01 0835 UNID, Emissora com mx estilo da Eritreia, com instrumento

de sopro, tambores, cantada por voz masculina. Sinal fraco. (Jorge Freitas-B) Jorge Freitas Local time -3 UT Feira de Santana Bahia Brasil Degen 1103 Dipole antenna, 19 meters - east/west - Balun 4:1 Skype: jorge.freitas.fsa Escutas (listening): Rx: SDR-IQ + MFJ1026, ant.: Horiz 20 m cordoalha. Captaciones de Lúcio Otávio Bobrowiec, Embu, SP, Brasil 3945, R. Vanuatu, Port Vila. January, 4 811-0821 Pop music selections alternating short female, seems in English, talks. 24332 (lob-B). 6045, Uruguay, R. Sarandi, Montevideo. January, 4 2323-2350 predominant male and female in a eloquent Spanish talks, short music, seems ads, mentions of "Uruguay". QRM, seems some distortion in audio, few words readable, 22432 (lob-B). 4409, Bolivia, R. Eco, Reyes. January, 4/5 2352-0005 Bolero beat with Andean flute music, 2357 Bolero beat music, 0000 male Spanish announcements, then seems messages service from listeners. Stronger than usual, 4451 R. Santa Ana was strong too, certainly an L.A. opening, despite not very clear due the noise, 34332 (lob-B). Embu SP Brasil - Sony ICF SW40 - dipole 18m, 32m. Captaciones de Dave Valko, desde Estados Unidos Captaciones de Chuck Bolland, desde Estados Unidos Surimane, 4990, Radio Apintie, (pres) 1025-1035, With a very weak signal, noted a male in steady comments - probably Dutch? Unable to actually hear the language being spoken due to the signal's weakness. He continue to talk the entire period. (Chuck Bolland, January 10, 2009) Bolivia, 6134.75, Radio Santa Cruz, 1037-1100, With a very weak signal, noted a female in Spanish conversation with a male. Signal is threshold and has a het covering it from a Brazilian station. (Chuck Bolland, January 10, 2009) Papua New Guinea, 3260, Radio Madang, (pres) 1108-1130, Noted a weak signal here with a male in unident language comments. As mentioned, the signal is just enough weak that it's not possible to catch any details from the comments. At 1116 music is presented. Male back in comments at 1118. The music sounded familiar to the Papua New Guinea area.

(Chuck Bolland, January 11, 2010) Papua New Guinea, 3290, Radio Central, (pres) 1120-1125, With a program of typical music, noted this with a poor signal here. (Chuck Bolland, January 11, 2010) Papua New Guinea, 3385, Radio East New Britain,(pres) 1125-1130, Think I came in at the intro when possibly the NA was being played. Following that a male talks briefly, then a female comments for a few moments. Popular music follows this. Signal was poor. (Chuck Bolland, Janaury 11, 2010). NRD545 26.27N 081.05W Weak signals with a lot of noise this morning. However, I haven't heard either of the above two stations in a long-time, so I feel that it was worth listening eventhough the noise was annoying. It's a few minutes after 6 A.M. locally and I must take the dogs for their morning "grap" walk. The temp out there is in the low 30's and it's not going to be fun. Writing these words is just an excuse to delay the walk. Woe is me, woe is me. Never a happy medium. Watkins Johnson HF1000 26.27N 081.05W Captaciones de Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, FL, Estados Unidos 3279.84 Ecuador, La Voz del Napo, Tena, Returned to air after several days silent, Thanks Scott Barbour tip 1020 on Jan 10th. Good signal here at 1100 and 2350 [Wilkner] 3329.53 Peru, Ondas del Huallaga, Huánuco 1030 to 1100 most days [Wilkner] 4409.8 Bolivia, Radio Eco, Reyes per Lúcio Bobrowiec logs heard at 2340 on 9 January with CP music and om dj. [Wilkner] 4451.2 Bolivia, Radio Santa Ana, Santa Ana de Yacuma daily 2320 to sign off, thanks Lúcio Bobrowiec tips [Wilkner] 4765 Tajikistan, Tajik Radio 0330 per Scott Barbour log, good but faded by 0345. 10 January [Wilkner] 4780 Djibouti 0400 to 0410 decent signal 10 January [Wilkner] 4800 Mexico, XERTA 1100 with ID 8 January [Wilkner] 4857.37 Peru, Radio La Hora, Cusco 2330 on 8 January. [Wilkner] 4990 Suriname, Radio Apintie, Paramaribo 0500 on Jan 7th Chuck Bolland and Lúcio Bobrowiec tips [Wilkner] 5039.22 Peru, Radio Libertad Junin 1100 [Wilkner]

5120.363 Peru, Ondas del Suroriente, Quillabamba 1120 music on 9 January 22 December [Wilkner] 5460.11 Peru Radio Bolivar Cd. Bolivar 2320 noted with weak signal, om. fading, 20 December [Wilkner] 5580.2 Bolivia Radio San José, San José de Chiquitos 2330, weak with music, on 25 December [Wilkner] 6045.95 UNID at 1207 -1230 on 22 December [Wilkner] Pompano Beach, Florida Drake R 8, IcomSony 2010XA noise reducing antenna 60 meter band dipole Captaciones de Arnaldo Slaen, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina URUGUAY 5794,1; 5795,9; 5796,3; 5796,5; 5797,1 Emisora Chaná, Tacuarembó, 0115-0140, January 11, Spanish Different songs: romantic, tangos, zambas. Many local advs: “….Centro Estetico….”; “Semanario… servicio de Tacuarembó”; Provisión El Altillo, Herrería Cheché, Transporte Nahuel; Celulares 18; Taller Manzanito; Pilo Pelo, Taller 19, Diario El Avisador. ID as: “Emisora Chaná, Ciudad de Tacuarembó”, 35332 (Arnaldo Slaen, DX Camp Chascomus, Argentina) ESCUCHAS DESDE EL RESTO DEL MUNDO Captaciones de Artem Prokhorov, desde Moscu, Rusia January, 4 – 2010 3200 TWR (Swaziland), 0305 in UNID language 44344 absolutely faded out at 0330 3240 TWR (Swaziland), 0310 in UNID language 34343 absolutely faded out at 0330 4930 VOA (Botswana), 0320 in English, something about Angola, Congo 44344 4965 Christian Voice (Zambia), 0325 in English 242322 4885 Radio Clube do Para (Brazil), 0330 in Portuguese, too weak 4976 UBC (Uganda), 0420 in English 24433 4960 VOA (Sao Tome e Principe), 0430 in English 34444 6220 Family Radio (Taiwan), 1155 end of the program in English, address, phone etc 3/4 4444 January, 8 – 2010 5025 ABC-Katherine (Australia), 2144-2151, OM/YL in English, country music 43344, faded out to 2151, audible below the noise level at 2210 //4910 too weak, nothing on 4835

7125 RTV de Guinee, 2230 guitar and reading verses in local language 44344 January, 10 – 2010 4845 RTV de Mauretanie, 0030-0100*, OM/YL in Arabic, arabic music, strong buzz 'cause of the carrier conflict with BRZ (?) on the same frequency 23322 3950 PBS-Xinjiang (China) ?, 0040 OM in Chinese, jamming like QRM 22322 7140 Voice of Korea (DPRK), 0048, anthem in closing down 34444 7610 Radio Amica (pirate, Italy), 0100 pop-music, OM ID at 0105 24422 Captaciones de Manuel Mendez, desde Lugo, España Escuchas realizadas en Friol Grundig Satellit 500 y Sony ICF SW7600G Antena de cable, 10 metros, orienta WSW Captaciones de Roberto Pavanello, desde Italia 4790 9/1 23.45 R. Vision - Chiclayo SS MX andina buono 4805 9/1 23.20 R. Dif. Amazonas - Manaus PP MX suff. 5000 9/1 23.25 WWV - Fort Collins EE time e pip pip suff. 5012 9/1 23.30 Pirata Greca - ??? Greco MX buono ( terza armonica di 1670 ??? Boh, su 1670 c'era l' olandese Radio Barones ). 5995 5/1 23.25 R. Mali - Bamako FF MX afro buono 7125 4/1 22.45 R. Conakry - FF MX afro buono 9645 5/1 23.10 R. Bandeirantes - Sao Paulo PP intervista buono 6975 9/1 23.50 R. Cancao Nova - Cachoeira Paulista PP MX buono 9820 5/1 23.15 R. Nove de Julho - Sao Paulo PP Id e MX buono ( quella notte non c' era la cine- se!!1 ) Captaciones de Mauro Giroletti, desde Italia 10/01/2010 0009 5770 Defence Forces BC-Taunggyi BRM px locale mx- meglio in USB-SUFF 10/01/2010 0003 7145 LAO National R-Vientiane LAO px mx -SUFF 09/01/2010 0758 252 RTE Radio IRL px nx -Buono Captaciones de Carlos L. R de Goncalvez, desde Portugal AUSTRALIA 2310 VL8A, Alice Springs NT, 1856-1915, 08 Jan, English, talks, no copy; 24231, adj. uty. QRM. 2325 VL8T, Tennant Creek NT, 1852-1940, 08 Jan, English, talks, news at 1930 when better, readable; 35241.

2485 VL8K, Katherine NT, 1854-1920, 08 Jan, English, talks, no copy; 25241. Really bad reception this time. BOLIVIA 3310 R.Mosoj Chaski, Cochabamba, 2244-2305, 08 Dec, Quechua, talks, Indian songs; 34342, adj. uty. QRM. 4451.2 R.Stª Ana, Stª Ana del Yacuma, 2242-2258, 08 Dec, Castilian, pops; 34332, adj. QRM de KRE 4450. 4796.4 R.Lipez, Uyuni, 2212-2226, 07 Jan, Castilian, talks; 24331, poor readability, weakish audio. 4865 R.Logos, Stª Cruz de la Sierra, 2301-2309, 07 Jan, Castilian, newscast; 32431, QRM de 2 Brazilian stns. BRAZIL 3365 R.Cultura, Araraquara SP, 2220-2235, 07 Jan, rlgs. propag.; 35332. 4754.9 R.Imaculada Conceição, Cpº Grande MS, 2239-2252, 09 Jan, songs, talks; 25321. 4775 R.Congonhas, Congonhas MG, 2245-2257, 07 Jan, songs, addr. for music dedications; 34332, QRM de PRU. 4805 R.Difª do Amazonas, Manaus AM, 2209-2225, 07 Jan, f/ball news magazine, songs; 45343. 4815 R.Difª, Londrina PR, 2207-2222, 07 Jan, songs, rlgs. propag. prgr "Louvor e Adoração"; 34332, CODAR QRM. 4825 R.Educadora, Bragança PA, 2205-2223, 07 Jan, news bulletinj; 24332, adj. QRM de CHN 4820. 4845.2 R.Cultura Ondas Tropicais, Manaus AM, 2202-2220, 07 Jan, songs; 45333, poor audio. 4865 R.Alvorada, Londrina PR, 2302-2311, 07 Jan, songs, rlgs. propag.; 33442, QRM de B+BOL. 4865 R.Verdes Florestas, Cruzº do Sul AC, 2303-2320, 07 Jan, preacher; 34442, QRM de B+BOL. 4885 R.Club do Pará, Belém PA, 1935-..., 08 Jan, phone-ins, music, chatter; 35332, but rapidly improving to 45333. 4895 R.Novo Tempo, Cpº Grande MS, 2312-2319, 07 Jan, rlgs. propag.; 24441, CODAR QRM. It was observed on 09 Jan, 2235, putting some bad audio. 4915 R.Difª, Macapá AP, 1934-2016, 07 Jan, talks, TCs, music, phone-ins w/ messages; 25331, then rated 45333 at 2000. The co-ch. R.Daqui, in Goiânia, has been almost constantly underneath this stn. 4925.2 R.Educação Rural, Tefé AM, 2315-2326, 07 Jan, rlgs. propag.; 35332.

4935.3 R.Capixaba, Vitória ES, 2215-2229, 09 Jan, IPDA propag. prasing pr. David Miranda...; 35332. 4985 R.Brasil Central, Goiânia GO, 2023-2051, 09 Jan, Braz. pops, ballads; 35333; \\ 11815. 5045 R.Clutura do Pará, Belám PA, 1938-2012, 07 Jan, music, chatter, songs, TCs; 35332, then rated 45333 at 2000. BOLIVIA 5952.3 R.Pío XII, Siglo XX, 2325-2335, 07 Jan, Quechua, talks; 34422, adj. QRM. BRAZIL 5970 R.Itatiaia, Belo Horizonte MG, 2323-2337, 07 Jan, lively Braz. songs; 454333. 5990 R.Senado, Parque do Rodeador DF, 1021-1130, 08 Jan, folk music, talks, infos; 35443. I did not observe the fade out time, but must have been before 1200. 6000 R.Guaíba, Ptº Alegre RS, 2326-..., 07 Jan, f/ball match rpt. Inter vs (?); 24421, adj. QRM. 6060 SRDA, Curitiba PR, 2221-2235, 08 Jan, IPDA propag.; 43442, QRM de ARG, rated likewise. 6080 R.Novas de Paz, Curitiba PR, 2332-2345, 07 Jan, R.Marumby rlgs propag. prgr "Musical Evangélico"; 44433, adj. & co-ch. QRM. 6135 R.Aparecida, Aparecida SP, 1022-f/out 1040, 08 Jan, rlgs. propag.; 24432. 6135 ditto, 2143-2202, 08 Jan, A Voz do Brasil until 2200, then rlgs. propag. prgr with talks & songs; 54433, co-ch. QRM; \\ 5035 vy.poor, 9630, 11855. 6185 R.Nacional da Amazónia, Parque do Rodeador DF, 2238-..., 08 Jan, songs; 53432, adj. QRM; \\ 11780 fair-good. 9505 R.Record, São Paulo SP, 1949-1959, 07 Jan, advertisements, TCs, A Voz de São Paulo w/ infos; 35433; blocked by R.Farda. 9515 R.Novas de Paz, 1946-2010, 07 Jan, rlgs. songs, TCs, rlgs. propag. at 2000; 35433; \\ 11724.9. 9550 R.Boa Vontade, Ptº Alegre RS, 2205-2220, 08 Jan, hymns, preaching; 24432, co-ch. & adj. QRM. 11895 not audible, if active at all. 9630 R.Aparecida, 2216-2229, 08 Jan, rlgs. propag., songs; 44433; \\ 5035 vy. poor, 6135 vy. good, 11855 fair. 9645.3 R.Bandeirantes, São Paulo SP, 1849-1921, 08 Jan, news in "Serviço Bandeirantes", traffic infos, reports; 34433, adj. QRM; \\ 11925.2. 9665.04 R.Marumby, Florianópolis SC, 2145-2208, 08 Jan, A Voz do Brasil till 2200 with its s/off tune abruptly cut for an announcement for R. Voz Missionária and its fq, 5940; 34422. 9675 R.Canção Nova, Cachoeira Paulista SP, 2017-2038, 09 Jan, rosary, rlgs. songs; distorted audio; 45444.

9694.9 R.Rio Mar, Manaus AM, 2019-2050 (s/off shortly prior to 2100), 09 Jan, Carnaval like songs & music, advertisements; distorted & muffled audio; 35433. 9819.43 R. 9 de Julho, São Paulo SP, 2211-2228, 08 Jan, sermon, musical background; 44433, not molested by CHN 9820. 11724.9 R.Novas de Paz, 2017-.., 07 Jan, rlgs. propag.; 34433, adj. QRM. 11734.94 R.Transmundial, Stª Mª RS, 1237-1320, 10 Jan, rlgs. propag., ID+fqs announcement at 1258 prior to prgr on mission work; 35433, worse at 1300, adj. QRM. 11749.9 R.Marumby, 2306-2318, 09 Jan, shouting preacher; 35444; \\ 9665.04. 11780 R.Nacional da Amazónia, 1234-1319, 10 Jan, phone-ins, news at 1300; 35433, adj. QRM at 1300 & signal dedcrease. 11815 R.Brasil Central, Goiânia GO, 2024-2051, 09 Jan, Braz. pops & ballads; 35444; \\ 4985. 11815 ditto, 1232-1330, 10 Jan, music prgr, ID+fqs announcement at 1300 prior to music prgr "Goiás Caboclo"; 35444, powerful audio. 11855 R.Aparecida, 2302-2319, 09 Jan, songs in rlgs. propag. prgr; 35433; \\ 5035 almost inaudible, 6135 splendid, 9630 good. 11915 R.Gaúcha, Ptº Alegre RS, 1230-1325, 10 Jan, advertisements, music, newscast at 1300 when better; 15431. 11925.2 R.Bandeirantes, 1904-1930, 08 Jan, Serviço Bandeirantes, w/ traffic infos, reports, othe rinfos incl. the health advice ann. "Saúde para todos" (health for all), advertisements; 35433; \\ 9645.3. 11925.2 ditto, 1222-2300, 10 Jan, f/ball news; 25432, QRM at 1300. CANADA 6070 CFRX, Toronto ON, 2330-2335, 07 Jan, CFRB relay, English, TC, weather, infos, news; 33431, co-ch. & adj. QRM. DOMINICAN REP. 6025 R.Amanecer, Stº Domingo, 2217-2232, 08 Jan, Catilian, hymns, rlgs. propag.; 43432, adj. QRM. ERITREA 7164.8 Voice of the Broad Masses (p), Asmara, /1620-1625*, 10 Jan, Vernacular, talks, jammed 1621-s/off; 24432. If this was ERI, then ETH doesn't seem to bother jamming her own b/casts. ETHIOPIA 7165 R.Ethiopia-Ext. Sce., Geja Jawe, 1615-1620, 10 Jan, English, HoA songs; suddenly almost blocked by a jammer (ETH?) at 1621 and until approx 1625, then in the clear again; \\ 9561.1; 35432. There was a tone (on 7164.8) signal immediately prior to 1620, then talks - Eritrea? -, and one min. afterwards the jamming started; this second b/cast was gone before 1630. Check ERITREA.

9561.1 ditto, 1611-1628, 10 Jan, English, HoA music & songs, talks, fq announcement at 1625; 32431, adj. QRM. \\ 7165. 7680.37 UNID, presumably from either IRL or G, 1216-..., 10 Jan, pops; 35332. GUINEA-Conakry 7125 R.Guinée, Sonfonya, 1944-2022, 07 Jan, Vernacular, Afr. pops,..., same menu after 2000; 55444 (!). 7125 ditto, 1307-1603, 10 Jan, Frendch, newscast, f/ball news,..., sports prgr prior to another news bulletin at 1600; 35433, only sporadic amateur QRM. CUBA 5025 R.Rebelde, Bauta, 1020-f/out 1120, 08 Jan, infos, news, music; 35433. EQUATORIAL GUINEA 5005 RNGE/"R.Bata", Bata, 1740-1807, 089 Jan, Vernacular, Afr. pops; 45433, weakish audio, but not all the time. EUROPirates 1665 UNID Dutch, 2315-..., 09 Dec, polkas; 34433, adj. QRM de R.Barones 1670. 1670 R.Barones, HOL, 2312-..., 09 Dec, Dutch/German/English, c&w, pops, oldies; 45444 (!). 3886.1 Skyline International, HOL, 1931-...,08 Jan, Dutch/English, pops, asking for rec. rpts.; 35443. 3905 R.Borderhunter, HOL, 2257-..., 09 Dec, Dutch/English, polkas, folk music, Dutch songs; 45433. INDONESIA 3325 RRI, Palangkaraya, 2222-2246, 07 Jan, Indonesian, light songs, IDs, jingle+TS+ID at 2230 prior to newscast till 2240, natl. anthem, local ID, talks; 35433. MADAGASCAR 5010 R.Madagasikara, Ambohidrano, 1737-1812, 09 Jan, Malagasy, radioplay, talks; 45433. MONGOLIA 4895 Mongoliin R, Murun, 2313-2323, 07 Jan, Mongolian, talks (news?); 34342, CODAR QRM. PERU 4746.9 R.Huanta 2000, Huanta, 2239-2254, 07 Jan, Castilian, Indian songs in both Castilian & Quechua; 45433. 4775 R.Tarma, Tarma, 2245-2257, 07 Jan, Castilian, Indian songs; 24331, QRM de B. Better on 09 Jan, 2245, CODAR QRM only. 4790 R.Visión, Chiclayo, 2215-2228, 07 Jan, Castilian, ballads, classical music jingle+webpage info. for "La Cosecha" (rlgs. propag.) (this means "The Harvest"); 34332, CODAR QRM. It was good a bit later, at 2245.

4789.3 R.Atlántida, Iquitos, 2235-2244, 09 Jan, Castilian, IPDA propag. prgr before a live audience; powerful audio; 34443, CODAR QRM. 4857.5 R.La Hora, Cusco, 2255-2304, 07 Jan, Castilian, songs, advertisements, ID+FM fq announcement, prgr announcements, sl. "La Radio de Siempre", sports prgr "Deporte al Día" at 2300; 45433. 4950 R.Madre de Dios, Ptº Maldonado, 2217-2230, 09 Jan, Castilian, Indian songs; 34321, het. w/ AGL 4949.7, but the latter was hardly audible. 5120.4 Ondas del Suroriente, Quillabamba, 2219-2234, 09 Jan, Catilian, songs, advertisements, announcement for land development progr, municipality announcements; 34332, adj. uty. QRM. RSA 3320 SAUK/R.Sonder Grense, Meyerton, 1904-1945, 07 Jan, Afrikaans, nesws, talks; 45343. 3345 Canal África, Meyerton, 1906-1939, 07 Jan, Portuguese to AGL+MOZ, news, reports; 45343. SWAZILAND 3200 TWR, Mpangela Ranch, 1833-1847, 08 Jan, English, rlgs. propag.; 45343. ZIMBABWE 3396 ZBC, Guinea-fowl, 2233-2245, 07 Jan, Vernacular, Afr. music; 35332. 4828 Voice of Zimbabwe, Guinea-fowl, 1907-..., 07 Jan, English (presumed, but then the audio was too weak), talks; 35332, poor readability.

