La Arquitectura de Eduardo Larran en Salta 4822

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Transcript of La Arquitectura de Eduardo Larran en Salta 4822



Dr. Arq. Olga Paterlini de Koch y Arq. Alberto Nicolini

Con las materias primas, mediante un programa ms o

menos utilitariohabis establecido relaciones que

me han conmovido. Esto es arquitectura. Le Corbusier, 1923

La arquitectura de Eduardo Larrn permite comprender, al tiempo que experimentar, el fondo racional y potico que anim esta temprana reflexin de Le Corbusier. En cada una de las obras diseadas en ms de treinta aos de actividad, permiti a sus comitentes insertarse en la modernidad funcional y tcnica de su tiempo, impregnarse visual y fsicamente con las cualidades del medio ambiente, as como desarrollar una especial experiencia sensorial, sntesis de la creacin de un lugar particular. Siguiendo a Norberg Schulz, podra afirmarse que su arquitectura moderna ayud al hombre moderno a sentirse a gusto en un mundo nuevo, a disfrutar de esa sensacin de pertenencia y participacin de lo universal, por encima de la cultura local impregnada en tradicin idiosincrtica.

Su produccin -unipersonal- revela una especial claridad de conceptos que se traducen con identidad y jerarqua contundentes en cada una de sus obras, lo que permite calificarlo como uno de los arquitectos modernos de mayor relevancia, no slo del norte argentino sino del pas, aseveracin que parecera temeraria si se piensa que entre sus formadores estuvo el propio Maestro Sacriste.


Dr. Olga Paterlini de Koch

Alberto Nicolini

By the use of raw materials and starting from conditions more or less utilitarian, you have established certain relationship which have aroused my emotions. That is Architecture. Le Corbusier 1, 1923 Through Eduardo Larrns architecture, one can fully understand, and at the same time, experiment, the rationale and poetic essence that inspired Le Corbusiers early thought. In each of his works, designed over more than thirty years of activity, he made his clients immerse into the functional and technical modernity of their time, get visually and physically impregnated with the environments qualities, and experiment an exceptional physiological sensation, synthesis of the creation of a particular place. Following Norberg Schulz, we could say that his modern architecture helped modern man to feel at home in a new world 2, to enjoy a sense of belonging and participation of the universal domain, beyond the local culture impregnated with idiosyncratic tradition.

His unipersonal production reveals his especially clear concepts, expressed with identity and prime quality in each one of his works. It is precisely this what makes him one of the most prestigious modern architects, not only in the North but also in the whole country, what may seem a daring statement if you think that Master Eduardo Sacriste was among his teachers.

Le Corbusier, Hacia una arquitectura, Poseidn, Buenos Aires, 1964, pg. 123

Norberg-Schulz, Christian, Los PRINCIPIOS de la arquitectura MODERNA, sobre la nueva tradicin del siglo XX. Estudios Universitarios de Arquitectura 7, Editorial Revert, Barcelona, 2005, (Primera Edicin Londres, 2000), ISBN 84-291-2107-2, Captulo I.