TEXTOS ARGUMENTATIVOS. Los FOR / AGAINST essays desarrollan un tema considerando los ASPECTOS...

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Transcript of TEXTOS ARGUMENTATIVOS. Los FOR / AGAINST essays desarrollan un tema considerando los ASPECTOS...


Los FOR / AGAINST essays desarrollan un tema considerando los ASPECTOS POSITIVOS Y NEGATIVOS que tiene.

Hay que tratar el tema explicando las VENTAJAS Y DESVENTAJAS de forma objetiva y equilibrada, sin darle más importancia a unas que a otras.

No hay que dar nuestra opinión hasta el final.Estos textos tienen cuatro párrafos: Introducción Ventajas Inconvenientes Conclusión

Vamos a dar una serie de consejos para cada parte y además los vamos a ir aplicando a un

texto argumentativo sobre internet.





Presenta el tema con lo que sepas de él y su situación actual. También puedes incluir una pregunta retórica o general sobre el tema para interesar al lector y alguna cita famosa o refrán si puedes. Por ejemplo:

Technological advance has changed the world and the use of the internet seems to be essential in our lives, work and society. However, as Albert Einstein said, “Technological progress is like an axe in the hands of a pathological criminal”. That’s why the use of the internet is so controversial. Depending on how we use it, the internet will be good and useful or bad and harmful.IMPORTANTE: la introducción es un solo párrafo. Sólo lleva puntos y seguido y NO SE DA LA OPINIÓN.

Ahora hay que explicar, justificar y razonar las VENTAJAS. Por eso debes hacer una lista previa. Por ejemplo:

1. Es una fuente de información que ahorra mucho tiempo y dinero.

2. Es un medio de comunicación que nos une, nos conecta a los demás.

3. Es un medio de organización social

Ahora hay que explicar estas ventajas y REDACTARLAS. Cada razón se presenta con una expresión y dentro de la explicación debemos poner algún CONECTOR de:Causa, consecuencia, ideas contrarias, de añadir información o de dar ejemplos. (consultar archivo)

Puedes empezar con una de estas expresiones:1. The main advantage / A major advantage is that... (La principal ventaja / Una ventaja importante es que...)

2. One of the advantages of ... is that… (Una de las ventajas de...es que...)

3. One of the good/best/things about … is… (Una de las cosas buenas/ mejores de... es...)

Elige una y da la primera ventaja (Es una fuente de información que ahorra tiempo y dinero) Por ejemplo:

A lot of people say that the main advantage of the internet is that they can find immediately what they need just pressing a key. Despite being sitting at home, a universe of knowledge, wisdom, culture and entertainment appears on the screen for free and quickly. That’s why most people claim that they save time and money surfing in the net and downloading files.

Ahora hay que añadir la segunda ventaja. Puedes unirla a la anterior con:1.Another advantage is that… (otra ventaja es que..)2.Another good thing about… is that…( otra cosa buena de… es que…) Elige una y da la segunda ventaja (nos une y conecta a los demás). Por ejemplo:Another good thing about the internet is that people can be connected wherever they are. They can chat, watch friends, family or relatives who are far away or send e-mails. Lonely people can make friends and although old people are not used to using the internet, being online makes them feel alive, connected to the real life and being interested in other things which are not medicines, doctors and pains.

Ahora añadimos la tercera ventaja. Puedes empezar por una de estas expresiones:

1. Apart from all this (además de todo esto)2. Another major advantage is… (otra ventaja

importante es…)3. Another positive aspect about… (otra cosa

positiva de…) Elige una y da la tercera ventaja (es un medio de

organización social). Por ejemplo:Apart from all this, the internet can be a very useful tool both for the government, companies, banks and the citizens. A lot of information is uploaded and people can solve online a number of things like the income tax return, control the bank account, get tickets or paying things instead of going to the bank, the travel agency, the airport, the supermarket… Even news, social protests, or demonstrations are followed in the net.

Ahora hay que hablar de las DESVENTAJAS y hacer una LISTA contraria a las ventajas:

1ª VENTAJA: ahorra mucho tiempo y dinero.1ª VENTAJA: ahorra mucho tiempo y dinero.

1ª DESVENTAJA: se pierde mucho tiempo y dinero haciendo y comprando cosas innecesarias

2ª VENTAJA: Nos une, nos conecta a los demás.2ª VENTAJA: Nos une, nos conecta a los demás.

2ª DESVENTAJA: nos puede aislar de nuestra familia, amigos y hacer que perdamos el sentido de la realidad.

3ª VENTAJA: Es un medio de organización social 3ª VENTAJA: Es un medio de organización social

3ª DESVENTAJA: riesgo de ser pirateado o manipulado.

Para explicar las desventajas puedes empezar con una de estas expresiones:

1. On the other hand, … also has some negative aspects. One of the drawbacks is that... (Por otra parte, ...también tiene cosas negativas. Uno de los inconvenientes es que...)

2. A disadvantage of ... is that… (Otra de las desventajas de...es que...)

3. One of the bad/worst things about … is… (Una de las cosas malas/ peores de... es...)

Elige una y da la primera desventaja (se pierde mucho tiempo y dinero haciendo y comprando cosas innecesarias ) Por ejemplo:

On the other hand, the internet also has some negative aspects. One of the drawbacks is that people waste a lot of time surfing in the net. Although they intend to search something in particular, they often finish browsing things completely different from the ones they needed. Others, just for fun and they are not aware of the time they spend sitting in front of their computers.