Todas las colaboraciones deben ser dirigidas a CONEXION Digital: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. APARTADO QSL por Nicolas Eramo ALEMANIA Hamburger Lokalradio 6045 KHz - c/o Kulturzentrum LOLA - Lohbrugger Landstrasse 8 - 21031 Hamburg - Germania con QSL + card in 456 giorni. Si 0.70 Euro.(Roberto Pavanello, Italia) GROENLANDIA 3815khz USB - KNR 30gg letter v/sNauja Brons, KNR ,Box 1007, 3900 NUUK -GREENLAND (Mauro Giroletti, Italia)

Groenlandia SUDAFRICA 18238khz FAX- ZSJ NAVCOMCEN CAPE- 100gg-QSL v/s R. Lotter Officer-in-Charge NAVCOMCEN Cape-Silvermine Private Bag X1, Simonstown 7995 Republic of South Africa (Mauro Giroletti, Italia) PIRATAS Polaris R. 3905 KHz - con QSL allegata in 11 giorni. v/s DJ Iggy. (Roberto Pavanello, Italia) R. Xanadu 6309 KHz - con QSL allegata in 1 giorno. v/s Steve West (Roberto Pavanello, Italia) HAM RADIO CX4PJ, Luis, Rivera, URUGUAY, 7 MHz, SSB DL6KWN, Helmut, Rostock, GERMANY, 7 MHz, SSB PP1IT, Ivan, Domingos Martins-ES, 7 MHz, SSB PU5WFF, Wlad, Santo Antonio da Platina-PR, 7 MHz, CW PY1ADN, Adão, Barra Mansa-RJ, 7 MHz, CW PY1DEV, Alfredo, Rio de Janeiro-RJ, 7 MHz, CW PY1EDB, Marcos, Brazilian Kids Day 2009, Rio de Janeiro-RJ, 7 MHz, SSB PY1RO, Rolf, Niterói-RJ, 7 MHz, CW PY2ADL, Lourenço, Ribeirão Preto-SP, 7 MHz, SSB PY2FES, Valdemar Scaquetti, Caieiras-SP, 7 MHz, SSB PY2FSG, Fran, Nova Europa-SP, 7 MHz, CW PY2MR, Samantha, Brazilian Kids Day 2009, Barueri-SP, 7 MHz, SSB PY2IU, Pedro, Brazilian Kids Day 2009, Osasco-SP, 7 MHz, SSB PY2TEY, Deby, Campinas-SP, 7 MHz, CW (YL on CW!!!) PY3PR, Paulo, Porto Alegre-RS, 7 MHz, CW PY4OY, Carlos, Varginha-MG, 7 MHz, CW Acessar: SWL – RADIOAMADORISMO QSLs Recebidos

PY2-81502 (Rudolf W. Grimm, Brasil) CONEXION Digital: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. ABORDAJE DEL DIAL / REPORTE CLANDESTINO por Gabriel Iván Barrera

*Todos los horarios corresponden al Tiempo Universal Coordinado (UTC). -PIRATAS *Europa 4025 khz, Laser Hot Hits, 2315+, 2 Enero, px en ingles, ID y mx. email: (Roberto Pavanello, I) 5815 khz, Radio Tina, 1030, 1 Enero, escuchada ID en ingles, mx email: (Roberto Pavanello, I)

5825 khz, Best British Radio, 0935, 3 Enero, ID en ingles, mx. email: (Roberto Pavanello, I) 6210 khz, Radio East Coast Holland, 1430, 31 Diciembre, ID en ingles, mx. email: (Roberto Pava- nello, I) 6280 khz, Radio Merlin International, 0945, 1 Enero, ID en in- gles y mx. email: (Roberto Pava- nello, I) 6305 khz, Radio Malaisy, 1552+, 26 Diciembre, px en holandes, mx pop. 35422. (Carlos L. Gonçalvez, POR) 5800 khz, Free Radio Service, 1150+, 27 Diciembre, px en ingles, mx. // a 7685 khz. (Carlos L. Gonçalvez, POR) 7685 khz, Free Radio Service, 1151-1812, 27 Diciembre, px en ingles y en holandes, cxs, mx, IS a 1306, anuncios. 35433 // a 9300 despues de las 1300. (Carlos L. Gonçalvez, POR) 9300 khz, Free Radio Service, 1531-1813, 27 Diciembre, px "FRS Goes DX", mx y tambien escuchada en aleman. 45433. (Carlos L. Gonçalvez, POR) *Norteamerica 6924.6 AM khz, MAC Radio, 1627-1806*, 9 Enero, px en inglles, actualmente, con dos programas diferentes, hasta las 1716 fue el formato de siempre de esta emisora con principalmente blues con guitarras y algo de mx rock mexclada con numerosas identi- ficaciones, incluyendo una del Comandante Bunny de WBNY. Des- pues de las 1716 cambio a un formato totalmente diferente, pa- saba viejas ID's de Radio Praga y cxs sobre el abuso de drogas. Mencionaba su email: para reportes. SIO 242. (George Zeller, USA, en DXplorer)


COREA del NORTE 3912 khz, La Voz del Pueblo, 2238+. 7 Enero, px en coreano, cxs. 33341, en // a 6518 y 6600 khz. (Carlos L. Gonçalvez, POR)

PAKISTAN La emisora propagandistica RFE/RL lanzo el pasado 15 Enero,

una emisora que emitira al corazon de la tierra pashtun en Pakistan y las regiones fronterizas entre Pakistan y Afganis- tan. La nueva emisora, llamada Radio Mashaal ("Antorcha" en pashto) ofrecera una programacion alternativa a las emisoras islamicas extremistas que operan en la region. La emisora tendra oficinas en Pakistan y las transmisiones saldran des- de las oficinas centrales de RFE/RL en Praga. La emisora compartira frecuencias con Radio Deewa y la VOA, via FM y onda corta, en internet en En onda corta, emiten en 9395, 11605 y 13700 khz. (RFE/RL, via Yimber Gaviria, COL) Todas las colaboraciones deben ser dirigidas a CONEXION Digital: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. SIN FRONTERAS por Marcelo Aníbal Cornachioni

*Los horarios corresponden al Tiempo Universal Coordinado (UTC). NOTA: Salvo indicación en contrario, los esquemas seguidamente publicados corresponden al período B-09, vigente desde el 25/10/2009 al 28/03/2010: ARGELIA: Completo esquema en árabe de Radio Algérienne, vía transmisores ubicados en Issoudum, Francia (500 Kw): HORA UTC KHZ 0400-0500 5865 0500-0600 7295 0600-0700 5865 (7295) 1800-2000 9390 1900-2200 7455 2100-2300 5865 Nota: Entre paréntesis se indica la frecuencia que reemplazará a la consignada a partir del 28/02/2010. QTH: Radio Algérienne, 21 Boulevard des Martyrs, 16000 Argel, Argelia. E-mail para QSLs: Web: ESTADOS UNIDOS: Esquema diario en inglés de la emisora religiosa The Overcomer Broadcast: HORA UTC KHZ 1400-1600 6110, 13810 1500-1600 17485

QTH: The Overcomer Ministry, P.O.Box 691, Walterboro, SC 29488, USA. E-mail: Web: HUNGRIA: Radio Budapest transmite en húngaro de acuerdo al siguiente esquema, vía Jászberény (Hungría) HORA UTC KHZ DESTINO 0200-0300 6100 Norteamérica 0500-0600 3975 Europa 1100-1200 6025 Europa 1700-1800 6025 Europa 2200-2300 3975 Europa QTH: Radio Budapest, Bródy Sándor 5-7, H-1800 Budapest, Hungría. E-mail: Web: LIBIA: Esquema del Servicio Exterior de la Libyan Jamahiriyah Broadcasting Corp. (Voice of Africa), vía el txr ubicado en Sabrata (500 Kw): HORA UTC IDIOMA KHZ 1200-1400 Swahili 17725, 21695 1400-1600 Inglés 17725, 21695 1600-1700 Francés 15660, 17725 1700-1800 Francés 11995, 15215 1800-1900 Hausa 11995, 15215 1900-2000 Hausa 11995 QTH: Libyan Jamahiriya Broadcasting, P.O.Box 4677, Soug al Jama, Tripoli, Libia. E-mail: Web: TURQUIA: TRT, La Voz de Turquía transmite en español, anuncia el siguiente esquema válido del 01-01-2010 al 01-07-2010: HORA UTC KHZ DESTINO 0200-0255 9410* 9650 Europa y América 1730-1825 9495 Europa Nota: La emisión es reportada en 9400 KHz. QTH: La Voz de Turquía, TRT, External Services, P.O.Box 333, 06.443 Yenisehir, Ankara, Turquía. E-mail: Web:

Todas las colaboraciones deben ser dirigidas a CONEXION Digital: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. CONTACTO VHF por Arnaldo L. Slaen *Los horarios corresponden al Tiempo Universal Coordinado (UTC). ARGENTINA Provincia de Buenos Aires Corría el veranos de 1985, y Santa Teresita no tenía una radio local, sin embargo tres hombres de la radiofonía provincial, Omar Maulín, Alberto Morel y Ricardo Giménez, apostaron con toda su juventud y sueños a que la comunidad estuviera comunicada y así salió al aire un 2 de enero de 1985, Radio de La Costa Santa Teresita. Contra viento y marea, porque en aquella época se debían instalar los parlantes en cada comercio o vivienda , para que fuera escuchada la emisora, la apuesta era fuerte, porque había que tender el cableado para que las voces llegaran a todos a través de los parlantes instalados en los comercios y hogares, sin embargo, no le tuvieron miedo al desafío. Se lanzaron en el Partido de La Costa a instalar por primera vez una radio que pudiera cubrir las necesidades, actividades y acontecimientos políticos de toda la comunidad. Comenzaron por Mar de Ajó, le siguió Santa Teresita y finalmente se instalaron en San Clemente. Por entonces, solo existía como medio de comunicación gráfico, diario Pionero, pero a nivel radial nadie cubría la extensa franja marítima, desde San Clemente a Mar de Ajó. Pasaron los años, las tres radios se convirtieron en FM y si bien todas permanecen en el aire, así es como este 2 de enero radio de la Costa Santa terestia, cumple sus primeros jóvenes 25 años, pore so qeuremos saludar a todos por el esfuerzo y tesón de los muchos que pasaron por la radio, pero especialmente del dueño y director Ricardo Giménez y a quien siempre le puso el hombro, su esposa y compañera Estela. Entre los primeros periodistas, estuvieron Rubén Rubisntein, Jorge Esnauz, Jorge Cabrera, Susy Barracosa y muchos mas. Algunos de ellos continúan en la emisora, como Susy Barracosa -en forma ininterrumpida desde hace 23 años - y Rubén Rubinstein. En la actualidad, el plantel de Radio de La Costa ha crecido en relación a los que empezaron aquel 2 de enero de 1985. Muchos fueron los periodistas y conductores que han pasado por los micrófonos de ésta radio pionera, pero hoy, el objetivo es hacerle llegar nuestras felicitaciones a su director y a todo el equipo por la trayectoria ininterrumpida que llevan adelante como medio de comunicación siempre al servicio de la comunidad. (tomado de Pionero Diario) Provincia de Rio Negro La radio FM Arco Iris de esta ciudad volvió a sufrir un atentado. Esta vez las pérdidas fueron cuantiosas ya que los autores cortaron el cable coaxil y produjeron graves daños sobre los equipos transmisores que quedaron fuera de servicio. El hecho se encuadra dentro de la fuerte polémica instalada aquí entre quienes se oponen el proyecto minero en Campana Mahuida y sus impulsores. La radio saboteada es una de las principales vías de expresión de los vecinos autoconvocados en defensa del medio ambiente.

"Realicé una denuncia penal donde hago responsable por este acontecimiento a los gobiernos municipal y provincial y al empresario Carlos Natalio Sapag por este atropello", aseguró el propietario de la radio, Norberto Guerrero. Agregó que "el sábado a la tarde me comunican que la radio no salía al aire y constaté que el problema estaba en la planta transmisora, me dirigí hasta allí y al ingresar al lugar observé que habían cortado el cable coaxil con una sierra". Guerrero agregó que "dañaron el transmisor de la potencia, el que se llevaron, y el cable coaxil del receptor del transporte de programa y el cable de alimentación de electricidad". La respuesta de los vecinos no se hizo esperar y los autoconvocados salieron a advertir que "para perpetrarse tal atentado se transitó por el campo propiedad de Carlos "Nuno" Sapag, hermano del gobernador y titular de empresas propietarias de dos minas colindantes a la del proyecto chino que apoya el gobierno y resiste la población. Este personaje es justamente el mismo que ha calificado de terroristas a los mapuches que reclaman sus derechos, siendo que el terrorismo que sufrimos con este nuevo ataque provino de su propiedad". Por otro lado indicaron que "el ataque se produjo en un predio bajo la guarda de la municipalidad de Loncopué".(Rio Negro) Todas las colaboraciones deben ser dirigidas a CONEXION Digital: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. UTILITARIAS por Enrique Wembagher LU8EFF *Los horarios corresponden al Tiempo Universal Coordinado (UTC).

Captaciones de Mauro Giroletti, desde Italia 09/01/2010 2336 3330 CHU Ottawa CAN Time signal //7850khz -Buono 09/01/2010 2335 10000 PPE DSHO-Rio de Janeiro B Time signal -Buono 09/01/2010 2333 5000 WWV Ft.Collins USA Time signal -Buono -Swl 1510- -IK2GFT- -JRC525Nrd - Lowe HF150- Filter PAR Electronics – BCST-LPF + BCST-HPF -Eavesdropper SWL Sloper 11mt to 120mt Band- Loop LFL1010 -Lat. 45°25'0"N Long. 9°7'0"E -Locator grid. Jn 45 Nk- Captaciones de Roberto Pavanello, desde Italia 10000 5/1 23.30 WWV - Fort Collins EE time e pip pip suff. ( mixed con Observatorio Nacional - Rio de Janeiro ) Excelente sked de monitoreo y captaciones de Bruno Casula desde Cagliari, Italia (Fuente UDXF) 490,00 CTV251 G Monsanto POR RADIO NAVTEX 15-gen 0100 WX/NW (POR) - 490,00 DDH47 L Pinnemberg D RADIO NAVTEX 15-gen 0150 WX/NW (TED) - 490,00 EAC T Tarifa E RADIO NAVTEX 15-gen 0310 WX/NW (SPA) - 490,00 EAL A Las Palmas CNR RADIO NAVTEX 15-gen 0400 WX/NW (SPA) - 490,00 EJM A Malin Head IRL IrCG NAVTEX 15-gen 0400 NW (ING) ??? 490,00 GNI I Niton G RADIO NAVTEX 15-gen 0120 WX/NW (ING) - 490,00 GPK C Portpatrick G RADIO NAVTEX 15-gen 0020 WX/NW (ING) - 490,00 TAH B Istambul TUR RADIO NAVTEX 15-gen 0010 WX/NW (TUR) - 490,00 TAN C Izmir TUR RADIO NAVTEX 15-gen 0020 WX/NW (TUR) - 490,00 TF.. K Grindavik ISL RADIO NAVTEX 15-gen 0140 WX/NW (ISL) - 490,00 UUI X Odessa UKR RADIO NAVTEX 15-gen 0350 WX/NW (UKR) - 490,00 YQI L Costanta ROU RADIO NAVTEX 15-gen 0150 WX/NW (ROU) 'DIRECTIA HIDROGRAFICA CONSTANTA' 518,00 5BA E Nicosia CYP RADIO NAVTEX 15-gen 0000 NW 'CYPRUS TURKISH RADIO' 518,00 EAL I Las Palmas CNR RADIO NAVTEX 15-gen 0120 WX/NW - 518,00 GNI E Niton G RADIO NAVTEX 15-gen 0040 WX/NW - 518,00 GPK O Portpatrick G RADIO NAVTEX 15-gen 0220 WX/NW - 518,00 G... I ..... G RADIO NAVTEX 15-gen 0050 WX 'STATION PRES DIR WSP WX VS TEMP DPT WVHT SST' 518,00 LGQ L Rogaland NOR RADIO NAVTEX 15-gen 0150 WX/NW - 518,00 NMR R Isabella/San Juan PTR USCG NAVTEX 15-gen 0200 WX/NW 'CG SECTOR SAN JUAN PR BNM 004-10 ' 518,00 OST M Oostende BEL RADIO NAVTEX 15-gen 0200 WX/NW - 518,00 SA.. H Bjuroklubb S RADIO NAVTEX 15-gen 0110 WX/NW - 518,00 SA.. I Grimeton S RADIO NAVTEX 15-gen 0120 WX/NW -

518,00 SDJ J Gislovshammar S RADIO NAVTEX 15-gen 0130 WX/NW 'SOUTHERN BALTIC. POLISH COAST' 518,00 TAN I Izmir TUR RADIO NAVTEX 15-gen 0520 WX/NW - 1.678,20 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/600L/5N1/USB 11-gen 2238 CRYPTO BROADCAST - 1.680,00 LGL - Floro NOR RADIO J3E/USB 13-gen 2315 NW/WX - 1.692,00 LGQ - Rogoland NOR RADIO J3E/USB 13-gen 2315 NW/WX - 1.728,00 LGN - Bergen NOR RADIO J3E/USB 13-gen 2315 NW/WX - 1.743,00 LMJ - Bodoe/Jan Mayen NOR RADIO J3E/USB 13-gen 2307 NW NOR - 1.770,00 LGP - Bodoe NOR RADIO J3E/USB 13-gen 2233 NW NOR - 1.782,00 LFO - Oerlandet NOR RADIO J3E/USB 13-gen 2233 NW NOR - 1.785,00 LGZ - Farsund NOR RADIO J3E/USB 13-gen 2315 NW/WX - 1.875,00 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/600L/5N1/USB 15-gen 0314 CRYPTO BROADCAST - 1.894,70 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/600L/5N1/USB 15-gen 0311 CRYPTO BROADCAST - 2.000,00 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/600L/5N1/USB 15-gen 0200 CRYPTO BROADCAST - 2.056,00 VMW - Wiluna,WA AUS METEO J3E/USB 13-gen 2130 WX //6230,0 8113,0 2.115,00 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/600L/5N1/USB 13-gen 2144 CRYPTO BROADCAST - 2.142,50 DH.. ZLST Cuxhaven D ZOLL ALE/USB 12-gen 2220 CLG "ZPRI" 2312 CLG "ZKNI" 2.142,50 DLVI ZPRI - SHIP Priwall - D ZOLL ALE/USB 12-gen 2352 CLG "ZLST" - 2.169,70 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/600L/5N1/USB 13-gen 2146 CRYPTO BROADCAST - 2.207,20 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/600L/5N1/USB 13-gen 2147 CRYPTO BROADCAST - 2.239,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL RUS-SYS 75/200 15-gen 0320 N-D - 2.241,20 JXU - Bodo NOR NN STANAG-4285/600L/5N1/USB 13-gen 2149 CRYPTO BROADCAST - 2.295,00 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/600L/S5/USB 15-gen 0322 SEND KG84 MSGS - 2.310,00 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/600L/5N1/USB 13-gen 2153 CRYPTO BROADCAST - 2.336,20 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/600L/5N1/USB 13-gen 2155 CRYPTO BROADCAST - 2.381,70 PBB - Ijumiden HOL HoN BAUDOT 75/850 13-gen 2159 AVAILABILITY - 2.401,10 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/600L/5N1/USB 13-gen 2204 CRYPTO BROADCAST - 2.422,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL RUS-SYS 75/200 13-gen 2206 N-D - 2.423,20 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/1200L/5N1/USB 13-gen 2208 CRYPTO BROADCAST - 2.444,00 U... - ..... CIS CISAF FSK 25/250 13-gen 2211 IDLE - 2.468,60 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/600L/5N1/USB 13-gen 2213 CRYPTO BROADCAST - 2.474,00 PBB - Ijumiden HOL HoN BAUDOT 75/850 13-gen 2214 AVAILABILITY - 2.484,00 OSU - Oostende BEL RADIO J3E/USB 12-gen 2345 V-M - 2.505,00 DH.. BPLEZS Cuxhaven D BUNDESPOLIZEI SEE ALE/USB 12-gen 2234 CLG "BP26" 2318 CLG "BP26" 2.533,70 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/600L/5N1/USB 13-gen 2215 CRYPTO BROADCAST - 2.549,70 XPQ2 - Aahrus DNK DN STANAG-4285/600L/5N1/USB 13-gen 2217 CRYPTO BROADCAST - 2.559,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL RUS-SYS 75/200 15-gen 0237 N-D -

