CONTENIDO - Colombia Aprende...participantes que ayude a potenciar los valores sociales y propenda...

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Transcript of CONTENIDO - Colombia Aprende...participantes que ayude a potenciar los valores sociales y propenda...

Módulo de Paz y Convivencia C






1.1. Enfoque de Paz y Buena Convivencia 3 1.2. Competencias Ciudadanas 4 1.3. El Aprendizaje Experiencial 5


2.1. Aprendizaje Integrado del Lenguaje y del Contenido (CLIL) 8 2.2. Características del CLIL 8 2.3. CLIL en el Contexto Colombiano 9 2.4. Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos (PBL) 9


3.1. Descripción del Módulo 11 3.2. Objetivo General 11 3.3. Objetivos Específicos 11 3.4. Metodología 11 3.5. Estructura del Módulo de Paz y Convivencia 12 3.6. Recursos para la implementación del Módulo 13








Módulo de Paz y Convivencia C



“Sé el cambio que quieres ver en el mundo”

Mahatma Gandhi

Paz, equidad y educación son los tres pilares fundamentales que el presente Gobierno ha establecido

para el periodo 2014-2018. A su vez, el Ministerio de Educación Nacional, dentro de las estrategias

creadas para el cumplimiento de uno de sus objetivos misionales y en aras de mejorar la calidad de la

educación en todos los niveles cuenta con el Programa Colombia Bilingüe mediante el cual se contribuye

a que los estudiantes de todo el país mejoren sus competencias comunicativas en el idioma inglés.

En este contexto, el Ministerio de Educación Nacional, la Asociación Cristiana de Jóvenes de Bogotá y Cundinamarca y, la Federación Colombiana de ACJs-YMCA suscriben un convenio tripartito para el desarrollo y ejecución del Proyecto de “Campos de Inmersión en inglés”, en el cual participan 3.900 estudiantes de diferentes Instituciones de Educación oficiales del país.

Bajo un esquema de seguimiento y fortalecimiento “Post-Camp”, el Módulo de Paz y Convivencia se crea como una propuesta transversal al proyecto, en donde su objetivo primordial es dar continuidad brindando herramientas a los estudiantes beneficiados con el proyecto para el mejoramiento de su nivel de inglés y extender el impacto de los “Campos de Inmersión en inglés” a las instituciones educativas a través de la reflexión, fortalecimiento de los valores y la exposición a experiencias que propendan el liderazgo y la cultura de paz y convivencia. Durante la ejecución del Módulo los estudiantes participan en actividades que integran el desarrollo de la competencia comunicativa de la lengua extranjera y a su vez las competencias ciudadanas abordando temas relacionados al trabajo colaborativo, la no-violencia, y el pensamiento colectivo teniendo en cuenta los valores esenciales YMCA como son la integridad, el amor, la fe, la justicia, la fraternidad, la solidaridad, la responsabilidad y el respeto.

Por consiguiente, este Módulo busca promover que los participantes trabajen colectivamente en un

ambiente de diálogo, práctico y experiencial, y se conviertan en agentes locales de cambio y

embajadores de la paz a través de la reflexión sobre la buena convivencia, el respeto y la felicidad.

Módulo de Paz y Convivencia C



1.1. Enfoque de Paz y Buena Convivencia Uno de los propósitos de este módulo es el de desarrollar las competencias ciudadanas de sus participantes que ayude a potenciar los valores sociales y propenda la construcción colectiva de una cultura de paz en el contexto escolar y familiar. Por ende, es necesario que los actores involucrados entendamos el significado de las conceptualizaciones en torno a la construcción de la paz y la buena convivencia. La Universidad de Pamplona en su publicación titulada “Cultura de Paz, el Quinto Elemento” destaca la declaración de la Unesco de 1999 que define a la cultura de paz como el conjunto de valores, actitudes, tradiciones, comportamientos y estilos de vida, basados en el respeto a la vida y los derechos humanos, la promoción y la práctica de la no violencia, el abordaje pacífico de los conflictos, y la búsqueda de un desarrollo equitativo. En el mismo documento se cita a Vincent Martínez Guzmán quien afirma que para lograr una cultura de paz tenemos que crear “nuevas formas de cultivar las relaciones entre los seres humanos mismos y entre estos y la naturaleza para incrementar las posibilidades humanas de vivir en paz” y “reconstruir los momentos, actitudes, instituciones, que a lo largo de la historia han servido para organizarnos pacíficamente”1. Por su parte, el Observatorio de Construcción de Paz de la Universidad de Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano entiende por construcción de paz el conjunto de iniciativas, acciones, procesos y políticas que, en un contexto determinado, buscan intervenir antes, durante y después de los conflictos, con el fin de crear condiciones para que las sociedades sean capaces de tramitar sus diferencias de manera no violenta y prevenir la activación o reactivación de confrontaciones violentas. La construcción de paz puede abordar tanto las manifestaciones coyunturales de la violencia como las causas estructurales de la misma2. En este orden de ideas, hablamos de diversas formas como significamos, expresamos, practicamos y vivimos la paz en los diferentes contextos en los que nos desarrollamos e interactuamos. Aunque habitualmente se suele asociar paz con ausencia de conflicto, desde nuestra perspectiva, el conflicto hace parte de la construcción de paz en tanto es algo inherente a las relaciones humanas y es un motor de vida para el aprendizaje y el desarrollo cuando se aborda usando medios pacíficos y se asume como una oportunidad vital para crear procesos de cambio constructivo que reduzcan la violencia e incrementen la justicia en las interacciones directas entre las personas para alcanzar una sociedad más pacífica y armoniosa. Es así como, se han definido algunas premisas conceptuales que dan luces para encontrar un marco epistemológico y conceptual sobre el cual estructurar las propuestas metodológicas para abordar el tema y el lograr el alcance de los objetivos del presente Módulo.

1 Universidad de Pamplona. (2011). Cultura de Paz, el Quinto Elemento. Disponible en: 2 Universidad de Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano. (2011). Cuadernos Paz a la Carta N°1 Género y Construcción de Paz. ISSN:2448-6658. Disponible en:

Módulo de Paz y Convivencia C


Bajo éstas premisas el Ministerio de Educación Nacional y la ACJ-YMCA de Colombia a través del Módulo de Paz y Convivencia, centra sus acciones en torno a la construcción de la cultura de paz destacando los siguientes aspectos:

Trabajamos en pro de la vida y la paz, sin hacer exclusión, desarrollando un rol protagónico en defensa de la vida y la dignidad humana.

Actuamos como animadores de procesos de reflexión que induzcan a los niños, jóvenes y comunidades a la participación activa y asumir posiciones pacifistas activas, basadas en el amor, la fraternidad y el respeto como alternativas para una vida personal y comunitaria responsable.

Somos constructores de paz enfatizando en el trabajo preventivo y de promoción hacia la reconstrucción del tejido social involucrando procesos participativos.

1.2. Competencias Ciudadanas

Propender por una cultura de paz implica trabajar arduamente en el desarrollo de las competencias

ciudadanas y formar personas que sean capaces de ejercer los derechos y deberes de un buen ciudadano

en un ambiente de sana convivencia. En este sentido, las competencias ciudadanas son entendidas como

“el conjunto de conocimientos y de habilidades cognitivas, emocionales y comunicativas que, articulados

entre sí, hacen posible que el ciudadano actúe de manera constructiva en la sociedad democrática”.3

Las competencias ciudadanas se enmarcan en la perspectiva de derechos y brindan

herramientas básicas para que cada persona pueda respetar, defender y promover los

derechos fundamentales, relacionándolos con las situaciones de la vida cotidiana en las que

éstos pueden ser vulnerados, tanto por las propias acciones, como por las acciones de otros. En

esas situaciones, las competencias ciudadanas representan las habilidades y los conocimientos

necesarios para construir convivencia, participar democráticamente y valorar el pluralismo.

Si estas habilidades y conocimientos se desarrollan desde la infancia, los niños y las niñas

podrán ir construyendo los principios que fundamentan los derechos humanos y así los tendrán

como horizonte para su acción y su reflexión. Al entender su verdadero sentido y al

incorporarlos en la vida cotidiana, aprenderán, de verdad y no sólo en teoría, a promoverlos, a

respetarlos, a hacerlos respetar y a buscar apoyo cuando éstos estén en riesgo. (MEN, 2004: 6).

Dese un enfoque pedagógico y humanista, el Módulo de Paz se orienta hacia el fortalecimiento de las

habilidades y destrezas comunicativas y emocionales, tal como lo establece el Ministerio Nacional de

Educación, las cuales buscan que los estudiantes no solo asuman de manera pacífica y constructiva los

conflictos que suceden en la vida escolar y familiar, sino que también estén en capacidad de construir

relaciones pacíficas y aportar en la construcción de iniciativas a favor de la no-violencia en su contexto.

3 Ministerio de Educación Nacional. (2004). Estándares básicos de competencias ciudadanas. Bogotá: Ministerio de

Educación Nacional.

Módulo de Paz y Convivencia C


Partiendo desde el fundamento teórico previamente señalado, los productos finales estipulados durante

la implementación del Módulo de paz se constituyen como una herramienta de intervención en la

sociedad gracias a las iniciativas que los jóvenes desarrollarán en sus comunidades, con las cuales se

busca generar espacios de sana convivencia entre los estudiantes y plantar semillas para que las

instituciones educativas se conviertan en verdaderos generadores de acciones de paz.

1.3. El Aprendizaje Experiencial

Con relación al Aprendizaje Experiencial, varios autores han definido ampliamente este concepto como

un aprendizaje fundamentado en el actuar, la experiencia o la práctica (learning by doing, learning by

experience, hands-on learning). No obstante, la definición que Luckner y Nadler (1997) presentan es una

de la más comprensibles considerando que el proceso de aprendizaje no se reduce al simple hecho de

“aprender haciendo” sino también involucra la reflexión sobre la experiencia durante el procesamiento

de la información y la construcción colectiva del conocimiento.

Luckner y Nadler (1997) establecen que el Aprendizaje Experiencial está basado en la convicción de que

todo conocimiento debe empezar con la relación directa del individuo con el ambiente, donde encuentra

la oportunidad de esclarecer y estudiar la complejidad de esta relación y sus estados funcionales

emergentes. Desde ésta concepción, el proceso de aprendizaje es experiencial cuando las personas se

involucran en experiencias directas, reflexionan críticamente sobre éstas, derivan descubrimientos útiles

de este análisis e incorporan los resultados a través de un cambio en el entendimiento y/o en el

comportamiento. (Luckner and Nadler, 1997: 3).

Para comprender mejor la metodología del aprendizaje experiencial, es necesario precisar el modelo

desarrollado por Kolb (1984) quien identifica cuatro elementos que se constituyen en un proceso cíclico:

las experiencias concretas, la observación reflexiva, la conceptualización abstracta y la experimentación

activa. Según el autor, el aprendizaje puede iniciar en cualquiera de las cuatro fases, aunque

generalmente comienza con la experiencia concreta, la cual hace referencia a un reto particular que los

estudiantes deben asumir. Consecutivamente, se procede a la fase de la observación reflexiva,

considerada como una pausa en el desarrollo de las actividades que permite a los estudiantes reflexionar

sobre el pensamiento antes de crear conceptos abstractos y avanzar a la siguiente fase. Al igual que la

observación reflexiva, la conceptualización abstracta expande el proceso de reflexión conectando el

pensamiento abstracto con otros contextos y experiencias de la vida, y partiendo de este proceso, se

llega a la fase de la experimentación activa, la cual consiste en la aplicación real de los conceptos en

nuevas experiencias. En síntesis, se puede afirmar que para Kolb, la experiencia concreta se refiere al

“hacer” y “actuar”; mientras que el conocimiento tiene que ver con el procesamiento de los conceptos

abstractos constituidos a partir de la reflexión sobre la misma experiencia.

Módulo de Paz y Convivencia C


Este modelo de educación permite a los participantes adaptar o transformar algunas de sus actitudes y

comportamientos para tener un mejor desarrollo como individuo y como miembro de una comunidad,

dentro de los cuales se resaltan:

Trabajo en equipo: Toda la esencia del entrenamiento experiencial es el trabajo en equipo. A los

grupos se les presentan problemas que se resuelven con actividades donde la orientación es

hacia la cooperación, más productiva que la competitividad. Las personas que pasan por esta

experiencia no vuelven a ser iguales, comienzan a ser más amigos y compañeros, lo cual facilita

el trabajo en equipo, ya sea en el trabajo, en la familia o en la sociedad.

Liderazgo: En la experiencia personal de los participantes se aprende cómo alcanzar y sostener el

liderazgo en interacciones cara a cara. Durante las actividades los participantes identifican los

métodos más efectivos para ganar aceptación como líder y cómo comportarse como tal.

Creatividad: La educación experiencial desarrolla formas diferentes de pensamiento para

superar obstáculos o problemas. Permite, además, develar las diferentes formas de actuar de las

personas, influenciadas por su educación, cultura y cargo dentro de la empresa, familia o


Comunicación: El éxito en las empresas está ligado a una comunicación abierta y efectiva. Los

participantes en programas de educación experiencial se comunican para liderar y trabajar

efectivamente con el grupo, entender las instrucciones y encontrar información clave para el

logro de los objetivos.

Pensamiento Efectivo: Para salir con éxito de las pruebas, los participantes deben ser rápidos de

pensamiento y tener iniciativa. Los retos requieren planeación, teniendo en consideración cada

detalle, sin descuidar la meta y los integrantes del equipo.

Las actividades del Aprendizaje Experiencial no están limitadas al uso de técnicas estrictas a ser seguidas

como una receta o fórmula matemática. Más bien representan la posibilidad de hacer de cada instante,

un momento de aprendizaje que será enmarcado por una serie de preguntas que deben llevar a los

participantes a cuestionarse frente a su posición personal y a tomar compromisos frente a sus resultados

futuros, ya sean estos a nivel personal o grupal.

Lo que se busca entonces, mediante la metodología de Aprendizaje Experiencial, es despertar en los

participantes del Módulo de Paz la curiosidad y el deseo de transformar su hacer cotidiano en una forma

de relacionamiento que propenda por el encuentro, la reflexión de sus experiencias y la construcción

colectiva del conocimiento en un ambiente de sana convivencia.

