Cuentos Infantiles en Ingles

8/12/2019 Cuentos Infantiles en Ingles 1/8 The hare and the turtle e presentamos este cuento en inglés para que tus hijos aprendan jugando. In the world of the animals, there was a very arrogant harebecause she said to everyone she was the fastest. That’ s why she was always laughing at the slow turtle. -Look at the turtle! Hey turtle, don’ t run so much that you’ re going to get tired of going so fast!- The hare used to say laughing at the turtle. One day, they were talking and it occurred to the turtle to make a strange betwith the hare. -I’ m sure I can win you a race- she said. - To me?- asked the hare astonished. -Yes, to you. Let’ s put our bet on that stone and let’ s see who wins the race. Cuentos en inglés para leer a los niños The hare, very amused, accepted. All the animals met to watch the race. The road and the finishing line were marked. Once it was ready, the race started among big applauses. Relying on her speed, the hare left the turtle go and she remained lazing about. She had time enough to win such a slow creature! Then she start running, she run fast as the wind while the turtle went slow but without stopping. At once she went ahead. She stopped next to the road and she sat to rest. When the turtle passed by her side, the hare made fun of her once more. She left her advantage and set out her quick walk. She did the same several times but, in spite of her mocks, the turtle kept her way until she arrived to the finishing line. When the hare woke up, she ran with all her might but it was too late, the turtle had won the race. That day was very sad for the hare and she learnt a lesson she would never forget: you must never mock of the others. FIN The Enchanted Forest. Once upon a time, there was a beautiful forest, with a lot of trees and flowers of all the colours which gladden the sight to all the people who went there. Every afternoon, the animals of the forest meet there to play. The rabbits had a race to see who was the first to arrive to the finishing line. The ants made a long line to go to their nest. The colourful birds and bright butterflies land among the bushes. Everything was peace and tranquillity. Until that…One day, the animals heard noises, strange steps and they got very frightened because the land started to shake.

Transcript of Cuentos Infantiles en Ingles

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The hare and the turtle

e presentamos este cuento en inglés para que tus hijos aprendan jugando.

In the world of the animals, there was a very arrogant harebecause she said to everyone she

was the fastest. That’ s why she was always laughing at the slow turtle.

-Look at the turtle! Hey turtle, don’ t run so much that you’ re going to get tired of going so

fast!- The hare used to say laughing at the turtle.One day, they were talking and it occurred to the turtle to make a strange betwith the hare.

-I’ m sure I can win you a race- she said.

- To me?- asked the hare astonished.

-Yes, to you. Let’ s put our bet on that stone and let’ s see who wins the race.

Cuentos en inglés para leer a los niños The hare, very amused, accepted. All the animals met to watch the race. The road and the

finishing line were marked. Once it was ready, the race started among big applauses.

Relying on her speed, the hare left the turtle go and she remained lazing about. She had time

enough to win such a slow creature!

Then she start running, she run fast as the wind while the turtle went slow but without

stopping. At once she went ahead. She stopped next to the road and she sat to rest.When the turtle passed by her side, the hare made fun of her once more. She left her

advantage and set out her quick walk. She did the same several times but, in spite of her

mocks, the turtle kept her way until she arrived to the finishing line. When the hare woke up,

she ran with all her might but it was too late, the turtle had won the race.

That day was very sad for the hare and she learnt a lesson she would never forget: you must

never mock of the others.


The Enchanted Forest.

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful forest, with a lot of trees and flowers of all the

colours which gladden the sight to all the people who went there. Every afternoon, the animals

of the forest meet there to play.

The rabbits had a race to see who was the first to arrive to the finishing line. The ants made a

long line to go to their nest. The colourful birds and bright butterflies land among the bushes.

Everything was peace and tranquillity. Until that…One day, the animals heard noises, strange

steps and they got very frightened because the land started to shake.

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Suddenly, a very ugly and bad warlock  appeared in the forest. He was lived in an abandoned

house and was very solitary, that is why he did not have any family nor friends. He was old and

crooked, his face was sad and anguished. He did not want anyone to be happy so when he

heard the children’ s laughter he got so angry that he cried very loud and went running to look

for them. Quickly he touched the tree with his wand and after a few minutes all its leaves fell

and it lost its colour. He did the same with the flowers

, the grass, the animals and the children.After doing this great and terrible evil deed, he went on laughing and repeating

-Nobody will have life while I am alive!

Many years weny by since nobody treaded that dark and horrible place, until adove arrived

flying and singing cheerfully, but she was very astonished to see that forest that had been

beautiful once, full of children, turned into an horrifying forest.

What happened here? All of them lost their colour and movement…It is so gloomy. As if it was

nighr! I have to do something for this forest be what it was before with its colour, bright and

life…Let’ s see, what can I do?”

Cuentos cortos en inglés para niños And after thinking for a while she said.