2.560,50 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/600L/5N1/USB 13-gen 2220 CRYPTO BROADCAST - 2.568,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL CW 13-gen 2207 GR(N) - 2.572,50 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/600L/5N1/USB 13-gen 2222 CRYPTO BROADCAST - 2.579,20 - ...... - MIL STANAG-4285/600L/5N1/USB 13-gen 2224 CRYPTO BROADCAST - 2.587,60 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/600L/5N1/USB 13-gen 2227 CRYPTO BROADCAST - 2.598,00 VOJ - Stephenville ,NFLD CAN CCG J3E/USB 15-gen 0207 WX/NW - 2.600,00 IQQ - Mazara del Vallo I RADIO J3E/USB 13-gen 2228 WX/NW - 2.601,00 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/600L/5N1/USB 13-gen 2228 CRYPTO BROADCAST - 2.613,60 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/600L/5N1/USB 13-gen 2230 CRYPTO BROADCAST - 2.638,60 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/1200L/5N1/USB 13-gen 2232 CRYPTO BROADCAST - 2.651,60 HZ.. - ..... ARS ArsAF BR6028: ARQ-E 46,1/170/6CH/USB 13-gen 2244 IDLE ON BOTH CH# - 2.655,00 HZ.. JDL ..... ARS ArsAF ALE/LSB 13-gen 2318 CLG "RGL" 2330,2334,2343,2347,2351,2355 CLG "RGL" 2.661,60 HZ.. - ..... ARS ArsAF BR6028: ARQ-E 46,1/170/6CH/USB 13-gen 2241 IDLE ON BOTH CH# - 2.663,00 IPC - Crotone I RADIO J3E/USB 13-gen 2240 NW ITA - 2.665,00 HZ.. RGN ..... ARS ArsAF ALE/USB 13-gen 2302 CLG "JDN" 2333 CLG "JDN" 2.665,00 ..... 201 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 13-gen 2315 SOUND - 2.665,00 ..... 203 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 13-gen 2319 SOUND - 2.680,00 4XZ - Haifa ISR IsN CW 13-gen 2255 VVV DE/GRA) '= VVV DE 4XZ 4XZ = = SX2F NR 021 T O GR 04 R T=' 2.743,00 4X.. ULX Tel Aviv ISR MOSSAD H3E/USB 11-gen 2227 QRA 2305 GR(A) ING 2.749,00 VAR - Fundy,NB CAN CCG J3E USB 15-gen 0140 WX/NW - 2.749,00 VCS - Halifax,NS CAN CCG J3E/USB 15-gen 0240 WX/NW - 2.756,20 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/600L/5N1/USB 11-gen 2225 CRYPTO BROADCAST - 2.761,00 OSU - Oostende BEL RADIO J3E/USB 11-gen 2233 WX ING - 2.766,00 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/1200L/5N1/USB 11-gen 2222 CRYPTO BROADCAST - 2.784,00 M... XSS Forest Moor G DHFCS ALE/USB 12-gen 2229 SOUND SOUND EVERY 30' 2.789,00 FUE - Brest F FN STANAG 4285/600L/5N2/USB 11-gen 2224 RY+SG+TEST 'ALL DE FUE ALL DE FUE ALL DE FUE' 2.794,20 OUA08 - Aarhus DNK DN STANAG-4285/600L/5N1/USB 13-gen 2333 CRYPTO BROADCAST - 2.834,00 - Seahouses G DELTAFIX FSK 125/75 13-gen 2309 N-D TENTATIVE 2.839,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL CW 11-gen 2219 GR(A) - 2.841,00 EBA - Madrid E SN STANAG 4285/600L/5N1/USB 13-gen 2337 CRYPTO BROADCAST - 2.899,00 EIP SHANWICK Shannon IRL AIR (NAT-D) J3E/USB 12-gen 0646 WKG "447" (AJCQ) - 2.971,00 EIP SHANWICK Shannon IRL AIR (NAT-D) J3E/USB 12-gen 0640 WKG "REACH..." (DLCH) - 2.998,00 EIP 07 Shannon IRL AIR ACARS 11-gen 2220 SQUITTERS - 3.150,00 4X.. PCD Tel Aviv ISR MOSSAD H3E/USB 13-gen 2340 GR(A) ING - 3.172,00 RUS - ..... RUS GOVERNATIVE RUS-ARQ 100/500 12-gen 0653 N-D - 3.211,00 U... NKE7 ..... CIS MIL CW 11-gen 2204 CLG "BV1Z" -

3.211,00 U... Q8IR ..... CIS MIL CW 11-gen 2201 CLG "BV1Z" - 3.215,20 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/600L/S5/USB 12-gen 0659 SEND KG84 MSGS SIMPLEX 3.221,20 IDN - Napoli I IN/NATO STANAG-4285/600L/5N1/USB 11-gen 2208 CRYPTO BROADCAST - 3.264,40 SAB DE Goeteborg S GW RADIO PACTOR-GW 12-gen 0703 N-D/CHANNEL MARKER - 3.271,40 7U.. BJ40 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 13-gen 2349 CLG "BJ47" - 3.271,40 7U.. BJ43 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 13-gen 2345 CLG "FS50" - 3.271,40 7U.. BJ43 ..... ALG ANG J3E/USB 13-gen 2345 VOCODER TFC - 3.271,40 7U.. BJ56 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 13-gen 2347 CLG "FS50" - 3.271,40 7U.. FS50 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 13-gen 2345 CLG "BJ43" - 3.271,40 7U.. FS50 ..... ALG ANG J3E/USB 13-gen 2345 VOCODER TFC - 3.287,30 M... - ..... G BF STANAG-4285/600L/5N1/USB 12-gen 0705 CRYPTO BROADCAST - 3.299,00 U... LMC7 ..... CIS MIL CW 13-gen 2350 GR(A) - 3.306,20 IDN - Napoli I IN/NATO STANAG-4285/600L/5N1/USB 12-gen 0708 CRYPTO BROADCAST - 3.307,00 ..... - ..... - [...] ALE/USB 11-gen 2204 N-D SIMPLEX PROTECTED LINK 3.322,70 RUS - ..... RUS GOVERNATIVE RUS-ARQ 100/990 12-gen 0710 N-D - 3.330,00 CHU - Ottawa,ONT CAN NCR H3J/USB 12-gen 0712 PIPS/V-M - 3.368,20 DHJ59 - Wilhelmshaven D GN STANAG-4285/600L/5N1/USB 12-gen 0714 CRYPTO BROADCAST - 3.407,00 RDFG - Tashkent UZB VOLMET (R2B) J3E/USB 13-gen 2355 WX RUS - 3.692,00 7U.. BT35 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 11-gen 2014 CLG "FS30" - 3.692,00 7U.. FS30 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 11-gen 2001 CLG "WA30" 2012 CLG "QC30" 3.815,00 EK.. TRENOGA Karkov ARM AIR J3E/USB 13-gen 2358 CLG/WKG "SISINA" - 3.815,00 UZ.. SISINA Simferopol UKR AIR J3E/USB 13-gen 2358 WKG "TRENOGA" - 3.820,00 7U.. BT31 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 11-gen 2225 CLG "FS30" - 3.820,00 7U.. FS30 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 11-gen 2205 CLG "BK30" 2220 CLG "WA30" 3.820,20 DHJ58 - Glucksburg/Saterland-Ramsloh D GN STANAG-4285/600L/5N1/USB 12-gen 0718 CRYPTO BROADCAST - 3.832,00 ..... - ..... - [...] BAUDOT 75/850 15-gen 0522 TFC KRY - 3.865,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL J3E/USB 15-gen 0521 TFC RUS - 3.866,00 U... PSFC ..... CIS MIL CW 11-gen 1838 WKG "1AW2" '1AW2 1AW2 DE PSFC PSFC PSFC QTC 16N 2411214T167=726= T544 ' 3.892,00 HB.. - ..... SUI SuiAF VFT: FSK 100/170/2CH/USB 12-gen 0721 N-D - 4.020,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL CIS 81-81 40,5/485 15-gen 0519 N-D - 4.039,00 RIT - Severomorsk RUS CISN CW 11-gen 2147 WX 'RLO RLO DE RIT RIT QTC 515 34 12 0CH 57 515 ' 4.044,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL BAUDOT 50/500 15-gen 0516 GR(N) MARK EVERY 50 GROUPS '0521 K CFM NIL K SK ' 4.055,20 DHJ58 - Glucksburg/Saterland-Ramsloh D GN STANAG-4285/600L/5N1/USB 11-gen 2156 CRYPTO BROADCAST - 4.067,20 UJ.. - Tashkent UZB METEO FAX 120/576 15-gen 0116 CDT 0130,0200 CDT 4.114,00 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/600L/S5/USB 15-gen 0108 SEND KG84 MSGS - 4.145,00 TC.. - ..... TUR TN J3E/USB 13-gen 2320 TFC TUR SIMPLEX 4.145,00 TC.. - ..... TUR TN STANAG-4285/---/---/USB 13-gen 2323 N-D - 4.149,00 UUS - Kerch UKR RADIO J3E/USB 13-gen 2233 WX/NW UKR - 4.175,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL MPSK 12/USB 15-gen 0119 N-D -

4.212,00 UGC - Sankt Peterburg RUS RADIO SITOR 100/170 11-gen 2147 CH MARKER/CW ID - 4.215,00 XSG - Shanghai CHN RADIO SITOR 100/170 11-gen 2149 CH MARKER/CW ID - 4.216,00 TAH - Istanbul TUR RADIO SITOR 100/170 11-gen 2145 CH MARKER/CW ID - 4.237,00 NGB.. T1Z130 ..... IRQ USANG ALE/USB 14-gen 0133 SOUND - 4.237,00 NGB.. T1Z150 ..... IRQ USANG ALE/USB 14-gen 0143 SOUND - 4.237,00 NGB.. T28CAB ..... IRQ USANG ALE/USB 14-gen 0158 SOUND - 4.253,20 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/600L/5N1/USB 12-gen 0725 CRYPTO BROADCAST - 4.256,00 A9M 5F Hamala BHR GW RADIO PACTOR-GW 12-gen 2217 N-D/CHANNEL MARKER - 4.275,00 RJD85 - ..... RUS CISN CW 11-gen 2132 CLG RFH80 - 4.310,20 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/600L/5N1/USB 12-gen 0728 CRYPTO BROADCAST - 4.314,20 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/600L/5N1/USB 12-gen 0730 CRYPTO BROADCAST - 4.325,00 FUB - Paris F FN FSK 50/850 12-gen 0732 N-D - 4.338,00 FUE - Brest F FN FSK 50/850 12-gen 0733 N-D - 4.347,00 SAB DE Goeteborg S GW RADIO PACTOR-GW 12-gen 2221 N-D/CHANNEL MARKER - 4.360,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL CIS 81-81 40,5/200 15-gen 0513 N-D - 4.414,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL MPSK-12/USB 15-gen 0510 N-D - 4.416,00 VCO - Sydney,NS CAN CCG FAX 120/576 12-gen 2157 ICE ANALISYS 2328 ICE ANALISYS 4.422,60 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/600L/5N1/USB 12-gen 2209 CRYPTO BROADCAST - 4.426,00 NMN - Chesapeake,VA USA USCG J3E/USB 15-gen 0330 WX //6501,0 8764,0 4.457,00 HZ.. RHI ..... ARS ArsAF ALE/USB 11-gen 2158 CLG "AAI" - 4.462,00 7U.. GS40 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 15-gen 1755 CLG "GS48" - 4.462,00 7U.. GS46 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 15-gen 1742 CLG "GS43" - 4.462,00 7U.. GS48 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 15-gen 1754 CLG "GS52" - 4.462,00 7U.. GS51 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 15-gen 1843 CLG "GS48" - 4.462,00 7U.. GS52 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 15-gen 1835 CLG "GS40" - 4.462,00 7U.. GS53 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 15-gen 1750 CLG "GS40" - 4.462,00 ..... 919 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 15-gen 2023 SOUND - 4.462,00 ..... - ..... - [...] FSK 50/850 11-gen 2134 N-D - 4.520,00 4X.. - ..... ISR IsN MPSK (HIBRID MODEM) 11-gen 2140 N-D - 4.520,00 YP.. B Bucuresti ROU RouKFOR ALE/USB 11-gen 2026 CLG "K" - 4.520,00 YP.. K Gorazdevac KSV RouKFOR ALE/USB 11-gen 1848 CLG "B" 1901CLG "B" 4.520,00 ..... 130 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 11-gen 1943 SOUND - 4.530,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL CIS-14 96/488 15-gen 0508 TFC KRY - 4.540,00 ..... 5555 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 11-gen 2214 SOUND - 4.549,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL MPSK-12/USB 15-gen 0505 N-D - 4.566,40 VCT 5E # Tors Cove,NFLD CAN GW RADIO PACTOR-GW 12-gen 2214 N-D/CHANNEL MARKER - 4.570,00 RUS - ..... RUS GOVERNATIVE RUS-ARQ 100/500 12-gen 0735 N-D - 4.571,00 ..... - ..... - [...] FSK 100/100 11-gen 2131 N-D - 4.586,00 R... 8SK8 ..... RUS MIL CW 14-gen 2343 GR(A) - 4.601,50 EIL 0A Haulbowline IRL IrN SITOR 100/170 13-gen 1748 WKG "50" 1816 WKG "50" 4.601,50 EI.. 50 - SHIP - IRL IrN SITOR 100/170 13-gen 1748 CLG/WKG "0A" 1816 CLG/WKG "0A"/GR(A) 4.602,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL BEE/35-60 50/250 11-gen 2128 TFC KRY -

4.610,00 GYA NORTWOOD London G RN FAX 120/576 11-gen 2137 CDT 2149,2201,2212,,2225,2237 CDT 4.675,00 EIP SHANWICK Shannon IRL AIR (NAT-D) J3E/USB 15-gen 0456 WKG "LUFTHANSA-443" (BHKP) - 4.675,00 TFW ICELAND RADIO Reykjavik ISL AIR (MNAT-D) J3E/USB 15-gen 0455 WKG "CARGO-774" - 4.675,00 VFG - Gander,NF CAN AIR (NAT) J3E/USB 15-gen 0453 TFC ING/SELCALL (JRMS) - 4.675,00 AWB MUMBAI RADIO Mumbai IND AIR (R6E) J3E/USB 12-gen 2333 WKG "ETIOPIA-492" - 4.728,00 ASHKHABAD RADIO Ashkhabad TKM ACC J3E/USB 15-gen 0450 CLG/WKG Krasnovdosk - 4.728,00 KRASNOVODSK RADIO Krasnovdosk/Turkmenbashi TKM ACC J3E/USB 15-gen 0450 WKG Ashkhabad - 4.742,00 M.. TASCOMM ..... G RAF J3E/USB 15-gen 0501 TFC ING - 4.755,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL MPSK-12/USB 15-gen 0445 N-D - 4.930,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL FSK 100/500 12-gen 0748 N-D - 4.952,00 HG.. 035 ..... HNG HngF ALE/USB 11-gen 2110 SOUND - 4.954,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL CW-FSK 11-gen 2105 TFC 'Q J G K ' 4.954,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL RUS-SYS 75/200 11-gen 2103 N-D - 5.022,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL BEE/36-50 50/200 12-gen 2140 TFC KRY - 5.025,00 UQ.. LAPATOK-DVA Aktau KAZ AIR J3E/USB 15-gen 0440 WKG "PAYEDINOK " - 5.025,00 UQ.. PAYEDINOK Guryev KAZ AIR J3E/USB 15-gen 0440 CLG/WKG "LAPATOK-DVA " - 5.025,00 U... ADISCA ..... CIS AIR J3E/USB 15-gen 0442 CLG/WKG "LAPATOK-DVA " - 5.075,00 ZA.. BORA Bora ALB POLICE ALE/USB 15-gen 1743 CLG "DRINI" - 5.075,00 ZA.. DIAMANTI Tirana ? ALB POLICE ALE/USB 15-gen 1759 CLG "DRINI" - 5.075,00 ZA.. DRINI Drini ALB POLICE ALE/USB 15-gen 1759 CLG "DIAMANTI" - 5.075,00 ..... 001 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 15-gen 1835 CLG "400" - 5.075,00 ..... 400 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 15-gen 1835 CLG "001" - 5.083,00 CN.. 13061 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 15-gen 1825 SOUND - 5.083,00 CN.. 1307 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 15-gen 1729 SOUND - 5.083,00 CN.. 1321 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 15-gen 1824 SOUND - 5.083,00 CN.. 13221 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 15-gen 1801 SOUND - 5.083,00 CN.. 1324 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 15-gen 1903 SOUND - 5.083,00 CN.. 1325 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 15-gen 1912 SOUND - 5.105,00 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/1200L/5N1/USB 15-gen 0430 CRYPTO BROADCAST - 5.117,00 ZA.. DIAMANTI Tirana ? ALB POLICE ALE/USB 15-gen 1742 CLG "DRINI" - 5.117,00 ZA.. DRINI Drini ALB POLICE ALE/USB 15-gen 1757 CLG "DIAMANTI" - 5.134,00 - ..... - MIL NATO 75/850 12-gen 0753 N-D - 5.146,00 4X.. - ..... ISR IsN MPSK (HIBRID MODEM) 11-gen 2045 N-D - 5.180,00 7U.. GS40 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 15-gen 1705 CLG "GS43" - 5.180,00 7U.. GS43 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 15-gen 2004 CLG "GS47" - 5.180,00 7U.. GS48 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 15-gen 1652 CLG "GS52" - 5.180,00 7U.. GS50 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 15-gen 1704 CLG "GS40" - 5.180,00 7U.. GS51 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 15-gen 1839 CLG "GS48" - 5.180,00 7U.. GS52 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 15-gen 1835 CLG "GS40" - 5.180,00 ..... 919 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 15-gen 2023 SOUND - 5.213,00 RMP - Kaliningrad RUS CISN CW 12-gen 2136 CLG/WKG RKW95 'VVV RKW95 RKW95 RKW95 DE RMP RMP QSA K ' 5.268,00 RDL - Smolensk RUS CISN BEE/36-50 50/250 15-gen 0429 TFC KRY - 5.268,50 M... XSS Forest Moor G DHFCS ALE/USB 12-gen 0756 SOUND -

5.269,00 4X.. AAA Tel Aviv ISR IsAF ALE/USB 15-gen 0428 SOUND 0528 SOUND 5.270,00 IASC - - NAVE SCIROCCO - I IN J3E/USB 11-gen 0920 WKG "BUSSOLA" RADIO CEKS 5.270,00 IN.. BUSSOLA Luni/Sarzana I IN HLEYBASE J3E/USB 11-gen 0920 CLG/WKG IASC RADIO CEKS 5.270,00 I... VISTA-738 - HELO AB-212ASW - I IN J3E/USB 12-gen 1000 CLG "ORALE" - 5.296,50 NGB.. T1Z130 ..... IRQ USANG ALE/USB 15-gen 1655 SOUND - 5.296,50 NGB.. T1Z150 ..... IRQ USANG ALE/USB 15-gen 1727 SOUND - 5.296,50 NGB.. T28CAB ..... IRQ USANG ALE/USB 15-gen 1717 SOUND - 5.314,00 ..... - ..... - [...] FSK 250/170 12-gen 0756 N-D - 5.325,00 RND79 - Moskva RUS GOVERNATIVE RUS-ARQ 100/500 12-gen 0759 N-D - 5.337,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL MPSK-12/USB 15-gen 0425 N-D - 5.372,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL MPSK-12/USB 15-gen 0424 N-D - 5.421,00 M... XSS Forest Moor G DHFCS ALE/USB 12-gen 0801 SOUND - 5.427,70 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/600L/5N1/USB 15-gen 0422 CRYPTO BROADCAST - 5.436,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL MPSK-12/USB 15-gen 0416 N-D - 5.446,50 W... - ..... - AFRTS FEEDER J3E/USB 15-gen 0418 PX - 5.464,00 7U.. BT30 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 12-gen 0955 CLG "BT35" - 5.464,00 7U.. BT33 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 12-gen 0806 CLG "FS30" - 5.464,00 7U.. BT33 ..... ALG ANG MIL-STD 188-110A/USB 12-gen 0807 SEND MSGS TO "FS30" - 5.464,00 7U.. BT35 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 12-gen 0804 CLG "BT30" - 5.464,00 7U.. FS30 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 12-gen 0806 CLG "BT33" - 5.464,00 7U.. FS30 ..... ALG ANG MIL-STD 188-110A/USB 12-gen 0807 SEND MSGS TO "BT33" - 5.487,00 RLAP ROTOV RADIO Rostov na Donu RUS ACC (R2C) J3E/USB 15-gen 0412 CLG/WKG Mineranye Vody - 5.487,00 RLB9 MINERALNYYE RADIO Mineralnyye Vody RUS AIR (R2C) J3E/USB 15-gen 0412 WKG Rostov - 5.541,00 SKE25 STOCKHOLM RADIO Stockholm S LDOC J3E/USB 12-gen 2148 PHONE PATCH - 5.592,00 YI.. 1706 ..... IRQ [...] ALE/USB 15-gen 1744 SOUND - 5.592,00 YI.. 1928 ..... IRQ [...] ALE/USB 15-gen 1745 SOUND - 5.592,00 YI.. 4024 ..... IRQ [...] ALE/USB 15-gen 1657 SOUND - 5.592,00 YI.. 5001 ..... IRQ [...] ALE/USB 15-gen 1706 SOUND - 5.592,00 YI.. 8304 ..... IRQ [...] ALE/USB 15-gen 1836 SOUND - 5.597,00 YI.. 10D ..... IRQ IrqF ALE/USB 15-gen 0412 CLG "IGF" - 5.597,00 YI.. 12D ..... IRQ IrqF ALE/USB 15-gen 0459 CLG "IGF" - 5.597,00 YI.. 14D ..... IRQ IrqF ALE/USB 15-gen 0406 CLG "IGF" - 5.597,00 YI.. 1D ..... IRQ IrqF ALE/USB 15-gen 0412 CLG "ANB" - 5.597,00 YI.. 2D ..... IRQ IrqF ALE/USB 15-gen 0426 CLG "IGF" 0443 CLG "MOD" 5.597,00 YI.. 4D ..... IRQ IrqF ALE/USB 15-gen 0424 CLG "IGF" - 5.597,00 YI.. 5D ..... IRQ IrqF ALE/USB 15-gen 0446 CLG "IGF" - 5.597,00 YI.. 7D ..... IRQ IrqF ALE/USB 15-gen 0515 CLG "IGF" - 5.597,00 YI.. 8D ..... IRQ IrqF ALE/USB 15-gen 0416 CLG "IGF" - 5.597,00 YI.. ANB Ramadi IRQ IrqF ALE/USB 15-gen 0408 CLG "7D" - 5.597,00 YI.. IGF ..... IRQ IrqF ALE/USB 15-gen 0406 CLG "IGQ" - 5.650,00 ..... 5513 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 11-gen 1754 SOUND - 5.732,00 NMC PAC Point Reyes,CA USA USCG ALE/USB 15-gen 0253 CLG "713" - 5.732,00 NIKL IKL - USCGC TAMPA - USA USCG ALE/USB 15-gen 0340 SOUND - 5.732,00 NWHE ROS - USCGC SPENCER - USA USCG ALE/USB 15-gen 0330 SOUND - 5.732,00 N... 713 - HC-130H - USA USCG ALE/USB 15-gen 0407 CLG "PAC" - 5.732,00 N... J22 - HH-60J - USA USCG ALE/USB 15-gen 0346 SOUND -