Módulo de Paz y Convivencia C


“Los eventos están siempre y operando, sin importar lo que las personas hagan,

pero que en realidad lo que importa es el significado que se le da a estas

experiencias y que ese es el verdadero problema de los educadores, así como de

los estudiantes, el cómo construir significado partiendo desde la propia


John Dewey 1859 -1952


Con el propósito de clarificar la terminología relevante en nuestro contexto, es necesario señalar la diferencia que existe entre una segunda lengua y lengua extranjera; y adquisición y aprendizaje de una lengua. En primer lugar, se denomina como segunda lengua aquella que resulta imprescindible para actividades oficiales, comerciales, sociales y educativas o la que se requiere para la comunicación entre los ciudadanos de un país. Generalmente se adquiere por necesidad en la calle, en la vida diaria, por razones de trabajo o debido a la permanencia en un país extranjero. Algunas veces se adquiere durante la infancia; también puede aprenderse en el contexto escolar formal, bajo condiciones pedagógicas especialmente favorables, particularmente en el caso de los programas intensivos de educación bilingüe. Mientras que una lengua extranjera se considera a aquella que no se habla en el ambiente inmediato y local, pues las condiciones sociales cotidianas no requieren su uso permanente para la comunicación. Una lengua extranjera se puede aprender principalmente en el aula y, por lo general, el estudiante está expuesto al idioma durante períodos de tiempo controlados.4 Por otra parte, al hablar de adquisición y aprendizaje de una lengua, sería pertinente mencionar la diferenciación que Stephen Krashen establece en su teoría “Monitor Theory””, en la que afirma que existen dos maneras diferentes de ser competente en una segunda lengua o lengua extranjera. Según Krashen, la adquisición de una lengua ocurre de manera espontánea e inconsciente, conlleva a obtener fluidez conversacional y surge del uso natural de la lengua, de la misma manera como los niños asimilan su lengua materna, sin prestar atención a la forma y participando en situaciones comunicativas reales. El aprendizaje, sin embargo, es el conocimiento consciente de las reglas de la lengua que ocurre a través de una instrucción formal enfocando su atención a la forma y corrección del código lingüístico. De acuerdo a ésta teoría, el aprendizaje no logra convertirse en adquisición puesto que muchos hablantes son bastante competentes sin haber aprendido las reglas, mientras que otros quienes conocen las reglas aún continúan cometiendo errores en su desempeño.5 En síntesis, se puede afirmar que, a diferencia de la lengua materna y la segunda lengua, una lengua extranjera se aprende y durante el proceso lo que realmente se adquiere es la competencia comunicativa de dicha lengua. No obstante, y contrario a lo que Krashen afirma en su teoría, a pesar de no ser usada en circunstancias diferentes a las académicas, los estudiantes de una lengua extranjera

4 Ministerio de Educación (2006). Estándares básicos de competencias en lenguas extranjeras: inglés. Bogotá: Ministerio de Educación Nacional. 5 Lightbown, P. M., & Spada, N. (1993). How languages are learned. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Módulo de Paz y Convivencia C


pueden alcanzar altos niveles de desempeño y ser comunicativamente competitivos al expresar sus ideas e interactuar de manera efectiva cuando una situación de comunicación auténtica así lo requiera. Siguiendo este orden de ideas y teniendo en cuenta las diversas variables en las cuales se enmarca este proyecto, la propuesta pedagógica que soporta el desarrollo del Módulo de Paz incorpora los principios metodológicos del Aprendizaje Integrado del Lenguaje y del Contenido (Content and Language Integrated Learning - CLIL) y el Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos (Project-Based Learning - PBL). A través del uso de las metodologías propuestas en este programa de enseñanza, se logra que los participantes interactúen entre sí y trabajen colaborativamente en el desarrollo de prácticas innovadoras que les permitan acercarse al proceso de aprendizaje del inglés y por ende mejorar la competencia comunicativa en situaciones reales y significativas.

2.1. Aprendizaje Integrado del Lenguaje y del Contenido (CLIL) El Aprendizaje Integrado del Lenguaje y del Contenido (CLIL) se ha vuelto muy popular en los últimos años en Colombia. Un modelo que emplea la lengua extranjera como medio de instrucción orientado a promover el bilingüismo (Marsh, 2002). Este modelo sugiere que la atención pueda ser dirigida al contenido o al lenguaje, pues ambos se enseñan de manera conjunta. El CLIL beneficia las habilidades de recepción y vocabulario, morfología, creatividad, fluidez y factores afectivos (Marsh, 2002; Volver et al, 2006; Graddol, 2005). En el campo de la educación, esta metodología ha generado más seguidores, pues surge como una manera de promocionar la educación bilingüe. Por lo tanto, el CLIL promueve contextos de aprendizaje effectivo de la lengua extranjera a través del estudio de otros temas como la biología, las matemáticas, y las ciencias sociales; entre otros. Marsh (2001) argumenta que el CLIL ofrece la oportunidad de aprender un idioma a través de contenido específico; de manera que pueda ser aprendido naturalmente. Marsh, el creador del CLIL, establece que hay dos objetivos dentro del aula, el primero relacionado con el tema o contenido a ser implementado y otro vinculado a la lengua, por esta razón el CLIL es conocido como educación de doble enfoque.

2.2. Características del CLIL Investigaciones sobre el CLIL destacan que esta metodología de enseñanza desarrolla habilidades de comunicación intercultural, brindando oportunidades para el estudio contextual a través de diferentes perspectivas, promoviendo el aprendizaje de una lengua específica, desarrollando las habilidades comunicativas, varía el método de formas y métodos de prácticas dentro del aula e incrementa la motivación del estudiante. Coyle (1999) describe las 4Cs para presentar los componentes que se interrelacionan en el CLIL,

(Contenido, Comunicación, Cognición y Cultura). El contenido aborda la materia, el tema y los enfoques

cross-curriculares destacando sus objetivos; la comunicación ocurre de forma oral y escrita entre los

estudiantes quienes tienen que interactuar en contextos comunicativos; la cognición hace énfasis en el

desarrollo cognitivo y de habilidades de pensamiento las cuales retan a los estudiantes a volverse más

independientes y a pensar por sí mismos; y la cultura apunta a lograr que los estudiantes se entiendan a

sí mismos y tengan conciencia sobre otras culturas facilitando la comunicación con personas alrededor

del mundo y motivándolos a comprender factores interculturales. Las 4Cs se interrelacionan entre sí, y el

contenido se conecta con la cognición de tal manera que el nivel de la tarea puede ser seleccionado.

Módulo de Paz y Convivencia C


También, el contenido y el desarrollo cognitivo están ligados a la comunicación, en donde se define el

uso de la lengua, y finalmente, en el proceso se involucra la tercera C con la intención de desarrollar

conciencia cultural. Por lo tanto, estas características son necesarias para que los estudiantes CLIL sean

capaces de tener un apropiado entendimiento del contenido en un contexto comunicativo,

exponiéndolos a una exigencia cognitiva en la que desarrollan su conciencia intercultural.

2.3. CLIL en el Contexto Colombiano El CLIL ha servido de base a las instituciones educativas en términos de educación bilingüe en Colombia.

A pesar de que éste beneficia el proceso de aprendizaje de un lenguaje, tiene algunos retos que deben

ser afrontados en nuestro país. Rodríguez (2011) menciona que algunos retos necesitan de atención en

este campo. Primero, los restos de los estudiantes para entender el contenido y el lenguaje al mismo

tiempo; segundo, la formación docente respecto a su conocimiento en lenguaje y contenido; y tercero, el

material, el cual no es suficiente para integrar el CLIL; y finalmente, la competencia cultural e

intercultural, el cual se refiere a los retos al momento de contactar la lengua nativa y la segunda lengua

con la cultural para crear conciencia cultural. Estos aspectos son observados como factores

fundamentales para considerar la implementación del CLIL en el salón de Clase.

En conclusión, CLIL es una buena opción para traer el lenguaje al salón de clase, el estudio de cierto

contenido que promueva la adquisición de nuevo lenguaje y nuevo contenido, éste integrará y

desarrollará las habilidades del lenguaje mientras se afinan las académicas. Contenidos específicos

pueden ser reforzados y su uso promoverá un ambiente positivo hacia el aprendizaje del lenguaje ya que

no se concentra solo en la forma sino también en el significado (Hutchinson, 2009; Lasagabaster & Sierra,


2.4. Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos (PBL) El Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos surge después de la era del post-método (Richard and Rodgers,

2001), un modelo de enseñanza que organiza el aprendizaje alrededor de proyectos. Los estudiantes se

involucran en una metodología que les permite dirigir su propio aprendizaje y tener un acercamiento al

conocimiento significativo con un propósito real. De acuerdo con Buck (2009), el Aprendizaje Basado en

Proyectos se fundamenta en los principios que establecen que el conocimiento, el pensamiento y el

aprendizaje en contexto deben estar vinculados a la exploración, la negociación, la interpretación y la

resolución de problemas que enriquecen el proceso de aprendizaje. De igual manera, el Aprendizaje

Basado en Proyectos prioriza las competencias del “saber ser” en cualquier evento de aprendizaje. Esto

quiere decir que resalta la importancia del papel del estudiante como agente social dentro de la

comunidad. Aunque muchos autores establecen algunas directrices para esta metodología, coinciden en

que el Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos:

Reconoce la capacidad de los estudiantes para desarrollar trabajo significativo.

Reconoce al estudiante como el centro del aprendizaje.

Fomenta la ejecución de tareas auténticas y significativas.

Refuerza el pensamiento crítico a través de tareas que generan la discusión y búsqueda de

mecanismos para la resolución de problemas.

Promueve la frecuente retroalimentación y el aprendizaje basado en la experiencia.

Promueve el trabajo colaborativo ya que concibe el aprendizaje como una construcción por medio de

la interacción.

Módulo de Paz y Convivencia C


Estudios sobre el Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos (Rojas, 2005 citado por Mandonado, 2008) señalan

que es favorable para los estudiantes en la medida que contribuye a su futura formación profesional,

puesto que potencia la motivación para aprender, fomenta el aprendizaje colaborativo y significativo,

mejora las habilidades comunicativas y sociales, perfecciona las destrezas para la resolución de

problemas y permite la exploración de otras áreas del conocimiento.

Estudios en Colombia (Pinzón, 2014) evidencian que a través del Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos los

estudiantes fueron capaces de mejorar tanto sus habilidades individuales como sociales; tales como la

autoconfianza, la cooperación y la tolerancia. También se ha comprobado que el PBL tuvo un impacto

positivo en el desarrollo de las habilidades de producción oral gracias a que el proceso de aprendizaje

permitió generar un ambiente donde los estudiantes se sintieron menos ansiosos en el momento de usar

la lengua extranjera.


Considerando los beneficios y ventajas que el CLIC y el PBL otorgan al proceso de aprendizaje de una

lengua extranjera, el Módulo de Paz integra los principios de estos modelos pedagógicos para optimizar

el uso de las habilidades comunicativas y mejorar el nivel de inglés en los estudiantes de grado 10° de las

Instituciones Educativas focalizadas. Adicionalmente, la comunidad educativa está llamada a participar,

por medio del desarrollo del Módulo de Paz, los rectores, docentes de inglés y estudiantes encontrarán

en esta experiencia de aprendizaje las herramientas que les ayudará a construir la base para una

convivencia en paz y la resolución de conflictos en un contexto real y significativo.

Módulo de Paz y Convivencia C



3.1. Descripción del Módulo El Módulo de Paz y Convivencia ha sido creado como un instrumento pedagógico de seguimiento a los estudiantes e instituciones favorecidas con el proyecto de Campos de Inmersión en Inglés del Ministerio de Educación Nacional. Este módulo se construye con el fundamento teórico, objetivos, metodología y los recursos necesarios que persiguen el desarrollo de la competencia comunicativa del inglés y a su vez las competencias ciudadanas de los estudiantes a través de la implementación de actividades estratégicas que integran la práctica de las cuatro habilidades de la lengua extranjera (Listening, Reading, Speaking, Writing) y temas de contenido relacionados al liderazgo, el trabajo colaborativo, la no-violencia y la construcción colectiva del pensamiento teniendo en cuenta valores esenciales como son la integridad, el amor, la fe, la justicia, la fraternidad, la solidaridad, la responsabilidad y el respeto.

3.2. Objetivo General Promover el uso de la lengua extranjera en un contexto de aprendizaje experiencial, abordando temas

en torno a la Paz y la buena convivencia que contribuyan al desarrollo y la práctica de las habilidades

comunicativas y sociales para el apropiado ejercicio de la ciudadanía.

3.3. Objetivos Específicos Fortalecer las habilidades comunicativas del inglés a través de experiencias reales que permitan a los

participantes interactuar, aprender y reflexionar sobre sus comportamientos con una mirada de

tolerancia, convivencia y paz en los diferentes espacios que coexisten.

Promover el uso del inglés durante la implementación de actividades lúdico-pedagógicas que ayudan

a comprender los beneficios del trabajo colaborativo y la construcción del pensamiento colectivo

como una manera de vivir en comunidad.

Motivar a los participantes a mejorar sus competencias comunicativas en el idioma inglés y poner en

práctica sus habilidades sociales en la resolución de conflictos que fomenten el desarrollo de valores

y actitudes no violentas.

3.4. Metodología En concordancia con los fundamentos teóricos del Aprendizaje Experiencial y bajo un enfoque

humanista, la metodología que soporta el desarrollo de las sesiones del presente Módulo incorpora los

elementos pedagógicos del Aprendizaje Integrado del Lenguaje y del Contenido (CLIL) y el Aprendizaje

Basado en Proyectos (PBL). A través de la implementación de actividades estratégicas, los participantes

integran el uso de las habilidades comunicativas del inglés con temas relacionados a la paz y la buena

convivencia, y a su vez se incorpora el desarrollo de habilidades específicas como estrategias de

aprendizaje, el trabajo colaborativo y la construcción colectiva del pensamiento.

