Hola Becky

Hola Becky, Conseguí tu lista de preguntas acerca de nuestra comida, me encanta cocinar, y mi madre es una gran cocinera también! En primer lugar, los principales ingredientes de nuestros alimentos son arroz, maíz, frijoles, cebolla, ajo, ají, (una especie de pimiento picante), fruta fresca, carne, pescado y verduras. Nuestra comida es muy sabrosa! Por lo general, el desayuno, el almuerzo, la cena, y un café. Para el desayuno, generalmente tenemos café, leche o té, pan, mantequilla, queso o cereales. Entonces, uno de los platos más comunes es el ceviche (Enviaré su receta). Este plato se come generalmente para almorzar, Otros disher tradicional son ají de gallina (pollo desmenuzado en salsa de leche con especias), tamales (maíz molido, rellena con carne de cerdo o pollo, envuelta en hojas de Babana y hervida). Algunas bebidas tradicionales son la chicha morada (hecho con maíz morado) y la chicha de jora (hecha de maíz fermentado). Hacemos jugos y postres de casi cualquier fruta que tenemos. Por ejemplo, me encanta la lúcuma, mango y jugo de fruta de la pasión. Finalmente para el descanso para tomar café, la gente por lo general tienen un sándwich o galletas. Yo prefiero un poco de yogur y fruta fresca, sin embargo. Espero que esta información le ayudará con su tarea! escribir pronto y me dicen acerca de la comida americana. tuya, Carla ceviche Preparing Peruvian ceviche Preparation time 10 minutes Cooking time 10 minutes Total time 20 minutes The precious Peruvian ceviche consists of raw fish, lemon and pepper. All we taste, but not everyone knows prepare. Here we show as elaborate in its classic form. Author: Gaston Recipe type: Main dish Cuisines: Peruvian Servings: 4 Ingredients 1 Kg. Of fresh fish (although some use frozen fish). Wherever possible choose whitefish



Transcript of Hola Becky

Page 1: Hola Becky

Hola Becky,Conseguí tu lista de preguntas acerca de nuestra comida, me encanta cocinar, y mi madre es una gran cocinera también! En primer lugar, los principales ingredientes de nuestros alimentos son arroz, maíz, frijoles, cebolla, ajo, ají, (una especie de pimiento picante), fruta fresca, carne, pescado y verduras. Nuestra comida es muy sabrosa! Por lo general, el desayuno, el almuerzo, la cena, y un café. Para el desayuno, generalmente tenemos café, leche o té, pan, mantequilla, queso o cereales. Entonces, uno de los platos más comunes es el ceviche (Enviaré su receta). Este plato se come generalmente para almorzar, Otros disher tradicional son ají de gallina (pollo desmenuzado en salsa de leche con especias), tamales (maíz molido, rellena con carne de cerdo o pollo, envuelta en hojas de Babana y hervida). Algunas bebidas tradicionales son la chicha morada (hecho con maíz morado) y la chicha de jora (hecha de maíz fermentado). Hacemos jugos y postres de casi cualquier fruta que tenemos. Por ejemplo, me encanta la lúcuma, mango y jugo de fruta de la pasión. Finalmente para el descanso para tomar café, la gente por lo general tienen un sándwich o galletas.Yo prefiero un poco de yogur y fruta fresca, sin embargo.Espero que esta información le ayudará con su tarea! escribir pronto y me dicen acerca de la comida americana.tuya,Carla

cevichePreparing Peruvian ceviche

Preparation time

10 minutes

Cooking time

10 minutes

Total time

20 minutes

The precious Peruvian ceviche consists of raw fish, lemon and pepper. All we taste, but not everyone knows prepare. Here we show as elaborate in its classic form.

Author: Gaston

Recipe type: Main dish

Cuisines: Peruvian

Servings: 4


1 Kg. Of fresh fish (although some use frozen fish). Wherever possible choose whitefish

20 lemons

1 large or 2 medium red onion

1 hot chili peppers

1 teaspoon salt

1 pinch of pepper (preferably white)

1 pinch Ajinomoto seasoning (optional)

Page 2: Hola Becky

Some coriander leaves (optional)

Celery (optional)

For the garnish can be used if desired: 2 boiled corn, 4 boiled potatoes, 2 boiled or fried yucca, fried sliced green banana (plantain chips), some lettuce leaves


Cut the onion in a row, in pen. It is recommended from the onion in half, remove the first layer, place one half on the cutting board, make thin slices, and repeat with the other half. Once cut onion to wash away the bitterness.

Extract the juice squeezing lemons by hand and save the juice in a bowl. A point to remember is that you should not squeeze the lemon until it is dry. It should squeeze some because if we want to take all the juice will achieve what is that part astringent lemon acidity boat that many spoils them the coveted ceviche. So it called for in the recipe 20 lemons. Reasonably we squeeze every 20 lemons and have a good amount of juice acidity smoothly.

Fish cut into squares as uniform as possible. Each short pieces the size that best pleases. But if we are asked a recommendation you would say to make cubes of 2 centimeters by 2 centimeters, obviously the eye, a simple calculation (not going to be measuring with a ruler every square to see whether you have 2 centimeters, that is not the idea).

Now we prepare the limo pepper. That cut both ends and discard. Then we start the pepper lengthwise in half, remove the seeds with a knife, taking care not to rub with your hands because it is not pleasant. And without seeds sliced peppers is cut and you get croissants. Alternatively you can cut the pepper into cubes of 2 millimeters by 2 millimeters, although the traditional and simplest is to cut it into slices.

The time has come. We put the pieces of fish in a bowl and aderezamos with salt, pepper and hot chili peppers. If you want to also add the optional ingredients: a pinch of Ajinomoto seasoning, coriander (cilantro) chopped and / or chopped celery. We stir everything and leave for three minutes until the fish is impregnated with flavors.

We pour the lemon juice over fish and incorporate the onion.

Once you have put in the container all the ingredients with a spoon stir at normal pace, neither too soft nor too violent. It is mix the ingredients. It is also good to try to rectify the seasoning if necessary flavor (suddenly you think something is missing salt, or maybe some chili, and that is the time to correct the seasoning to your taste).

Allow the prepared for raw fish is cooked. What is the recommended time ?. It is also the taste of each. There are guests who prefer fish almost raw so eat it immediately, others prefer the fish is cooked and with 10 minutes for them is good. For others, including myself included, with 5-7 minutes rest is reasonable.

Finally, the preparation is placed in a dish and can be served with slices of cooked sweet potato, pieces of cooked or fried yucca, corn cooked corn, lettuce leaves, and even fried green plantain.