5.732,00 N... K75 - MH-65C - USA USCG ALE/USB 15-gen 0334 CLG "LNT" - 5.755,00 VMW - Wiluna,WA AUS METEO FAX 120/576 11-gen 1807 CDT 1848,1929,1944,1959,2029 CDT 5.777,00 HBD20 - Bern/Kernenried SUI MFA ALE/USB 11-gen 1832 N-D SIMPLEX PROTETED LINK 5.796,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL MPSK-12/USB 12-gen 2153 N-D - 6.200,00 ..... CS003 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 12-gen 0902 CLG "RS0017" - 6.200,00 ..... CS003 ..... - [...] MIL-STD 188-110A/S8/USB 12-gen 0813 SEND MSGS TO "RS0017" '\\\"2þÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ?÷ðÿÿ8À7130¸B\Cl¸' 6.200,00 ..... CS003A ..... - [...] ALE/USB 12-gen 1144 CLG "RS0011B" - 6.200,00 ..... RS0016 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 12-gen 1203 CLG "CS003" - 6.200,00 ..... RS0017 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 12-gen 0848 CLG "CS003" - 6.200,00 ..... RS0017 ..... - [...] MIL-STD 188-110A/S8/USB 12-gen 0813 SEND MSGS TO "CS003" '\\\"º0SC00SR/8?3071' 6.222,00 ..... 55555 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 15-gen 0400 SOUND - 6.316,50 VJS D7 # Perth,WA AUS GW RADIO PACTOR-GW 12-gen 2233 N-D/CHANNEL MARKER - 6.334,00 WNU D8 Sliddel,LA USA GW RADIO PACTOR-GW 12-gen 2240 N-D/CHANNEL MARKER - 6.340,50 NIK - Cape Cod,MA USA USCG FAX 120/576 15-gen 0437 TXT 'CQ CQ DE NIK' 'THE 2010 ICE SEASON HAS NOT OPENED' 6.340,50 NMF - Cape Cod,MA USA USCG FAX 120/576 12-gen 0814 CDT 0824,0834,0844,0854,0908,0401,0427 CDT 6.352,00 SAB DE Goeteborg S GW RADIO PACTOR-GW 12-gen 2243 N-D/CHANNEL MARKER - 6.379,50 8PO E3 Bridgetown BRB GW RADIO PACTOR-GW 12-gen 2246 N-D/CHANNEL MARKER - 6.396,00 9HD 63 La Valletta MLT GW RADIO PACTOR-GW 15-gen 0058 N-D/CHANNEL MARKER - 6.450,00 PWZ33 - Rio de Janeiro B BN BAUDOT 75/850 15-gen 0346 RY+QRA/NW //8582,0 6.450,00 IER37 CAGLIARI Cagliari I IFG ALE/USB 15-gen 1005 CLG "ZOCCOLA" - 6.450,00 IER.. PRATICA01 Pratica di Mare I IFG ALE/USB 15-gen 0940 CLG "ZOCCOLA" - 6.450,00 IER... ANGELINI - SHIP - I IFG ALE/USB 13-gen 1058 CLG "TARANTO" - 6.450,00 IER... DAMATO - SHIP - I IFG ALE/USB 13-gen 0837 CLG "SOTTILE" 0856 CLG "INZERILLI" 6.450,00 IER... PULEO - SHIP - I IFG ALE/USB 15-gen 1023 CLG "TARANTO" - 6.450,00 IER... ZOCCOLA - SHIP - I IFG ALE/USB 15-gen 0938 CLG "PRATICA01" - 6.456,20 EBA - Madrid E SN STANAG-4285/600L/S5/USB 15-gen 0052 SEND KG84 MSGS - 6.474,50 TB.. - ..... TUR TN STANAG-4285/600L/5N1/USB 15-gen 0049 CRYPTO BROADCAST - 6.481,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL MPSK 12/USB 15-gen 0046 N-D - 6.484,50 XSV C3 Tijanjin CHN GW RADIO PACTOR-GW 12-gen 2252 N-D/CHANNEL MARKER - 6.489,00 NAA - Culter,ME USA USN NATO 75/860 15-gen 0040 N-D - 6.496,50 CFH - Halifax,NS CAN CF BAUDOT 75/850 15-gen 0048 WX - 6.498,00 4X.. PCD2 Tel Aviv ISR MOSSAD H3E/USB 12-gen 0826 QRA - 6.500,10 PBB - Ijumiden HOL HoN BAUDOT 75/850 12-gen 0825 AVAILABILITY - 6.507,00 VMC - Charleville,QLD AUS METEO J3E/USB 15-gen 1630 WX //8176,0 6.523,40 VCT 4E# Tors Cove,NF CAN GW RADIO PACTOR-GW 12-gen 2257 N-D/CHANNEL MARKER - 6.524,20 YI.. 624831 - TRUCK - IRQ KBR ALE/USB 11-gen 2019 SOUND - 6.524,20 YI.. 6801 ..... IRQ KBR ALE/USB 11-gen 1802 SOUND - 6.524,20 YI.. 6869 ..... IRQ KBR ALE/USB 11-gen 2106 SOUND -

6.535,00 ZKAK 05 Auckland NZL AIR ACARS 15-gen 1745 SQUITTERS - 6.559,00 KMA7 01 San Francisco,CA USA AIR ACARS 15-gen 0328 SQUITTERS - 6.562,00 4X.. AAA Tel Aviv ISR IsAF ALE/USB 11-gen 1830 SOUND 1932 SOUND 6.562,00 CN.. X2 ..... MRC MrcA ALE/USB 11-gen 2013 CLG "C3" - 6.562,00 ..... 437806 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 11-gen 1950 SOUND - 6.562,00 ..... 437817 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 11-gen 2030 SOUND - 6.652,00 KKY7 16 Agana GUM AIR ACARS 12-gen 2053 SQUITTERS - 6.676,00 VJN385 - Sydney/Llandilo ,NSW AUS VOLMET (VSEA) J3E/USB 12-gen 1800 WX - 6.693,00 RVPE - Yeniseysk/Tyumen RUS VOLMET J3E/USB 15-gen 0350 WX RUS - 6.712,00 AFA3 ANDREWS Camp Springs,MD USA USAF ANDREWS AFB J3E/USB 12-gen 0830 EAM BROADCAST 'THIS IS ANDREWS OUT' 6.712,00 TFW 03 Reykjavik ISL AIR ACARS 12-gen 1803 SQUITTERS - 6.730,00 TASHKENT RADIO Tashkent UZB VOLMET J3E/USB 15-gen 0150 WX RUS - 6.754,00 CHR - Trenton,ONT CAN CF MCAS VOLMET J3E/USB 12-gen 0833 WX - 6.765,00 5O.. 3312 ..... NIG POLICE ALE/USB 12-gen 1833 CLG "3311" - 6.770,00 SSE - Cairo EGY MFA CODAN 16 TONES/USB 13-gen 2220 SEND MSGS TO Alger - 6.771,70 SSE - Cairo EGY MFA SITOR 100/170/ATU-80 12-gen 1755 TFC ARA 2217 CLG/WKG Alger 6.775,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL MPSK 12/USB 13-gen 2127 N-D - 6.776,50 AFB4MC - ..... USA USAF MARS PACTOR 15-gen 0148 WKG AFB3MC - 6.777,20 DHJ59 - Wilhelmshaven/Sengwarden D GN J3E/USB 12-gen 1748 WKG DRKT - 6.777,20 DRKT - - SHIP - D GN J3E/USB 12-gen 1748 CLG/WKG DHJ59 - 6.777,20 DRKT - - SHIP - D GN STANAG 4285/75L/S5/USB 12-gen 1759 END KG84 MSGS - 6.781,20 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/1200L/5N1/USB 12-gen 0836 CRYPTO BROADCAST - 6.786,00 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/1200L/5N1/USB 12-gen 0837 CRYPTO BROADCAST - 6.813,50 R... - ..... - FAPSI CROWD-36/USB 12-gen 1805 TFC KRY - 6.830,00 R... - ..... RUS GOVERNATIVE RUS-ARQ 100/500 12-gen 0841 N-D - 6.865,00 R... - ..... RUS GOVERNATIVE RUS-ARQ 100/500 12-gen 0843 N-D - 6.903,20 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/1200L/5N1/USB 12-gen 0846 CRYPTO BROADCAST - 6.912,00 RCV - Sevastpol RUS CISN CW 11-gen 1730 CLG/WKG RGV82 'RGV82 DE RCV K RCV RPT K RCV AS1 ' 7.554,60 FUG - La Regine F FN STANAG-4285/600L/5N1/USB 12-gen 0851 CRYPTO BROADCAST - 7.595,80 IEA20 - Roma I CC BAUDOT 50/170 11-gen 0717 TFC KRY - 7.615,00 SSE - Cairo EGY MFA CODAN 16 TONES/USB 11-gen 1840 SEND MSGS TO Roma - 7.616,70 SSE - Cairo EGY MFA SITOR 100/170/ATU-80 11-gen 1756 CLG/WKG Roma - 7.630,00 RDP5 - Kirov RUS GOVERNATIVE RUS-ARQ 100/500 12-gen 0853 N-D - 7.635,00 R... - ..... RUS GOVERNATIVE CW-FSK 12-gen 0854 TFC 'OK AS ' 7.635,00 R... - ..... RUS GOVERNATIVE RUS-ARQ 100/500 12-gen 0855 N-D - 7.640,00 RMP - Kaliningrad RUS CISN MPSK 12/USB 10-gen 2352 N-D - 7.642,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL MPSK 12/USB 13-gen 2123 N-D - 7.683,00 HBD20 - Bern/Kernenried SUI MFA ALE/USB 12-gen 0857 N-D SIMPLEX PROTECTED LINK 7.683,00 HBD20 - Bern/Kernenried SUI MFA MIL-STD 188-110A/S8/USB 12-gen 0858 TFC KRY -

7.683,00 HBD.. - ..... - AMB. SVIZZERA MIL-STD 188-110A/S8/USB 12-gen 0917 SEND MSGS TO Bern '\\\KùAB8PGEMRìruÿÿÿ' 7.683,00 ..... H17 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 12-gen 0901 SOUND 0917 SOUND 7.700,00 UM.. OMEGA20RS1702P ..... UZB UzbF ALE/USB 13-gen 1700 "OMEGA70RS1702P" - 7.700,00 ..... 222222 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 13-gen 1738 CLG "888888" - 7.700,00 ..... 888888 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 13-gen 1709 CLG "222222" - 7.748,00 RCV - Sevastopol UKR CISN MPSK 12/USB 10-gen 2349 N-D - 7.756,70 SSE - Cairo EGY MFA SITOR 100/170/ATU-80 11-gen 1800 WKG Alger - 7.759,00 5O.. ESCRAVOS Escravos NIG NNPC ALE/USB 13-gen 1727 SOUND - 7.759,00 5O.. OMQC ..... NIG NNPC ALE/USB 13-gen 1913 SOUND - 7.759,00 ..... 201 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 13-gen 1913 SOUND - 7.759,00 ..... 203 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 13-gen 1930 SOUND - 7.765,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL FSK 100/500 12-gen 0902 N-D - 7.770,00 L2.. GCMAPNA ..... ARG ACG J3E/USB 10-gen 2341 TFC SPA SIMPLEX @7771.7 FEC 7.771,00 ..... 110 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 10-gen 2344 CLG "103" - 7.771,70 L2.. GCMAPNA ..... ARG ACG FEC 100/10 10-gen 2338 SEND MSGS TO "PZMSAPNBT" - 7.771,70 L3J - Ushuaia ARG ACG FEC 100/10 15-gen 0300 WX 'PREFECTURA NAVAL ARGENTINA G ~RAS PREFECTO FIQUE' 7.772,00 5O.. GOMBE Gombe NIG NNPC ALE/USB 11-gen 0803 SOUND - 7.772,00 5O.. OMQC ..... NIG NNPC ALE/USB 11-gen 0745 SOUND 0858 SOUND 7.859,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL CW 12-gen 0851 TFC/GR(A) - 7.887,00 CLP.. - Habana CUB INTEL A3A 11-gen 2025 GR(N) SPA - 7.920,00 TC.. - ..... TUR TF STANAG 4285/1200L/5N1/USB 10-gen 2331 CRYPTO BROADCAST - 7.954,00 ..... 1001 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 13-gen 1759 CLG "1006" - 7.954,00 ..... 1004 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 13-gen 1029 CLG "1001" - 7.954,00 ..... 1006 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 13-gen 1756 CLG "1001" - 7.980,00 5O.. ESCRAVOS Escravos NIG NNPC ALE/USB 13-gen 1729 SOUND - 7.980,00 5O.. OMQC ..... NIG NNPC ALE/USB 13-gen 1849 SOUND - 7.980,00 ..... 107 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 13-gen 1738 SOUND - 7.984,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL MPSK 12/USB 12-gen 0905 N-D - 8.000,00 ..... 2214 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 12-gen 1804 SOUND - 8.001,00 5O.. 5512 ..... NIG POLICE ALE/USB 12-gen 1757 CLG "5511" - 8.001,00 5O.. 5513 ..... NIG POLICE ALE/USB 12-gen 1738 CLG "5511" - 8.001,00 5O.. 5514 ..... NIG POLICE ALE/USB 12-gen 1806 CLG "5511" - 8.001,00 5O.. 5515 ..... NIG POLICE ALE/USB 12-gen 1856 CLG "5511" - 8.012,00 K... 0011ARCAP ......,AR USA CAP ALE/USB 11-gen 0023 SOUND - 8.026,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL MPSK 12/USB 12-gen 0907 N-D - 8.046,00 ..... UWUE ..... - [...] CW 10-gen 2136 CLG "ZKT5" - 8.047,00 ..... - ..... - [...] CW 11-gen 1804 GR(N) TTT TTT AT END 8.047,50 R... - ..... - FAPSI CROWD-36/USB 11-gen 2026 TFC KRY - 8.056,00 NGB.. T1Z130 ..... IRQ USANG ALE/USB 12-gen 1800 SOUND - 8.056,00 NGB.. T1Z150 ..... IRQ USANG ALE/USB 12-gen 1741 SOUND - 8.056,00 NGB.. T28CAB ..... IRQ USANG ALE/USB 12-gen 1758 SOUND - 8.060,00 ..... 1 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 11-gen 0014 SOUND - 8.060,00 ..... 900 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 11-gen 0012 SOUND - 8.060,00 ..... CS003B ..... - [...] ALE/USB 11-gen 0752 CLG "RS005B" - 8.060,00 ..... RS0011B ..... - [...] ALE/USB 11-gen 0732 CLG "CS003A" - 8.060,00 ..... RS005B ..... - [...] ALE/USB 11-gen 0743 CLG "CS003B" - 8.072,00 ..... - ..... - [...] CW 11-gen 0744 TFC 'QRV K RPT 38 K RPT 39 K' 8.079,00 R... - ..... RUS GOVERNATIVE RUS-ARQ 100/500 12-gen 0909 N-D - 8.082,00 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/1200L/5N1/USB 10-gen 2326 CRYPTO BROADCAST -

8.088,70 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/600L/5N1/USB 12-gen 0911 CRYPTO BROADCAST - 8.095,00 ..... - ..... - [...] FSK 50/850 15-gen 0216 N-D - 8.104,75 R... - ..... RUS GOVERNATIVE RUS-ARQ 100/1000 11-gen 0729 B-D - 8.106,90 SVJ4 - Athinai GRC METEO FAX 120/576 12-gen 0916 CDT 0925,0937,0949,1001,1013,1025,1039,1053 CDT 8.111,20 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/600L/5N1/USB 10-gen 2324 CRYPTO BROADCAST - 8.149,20 IDR - Roma I IN STANAG-4285/600L/5N1/USB 12-gen 0926 AVAILABILITY 'IDR02 /IDR21 /IDR22 /IDR04 /IDR03 /IDR23 /' 8.156,20 IDN - Napoli I IN/NATO STANAG-4285/600L/5N1/USB 12-gen 0929 CRYPTO BROADCAST - 8.165,50 M... XBE ..... - DHFCS ALE/USB 13-gen 2129 CLG "XSS" 2154,2222 CLG "XSS" 8.165,50 M... XSS Forest Moor G DHFCS ALE/USB 13-gen 2128 SOUND 2158,2206,2248 SOUND 8.170,20 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/600L/5N1/USB 10-gen 2322 CRYPTO BROADCAST - 8.176,00 VMC - Charleville,QLD AUS METEO J3E/USB 15-gen 1630 WX //6507,0 8.182,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL MPSK-12/USB 10-gen 2319 N-D - 8.190,00 IER35 PALERMO Palermo I IGF ALE/USB 12-gen 1023 CLG "STANISCI" - 8.190,00 IER... BARBARISI - SHIP - I IGF ALE/USB 12-gen 0911 CLG "GAETA" - 8.190,00 IER... MAZZEI - SHIP - I IGF ALE/USB 12-gen 1401 CLG "GAETA" - 8.190,00 IER... STANISCI - SHIP - I IGF ALE/USB 12-gen 0946 CLG "BARBARISI" - 8.190,00 SSE - Cairo EGY MFA CODAN 16 TONES/USB 15-gen 0045 SEND MSGS TO Habana - 8.191,70 SSE - Cairo EGY MFA SITOR 100/170/ATU-80 15-gen 0039 WKG Habana - 8.192,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL MPSK-12/USB 13-gen 1726 N-D - 8.316,20 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/---/---/USB 15-gen 0335 N-D POOR SYNCH 8.330,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL MPSK-12/USB 15-gen 0001 N-D - 8.385,00 TB.. - ..... TUR TN J3E/USB 12-gen 0934 TFC TUR SIMPLEX 8.385,00 TB.. - ..... TUR TN STANAG-4285/600L/S5/USB 12-gen 0932 SEND KG84 MSGS - 8.408,00 ..... P5KP ..... - [...] CW 12-gen 0923 CLG/WKG "DCTP"/GR(N) 'DCTP DCTP DE P5KP P5WP K QTC 15126 122 28 51 = 44 = '

8.416,50 NMF - Cape Cod,MA USA USCG FEC 100/170 15-gen 0220 RALY NAVTEX - 8.418,00 IAR - Roma I RADIO SITOR 100/170 10-gen 2317 CH MARKER/CW ID - 8.419,50 PPR - Rio de Janeiro B RADIO SITOR 100/170 15-gen 0006 CH MARKER/CW ID - 8.424,00 SVO4 - Athinai GRC RADIO FEC 100/170 12-gen 0930 WX 'DE SVO END OF WEATHER FORECAST'

