Cruz Nº 9 Curso 2006/2007 - Carmen Lu › school-magazine › revista2007seguridad.pdf · Revista...

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Revista de la Escuela O

ficial de Idiomas del Puerto de la Cruz

Nº 9 Curso 2006/2007

“Muchas palabras han recorrido un largo camino a pie antes de conseguir sus alas. ” Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach (1830-1916) Escritora austriaca.

Editorial : La mansión encantada……………………………….…….…... 1

Artículos: Mobile phones/ Rules when sharing a flat ……………….…... 2

Artículos: My favourite place: San Telmo …………………………….…... 3

Artículos: Punta del Este……………….………………………………….… 4

Artículos: Family issues……………..………………………………………. 5

Artículos: Marathon des Sables…………………………………………..… 6

Artículos: Der Schwarze Humor………………………………………..…... 7

Artículos: Food and diet…..…………………………………………………. 8

Artículos: Love and marriage/ The place where I live …………………... 9

Literatura: A strange proposition …………………………………………... 10

Literatura: Flying over life …………………………………………………... 11

Literatura: Time for hotel love nights ……………………………………… 12

Nuestros alumnos viajan: San Francisco Bay ………………………….. 13

Más viajeros: The Ogh-Ogh Ceremony (Bali) ……………………………. 14

Lenguaje creativo: Saint Valentine’s Day Hearts…………………….….. 15

Posters: Campaign Posters Pro–piracy …………………………………... 16

Tarjetas: Visiting Cards ……………………………………………………... 17

Recetas: Spanish omelette/ Walnut cake …………………………………. 18

Recetas: Pastry made in Galicia ……………………………………………. 19

Crucigramas: Houses and flatmates ………………………………………. 20

Crucigramas: Food and diet ………………………………………………… 21


· Profesores colaboradores: J. Alberto Hernández Pérez Hans Draws Juana Rosa García Bibiana Hernández Cabrera Carmen Luisa Pérez Amaro Karin Steinle ·Redacción y diseño: María del Carmen Camejo Hernández


Lo maravilloso de las elecciones es que una vez cada cuatro años te puedes ilusionar y escribirles la carta a los reyes para ver si te dejan algo de lo que has pedido. Este año, como hemos sido buenos, nos hemos pedido la casita de la

EOI de Jesmar con su aulario multicolor y sus pupitres de playmobil. Digo esto no con ironía, sino con esa dulce candidez raya-na en la ignorancia que anida en el corazón de los peques de la casa según se acercan las fechas navideñas y el mito de los Ma-gos de oriente aún pervive. Después de semanas de circundar a paso lento el solar, de estudiarlo con ojos inexpertos como calcu-lando si cabría o no, de seguir en silencio a Santiago, nuestro aparejador padrino (como un hada madrina pero en versión técni-ca), de alzar la vista intentando calcular las cotas de altitud, de sacarnos la foto con los jefes y políticos de turno (foto que no salió en prensa…), de verlo publicado en tres cabeceras de rotativas, después de todo eso no me acabo de creer que nos la vayan a construir. ¿Y lo harán?

Si hacemos caso a la sabiduría popular, podemos dar por sentado que se edificará un largo puente que una al Puerto de a Cruz con la isla de la Palma antes que nuestra añorada Escuela. Si, por el contrario, le hacemos caso al corazón, ese tontorrón despistado que se fía de todo y de todos, se comenzaría a planificar este verano. Pero ¿por qué construir una sede permanente para la EOI del Puerto de la Cruz si lleva 12 años apañándoselas solita?

Pues a lo mejor porque re-incentivar uno de los dos primeros municipios turísticos de este país enarbolando la bandera de turismo de calidad pasa por tener infraestructuras adecuadas. Recordemos que además de piscinas, hoteles, vías y plazas, los centros educativos también son infraestructuras y una EOI es un servicio público que proporciona de forma profesional y bastan-te barata a los trabajadores o futuros trabajadores unas herramientas esenciales que son los idiomas y su manejo.

Puede que porque con sólo siete profesores, veintitrés grupos y dos idiomas estemos cubriendo las expectativas de más de setecientas personas que ansían o necesitan idiomas para mejorar su nivel de vida o poder acceder a un trabajo digno.