Módulo de Paz y Convivencia C


3.5. Estructura del Módulo de Paz y Convivencia El Módulo de Paz y Convivencia está dirigido a los estudiantes de 10° beneficiados con el proyecto de

Campos de Inmersión en Inglés, con un nivel básico de desempeño comunicativo A1-A2 de acuerdo a los

criterios establecidos por el “Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para Lenguas: Aprendizaje, enseñanza

y Evaluación”. El módulo tiene una duración de 12 horas las cuales están distribuidas en tres sesiones

presenciales y su estructura constituye una variedad de actividades que han sido diseñadas teniendo en

cuenta los siguientes componentes:

Componente lingüístico (teórico-práctico): se orienta hacia el desarrollo de la competencia

comunicativa en inglés y comprende las actividades que generan un contexto para el aprendizaje y

práctica de las habilidades lingüísticas en temas relacionados con valores, habilidades sociales, la paz

y la buena convivencia.

Componente lúdico-pedagógico: se orienta hacia la práctica y ejercitación de habilidades y destrezas

específicas como el trabajo en equipo, liderazgo, creatividad, comunicación y la construcción

colectiva del pensamiento en la consecución de un objetivo común durante la ejecución de

actividades auténticas y significativas.

Componente crítico-reflexivo: se centra en consolidar el aprendizaje a través de actividades que

promueven la retroalimentación, discusión, cuestionamiento y auto-reflexión de las experiencias

vividas desde una perspectiva individual y colectiva.

Además, teniendo en cuenta los fundamentos pedagógicos del Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos (PBL) y principios del Aprendizaje Experiencial, se ha diseñado una actividad complementaria que consiste en la realización de un proyecto sobre la paz que incorpora el uso de las habilidades comunicativas en la lengua extranjera y a la vez los conocimientos adquiridos en el módulo a través de la creación de un producto que sirve como una estrategia de reflexión e intervención en la comunidad. Con base en lo anterior, el Módulo de Paz y Convivencia se estructura de la siguiente manera:






Greeting & Program


Icebreaker 1 The Pony

Icebreaker 2 I stand in

common with…

Assertive Rights

Hula Hoop Race


The Trophy

Balloon Match

The Tower

Day Debrief

Commitments & Homework





My Friend’s Virtues

My hero Project


A Real-Life


Dice Race

1-2-3 Noodles

A Good Support

Day Debrief

Módulo de Paz y Convivencia C






The SociAbility


Master Key

Feetza Tower

Rescue Boats

The Flight of the


Day Debrief



STAGE 1 Planning & Designing

STAGE 2 Creating the

Project STAGE 3

Presenting the Products


3.6. Recursos para la implementación del Módulo En la siguiente sección de este documento se presenta la organización de los contenidos de cada una de

las sesiones que constituyen el Módulo de Paz y comprende la descripción detallada del objetivo,

aspectos metodológicos y población a quien se dirige el aprendizaje, los recursos lingüísticos para el uso

funcional de la lengua y las instrucciones y materiales necesarios para la ejecución de las actividades, así

como las especificaciones para el desarrollo del proyecto sobre la construcción de paz.

De igual manera, en cada apartado se anexan los recursos imprimibles que el facilitador puede adaptar

de acuerdo a las características particulares del contexto escolar en el que se va a implementar el

Módulo de Paz.

Finalmente, como un recurso de aprendizaje adicional que articula el uso de las tecnologías educativas

con los contenidos del Módulo de Paz, cada sesión cuenta con un banco de actividades interactivas las

cuales están disponibles en la página web de la YMCA Colombia:

Módulo de Paz y Convivencia C






AIM OF THE SESSION To communicate and exchange information in English to understand the benefits of working collaboratively on the achievement of a goal.

TARGET POPULATION For the accomplishment of this session, the maximum number of participants should comprise 20 students per facilitator and they should have an A1-A2 Language Proficiency Level as defined by the Common European Framework (CEF).


GENERAL DESCRIPTION: This meeting is the first of a series of three sessions and provides participants with opportunities to work collaboratively on a variety of activities implemented to reinforce English-language skills and enhance teamwork, cooperation and leadership abilities while achieving a goal.

METHODOLOGY: Supported by a humanistic orientation and the Experiential Learning fundamentals, the methodology of the session incorporates elements of these pedagogical models: Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) and Project-Based Learning (PBL). By means of the execution of strategic activities, participants integrate the use of language skills and content pertaining to harmony, peace and good co-existence. The completion of indoor and outdoor project work and assignments will empower partakers to practice English and achieve a goal collaboratively in a real-life setting. As a result, challenges and teamwork take place in an experiential scenario allowing participants to promote linguistic competence and reflect upon their own social skills.





00:00 Greeting and Program Presentation

Become familiar with the program and employ elements of basic English grammar and vocabulary to get to know one another.

- Understand the goals and objectives of the program.

- Use common expressions and words to introduce themselves.

- Use simple phrases

and sentences to exchange personal information on familiar topics.

PC, video beam (optional), whiteboard, erasable marker, printed wordlists & pictures.

Módulo de Paz y Convivencia C


Language Function Word Bank & Linguistic Resources

- Greeting someone. - Exchanging personal


- Common expressions: Good morning/Hi/Hello/Let me introduce myself…. My name is and I am/like/have…. Nice to meet you / It’s great to be here/ I’m very happy to…

- Focalized lexis: leader, coach, participant, student, session, assignment, challenge, game, contest, skill, team, group work, score, teamwork, collaboration, cooperation…

- Personality adjectives: nice, kind, responsible, energetic, friendly, collaborative, enthusiastic, sociable, polite, patient…

- Animals: Eagle, lion, meerkat, tiger, sheep, shark, dog, bird, elephant, squirrel, turtle, crocodile, bat, wolf, bear, pony, monkey, dolphin, giraffe, cat…

- Language Focus: To be – a/an – this/that Question words (what, where, who, which, when, where, how) Possessive adjectives (my, your, her, his, their, our, its)

Teaching & Learning Resources

- Pictures of Animals (Printed handouts or slide) - Personality Adjectives (Printed list or slide) Online Resources: -


- Leaders welcome participants and provide general information about the session (aim and brief description).

- Right then, leaders introduce themselves, say three personality traits and mention their favorite animal using a language pattern (e.g. Hi everybody, my name is _____. I’m funny, energetic and collaborative. My favorite animal is the lion).

- Leaders distribute printed wordlists and pictures to present new vocabulary related to “Positive Personality Traits” & “Animals”.

- Each student must read and choose three words that describe themselves and one of the animals they best like.

- Participants replicate the pattern to give a short self-introduction and speak about some personality traits and their favorite animals.

- During interaction, leaders may ask further questions and elicit more vocabulary related to personality and animals.




00:10 Icebreaker 1 “The Pony”

Use English in an aesthetic and practical way to get positively ready for the session activities.

- Repeat words, short phrases and memorized chunks of language.

- Recognize familiar

words in English and extract meaning from oral input.

Printed Handouts (Optional)

Módulo de Paz y Convivencia C


- Sing a song and act it out physically.

Language Function Word Bank & Linguistic Resources

- Practicing the new language in an aesthetic and functional setting.

- Focalized lexis: pony, hand, head, jog, rope, stop, jump, jog, sing, body, fast/faster…

- Lexical Collocations: listen to me, repeat after me, sing together, clap your hands, jump around the circle, stand in the middle, move your hands, ride a pony.

- Language Focus: Prepositions of place: front, back, side, in the middle, next, over, Imperatives/Commands.

Teaching & Learning Resources

- “Ride my Pony” Song lyrics Online Resources: - “Ride that Pony Camp Game” Video – available on:


- Leaders introduce the activity by asking a set of questions, such as: “Do you like horses? Why? Have you ever ridden a horse? Did you like it? What is the best thing about horses? What about Ponies? Have you ever seen a Pony? What are ponies like?”

- Then, leaders teach the song “Ride my Pony” line by line and imitate galloping motion by jogging and swinging hand overhead.

- Participants are encouraged to perform the song chorally several times until they learn it. - Once the whole group knows the song lyrics and movements, they circle up and the leader

stands in the middle. - All the students start clapping and singing along with the leader as he/she jogs around the

circle “riding a little pony”. - When singing "Front to Front, my Pony" the leader stops in front of someone else and both

perform the dance and actions together. - Then both participants jog around the circle for a while. - Right after that, the leader switches places with the first participant he/she was dancing

with and the activity continues until every student has had the chance to jog around the circle.



00:20 Icebreaker 2 “I stand in Common with…”

Use simple phrases in English to identify common characteristics among participants.

- Use a simple language pattern to provide identifying information about self.

- Recognize familiar words relating to personality traits.

Whiteboard, markers, printed wordlist.

Language Function Word Bank

Módulo de Paz y Convivencia C


- Making associations - Talking about

personal characteristics.

- Personality words: nice, kind, responsible, energetic, friendly, collaborative, enthusiastic, sociable, polite, helpful, tolerant, sensible, comprehensible, respectful, sensitive, happy…

Teaching & Learning Resources

- Personality Adjectives (Printed handouts from Activity 1)


- Leaders assign participants to place chairs in a circle to have a better instructional communication for the activity.

- One of the leaders remains standing up in the middle and explains everyone has something in common with someone in the room.

- He/she emphasizes that the purpose of this icebreaker game is to identify commonalities among players.

- Students must choose words (adjectives) listed in Activity 1 and present his/her characteristic orally by using this introductory phrase: “I stand in common with (kind) people”.

- The game begins when the leader speaks and all the players who match with his/her characteristic must get up and find another seat.

- The leader hurries to sit on one of the empty chairs and the player left standing in the middle of the circle has the turn to restart the game.




00:30 Assertive Rights Promote communicative language use as a means of dialogue, negotiations or mediation of conflicts.

- Participate actively in group discussions using basic English elements to express opinions and interact with others.

- Understand the

concept of Win-Win and the opportunity to lead the results.

PC, video beam, slide (Optional) Printed handouts, markers, and whiteboard.

Language Function Word Bank

- Expressing feelings and emotions.

- Explaining concepts. - Giving personal

opinions. (Agreeing/Disagreeing)

- Expressions for discussions: In my opinion/view…, I think/believe/consider, we agree/disagree with…, I feel the same way, we’re not sure about it, that’s for sure, I don’t think so, that’s true…

- Focalized lexis: Assertiveness, Assertive rights, Co-existence, behavior, attitude, reaction, thoughts, opinions…

- Feeling words: calm, quiet, relaxed, peaceful, easy-going, confident, considerate, tolerant, polite/mad, angry, upset, offensive, anxious, stressed, guilty, frustrated, rude.

Módulo de Paz y Convivencia C


Teaching & Learning Resources

- Feeling & Emotions – Useful Expression for Giving opinion (Printed handout)

- Am I Assertive? Questionnaire (Printed or Slide) - Assertive Rights (Printed List or Slide) Online Resources: - Am I Assertive? Questionnaire:

- Assertive Rights:


- Leaders introduce the topic related to Assertiveness by acting out the next problem scenario: “Two friends are at the movies and the line for tickets is too long. Suddenly, two strangers arrive and get in line just before you”.

- The leader poses the next question: “How do you react in that situation?” and asks students to stand up if A. You get angry and shout at them, or to stay sitting if B. You get angry but stay quiet.

- The purpose of the question is to highlight that being assertive is about standing up for your rights in calm way without being aggressive or quietly accepting what seems to be wrong.

- To understand better the meaning of Assertiveness, the leader presents the “Am I Assertive? Questionnaire” using a slide or printed copies and gives students a “word bank sheet” with vocabulary and useful expressions they will need for expressing opinions.

- The leader asks students to read aloud one of the 15 questions and the rest of participants must react: Stand up with a YES or Keep Sitting with a NO answer.

- Each student must keep the track of how many times he/she gives a YES for an answer. - The leader asks participants the final question “How many times did you answer YES?” and

resolves how assertive they are. - Students are now ready to work in groups, so they are divided in teams of five members. - Each group must think of an Animal to identify themselves and name their team. - The leader provides participants with a list of Assertive Rights using a slide or printed

handouts and focus on common expressions used to express agreement or disagreement. - Each team must select three rights, gather their thoughts and contribute to group

discussions based on prompting questions, such as: “Why do you agree with it?”, “When do you feel you have the right?”.

- Students must be encouraged to brainstorm words or concepts that summarize their opinion on the Assertive Rights they have chosen.

- Then, one member of each team writes the words on the board to share his/her group ideas with the other teams.

- The leader asks participants to explain why they have chosen the words and concepts. - Students must use the language expressions to share their points of view. - At the end of the activity, the facilitator will lead the overall conclusion based on the

participants’ ideas.

Módulo de Paz y Convivencia C





01:00 Hula Hoop Race Employ instructional English-language to establish good communication and result orientation when achieving a shared goal.

- Understand live spoken language related to content-based material.

- Promote teamwork and collaboration when performing a task.

- Use common

expressions in English to suggest ways to resolve issues or pose solutions.

Hula Hoop

Language Function Word Bank

- Explaining. - Giving instructions. - Reaching agreements - Motivating someone

- Focalized lexis: Hula-hoop, body parts (head, hands, legs, waist, arms, elbows, shoulders, knees), adverbs (fast/faster, slowly/more slowly, carefully.

- Lexical Collocations: hold/grab your hands, step in/through, pass around, stand in your position, get down on your knees, hold on, check the time, bend a little…

- Cheering words & expressions: Awesome! Try it! Come on! That’s great! Keep going! You can do it! Hold on! Be careful! Go on! Nice doing! Go faster! Well done! Good job!

Teaching & Learning Resources

Using Realia – Hula Hoop, Body language, Physical movements.


- For this activity, all participants make a circle and leaders introduce vocabulary related to body parts and physical movements using physical response techniques.

- Students listen to a command (Touch your head, shoulders and knees, hold your hands, pass around the Hula Hoop, Step in the Hula Hoop) and then physically act it out.

- Leaders make sure players understand commands and become able to give them to other people.

- To start the game, the leader asks them to hold hands with partners who are standing side by side and puts a hula-hoop around the grabbed hands of two players.

- The goal of this team game is to pass the hula-hoop all the way around the circle without letting go of each other’s hands.

- In doing so, players must step through the hoop and pass it one another until it reaches its home position.

- Before the game starts, participants must wonder how long they will take to get the hoop around the circle and come to an agreement on an estimated time.

- During the activity, the leader times the players’ performance and makes sure they keep

Módulo de Paz y Convivencia C


holding hands. - The race finishes when the hula-hoop passes over each player around the circle. - Once the leader checks if teammates successfully completed the activity with perfect

timing, he/she challenges them to start from the beginning and fulfill the goal in less time. - Based on the first turn, leaders encourage players to think over new strategies, such as

“changing positions”, “body movements”, “cheering” ..., in order to facilitate the achievement of the target and reduce the time required.