8.424,00 SVO4 - Athinai GRC RADIO SITOR 100/170 10-gen 2314 CW ID - 8.425,50 XSG SHAI RADIO Shanghai CHN RADIO FEC 100/170 14-gen 2350 NW 'N/W XSG NR143 CK54/45 21 1744 ' 8.428,20 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/600L/---/USB 12-gen 0944 IDLE - 8.428,50 VJS D7 # Perth,WA AUS GW RADIO PACTOR-GW 10-gen 2312 N-D/CHANNEL MARKER - 8.436,00 XSG SHAI RADIO Shanghai CHN RADIO SITOR 100/170 10-gen 2308 CH MARKER/CW ID - 8.439,00 PBB - Ijumiden HOL HoN BAUDOT 75/850 12-gen 0949 AVAILABILITY '02A 04B 06A 08B 12A PBB' 8.446,50 HEB28 - Bern SUI GLN PACTOR-2 11-gen 0000 TL 'actual issue from Mon Jan 11 00:00:16 2010' 8.453,00 FUG8 - La Regine F FN STANAG-4285/600L/5N1/USB 12-gen 0953 RY+SG+TEST 'VOYEZ VOUS LE BRICK GEANT QUE J EXAMINE PRES DU GRAND WHARF' 8.463,20 EBA - Madrid E SN STANAG-4285/600L/S5/USB 12-gen 0956 SND KG84 MSGS IN TO LONG PAUSE - 8.468,00 8PO E3 Bridgetown BRB GW RADIO PACTOR-GW 15-gen 0340 N-D/CHANNEL MARKER - 8.468,20 EBA - Madrid E SN STANAG-4285/600L/5N1/USB 10-gen 2304 CRYPTO BROADCAST - 8.474,00 9HD 63 La Valletta MLT GW RADIO PACTOR-GW 12-gen 1003 N-D/CHANNEL MARKER - 8.478,50 FUF RFLIE Fort de France MRT FN STANAG-4285/USB/300L/5N2 15-gen 0220 RY+SG+TEST OO FAAA DE RFLIE ZNR UUUUU ZUI TESTING ' 8.484,00 HLG - Pup'yong KOR RADIO CW 10-gen 2301 CQ DE 'CQ CQ CQ DE HLG HLG HLG QSX 8MHZ K' 8.484,50 HEB38 - Bern SUI GLN RADIO PACTOR-2 12-gen 1100 TL 'actual issue from Tue Jan 12 11:00:17 2010' 8.484,50 HEB38 - Bern SUI GLN RADIO PACTOR-3 10-gen 2302 N-D/CH MARKER/CW ID 'CQ DE HEB' 8.489,00 SAB DE Goeteborg S GWRADIO PACTOR-GW 15-gen 0223 N-D/CHANNEL MARKER - 8.492,20 EBA - Madrid E SN STANAG-4285/600L/5N1/USB 12-gen 1008 CRYPTO BROADCAST - 8.494,70 UZ.. D Odessa UKR CISN BEACON CW 15-gen 0227 QRA - 8.494,80 RMP P Kaliningrad RUS CISN BEACON CW 15-gen 0227 QRA - 8.495,00 R... C Moskva RUS CISN BEACON CW 15-gen 0227 QRA - 8.497,00 HLJ 47 Pup'yong KOR GW RADIO PACTOR GW 15-gen 0017 N-D/CHANNEL MARKER - 8.504,00 NMG - New Orleans,LA USA USCG FAX 120/576 15-gen 0022 CDT 0034,0044,0054,0104 CDT 8.508,00 RDL - Karganda RUS CISN BEE/36-50 50/250 12-gen 1011 TFC KRY - 8.538,20 PJK - Suffisant/Curacao ATN HoN STANAG-4285/600L/5N1/USB 15-gen 0229 CRYPTO BROADCAST - 8.548,00 FUX - Le Port REU FN STANAG-4285/600L/5N1/USB 10-gen 2259 CRYPTO BROADCAST - 8.551,50 CTP95 - Palhais POR PN BAUDOT 75/850 12-gen 1014 NAWS DE 'NAWS NAWS DE CTP CTP CTP QSX 4 MHZ QSX 4 MHZ QSX 4 MHZ AR' 8.552,60 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/600L/5N1/USB 15-gen 0231 CRYPTO BROADCAST - 8.565,00 FUB - Paris F FN FSK 50/850 12-gen 1014 N-D - 8.568,00 FUV - Djibouti DJI FN STANAG-4285/300L/5N2/USB 10-gen 2252 RY+SG+TEST 'VOYEZ VOUS LE BRICK GEANT QUE J EXAMINE PRES DU GRAND WHARF' 8.573,60 FUJ - Noumea NCL FN STANAG-4285/USB/600L/5N1 10-gen 2256 CRYPTO BROADCAST -

8.582,00 PWZ33 - Rio de Janeiro B BN BAUDOT 75/850 15-gen 0346 RY+QRA/NW //6450,0 8.602,00 CWA - Cerrito Punta Carretas URG RADIO CW 15-gen 0012 CQ DE - 8.623,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL MPSK-12/USB 15-gen 0022 N-D - 8.632,60 FUO - Toulon F FN STANAG-4285/1200L/5N1/USB 12-gen 1016 CRYPTO BROADCAST - 8.636,00 HLW - Pup'yong KOR RADIO CW 10-gen 2252 CQ DE 'CQ CQ CQ DE HLW HLW HLW QSX 8MHZ AR' 8.638,50 HEB - Bern SUI GLN PACTOR-2 10-gen 2300 TL 'actual issue from Sun Jan 10 23:00:16 2010' 8.643,00 UFZ - Vladivostock RUS RADIO SITOR 100/170/M2 10-gen 2247 TLX - 8.646,00 VTP6 - Vishakhapatnam IND InN CW 10-gen 2244 VVV DE - 8.672,20 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/600L/5N1/USB 15-gen 0233 CRYPTO BROADCAST - 8.678,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL MPSK 12/USB 12-gen 1019 N-D - 8.697,40 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/600L/---/USB 12-gen 1022 IDLE - 8.764,00 NMC - Bolinas,CA USA USCG J3E/USB 15-gen 1630 WX - 8.812,00 ..... 2222 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 15-gen 1801 SOUND - 8.812,00 ..... 5555 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 15-gen 1643 SOUND 1819,1843 SOUND 8.831,00 VFG - Gander,NFLD CAN AIR (NAT-F) J3E/USB 15-gen 1640 TFC ING - 8.855,00 9YC PIARCO CONTROL Piarco TRD ACC (SAM-2) J3E/USB 11-gen 0002 WKG "3994" (BLGK) - 8.879,00 VFG GANDER RADIO Gander,NFLD CAN AIR (NAT-C) J3E/USB 15-gen 1644 TFC ING/SELCAL (KLJP) - 8.903,00 TTL N'DJAMENA INFO N'Djamena TCD ACC/FIC (AFI) J3E/USB 15-gen 0202 WKG "8903" - 8.912,00 NMN LNT Chesapeake,VA USA USCG ALE/USB 15-gen 0246 CLG "500" - 8.912,00 NIKL IKL - USCGC TAMPA - USA USCG ALE/USB 15-gen 0342 SOUND - 8.912,00 NWHE ROS - USCGC SPENCER - USA USCG ALE/USB 15-gen 0332 SOUND - 8.912,00 N... 713 - HC-130H - USA USCG ALE/USB 15-gen 0253 SOUND - 8.912,00 N... J22 - HH-60J - USA USCG ALE/USB 15-gen 0349 CLG "LNT" 0349 CLG "TSC" 8.930,00 SKH29 STOCKHOLM RADIO Stockholm S LDOC (MWM) J3E/USB 11-gen 0005 PHONE PATCH - 8.942,00 EIP - Shannon IRL AIR ACARS 12-gen 1027 SQUITTERS - 8.948,00 EC.. 17 Telde CNR AIR ACARS 11-gen 0010 SQUITTERS - 8.988,00 MKL - Northwood G AMCC NATO 75/850 10-gen 2232 N-D - 9.025,00 AFA ADW Camp Springs,MD USA USAF ANDREWS AFB ALE/USB 11-gen 2052 SOUND - 9.025,00 AFE81 HAW Wideavake ASC USAF ALE/USB 11-gen 2117 SOUND - 9.025,00 AFG4 OFF Omaha,NE USA USAF OFFUT AFB ALE/USB 11-gen 2117 SOUND - 9.025,00 AIF80 JTY Yokota J USAF ALE/USB 11-gen 2139 SOUND - 9.025,00 CUW PLA Lajes AZR USAF ALE/USB 11-gen 2039 SOUND - 9.025,00 NKW JDG Diego Garcia DGA USN ALE/USB 11-gen 2105 SOUND - 9.025,00 NRR JNR Roosvelt Roads PTR USN SALINAS AB ALE/USB 11-gen 2141 SOUND - 9.025,00 NSY ICZ Sigonella I USN ALE/USB 11-gen 2105 SOUND - 9.025,00 AJE CRO Croughton G USAF ALE/USB 11-gen 2148 SOUND - 9.025,00 MLU GBL Gibraltair GIB RAF ALE/USB 11-gen 2050 SOUND - 9.056,70 SSE.. - ..... - DIPLO EGIZIANA SITOR 100/170/ATU-80 10-gen 2240 TFC ARA - 9.058,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL RUS-SYS 75/200 11-gen 0734 N-D - 9.074,75 RCV26 - Moskva RUS GOVERNATIVE RUS-ARQ 100/1000 11-gen 0738 N-D -

9.093,60 FU.. - ..... F FN STANAG-4285/1200L/5N1/USB 12-gen 1028 CRYPTO BROADCAST - 9.098,60 FUG - La Regine F FN STANAG-4285/---/---/USB 11-gen 0741 IDLE - 9.110,00 5O.. 7711 ..... NIG POLICE ALE/USB 13-gen 2225 SOUND - 9.110,00 5O.. 7713 ..... NIG POLICE ALE/USB 13-gen 1751 CLG "7711" - 9.110,00 5O.. 7714 ..... NIG POLICE ALE/USB 13-gen 1814 CLG "7711" - 9.115,00 ..... BZL26 ..... - [...] FSK 50/500 12-gen 1743 N-D - 9.140,00 RKE5 - ..... RUS GOVERNATIVE RUS-ARQ 100/1600/2CH 11-gen 0743 N-D FOUR PEAKS -750 -250 +250 +750 9.160,00 RUS - ..... RUS GOVERNATIVE RUS-ARQ 100/500 11-gen 0746 N-D - 9.192,00 4X.. AA1 ..... ISR IsAF ALE/USB 13-gen 1745 SOUND - 9.200,00 9V.. 70 - RSS ..... - SNG SngN ALE/USB 13-gen 1708 CLG "CN3" 1940 CLG "CN3" 9.200,00 CN.. 1103 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 13-gen 1719 SOUND - 9.200,00 CN.. 1313 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 13-gen 1712 SOUND - 9.200,00 CN.. 13263 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 13-gen 1911 SOUND - 9.200,00 CN.. 2403 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 13-gen 1919 SOUND - 9.224,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL BEE/36-50 50/190 10-gen 2228 TFC KRY - 9.239,75 RUS - ..... RUS GOVERNATIVE RUS-ARQ 100/1000 11-gen 0749 N-D - 9.245,00 ..... 2014 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 15-gen 1125 CLG "2001" - 9.309,00 YP.. BMA Baia Mare ROU POLICE ALE/USB 11-gen 0807 CLG "BU4" - 9.309,00 YP.. BU4 Bucuresti ROU POLICE ALE/USB 11-gen 0753 CLG "RES" - 9.309,00 YP.. CON Costanta ROU POLICE ALE/USB 11-gen 0856 CLG "BU4" - 9.309,00 YP.. CRA Craiova ROU POLICE ALE/USB 11-gen 1147 CLG "BU4" - 9.309,00 YP.. RES Resita ROU POLICE ALE/USB 11-gen 0811 CLG "BU4" - 9.309,00 YP.. SMA Satu Mari ROU POLICE ALE/USB 11-gen 1022 CLG "BU4" - 9.309,00 YP.. TIM Timisoara ROU POLICE ALE/USB 11-gen 0753 CLG "RES" - 9.380,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL FSK 100/500 11-gen 0752 N-D - 9.476,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL MPSK-12/USB 11-gen 0754 N-D - 9.652,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL RUS-SYS 75/250 11-gen 0758 N-D - 10.000,00 LOL - Buenos Aires ARG TS R3E/USB 11-gen 0012 TIME SPA 'OSSERVATORIO NACIONAL ....' 10.066,00 HS.. 06 Hat Yai THA AIR ACARS 13-gen 1737 SQUITTERS - 10.110,20 TC.. - ..... TUR TF STANAG-4285/600L/5N1/USB 11-gen 0800 CRYPTO BROADCAST - 10.130,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL FSK 100/500 11-gen 0802 N-D - 10.175,00 ...... - ..... - [...] FSK 200/1000 11-gen 0805 N-D - 10.214,00 ..... - ..... - [...] BAUDOT 50/500 11-gen 0807 GR(N) QTR AT END MARK EVERY 50 GROUPS 10.214,00 ..... - ..... - [...] CW 11-gen 0809 TFC - 10.264,10 F... - ..... F FF STANAG-4285/1200L/5N1/USB 11-gen 0812 CRYPTO BROADCAST - 10.406,00 U... LDBO ..... CIS MIL CW 11-gen 0813 GR(A) - 10.432,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL MPSK-12/USB 11-gen 0817 N-D - 10.443,20 U... - ..... CIS [...] FSK 50/1000 11-gen 0820 N-D - 10.712,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL BEE/36-50 50/200 11-gen 0823 N-D - 10.871,70 UZ.. D Sevastopol UKR CISN BEACON CW 11-gen 0830 QRA - 10.871,80 RMP P Kaliningrad RUS CISN BEACON CW 11-gen 0830 QRA - 10.871,90 R... S Arkhangelsk RUS CISN BEACON CW 11-gen 0830 QRA - 10.872,00 ROT C Moskva RUS CISN BEACON CW 11-gen 0830 QRA - 10.872,10 R... A Astrakan RUS CISN BEACON CW 11-gen 0830 QRA - 10.958,00 HB.. - Bern SUI SuiF ALE/USB 15-gen 0934 N-D PROTECTED LINK SIMPLEX 10.958,00 HB.. - Bern SUI SuiF MIL-STD 188-110A/S8/USB 15-gen 0935 TFC KRY - 11.015,00 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/1200L/5N1/USB 11-gen 0833 CRYPTO BROADCAST -

11.042,70 PBC - Goeree HOL HoN STANAG-4285/600L/5N1/USB 11-gen 0837 CRYPTO BROADCAST - 11.076,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL FSK 100/250 11-gen 0839 N-D - 11.086,50 GYA - London G RN FAX 120/576 11-gen 0849 CDT 0901,0913,0925,0937,0949 CDT 11.412,00 ..... 1007 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 11-gen 1852 SOUND - 11.412,00 ..... 2001 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 11-gen 1003 SOUND 1015 CLG "2007" 11.412,00 ..... 2003 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 11-gen 0850 CLG "2001" - 11.412,00 ..... 2005 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 11-gen 1046 CLG "2001" - 11.412,00 ..... 2006 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 11-gen 0931 CLG "2001" - 11.412,00 ..... 2007 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 11-gen 0851 CLG "2001" - 11.455,20 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/600L/5N1/USB 11-gen 0844 CRYPTO BROADCAST - 11.500,00 RDD71 - Moskva RUS GOVERNATIVE RUS-ARQ 100/500 11-gen 0850 N-D - 11.500,00 TC.. 2014 ..... TUR TRC ALE/USB 13-gen 1200 CLG "2012" 1204 CLG "2013" 1245 CLG "1020" 11.500,00 TC.. 3771 ..... TUR TRC ALE/USB 13-gen 1140 SOUND - 11.524,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL BEE/36-50 50/247 11-gen 0853 N-D - 12.120,00 NRR - Roosvelt Roads PTR USN SALINAS AB NATO 75/850 11-gen 0855 N-D - 12.152,00 R... - ..... RUS MIL CW 11-gen 0850 TFC/GR(A) - 13.089,00 NMC - Bolinas,CA USA USCG J3E/USB 15-gen 1630 WX - 13.089,00 NMN - Chesapeake,VA USA USCG J3E/USB 15-gen 1600 WX - 13.110,00 WLO - Mobile,AL USA RADIO J3E/USB 15-gen 1600 WX - 13.149,00 UHS - Murmansk RUS RADIO J3E/USB 11-gen 0908 TLF - 13.182,00 XSQ - Guangzhou CHN RADIO J3E/USB 11-gen 0906 TLF - 13.215,00 AFA ADW Camp Springs,MD USA USAF ANDREWS AFB ALE/USB 15-gen 1618 SOUND - 13.215,00 AFE81 HAW Wideavake ASC USAF ALE/USB 15-gen 1617 SOUND - 13.264,00 EIP - Shannon IRL VOLMET (VEUR) J3E/USB 15-gen 1611 WX - 13.270,00 KEA5 NEW YORK RADIO Riverhead,NY USA VOLMET (VNAT) J3E/USB 15-gen 1600 WX - 13.306,00 KEA5 NEW YORK Riverhead,NY USA AIR (NAT-A) J3E/USB 15-gen 1608 WKG "AMERICAN-79" - 13.360,50 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/600L/5N1/USB 11-gen 0911 CRYPTO BROADCAST - 13.411,60 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/1200L/5N1/USB 11-gen 0914 CRYPTO BROADCAST - 13.430,00 M... - Akrotiri CYP BF STANAG-4285/1200L/5N1/USB 11-gen 0916 CRYPTO BROADCAST - 13.499,00 CN.. 1103 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 15-gen 0924 SOUND - 13.499,00 CN.. 11064 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 15-gen 1145 SOUND - 13.499,00 CN.. 11111 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 15-gen 1203 SOUND - 13.499,00 CN.. 11132 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 15-gen 1021 SOUND - 13.499,00 CN.. 1302 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 15-gen 1121 SOUND - 13.499,00 CN.. 13091 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 15-gen 1117 SOUND - 13.499,00 CN.. 1316 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 15-gen 1007 SOUND - 13.499,00 CN.. 13181 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 15-gen 1209 SOUND - 13.499,00 CN.. 13263 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 15-gen 1110 SOUND - 13.499,00 CN.. 2001 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 15-gen 0946 CLG "2205" - 13.499,00 CN.. 22011 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 15-gen 1140 SOUND - 13.499,00 CN.. 22023 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 15-gen 1132 SOUND - 13.499,00 CN.. 2403 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 15-gen 1127 SOUND - 13.527,70 UZ.. D Sevastopol UKR CISN BEACON CW 11-gen 0920 QRA - 13.527,80 RMP P Kaliningrad RUS CISN BEACON CW 11-gen 0920 QRA - 13.528,00 ROT C Moskva RUS CISN BEACON CW 11-gen 0920 QRA -

13.528,10 R... A Astrakan RUS CISN BEACON CW 11-gen 0920 QRA - 13.573,50 R... - ..... - FAPSI CROWD-36/USB 15-gen 1617 TFC KRY - 13.882,50 DDK8 - Pinneberg D METEO FAX 120/576 13-gen 1144 CDT 1203,1219 CDT 13.917,20 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/600L/5N1/USB 11-gen 0923 CRYPTO BROADCAST - 13.946,70 3V.. STAT2 ..... TUN POLICE PACTOR-2 15-gen 1050 SEND KRYPTED MAILS 'DEFAULT@#HFARQ#STAT2' 13.985,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL FSK 100/488 11-gen 0930 N-D - 13.989,75 RUS - ..... RUS GOVERNATIVE RUS-ARQ 100/1000 11-gen 0932 N-D - 13.994,73 RUS - ..... RUS GOVERNATIVE RUS-ARQ 100/1000 11-gen 0934 N-D - 14.403,50 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/600L/5N1/USB 11-gen 0936 CRYPTO BROADCAST - 14.623,70 SSE.. - Dar ers Salaam TZA AMB. EGIZIANA SITOR 100/170/ATU-80 13-gen 0947 WKG Cairo (14651,7) 14.651,70 SSE - Cairo EGY MFA SITOR 100/170/ATU-80 13-gen 0947 CLG/WKG Dar es Salaam (14623,7) 14.700,00 3V.. TU5 Tunis TUN POLICE ALE/USB 13-gen 1109 CLG "STA154" - 14.722,20 ED.. - ..... E SN STANAG-4285/1200L/5N1/USB 11-gen 0939 CRYPTO BROADCAST - 14.749,20 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/600L/5N1/USB 11-gen 0941 CRYPTO BROADCAST - 15.813,90 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/600L/5N1/USB 11-gen 0944 CRYPTO BROADCAST - 16.000,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL BEE/36-50 50/200 13-gen 0750 IDLE - 16.011,70 SSE - Cairo EGY MFA FEC 100/170/ATU-80 11-gen 1305 TFC ARA - 16.011,70 SSE - Cairo EGY MFA SITOR 100/170/ATU-80 11-gen 1305 CLG/WKG Manama (16634,7) '0904 CLG/WKG Acrra 16.022,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL BEE/36-50 50/200 13-gen 0753 IDLE - 16.023,00 SSE - Cairo EGY MFA CODAN 16 TONES/USB 13-gen 0803 N-D - 16.024,70 SSE - Cairo EGY MFA FEC 100/170/ATU-80 12-gen 0817 TFC ARA - 16.024,70 SSE - Cairo EGY MFA SITOR 100/170/ATU-80 12-gen 0827 CLG/WKG Delhi (16216,7) 1113 CLG/WKG Delhi 16.033,50 P7.. - ..... - DIPLO DPRK FSK 600/600 13-gen 0757 N-D - 16.046,70 SSE.. - ..... - DIPLO EGIZIANA SITOR 100/170/ATU-80 13-gen 0940 TFC ARA - 16.056,70 SSE3 - Abu Dhabi UAE AMB. EGIZIANA SITOR 100/170/ATU-80 13-gen 1000 WKG Cairo (16141,7) 16.107,70 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/1200L/5N1/USB 11-gen 0946 CRYPTO BROADCAST - 16.116,50 OEY51 - Wien AUT AuA ALE/USB 15-gen 0922 CLG OEY71 - 16.116,50 OEY71 - Golan Heigts AUT AuA ALE/USB 13-gen 0904 CLG OEY51 1243 CLG OEY51 16.124,00 HBD20 - Bern/Kernenried SUI MFA ALE/USB 13-gen 0846 N-D PROTECTED LINK SIMPLEX 16.125,00 3V.. STAT11 ..... TUN POLICE ALE/USB 12-gen 1027 CLG "STAT151" - 16.125,00 3V.. STAT13 ..... TUN POLICE ALE/USB 12-gen 1010 CLG "STAT151" - 16.125,00 3V.. TU5 Tunis TUN POLICE ALE/USB 12-gen 1232 CLG "STAT154" - 16.126,70 3V.. STAT11 ..... TUN POLICE PACTOR-2 12-gen 1415 SEND KRYPTED MAILS TO "STAT151" 'DEFAULT@#HFARQ#STAT11' 16.126,70 3V.. STAT12 ..... TUN POLICE PACTOR-2 12-gen 1130 SEND KRYPTED MAILS TO "STAT151" 'DEFAULT@#HFARQ#STAT12' 16.126,70 3V.. STAT16 ..... TUN POLICE PACTOR-2 15-gen 1218 SEND KRYPTED MAILS TO "STAT151" 'DEFAULT@#HFARQ#STAT16' 16.130,00 HBD20 - Bern/Kernenried SUI MFA MIL-STD 188-110A/S8/USB 11-gen 1246 TFC KRY - 16.140,00 SSE - Cairo EGY MFA CODAN 16 TONES/USB 13-gen 0759 N-D -

