Drag Lift Variación II

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  • 8/9/2019 Drag Lift Variación II


    Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and dragME33 : Fluid Flow 1

    Flow over bodies;Lift and Drag. Ob e!tives

    "ave an intuitive understanding of the variousph#si!al pheno$ena su!h as drag% fri!tion andpressure drag% drag redu!tion% and lift.Cal!ulate the drag for!e asso!iated with flow

    over !o$$on geo$etries.&nderstand the effe!ts of flow regi$e on thedrag !oeffi!ients asso!iated with flow over!#linders and spheres

    &nderstand the funda$entals of flow overairfoils% and !al!ulate the drag and lift for!esa!ting on airfoils.

  • 8/9/2019 Drag Lift Variación II


    Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and dragME33 : Fluid Flow '


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    Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and dragME33 : Fluid Flow 3


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    Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and dragME33 : Fluid Flow (

    E)ternal Flow

    *odies and vehi!les in $otion% or with flow over the$%e)perien!e fluid+d#na$i! for!es and $o$ents.E)a$ples in!lude: air!raft% auto$obiles% buildings%ships% sub$arines% turbo$a!hines.

    ,hese proble$s are often !lassified asExternal Flows.

    Fuel e!ono$#% speed% a!!eleration% $aneuverabilit#%stabilit#% and !ontrol are dire!tl# related to theaerod#na$i!-h#drod#na$i! for!es and $o$ents.

    eneral /DOF $otion of vehi!les is des!ribed b# /e0uations for the linear surge% heave% swa#2 andangular roll% pit!h% #aw2 $o$entu$.

  • 8/9/2019 Drag Lift Variación II


    Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and dragME33 : Fluid Flow

    Fluid D#na$i! For!es and Mo$ents

    4hips in waves present one of the $ostdiffi!ult /DOF proble$s.

    5irplane in level stead# flight: drag 6 thrustand lift 6 weight.

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    Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and dragME33 : Fluid Flow /

    Drag and Lift

    Fluid d#na$i! for!es aredue to pressure andvis!ous for!es a!ting onthe bod# surfa!e.

    Drag: !o$ponentparallel to flow dire!tion.Lift: !o$ponent nor$al

    to flow dire!tion.

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    Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and dragME33 : Fluid Flow 7

    Drag and Lift

    Lift and drag for!es !an be found b#integrating pressure and wall+shear stress.

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    Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and dragME33 : Fluid Flow 8

    Drag and Lift

    9n addition to geo$etr#% lift F L and drag F D for!esare a fun!tion of densit# ρ and velo!it# V .Di$ensional anal#sis gives ' di$ensionlesspara$eters: lift and drag !oeffi!ients.

    5rea A !an be frontal area drag appli!ations2%planfor$ area wing aerod#na$i!s2% or wetted+surfa!e area ship h#drod#na$i!s2.

  • 8/9/2019 Drag Lift Variación II


    Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and dragME33 : Fluid Flow

    E)a$ple: 5uto$obile Drag

    4!ion * Drag for!e F D61-' ρ? ' CD 52 will be @ 1= ti$es larger for 4!ion *

    > 4our!e is large C D and large pro e!ted area


  • 8/9/2019 Drag Lift Variación II


    Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and dragME33 : Fluid Flow 1=

    Drag and Lift

    For appli!ations su!h as tapered wings%C L and C D $a# be a fun!tion of spanlo!ation. For these appli!ations% a lo!al

    C L,x and C D,x are introdu!ed and the totallift and drag is deter$ined b# integrationover the span L

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    Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and dragME33 : Fluid Flow 11

    BLofting a ,apered ing

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    Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and dragME33 : Fluid Flow 1'

    Fri!tion and

  • 8/9/2019 Drag Lift Variación II


    Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and dragME33 : Fluid Flow 13


    4trea$lining redu!es dragb# redu!ing F D%pressure % atthe !ost of in!reasingwetted surfa!e area andFD%fri!tion.

    oal is to eli$inate flowseparation and $ini$iHetotal drag F D

    5lso i$proves stru!turala!ousti!s sin!e separationand vorte) shedding !ane)!ite stru!tural $odes.

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    Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and dragME33 : Fluid Flow 1(


  • 8/9/2019 Drag Lift Variación II


    Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and dragME33 : Fluid Flow 1

    4trea$lining via 5!tive Flow Control

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    Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and dragME33 : Fluid Flow 1/

    C D of Co$$on eo$etries

    For $an# geo$etries% total drag C D

    is !onstant for Re J 1= ( C D !an be ver# dependent uponorientation of bod#.