01:20 The Trophy

Establish good instructional communication in English to promote teamwork and honesty when performing a task.

- Recognize words and simple instructions in English to accomplish a task.

- React to possible conflicting situations in an assertive way.

Trophy (toy, ball, water bottle, or any other object)

Language Function Word Bank

- Explaining. - Expressing plans. -

- Focalized lexis: trophy, award, row, line, electric current, body parts (hands, palms, fingers, back, waist), adverbs (fast/faster, slowly/more slowly, carefully, honestly,

- Lexical Collocations: put hands behind, squeeze/grab hands, go back to your place, keep alert, pay attention get/pass the squeeze…

Teaching & Learning Resources

Using Realia – Trophy, Body language, Physical movements.


- In this activity, leaders divide the group into two teams and have participants stand face-to-face in two rows leaving enough room for a person to walk through.

- A Trophy (bottle, toy, marker or any other object) must be placed at the end of the team rows.

- The leader will be standing at the beginning of the rows and introduces vocabulary related to body parts and physical movements using physical response techniques.

- Students listen to a command (Put your hands up/down/behind, squeeze your friend’s fingers, grab the trophy, put it down…) and then physically act it out.

- Players must put hands behind their bodies and hold the palms of his/her teammates’ without interlacing fingers.

- To start the game, the leader grabs the hands of the first two players in each line and gives them a squeeze.

- Teammates must keep alert to get the squeeze and pass it from one another like an “electric current” until it reaches the last person in line.

- In the meantime, the leader talks to cause distraction and warns players not to lose sight of the trophy.

- As soon as the last teammate gets the squeeze, he/she will try to grab the trophy before his/her opponent. The first team to get it wins.

Módulo de Paz y Convivencia C


- The following situations may occur during the game: a. The current flows quickly and the last member of one of the teams takes the Trophy. In this

case, the player scores one point for the team. He/she must then put the trophy back into place and becomes the first person in line for the next round.

b. The leader does not give the squeeze and one of the two teams takes the Trophy. In this case, the last teammate must change places with the first one and the scoring point will be attributed to the opposing team.

c. None of the teammates passes the squeeze nor takes the Trophy. It is therefore necessary

to revise what happened and reframe the instructions to continue the activity. The game will finish when the player, who was standing next to the Trophy at the beginning, goes through the whole line of the team and returns to his/her home position.



01:40 Balloon Match Foster communicative language use and effective teamwork skills in a collaborative working environment.

- Encourage participants to take a stance and use language to defend it.

- Analyze and share

ideas in English relating to the pros and cons of choices, procedures, strategies or events.

Balloons, Place Markers (chairs, shoes, tape, bags or any other objects…)

Language Function Word Bank

- Asking questions - Agreeing/Disagreeing - Summarizing

- Focalized lexis: Balloon, pitch, end zone, score, point, rules, foul, referee, opponent, adverbs (fast/faster, slowly/more slowly, carefully).

- Lexical Collocations: move around, stay still, don’t move, make a pass, receive the balloon, stop it! Give it to me, Pass it around…

Teaching & Learning Resources

Body language, Physical movements.


- This game is an adaptation of classic Football with some variations taken from Ultimate Frisbee sport. So, all we need is an inflated balloon and lay out a small-sized pitch on a hall using objects as place markers (chairs, shoes, bags…).

- Leaders divide the group into two teams and explain the objective of the game is to score points by putting the balloon in the end zone of the opposing team. This may occur either scoring as many points as possible in a time limit or reaching a precise number of entries.

- Participants must understand and follow these instructions for the game: 1. Players can move around the pitch and not allow people to stay defending the end zone.

Módulo de Paz y Convivencia C


2. The player who holds the balloon must stand still and cannot move until he/she passes or throws the balloon to a teammate.

3. At no time, will players make physical contact with others or have aggressive attitudes towards their opponents.

4. It is suggested no to hit the balloon to avoid popping it up. 5. If one of the teammates let the balloon fall off, the opposite team immediately takes

possession of it. 6. Participants become referees and must ensure adherence to the rules and the welfare and

involvement of all players. 7. The game will restart after each score or when a foul occurs.

When the game is over, leaders stress players’ attitudes and have them discuss the effectiveness of group strategies, collaborative behavior and the achievement of results in relation to the rules of the game.





02:15 The Tower

Use effective communicative tools, written and oral, to get involved in teamwork and group challenges.

- Employ basic English structures and vocabulary to suggest ways to resolve issues or pose solutions.

- Compare/contrast

features, traits, characteristics using general and some specific language.

- Estimate, make

predictions or pose hypotheses from models.

For each group: 30 skewer sticks. 20 plastic straws. 5 Meters of Masking Tape. 2 Meters of comet threads. 1 A4 of card paper. 1 Round Tip Scissors. 1 Permanent Marker.

Language Function Word Bank

- Expressing prohibition/strong obligation

- Comparing/Contrasting - Agreeing/Disagreeing

- Skills: imaginative, resourceful, innovative, cooperative, creative, effective, good planner, collaborative, hard-working, skillful with hands, good listener, quick thinker, strategic, organizer, decision-maker, attentive, problem-solver…

- Language focus: must, allow to, cannot, have to… - Comparatives & Superlatives: higher/the highest, strong/the

strongest, beautiful/the most beautiful, the best/the worst, the most difficult/the easiest, the most important…

Teaching & Learning Resources

Módulo de Paz y Convivencia C


- Construction Rules (Printed Checklist) - The Tower Project Worksheet (Handouts) - List of Skills (Printed handouts)


- Leaders divide participants into groups of 10 or 12 members and each team chooses a name to identify themselves.

- Leaders introduce the activity picturing the next imaginary scenario: “Professionals of the most renowned construction companies in the country were invited to work in a project for the creation of the highest and most beautifully designed tower”.

- Participants will be provided with a Project worksheet, a wordlist of Skills and a variety of props and materials they will need for their tower construction.

- The leader emphasizes that all teammates taking part in the project must contribute to achieving the objective adopting one of these roles described on the Project Worksheet: Designers: people who imagine how the tower will be constructed and draw a plan for it. Builders: people who make use of available resources to construct the tower. Workers: people who work in a specific job for the construction of the tower.

- Participants must identify and match three skills to each role according to their functions. - Teams will have 5 minutes to distribute roles (designers, builders and workers) and plan the

design and making of the tower. - Leaders warn participants that they will have 30 minutes to build the tower and gives them

a printed checklist with the “Construction Rules”. Construction Rules: 1. All the teammates must support the design and construction of the tower. 2. The tower must be as high as the highest mountain, as resistant as the hardest rock and

as beautiful as the most artistic work of art. 3. You are not allowed to use any additional materials to construct the tower. 4. You must make use of all the resources provided. 5. There must not be any materials left over at the end. 6. The tower must sustain itself and be movable. 7. The tower cannot be anchored or attached to anything. 8. Teams must put a name to their construction. 9. The name must be visible on the tower. 10. The tower must be constructed within the time limit.

- When the project is finished, teams compare their own constructions by answering these

questions: Which is the highest tower? Which tower is the most beautiful of all? Which is the strongest tower? Why did you name the tower like that? Which tower do you like the most? Why?

- Finally, facilitators lead participants to discuss the effectiveness of group strategies, collaborative behavior and the achievement of results in relation to the adopted roles, abilities and teamwork.

Módulo de Paz y Convivencia C





3:00 Day Debrief Reflect upon the use of English-language and the activities implemented during the session.

- Understand information in a text and analyze the pros and cons of choices.

- Express insights and

feelings through oral interaction.

Whiteboard and markers. Handouts and pens/pencils.

Language Function Word Bank

- Giving personal opinions.

- Summarizing. - Expressing feelings &


- Session Activities: The Pony, I stand in common with…, Assertive Rights, Hula Hoop Race, The Trophy, Balloon Match, The Tower.

- Vocabulary Recap: personality adjectives, feeling words, skills, animals, traits…

- Expressions for giving opinions: In my opinion/view…, I think/believe/consider, we agree/disagree with…, I feel that, the best thing is…

Teaching & Learning Resources

- Session Reflection Sheet (Printed copies) - Session Wordlists (Printed handouts from Activities 1 & 8)


- Leaders assign all participants to place chairs in a circle to create a comfortable environment for the group reflection.

- Leaders raise awareness on the “Reflection Moment” telling students this is an opportunity through we all can share our feelings and learn from experience.

- In order for students to express their thoughts and assess their participation, they will be provided with a Self-Reflection Sheet which explores their insights into these questions:


- Students will have 10 minutes to answer the Reflection Questions individually and

simultaneously as facilitators monitor their responding step by step. - Then, leaders divide students in groups of 5 and ask them to compare their responses with

one another. - Each team must gather common thoughts and feelings and get ready to socialize their

group conclusions. - Facilitators allow participants to share their opinions and insights in front of the audience

and write summarized ideas on the board to conclude the reflection moment.

Módulo de Paz y Convivencia C





3:30 My Hero Reinforce what participants learned from the session and encourage them to use the target language in a personalized project.

- Reflect on what being a Hero stands for.

- Describe the characteristics of a real-life hero.

- Develop vocabulary

building tasks.

Printed handouts.

Language Function Word Bank & Linguistic Resources

- Describing people. - Talking about

someone’s good characteristics.

- Focalized lexis: hero, real-life hero, virtues, physical appearance, heroic acts, anti-heroic traits, enemies, good qualities, mind map…

Teaching & Learning Resources

- My Hero Project (Homework Sheet) Online Resources: - - -


- Leaders introduce homework by asking a set of questions, such as: What makes someone a hero? Who is your hero? What are the good qualities of a hero?

- Facilitators give a short definition of a Hero as “a person who is admired by many people for doing something brave or good”, and elicit the difference between a real-life hero and superheroes.

- Leaders give each student a copy of the Homework Sheet and ask them to think of a famous character or an inspiring person who can be a real-life hero, e.g. Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Stephen Hawking, a firefighter, a nurse, a single mother…

- Students must read the homework instructions and hand in their “Hero Projects” on next session.



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Annex 2. Personality Adjectives

Annex 3. “Ride my Pony” Song Lyrics

Ride my Pony

Here we go, ride my Pony.

Round we go, my big fat Pony.

Here we go, ride my Pony.

This is how we do it!

Front to front to front my Pony.

Side to side to side my Pony.

Back to back to back my Pony.

This is how we do it!!

Módulo de Paz y Convivencia C


Annex 4. Word Bank & Useful Expressions Sheet – Activity 4

Feelings & Emotions




I agree with…

We feel the same way!

That’s true!

That’s for sure!


I don’t agree


We disagree with it!

We don’t think


We’re not sure about it!

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Annex 5. Am I Assertive? (Questionnaire)

Taken from:

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Annex 6. Assertive Rights

Taken from:

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Annex 7. The Tower Project Worksheet


Project Team:


Number of Professionals: _________

Planning Time: _________

Construction Time: _________

Task 1: Read carefully the description of the professionals and match three skills for each role. Professionals Descriptions

Designers: people who imagine how the tower will be constructed and draw a plan for it.

Builders: people who make use of available resources to construct the tower.

Workers: people who work in a specific job for the construction of the tower.

Task 2: Based on the identified skills, distribute roles for each member of your team. Task 3: Look at all the materials you have and design a sketch of the construction of the tower.














Roles & Skills

Módulo de Paz y Convivencia C


Annex 8. Construction Rules Checklist

10 Construction Rules 1. All the teammates must support the design and construction of the


2. The tower must be as high as the highest mountain, as resistant as the

hardest rock and as beautiful as the most artistic work of art.

3. You are not allowed to use any additional materials to construct the


4. You must make use of all the resources provided.

5. There must not be any materials left over at the end.

6. The tower must sustain itself and be movable.

7. The tower cannot be anchored or attached to anything.

8. Teams must put a name to their construction.

9. The name must be visible on the tower.

10. The tower must be constructed within the time limit.

Annex 9. List of Skills

Módulo de Paz y Convivencia C


Annex 10. Session Reflection Sheet


What’s your name? _______________________________________________________________

A. Choose the activity you most enjoyed during the session.

B. Mark with an X the words that best describe your feelings when using English.

_____ Happy _____ Proud _____ Confident _____ Peaceful _____ Unafraid _____ Risk-taking _____ Interested _____ Outgoing _____ Accepting

_____ Unhappy _____ Ashamed _____ Insecure _____ Anxious _____ Afraid _____ Cautious _____ Bored _____ Shy _____ Critical

C. Read the actions and put a number in front if they were easy, confusing or difficult for you to do.

D. Write four (4) skills you feel confident to use when performing the activities.


a. Organize teamwork and plan for the activity _____ b. Identify the purpose of the activity _____ c. Make decisions for the activity _____ d. Understand the instructions _____ e. Use English to communicate with others _____

E. Read the Teamwork Statements and mark “Yes”, “Sometimes” or “No”.

F. Think of your participation and write a few words about…

Something I improved at the end of session

Something I will do different next session


1. I understood what my role was.

2. I enjoyed working with others.

3. I offered to help when it was needed.

4. I performed my best skills.

5. I actively participated in the group.

6. I used English to communicate.

My Favorite



_______ _______


Ride my Pony

Hula Hoop Race

Balloon Match

I Stand in Common with…

Assertive Rights

The Trophy

The Tower

Módulo de Paz y Convivencia C


Annex 11. Homework Sheet

My Hero Project Student’s Name: ______________________________________________

Task 1: Think of a famous character or an inspiring person who can be a real-life hero. Examples: Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Stephen Hawking, a firefighter, a nurse, a single mother… Task 2: Look at the Mind Map and complete the bubbles with the following information: VIRTUES: write 5 words that describe the good qualities of your hero. HEROIC ACTS: mention 3 of the most heroic acts of your hero. PHYSICAL APPEARANCE: write 4 physical aspects to describe what your hero looks like. ANTI-HEROIC TRAITS: write 5 words that describe what a hero should not be. ENEMIES: mention 3 enemies or difficult situations your hero must fight.


