Void Phantoms; ¡Corsairs Inbound!

Post on 17-Sep-2015

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Información sobre los Corsarios Eldar Oscuros, conocidos como Fantasmas del Vacío (Void Phantoms)

Transcript of Void Phantoms; ¡Corsairs Inbound!

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    Prueba de una figura pintada como Fantasmas del Vaco tambin conocidos como (Void Phantoms)

    Jueves, 11 de Junio de 2013

    Modelo que he usado para testar mis Corsarios Eldar (He utilizado el nuevo Cdex Eldar y EO como

    aliados), con ellos he confeccionado a mis temibles Fantasmas del Vaco. Decid que probablemente era mejor empezar con algunas de mis unidades actuales de Eldar, aunque cuento con Viejas figures de EO de la 3 edicin que ya estn montados por lo que empezar con ellos primero. Plane que la mayora de la fuerza la compondran Guardianes/Guerreros como Infantera, con Warwalkers, Bikes, Exploradores Rangers, Flyers y armas de apoyo, con algunas pequeas Escuadras de guerreros especialistas. Tambin soy poseedor de un montonazo de Arlequines!, me gustara utilizarlos, y muy posiblemente los incorpore a los listados poco a poco.

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    Fantasmas del Vaco more WIP

    Mercoles, 28 de Junio de 2013

    Tras una dura conduccin, fruto de unas vacaciones Me encuentro ahora en mi hogar y he arreglado mi ordenador, adems He comprado nuevas pinturas, y las voy a aplicar ahora mismo! Aqu os ensear ms Eldar Corsarios, que os ir mostrando para que sigis disfrutando con ellos. En la foto de arriba, podemos ver a un montn de Guerreros de la Cbala, Eldar Oscuros con la presentacin que tenan en la vieja escuela, en la 3 Edicin del WH40K; preparados para, tras recibir unas nuevas manos de pintura, aportar otra vez una tonelada de venenosos disparos.

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    Some heavy hitters, Warwalkers assembled and ready for paint. I'll attach the bases to 60mm ones once they're painted, but it's just easier keeping them on the 40s for stability with pegs (the 60s are flat). Adems cuento con algunos guardianes, Escorpiones, Jetbikes y algunos personajes.

    Hablando de personajes, Aqu los tenemos a todos! De izquierda a derecha: nuestro Warlock, el Farseer, el Duque Sliscus para lo que utilic a una vieja figura de los Arlequines, y un Autarca.

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    Aqu tenemos a los Rangers!

    En primer lugar empec por utilizar los Corsarios Elfos Oscuros directamente, aadindoles armas, pero despus de unas pruebas iniciales, decid que era ms fcil, y se vean mejor, si les proporcionaba sus capas a los Guardianes. Some chopping later they fit well on the old lasgun-wielding guardian bodies.

    Vista por detrs, mostrando el detalle de las capas.

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    Estoy pensando en ponerles bases en color verde tipo jungla, ya que me parece que son colores que combinaran muy bien con las tintas aplicadas a estos Fantasmas.

    Fantasmas del Vaco; Almost done!

    Viernes, 29 de Enero de 2014

    Almost done with my Eldar/Dark Eldar Corsairs, the Fantasmas del Vaco. Sealing and doing up a Jetbike Warlock and they'll be finished. Aqu maestro mi Razorwing! No he querido pegar la carlinga! - I'll wait until after I seal it for that. He intentado llevar a cabo una escena de starscape super fra, with nebulas, etc but it looked like crap.

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    So, stripped it back down and started over and left it pretty plain this time, no pun intended.

    Aqu tenemos a nuestros Halcones, Capaces de caer en picado! (Swooping Hawks). Algunos jugadores me dicen que les parece una hereja pintar a estos guerreros con colores diferentes de sus tonos habituales, pero yo, No opino lo mismo! He querido que formaran parte de mis Corsarios, veo tanto a estos muchachos como a los otros con los que cuento en este Ejrcito, como elementos de lite, con herramientas especiales, sus alas, no como msticos guerreros, sino que aunque con un equipamiento distintivo, llevan los mismos colores, y mantienen por lo tanto un aspecto comn con los otros componentes... Me gusta como el color verde en sus alas les hace aparecer como diferentes!

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    No me senta contento con el rostro de mi Wraithlord cuando comenc a pintarlo; mejor bastante su aspecto cuando le aad ms verde Utilic para la carlinga los colores bronce y plata, mezclados con un verde transparente, lo que me permiti crear un precioso tono verde brillante, que transmita profundidad al conjunto. Me gusta el resultado obtenido! Me faltaba empezar a pintar mi Jetbike Warlock, y necesitaba un da con buen tiempo para poder terminarlo por completo, Qu hice mientras?, Ms Tiburones?, Ms Orkos?, Marines del Caos?, Pronto lo veris...!