    5s a !rude appro)i$ation%superposition !an be used to addC D fro$ various !o$ponents of as#ste$ to obtain overall drag."owever% there is no $athe$ati!alreason e.g.% linear

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    Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and dragME33 : Fluid Flow 17

    C D of Co$$on eo$etries

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    Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and dragME33 : Fluid Flow 18

    C D of Co$$on eo$etries

  • 8/9/2019 Drag Lift Variación II


    Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and dragME33 : Fluid Flow 1

    C D of Co$$on eo$etries

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    Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and dragME33 : Fluid Flow '=


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    Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and dragME33 : Fluid Flow '1


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    Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and dragME33 : Fluid Flow ''

    Effe!t of oughness

    4i$ilar to Mood#Chart for pipe flowLa$inar flowunaffe!ted b#roughness,urbulent flowsignifi!antl# affe!ted:


    !an in!rease b# 7)for a given e

  • 8/9/2019 Drag Lift Variación II


    Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and dragME33 : Fluid Flow '3

    C#linder and 4phere Drag

  • 8/9/2019 Drag Lift Variación II


    Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and dragME33 : Fluid Flow '(

    C#linder and 4phere Drag

    Flow is strong fun!tion ofe.aIe narrows for

    turbulent flow sin!e ,*Lturbulent boundar# la#er2

    is $ore resistant toseparation due toadverse pressuregradient.

    θ sep%la$ 8=θ sep%la$ 1(=

  • 8/9/2019 Drag Lift Variación II


    Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and dragME33 : Fluid Flow '

    Effe!t of 4urfa!e oughness

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    Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and dragME33 : Fluid Flow '/


    Lift is the net for!edue to pressure andvis!ous for!es2perpendi!ular to flowdire!tion.Lift !oeffi!ient

    A=bc is the planfor$area

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    Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and dragME33 : Fluid Flow '7

    Co$puting Lift

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    Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and dragME33 : Fluid Flow '8

    Effe!t of 5ngle of 5tta!I

    ,hin+foil theor# shows thatC L≈2 πα for α P α stall,herefore% lift in!reaseslinearl# with α

    Ob e!tive for $ostappli!ations is to a!hieve$a)i$u$ C L /C D ratio.C D deter$ined fro$ wind+tunnel or CFD *LE or Q4E2.C L /C D in!reases up to order1==2 until stall.

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    Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and dragME33 : Fluid Flow '

    Effe!t of Foil 4hape

    ,hi!Iness and!a$ber influen!espressure distribution

    and load distribution2and lo!ation of flowseparation.Foil database!o$piled b# 4elig



  • 8/9/2019 Drag Lift Variación II


    Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and dragME33 : Fluid Flow 3=

    Effe!t of Foil 4hape

    > Figures fro$ Q Color !ontours of

    pressure field> 4trea$lines through

    velo!it# field

    > Ca$ber and thi!Iness shown

    to have large i$pa!t on flowfield.

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    Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and dragME33 : Fluid Flow 31

    End Effe!ts of ing ,ips

    ,ip vorte) !reated b#leaIage of flow fro$ high+pressure side to low+pressure side of wing.,ip vorti!es fro$ heav#air!raft persist fardownstrea$ and posedanger to light air!raft.

    5lso sets taIeoff and

    landing separation atbus# airports.

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    Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and dragME33 : Fluid Flow 3'

    End Effe!ts of ing ,ips

    ,ip effe!ts !an beredu!ed b# atta!hingendplates or winglets. ,rade+off betweenredu!ing indu!eddrag and in!reasingfri!tion drag.

    ing+tip feathers onso$e birds serve thesa$e fun!tion.

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    Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and dragME33 : Fluid Flow 33

    Lift enerated b# 4pinning

    4uperposition of &nifor$ strea$ Doublet ?orte)

  • 8/9/2019 Drag Lift Variación II


    Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and dragME33 : Fluid Flow 3(

    Lift enerated b# 4pinning

    C L strongl# depends on rateof rotation.,he effe!t of rate of rotationon C D is s$all.

    *aseball% golf% so!!er%tennis pla#ers utiliHe spin.Lift generated b# rotation is

    !alled ,he Magnus Effe!t.