Módulo de Paz y Convivencia C





AIM OF THE SESSION To communicate and exchange information in English to understand cooperation and collective thinking as a way of living in a community.

TARGET POPULATION For the accomplishment of this session, the maximum number of participants should comprise 20 students per facilitator and they should have an A1-A2 Language Proficiency Level as defined by the Common European Framework (CEF).


GENERAL DESCRIPTION: This second session leads participants to interact with one another though the implementation of some activities that have been designed to reinforce English-language skills and raise awareness of how important collective thinking construction is to disseminate the values of cooperation and support as the bedrock of society.

METHODOLOGY: Supported by a humanistic orientation and the Experiential Learning fundamentals, the methodology of the session incorporates elements of these pedagogical models: Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) and Project-Based Learning (PBL). By means of the execution of strategic activities, participants integrate the use of language skills and content pertaining to harmony, peace and good co-existence. The completion of indoor and outdoor project work and assignments will empower partakers to practice English and achieve a goal collaboratively in a real-life setting. As a result, challenges and teamwork take place in an experiential scenario allowing participants to promote linguistic competence and reflect upon their own social skills.





00:00 My Friend’s Virtues

Become familiar with the session and employ elements of basic English grammar and vocabulary to recognize each other’s virtues.

- Identify virtues and the good qualities in a person.

- Interact with others by

asking and answering questions in English.

- Use language prompts

to report information.

Whiteboard, erasable marker, printed handouts.

Language Function Word Bank & Linguistic Resources

Módulo de Paz y Convivencia C


- Exchanging personal


- Asking about someone’s traits.

- Focalized lexis: virtues, values, principles, good moral qualities - Virtues (Adjectives): Adventurous, Energetic, Moral, Assertive,

Courageous, Fair, Dedicated, Loyal, Compassionate, Persevering, Confident, Charitable, Honest, Intrepid, kind, Wise, Focused, Determine, Responsible, Charismatic, Adventurous, Humble.

- Language Focus: Simple present (Tense verb)

Teaching & Learning Resources

- My Friend’s Virtues (Worksheets A & B) - My Friend’s Virtues (Answer Key)


- Leaders welcome students and provide general information about the session (aim and

brief description). - Divide participants into two groups (A and B) and explain that the purpose of the activity is

to practice asking and answering questions about someone’s virtues or the “good moral qualities” in a person.

- Give students a copy of the corresponding worksheet (A/B) and ask them to go over the words and the descriptions column.

- Students will have 10 minutes to match the virtues and descriptions and check their answers with other teammates.

- For the speaking activity, elicit the questions participants need to ask using the first prompt as an example, e.g. Do you like to try new or exciting things?

- Ask the question to one student and if the answer is “No, I don’t”, repeat the question with another participant until one of them says, “Yes, I do”.

- Right then, emphasize that the person who likes to try new or exciting things in life is “adventurous”.

- Once the students understand the idea, split the teams into pairs (A and B) for the question-and-answer moment.

- Students must take turns to interview one another using the prompts on the worksheet (10 minutes).

- According to his/her partner’s answer, the interviewer must write YES or NO on the appropriate column.

- In the meantime, monitor the students’ oral performance and motivate them to use the language accurately.

- When everyone has finished, assign participants to make a circle for the report moment. - Tell students they must give feedback to the whole group on the qualities they found out

about their partners. - Demonstrate the activity with an example: “Hi everyone, my name is José and this is my

friend Ana. Ana likes to try new or exciting things and believes in her abilities. She is adventurous and confident”.

- Have students perform the activity in 10 minutes. - When everyone has had the turn to speak, leaders wrap up the activity by putting great

emphasis on the most common virtues of participants.

Módulo de Paz y Convivencia C





00:40 My Hero Project (Homework Check)

Personalize the target vocabulary related to the topic of the session.

- Create a Mind Map collectively to expand vocabulary knowledge.

Board, erasable markers, printed handouts.

Language Function Word Bank & Linguistic Resources

- Describing people. - Talking about

someone’s good characteristics.

- Focalized lexis: hero, real-life hero, virtues, physical appearance, heroic acts, anti-heroic traits, enemies, good qualities, mind map, good deeds…

Teaching & Learning Resources

- My Hero Project Mind Maps (Homework Sheets)


- Leaders assign participants to place chairs in a circle to have a better instructional communication for the activity.

- For homework revision, draw a Mind Map on the board to collect the most relevant ideas related to the Virtues, Heroic Acts, Anti-Heroic Traits & Enemies of the student’s heroes.

- Model the activity by asking questions, such as: Who is your hero? What are the good qualities of your hero? Which are the most heroic acts of your hero? Which are the enemies or difficulties your hero must fight?

- Elicit random participation and write some of students’ answers on the board to create the Mind Map collectively.

- Once the homework check is finished, consolidate participants’ ideas and tell them that a Real-life hero could be “anyone who does good deeds or acts to make the world a better place to live in”.



00:50 A Real-Life Hero

Promote communicative language use and engender societal values through collective thinking construction.

- Foster exchange and discussion of good social behaviors to disseminate values among participants.

- Work collaboratively to reflect and consolidate concepts related to virtues of real-life heroes.

- Use the language to

discuss and lead conclusions on the subject matter.

Flashcards, Printed Cards, Worksheets, Online Flashcards (Optional), Audio Device, Speakers.

Módulo de Paz y Convivencia C


Language Function Word Bank

- Describing people &

situations. - Making deductions. - Expression opinions. - Summarizing.

- Focalized lexis: real-life hero, virtues, values, good qualities, good deeds, acts of kindness, social behavior…

- Virtues (Adjectives): Adventurous, Energetic, Moral, Assertive, Courageous, Fair, Dedicated, Loyal, Compassionate, Persevering, Confident, Charitable, Honest, Intrepid, kind, Wise, Focused, Determine, Responsible, Charismatic, Adventurous, Humble.

- Expressions for group discussions: In our opinion/view…, from our point of view; we think/believe/consider, we agree/disagree with, we conclude that…

Teaching & Learning Resources

- Good Deeds (Flashcards) - The Best Virtue (Work Cards) - A Real-Life Hero Worksheet - Hero (Printed Song Lyrics) Online Resources: - Good Deeds (Flashcards):


- “Heroes” by David Bowie – Video clip & Lyrics available on:


- The facilitator introduces the activity by showing a picture (Flashcard) and asking participants questions about what it can be observed on the image, e.g. What do you see? Where do you think he/she is? What kind of person is she/he? What are they doing?

- Tell students that this picture has become very famous on the internet, flip the card and read the description to let them know why.

- Divide participants into groups of three and give each student a “Good Deed” flashcard and a “The Best Virtue” work card.

- Explain that everyone has a different act of kindness and that they will have 10 minutes to work in groups and complete the tasks.

- Students must read about the good deeds some people did in the past and write five virtues (e.g., Honest, Charitable, Kind, Humble, Compassionate) to complete the list.

- Ask teammates to choose the best virtue of the list that reflects each act of kindness and comment on the reason why it is the best.

- When the 10 minutes are up, all students must be relocated into new groups and work with partners that were given the same flashcard at the beginning of the activity.

- Make sure the new teams (4-5 students) have the same Good Deed and their corresponding Best Virtue cards.

- Provide each team with the “A Real-Life Hero worksheet” and go through the instructions. - Teammates will have 10 minutes to compare their Best Virtue cards, answer the questions

(A-B), write 5 deeds they can do on the daily life. - Finally, each team will have the opportunity to present their answers orally to the rest of

the groups and give feedback on the deeds they can do to make the world a better place. - To close the activities related to the topic, distribute the lyrics of the song “Heroes” and

have participants sing along. - After that, ask follow-up questions such as, Did You like the song? What are the most

positive lines of the song? and let students share their opinions.

Módulo de Paz y Convivencia C





01:30 Dice Race

Use English in a practical setting to promote a sense of coexistence, shared goals and support as significant elements on peaceful behaviors.

- Develop oral communication skills in the pursuit of shared goals and challenges.

- Receive and comprehend instructional language input of content-related assignments.

Cardboard sheets, dice, playballs.

Language Function Word Bank

- Expressing feelings and emotions.

- Giving opinions.

- Focalized lexis: Tower, dice, carrier, guardian, shooter, enemies, dice tower, mission.

Teaching & Learning Resources

- Using Realia: Cardboard sheet, dice, playballs. - Body language, physical movements.


- Split the group into two teams (A and B) and explain the objective of this game is to carry a tower of four dice placed on a flat cardboard sheet (30x30 cm) to the other side of the play zone.

- Team A must appoint one of the members as “the carrier” whose job is to keep the dice tower upright and carry it to the goal area.

- The carrier must place the cardboard sheet onto the flat palm of one of his/her hands and build the tower stacking up four dice one by one.

- The other members of team A will be “the guardians” and their mission is to keep the tower safe from falling but they are not allowed to use their hands to cover or protect it.

- During the race, the guardians must put their hands behind their bodies and walk around the carrier without losing sight of the tower.

- On the other hand, members of Team B or “the shooters” must line up on each side of the play zone holding balls. Their mission is to try to knock down the tower before the carrier reaches the goal area.

- If the carrier is not able to maintain the right balance or if any of the shooters hits the tower making it collapse, the race will start from scratch.

- If the carrier and guardians succeed in carrying the tower upright to the goal area, Team A scores one point.

- Following that, teams shift roles and a student from Team B is selected to become the new carrier.

- Teams take turns carrying the dice tower and score as many points as possible in a time limit.

- For the next races, it may be helpful to encourage players to think over new strategies, such as changing roles or body movements, in order to facilitate the achievement of the target and reduce the time required.

Módulo de Paz y Convivencia C




02:00 1-2-3 Noodles Use English in a practical setting to promote a sense of coexistence, shared goals and support as significant elements on peaceful behaviors.

- Develop oral communication skills in the pursuit of goals and role playing.

- Receive and comprehend instructional language input of content-related assignments.

Disposable plates, paper strips, printed cards.

Language Function Word Bank

- Expressing feelings

and emotions. - Giving opinions.

- Focalized lexis: noodles, plate, dish, waiter, troublemaker, supporter, help, run, blow…

Teaching & Learning Resources

- Role Cards (Troublemaker, Supporter, Waiter). - Using Realia: plate, noodles - Body language, physical



- Divide students into groups of three and explain the objective of the game is to support or block someone’s mission.

- Provide every team with a dish of delicious noodles (a disposable dinner plate & paper strips) and randomly distributes the Role Cards to assign one of these characters to each player: Player 1: The Waiter The waiter is the person who is very energetic and determined to be successful in life. He/she must hold the dinner plate with one hand and carry it to a designated spot (table or place markers). If the waiter drops the noodles while walking through the play zone, he/she must stop, put the noodles back on the plate and not take any steps until it is done. Player 2: The Troublemaker The troublemaker is the person who intentionally causes difficulties for the waiter. His/her job is to blow very strongly to make the waiter drop the noodles on the ground. Troublemakers can also block the waiter’s path with their bodies, but they are not allowed to make physical contact or talk to players 1 and 2.

Player 3: The Supporter The supporter is the person who helps the waiter to accomplish the task. His/her job is to create a protective barrier that prevents the troublemaker from blowing down the waiter’s noodles. The supporters cannot make physical contact with the other players, but they can talk to them anytime they need.

- If necessary, provide a demonstration to make sure students have understood their roles. - To start the game, have all the players line up and tell them they will start walking through

the play zone once they hear the “1, 2, 3 Noodles” call at 10-seconds intervals.

Módulo de Paz y Convivencia C


Call 1: “Waiters…1,2,3 Noodles!”. Players 1 walk freely towards the goal area with the plate of noodles on their hands. Call 2: “Troublemakers…1, 2, 3 Noodles!”. Players 2 reach the waiters and try to blow down their dishes. Call 3: “Supporters…1, 2, 3 Noodles!”. Players 3 rush to the waiters’ defense and protect them from the troublemakers.

- The game is over when the first waiter carries the plate of noodles successfully to the goal area.

- For the next turns, have players scramble the cards and shift roles so that everyone embrace the experience from a different perspective.

- At the end of the activity, leaders will lead participants to share their insights, challenges, difficulties and cooperation in relation to the adopted roles.





02:15 A Good Support

Use practical communicative skills, comprehensive and productive, to get involved in teamwork and understand the sense of support and otherness.

- Brainstorm words and ideas in English to represent a key concept.

- Understand

instructional language, oral and written, to complete a task collaboratively.

- Use English to share

common ideas and conclusions relating to the topic.

Whiteboard, Butcher paper sheet (72x102 cm), markers, masking tape, Printed handouts, Posters.

Language Function Word Bank

- Talking about attitudes and behaviors.

- Focalized lexis: support, supportive, good qualities or characteristics, negative aspects, positive attitudes, bad attitudes, human silhouette…

Teaching & Learning Resources

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- Defining terms and concepts.

- Summarizing.

- Semantic Mapping Strategy (Previous knowledge, Printed Handouts from Activities 1, 2 & 3)

- The “Good Support” Poster Project (Instruction Sheet) - Posters (Created by students) - Poster Session Worksheet (Handouts) Online Resources: - Vocabulary Semantic Mapping – Article:


- Leaders introduce the activity using a semantic mapping strategy to represent the key concept and recycle lexical items from previous activities.

- Draw a circle on the board, write the word SUPPORT in the middle and, explain its meaning: “help someone emotionally or in a practical way” and provide synonyms “HELP/AID/SUSTAIN” for a better understanding.

- Have students associate the word SUPPORT or HELP with prior knowledge by asking them to remember or think of new words that are linked to the concept, e.g. Motivation, Loyal, Friendly, Family, Friends, Companions…

- Elicit students’ participation by asking them questions such as: “Which virtues or values are related to support? How can we support others? How can you help somebody? And connect their new contributions to the different categories (see the example below).

- Once the students have brainstormed sufficient words, divide the group into teams of 5 or 6

members and provide them with a butcher paper sheet (72x102 cm), markers, masking tape and the instruction sheet of “How to Make the Good Support Poster”.

- Explain the objective of the activity is to identify the UPs and DOWNs of the ideal supportive person and go through the instruction steps with them.

- Each team must draw a contour of a human silhouette (man, woman, boy, child…) on the paper sheet.

- Ask students to think about the good qualities and positive attitudes they can find in a Supportive person.

