Ies josep miquel guàrdia

Post on 25-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Ies josep miquel guàrdia


IES Josep miquel Guàrdia is located in Alaior's industrial area, together with the other schools.

Our school was first opened in 1989. At the begging, this school only offered bacheloriad education, but as the years passed and the education kept changing, our school started having ESO and other courses.

We have a big playground, that includes a basketball pitch, and also a football field. One of the best things is that we have a bar, where we can buy our breakfast, drinks like juices, and in general all kinds of sweets.

There are 450 students and around 50 teachers. We all get along very well and we don't have problems like people bullying other students, or fights at the playgrounds. Not even robberies.

We think our school is big, but definitely not like yours. We live in a small town, so to have this kind of high school here, is amazing.

We are very proud and honored to be a part of this awesome high school Our grades may not be the best, but we feel like we're all like a big family.