Quizás porque formando a nuestra gente para el presente y un ansiado mejor futuro del Puerto, no tengamos que ver cómo las empresas del sector recurren a foráneos con mayor y mejor manejo de idiomas para ocupar puestos de trabajo que aquí son muy necesarios.

A lo mejor porque una imagen corporativa seria y atractiva, que inspire confianza y eficacia, va intrínsecamente asocia-da a una sede estable y permanente.

O quizás tan sólo porque no se puede atender a la gente en un espacio de administración y gerencia de 5 metros cuadra-dos, en unas aulas donde hay que llevar todo el material audiovisual ya que son compartidas, o en un centro que vive en y gra-cias al espacio físico de otro, haciendo algunas veces casi imposible distinguir su ubicación real (Doce años esperando aparecer en una señal de tráfico informativa municipal, aunque sólo sea para tener la certeza de que existimos, o que otros puedan tener-la…).

Es por esto por lo que creemos que una enseñanza de calidad no es del todo completa si no se puede ofertar con un mí-nimo de condiciones de trabajo; con un referente espacio-temporal al que la gente pueda dirigirse cuando necesite acudir a la EOI, con un centro propio que no limite por falta de espacio las expectativas de crecimiento de la oferta educativa; y, sobre todo, porque al tratarse de un servicio público casi gratuito y único en su especie dentro de la Unión Europea (ningún otro país tiene algo parecido a las EE.OO.II.) debería ofrecerse como lo que es: enseñanza de calidad, con un enfoque innovador, pionera en la experimentación metodológica y nada cara (aprox. 60 € anuales para el primer año). Si no se reviste a la EOI de ese halo de en-señanza seria y formal ( no de prestado e itinerante como hasta ahora) corremos el peligro de desaparecer poco a poco languide-ciendo ante la poco convencida mirada de los que, cuando nos necesiten, tendrán que ir a otro municipio, o cuatro municipios más allá, solicitando plaza y esperando que se les conceda para estudiar lo que aquí se ofertó casi de tapadillo, medio oculto en-tre otras ofertas educativas que nada tenían que ver con nosotros y que acabaron por hacernos invisibles y olvidados.

Eso es lo bueno de cada cuatro años, y este año soñamos con nuestra mansión encantadora, que no encantada. Un lugar donde alumnos y profesores encuentren los mejores medios para trabajar conjuntamente en la hermosa experiencia del aprendi-zaje. Donde se pueda formar a estudiantes y trabajadores cuya autonomía de aprendizaje se desarrolle y les lleve más allá de los límites académicos. Donde encontrar y encontrarse con la experiencia de otros países y culturas, sobretodo las de nuestra Unión Europea, donde el Marco común de referencia Europeo y el Europass y su Pasaporte lingüístico (el PEL) se difundan con total libertad ayudando así a nuestros alumnos y alumnas a desarrollar sus destrezas y habilidades comunicativas. Un lugar propio, de todos y para todos, una EOI como la que el Puerto de la Cruz se merece.

J. Alberto Hernández Pérez - Director de la E.O.I. del Puerto de la Cruz




Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz -Nº9- Curso 2006/2007

Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz -Nº9- Curso 2006/2007


Nowadays almost everybody has a mobile phone. At the beginning of the century it was a luxury which no many people could afford, but now it’s such a need and a fashionable device…! But is it a great invention? An advantage is that we could be easily found everywhere we are if there is any urgent news. Another advantage is that we don’t need to look for coins to insert in the telephone booth, it was very annoying every time we wanted to make a phone call and we have a look into our purse, we could never find the correct coin we needed for, etc. In case of a traffic accident it can be also advantageous to have a mobile phone near by, you will be able to ring the police, an ambulance or whatever.

But it also has some disadvantages such us the fact that in some places you have no signal, not only to make a phone call but neither to be found. One of the worst disadvantages is when you don’t want to be located from your work or because you are having a rest at the weekend or when you don’t want to answer. Another and

very worrying one are the magnetic waves which can be very damaging for the health .

To conclude I think mobile phones are a good invention but we have to control the use with give them, they might be used only in necessary cases and not everywhere neither by everybody such us children or teenagers. It could be very dangerous for their health.