- Tell teammates they also must think of the negative aspects or bad attitudes a Supportive person should not be.

- Students must then write the positive ideas INSIDE the silhouette and the negative issues on the OUTSIDE.

- When students have finished, allow them to stick their posters on the walls and distribute a Poster Session Worksheet per group.

- Go over the instructions and tell them they will have 5 minutes to go around the classroom and explore the posters of other teams.

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- Students must choose the most interesting descriptions of a supportive person from other posters and write their ideas on the worksheet.

- Leaders must emphasize that their task is to collect precise information according to the following colors or numbers: (1) BLUE: Good qualities or characteristics (adjectives or nouns). (2) PURPLE: Negative aspects or characteristics (adjectives or nouns). (3) RED: Positive attitudes or acts (verbs or actions). (4) ORANGE: Negative attitudes or bad actions (verbs).

- Have students get together with their teammates to discuss their answers for a while. - Students must use the collected information and write some statements about “A

supportive person”. - Finally, each team take turns to share their conclusions to the whole group using the

prompts, e.g. “in a few words, we consider a supportive person is loyal, friendly and kind”.




03:00 Day Debrief Reflect upon the use of English- language and the activities implemented during the session.

- Understand information in a text and analyze the pros and cons of choices.

- Express insights and feelings through oral interaction.

Whiteboard and markers. Handouts and pens/pencils.

Language Function Word Bank

- Giving personal

opinions. - Summarizing. - Expressing feelings

& emotions.

- Session Activities: My friend’s virtues, A real-life hero, Dice Race, 1-2-3 Noodles, poster Project

- Vocabulary Recap: virtues adjectives, good deeds, good qualities, positive attitudes, negative aspects, bad attitudes…

- Expressions for giving opinions: In my opinion/view…, I think/believe/consider, we agree/disagree with…, I feel that, the best thing is…

Teaching & Learning Resources

- Session Reflection Sheet (Printed copies) - Printed handouts from session.


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- Leaders assign all participants to place chairs in a circle to create a comfortable environment for the group reflection.

- Leaders raise awareness on the “Reflection Moment” telling students this is an opportunity through we all can share our feelings and learn from experience.

- In order for students to express their thoughts and assess their participation, they will be provided with a Self-Reflection Sheet which explores their insights into these questions:


- Students will have 10 minutes to answer the Reflection Questions individually and

simultaneously as facilitators monitor their responding step by step. - Then, leaders divide students in groups of 5 and ask them to compare their responses with

one another. - Each team must gather common thoughts and feelings and get ready to socialize their

group conclusions. - Facilitators allow participants to share their opinions and insights in front of the audience

and write summarized ideas on the board to conclude the reflection moment.



Módulo de Paz y Convivencia C


TEACHING & LEARNING RESOURCES – MODULE C SESSION 2 Annex 1. My Friend’s Virtues – Worksheet A

In a few words, my friend is...

A Descriptions Yes/No answer


Ex …. Likes to try new or exciting things. Yes Adventurous

1 …. Has a lot of energy and is very active.

2 …. Treats everyone equally.

3 …. Thinks about other peoples’ feelings.

4 …. Doesn´t surrender easily.

5 …. Shows no fear of difficult situations.

6 …. Has strong beliefs and good principles.

7 …. Is supportive and firm in friendship.

8 …. Defends his/her rights in a peaceful manner.

9 …. Works hard on a task to finish it.

10 …. Believes in his/her abilities.

Módulo de Paz y Convivencia C


Annex 2. My Friend’s Virtues – Worksheet B

In a few words, my friend is...

B Descriptions Yes/No answer


Ex …. Likes to try new or exciting things. Yes Adventurous

1 …. Does his/her duties without supervision.

2 …. Has a clear purpose in life.

3 …. Uses experience to make good decisions.

4 …. Tells the truth all the time.

5 …. Is caring and helps everyone.

6 …. Doesn’t believe he/she is better than others.

7 …. Takes risks and fight challenges.

8 …. Knows exactly what she/he wants to get.

9 …. Is generous and help people in need.

10 …. Has a charming personality.

Módulo de Paz y Convivencia C


Annex 3. My Friend’s Virtues - Answer Key

A Descriptions Yes/No answer


Ex …. Likes to try new or exciting things. Yes Adventurous

1 …. Has a lot of energy and is very active. Energetic

2 …. Treats everyone equally. Fair

3 …. Thinks about other peoples’ feelings. Compassionate

4 …. Doesn´t surrender easily. Persevering

5 …. Shows no fear of difficult situations. Courageous

6 …. Has strong beliefs and good principles. Moral

7 …. Is supportive and firm in friendship. Loyal

8 …. Defends his/her rights in a peaceful manner. Assertive

9 …. Works hard on a task to finish it. Dedicated

10 …. Believes in his/her abilities. Confident

B Descriptions Yes/No answer


Ex …. Likes to try new or exciting things. Yes Adventurous

1 …. Does his/her duties without supervision. Responsible

2 …. Has a clear purpose in life. Focused

3 …. Uses experience to make good decisions. Wise

4 …. Tells the truth all the time. Honest

5 …. Is caring and helps everyone. Kind

6 …. Doesn’t believe he/she is better than others. Humble

7 …. Takes risks and fight challenges. Intrepid

8 …. Knows exactly what she/he wants to get. Determined

9 …. Is generous and help people in need. Charitable

10 …. Has a charming personality. Charismatic

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Annex 4. Good Deeds – Flashcards

Good Deeds

Adapted from 1/3

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Good Deeds

Adapted from 2/3

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Good Deeds

Adapted from 3/3

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Annex 5. The Best Virtue (Work Cards)

The Best Virtue

Task 1: Read about the good deeds some people did in the past and write five virtues or good qualities to complete the next list:

Virtue 1: ___________________________

Virtue 2: ___________________________

Virtue 3: ___________________________

Virtue 4: ___________________________

Virtue 5: ___________________________

Task 2: Discuss with your team and choose the best virtue of the list that reflects the good deed. Explain why? The best virtue is …………………………………………… Because ………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………

The Best Virtue

Task 1: Read about the good deeds some people did in the past and write five virtues or good qualities to complete the next list:

Virtue 1: ___________________________

Virtue 2: ___________________________

Virtue 3: ___________________________

Virtue 4: ___________________________

Virtue 5: ___________________________

Task 2: Discuss with your team and choose the best virtue of the list that reflects the good deed. Explain why? The best virtue is …………………………………………… Because ………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………

The Best Virtue

Task 1: Read about the good deeds some people did in the past and write five virtues or good qualities to complete the next list:

Virtue 1: ___________________________

Virtue 2: ___________________________

Virtue 3: ___________________________

Virtue 4: ___________________________

Virtue 5: ___________________________

Task 2: Discuss with your team and choose the best virtue of the list that reflects the good deed. Explain why? The best virtue is …………………………………………… Because ………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………

The Best Virtue

Task 1: Read about the good deeds some people did in the past and write five virtues or good qualities to complete the next list:

Virtue 1: ___________________________

Virtue 2: ___________________________

Virtue 3: ___________________________

Virtue 4: ___________________________

Virtue 5: ___________________________

Task 2: Discuss with your team and choose the best virtue of the list that reflects the good deed. Explain why? The best virtue is …………………………………………… Because ………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………

Módulo de Paz y Convivencia C


Annex 6. A Real-life Hero Worksheet

A Real-Life Hero

1. Collect everyone’s cards and pass them around to compare the best virtues of your hero. 2. For questions A-B, share ideas with your teammates and write the answers on each section. 3. For question C, think of other good deeds you can do to make the world a better place to live in.

A What is the act of kindness of your hero?


B Which are the best values/qualities of your hero? Why? C Write 5 good deeds you can do on the daily life.




(Flashcard Here)

Módulo de Paz y Convivencia C


Annex 7. Hero – Song Lyrics

HEROES by David Bowie

I, I will be king

And you, you will be queen Though nothing will drive them away We can beat them, just for one day We can be Heroes, just for one day

And you, you can be mean And I, I'll drink all the time

'Cause we're lovers, and that is a fact Yes we're lovers, and that is that

Though nothing, will keep us together

We could steal time, just for one day

We can be Heroes, for ever and ever What d'you say?

I, I wish you could swim

Like the dolphins, like dolphins can swim Though nothing,

nothing will keep us together We can beat them, for ever and ever

Oh we can be Heroes, just for one day

I, I will be king

And you, you will be queen Though nothing will drive them away We can be Heroes, just for one day

We can be us, just for one day

I, I can remember (I remember)

Standing, by the wall (by the wall) And the guns shot above our heads

(over our heads)

And we kissed, as though nothing could fall

(nothing could fall) And the shame was on the other side

Oh we can beat them, for ever and ever Then we could be Heroes,

just for one day

We can be Heroes We can be Heroes We can be Heroes

Just for one day We can be Heroes

We're nothing, and nothing will help us

Maybe we're lying, then you better not stay But we could be safer,

just for one day

Oh-oh-oh-ohh, oh-oh-oh-ohh, just for one day

Did you like the song?

What are the most positive lines of the song?

___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________

Find Video clip & Lyrics on:

Módulo de Paz y Convivencia C


Annex 8. Role Cards/ 1-2-3 Noodles


Blow, Blow, Blow to make noodles drop!

Help, Help, Help to protect your friend!

Run, Run, Run to reach the goal fast!


Blow, Blow, Blow

to make noodles drop!

Help, Help, Help

to protect your friend!

Run, Run, Run

to reach the goal fast!


Blow, Blow, Blow

to make noodles drop!

Help, Help, Help

to protect your friend!

Run, Run, Run

to reach the goal fast!

Módulo de Paz y Convivencia C


Annex 9. The “Good Support” Poster Project – (Instruction Sheet)


HOW TO MAKE THE “GOOD SUPPORT” POSTER… Step 1: Draw a human silhouette (man, woman, child…) on the paper sheet. Step 2: Think of the good qualities and positive attitudes you can find in a SUPPORTIVE person. Step 3: Think of the negative aspects or bad attitudes a SUPPORTIVE person should NOT BE. Step 4: Write the good qualities and positive words inside your Supportive Person. Step 5: Write the negative aspects or bad attitudes on the outside.


Módulo de Paz y Convivencia C


Annex 10. Poster Session Worksheet


Task 1: Go around the classroom and visit the posters of other teams.

Task 2: Choose the best descriptions of a “Supportive Person” from other posters and write your ideas on the next diagram:

Task 3: Complete the following sentences with the words and ideas you collected on the diagram.

In a few words, we consider …

A supportive person is


A supportive person should not be


A supportive person always


A supportive person never


(1) Good Qualities

(2) Negative Aspects

(3) Positive Attitudes

(4) Negative Attitudes









Módulo de Paz y Convivencia C


Annex 11. Session Reflection Sheet


What’s your name? _______________________________________________________________

A. Choose the activity you most enjoyed during the session

B. Mark with an X the words that best describe your feelings when using English.

_____ Happy _____ Proud _____ Confident _____ Peaceful _____ Unafraid _____ Risk-taking _____ Interested _____ Outgoing _____ Accepting

_____ Unhappy _____ Ashamed _____ Insecure _____ Anxious _____ Afraid _____ Cautious _____ Bored _____ Shy _____ Critical

C. Read the actions and put a number in front if they were easy, confusing or difficult for you to do.

D. Write four (4) of the best virtues you have.


a. Organize teamwork and plan for the activity _____ b. Identify the purpose of the activity _____ c. Make decisions for the activity _____ d. Understand the instructions _____ e. Use English to communicate with others _____

E. Read the Support Statements and mark “Yes”, “Sometimes” or “No”.

F. Think of your participation and write a few words about…

Something I improved at the end of session

Something I will do different next session


1. I understood what SUPPORT means.

2. I enjoyed helping others.

3. I offered to help when it was needed.

4. I performed my best skills.

5. I actively participated in the group.

6. I used English to communicate.

My Best



_______ _______


My Friend’s Virtues

A Real-Life Hero

Poster Project

Dice Race

1-2-3 Noodles

Módulo de Paz y Convivencia C





AIM OF THE SESSION To communicate and exchange information in English relating to actions that can be shared in a daily life to promote peace and nonviolent behaviors.

TARGET POPULATION For the accomplishment of this session, the maximum number of participants should comprise 20 students per facilitator and they should have an A1-A2 Language Proficiency Level as defined by the Common European Framework (CEF).


GENERAL DESCRIPTION: This final meeting consolidates the knowledge and practice acquired on previous sessions and includes a range of activities that enable participants to use English in a real-world context and prepare themselves on specific actions to be taken to promote peace and nonviolent behaviors in their own community.

METHODOLOGY: Supported by a humanistic orientation and the Experiential Learning fundamentals, the methodology of the session incorporates elements of these pedagogical models: Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) and Project-Based Learning (PBL). By means of the execution of strategic activities, participants integrate the use of language skills and content pertaining to harmony, peace and good co-existence. The completion of indoor and outdoor project work and assignments will empower partakers to practice English and achieve a goal collaboratively in a real-life setting. As a result, challenges and teamwork take place in an experiential scenario allowing participants to promote linguistic competence and reflect upon their own social skills.





00:00 The SociAbility Test

Employ elements of basic English grammar and vocabulary to recognize common social skills in relation to YMCA principles.

- Identify the social skills in a person.

- Interact with others by asking and answering questions in English.

- Use simple phrases and

sentences in English to report information.

Printed handouts.

Language Function Word Bank & Linguistic Resources

- Asking about someone’s social skills.

- Expressing abilities.

- Focalized lexis: social skills, SociAbilities, behavior, attitudes… - Social Skills: respect, self-control, sociability, responsibility,

tolerance, trust, honesty, solidarity, patience, justice. - Language Focus:

Módulo de Paz y Convivencia C


- Summarizing.

Modal verbs: CAN CAN’T

Teaching & Learning Resources

- The SociAbility Test (Worksheet) - The 3-3-3 Report (Worksheet)


- Leaders welcome students and provide general information about the session (aim and brief description).

- Divide participants into groups of three and explain that the purpose of the activity is to practice asking and answering questions about “SociAbilities” or the social skills in a person.

- Give each group a copy of the SociAbility Test worksheet and go over the instructions with them.

- Students must write their names on the first column and read carefully the words and actions relating to social abilities.