16.141,70 SSE - Cairo EGY MFA FEC 100/170/ATU-80 13-gen 0958 TFC ARA - 16.146,70 SSE.. - Delhi IND AMB. EGIZIANA SITOR 100/170/ATU-80 12-gen 0827 CLG/WKG Beijing - 16.161,70 SSE.. - ..... - DIPLO EGIZIANA SITOR 100/170/ATU-80 11-gen 0946 TFC ARA - 16.200,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL BEE/36-50 50/200 13-gen 0805 IDLE - 16.216,70 SSE.. - Delhi IND AMB. EGIZIANA SITOR 100/170/ATU-80 12-gen 0827 WKG Cairo (16024,7) 16.222,00 SSE - Cairo EGY MFA CODAN 16 TONES/USB 13-gen 0810 SEND MSGS TO Sanaa - 16.223,70 SSE - Cairo EGY MFA SITOR 100/170/ATU-80 13-gen 0744 CLG/WKG Sanaa - 16.233,40 P7.. - ..... - DIPLO DPRK FSK 600/600 13-gen 0812 N-D - 16.240,00 CN.. 10111 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 13-gen 1043 SOUND - 16.240,00 CN.. 1112 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 13-gen 1058 SOUND - 16.240,00 CN.. 12417 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 13-gen 1025 SOUND - 16.240,00 CN.. 13011 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 13-gen 1128 SOUND - 16.240,00 CN.. 13081 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 13-gen 1101 SOUND - 16.240,00 CN.. 13111 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 13-gen 1100 SOUND - 16.240,00 CN.. 13191 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 13-gen 1125 SOUND - 16.240,00 CN.. 13252 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 13-gen 1031 SOUND - 16.240,00 CN.. 20111 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 13-gen 1147 SOUND - 16.240,00 CN.. 2205 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 13-gen 1101 SOUND - 16.240,00 CN.. 2212 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 13-gen 1120 SOUND - 16.240,00 CN.. 2405 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 13-gen 1036 SOUND - 16.240,00 CN.. 24091 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 13-gen 1005 SOUND - 16.240,00 CN.. 2414 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 13-gen 1131 SOUND - 16.240,00 CN.. 2418 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 13-gen 1004 SOUND - 16.240,00 CN.. 2419 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 13-gen 1129 SOUND - 16.240,00 CN.. 2514 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 13-gen 1209 SOUND - 16.246,70 SSE - Cairo EGY MFA SITOR 100/170/ATU-80 13-gen 0816 TFC ARA - 16.263,00 ..... 01010 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 13-gen 0910 SOUND - 16.263,00 ..... 03002 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 13-gen 0804 SOUND - 16.263,00 ..... 03004 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 13-gen 0901 SOUND - 16.263,00 ..... 04022 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 13-gen 0833 SOUND - 16.263,00 ..... 09004 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 13-gen 0819 SOUND - 16.263,00 ..... 11012 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 13-gen 0804 SOUND - 16.319,70 SSE - Cairo EGY MFA FEC 100/170/ATU-80 11-gen 0922 TFC ARA - 16.319,70 SSE - Cairo EGY MFA SITOR 100/170/ATU-80 11-gen 0910 CLG/WKG Dar es Salaam - 16.331,70 UZ.. D Odessa UKR CISN BEACON CW 13-gen 0816 QRA - 16.331,80 RMP P Kaliningrad RUS CISN BEACON CW 13-gen 0816 QRA - 16.331,90 R... S Arkhangelsk RUS CISN BEACON CW 13-gen 0816 QRA - 16.332,00 ROT C Moskva RUS CISN BEACON CW 13-gen 0816 QRA - 16.332,10 R... A Astarkhan RUS CISN BEACON CW 13-gen 0816 QRA - 16.342,50 R... - ..... - FAPSI CROWD-36/USB 13-gen 0945 TFC KRY - 16.346,70 SSE - Cairo EGY MFA SITOR 100/170/ATU-80 13-gen 0816 TFC ARA - 16.634,70 SSE.. - Manama BHR AMB. EGIZIANA SITOR 100/170/ATU-80 11-gen 1305 WKG Cairo (16011,7) 16.808,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL BEE/36-50 50/200 13-gen 0820 IDLE - 16.820,00 IAR - Roma I RADIO SITOR 100/170 13-gen 0822 CH MARKER/CW ID - 16.854,50 SAB DE Goeteborg S GW RADIO PACTOR-GW 13-gen 0823 N-D/CHANNEL MARKER - 16.868,00 SAB DE Goeteborg S GW RADIO PACTOR-GW 13-gen 0824 N-D/CHANNEL MARKER -

16.913,50 HEB27 - Bern SUI GLN PACTOR-III 13-gen 0826 N-D/CHANNEL MARKER/CW ID - 16.951,50 6WW RFTJE Dakar SEN FN STANAG-4285/300L/5N1/USB 13-gen 0829 RY+SG+TEST 'FAAA FAAA DE 6WW6WW6WW' 16.971,00 JJC - Tokyo J RADIO FAX 60/288 13-gen 0834 KYODO NEWS - 17.130,00 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/1200L/5N1/USB 13-gen 0834 CRYPTO BROADCAST - 17.201,40 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/1200L/5N1/USB 13-gen 0839 CRYPTO BROADCAST - 17.260,00 3AC16 - Monte Carlo MCO RADIO J3E/USB 13-gen 0841 NW/WX - 17.293,00 A9M 5F Hamala BHR GW RADIO PACTOR-GW 13-gen 0844 N-D/CHANNEL MARKER - 17.418,50 R... - ..... - FAPSI CROWD-36/USB 13-gen 0848 TFC KRY - 17.426,70 SSE - Cairo EGY MFA SITOR 100/170/ATU-80 13-gen 0850 CLG/WKG Pyongyang - 17.928,00 HS.. 06 Hat Yai THA AIR ACARS 13-gen 0852 SQUITTERS - 17.967,00 A9C 15 Muhurroq BHR AIR ACARS 13-gen 0854 SQUITTERS - 18.231,70 SSE.. - ..... - DIPLO EGIZIANA SITOR 100/170/ATU-80 13-gen 0955 TFC ARA - 18.238,50 R... - ..... - FAPSI CROWD-36/USB 13-gen 0903 TFC KRY - 18.261,00 GYA - London G RN FAX 120/576 13-gen 0907 CDT 0931,0943,0955,1007,1042 CDT 18.318,00 ZSC D2 Cape Town AFS GW RADIO PACTOR-GW 13-gen 0904 N-D/CHANNEL MARKER - 18.331,70 SSE - Cairo EGY MFA SITOR 100/170/ATU-80 13-gen 0743 CLG/WKG Kampala - 18.403,50 M... XSS Forest Moor G DHFCS ALE/USB 15-gen 1021 SOUND 1052 SOUND 18.493,50 FUV - Djibouti DJI FN STANAG-4285/600L/5N1/USB 13-gen 0908 CRYPTO BROADCAST - 18.560,00 BMF - Taipei TWN METEO FAX 120/576 15-gen 0928 CDT - 18.615,00 M... XSS Forest Moor G DHFCS ALE/USB 13-gen 0917 SOUND - 18.738,50 R... - ..... - FAPSI CROWD/USB 13-gen 0916 TFC KRY - 19.689,50 ZSC D2 Cape Town AFS GW RADIO PACTOR-GW 13-gen 0925 N-D/CHANNEL MARKER - 19.692,50 ZSC D2 Cape Town AFS GW RADIO PACTOR-GW 13-gen 0927 N-D/CHANNEL MARKER - 19.695,50 VJS D7# Perth,WA AUS GW RADIO PACTOR-GW 13-gen 0922 N-D/CHANNEL MARKER - 19.701,50 VJS D7# Perth,WA AUS GW RADIO PACTOR-GW 13-gen 0920 N-D/CHANNEL MARKER - 19.726,00 A9M 5F Hmala BHR GW RADIO PACTOR-GW 13-gen 0930 N-D/CHANNEL MARKER - Todas las colaboraciones deben ser dirigidas a CONEXION Digital: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

10. MISCELANEAS por Arnaldo Slaen *Los horarios corresponden al Tiempo Universal Coordinado (UTC). LA ROSA DE TOKYO PARA ESTA SEMANA La Rosa de Tokyo, el programa semanal de DX y medios de comunicación irradiado a través de LS11 Radio Provincia de Buenos Aires (AM1270 Khz; y una importante red de emisoras de frecuencia modulada, amplitud modulada y onda corta de la Argentina y el resto del mundo) En el programa del día 16 de Enero de 2010 (el cual podrán volver a escuchar en los días subsiguientes en podrán disfrutar de una producción dedicada a dar una semblanza de la radio en Corea del Norte. Visitaremos el convulsionado país asiático y trataremos de adentrarnos en sus radioemisoras. Conoceremos a Radio Pyongyang, su estación de onda corta y las emisoras propagandísticas que transmiten hacia el norte de la península. No se pierdan los registros sonoros históricos con los cuales se "ilustrará" el programa. La Rosa de Tokyo se irradia los sábados desde las 0900 hasta las 1000 hora de la Argentina (1200 a 1300 horas UTC).- En caso de querer escuchar el programa en cualquier momento pueden visitar la excelente página programas DX en Omar Somma y Arnaldo Slaen ARGENTINA El Gobierno Nacional oficializó la creación de Incaatv, un canal dedicado exclusivamente al cine argentino que dependerá del Instituto Nacional de Cine y Artes Audiovisuales. La flamante señal tendrá carácter de canal de aire. El cine nacional tendrá su propio canal televisivo. Anunciado en reiteradas oportunidades por Tristán Bauer, presidente del directorio del Sistema Nacional de Medios Públicos, el Gobierno oficializó la creación de Incaatv, el canal que dependerá del Instituto Nacional de Cine y Artes Audiovisuales. La resolución 2589/2009 publicada en el Boletín Oficial señala que la nueva emisora estará destinada “exclusivamente a la difusión de la producción cinematográfica y audiovisual nacional y latinoamericana, y un segmento orientado hacia películas del resto del mundo de relevancia cultural, a través del material que seleccione y proporcione el Incaa”. La flamante señal tendrá carácter de “canal de aire” y formará parte del sistema de Televisión Satelital que en el orden nacional el Gobierno estima poner en práctica hacia marzo del 2010, compuesto por un paquete de señales educativas, culturales e informativas. La programación del canal estará compuesta por películas nacionales e internacionales en sus distintos formatos. Para ello, la resolución determina que se realice un exhaustivo relevamiento de todo el material disponible en cuanto a sus derechos de emisión por parte del Incaa, y de todas aquellas películas que hayan recibido los beneficios del “adelanto de derecho de antena”. Sin embargo, el decreto no excluye de la programación a los films producidos íntegramente por terceros, otorgando facultades para gestionarlos con los productores privados y/o con sus representantes en la propiedad de derechos de comercialización. “De igual modo –señala– se procederá con las películas latinoamericanas y con aquellas obras específicas de otros orígenes sobre las que se pretende que integren la primera etapa de programación del canal.” El cineasta Eduardo Raspo (Tatuado, Animalada, Geisha) fue designado como director ejecutivo del programa Incaatv, mientras que el productor y director Marcelo Schapces (La velocidad funda el olvido, J-18, Che, un hombre de este

mundo, Locos de la bandera, Sudeste) ocupa el rol de productor ejecutivo. (Fuente: Página/12) ESPAÑA El sector acoge con escepticismo el plan para digitalizar todas las emisiones A las emisiones de radio digital han pasado desapercibidas en España. La radio digital existe en España desde hace diez años, pero no la escucha nadie. El elevado precio de los receptores, la ausencia de una oferta diferenciada y las mejoras experimentadas en la calidad de las emisiones analógicas, que hacen poco apreciable el salto de calidad que supone la digital, son algunos de los factores que han frenado el desarrollo de esta tecnología en España, según fuentes del sector consultadas por este diario. Además, una legislación poco adecuada y la escasa rentabilidad de la radio digital, junto con los gastos que acarrea, dibujan un panorama poco alentador. Por eso, en el sector existe cierto escepticismo acerca del plan de digitalización de la radio incluido a través de una enmienda transaccional entre PSOE y CiU en el proyecto de Ley Audiovisual, que fue aprobado el jueves en el Congreso. La enmienda obliga al Gobierno a aprobar el plan de digitalización de la radio en tres años, respetando las actuales concesiones analógicas. Además, tendrá un año para presentar una propuesta de coordinación de ámbito europeo con el mismo fin. "Hasta ahora ha sido un desastre absoluto... la señal está en el aire, pero nadie lo sabe" La entrada en vigor de la ley coincidirá en tiempo con la extinción, en abril, de las concesiones de dos de los tres múltiplex de radio digital concedidos hace diez años, que comprenden en total 18 programas (12 de radios privadas y 6 de RNE). Sin embargo, tras estos años, la radio digital sigue pasando desapercibida. "Ha habido falta de publicidad, de aparatos... ha sido un desastre absoluto", indica un experto del sector. "La señal está en el aire, pero los ciudadanos no lo saben", añade. En cualquier caso, a las radios privadas les ha sentado bien el anuncio del plan. Tal como indicó ayer a Público el secretario general de la Asociación Española de Radio Comercial, Alfonso Ruiz de Assín, la propuesta es positiva, ya que "revela una voluntad política para abordar la digitalización de la radio", si bien habrá que ver cómo se concreta finalmente. De todas formas, Ruiz de Assín tiene claro que, a diferencia de lo que ha ocurrido con la televisión, en la radio "no puede haber un apagón analógico" como tal, sino que será necesaria una transición "hasta que el mercado decida". Un apagón supondría hoy un grave problema, ya que en España apenas hay unos cientos de receptores digitales, frente a los cinco millones del Reino Unido, el único país europeo donde este tipo de radio se ha desarrollado con cierta fuerza, aunque sin demostrar una rentabilidad que haya animado a los operadores de otros países. Las radios privadas ven positiva la voluntad política por la radio digital Escasa cobertura Otro problema es la cobertura de la señal digital, que apenas abarca al 50% de la población, según destaca la directora técnica de Onda Cero, Nuria Domínguez, que reconoce que la radio digital sigue sin suponer "una ventaja diferencial" frente a la analógica. De todas formas, alberga pocas dudas sobre el futuro: "Nadie duda de que el futuro de la radio será digital; la única duda es cuándo se dará el paso". Parece que hoy ese momento está un poco más cerca. Fuente: Via Yimber Gaviria, Colombia RUSIA Rusia ha comenzado a emitir en español en el canal de noticias de 24 horas RT, que ofrece información general, deportiva, reportajes, documentales y entrevistas sobre la actualidad rusa e internacional.

"Nuestra misión es mostrar lo que no muestran otros canales, tanto locales, como satélites, que es brindar otras noticias y otras historias", aseguró a Efe Victoria Vorontsova, directora del canal RT. RT, que se puede ver en directo por internet (, ofrece informativos en horario de máxima audiencia en Madrid, Buenos Aires, México, Miami, Nueva York y Los Ángeles. "Estamos orientados a España, Latinoamérica y Estados Unidos. Con frecuencia nos preguntan que por qué en español y la respuesta es sencilla. El español es el segundo idioma del mundo, tras el inglés", dijo. El canal en español se ha estrenado el 29 de diciembre con una entrevista en exclusiva con el presidente de Ecuador, Rafael Correa, que visitó recientemente este país. RT cuenta con una plantilla de casi 200 profesionales de la información. De ellos, 35 periodistas son de Argentina, España, Chile, Ecuador, México, Bolivia, Perú, Estados Unidos y Serbia. "Fue difícil reunir al equipo. Quisimos seleccionar gente con experiencia y buena reputación. No hemos buscado estrellas porque queremos que las estrellas se enciendan en RT", apuntó. Vorontsova adelantó que la cadena contará con "una corresponsalía en Miami, en un mes abriremos en Buenos Aires y después en Madrid y en Cuba. Queremos mostrar lo que otros no muestran, ya que en la isla no hay canales occidentales", indicó. La compañía TV-Nóvosti, que comenzó a emitir en 2005 el canal en inglés 'Russia Today' y en 2007 el 'Rusia al-Ayum' en árabe, anunció en ese año el lanzamiento del nuevo canal de televisión en español. "Somos el tercero de la familia, pero confiamos igualar en un año al primero, el inglés, que es el que tiene mayor audiencia", comentó. La directora de RT reconoce que mucho dependerá "de la difusión del canal en las televisión por cable". "Ya hemos concluido unas exitosas negociaciones con Digital Plus en España y negociamos en Argentina, Chile, México y EEUU. Por supuesto, antes quieren ver la calidad del producto", dijo. El director de TV-Nóvosti, Serguéi Frolov, aseguró que los tres canales trabajarán de manera autónoma, aunque sus periodistas podrán intercambiar material de archivo y los reportajes podrán ser utilizados por todos los canales. El Gobierno ruso destinó 30 millones de dólares al lanzamiento en 2005 de 'Russia Today', considerado por la oposición un "nuevo instrumento propagandístico del Kremlin".(El Mundo, España) CONCURSO DE RADIO ESLOVAQUIA INT. Estamos preparando el concurso: Maravillas de Eslovaquia, en el que les presentaremos monumentos únicos, colecciones, fenómenos naturales, y la herenda de nuestros antepasados. Valiosos premios en cada ronda. Premio principal, una estancia en Eslovaquia. Que va desde Octubre 2009 a Julio del 2010. URL: Radio Eslovaquia Internacional (Publicado por Yimber Gaviria Blog 9/27/2009 05:53:00 PM) Todas las colaboraciones deben ser dirigidas a:

CONEXION DIGITAL: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11. LA PROPAGACION por Enrique Wembagher LU8EFF Para recibir la tabla de propagacion, visite: Puede participar de la misma enviando mensajes a: Valores de SSN y Flujo solar pronosticados: Año Mes Pronostico 2010 01 75.3 2010 02 77.1 2010 03 79.0 2010 04 81.0 2010 05 82.9 2010 06 85.3 2010 07 87.7 2010 08 90.2 2010 09 92.7 MEDICIONES Y PRONOSTICOS Ene Flux Indice A Indice K 17 85 05 02 18 83 05 02 19 82 05 02 20 80 05 02 21 78 05 02 22 78 05 02 23 80 05 02 24 80 05 02 25 80 05 02 26 80 05 02 27 80 05 02 28 80 05 02 29 80 05 02 30 80 05 02

Todas las colaboraciones deben ser dirigidas a CONEXION Digital: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. FOR READERS IN ENGLISH by Victor Castaño NEWS BY IMBER GAVIRIA, COLoMBIA BURMA Private FM radio stations are sprouting up all over Burma, offering listeners a variety of entertainment and, of course, government propaganda Almost every household in Burma has a radio on nowadays. Many families fight over what program to listen to. Father wants to hear the news and sports; the kids listen to pop music and celebrity interviews; mum tunes in every day to the fortune-teller, while grandmother enjoys the Buddhist monks’ recitals. Many Burmese own cheap, Chinese-made radios that can pick up both FM and shortwave broadcasts. (Photo: YUZO/The Irrawaddy) FM radio is booming in more ways than one in Burma. The stale government broadcasts of the 80s and 90s have been replaced by popular independent stations all across the country, from Moulmein to Myitkyina.

The Ministry of Information renewed licenses in 2009 for eight private radio stations which transmit high-fidelity broadcasts on FM bands. Stations are licensed to broadcast daily from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. and are allowed to solicit revenue from advertising. The first independent station to go on air was Yangon City FM, which began broadcasting in 2001. Its popularity prompted a handful of investors to apply to set up private stations outside the former capital, with military cronies being first in line—as always—for licenses. Founded in 2008, Mandalay FM broadcasts on 87.9 MHz and can be received in Rangoon, Mandalay and Taungoo in Pegu Division. In ethnic regions, listeners can often tune into programs in their native language. In the Shan State capital of Taunggyi, a radio station called Cherry FM broadcasts in Shan and Pa-o languages on 89.8 MHz to villages within a radius of 110 km [70 miles], reaching parts of Karenni State. In Karen and Mon states and in Pegu Division, Shwe FM broadcasts on 89.9 MHz from Pegu over a 65-km radius and from Moulmein over a 70-km radius. Padamyar FM in Sagaing is aimed at audiences in Sagaing Division and Kachin State, and regularly broadcasts Naga folk songs. Yangon City FM announcer Nwe Nwe Win (Photo: The Myanmar Times) “Before, we all used to listen to the BBC’s Burmese service, Voice of America (VOA) and Radio Free Asia (RFA),” said Myo Maung, an office worker in Rangoon. “But it’s boring just listening to political programs all the time. Our lives are a daily struggle, so some light entertainment can be refreshing.” Another Rangoon resident, 50-year-old Kyaw Shwe, said he listens to shortwave news from abroad in the mornings, “but in the afternoons, I tune into FM and listen to music and celebrity gossip on City FM.” Perhaps the most popular programs in Burma, a country where many avidly follow the advice of fortune-tellers, are the daily astrologers’ predictions. Most of the FM stations run similar programs mostly featuring local news and weather, sports, traditional folk songs, recitals of Buddhist texts and chants, Burmese and Western pop music, celebrity interviews and gossip, movie reviews and even science and technology programs. Despite the independent nature of FM radio stations, few DJs or announcers dare to criticize the military government or broach sensitive topics, such as Cyclone Nargis, education or health care. References to detained Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi are all but unknown. While most FM radio stations merely seek to engage their listeners with popular programming, several strive to draw attention away from foreign-based radio stations such as BBC, VOA, RFA and the Norway-based Democratic Voice of Burma. Padaukmyay, which broadcasts on shortwave from 5:30 to 8:30 a.m. and 7 to 10 p.m., attracts young audiences with the latest pop songs, interspersed with turgid propaganda promoting government policies. Not coincidentally, the station broadcasts during the same time slots that the overseas shortwave stations use for news programs. However, listening to shortwave radio in Burma is often considered a dissident pursuit. In December 1999, a 70-year-old farmer from northern Burma was sentenced to two years in prison after being caught listening to a VOA broadcast in a public coffee shop. Another factor discouraging would-be listeners to overseas broadcasts is the poor sound quality. Shortwave stations broadcasting from neighboring Thailand have weak and hazy reception at best, and broadcasters have to constantly adjust the frequency band they are transmitted on because of atmospheric conditions. “It is hard to find the BBC or VOA on the radio,” said Myo Than, a trader in Shan State. “Sometimes we get frustrated and just change the dial to another frequency. The FM broadcasts are loud and clear.”