La segunda desventaja puede empezar por:1.Another disadvantage is that… (otra

desventaja es que..)2.Another bad thing about… is that…( otra

cosa mala de… es que…)

Elige una y da la segunda desventaja (nos puede aislar de nuestra familia, amigos y hacer que perdamos el sentido de la realidad) Por ejemplo:

Another bad thing about the internet is that people can isolate themselves. There are people who are obsessed with the net and they prefer to spend their free time surfing in the net or playing games online rather than being with real people. So, they start to have problems with their families, friends, studies or work. As this is a kind of addiction, they have to be treated even by doctors.

Ahora añadimos la tercera ventaja. Puedes empezar por una de estas expresiones:

1. Apart from all this (además de todo esto)2. Another major disadvantage is… (otra desventaja

importante es…)3. Another negative aspect about… (otra cosa

negativa de…) Elige una y da la tercera desventaja (peligro de

ser pirateado o manipulado). Por ejemplo:

Apart from all this, another major disadvantage of the internet are hackers and jokers. The first ones can hack into people’s bank accounts, e-mail accounts, passwords, websites, etc and take what they want whereas the second ones can upload and share other people’s videos or photos without their permission and they can even manipulate them with the photoshop. All this is an attempt to people’s property, privacy, image and dignity that unfortunately nobody can control since it is made in an anonymous way.

La conclusión puede ser: Una REFLEXIÓN EQUILIBRADA que empiece por: Taking everything into account, = Teniendo todo

esto en cuenta In conclusion, = en conclusión To sum up, = Para resumir Y después se hace la reflexión empezando

por una de estas frases: It can be said / claimed that…= puede decirse /

afirmarse que… It is clear /obvious that…= está claro/es evidente

que… There is no doubt that…= no hay duda de que…

La conclusión también puede ser LA OPINIÓN en la que ya se dice si se está a favor o en contra.

También se empieza por: Taking everything into account, = Teniendo todo

esto en cuenta In conclusion, = en conclusión To sum up, = Para resumirY después se da la opinión empezando por : I (firmly) believe/feel/think that …=

creo/considero/opino firmemente que… I am convinced that …= estoy convencido-a de

que… I (do not) agree that/with …= (no) estoy de

acuerdo que /con…

También se puede hacer las dos cosas:REFLEXIÓN final y OPINIÓN a favor o en contra.Aquí tienes una propuesta de conclusión:

Taking everything into account, it is clear that the internet has both good and bad things and that people can be internet addicts or simply users depending on the use they make of it. I am convinced that if we can control the time we are connected, we are selective with the kind of information we want to search and we use it just like a tool, the same as the washing machine for instance, we will make a good use of it and it will be at our service, not the opposite.

Ya has visto la importancia que tiene el tener las ideas claras y escribir en sucio:

La situación real del tema. 2 o 3 ventajas. 2 o 3 inconvenientes. Tu opinión.

A continuación vas a ver escrita toda la redacción. Es más larga de lo que se te va a pedir en un examen, pero así sacas ideas.











Technological advance has changed the world and the use of the internet seems to be essential in our lives, work and society. However, as Albert Einstein said, “Technological progress is like an axe in the hands of a pathological criminal”. That’s why the use of the internet is so controversial. Depending on how we use it, the internet will be good and useful or bad and harmful.

A lot of people say that the main advantage of the internet is that they can find immediately what they need just pressing a key. Despite being sitting at home, a universe of knowledge, wisdom, culture and entertainment appears on the screen for free and quickly. That’s why most people claim that they save time and money surfing in the net and downloading files. Another good thing about the internet is that people can be connected wherever they are. They can chat, watch friends, family or relatives who are far away or send e-mails. Lonely people can make friends and although old people are not used to using the internet, being online makes them feel alive, connected to the real life and being interested in other things which are not medicines, doctors and pains. Apart from all this, the internet can be a very useful tool both for the government, companies, banks and the citizens. A lot of information is uploaded and people can solve online a number of things like the income tax return, control the bank account, get tickets or paying things instead of going to the bank, the travel agency, the airport, the supermarket… Even news, social protests, or demonstrations are followed in the net.

On the other hand, the internet also has some negative aspects. One of the drawbacks is that people waste a lot of time surfing in the net. Although they intend to search something in particular, they often finish browsing things completely different from the ones they needed. Others, just for fun and they are not aware of the time they spend sitting in front of their computers. Another bad thing about the internet is that people can isolate themselves. There are people who are obsessed with the net and they prefer to spend their free time surfing in the net or playing games online rather than being with real people. So, they start to have problems with their families, friends, studies or work. As this is a kind of addiction, they have to be treated even by doctors. Apart from all this, another major disadvantage of the internet are hackers and jokers. The first ones can hack into people’s bank accounts, e-mail accounts, passwords, websites, etc and take what they want whereas the second ones can upload and share other people’s videos or photos without their permission and they even manipulate them with the photoshop. All this is an attempt to people’s property, privacy, image and dignity that unfortunately nobody can control since it is made in an anonymous way.

Taking everything into account, it is clear

that the internet has both good and bad

things and that people can be internet addicts

or simply users depending on the use they

make of it. I am convinced that if we can

control the time we are connected, we are

selective with the kind of information we want

to search and we use it just like a tool, the

same as the washing machine for instance, we

will make a good use of it and it will be at our

service, not the opposite.