- Remark that the listed abilities are closely linked to the YMCA values and principles, such as Respect, Honesty, Responsibility, Solidarity, Patience, Trust, Tolerance…

- For the speaking activity, provide sufficient time (10 minutes) for participants to interact with each other and complete the test.

- Students will take turns to ask questions about their social abilities and mark their answers depending on whether they CAN or CAN’T do the actions on the appropriate column.

- In the meantime, monitor the students’ oral performance and motivate them to use the language accurately.

- When the groups have completed the test, distribute the “3-3-3 Report worksheet” to each team.

- Based on the test answers, teammates must choose three (3) social abilities they have in common and write a brief report using the pattern “The three of us can…” as shown in the example.

- Right after this, students will have ten more minutes to think of three (3) different situations in which they can put their common abilities into action.

- When everyone has finished writing down their ideas on the worksheet, assign participants to make a circle for the report moment.

- Allow students to share their contributions orally in 10 minutes. - When everyone has had the turn to speak, leaders wrap up the activity by putting great

emphasis on the most common social abilities of participants.




00:40 Master Key Foster communicative language use and effective teamwork skills in a group challenge.

- Employ basic English structures and vocabulary to suggest ways to take up a group challenge.

- Receive and

comprehend instructional language input of content-related assignments.

Pencil, pieces of string, an empty plastic bottle. Printed Pictures.

Módulo de Paz y Convivencia C


Language Function Word Bank & Linguistic Resources

- Giving instructions. - Expressing feelings

and emotions. - Giving opinions.

- Focalized lexis: forest, wicked witch, key, cage, chocolate house, capture, pencil, strings, plastic bottle.

- Expressions for giving opinions: In my opinion/view…, I think/believe/consider, we agree/disagree with…, I feel…

- Feelings & Emotions: happy, excited, nervous, anxious, stressed, relaxed, joyful, focused, confused, confident, bored, afraid, interested, shy…

Teaching & Learning Resources

- Hansel & Gretel (Illustrations). - Using Realia: pencil, strings, plastic bottle Online Resources: -


- This large group game is best played with a maximum number of 20 participants. All we need is a piece of string for each player, a pencil and an empty plastic bottle.

- The length of strings should range between 2.5 and 5 m and they must be tied around the pencil.

- The group stands in a circle and the leader asks players to hold the end of one string and tie it around their waists.

- Players then must put their hands behind their bodies and step backwards to try to keep the pencil hang down in the middle of the circle.

- When everything is ready, leaders walk around to show some pictures of “Hansel & Gretel” fairy tale and ask students questions about the illustrations, such as: What can you see on the picture? Is this picture familiar to you? Have you ever read Hansel & Gretel story? Who are the main characters in the story? Do you like this fairy tale? What’s your favorite fairy tale ever? Do you like chocolates?

- The objective of the question-and-answer moment is to introduce the activity and elicit vocabulary among participants (chocolate house, forest, witch, cage, capture…)

- Then, the leader puts the bottle under the hanging pencil and engage students in the next imaginary scenario:

“You have come into the forest and found the chocolate house of Hansel & Gretel story. Now you are in terrible danger as the wicked witch has captured you in a cage. The witch wants to make a soup with all of you, so you’d better open the cage and run away.”

- Tell players that in this modern version of the story, they must use a magic key (pencil) to

open the cage by inserting the pencil into the lock (plastic bottle). - Participants are not allowed to use their hands and must work together to try to insert the

hanging pencil into the plastic bottle without making it fall. - When the game is over, leaders encourage players to think over their attitudes and

challenges when achieving their shared goal.



01:00 Feetza Tower Use English in a practical setting to

- Develop oral communication skills in

Balloons and strings.

Módulo de Paz y Convivencia C


promote a sense of coexistence and shared goals.

the pursuit of shared goals and challenges.

- Receive and comprehend instructional language input of content-related assignments.


Language Function Word Bank

- Describing places. - Giving instructions. - Expressing opinions.

- Focalized lexis: landmark, famous places, tower, statue, monument, building, feet, shoes, balloon, string, roof, floor.

- Expressions for giving opinions: In my opinion/view…, I think/believe/consider, we agree/disagree with…, I feel…

- Feelings & Emotions: happy, excited, nervous, anxious, stressed, relaxed, joyful, focused, confused, confident, bored, afraid, interested, shy…

Teaching & Learning Resources

- Landmarks of the World (Flashcards) - Using Realia: feet, shoes, balloon, string, roof, floor. Online Resources: - Landmarks of the World (Flashcards):

- Landmarks of the World (Online Article)


- For this activity, leaders divide the group into two teams and ask them to sit together. - Leaders introduce the activity showing flashcards of some landmarks of the world and ask

them questions, such as: “Do you recognize this place? Where is it? What do you know about it? What is this place famous for? Do you like it?

- Then, explain that this game is named after the “Leaning Tower of Pisa” (the famous landmark in Italy) and the objective is to build the tallest tower using only players’ feet.

- Inflate a balloon and tie on a string for each team. - Have students hang the balloon on the roof, a tree or any other firm structure above them

in a spot where they can sit and move around freely. - The balloon must be suspended in the air to a minimum height of two meters from the

floor. - Now, participants are ready to understand and follow these instructions for the game:

1. Teammates must form the tower together putting their feet (shoes included) one upon the other from the floor until they reach the balloon.

2. The Feetza Tower must be structured with as many feet as possible within the time limit (no longer than 5 minutes).

3. Players can make physical contact and support each other to lift people off the floor so that they can elevate their feet to the top of the tower.

4. Participants are not allowed to use any other object (walls, chairs, boxes…) apart from their own bodies to form the tower.

Módulo de Paz y Convivencia C


- When time is up, compare the two towers and determine which one is the tallest (You can use cellphones cams for a better perspective).

- Finally, lead students to discuss the effectiveness of group strategies, collaborative behavior and the achievement of the target in relation to the rules of the game.



01:30 Rescue Boats Use practical communicative skills to get involved in a group task and understand the sense of support and cooperation.

- Understand instructional language, oral and written, to complete a task collaboratively.

- Use English to share

common ideas and conclusions relating to the group challenge.

Masking tape, printed handouts.

Language Function Word Bank

- Expressing feelings and emotions.

- Giving opinions.

- Focalized lexis: ship, boat, rescue boat, large, medium, small, crack, sink, jump, save your life.

- Expressions for giving opinions: In my opinion/view…, I think/believe/consider, we agree/disagree with…, I feel…

- Feelings & Emotions: happy, excited, nervous, anxious, stressed, relaxed, joyful, focused, confused, confident, bored, afraid, interested, shy…

Teaching & Learning Resources

- Rescue Boats – Problem Scenario Sheet


- Divide participants into groups of 10 people. If you have a large audience, it would be advisable to make more teams depending on the number of students.

- For each team, mark three squares of different size (large, medium and small) on the floor using masking tape.

- Squares represent boats and must be defined about a meter away from one another considering the following specifications: Boat 1: Large (1.50 x 90 cm), Boat 2: Medium (100 x 100 cm) and Boat 3: Small (60 x 60 cm).

- The game begins with participants standing on the large-sized boat. - Make sure all the players must have enough room to step both feet on the boat. - The leader gives each team a short text with pictures to engage players in the next problem


“All of you are on a large ship in the middle of the ocean, but a terrible accident happened. Oh, no! The boat has a crack and it is going to sink. Everybody Jump and save your life!”.

- Once students have understood the problem situation, tell them that they must jump off

the ship one by one and help others to get onto the medium-sized boat. - There’s hardly room to move in, but players must step at least one of their feet on the boat

and help other members to get on board. - Let players remain safe for a short while (1-2 minutes) and shout: “Oh, no! There is a crack

Módulo de Paz y Convivencia C


on the boat! Everybody Jump and save your life! - Once again, students must jump off the boat, but this time, they must help one another to

get everyone on board onto the small-sized boat. - There is not enough room for everybody to be standing on the boat. So, players must lift

people up to save their friends’ lives. - At the end of the activity, leaders will have participants share their insights, challenges,

difficulties and cooperation when supporting each other.





02:30 The Flight of the Hummingbird

Practice English in a realistic setting for actual communication and collective reflection on social values (solidarity, support and cooperation).

- Foster authentic language use and the four language skills through the completion of tasks.

- Apply skimming and

scanning strategies while receiving language input.

- Develop learning

strategies like repeating, using mime or gesture and getting the idea quickly to understand the meaning of the new language.

- Use the language to

discuss and reflect on the goals of the session “Doing what we can”.

PC, video beam, audio device/speakers, whiteboard, erasable marker, printed worksheets, flashcards.

Language Function Word Bank

- Describing animals & places.

- Using authentic language in a real setting.

- Applying learning strategies.

- Giving opinions. - Summarizing.

- Focalized lexis: forest, fire, stream, bead, drop, beak, smoke, - Animals: hummingbird, bear, wolf, elephant, rabbit, tiger, owl,

squirrel, beaver. - Verbs: rage, burn, flee, huddle, pick up, howl, sob, persist, fly… - Language focus: past tense.

Teaching & Learning Resources

- Animals (Flashcards) - The Flight of the Hummingbird – Worksheet 1 (Written Version

& Pictures of the story)

Módulo de Paz y Convivencia C


- The Flight of the Hummingbird – Worksheet 2 - The Flight of the Hummingbird – Answer Key Online Resources: - Animals (Flashcards):


- “The Flight of the Hummingbird” Short Film – available on:


The development of this activity consists of three parts: Pre-viewing, While-viewing and Post-viewing. In case you don’t have the props and technology for video playing, the activities can be adapted and turned into Pre-reading, While-reading and Post-reading activities using the written version and pictures of the story (Worksheet 1).

Pre-viewing activities – (10 minutes) - In order to create interest in the topic, leaders introduce vocabulary related to Animals

using a miming game. - Divide the group into two teams (A and B) and tell participants the aim of the game is to

guess the name of an animal that someone will act out. - Players from each team take turns to come to the front of the whole group and pick a

flashcard. - They cannot speak or spell the word in the air, but they can use gestures and make noises to

describe the animal. - The other students must watch their teammates and try to guess the word. - The first student to say the word in English wins a point for their team. - Every time a word is discovered, facilitators write the name of the animal on the board and

have students repeat the word chorally to drill in pronunciation. - The game continues until every animal has been mimed and the team with the highest

number of points will win. - The leader now shows the Hummingbird flashcard and asks participants questions such as:

“Do you like hummingbirds? Have you ever seen a hummingbird? Can you describe its features? Where can you find these little birds?”

- Then tell students that they will watch a short film entitled “The Flight of the Hummingbird”. While-viewing activities – (20 minutes)

- Before playing the video, leaders assign students to arrange their seats in a horseshoe shape so that they can see each other, the projector screen and the board.

- Once participants are ready to watch the video, direct their attention to the characters and events that appear on it.

- After playing the video, the facilitator elicits target vocabulary asking questions like “Who are the characters of the story? Which animals appeared on the film? Where are they? What objects did you see on the video? What happened? Why did animals run away from the forest?

- Write students’ contributions on the board and highlight focalized lexis (forest, fire, stream, bead, drop, beak, smoke).

- Leaders then distribute “The Flight of the Hummingbird Worksheet 1” so that participants can receive more input from a reading task.

- Students must read the texts and decide which picture matches each paragraph to find the right sequence of the story.

Módulo de Paz y Convivencia C


- Encourage them to read the text quickly and get the main ideas to accomplish the task. - After checking answers with their elbow partners, allow students to read the story while

listening. - In doing so, facilitators must only play the recorded audio without images to avoid

distracting students’ attention. Post-viewing activities – (30 minutes)

- Leaders give each participant a copy of the Worksheet 2 and go over the first task instructions with them.

- Have students look through the text and focus their attention to the underlined words. - They must try to guess the meaning of the words from the context and match them with

the corresponding definitions, as shown in the example. - Give students ten minutes to complete the task and check answers with other partners. - For the group discussion, divide participants into teams of three and provide them with ten

minutes to do tasks 2 and 3. - Students must read the fragments taken from the story and answer the questions

altogether. - Right after that, they must read some quotes relating to solidarity, support and cooperation;

and explain how these messages connect to the story. - When the students have finished, allow them to discuss their insights with the whole group

(10 minutes). - Leaders consolidate shared ideas and summarize the major points from their contributions. - At the end of the activity, leaders will invite participants to become “hummingbirds” and

take up the challenge to do whatever they can to help others. NOTE: If you cannot play the video due to the lack of technological resources, students can be assigned the task of watching the short film at home as a post-reading activity.




3:30 Day Debrief Reflect upon the use of English-language and the activities implemented during the session.

- Understand information in a text and analyze the pros and cons of choices.

- Express insights and feelings through oral interaction.

Whiteboard and markers. Handouts and pens/pencils.

Language Function Word Bank

- Giving personal opinions.

- Summarizing. - Expressing feelings &


- Session Activities: The SociAbilities Test, Master Key, Rescue Boats, The Feetza Tower, The Flight of the Hummingbird.

- Vocabulary Recap: social skills, YMCA principles, - Expressions for giving opinions: In my opinion/view…, I

think/believe/consider, we agree/disagree with…, I feel that, the best thing is…

Teaching & Learning Resources

Módulo de Paz y Convivencia C


- Session Reflection Sheet (Printed copies) - Printed handouts from session.


- Leaders assign all participants to place chairs in a circle to create a comfortable environment for the group reflection.

- Leaders raise awareness on the “Reflection Moment” telling students this is an opportunity through we all can share our feelings and learn from experience.

- In order for students to express their thoughts and assess their participation, they will be provided with a Self-Reflection Sheet which explores their insights into these questions:


- Students will have 10 minutes to answer the Reflection Questions individually and

simultaneously as facilitators monitor their responding step by step. - Then, leaders divide students in groups of 5 and ask them to compare their responses with

one another. - Each team must gather common thoughts and feelings and get ready to socialize their

group conclusions. - Facilitators allow participants to share their opinions and insights in front of the audience

and write summarized ideas on the board to conclude the reflection moment.



Módulo de Paz y Convivencia C


TEACHING & LEARNING RESOURCES – MODULE C SESSION 3 Annex 1. The SociAbility Test Worksheet

The SociAbility Test

a. Write the names of your teammates on the first column. b. Read the social abilities and take turns to ask questions about things you and your friends CAN do.