With an election scheduled for 2010, FM radio presents the military junta with an ideal medium to coax, confuse and intimidate the general public, especially rural villagers who do not have TV sets or other sources of information. “The election is coming soon and we are preparing to lengthen our news programs to cover the political parties and to educate the public,” said Than Lwin Tun, the head of the Burmese section of VOA in Washington. The head of BBC Burmese radio, Khin Htar Shwe, does not doubt that they will have an uphill battle to win over listeners from local FM stations. “FM radio in Burma mainly focuses on entertainment. The audiences like that,” she said. In Rangoon, public bus drivers and taxi drivers from the Parami Taxi firm were ordered to keep Yangon City FM on when they have passengers. Parami Taxi is wholly owned by the Union of Myanmar Economic Holdings Ltd, which is involved in the gem, banking and construction industries, and is currently on the US sanctions blacklist. “I don’t know about other taxi companies, but for us there are clear instructions to keep FM on all day,” a taxi driver for Parami said, before pulling out into the traffic and the racket of Burmese hip-hop. Source: Via Yimber Gaviria, Colombia LOGS AND INFORMATIONS BY GLENN HAUSER FROM UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ** BRAZIL. In case I did not make it clear in previous report, I think RNA is running close to 250 kW on 11780, judging from the very strong signals here, not 7.5 kW as listed in Aoki. Of course many older transmitters are seldom running full rated power, so it may well be somewhat lower. But 11780 was also very strong S9+22 at 2316 Jan 3, altho as often in the afternoons, marred by trans-equatorial flutter. R. Bandeirantes was also audible, much weaker on 11925v. WRTH 2010 shows 11780 as 250 kW, and also lists *inactive 250 kW on 15200 and 15265; plus active 250 kW on 11950, which is certainly not the case. All of these are Radiobrás transmitters, but the station entry keys, callsigns and names shown are mixed up. The 250 kW ones: DF10 5990 ZYE773 Rádio Senado DF06 6185 ZYE365 Rádio Nacional da Amazônia DF06 11780 ZYE365 Rádio Nacional da Amazônia DF06 11950 ZYE773 Rádiobrás [but same call as Senado on 5990] DF06 *15200 ZYE365 Rádio Nacional da Amazônia DF06 *15265 ZYE365 Radiobras [but same call as RNA; sic, no accent, in which case the name could be taken to mean instead ``Radio Works``] 5990 is the only active frequency of R. Senado, so it gets a separate entry with its own address; while the DF06 info just refers to Radiobrás, not RNA. My previous report of RNA 11780 at 0550 UT Sunday had a typo on the date: should be Jan 3 of course instead of 4 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CHILE. HCJB via CVC Calera de Tango, 11920, in Portuguese Jan 3 at 2320 sounds OK on fundamental, but still accompanied by motorboating spurs making music mushy centered at 11900 and 11940. HCJB has been mailing out erroneous info about its own schedule, apparently confused by UT and the difference to DST in Brasília which is really only two hours. This should make Brazilians subjected to it feel 33% closer to Europe, but they mustn`t believe what HCJB tells them. HCJB also claims to ``transmit from

Curitiba`` while that is only a studio location; not admitting to SW via Chile (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CHINA. Firedrake Jan 3 at 2321: fair with flutter on 11300, not on 10210 or elsewhere. Jan 4 at 1410, very poor, flutter on 8400 only (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** GUAM. 9975, at 1423 Jan 4, amid the crap from SAIPAN [q.v.] 9990, heard preacher in English, but already to outro by announcer giving contact info including a address, P O Box and even phone number. 1424 signing off with frequency 9975 given, from ``life-changing radio, KTWR, Agaña, Guam`` and off at 1425* Aoki shows KTWR B-09 on 9975 as 285 degrees in English at 1400-1420 on Mondays and Thursdays, 1400-1440 other days. The frequency is on daily from 1130 at 308 or 315 degrees in a mixture of Mandarin, Cantonese and Nosu Yi (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** INDIA. 9425, at 1432 Jan 4, AIR news in English, including bitter cold in north India, regions of Kashmir cut off, icy winds at New Delhi, poor visibility at airport, temp in Leh -13.6 C [= +7.5 F but we are predicted to subpass that this week in Enid], dense fog in U.P. causes bus services to be canceled. 1435 ID as National Channel with MW frequencies plus 9425, 9470, and into another English program starting with a few minutes of distorted music. S9+18 signal on 9425, with flutter, but JBA on 9470. 1441 into talk on historic monuments but just barely modulated for first semi-minute, then they turned it up! Geez, what amateurs in the studio. Something about 1618 AD = 1048 in another calendar, this speaker easier to understand, but her pauses were truncated unnaturally, in over-editing or less likely some digital playback problem. Mentioning The Red Fort, mixing Persian, Indian and English art forms (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** INDONESIA. VOI still missing from 9526v, not a trace Jan 4 at 1415 but RRI 9680 was poorly audible (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ISRAEL. A few days ago I was wondering if Galei Tsahal was inactive on 19m, but others are still reporting it and now I am too: 15783.8, presumed this at 1503 Jan 4, very poor signal with talk in presumed Hebrew; far enough away from much stronger 15790, BBC Arabic due south from Cyprus (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** JAPAN. 17810, NHKWNRJ IS at strange time of 2307 Jan 3; next check at 2312, Indonesian was underway. Reason: this frequency is on the air from 2310 to 0020, with a semihour of Indonesian, and then a third of an hour each in Chinese and English. Apparently allows 5 minutes before and after for this 300 kW transmitter to change frequencies, until 2300 and from 0025. Meanwhile Indonesian and Chinese listeners have to get used to odd start times (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PHILIPPINES [non]. Straining to hear any trace of KJES on 11715, Jan 4 [see also USA non]: none of that, but at 1520 a sermon in what I finally decided was English but with a heavy French accent, ruling out PB16 tho with similar aged voice, 1528 praying, 1531 slow hymns. This has to be the scheduled R. Veritas Asia relay via Vatican in Tagalog, back to Mideast gastarbeiter. I can only assume it`s another case of ESL being familiar to the Tagalog-speakers, but I`m sure they could do without the French accent; and surely preferable to robokids from Vado (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SAIPAN. 9990, Jan 4 at 1420, very strong distorted FMy signal seems to be centered here, but splattering 9920 to 10025, with Vietnamese dialog, QRMing or blocking several stations, including WWV 10000, 9975 KTWR, Macedonian 9935, and incredibly, even WWCR 9980! At 1426, 9990 was registering S9+15, 1428 spelling out an e-mail address with English letters, 1429 announcement mentioning kHz; 1430 signal drops in strength as WWCR jumps in strength so now 9980 overload overcomes it. Recheck at 1457, 9990 had American English announcement, ``good night from Washington`` and off by 1458. I figured this would be the IBB Saipan transmitter which has gone haywire before, and sure enough it is, Radio Free Asia in Vietnamese, 100 kW, 285 degrees on 9990 at 1400-1500 only. Furthermore, the same kind of disorder was centered around 9727 in the next hour, at 1545, now a very distorted English lesson presented in a SE Asian language. This was splattering 9670-9750 roughly, again QRMing several unfortunate stations in the vicinity. Slope detexion makes it slightly more intelligible. 1549 registering S9+18 as some English-language phrases were being spelt out. Off at 1558* uncovering an Arabic station on 9725, presumably Tunisia on much earlier than scheduled *1700. Yes, nominal 9725 is also IBB Saipan, exactly the same parameters as 9990 but this hour in Vietnamese is VOA instead. Pity the poor Vietnamese audiences of both stations, subjected to this. Is no one paying attention at Agignan Point? After 1600 I quickly scanned the 7 and 9 MHz bands looking for a third outing of this monstrosity, but none found. Checking Aoki later, it might have been on 11720 as scheduled for RFA Uighur, but it`s hard to know which individual transmitter is used for which service. Also beware of 9455, RFA Chinese at 16-22, and 9355 at 17-22. Two+ months ago we had the same kind of problem during VOA Cantonese service on 9705 between 13 and 15; that was Oct 25, see DXLD 9-078 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SAUDI ARABIA [and non]. 13710, Jan 4 at 1501, Arabic just barely modulated on S9+12 signal, vs SAH and RHC modulation, and shortly into Qur`an with slightly better mod. BSKSA really needs to keep its audio levels up if it is to overcome the RHC leapfrog of 13770 over 13740 CRI relay landing on 13710. Meanwhile at 1505, BSKSA 15435 had bigger signal with wideband buzz (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. 9385, WWRB Brother Scare service, Jan 4 at 1412 with hum, but worse, audio cutting out, and still doing so at 1432. For those who hang on his every word, there were still some available. Again Monday Jan 4, WWCR stayed with PMS on 13845 past 1500, instead of scheduled BS. Still PMS at 1742 check, so is BS gone again from WWCR? His contract may have expired at decadend. But, the updated program schedule now as of Jan 1 at still shows BS daily at 15-19 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SUDAN [non]. 17745, Sudan Radio Service via PORTUGAL, Jan 4 at 1540, but audio cutting in and out, mostly out, making the whole thing pointless. Ain`t the digital age wunnerful? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TUNISIA. After the blob from Saipan [q.v.] cut off 9727 at 1558 Jan 4, it uncovered Arabic music on 9725, then at 1559 very expressive talk seemingly by or for children, 1600 heard same music theme twice, and presumed news in Arabic for adults. RTT supposedly opens this frequency at 1700 per Aoki, but WRTH has it from *1600, which is closer but still not early enough (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 2366, Jan 4 at 1400, the seventh harmonic of beacon LSA in Lamesa TX, as previously identified, was again just barely audible, but could not get past the negative keying, and I have a hard time reversing my brain to copy Morse code that way. No sign of it on x9 = 3042, and it would be pointless to attempt it on x5 = 1690, a broadcast channel (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A [and non]. WRMI, 9955, Monday Jan 4 at 1543 in Italian with Studio DX, weak but fortunately no jamming, so don`t say I never have anything nice to say about the DentroCuban Jamming Command. There was however a fast SAH and some co-channel audio, no doubt Family Radio as scheduled in Russian via Tainan, Taiwan. They are making progress, with only a SAH instead of the previous audible heterodyne, further off-frequency. Also in clear, DX Partyline from 1601 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A [and non]. Re my previous comments about KJES missing from 11715 on Saturday: still missing on Monday during the one hour scheduled to be aimed toward Oklahoma, Jan 4 at 1448, nothing at all audible but presumed Uzbek from RFE Lampertheim. Of course, the last we heard KJES, it was just barely modulated anyway, so perhaps they have given up? See also PHILIPPINES [non] for next hour on 11715 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** VENEZUELA. Yimber Gaviría forwards a note from Denis in Honduras about five e-mail addresses for Radio Nacional de Venezuela, Canal Internacional, none of which work! This is hardly surprising; since the announcers do not know the correct times and frequencies of their own broadcasts, why should they know and announce correct addresses? I heard these two announced, first at the beginning of the 2300 UT Jan 3 transmission via CUBA on 15250, and the second one two minutes later: canalinternacional @ canalinternacionalrnv @ I have not tried them, since I have nothing to say to RNV. The second one is on Denis` list as `no funciona`, but the first one is not; however, internacional @ is, marked as bouncing. The transmission began in clear Spanish, then switched to broken English by YL, with a long credit list of the dozen or so people it takes to produce this one-hour broadcast. Then a program summary, including ``Barrio Adentro`` which also happens to be the name of a show on Radio República, 9810, clandestine to Cuba as I recently observed, at this very same hour (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ### ** ANGUILLA [and non]. 11775 missing Jan 5 at 1411, helping NHKWNRJ English on 11780 via Rampisham to be clearly heard, with barely a sign of Brasília co-

channel either. DGS was poorly audible on 13845 WWCR at 1517, again instead of Brother Scare. The Africans must be rejoicing over the absence of Anguilla. Recheck 1758, VOA Portuguese in the clear on 11775, which is São Tomé, 100 kW, 138 degrees toward Moçambique at 17-18, about to switch to Botswana 1800-1830, 100 kW, 350 degrees, per HFCC. Strange: there are no Portuguese-speaking areas at that angle from Botswana; can`t be for Angola or Moçambique, but maybe Cabo Verde, Guiné-Bissau? However, Aoki shows the angle as 10 degrees, even further from former Portuguese colonies, and extended M-F only for that semi-hour (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CHINA. Bands above 12 MHz are usually dead here in the nightmiddle, but Jan 5 at 0617 was hearing CRI English on 13645, about two sex behind Sackville 6115; fair signal. A strange opening as 13645 is via Xi`an at 190 degrees, 06-08. Also had Mandarin at 0618 on 13750, which is CRI via Kunming at 177 degrees, also 06-08. I ascended to 15 MHz band, kept hunting for signals, and at 0619 on 15570 found something Chinese-sounding non //. That`s listed in Aoki as CNR11, i.e. the Tibetan service at 01-08, 100 kW, 255 degrees from Baoji-Sifangshan site #724, and BTW including English at 0530-0600; but closing early on Wednesdays for the 0600 [2 pm local] siesta. Am I really hearing Mandarin-language segments within nominally Tibetan-language services? All of the above are legitimate broadcasts, not jammers! At 0618 I had another non // Chinese signal on 15665, where RFA is scheduled via Tinian, but more likely CNR1 jamming. Nothing audible on 17 MHz (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CHINA. Firedrake Jan 5: at 1417, very poor on 9000. At 1430, JBA on 8400 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA. Even I get bored with tracking the anomalies of Radio Habana Cuba, ignored lately, but Jan 5 at 0634, 6140 was in Spanish // 6150, 6120, while English was on 6060, 6010. The previous night, 6140 was in English around this time. 11600, again with heavy jamming against nothing, Jan 5 at 1601 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** INDONESIA. Jan 5 I did not get down to scan 90 meters until 1442, after finding not much on 60 or 75m, so surprised to hear some weak talk on 3325, fading, ute QRM on lo side, amounts to only broadcast station on band, CHU also outfaded. But on 3325 we are faced with the usual quandary whether it`s R. Buka, Kieta, Bougainville, PNG, or RRI Palangkaraya, Kalimantan, Indonesia. Going strictly by schedule in Aoki, PNG is off after 1300 while RRI is on until 1615. WRTH leans even heavier toward the latter with the same sign-off shown, and not attempting to show individual Kundu Network station schedules, just 0800-1200v for them all. A US MW harmonic or mixing product is outruled since it ends in -5. Atsunori Ishida, says RRI runs until 1610v* daily, often with poor modulation, and with Buka QRM but doesn`t say when that ends. John Wilkins, CO, was also hearing 3325 past 1500 Jan 5, says it

was in Indonesian, Palangkaraya. Based on all this I am not filing this as unidentified as first intended, but as INDONESIA presumed (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** INDONESIA. VOI still missing from 9526v, Jan 5 at 1415, and presumably also during the previous hour in English when another Tuesday excursion to Banjarmasin might have happened. No, Atsunori Ishida reports that 9526v was on the air in English at 1300 Jan 3 and 5 but went off the air at 1408 and 1405 respectively. However, at 1609 there was a 9526/9525 het, one of them with music, so suspect it was back on at that hour. I wondered if earlier, VOI had switched to 11786v as it has unpredictably in the past; too much QRM there now to tell. 9680, RRI at 1446 rated S9+15 on the meter, but Indonesian talk was at quite low modulation, so this transmitter has problems too. Usually it is sufficient. I resolved to listen to VOI online for the Exotic Indonesia show, via which switches automatically to --- This was just as frustrating. Live streaming embedded player just sits there when you hit play. Below it is a header ``VOI AV ON DEMAND`` but cold and nothing to go with it. Various other linx on the page are dead. There is a link to ``VISIT INDONESIA 2009``, so apparently time travel is possible with Indonesia! Was it a better place to visit last year? Time will tell. At least if you do that, you know which tourist places to avoid, terrorist attacks already dated on the historical record. I see that ``Dignity`` is an obsession of theirs here too, with a ``Dignity Forum`` -- goes nowhere; some ``VOI DIGNITORIALS``, and another header with no content, ``VOI - World Dignified View``. Perhaps they should focus more on Competence (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ISRAEL [and non]. 9955, Israel Radio via WRN via WRMI, Jan 5 at 0626; unfortunately by the time I intuned it was nothing but WRN fill music; must keep trying to hear Israel from the start 0600 M-F. Trouble is, often inaudible, but good S9+10 signal tonight, and no jamming; 0630 into RCI relay. Assumed WRMI still on SSE antenna, but corresponded with super-strong S9+22 signals from WYFR on 9680, 9715, along with mixing products on 9645, 9750, and plenty strong on 9985, 9355 fundamentals. 13850, Jan 5 at 1518, Kol Israel direct in Farsi; if I were inside Iran, I would be threatened with incarceration as a counter-revolutionary for listening to this, as just heard on RFI news item at 1500 on 15300; other no-no`s being R. Farda, BBC and VOA. Better signal than weak WWCR overskipping 13845 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ISRAEL [and non]. 15785.0, Jan 5 at 1545, Hebrew talk; this time Galei Tsahal is back on frequency unlike 15783.8 Jan 4. Recheck 1602, 15785 totally blotted by WYFR in Arabic with presumed Christian hymn, unlike the Arabic music you hear on most stations (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** JAPAN. 5955, Jan 5 at 1436 M&W talking in Burmese about Al-Qa`ida, Mrs. Clinton, fair signal from NHKWNRJ. Unlike 11705 via Canada, which closes at 1430 following English, 5955 Yamata stays on in Burmese, same antenna, but per Aoki

power drops from 300 to 100 kW, contrary to other listings (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** JORDAN [and non]. 11960, Jan 5 at 0623, serious Arabic dialog, one side on the phone line, when nothing else on band from Mideast, but must be R. Jordan as scheduled 0500-0715, 500 kW, 350 degrees intended for Europe, but also favoring WNAm. Music after 0630. Band was more open from Africa, e.g. DW English good on 12045 via Rwanda (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PHILIPPINES. 11715, RVA via Vatican, Jan 5 at 1523 was back in Tagalog talking about Pilipinas, unlike English 24 hours earlier. Still no sign of KJES (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SAIPAN. Pleased to note that IBB transmitter is back in whack, vs yesterday`s distorted blobs: Jan 5 at 1423 check weak Vietnamese with normal signal on 9990; at 1521, Vietnamese also OK on 9725 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SLOVAKIA [and non]. 6055, checking again for anomalous reception of RSI, Jan 5 at 1433, German weakly audible, but this time atop some weaker music, which unless that was on the RSI audio, would be from China or Thailand (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 15550-USB, have not been able to hear WJHR for several days now checking around 1500, nor occasionally later in the day, e.g. 1757 UT Jan 5. Could be on and just too weak to pull thru the noise level without some enhanced propagation (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A [and non]. I have heard KXTR 1660 Kansas City several times since last report, with classical music, but Jan 4 at 2145 UT on caradio I was hearing nothing on the frequency but ``ESPN 1660``. Since the predicted temps were negative F, must have been KQWB ND rather than KRZI TX (and we never hear WBMX NC here --- all with ESPN per NRC AM Log). It faded down a few minutes later, and there was a SAH, and then barely detectable classical music, so apparently KXTR was on the air after all, but why so weak? Chicago 1690 and Madison 1670 were also in at the time. KXTR has been off and on for some weeks due to antenna work. Could be they are running much less than 10 kW at the moment; hope it is not a permanent reduxion in power or skywave coverage. But homepage no longer says anything about antenna work. BTW, the player which linx to all Entercom stations puts this and a bunch of its other KC stations in the KC KS, not MO market. Of course, it`s really both, but the MO side is larger and usually dominates. KXTR`s city of license is KC KS and KXTR transmitter site is in fact in Kansas, at 94-36-56 W longitude, i.e. less than one minute west of the straight N-S border between the states, counties, and cities. The same meridian is named State Line Road, at least a bit further south, and I have driven it with the peculiar feeling of being in two places at once, but nothing like the Four Corners monument, until we found out it is in the wrong place. However, classical music was dominating 1660 at 0648 UT Jan 5. Possibly the daytime reception (non) was a propagational quirk. KXTR is the ONLY MW signal normally audible here playing classical music, as there are NO public radio stations left on MW in this part of the country, let alone any other commercial classicals. What a vast wasteland, culturally, geographically and frequencially.