Nieves Espinosa 3ºA Inglés





To live with other people is always “difficult”, you have to be tolerant and respect their opinions and the way they are. That is why it is good to have certain rules to improve the coexistence at home. This is not so easy to do it but it is definitely necessary.

Nowadays people live in different ways. You can live at home with

your parents, in your own flat with your couple or sharing an apartment with unknown people. With these different types of being at home, do you one think you can have the same rules for these three different cases? Of course the answer is not.

When you live at home you have to follow your parent’s rules. You are leaving in their house above all

when you are a kid or young, you don’t have money and you are studying, so you cannot choose. Fortunately things change when you are older and you start working. Now you can stand your own

rules but it is not as good as it sounds. Yes, because except in the case that you live alone, you have to put them according to the people you live with. Unknown people, your couple or, if you have, your children. The circle goes round again!

Giovanni Déniz 3º A Inglés

My favourite place in Puerto de La Cruz... San Telmo

It is obvious I love the beach, firstly because I am really happy when I sat there with my

family and friends, secondly because I like sunbathing, going for a bath or whatever, but

mostly because I love water sports like surfing, canoeing, diving…and it is the unique place

where I can practise them. However I think that the thing which makes this beach so

special for me is that I have been there during my life.

This beach is San Telmo, normally people don’t like it but when they go the first time, they

are aware they were confused. I like it because all people who go there know each other,

because it is more comfortable to be on a beach without sand, it is a reliable place because

you don’t need to pay constant attention to your things because you know that nobody will

steal them.

Actually its name has changed; it was not always San Telmo. In the past it was called “El

Boquete” but it changed in honour to a saint, Saint Telmo. Nowadays people use this beach to

spend a good journey, to sunbathe…but when my parents were children it was a place to fish,

my mum told me that my grandfather used to fish every day there. Its appearance has

changed a lot in the last years (you only have to look at photos) to give more facilities to old

people and to prevent accidents.

Now my friends like San Telmo but until some years they always went to others beaches or

to the swimming pool and I was never with them in the summer because I wanted to stay

there. I remember when my friends went the first time, after then they have never gone to

another beach. There I have spent all kinds of moments which I will remember always. One

of them was when the weather and the sea were horrible and my dad, my brother and me

went for a bath, we climbed some stones to go up to “La Trinchera” and then jumped to the


Gara González Torres 4º B Inglés


And then...

Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz -Nº9- Curso 2006/2007




Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz -Nº9- Curso 2006/2007

More favourite places…

Punta del Este: The magical and natural


Punta del Este is a beatiful and very safe city.

Uruguay is a very calm country, free the from

typical violence of the developed countries. It

exists an excellent police covering and much

segurity. For the Tourists, Punta del Este is an

exceptional place to spend most unforgettable


The Peninsula is the main point of the city, with

the Gorlero Avenue as main protagonist. Here

you’ll find the best commerce, shops, cinemas,

etc. And is an obligatory long walk if you want

to know Punta del Este. The Boulevards, the

Port, the Lighthouse, the Square with its Fair of

Craftsmen, lots of things to see…

Punta del Este is characterized particularly by

the beautiful of its beaches. It is perhaps the

activities more practiced in the summer... to go

to the beach. In addition, being a peninsula, it

has different types of coast. On one side, you

will see the sunrise with wild as frame, on the

other you’ll see the sunset with the Gorriti

Island and the Bay of Punta del Este.

There is always a protected beach from the

wind and with different condition of the sea. If

you like the barren sea, you should go to the

Mansa Beach, that is a spectacular bay with

the Gorriti Island in front and all the sun of

the afternoon. Many water based activities can

be practice like water skiing, windsurfing,

diving, or simply swimming. If you like the

waves and the powerful sea, you should go to

the Brava Beach, where you may practices

surfing, body boarding and also windsurfing or

kite surfing and swim of course..

The coast is very long and allows you to choose

the exact beach according to your preferences.

Rubén Berbotto 2º D Inglés




Family issues...

This is a photo of my niece. She’s eleven and she’s Venezuelan, but she has been four years living in Tenerife, in La Vera. She studies the sixth year of the school.

