Artículos-Casas AutoSustentables

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  • 7/31/2019 Artculos-Casas AutoSustentables

    1/5 NaveTierra MDQ

    La idea es construir en Mar del Plata, ciudad Argentina sobre la costa del Atlntico Sur, una casa

    totalmente autnoma utilizando en gran parte materiales que habitualmente se

    consideran basura y otros provistos por la misma naturaleza como lo es la tierra.

    Por autonoma, en este caso entendemos total independencia de los servicios habituales con los

    que cuentan hoy en da las casas, y de los cuales son totalmente dependientes. Esto significa no

    necesitar del agua corriente, electricidad provista por las compaas, gas natural, y cloacas. En su

    reemplazo se utilizara recoleccin de agua de lluvia, generacin de electricidad por medio de

    energa solar y elica, biodigestores para generacin de gas metano, filtrado, tratamiento y

    reutilizacin de aguas grises, entre otros. Al usar fuentes de energa alternativas, se fija como

    objetivo el mximo aprovechamiento posible de los recursos con los que se cuenta, adems de

    resultar no agresiva para el hbitat en donde se construye.

    Los materiales de desecho utilizados son principalmente neumticos de auto, latas de aluminio de

    bebidas, botellas de vidrio y plstico.

    La masificacin de este tipo de unidades habitacionales tendra varios efectos beneficiosos sobre

    la condicin actual del planeta y, por consiguiente, de todas las especies vivas que lo habitamos.

    Empezando por la disminucin de los predios dedicados a basurales, como consecuencia de la

    reutilizacin de los materiales que habitualmente se desechan sin reciclarse, como son los

    neumticos de autos, ya que su reciclado presenta costos elevados y no tiene un rendimiento

    importante, incluso algunos mtodos provocan una mayor contaminacin que el propioneumtico. Adems, al utilizar energas renovables, producira una importante disminucin de los

    diversos tipos de polucin que ocasiona la produccin y distribucin de energa elctrica, o la

    concentracin de aguas grises y negras en determinados puntos de las ciudades.
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    NaveTierra MDQ. Quines? Cmo? Para qu?

    Navetierra MDQ es un proyecto desarrollado por la ONG I.D.E.A.S. (Investigacin y Desarrollo de

    Entornos AutoSustentables), la cual es una parte activa del Movimiento Zeitgeist de Mar Del Plata.

    Adems de este emprendimiento, dicha ONG tiene otros proyectos afines, tales como

    la produccin de cultivos completamente orgnicos, la generacin de energa en formas

    alternativas, el desarrollo de comunidades autosustentables, etc.

    La gente de Earthship Biotecture realiza seminarios de demostracin durante los cuales, adems

    de construir una NaveTierra, se les ensea a los participantes los principios, conceptos bsicos y

    tcnicas utilizadas para lograrlo. La modalidad de trabajo consiste en que se disponga del terreno,

    los materiales necesarios y alojamiento para el equipo de 12 personas que viajara a realizar la

    demostracin.La idea en curso es solicitar a la Municipalidad de Gral Pueyrredon que provea el terreno, la

    maquinaria necesaria, y la materia prima, o sea la basura reutilizable.

    El resto de los costos, por un lado alojamiento y viticos para el personal de Biotecture, y por otro

    los materiales de construccin no convencionales y las herramientas, deberan ser provistos por


    La parte ms interesante, es que la propia gente que participara de la construccin debera ser

    voluntaria, y llevarse como nico pago el tesoro que representar saber cmo replicar una

    EarthShip en otros lugares, para luego difundir y multiplicar el concepto.

    El destino de la edificacin resultante, podra funcionar como muestra permanente de este tipo de

    construcciones alternativas, y fuente de informacin para quien se sienta interesado por este tipode hogares. Tambin podra destinarse a sede de un museo de medioambiente o de nuevas

    tecnologas que aprovechen energas renovables.
  • 7/31/2019 Artculos-Casas AutoSustentables


    Earthship Biotecture Disaster ReliefAll housing becomes permanent regardless. People live in it until it falls apart even if it was meant

    to be temporary.

    The Haiti Earthship Project is a permanent, sustainable structure that takes care of the people

    (clean water, sanitary sewage treatment) and requires very few skills which are easy to acquire.

    The local people can replicate these buildings and systems.

    We do not want people to become dependant on products that we make or any country makes.

    We want people to be empowered by the ability to create sustenance for themselves, and in doing

    so, create employment, jobs and a mini-economy. An entire method that is independent of

    corporations, largely independent of oil and independent of politics.

    Its Putting Housing Back into the Hands of the People.

    We are bringing the people some technology and demonstrating it. We are bringing a method of

    living that has taken us over 40 years to develop. We have a few communities using it. We are

    doing buildings all over the world using this method. We are taking this method of living to Haiti to

    demonstrate and evolve it toward and with the Haitian people on the level at which Haiti needs it,

    not taking "developed" world housing and trying to make it work in Haiti.

    The key here is that we are doing a permanent structure, this is not a

    temporary thing.

    * Why We Chose to Help Haiti. "Immediately we knew this was what

    we wanted to donate money to."

    * Special thanks to Grassroots United for hosting us during our recent

    project in Haiti.

    * CNN International: 'Earthship' homes rise from Haiti's rubble.
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    Haiti Eco Living Project - H.E.L.P.

    After we finish up our prototype demonstration Earthship at the Grassroots compound in late

    January, 2011, we are taking what we learned from that and what we have absorbed from our

    time spent with the Haitian people and attempting to move forward with project H.E.L.P. -

    Haiti Eco Living Project. Groups of Earthships the Haitian people can build themselves that are

    absolutely sustainable. These Earthships are built using materials found in and around Port-Au-


    Each Earthship for Haiti houses 32 people in eight groups of four people each with eight flush

    toilets. This provides quick and strong housing with sanitary and healthy systems. Food production

    and food preparation are designed in with solar ovens. A small solar powered electrical unit

    powers cell phones, laptops, lights, etc.

    These Earthships that house 32 people can be grouped together in many different configurations

    to provide housing for 256 people in a 240 foot diameter. Group more Earthships and we can

    house 2,048 people and group even more to house 18,432 people. All sustainable, all within the

    principles of Earthship Biotecture.

    Michael Reynolds

    [email protected]
  • 7/31/2019 Artculos-Casas AutoSustentables


    2010 Haiti Earthship Project

    Thanks to everyone who helped provide information, connections, advice and donations for the

    Earthship Biotecture recon visit to Haiti. As it turned out it was much more than a recon visit... we

    built a building with the help of 40 Haitians from the tent camps - ages 4 to 50.

    o We fed them lunch each day for four days and they helped and learned how to build thisearthquake resistant and hurricane resistant building made from garbage all sourced within a

    mile from the build site.

    o We went back to add systems to this building, again with their help.o We managed to get into the heart of the Haitian people who are living in the tent camps.o We found out what they need and we found out that we can help them provide it for


    o We raised only $7,000 for this trip and it was all used for travel expenses, localaccommodations, food, shots, feeding the Haitian build crew and buying materials.

    o There were no wages or pay of any kind for the Earthship team - they went for free.