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    El Jetbike Warlock de mis Fantasmas del Vaco

    Martes, 13 de Febrero de 2014

    Last initial model for the Fantasmas del Vaco pretty much done. Forgot to finish up the engine but other than that and sealing pretty much done. Spear is a Dark Elf spearman arm with a Dark Eldar Scourge spear bit on top. Body is straightforward Dark Eldar biker, bike straightforward Dark Eldar bike with blades cut off.

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    40K Demo; Los Fantasmas del Vaco contra los Lobos Espaciales

    Domingo, 31 de Agosto de 2014

    Learning game with a returning player Scott and his Space Wolves. We were playing 1500pts, Emperor's Will (one objective each). I clustered up and dared the wolves to come get me. Here they are!

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    The Space Wolves took out a big chunk of the Dark Eldar squad and some Dire Avengers. In response, the D-cannons erase one squad of Grey Hunters and various fire whittles down the other.

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    Wraithlord finishes trashing one pod, and Wolf Guard terminators arrive to face him down.

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    Other Wolf Guard squad along with lord multi-assault into Jetbikes, remaining warriors and D-cannons. Some marines cut down, pero el Duque Sliscus runs away, and over time the other Eldar units get whittled down, incluso con la ayuda del Wraithlord, who gets taken down when the surviving Terminators join the fray.

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    Ultimately the Sons of Russ carried the day, storming up the ruins to clear out the Xeno pirates. Warwalkers arrived too far out of position to help, and the Swooping Hawks on the far objective ran afoul of drop-podding Blood Claws. And a pic of the other game going on, a last campaign game with Chaos Marines vs. Blood Angels:

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    Campaign report: Fantasmas del Vaco contra Marines de Slaahnesh

    Tuesday, July 22, 2014

    Campaign game against McCoy's Chaos Marines. SuperHQ plus 750pts. Missions were primary random objective cards, Secondary relic, "Secondary" objectives like First Blood as tertiary. One of his warlord traits was to allow multiple infiltrators, which I forgot included the bikes. I set up my D-cannons forward but neglected to have other things close enough to push him further back. I decided to make deployment really crazy and infiltrated the rangers and scorpions too, and we placed different places denying infiltration zones to each other.

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    Los Rangers se colocaron a cubierto en uno de los objetivos a alcanzar, mientras se sacrificaban a s mismos al enfrentarse en solitario a 3 Escuadras de Marines Ruidosos.

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    Noise marines move up for objective and cover relic (servo skull objective marker) while bikers close on d-cannons, shooting meltaguns through the wall to no effect.

    Rangers scored one point off of this objective before being sonic-ed to death. D-cannons tried to blast a few bikers, but they jinked away.

    Turn two they circle and close in for the kill.

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    El Wraithlord y los Escorpiones se movieron tratando de socorrer a los motoristas, Ambos fallaron sus cargas!

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    Llegaron los Obliteratos! between it and the bikers the Wraithlord gets taken down.

    Blastmaster takes out the other scorpions but one lives! Ha ha! Watch out bikers, he has MANDIBLASTERS!!!!!

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    Eldar reserves all show up at once and start wiping out noise marines in the backfield and take an objective, scoring another point.

    Down something like 7-2 on the primary at this point.

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    Hey, I was just kidding about the mandiblasters. Here, I'll put the helmet down real slowly...urk.

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    Hawks had skylept earlier, now drop back down to grab another point.

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    While bikers turboboost to grab another one before being blasted to oblivion. In the end he had ten points to my five, a solid win for him. He had the relic and first blood. I had linebreaker, neither had slay the warlord. Total of IIRC 20pts for him, 2 for me. Oof. I knew it would be rough with his big biker unit and all the cover-ignoring weapons of his noise marines, but hoped I could get some cheap shots in earlier. Twas not to be though, with my heavy hitters (D-cannons and wraithlord) going down without even scratching him. The reserves managed to get some moral victories, but corsairs Don't fight for moral victories! Good job by James, he played well though I gave him a pretty easy win. Maybe I can be more of a challenge next time!

    Campaa Batreps; los Fantasmas del Vaco contra Marines Espaciales y Guardia Imperial

    Sunday, July 13, 2014

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    As part of the campaign at Gaming Underground, my Fantasmas del Vaco Eldar corsairs faced a challenge from Jim's space marines (using Black Templar rules). This is a leftover round one game, so 500pts plus a character up to 200pts. My character this time around was my Maugan Ra stand in. I also had a 3-bike Jetbike Squad with attached Warlock, five Rangers, six Swooping Hawks, six Striking Scorpions, ten Dire Avengers. He took three crusader squads, two in lascannon Razorbacks, one in a Rhino along with his chapter master. We had old spearhead deployment (start in a corner, can't be closer than 12" from center), primary mission six objectives placed in fixed locations across table, secondary mission table quarters. I infiltrated the rangers off to one side to pick at marines as they crossed over, and massed the other units waiting for them to come. Hawks deep striking in.