She has long fair hair and very big brown eyes. She smiles all the time. She has a thin face and a big mouth with white teeth.

Her dress is black, and her pantyhose is blue. She is beautiful, tall and slim. Her skin is a bit dark. She’s happy all the time.

She loves practicing sports. She practices athletics in Toscal’s stadium’s team. She gets all the time in the three first places in all competitions.

She loves cars, bikes, bicycles and now all about big power motors. I like her because I like all these things too.

She doesn’t like good food, she prefers sweets and fast food and that is not good for him.

Oh what happened? Oh what happened?

I forgot this photo is from Carnival. This isn’t my niece, it’s my nephew. Oh my God! I love him. Edelmiro López 1º C Inglés




This is a photo of my little big friend. His name’s

Raul. He was born on 24th of July 2004 and he is

from Los Realejos. His parents weren’t born in Los

Realejos, they are from Puerto de La Cruz. Raul

doesn’t go to school. He goes to kindergarden.

He has short fair hair and a round face. His eyes

are brown. He’s funny and very intelligent. He’s

always smiling and he’s never sad.

He loves walking with me. We go to the beach, to

parks and he plays with other children. He always

wants to buy ice-cream. He loves ice-cream and

potatoes too.

I love listening and speaking with him. He’s a very

nice child. Everyday that we go out, he wants to go

to the church. He likes sitting inside and looking at

the saints. This child is terrible! I like him because

he has always a smile for me.

José Barrera 1º C Inglés

Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz -Nº9- Curso 2006/2007

Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz -Nº9- Curso 2006/2007

Marathon des Sables.

I would like to tell you about my experience at Marathon des Sables. A lot of you know what a marathon is. It’s a long race with a standard distance “42km” to commemorate the victory of Dario’s army, when Filipides, a soldier, ran from the city of Marathon to Athens to claim: “we are the winner” and then he died. But, what do you know about the French word sables? Perhaps, you are thinking of shields and swords. And, if we exchange letter “S” by “J” we can read “Jable” and a lot of canary people know a place called “Morro Jable”. So we have: Jable, Sable, Sand or Marathon on the Sand. Marathon des sables takes place in Morocco, south of Morocco bordering with Algeria. We need to arrive in Ouarzazate, the core of the organization, a city which is a tourist resort nowadays. From here, they take us by bus to the south (they give us a picnic on the way) and they use trucks to transport competitors to the encampment. My team had 6 members: two fire fighters, a teacher, a waiter, a sport monitor and myself. We were almost 800 competitors from more than 30 nationalities On the first day, we eat from a catering and we must check our backpack. Inside a backpack we must carry a sleeping bag, our clothes and the meals for

seven days. Some items are obligatory too, for example: safety pins, spoon, compass, and lighter, lantern as a heat management, aluminium bed sheet or a syringe to suck out poison (from scorpions).The backpack must weigh no less than 6.5kgr and it must provide you with at least 14.000 calories.

The race consists of 6 stages in 7 days to cover around 220kms. This year the stages were: 30kms, 35kms, 31kms, 71kms, a rest day, 42kms and 11kms. Every day the campsite is moved and we go running towards this place. We can run, usually walk over the dunes or we must run over dry land. Sometimes we have to climb mountains, run over uneven and stony terrain all of this either in the scorching sun, 42-44 degrees in the morning or , 10-14 degrees at night.

Another aspect in this kind of race is daily life when you finish the stage every day. Then you must make your meal. You have to go to find short pieces of wood and light a fire to boil the water to add to the dehydrated meal or to make a hot infusion like a camomile for example.

You must check your shoes, to remove all the sand from them and treat your toes, or sometimes you must go to the clinic. In this case nurses and doctors take care of you. I hurt seriously two of my nails.

One night, no sooner did we go to bed than we realized the wind would be blowing all night long. Not only the sound of the wind hindered us to sleep but also a gust of wind threw out our tent. So we had to get up to put it up again. Another day, I finished the stage so tired that my partners had to take off my sport clothes because I was worn-out.