Example: Can you make decisions with others and consider their opinions? Yes, I can / No, I can’t.

c. Based on the answers, mark with an X the CAN or CAN´T column.

NAME CAN CAN’T Make decisions with others and consider their

opinions. RESPECT




NAME CAN CAN’T Control your emotions and actions when you

get angry. SELF-CONTROL




NAME CAN CAN’T Make new friends and spend time with others

in a group. SOCIABILITY




NAME CAN CAN’T Do your duties by yourself without





NAME CAN CAN’T Accept beliefs and attitudes that are different

from yours. TOLERANCE




NAME CAN CAN’T Believe in people even if you don’t know them

very well. TRUST




NAME CAN CAN’T Be open about your feelings and behaviors all

the time. HONESTY




NAME CAN CAN’T Show sympathy for others and help them

when they are in trouble. SOLIDARITY




NAME CAN CAN’T Wait for things to happen without feeling

irritated. PATIENCE




NAME CAN CAN’T Treat everyone equally with no influence of

your personal opinions. JUSTICE




Módulo de Paz y Convivencia C


Annex 2. Report Worksheet

The 3-3-3 Report

a. Choose three (3) Social Abilities you all have in common and write them on the first column.

b. Complete the phrase “The three of us…” with the description of the social ability.

c. Write three (3) real-life situations in which you CAN put your abilities into action.

d. Report your team abilities to the whole group.

SociAbility Report Statement Real-life situations


The three of us CAN do duties without


1 When we help with the housework at home.

2 When we must study for an exam.

3 When we are doing school homework.













Módulo de Paz y Convivencia C


Annex 3. Hansel & Gretel (Illustrations)

Taken from:

Taken from:

Módulo de Paz y Convivencia C


Annex 4. Landmarks of the World – Flashcards

Landmarks of the World


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Landmarks of the World


Módulo de Paz y Convivencia C


Annex 5. Rescue Boats – Problem Scenario Sheet


All of you are on a large

in the middle of

the ocean. Oh, no! The boat

has a

And it is going to

Everybody Jump

and save your life!

All of you are on a large

in the middle of

the ocean. Oh, no! The boat

has a

And it is going to

Everybody Jump

and save your life!

Módulo de Paz y Convivencia C


Annex 6. Animals – Flashcards



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Módulo de Paz y Convivencia C


Annex 7. The Flight of the Hummingbird – Worksheet 1

The Flight of the Hummingbird

Task: Read the texts and decide which picture matches each paragraph to find the right sequence of the story.

The terrible fire raged and burned, All the animals were afraid and fled from their homes. The elephant and the tiger, the beaver and the bear all ran, and above them, the birds flew in a panic. They huddled at the edge of the forest and watched. All the creatures gathered, except one.

The other animals watched Dukdukdiya tiny body fly against the enormous fire, and they were frightened. They called out to the little hummingbird, warning her of the dangers of the smoke and the heat.

“What can I do?”

Sobbed the rabbit. “The fire is much too hot.”

“There is too much smoke!”

howled the wolf.

“My wings will burn! My beak is too small!” cried the owl.

But the little hummingbird persisted. She flew to and fro, picking up more water and

dropping it, bead by bead, onto the burning forest.

Finally, the big bear said: “Little Dukdukdiya, what are you doing?”

Without stopping, Dukdukdiya looked down at all the animals. She said,

“I am doing what I can.”

Only Dukdukdiya, the little

hummingbird would not

abandon the forest.

Dukdukdiya flew quickly to the

stream. She picked up a single

drop of water in her beak.

Dukdukdiya flew back and

dropped the water on the fire.

Again, she flew to the stream

and brought back another

drop, and so she continued –

back and forth, back and forth.





Parable told by Quechuan People of

Ecuador – Watch short film on:


Módulo de Paz y Convivencia C


Annex 8. The Flight of the Hummingbird – Worksheet 2

The Flight of the Hummingbird

Task 1: Look at the underlined words in the text and try to understand their meanings. Read the definitions below and write a letter (A-J) next to each word (1-10).

__J__ 0. Rage _____ 1. Burn _____ 2. Flee _____ 3. Huddle _____ 4. Edge _____ 5. Stream _____ 6. Pick up _____ 7. Frightened _____ 8. Sob _____ 9. Howl _____ 10. Bead

A. Feeling fear or extremely scared. B. To cry noisily and sadly. C. To escape or run away. D. A drop of water. E. To take something. F. A long loud sound that a wolf makes. G. To come close together in a group. H. Water that flows naturally. I. Borderline of an area. J. To happen in a strong or violent way. K. To be damaged or destroyed by fire.

Task 2: Read the following fragments taken from the story and answer the questions.

What do you think about how the

animals are feeling?

What do you think about how the

animals are feeling now?

What do you think about how the

hummingbird is feeling?

Why do you think the hummingbird is the

character who fights the fire in the story?

Task 3: Read the following quotes and explain how they connect to the story.

The animals ran to the edge

of the forest and watched.

The hummingbird continued,

back and forth, back and forth.

The hummingbird said,

“I´m doing what I can”.

“My wings will burn”

Cried the owl.

Módulo de Paz y Convivencia C


Annex 9. The Flight of the Hummingbird – Answer Key

The Flight of the Hummingbird – Answer Key

Part 1: Read the texts and decide which picture matches each paragraph to find the right sequence of the story. Part 2: Look at the underlined words in the text and try to understand their meanings. Read the definitions below and write a letter (A-J) next to each word (1-10).

__J__ 0. Rage __K__ 1. Burn __C__ 2. Flee __G__ 3. Huddle ___I__ 4. Edge __H__ 5. Stream __E__ 6. Pick up __A__ 7. Frightened __B__ 8. Sob __F__ 9. Howl __D__ 10. Bead

A. Feeling fear or extremely scared. B. To cry noisily and sadly. C. To escape or run away. D. A drop of water. E. To take something. F. A long loud sound that a wolf makes. G. To come close together in a group. H. Water that flows naturally. I. Borderline of an area. J. To happen in a strong or violent way. K. To be damaged or destroyed by fire.

The terrible fire raged and burned, All the animals were afraid and fled from their homes. The elephant and the tiger, the beaver and the bear all ran, and above them, the birds flew in a panic. They huddled at the edge of the forest and watched. All the creatures gathered, except one.


Only Dukdukdiya, the little

hummingbird would not

abandon the forest. Dukdukdiya

flew quickly to the stream. She

picked up a single drop of water

in her beak. Dukdukdiya flew

back and dropped the water on

the fire. Again, she flew to the

stream and brought back

another drop, and so she

continued – back and forth, back

and forth.


The other animals watched Dukdukdiya tiny body fly against the enormous fire, and they were frightened. They called out to the little hummingbird, warning her of the dangers of the smoke and the heat.

“What can I do?”

Sobbed the rabbit. “The fire is much too hot.”

“There is too much smoke!” howled the wolf.

“My wings will burn! My beak is too small!” cried the owl.


But the little hummingbird persisted. She flew to and fro, picking up more water and dropping

it, bead by bead, onto the burning forest.

Finally, the big bear said: “Little Dukdukdiya, what are you doing?”

Without stopping, Dukdukdiya looked down at all the animals. She said,

“I am doing what I can.”


Módulo de Paz y Convivencia C


Annex 10. Session Reflection Sheet


What’s your name? _______________________________________________________________

A. Choose the activity you most enjoyed during the session.

B. Mark with an X the words that best describe your feelings when using English.

_____ Happy _____ Proud _____ Confident _____ Peaceful _____ Unafraid _____ Risk-taking _____ Interested _____ Outgoing _____ Accepting

_____ Unhappy _____ Ashamed _____ Insecure _____ Anxious _____ Afraid _____ Cautious _____ Bored _____ Shy _____ Critical

C. Read the actions and put a number in front if they were easy, confusing or difficult for you to do.

D. Write the best YMCA Principles to you.


a. Organize teamwork and plan for the activity _____ b. Identify the purpose of the activity _____ c. Make decisions for the activity _____ d. Understand the instructions _____ e. Use English to communicate with others _____

E. Read the Solidarity statements and mark “Yes”, “Sometimes” or “No”.

F. Think of your participation and write a few words about…

Something I improved at the end of session

Something I will do different next session

Yes So No

1. I understood what SOLIDARITY means.

2. I enjoyed working with others.

3. I offered to help when it was needed.

4. I performed my best skills.

5. I actively participated in the group.

6. I used English to communicate.




_______ _______


The SociAbility


The Flight of the Hummingbird










AIM OF THE PROJECT To encourage the use of English and incorporate students’ appreciation of peace culture into a meaningful project work based on their skills, values and experiences developed in this module.

GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Designed to supplement the Peace and Co-existence module, the purpose of this follow-up activity is intended to highlight the feasible role of learning through projects as a way of motivating participants to use English and produce authentic work, which reflects their knowledge and experience gained during the sessions. The Peace-Making project will focalize on one specific outcome or “end product” and its construction will promote student´s active participation, collaborative work and language practice directly synchronized with their communicative and social skills. As a result, the project works will become peace-oriented tools for reflection and action in the community.


For the accomplishment of this project, facilitators should break down the activity into the following stages:

1. Planning & Designing - Divide participants into four teams and explain the goal of the activity is to work collaboratively

in the making of a creative product in order to spread the culture of peace to others. - Center the topic around the guiding question: “How can we make a world a better place to live

in?” and brainstorm some overall ideas. - Share pictures of real-life samples (e.g. wall display, a booklet, posters…) with students and let

them decide which end product they will enjoy doing. - Once teammates have come to an agreement, they must make a list of what they will need

(materials & props) to elaborate their products. - Set up the activities and schedule for the project elaboration. - Determine how and where they will show off their completed products, e.g. arranging a

showcase in the school, publishing products on a blog, doing a poster presentation, etc. - Encourage students to work independently and browse the web to explore more ideas about

similar products. - Ask students to bring a sketch of their products and the listed props and supplies at the next

meeting. 2. Creating the Project - To begin with, make sure students have a clear understanding of their project work and check if

they have brought in all the materials. - Organize content into thematic units of work relating to the background information of the


Session 1: WE ARE ALL ONE (Teamwork Skills, Collaborative Work & Assertiveness). Session 2: SUPPORT GOES IN BOTH WAYS (Support, Virtues & Good Deeds). Session 3: DOING WHAT WE CAN (Social Skills, YMCA Values & Solidarity).

Módulo de Paz y Convivencia C


- Students must discuss in their teams and choose the topics they feel most confident with. - Help teams identify the target language (Basic English grammar structures and vocabulary

elements) they must fit into the project. - Encourage students to work collaboratively and assume an active role in the activity. - Provide groups with sufficient time to elaborate the product they decided to create.

3. Presenting the Products - Tell participants this is the opportunity to display their creations in the school or the wider

community. - Set the ways of presenting the products to target audience: other students, teachers, friends,

local community. - With the help of school’s teachers and administrators, organize an event like a booklet

showcase, a poster exhibition, an English Day or a blog presentation to show the final products. - Showcase student’s project work to the public outside the school by posting pictures to a blog or

social media sites. Here are some proposals for the project work, but possibilities are endless.





THE PEACE WALL - Students use their creativity and artistic skills to

make compelling posters, paintings or collages. - The collection of their works will contribute to a

whole group project. - Choose a school location for the exhibition and

publish the creations on a display wall. - This product will serve as a tool to encourage viewers

to admire art and reflect on the culture of peace. - Creators can spread their work to the public outside

school by posting pictures of the wall to a social media site.





DICE OF PEACE - This interactive tool will serve as a stimulus for

reflection and action for others. - Students must write messages in English

corresponding to the thematic units on each side of the dice.

- Include drawings or pictures to represent ideas, which helps to understand better the meaning of the written words.

- Show the dice to other people and invite them to throw it once or twice.

- People must read the message and make a commitment to live for the day.

- Creators may plan to visit other classrooms or offices in the school for social intervention.

Módulo de Paz y Convivencia C






THE PEACE BOOKLET - Students must use creativity techniques to make

paper booklets and depict their insights into peaceful co-existence.

- The combination of written texts and illustrations will leave an imprint on the mind of target readers (other students, teachers, schools’ administrators).

- With the help of school’s community, organize a Booklet Showcase to enliven the presentation of products.

- Another possibility would be to arrange a reading-exhibition session for students of other grades.


Módulo de Paz y Convivencia C



A lo largo del 2016 el Ministerio de Educación Nacional, la Asociación Cristiana de Jóvenes de Bogotá y Cundinamarca, y la Federación Colombiana de ACJs-YMCA, desarrollaron el Proyecto de Campos de Inmersión en Inglés, ha beneficiado a un total de 3.900 estudiantes de diferentes Instituciones Educativas oficiales de todo el país. Como parte del seguimiento del proceso de aprendizaje de los estudiantes beneficiados, y buscando generar un impacto positivo en la comunidad educativa y sus prácticas pedagógicas, se construyó el Módulo de Paz. Éste da continuidad al proceso iniciado en los Campos y provee la planeación de 3 sesiones que brindan herramientas metodológicas y didácticas a los docentes de inglés o de áreas transversales (democracia, ciencias sociales, ética, entre otras) con el objetivo de mejorar el nivel de inglés de los estudiantes a través del uso de esta lengua en actividades que fortalecen los valores humanos, la sana convivencia, el liderazgo, la resolución pacífica de conflictos y la cultura de la paz.

El Ministerio de Educación Nacional con base en los tres pilares del actual gobierno: Paz, Equidad y

Educación, hace entrega de este documento a su comunidad educativa con el propósito de aportar

a la formación de ciudadanos capaces de ser agentes de cambio en su contexto, promoviendo así

la construcción de una paz sólida y duradera.

Módulo de Paz y Convivencia C



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International CLIL Research Journal, 1 (2), 4-17. Lightbown, P.M., & Spada, N. (1993). How languages are learned. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Luckner, J.L. & Nadler R. S. (1997). Processing the experience: Strategies to enhance and generalize

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Módulo de Paz y Convivencia C


Universidad de Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano. (2011). Cuadernos Paz a la Carta N°1 Género y Construcción de Paz. ISSN:2448-6658. Disponible en:

Universidad de Pamplona. (2011). Cultura de Paz, el Quinto Elemento. Disponible en: