Cuestionario 13-Francia (1)

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  • 8/13/2019 Cuestionario 13-Francia (1)


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    Cuestionario 13 Todo de la lectura de Gallis,(2005)

    1.-la Pregunta 1 Belkin, P. (2011) Pgina 7

    France, like the United States, believes that it has a special role in the world. The core perceptions

    of Frances role in the world stem from the Revolution that began in 1789. The Revolution was an

    event of broad popular involvement: widespread bloodshed, expropriation of property, andexecution of the king fed the notion that there could be no turning back to monarchicalgovernment. Not only was the monarchy overthrown and a powerful church structure forciblydismantled, but French armies, and ultimately French administrators in their wake, transformed

    much of the continent into societies where more representative, democratic institutions and therule of law could ultimately take root. The Revolution was therefore a central, formative element

    in modern European history, notably in Europes evolution from monarchical to democraticinstitutions. The cultural achievements of France before and since the Revolution have added to

    French influence. French became the language of the lite in many European countries. By 1900,French political figures of the left and the right shared the opinion that France was and mustcontinue to be a civilizing beacon for the rest of the world.13

    The view that France has a civilizing mission ( la mission civilisatrice) in the world endures

    today. For many years, the French government has emphasized the message of human rights anddemocracy, particularly in the developing world and in central Europe and Eurasia. Many Frenchofficials, particularly Gaullists,14 have been highly assertive in seeking to spread French valuesthroughout the world. Dominique de Villepin, the last prime minister under Sarkozys predecessor

    Jacques Chirac, wrote that at the heart of our national identity, there is a permanent search forvalues that might be shared by others.

    2.-pag5 parrafo2 lectura del 2005

    France was one of the founding members of the European Union (initially

    known as the European Coal and Steel Community) in 1952. Improved trade andeconomic development were central objectives of member states in a Europe still

    struggling from the dislocation caused by the Second World War, but overarchingobjectives from the beginning were political rapprochement between Germany andits former enemies, and political stability on the continent. The EU was conceived

    in this context, with strong U.S. support.

    3.-pag16 parrafo1 (subtema terrorismo) lectura 2005

    Many U.S. and French officials believe that bilateral cooperation between theUnited States and France in law-enforcement efforts to combat terrorism since

    September 11 has been strong, but at the same time a range of political factors is

    complicating the relationship.41 France has long experience in combating terrorism,

    a tightly centralized system of law enforcement, and a far-reaching network thatgathers information on extremist groups. Limits on resources and important social

    and political issues sometimes affect elements of Frances anti-terrorism policies

    4.-pag8 parrafo2 lectura 2005

    For the most part, Frances record over the past decade has been consistent infollowing the precept that the U.N. must endorse the use of force in a crisis. For

  • 8/13/2019 Cuestionario 13-Francia (1)


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    example, France, along with other countries, since 1990 has obtained a U.N.

    resolution for the potential or actual use of force for interventions in the first Gulf

    War, Bosnia, Afghanistan, Congo, the Ivory Coast, and Haiti. One notable exception

    came in 1999, when France joined its NATO allies in going to war against Serbia inan effort to prevent ethnic cleansing in Kosovo. In that case, until the eleventh hour,

    the French government sought a U.N. resolution for NATOs use of force. At thesame time, in the face of an increasingly likely Russian veto, French officials andcounterparts from several other European allies began indicating that Serbian actions

    had reached a stage where using force to prevent a humanitarian catastrophe in

    Kosovo would be justifiable without a U.N. resolution.16 When a Russian vetobecame certain, there was a consensus in NATO that the use of force was justifiable

    in this instance even in the absence of a U.N. resolution.

    5.-pag8 parrafo3

    The Chirac government and the Bush Administration and some of its supporters

    have clashed over Frances pursuit of multipolarity in economic, military, and

    political affairs. The French government has described multipolarity as a system ofbalance in international affairs, in part a natural outgrowth of trading blocs and

    regional global differences, in part a value that is in principled opposition to globaldomination by one power or bloc. Some Administration officials, notably

    Condoleezza Rice, have disparaged the concept as a means to thwart U.S. foreign

    policy. In June 2003, she said that it was troubling that some have spokenadmiringlyalmost nostalgicallyof multipolarity, as if it were a good thing to

    be desired for its own sake. She said that France seemed intent upon checking the

    United States, and that France appeared to consider the United States more

    dangerous than Saddam Hussein.17 Some Administration supporters in the neoconservative

    movement are more pointed, and claim that France wishes to reclaim

    6.-12,13 donde dice France has a long history of religious violence. ....hasta Muslim world over the issue of


    7.-Pgina 15 donde

    Sin embargo , grandes diferencias ocasionales en la OTAN entre Pars y Washington siguen

    apareciendo en el plano poltico . Por ejemplo , en febrero de 2003 , Francia ( y Alemania)

    intent bloquear un esfuerzo de EE.UU. en el NAC para discutir el envo de fuerzas de la

    OTAN para defender a Turqua en caso de que el inminente conflicto en Irak podra

    estimular el Bagdad de huelga Turqua. Pars y Berln afirmaron que el envo de fuerzas y

    equipos a Turqua constituira una aprobacin tcita de una decisin de EE.UU. de ir a laguerra, y sera un acto de provocacin . Francia y otros aliados , en lugar deseaban

    continuar las inspecciones de la ONU en Irak armas de destruccin masiva de armas ( se

    explica ms adelante ) .

    La Administracin Bush reaccion con enojo a los esfuerzos de Francia en la NAC . En

    abril de 2003 , el subsecretario de Defensa Wolfowitz dijo al Comit de Servicios Armados

  • 8/13/2019 Cuestionario 13-Francia (1)


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    del Senado que Francia haba " creado un gran problema " en la OTAN sobre la ayuda a


    Ms tarde anunciar la decisin del Pentgono de excluir a empresas de Francia y otros

    pases se oponen a la guerra de Irak de los contratos para reconstruir Irak. Richard Perle ,

    que forma parte del movimiento neo -conservador y asesor del Pentgono , dijo ,

    " Francia ya no es el aliado que era. " El mes siguiente , algunos senadores propusieron

    alterar el proceso de toma de decisiones OTAN para frenar la voz de Francia

    8.-pag 19 parrafo 4