In spite of all this, the desert has something special; it may be the singing sound of the dunes or the lights during the sunset or at dawn, or perhaps the landscapes and the scenery. Whatever it is, it is really exceptional. The main reason of this marathon was collecting* money for a charity association called Corazón y vida. Through this organization two flats are rented in Madrid all year round to provide accommodation for the family of patients who are going to have a heart operation. We do consider we have achieved both aims: supporting the association and enjoying an unforgettable experience. I don’t know if I will go back again, who knows? Anyway I would love it.

Javier González .5º Inglés




Der schwarze Humor

Auf diesem Bild gibt es zwei Männer,

einen Henker und ein en Gefangenen.

Der Gefangene möchte frei sein aber er ist

gefesselt. Mit einem Schlüssel befreit der

Henker den Gefangenen, aber unter dem

Gefangenen, gibt es ein groβes Krokodil. Die

Parodie ist, dass wenn der Mann im Wasser ist,

er nie wieder frei wird, weil das Krokodil ihn

fressen wird.

Im Bild gibt es eine Frau, die traurig

und allein ist. Vielleicht ist sie

verrückt und hat keinen Ehepartner.

In der Nacht weint sie im

Schlafzimmer und sagt: ”Dear God I

am so lonely. What to do? Please help

me”. In diesem Moment eine Hand mit einer

Pistole erscheint auf dem Bild. Die Frau ist sehr

verwundert. Sie braucht eine andere Hilfe und

nicht eine Pistole um zu sterben.

Yurena Afonso González 3º Alemán

Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz -Nº9- Curso 2006/2007

Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz -Nº9- Curso 2006/2007


The world is changing quickly. That is nothing new. However, the problems related with changes are forcing an important amount of people to live in absolute poverty.

Unfortunately the human rights for some populations have not become a truth. Some get up every day without enough to eat while others are ill because they have eaten too much.

Last June a United Nations report showed and illustrated on the news how the globalization has been beneficial only to rich countries. Actually the poor countries suffer famines more and more frequently nowadays.

A mother with her children receiving free meals in Vrindavan, India.

Developed countries have lost some healthy habits. For many years people worked to live and to dress but apparently that is not enough…this could be the bottom of the matter. Some time ago we knew a new way of eating which was spreading all over the world: it was ‘fast food’. Americans created this kind of food to save time and money. There are food experts who have been quite critic about this and they advice us to take care of this type of meal.

Obesity is a great worry in modern society, especially about children in a vast majority of the countries. We are also in that fight here. For example In Spain the Sanitary Ministry has been battling against fast food companies such as Burger King, to take away from their menus the hamburger named ‘XXL’ which contains high levels of fat and this is inadequate for children and teenagers´s healthy diet. Recently I have listened on the radio an interesting interview about

this subject. The interviewee said that is necessary to know what we eat and he wanted us to protect ourselves of dangerous diets. In fact, doctors, economists and politicians of European governments have recommended consumers to take healthy habits, such as cooking at home instead of having junk food and, first of al,l to make children have a strong breakfast, to give them every day a balanced diet including seasonal vegetables and fruits, milk, cereals, eggs, meat and not to forget the nutritious fish! Yaya Vega 3º A Inglés





Love is holding hands in the street. Marriage is holding arguments in the street. Love is dinner for 2 in your favourite restaurant. Marriage is a take home packet. Love is cuddling on a sofa. Marriage is one of them sleeping on a sofa. Love is talking about having children. Marriage is talking about getting away from children. Love is going to bed early. Marriage is going to sleep early. Love is a romantic drive. Marriage is to drive in a rollercoaster. Love is losing your appetite. Marriage is losing your figure. Love is sweet nothing in the ear. Marriage is sweet nothing in the bank. TV has no place in love. Marriage is a fight for remote control. Love is 1 drink and 2 straws. Marriage is "Don't you think you've had enough!" Conclusion: "Love is blind, Marriage is an eye opener!"

by Kavita Bhojwani. 3ºA Inglés




The place where I live

I live In Puerto de la Cruz which is a tourist city in the North coast of Tenerife. It has a population of about 40.000 people. It´s the smallest town of Tenerife (8´73 km2).

It´s a pleasant town. It´s good for walking and swimming in the beach. There are a lot of outdoor bars and restaurants where people sit and enjoy the sun.

The weather is soft. The winter isn´t cold and the summer is sunny but not hot.