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    Jim's army features his home-made rhinos, using different things he's trying out. One paper, one wood, one plastic. The three little pigs I guess. Between singing spear and Maugun ra's S6 shooting we manage to take out one razorback and shoot up the small squad of marines who spill out. On the other side his big squad kills two rangers who promptly flee into a concealed position where they sit out the rest of the game, not wanting to expose themselves next to his big unit and get killed, content to wait and contest a table quarter.

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    I move up to take on his small squads. Here we see Escorpiones about to get charged and bikers getting flamed.

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    They both do fine.

    Mandiblasters took out one marine, chainswords another, with the third going down in the following round. Bikers flit back to cover an objective, dire avengers move up and shoot up a crusader squad with help from arriving hawks. One guy left for now, second Razorback taken out.

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    Finish off last guy and consolidate around various objectives. Hawks hop behind white tower on top left to cover that table quarter and threaten rhino. His big squad stubbornly holds onto the intersection objective and continues to pop shots at whoever they can. In the end I carried the day, winning the primary (objectives) and the secondary (table quarters), along with linebreaker and first blood, neither of us getting slay the warlord. After a break, it was time for round two and a game against Will's Imperial Guard.

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    Not a good arrangement for 7th ed blasts We moved up to 750pts. I used Maugan Ra as my HQ again, and added another five man ranger squad, an Exarch for the hawks, starcannon Warwalker, brightlance Warwalker. With my points from round one I bought a Fuel Depot, which lets me give one unit scout, which I plan to use for outflanking even more stuff. Our deployment was hammer and anvil (short edges). Six objectives primary with fast attack counting for extra points (basically serving as tiebreaker for the primary), secondary getting stuff into the other DZ. With the opponent, table setup and the missions I elected to reserve everything except the Rangers, jumping in the hawks, walking DA from my board edge with everything else outflanking (bikes due to the Fuel Depot).

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    Will had a Paskisher (Pask in a Leman Russ Punisher with three heavy bolters...should paint it black with a big white skull on front!) along with a regular Russ as his buddy, a squad of vets in chimera, two-squad platoon and a vendetta. The tanks were my big worry, but I hoped to weather the storm long enough to kill his squishy guys and hope to get into position with my AT stuff.

    Los Escorpiones llegan! Not terribly pleased, but hoped they could help damage the infantry squad before they were wiped out. Putting them back towards my end could have kept them safer, but they would have ended up doing zero damage.

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    Los Hawks y el Warwalker con starcannon tambin llegan! Walker wrecks Chimera, and Hawks wipe out Veteranos. Una vez ms, la Primera Sangre la ganan los Eldar de nuevo.

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    Battle cannon has been plugging at rangers, who have been going to ground for 2+ cover vs it, still losing a few in the process. Vendetta zips over and unloads at the Warwalker, doing three pens with its twin-linked lascannons...which bounce off of the Warwalker's power field - 5, 5, 6. Qu suerte tienen estos Piratas!

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    But Pask wipes out the scorpions. Dakkadakkadakka!

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    Hawks had lept up, re-entered to blast away guard squad. Rangers move down to cover objective, Dire Avengers arrive. Starcannon Walker moves onto objective but later gets zapped by Vendetta. Bright lance Walker arrives to shake battle cannon Russ, bikers show up and destructor guardsmen on my far right. Pask moves around and shoots up Jetbikes, leaving only warlock remaining.

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    Warlock comes out, misses with her spear and fails charge. At least she managed to conceal herself!

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    Pask sprayed her down, and despite her 2+ jink managed to take her down. While he was rolling and rerolling hits and wounds, I went ahead and did up a series of saves, failing the 17th. When all the counting was done, he did...17 wounds exactly. Scratch one Warlock.

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    Vendetta tries to take down other Warwalker, but powerfield bounces the one pen. Hawks move to cover central objective while others move towards others.

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    Warwalker moves over, shoots up the few remaining guardsmen killing one and charging into the two survivors. Even with krak grenades, he manages to step on them and secure the ruin objective, at least until Pask shoots him to death soon afterwards. We went seven turns. I managed to hold on to more objectives, winning the primary. Neither of us had anything in the enemy DZ, so we tied on the secondary through mutual failure. I had first blood, neither of us had warlord or linebreaker. Otra Victoria de los Fantasmas del Vaco! Another couple games going on:

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    Jim's marines vs. Leonard's Orks.

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    Fuzzy pic of Joel's Blood Angels vs. Josh's Eldar. There was also an earlier game with Will's IG vs. James' CSM; a bunch of 40K-ing going on! I also decided to drop out of the campaign with my Endless Ones at the local GW store, which was too involved for me to keep up with. This one I should be able to keep up with. The other one was fun though, met some great folks and it inspired me to finally build and paint up the Tears of Sanguinius raptors I had planned for quite some time.

