Tiempos verbales vilchez_bertha

Post on 18-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Tiempos verbales vilchez_bertha







VERBAL TIMES1.- PRESENT SIMPLE:This is a verb tense used to express actions that take place in the present and with a certain frequency , that is, every day, every morning, among other.Example: You speak english.I study medicine.

USES:a) Negative – present simple:

SUBJECT + DO NOT or DON’T / DOES NOT or DOESN’T + VERB + SUPPLEMENTExample:You do not speak englishI don’t study medicineb) Interrogatory – present simple:

DO / DOES + SUBJECT + VERB + SUPPLEMENTExample:Do you speak english?Does she study medicine?

2.- PRESENT CONTINUOUS / PROGRESSIVE:It is a verb tense used to express actions that take place in the present, in the moment which is rendering the phrase.Example: You are speaking english.I am studing medicine.

USES:a) Negative – present continuous:

SUBJECT + TO BE (am, is, are) + NOT + VERB (ing) + SUPPLEMENTExample:You are not speaking englishI am don’t studing medicineb) Interrogatory – present continuous:

TO BE (am, is, are) + SUBJECT + VERB (ing) + SUPPLEMENTExample:Are you speaking english?Is she studing medicine?

3.- PAST SIMPLE:It is a verb tense used to express actions that took place in the past, without the excessive amount of time past in which they took place.Example: You went to the beach.I wrote a novel.

USES:a) Negative – past simple:

SUBJECT + AUXILIAR VERB (Did not / didn't) + VERB + SUPPLEMENTExample:Susan did not dance at the party yesterday.I didn’t do the job yesterdayb) Interrogatory – past simple:

AUXILIAR VERB (DID) + SUBJECT + VERB + SUPPLEMENTExample:Did Susan dance at the party yesterday?Did you do homework last night?

In English, there are two types of Simple Past or Past simple: regular or irregular. Regular verbs form the past simple by adding the suffix - ed to the infinitive and irregular verbs form their Simple Past

without following any rules.

4.- PAST CONTINUOUS / PROGRESSIVE:Is a time when verbal actions that took place in the past are expressed , but in a particular moment . This tense is formed with the past of the verb (to) be (was or were) + the action verb (-ing ).Example: I was dancing at the party yesterday.You were playing last night.

USES:a) Negative – past continuous:

SUBJECT + WAS NOT OR WASN'T / WERE NOT OR WEREN'T + VERB (ing) + SUPPLEMENTExample:Susan was not dancing at the party yesterday.You weren’t doing homework.b) Interrogatory – past continuous:

WAS / WERE + SUBJECT + VERB (ing) + SUPPLEMENTExample:Was Susan dancing at the party yesterday?Were you doing homework last night?

5.- FUTURE SIMPLE:It is a verb tense used to express actions that will occur in the future, no matter the time too . It is formed with the particle will + infinitive verb action without the (to). Example: I will dance tomorrow at the party.You will read at night.

USES:a) Negative – future simple:

SUBJECT + WILL NOT / WON’T + VERB + SUPPLEMENTExample:Susan will not dane tomorrow at the party.You will not read that book.b) Interrogatory – future simple:

WILL + SUBJECT + VERB + SUPPLEMENTExample:Will Susan dance at the party yesterday?Will you read that book?

5.- FUTURE CONTINUOUS:It is a verb tense used to talk about what is happening at any given time in the future . It is formed with the particle will + be + the action verb (-ing).Example: I will be dancing tomorrow at the party.You will be reading at night.

USES:a) Negative – future continuous:

SUBJECT + WILL NOT / WON’T + BE + VERB (ing) + SUPPLEMENTExample:Susan will not be dancing tomorrow at the party.You will not be reading that book.b) Interrogatory – future continuous:

WILL + SUBJECT + BE + VERB (ing) + SUPPLEMENTExample:Will Susan be dancing at the party yesterday?Will you be reading that book?