Puerto de la Cruz is famous for its artificial lake of Martianez, Garden beach, San Telmo beach, Loro Park, Charco Square, Church Square, dock beach, Taoro Park… There are three famous public festivities: the carnival in February, the festivity of Virgin Carmen and the Great Power in which the sailors go for a walk with the Virgin by boat in July and St. Andrew´s day in November when young people run pulling old pots along the streets. I think the best thing about Puerto de la Cruz is the atmosphere. It´s a quite small town but very friendly. I like living here very much.

Carmen Garrido Leal 2º D Inglés

Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz -Nº9- Curso 2006/2007

There was no point in writing letters; he was too busy to answer them, except by postcards which arrived without stamps. This morning he caught one of them and started reading it on the train on the way to work. Kevin was absolutely tired .Not only had he been awful the previous night but he had also had a terrible nightmare with these postcards… In a hurry he bought the newspaper and sat on the train. He calmly glanced at his seat-mates. On his left was sitting an elegant woman in her sixties, with high heels, a bizarre hat, impeccable clothes and a strong perfume. Sitting facing her was a little girl in pink—her granddaughter—he presumed, with a tasty lollypop .Suddenly the man sitting opposite him who had been reading, now was staring at him…

“A long journey, isn’t it?” It was the horrible phrase where all began. They started an interesting conversation. The man looked like a business man far away from his house and his wonderful wife. Then, he asked him if he didn’t want to get rid of someone “I mean someone who has annoyed you for a long time…” In a panic, Kevin answered no! Never before had he heard something similar. The dialogue had turned into a weird distortion.

But the freaky businessman went on and made him a disgusting proposition. He asked Kevin if he had received some strange postcards without stamps” Yes, I sent you some yesterday and last week, in them I asked you if you wanted to kill my wife and I’d kill someone you chose…” He rapidly stopped listening; under no circumstances would he accept this offer.

He nervously looked around wondering if someone was listening to that fool man.

Instantly, a grinding noise woke him up, he opened his eyes .Nobody was sitting in front of him. It had been another nightmare. The train had arrived at the station .Not once it stopped than he got off the train and breathed the morning fresh air. He looked for the postcard in his case but it mysteriously had disappeared…

Natalia Bravo 5º Inglés




Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz -Nº9- Curso 2006/2007

A Strange Proposition

Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz -Nº9- Curso 2006/2007

FLYING OVER LIFE -Hurry up, grandad, hurry up! How lazy you are! Take the headphones with you immediately; it is almost an order! The whole family is waiting for us in the sitting room in order to travel to Cuba. Oh, Cuba!! What a real paradise fringed with shady palms, highly-pleasant beaches and stuff like that; anyway, everything is prepared there, except your luggage and you! -these were the last words my seven-year-old granddaughter dedicated me yesterday, before leaving home virtually and landing at Cuba, some seconds later .Yes, just a couple of seconds, incredible, isn't it? The reason is that I have survived thanks to the progress of genetic engineering, which has eradicated terrible illnesses like cancer; therefore, now is the year 2098 and I am still living here, walking on the same ground and surrounded by the same atmosphere. Nowadays, the virtual world is part of our reality, so this sort of holiday package tours is a normal and daily activity .Frankly, I do love this lifestyle since it is fairly practical. Under no circumstances, would I come back to the past in order to live it again; an awful past filled with war, pollution, discrimination, drugs... Some decades before, we started fighting against global warming and today, we have put an end on this trouble .It has been one of our merits. On the contrary, apart from being satisfied with this current life, I miss certain aspects which were common years ago: For instance, I wish I could travel by train or by plane anew, since watching the clouds below you was such an exciting and unforgettable experience: Fresh and fluffy clouds, as white as the snow, and obviously, as ‘the dead grass on my head'. In addition, another thing I really wish is having more free time to spend with the family, to go abroad or simply, to chill out in peaceful silence. Although it seems to be illogical, today, the more you have to make your routine easier, the less you can take advantage of your time! Apart from that, I don't regret anything definitely. I know it is an easy answer; nevertheless, it is our present, based on the consequences of our past actions; that is the reason why we can't change it.