    Campaign Report: Fantasmas del Vaco vs. Space Wolves, Ork interlude, Tyranids

    Sunday, July 27, 2014

    Campaign day down at Gaming Underground. I was able to stay longer today than normal, and got involved in a variety of games. First up, campaign game that counts towards last round, 750pts vs. Space Wolves so Eric can get a game in as he was out of town last weekend.

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    Eric's army was three drop pods full of wolf guard with combi-weapons (and Logan) and one pack of long fangs with missile launchers. I put ranger squads up in some buildings (top right, top middle) and had two d-cannons behind the ruin top left. Rest in reserve to try to limit drop-pod alpha strike effectiveness.

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    First pods come down, one by a ranger squad, the other with Logan on the right in the middle of the road to tackle the d-cannons.

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    Long Fangs meanwhile get four on-target frag missiles and wipe out the ranger squad closer to them.

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    D-cannons shoot at Logan's squad hoping to get lucky and send him off to the warp, but he bats the shots aside, only suffering one wound. He and his squad move in and charge the cannon crews, chopping them to teeny little Eldar bits.

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    Swooping Hawks land, dropping grenades on Logan, who ignores them. He's not so resilient to lasblaster fire it turns out, failing two 2+ saves out of three and keels over. Third pod slams down and helps shoot the hawks up a bit, who skyleap back up in my turn three.

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    Warwalkers come in and start shooting up wolf guard who had recently dispatch the second ranger squad.

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    Hawks return turn 4, along with bikers and Wraithlord and combined they lay into Logan's old squad.

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    Two wolf guard make it to combat with the Warwalkers, but over two combat phases both get stomped to death.

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    The wolf guard moved outside to try to get away, but the Eldar follow and finish them off. Rest of the game is destroying some drop pods and claiming objectives. At the end of the game I have the primary (objectives), the secondary (old-style victory points), slay the warlord and linebreaker from a striking scorpion that managed to survive and lurk underneath the long fangs. Eric had first blood so was not totally shut down. With poor reserve rolls, it was a close run thing that I wasn't wiped out turn two or three before the rest of my force arrived! Next I got in a game with Steven, a returning player who hadn't played in several years, skipping all of sixth ed and then some. He brought some Orks and a list he had cobbled together with the new codex. I took the Eldar list I had planned for the campaign turn, less my "free" Grand Warlord.

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    Since it was a learning game I didn't monkey around with reserves, and just set up and waited for the Orks to arrive.

    And come they did! A little cautiously at times, which let me fall back ahead of them and keep shooting them up. His Trukk-borne units and Koptas swept my left flank away but arrived in the center mass piecemeal and my shooting and Wraithlord took them out in turn. If he had been able to concentrate his forces a little earlier or had rolled better with some things like his loota shots it could have gone differently, even with his unfamiliarity with the new rules.

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    40K Campaign - Fantasmas del Vaco vs. Eldar

    Sunday, August 24, 2014

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    With no easier targets available, I arranged a campaign fight with the boogeyman - Josh's Wave Serpent/Wraithknight Eldar. With the cover-ignoring Wave Serpents I wasn't expecting to last long, but wanted to get a few licks in before I went down, hopefully poisoning/bladestorming the Wraithknights to death quickly. I set my larger squads up in the open ready to advance and shoot quickly before being erased themselves.

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    Share the road!

    Third game was against Vinnie's Tyranids for a special campaign game where we were paired up randomly (well, semi-randomly after some adjustments for scheduling were made) against another player fighting for objectives with secret values (each had three objectives, two worth one point, one worth three, you secretly decided which of your objectives was worth three).

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    I left some of the Eldar at home and brought in Duke Sliscus and a big Kabalite warrior squad to help vs. the big bugs. I was worried about his firepower, especially the hive guard so deployed far back for the most part. After seizing the initiative I wished I had been a little closer, but did manage to shoot the hive tyrant off the table and do a few wounds to the hive crone before they got up to full speed.

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    Nids advance, Tervigon is exhausted after pumping out five Termagants (3,1,1).

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    Hive crone shoots haywire bugs at the Warwalkers, but misses. Pull another wound off of the crone with my shooting, but it doesn't ground. DE warriors kill two hive guard, hawks take out a number of termagants. At this point Vinnie concedes, disheartened at loosing the tyrant right off the bat and discouraged at the prospect of advancing without a few extra squads of termagants being pumped out. Disappointing but understandable. Next week I expect to play Jim's marines (black templar tactics) and Leonard's orks. There was also some M:tG going on and a couple games of an X-Wing demo. The ships do look really cool, but there's only so many money and time pits I can get into at once!