Lección 24.3

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Transcript of Lección 24.3

  • 8/10/2019 Leccin 24.3


    Condicional Perfecto Continuo interrogativo

    Para formar la interrogacin con esta forma verbal colocamos el verbo auxiliar en posicin inicial

    Would sujeto have been v. -ing complementos ?

    Would you have been living in Edinburgh ?Would they have been cooking dinner ?

    Would Edmund have been swimming all morning ?

    Would you have been living in Edinburgh if you got that job?Habras estado viviendo en Edimburgo si te dieran ese trabajo?

    Would they have been cooking dinner if I came over?Habran estado ellos cocinando la cena?

    Would Edmund have been swimming all morning if the weather was warmer?Habra estado Edmund nadando toda la maana si el tiempo fuese mejor?

    Would your brother have been learning a new language if he had time?Habra estado tu hermano aprendiendo un nuevo idioma si hubiera tenido el tiempo?

    Would your parents have been visiting your grandma if she hadn't been sick?Habran estado tus padres visitando a tu abuela si no estuviese enferma?

    Si queremos usar un pronombre interrogativo lo colocamos delante del verbo auxiliar:

    P. Int. would sujeto have been v. -ing complementos ?

    When would they have been looking into the matter ?

    Why would you have been having a walk ?

    What would you have been learning in Oxford ?

    When would they have been looking into the matter?Cundo habran estado ellos investigando el asunto?

    Why would you have been having a walk?

    Why would you have been taking a walk?Por qu habras estado t dando un paseo?

    When would you have been at Oxford if you got accepted?Cundo habras estado en Oxford si hubieses sido aceptado?

    Which dress would you have been wearing if you had gone to the wedding?Qu vestido habras estado usando si hubieses ido a la boda?

    Which countries would you have been visiting if you had two months of holiday?

    Which countries would you have been visiting if you had two months of vacation?Qu pases habras estado visitando si tuvieses dos meses de vacaciones?

    What would you have been looking at if you had a window in your office?Qu habras estado mirando si tuvieses una ventana en tu oficina?

    Why would your sister have been waiting for me if she had to work?

  • 8/10/2019 Leccin 24.3


    Por qu habra estado tu hermana esperndome si tena que trabajar?

    Ejemplos de uso

    Would you have been travelling longer if there hadn't been a storm?Llevaras mucho ms tiempo viajando si no hubiese habido una tormenta?

    What would they have been reading if they had free time?Qu habran estado leyendo ellos si hubieran tenido el tiempo libre?

    Would your friend have been swimming if it was warmer?Habra estado nadando tu amigo si hiciese ms calor?

    Would they have been dating if she was older?Habran estado saliendo juntos si ella fuese ms grande?

    How would you have been travelling around Europe if you don't like trains?Cmo habras estado viajando alrededor de Europa si no te gustan los trenes?

    Would John have been sending you so many letters?Habra estado John mandndote tantas cartas?

    Why would you have been studying in New York?Por qu habras estado estudiando en Nueva York?