-“I got it!The dove landed in the dried branch of a tree that, as if by magic, started to recover its natural

colour and moving slowly.

Then she posed in the back of the rabbit and his soft ears started to stand up and little by little,

his bright grey colour could be noticed.

And that was how she got all the inhabitants of the forest back to life. The children played and

laughed again. They, with the animals, thanked the dove because thanks to her they had gone

back to life. The dove was very happy and she went singing.

And the wind came and took the warlock  and the tale!

The end

The Bag of Lice.

One day the queen was combing the princess’ hair and she found a louse.

-Look father- said the princess,- the louse that mum has found in my hair.

-Don’ t kill him!- exclaimed the king,- let’ s put it in a flash. I’ m curious about how big can

grow a louse fed of  royal blood.

The king put the louse into a flask  and from time to time he allowed him to feed of the

princess’ royal blood leaving it on the girl’ s head for some hours.

The louse grow so much that the king had to put it in a barrel. The princess kept on feeding it,

and the louse kept on growing until the king had to put it out of the barrel and put it in a

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bigger cask. Eventually, when it did not fit in the cask , he had to kill it. The king had the

louse’ s skin tanned and ordered the royal tailor to make a leather bag.

When the bag was finished, the king made the same question to everybody.

-Guess from which animal is the leather of my bag?

Some said that from beef, others from deer but nobody could hit on it. At last, the monarch

made proclaim in all his kingdom that the one who guessed from which animal came theleather of his bag would marry the princess. People came from many parts to see the bag, but

nobody could guess.

One day, a shepherd arrived to the town bringing his flock to sell it on the market. He decided

to visit the town and started to walk. After walking for a long time, he arrived to the king’ s

palace. Tired, he sank back on the garden’ s wall. He lit a cigarrette and as he was smoking he

heard someone talking in the garden. It was the king talking with the queen saying her:

-I think that nobody is going to guess that my bag is made out of louse’ s skin.

As soon as he heard this the shepherd went away thinking “now I can marry the princess”.

The following day, the shepherd went to the palace and seeked an audience with the king.

When he was in front of him he said:

-Lord, I come to see if I guess the skin of which your bag is made.-Guess- said the king.

-Lord,-answered the shepherd- it is made out of louse skin.

-You’ ve guessed it!- cried the king. And he ordered that the wedding of the shepherd and the

princess would be celebrated the soonest as possible.


The ghostly villageThe night was rainy; a big storm was falling on the sea. The waves were enormous and the fog

was thick. The ships rocked one side to the other as marionettes.

Suddenly, an awful creaking was heard in the darkness. A big cloud of smoke was seen in thedistance and an intense odour could be noticed in the air. Everybody was wondering what had


A ship had ran aground near the shore and had split part of the petrol it carried. Abig black

stain spreaded on the water, as a big black cloack which had the sea gone into mourning. The

smell of petrol was each time stronger and mixed with the freshness of the breeze each sunset

near the beach. Charles and Anne used to go watching the stars. When they felt that freedom

that only those who have not betrayed their ideals feel. They were the children of a fisher and

lived in a humble white house very near from the cliff.

The fishers had recently had problems to fish, fishing was not very good. Now, it would be

worse, there would not be anything in many time. Fishers will not be seen carrying fish to the

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harbour. They could not be said goodbye as it was usual. Now they will have to go far, to be

able to live.

The village became a village without people. A ghostly village. Just a few women and children

remained there. Men and young people went to look for a job and came back once in a while

to see their families. At nightfall, a few lights, brought the village back to existence.

But from the cliff the view was not the same, it seemed that even the breeze had changed ofplace. The air smell of petrol and the sea’ s calm had turned to a terrible anguished seeing how

all the sea life was being destroyed. Dead fishes floated and all was devastating. The few

people who remained, started to rebuild and clean all that had been damaged.

Some years passed until the village returned to normal. Some of who had left returned and the

boats returned to the harbour. Hope was born again with the fear that the story would repeat.

The End 

The Milkmaid and her Pail.Patty the Milkmaid was going to market carrying her milk in a Pail on her head.

As she went along she began calculating what she would do with the money she would get for the milk.

- "I´ll buy some fowls from Farmer Brown," said she, "and they will lay eggseach morning,

which I will sell to the parson´s wife. With the money that I get from the sale of these eggs I´ll

buy myself a new dimity frock and a chip hat; and when I go to market, won´t all the young

men come up and speak to me! Polly Shaw will be that jealous; but I don´t care. I shall just look

at her and toss my head like this.

Cuento para que los niños aprendan idiomas As she spoke she tossed her head back, the Pail fell off it, and all the milk was spilt. So she had

to go home and tell her mother what had occurred.

- "Ah, my child," said the mother: Do not count your chickens before they are hatched


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The Angel of the ChildrenLegend has it that a little angel who was in heaven, said to God one day when he was going to

be born as a child.