Life occasionally can be severely hard, but it is no more than its natural rhythm... Carlos Nicolás Pérez García 5º Inglés





It was a Thursday. She was wearing her usual short and sexy dress. She

looked ahead and she also wore her toe nails painted red. She was weird

and wild, a typical 90’s girl.

A man arrived and asked her for a good night. ‘’Oh, how I wish to be

another person!’, she thought to herself but then she said. ‘Oh, honey! You

know I can make you touch Heaven, just follow me!’

The man draw a pervert smile on his face as soon as she said that; the

connection between them turned into something more than sexual, it was

going to be malicious.

During the way to the hotel, she seemed lost and didn’t say anything. Her

eyes, even sweet but dark, reflected a hard past which had transformed her

in the person she was now.

In the lobby he asked for a room and they took the lift, she seemed to

know the place. By the time he opened the door, she violently pushed him

inside and said ‘You aren’t going to taste something like this anymore!’

while closing the door.

Next morning, she prepared her breakfast while she was watching TV.

News announced ‘Important businessman assassinated’. She thought someone like that should die for being millionaire and waste his money on

prostitutes. She raised her hand and looked at the ID card. The photo was

the same she’d just seen on TV.

She went upstairs and got into a locked room. Once inside she opened the

curtains and the sunlight showed a ‘plastic room’. It was full of lots of ID

cards. She put the new one on a low corner of the dark room. It was the

last one. She said then ‘I’ve finished my collection, so now you can rest in

peace, mummy!’

Sergio García y Cintia Jorge 4ºB Inglés

Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz -Nº9- Curso 2006/2007




Riding through San Francisco Bay Hi!! I’m Rober, student of E.O.I. third level, and the last April I went to USA to visit the west coast. I’ve been in many places like Las Vegas, Grand Canyon, Los Ángeles, Hollywood, Santa Monica & Malibu, Yosemite & Sequoias National Park, San Francisco… It was wonderful and San Francisco is a good place to live, there you can find a lot of races, religions and estrangers living with a surprising sense of tolerance and sharing a beautiful city.

I’ve been there for 21 days and my favourite one was when my friends and I, decided to take some bicycles and ride through San Francisco Bay, we spent 7 hours and covered around 56 kilometres! It was really exciting and funny as the rest of the travel. Here are some photos of that day:

Taking a break to have a breakfast inside the Fine Arts Park.

Riding the Golden Gate!!!

In short, it was a really amazing travel. If you have the possibility of going there and make tourism around Unites State’s West Coast, don’t doubt it!! (it’s less expensive than people think)

Roberto Manuel Luis 3º A Inglés



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Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz -Nº9- Curso 2006/2007

The OghThe OghThe OghThe Ogh----Ogh ceremonyOgh ceremonyOgh ceremonyOgh ceremony

We are at 1929! … in Balinese calendar.

In Bali they have 2 calendars. One is our occidental calendar and the

second is the Balinese version of the Hindu calendar. In it, a year lasts only

210 days.

The day before New Year they organize a parade, ritual and communal

pride. Big demons statues called “Ogoh- Ogoh” are venerated and, after the

ceremony they are burned.

In this day they also represent stories about

the Hindu kingdom in the island of Jawa.

After muslin domination they were

refugees in Bali.

All the community participates in this

ceremony, children, adults and elderly


The following day is “Nyepi”, New Year in

Bali. This is a very special day for Balinese

people. In Nyepi they stay full day at home,

going out to the street is forbidden.

They don’t speak, don’t use electricity, and

the silence is the main target. For tourists it

is just permitted to walk inside the hotel,

but silence is entirely appreciated.

Balinese people have changed a bit with occidental influence, but their

culture is still very strong and they maintain most of their traditions. I was

there this year and I wanted to tell you about my experience speaking in

English all the time! Augusto Bisio, 3ºA Inglés





Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz -Nº9- Curso 2006/2007

Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz -Nº9- Curso 2006/2007






Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz -Nº9- Curso 2006/2007


Milagros Cruz, Stephan Gómez, Laura Rodríguez y Joshua Ponce

3ºB Inglés

Víctor López, Sandra Martín, Veróni-ca Martín y Sandra Oramas 3º C In-glés





Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz -Nº9- Curso 2006/2007


José Cairós, Pedro Iván y Rafael 4º A InglésJosé Cairós, Pedro Iván y Rafael 4º A InglésJosé Cairós, Pedro Iván y Rafael 4º A InglésJosé Cairós, Pedro Iván y Rafael 4º A Inglés