Even CBC has banned classical music from Radio One, often audible via CBW 990 --- the closest they come is Inside the Music, UT Mondays 0305-0400, but that`s a lot of talk ABOUT classical music (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Yes, the subject line in my previous report said Jan 3-4, 2009. So far I have not done that on my chex (gh) ** ANTARCTICA. At 1923 UT Jan 6 I am getting a carrier on 15476, but too weak to surpass my noise level. LRA36 may be (back?) on. Please check, I immediately posted on the DXLD yg. (No more comparing with RAE on 15345v, as that transmitter broke down in late October, Gabriel Iván Barrera tells me.) Mark Schiefelbein, Missouri, tuned in 15476 and confirmed hearing Spanish 1943-2005+, so it`s clear that Radio Nacional Arcángel San Gabriel is active again (Glenn Hauser, OK, dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1494, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** AUSTRIA. Ö1 confirmed still with token English newscast relayed on SW 6155, Thu Jan 7 at 0708 after German, first item about the underpants-bomber; tightly squeezed between Cuba 6150 and CBC 6160. Presumably French followed at 0711 as per Jan sked discovered by Yimber Gaviría; however, no longer played back on the evening broadcast to NAm, just German as confirmed by Joe Hanlon, NJ, UT Jan 5 at 0039 on 7325 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA. The ADXB comprehensive schedule of Spanish SW broadcasts shows R. Rebelde, 5025 at 09-07, i.e. a two-hour break, but I thought it was 24 hours. Sometimes I am monitoring a bit past 0700, and Jan 7 it was certainly still running with music at 0707. If it were off, that would clear the frequency for VL8K from fade-in until its switch to 120m nominally at 0830 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA. RHC missing from 6140, Jan 7 at 0709, while the other 49m frequencies were nominal, but most of them now QRMed: 6060 English vs Brazil; 6120 distorted Spanish vs RNW Dutch via Vatican; but 6150 Spanish in the clear. Shortly found where the 6140 transmitter probably went: 9640, VG in Spanish an echo apart from 6150, historical lecture about a European doctor in the XIX-XX centuries. At 0715, found 11760 still on in Spanish too. 9640 is officially on the RHC schedule only between 22-24 for the irregular Mesa Redonda show, so is this a mistake or an experiment? See also UNIDENTIFIED 13770. DentroCuban Jamming Command pulses still running on 5980, Jan 7 at 1437, despite R. Martí finishing with the frequency at 1300. Noise jamming, sounding just like DRM, around 7170, Jan 7 at 1438. At first figured it was part of the Ethiopian/Eritrean radio war, but then it switched to characteristic DCJC residual pulsing --- in the ham band?? I doubt the Cuban ham radio federation would dare to object. Perhaps a transmitter gone haywire, spur, or chasing some exile ham (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** FRANCE. 15300, checking for TURKEY [q.v.], at 1422 Jan 7 colliding with RFI playing music, and just after Turkey went off, ``RFI Musique`` ID --- a sign that another strike is in progress as threatened, over massive layoffs. So expect much more musique on all RFI transmissions which remain on the air (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** INDIA. 9870, enjoying the AIR VBS Hindi pop music, Jan 7, and at 1454 a familiar intro riff --- yes! It`s one of our favorites which the late lamented R. Solh, US psyop service for Afghanistan played every day at exactly the same hour. A real upbeat tune with great singing, instrumental interludes until 1459. I wish I knew

the title, artist and more details about it. Further proof that a lot of Solh music was really Indian, probably Bollywood, not Afghan at all (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** INDONESIA. 3325, still audible with weak music Jan 7 at 1435, only station on band, presumed RRI Palangkaraya, which is in south central Kalimantan Tengah, inland from Banjarmasin. Only one or two other Indos are left on 90m, and I expect before long this one too will wink out, never to be heard again. Ishida shows only 3345 Ternate, Maluku Utara is still on, until 1500*; but tho also rated 10 kW, not heard like PK is (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** INDONESIA. 9526-, VOI with music Jan 7 at 1355, only fair signal today; 1401 English ID with usual info including imaginary frequencies 15150 and 11785, off at 1402:40* intentionally before any transition announcement to Malay hour, which apparently has been deleted. RRI Jakarta still on 9680 at 1442 with gamelan and singing (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** IRAN [non]. 13615, WYFR in Spanish, which used to own the frequency, now about equal level to R. Farda, Jan 7 at 1429 with two IDs, an echo apart from 15410; and propagational echo also on the 13615 transmission, which at 14-16 is 108 degrees via Lampertheim, GERMANY, while 15410 during same bihour is 95 degrees via Skelton UK. There`s something about Lampertheim, which always has a long-path or severe backscatter echo also on the VOA English relay, 11985, equally 108 degree azimuth at 14-15 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** TURKEY [and non]. 12035.0, VOT in English during Live from Turkey, Thursday Jan 7 at 1416. Usual distorted audio from this ailing Çakirlar transmitter, and lo audible het, but not clear whether that is from inside or outside the TRT transmitter. Too poor to get anything out of the program. VOR via Samara at 14-15, 250 kW at 130 degrees is on 12035 in HFCC, but not in WRTH, Aoki or EiBi, so may be wooden. Checked // 15300 at 1422 as final VOT IS was playing, fast SAH with RFI and off, so that frequency is useless too due to collision not avoided in poor B-09 planning, while there are plenty of clear spots on 19m (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. Not hearing KJES on 11715 in the 14-17 period for quite some time, I was also checking for any sign of KJES on 15385 during its scheduled 19-21 UT broadcast, Jan 6 at 1923: No. Nor was there anything on 7555 at 0241 Jan 7, where KJES is scheduled 0200-0330 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1494, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 9955, WRMI both propagating and unjammed, Jan 7 at 0715, discussion about Czechia, and this semihour is R. Prague via WRN, so yet another bonus broadcast on WRMI (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 4755, weak carrier fading Jan 7 at 0718, probably Brasil, but one always hopes that PMA Micronesia will one day come back as still promised for 2+ years on their website. Could not pull any audio (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 13770, RHC now has a co-channel clash with something, Jan 7 at 1431, Arabic music making fast SAH. Nothing else is scheduled at any time on 13770, except AIR in Hindi to ME at 1615-1730, according to HFCC, EiBi and Aoki,

so this is something new. Of course, with Cuba an outlaw nation refusing to participate in HFCC, any other station would assume 13770 was open for their use, failing to turn on a radio and check it, or failing to consult DX resources. No big loss for RHC, which has a much bigger signal next door on 13780 until 1500. A few months ago, Arnie moved the 13760 transmitter to 13770 to avoid Juche QRM, Commies vs Commies; now what? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ### ** BRAZIL [and non]. 11749.9 or so, het with 11750.0, Jan 8 at 0648. The off-frequency one is surely Brazilian, at 0649 with Portuguese singing. PWBR `2009` shows 11749.8 for R. Voz Missionária, Florianópolis SC, which I think is correct despite LA-DX showing this only as a future plan on 11750, while also listing separately what is no doubt the same transmitter under its previous identity, but showing the frequency variation range: 11749.8v R Marumby, Florianópolis SC [2258-2319] (49.8-50.0) Mar08 B // 9665 (irr) 11750 R Voz Missionária, Florianópolis SC [FUTURE PLANS] Jul08 L (a)"Voz Missionária" // 5870v, 9665 As for 11750.0, Aoki and HFCC show three possibilities at this hour: CNR1 at 37 degrees, i.e. USward; CRIENG via Albania; and BBC Hausa via Ascension. 25m was quite open over night paths from Brazil, with signals ranging from very strong RNA 11780 to moderate 11815, 11925, to weaker carriers on 11765, 11895. Cuba was also VG on 11760, not always the case when longer skip is in. I had not noticed 11749.9v recently, but there was that het again 17 hours later at 2344 when it was definitely abutting CNR1 which starts at 2200 from Shijiazhuang 723 site (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CHINA. Firedrake Jan 8 at 2348: good on 9000, JBA on 8400, not on 10210, 11300 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also BRAZIL ** CYPRUS [and non]. 15495-15520, OTH radar pulsing, presumed from here, Jan 8 at 1445. Bothered something weak on 15520, presumably YFR in Hindi via UAE as scheduled. It seems Kuwait is no longer using 15505, fortunately (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ECUADOR [and non]. 11903 and 11937 the approximate centers of the mushy FMy spurblobs from HCJB via CVC Chile in Portuguese, Jan 8 at 2343. They do vary somewhat, previously around 11900 and 11940 or 11902 and 11938, but that`s no excuse. BTW, Allen Graham tells me HCJB`s Spanish mailbag show Club de Oyentes, and consequently the sub-program within it, Aventura Diexista, are being cancelled after January, due to declining audiences. CDO is only on the 6050 Pichincha transmitter, which is NOT being closed down as some rumors had it, while ADX gets plenty of play via WRMI. DX Partyline will continue to be produced, also aired via WRMI et al. (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** GUINEA. 7125 at 0653 Jan 8, French interview on phone about political situation there, so RTG again on the air in the morning, outstanding sorethumbly in hamband (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. 9526v, Jan 8 at 1357 tuned in time to confirm VOI carrier was on today hetting 9530, but very poor and already off at next check 1402. Has the Malay service formerly at 14-15 been dropped, or moved elsewhen? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** IRAN. 9585, Jan 8 at 1432 Qur`an, 1434 into talk I thought was Urdu, poor-fair signal, much better than Iran`s Russian service at same time on 9575, which is just barely modulated as we have noted several dates recently, but better signal strength. 9585 also turns out to be VIRI, per Aoki in Hindi at 1430-1528, 500 kW, 102 degrees from Sirjan site, the same one as on 9575, 500 kW, 330 degrees (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** OKLAHOMA. 1120, KEOR, Sperry, had been rather constant, but Jan 8 at 2030 UT found it missing and for several minutes as I was land-mobile. Signal audible sometime after 2100, and since it was talk, figured it was now KMOX, until heard KJMU-1340 ID (only), the station it simulcasts in Sand Springs, back to Old School music (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** TURKEY. 9410 will always be a quintessential BBCWS frequency to me, dating back several sesquidecades, not too long ago virtually 24 hours in English, but now it`s partial and others are welcome to inmove. I was aware Voz de Turquía was using it for Spanish at 02-03, but now heard with another transmission, Jan 8 at 1358 with IS, 1400 timesignal a few sex late and opening in Russian, as in B-09 schedule from Çakirlar site. Then quick check of 12035 in English from a another transmitter in that hall showed the usual low het and somewhat distorted modulation (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A [non]. 9440, at 1357 Jan 8, open carrier with hum, Russian-style tones on and off, 1358 tones stop, 1400 the WYFR opening joined in progress, Open Forum with Harold Droning. This is a relatively new transmission, which I first reported Dec 18, site unknown. Aoki now lists it at 14-15 only as 250 kW, 195 degrees from Novosibirsk-Oyash, starting Dec 24. That`s about 82 degrees E longitude, making it virtually transpolar from here, 97+ W. 9440 was about two seconds behind otherwise // 9770, similar signal but from elsewhere, 500 kW, 84 degrees from Nauen, Germany, and also at 14-15 only, says Aoki. 13605, Jan 8 at 1455 with instrumental hymn ``Softly & Tenderly`` but soon morphing into YFR ``Gott sei die Ehre`` theme until off at 1459*. It`s Uzbek, 250 kW, 75 degrees via Wertachtal, Germany at 14-15 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 1480 in Wichita KS had been Radio Disney, but now as heard Jan 7 at 1957 UT it`s ``The Big Talker, 1480 KQAM``. Promo gave list of talkshow lineup, too quick to copy down, but not a one of them liberal and some of them far-right wackos, anything but in the public interest, such as Glenn Beck, John Gibson. At least they also have relatively moderate Joe Scarborough, and Jim Bohannon --- only America in the Morning, not his evening talkshow. If KQAM has its own website, it`s not showing up anywhere near the top of Google searches. But here`s the program list, CST = UT -6, as if they turn the transmitter off for weekends: And another story about the transfer: A big SNAFU at 2000 UT as commercials continued for the first half of the one-minute Fox ``News``, double audio; no loss. 2001 switches to Mid-America Network, owned by same group, for bitter cold weather forecast, 2002 market report (meaning ag, not stock), 2003 promo Imus show which includes local news breaks. Strangely enough, during the Radio Disney era, kept old calls KQAM, which don`t seem to relate to any cartoon character, and are still keeping them. KQAM was originally on 1410, and now that is co-owned with present 1410, sports talk, KGSO. Both put adequate daytime groundwave signals into Enid almost 200 km away. Steckline Communications already owned 1410, and FCC AM Query Jan 7 still shows 1480 owned by Disney. It also shows: 20-year Call Sign history of the 1480 facility, #61352: Current Call Sign: KQAM Call Sign Begin Date KQAM 09/23/1997 KZSN 02/01/1990 KLEO 12/31/1982 KWKN 09/01/1980 And of the 1410 facility, #53150: Current Call Sign: KGSO Call Sign Begin Date KGSO 05/01/2005 KMYR 09/23/1997 KQAM 09/15/1980 KEYN Will Radio Disney find another outlet in Wichita? The Radio Disney website thinx they are still on 1480: (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENITIFIED. 9547 or 9548, SSB intruder, intermittent 2-way amid stronger broadcast signals on 9545, 9550, Jan 8 at 2350. Could not tell whether it was Spanish, Asian language, or what, but noted here to encourage further chex (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 11532, the big open carrier again with brief data bursts, same-sounding as heard Jan 6 at 0620 on 11435, now heard Jan 8 at 0642-0644, big het on WYFR 11530. This is nothing new, and really clashes with WYFR, where they probably do not care due to their extreme redundancy. I wonder if any digital-mode types can make anything of these transmissions, likely from Cuba, at least nail down the exact mode. We suspect they are more sophisticated spy transmissions than the AM numbers and Morse cut numbers (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 15570, Jan 8 at 1442, big solid S9+18 open carrier, so steady I was toying with the idea it could be from something in the household, but 1443 brief tone-test and off at 1444*. Then I recall previous logs of this and assumption

it is another test-only channel from IBB Greenville, not otherwise in use this season (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ### ** CUBA [and non]. Anomaly observations Jan 10: at 0628, RHC 6150 missing. 6140 in Spanish today, with bigger signal and modulation than usual, so suspected that was the ex-6150 transmitter, // 6120 with pre-revolutionary historical talk. However, at 0700 check, 6150 back on. 6060 was continuing in English after 6010 had gone off. At 1423, usual huge S9+22 signal on 13780, but modulation cutting on only at extremely distorted spikes; wiggle that patchcord! And the other equally big signal on 22m, 13680 was nothing but open carrier. // 13770 from other site and CRI relay 13740 were nominal, i.e. much weaker and somewhat undermodulated. At 1426, these two were mixing equally on leapfrog 13710 without any AIRGOS audible; but after 1500 interfering with the word of Allah from BSKSA HQS. At 1428, more problems: 15120 nothing but open carrier, 15360 OK with modulation. Next check at 1453, 13780 was back to normal modulation, but 13680 was off as often happens on Sunday due to pending Aló, Presidente requirements, whether el Hugazo is a no-show or not (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See VENEZUELA [non] ** CUBA [non]. 13820, R. Martí with another of its excellent apolitical cultural programs, Sunday Jan 10 at 1432, biography of modern-tango composer Astor Piazzolla with his music constantly playing in background, occasionally foreground. This frequency remained more or less atop the DentroCuban Jamming Command, unlike 15330, which is so paranoid it even has to block a program about Argentine music; I stuck with it for 25 minutes, instead of simultaneous La Cultura en Cuba from RHC with all its modulation problems, and risk of irrelevant revolutionary rhetoric. Martí show ended with final tango chords at 1457, but NO program outro, no name of show, no credits, right into H1N1 PSA. This really annoys me about R. Martí and it`s frequently the case. Also annoying was the otherwise excellent narrator butchering several foreign names, such as Nadia Boulanger, the French music guru to so many including Piazzolla, pronouncing her ``Búlanguer``. R. Martí website has a full-week program grid at which automatically shows today`s date, and already starts tomorrow Jan 11 according to the headers, but what about today?! Also shows times in EDT and GMT rather than EST and UT! Wake up, OCB! As of next Sunday, anyway, this semihour must be ``Arte Latino``, and also airs Saturdays at 1430 (displaying 1330 GMT, but 9:30 am ``EDT``, so read the EDT times as EST, and ignore the GMTs which are one hour off.) Hotlink on the title produces a javascript pop-up which is --- empty! Before starting ``Resumen Semanal``, at 1501 promo for ``Estéreo``, a somewhat misleading title for a shortwave program, airing M-F at 8 pm, with all the latest rock hits and interviews; sounds like a frenetic feast for the juveniles. Guess what --- no sign of it on the program grid supposedly dated for the week to come. Instead listed at 8 pm ``EDT`` is ``Revista Informativa – Contacto Cuba``. So any resemblance between what`s on the grid and what`s on the air is purely coincidental. But we also see ``Arte Latino`` again during that semihour on

weekends (meaning UT Sun and Mon 0100-0130), and there are yet more airings listed Sat & Sun at 2130 UT, all of which must be confirmed before they can be believed. Geez, what a SNAFU operation, in its own way no better than RHC; or could it be that lack of concern for accuracy is just a Cuban cultural characteristic, Dentro- and Fuera-? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CYPRUS. 9100-9125, OTH radar pulsing, Jan 10 at 1409, presumed from here rather than China since it`s 25 kHz wide, atop some 2-way Spanish SSB circa 9119, and some digital utility in the middle of the range (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** EQUATORIAL GUINEA. 6250, no sign of a signal from RNGE at 0627 Jan 10, while it was quite good 24 hours earlier. Later sign on, Sundays, or just another irregularity (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** GREECE. VOG, Jan 10 at 0626, good on 7475 with Greek Orthodox chanting, // weaker 9420, so two transmitters are running, but is there a third? From a land where there is no separation of church and state, Sunday morning services taking up 2+ hours of public airtime. Fortunately, the rest of us can just enjoy this for the music without the baggage of belief, thank you very much to the broke Greek taxpayers (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** INDONESIA. 9526-, VOI carrier detectable around 1355 Jan 10, and retuned just in time at 1406:30 to hear a few notes of music before it cut off the air at approximately 1406:38* (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** LAOS [non]. 11785 was lacking any WHRI signal Sat Jan 9 before 1500, so Hmong Lao Radio was gone again, and the same situation Sunday Jan 10 at 1413 check; just some weak Chinese audible on frequency, which is CRI via Kashgar, East Turkistan. WHR online program schedule search at 1630 Jan 10 claims HLR is still running on 11785 Sat & Sun 14-15 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MALAYSIA. 5030, where I have been lamenting about CNR1 always covering Sarawak in our mornings, but not any more. As first observed by Ron Howard Jan 9, CNR1 is gone from this frequency. No help here yet as only a very weak carrier on 5030 Jan 10 at 1348, no match for adjacent Rebelde 5025. Now the challenge will be to pull in RMS late enough to have Cuba weakened, but not so late that itself is outfading; on until 1600* which is far too late here even in winter. Judging from the co-channel it used to impose under CNR1, 10 kW Kuching should make it adequately on a better day also the CNR signal helped to muscle aside Cuba. WRTH 2010 says the RTM Sarawak IS is ``a musical phrase (played on a native instrument, the Sape), alternating between A and F``. S. Hasegawa confirms CNR1 is gone from 5030, possibly replaced by 6125, and 9675 in the daytime (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PALAU. Re my previous report, T8WH 9965 carrying a Spanish program, Sat Jan 9 at 1430, La Verdad para el Mundo. On Jan 10 I am able to check the online schedule, which shows: 1430-1445 Sa Truth for the World Don Blackwell & Jim Dearman 9965 As if it were in English. Perhaps the programmers decided to switch to their Spanish version, or WHR downloaded the wrong one (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PHILIPPINES [non]. 11715, RVA via VATICAN, Jan 10 at 1506 totally in English instead of Tagalog, with religious service, first a prayer interrupted by amens, guitar hymn, 1509 let us pray again, ``the liturgy of the word``, and lite

reverb/echo. 1510 modulation drops down for a few seconds; at first thought an open carrier had come on atop. Further chex: 1521 still sermon in English with an accent I can`t place but maybe Tagalog, ditto 1529, 1541. So is it in English consistently on Sundays? At some points, especially the hymn with guitar accompaniment, one might have taken this for KJES, but no robokids, so surely still absent (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** TURKEY. VOT English at 1330-1420v on 12035 is getting worse and worse. Jan 9 audio was degraded, but Jan 10 at 1420 despite S9+15 signal level, just barely modulated as I could detect the sign-off in English; 1422 check // 15300, fast rippling het with RFI during last few notes of VOT IS (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** VENEZUELA [non]. Aló, Presidente check, via CUBA, Sunday Jan 10: At 1542, open carrier on 12010, a frequency used only for Aló, Presidente whether it be fulfilled or not. No carrier on 13750 yet. Weak carrier on 17750, could not tell whether Cuba, but nothing else is scheduled. However, at 1715 recheck, El Hugazo was proclaiming on VG 13750, much weaker 12010, and possibly 17750 as something was there, so A,P started sometime in between, unknown when. However, another frequency which previously and supposedly carries A,P, 13680, was instead in regular RHC programming, // 11730, 11760, etc. Too much RTTY on 11690 to be sure whether or which programming was on there. Say, what about RNV`s own SW service? Their new dentroVenezuelan site at Calabozo, south of Caracas, was supposedly going to be on air by December (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ### *Los horarios corresponden al Tiempo Universal Coordinado (UTC). Todas las colaboraciones deben ser dirigidas a CONEXION Digital: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13. COLABORADORES Y FUENTES * Horacio Nigro, Uruguay * Rubens Ferraz Pedroso, Brasil * Jorge Freitas, Brasil * Sergio Doria Partamian, Brasil * Rudolf W. Grimm, Brasil * DX Clube do Brasil, Brasil * Antonio Rossett, Brasil * Yimber Gaviria, Colombia * Rafael Rodriguez, Colombia * Chuck Bolland, Estados Unidos * Dave Valko, Estados Unidos * Glenn Hauser, Estados Unidos * Robert “Bob” Wilkner, Estados Unidos * Jose Miguel Romero Romero, España * Manuel Jesus, Portugal * Roberto Pavanello, Italia

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Enero de 2010 – Buenos Aires - Republica Argentina.