-They say that you are going me to send me tomorrow to Earth. But how I’ m going to live as

little and defenceless as I am?

- Among many angels I chose one for you, who is waiting for you and that will take care of you.

- But tell me, here in heaven all I do is singing and smiling, that’ s enough to be happy.

- Your angel will sing you and smile to you everyday and you’ ll feel her love and you’ ll be


- And how I will understand what people tell me if I don’ t understand the strange language od


-Your angel will tell you the sweetest and most tender words that you can listen and with a lot

of patience and love she will taught you how to talk.

-And what shall I do when I want to talk with you?

-Your angel will put your hands together, she will teach you to pray and you’ ll be able to talk

with me.-I’ ve heard that there are bad men on Earth. Who will defend me?

-Your angel will defend you even if it costs her her life.

-But I’ ll be sad because I won’ t see you any more my Lord.

-Your angel will always talk you about me and she will teach you the way to go back to my

presence, although I’ ll always be by your side.

At that moment a great peace reigned on heaven but earthly voices could be heard and the

child fast, repeated with tears in his eyes crying.

-My God! I’ m going! Tell me her name!! How is my angel called?

-Her name does not matter, you’ ll call her MUM. 


THE GENIE SLACKER Erase some pixies who lived in a beautiful forest. Your house may have been a beauty, if they

were busy cleaning. But because they were too lazy dirt made it uninhabitable.

‘One day he appeared the Fairy Queen and said: 

I will command the grumpy witch to take care of your home. Of course you will not find it nice


Y ‘Grumpy Witch came mounted on her broom. He had six pairs of glasses to better see the

dust with a broom and began to everyone. The elves have to clean bored went to see a

magician friend who transformed them into birds. And so, flapping their wings, they went too

far … Thereafter went hungry and cold at the mercy of the elements without shelter house,

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remembered with regret his cozy home in the forest. Well they were punished for idleness,

wandering forever through space … 

Never again enjoy their cottage in the forest that was inhabited by elves more obedient and

other workers.

THE WHITE RATThe Fairy sovereign summit one day invite all the fairies in the snow to a party at his palace. All

came wrapped in their cloaks of ermine and guiding their chariots of frost. But one of them,

Alba, hearing mourn some children who lived in a lonely cottage stood on the road.

The fairy came into the poor house and lit the fireplace. Children, heat-dose with the flames,

they told their parents speak gone to work in the city, meanwhile, were dying of cold and fear.

I’ll stay with you until your parents return she promised.

And he did, when he left, nervous about the punishment they could impose their sovereign for

the delay, I forget the wand inside the cabin. Fairy summits angrily to look at Alba.

How? , Show not only late, but it also do it without your wand?You deserve a good


The other fairy defended his companion in misfortune.

Alba, already has some excuse. He missed, yes, but his good heart, the punishment will not be

eternal. Only last one hundred years, during which wander through the world turned into a

white rat.

Buddies, if you see a rat, by accident, very cute and des-lumbrante white, know that is Alba,

our little fairy that has not yet served their punishment.

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The scary monster  One night a year witches and demons go out to walk a bit, but when I was six Ididn’t want to go to sleep, because in my bedroom there was a monster whowanted to catch my dreams.

But one night in Halloween when I went to have sweet dreams, I found out amonster trembling by a bee! And there was, that terrible monster under my bed

with his big eyes closed, blowing and blowing strongly to keep away his littlemonster.

Quickly, I trapped the bee with my wishes jar but I let it free like a shooting star.Through the window the bee disappeared, but the monster still felt fear.-Keep calm good monster- I said.- You don’t have to be afraid. The monster came out from his hide and then I was able to see how he liked. Hetaught me to roar like a lion and to scare a vampire when the moon is high.If you don’t believe me, I don’t care. That monster is still my best friend. 

The end 

Virginia and the cowboy

In Chile there was a girl who was alone in her parents died , she was scared , he had nowhere

to live.

He appeared in the village a cowboy on horseback . I was visiting new places .

At the dismount cowboy he dropped the guitar on the floor, when he approached his guitar ,

he saw the girl who was crying.

The cowboy salute to the girl and asked how it was and what it was called , I sing a song.

The Cowboy and Virginia met, became friends and as they had no family Virginia , cowboyinvite her to live with his family .

While the girl was with stole his horse and decided to go walking home cowboy .

They came and they showed the cowboy his home and introduced him to his wife Laura.

Laura , claudia and cowboy Marcelo formed a new family. They decided to adopt Virginia and

be parents.

Her parents took Virginia to school and was introduced to all classmates and the teacher.

At recess appeared a girl named Caroline . Aparir that day Virginia and Caroline played

together and became best friends .

On leaving the school 's parents waited and told them I had new friends and a best friend.

Arriving at the house he had prepared his favorite meal that night and slept very happy

because I had a family and the next day would meet his cousins and uncles.

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