Hercules GymnasiumHercules GymnasiumHercules GymnasiumHercules Gymnasium

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should train your body here. We have the best trai-should train your body here. We have the best trai-should train your body here. We have the best trai-should train your body here. We have the best trai-

ners, therapies, treatments and very good facilities ners, therapies, treatments and very good facilities ners, therapies, treatments and very good facilities ners, therapies, treatments and very good facilities

Duch as sauna and swimming pools.Duch as sauna and swimming pools.Duch as sauna and swimming pools.Duch as sauna and swimming pools.

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Candelaria Sosa 4ºB InglésCandelaria Sosa 4ºB InglésCandelaria Sosa 4ºB InglésCandelaria Sosa 4ºB Inglés

Spanish omelette

Ingredients: Five big potatoes Five eggs One onion Parsley Some ham Salt Olive oil Method: Wash, peel and dice the potatoes. Dice the onion. Fry the diced potatoes and onion in oil. Beat the eggs in a bowl and add the fried potatoes and onion. Chop the ham and the parsley and add this to the bowl with some salt. Mix well. Put the mixture in a frying pan with a little hot oil. Cook the omelette for some minutes and then turn the omelette upside down by putting a plate on top of the pan. Put the omelette back in the pan. Leave it to rest for a while before eating.

Priscila Torres, Fátima Zamora, Victoria Moretti y Gladys Morales 1º A Inglés

Walnut cake

Ingredients: 2 glasses of flour 2 glasses of sugar 1 glass of oil 2 glasses of chopped walnuts 4 eggs 1 packet of yeast ½ glass of caster sugar Butter Method: Mix the flour, sugar, oil and yeast in a bowl. Beat four eggs in another bowl. Fold them into the previous mixture. Then add the walnuts. Lightly butter the base of an 18 cm cake tin and add the mixture. Preheat the oven to 180ºC and put the cake tin in the oven. Bake it for about 45 minutes. Serve dusted with caster sugar. Ángeles Hernández, Samuel Pérez, Verónica Rodríguez, Mariana Yumar 1º A Inglés



Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz -Nº9- Curso 2006/2007

Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz -Nº9- Curso 2006/2007

Pastry made in Galicia

Mary and Cecilia our two winners of the best recipe competition in December ‘06 share their cooking secrets with us! Here´s their “empanadilla gallega” recipe!


Pastry: ½ a kilo of flour 1 egg. ½ a glass of milk. 1 tablespoon of butter . 1 tablespoon of baking powder.


2 big onions. 1 or 2 garlic cloves. 1 or two green peppers A tin of fried tomatoes A tin of sweet pepper A tin of boneless olives 6 hard boiled eggs A pinch of salt. A little bit of olive oil 600-800 gr of tuna in oil A tin of cockles Thyme,oregano or other aromatic herbs 1 egg to decorate.


Pastry: Mix all the ingredients to make the pastry as you do for bread ,wrap in a wet tea-towel and let it settle for about 10 minutes in a warm place.

Stuffing: Fry the onions, garlic, green peppers and the tin of fried tomatoes in olive oil adding a pinch of salt and the aromatic herbs .Add the tuna without the oil, the sweet peppers and the cockles .Unroll half of the pastry and place it on a grease-proof paper in a oven tray, add the stuffing, the olives, the sweet peppers and the hard-boiled eggs all finely chopped. Carefully place the other half of the pastry on top and join both sides. Decorate the pastry with long stripes of the remaining dough and make a tiny hole in the middle of the pastry with a fork to let it breathe and paint all the pastry with a wipped egg (this will give it a golden finish). Place it in the oven medium heat tll cooked.

Mary Cabrera y Cecilia González 1º B Inglés



Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz -Nº9- Curso 2006/2007

KEY: Across:






Adrián González, Martín Perera, Susana García y Patricia Padrón 3ºB Inglés




Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz -Nº9- Curso 2006/2007


Across: POISON






Celia Juez y Orlando Iglesias 3º C Inglés





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