Lesson 2 - Kindergarten

I.F.D.C. LENGUAS VIVAS TALLER DE PRACTICA DOCENTE ALUMNO RESIDENTE: Ludmila Ruiz Díaz Período de Práctica: Nivel Inicial Institución Educativa: Juvenil Instituto Fueguino Dirección: Libertad 965, Rio Grande, Tierra del Fuego Sala / Grado / Año - sección: Sala Celeste de 5 años Cantidad de alumnos: 29 Nivel lingüístico del curso: Principiantes Tipo de Planificación: Clase Unidad Temática: Family Clase Nº: 2 Fecha: 12 de mayo de 2015 Hora: 09.50 a 10.30 am Duración de la clase: 40 minutos Fecha de primera entrega: 08 de mayo de 2015 CLASS 2 Teaching points: The Family (mother, father, brother and sister) Aims or goals: During this lesson, learners will be able to… Identify and name members of the family Present member of the family by saying ‘This is the…’ Follow instructions by playing Simon Says & Pass the Ball Develop listening skills by following simple instructions Develop speaking skills by repeating commands Language focus: Functions Lexis Structures Pronunciati on Revisi on Counting Commands Identifying family members: This is my mother/father/brother /sister Numbers one, two, three, four Imperatives listen / come here / sit / stand Family members: mother, father, brother, sister Imperative: jump two /three times Recognise Wh- question: - Who is this? - This is my mother New Follow Commands Jump / Pass / Ball Imperatives - Jump 2 times Produce Practice of 1

Transcript of Lesson 2 - Kindergarten

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ALUMNO RESIDENTE: Ludmila Ruiz DíazPeríodo de Práctica: Nivel InicialInstitución Educativa: Juvenil Instituto FueguinoDirección: Libertad 965, Rio Grande, Tierra del FuegoSala / Grado / Año - sección: Sala Celeste de 5 añosCantidad de alumnos: 29Nivel lingüístico del curso: PrincipiantesTipo de Planificación: ClaseUnidad Temática: FamilyClase Nº: 2Fecha: 12 de mayo de 2015Hora: 09.50 a 10.30 amDuración de la clase: 40 minutosFecha de primera entrega: 08 de mayo de 2015


• Teaching points: The Family (mother, father, brother and sister)• Aims or goals: During this lesson, learners will be able to… ✓ Identify and name members of the family ✓ Present member of the family by saying ‘This is the…’✓ Follow instructions by playing Simon Says & Pass the Ball✓ Develop listening skills by following simple instructions ✓ Develop speaking skills by repeating commands

• Language focus:

Functions Lexis Structures Pronunciation




Identifying family members: This is my mother/father/brother/sister

Numbers one, two, three, four

Imperatives listen / come here / sit / stand

Family members:mother, father, brother, sister

Imperative: jump two /three times

Recognise Wh- question:- Who is this?- This is my


New Follow Commands Jump / Pass / Ball Imperatives- Jump 2 times- Pass the ball

Produce Practice of vowel /dʒ/ as in jump

• Teaching approach: CLT• Integration of skills: Listening mainly to the teacher and speaking by



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• Materials and resources: Poster of the Peppa Pig Family1 members, a toy ball, 5 sets of 24 cards for family memory game2

• Pedagogical use of ICT in class or at home: none• Seating arrangement: Horseshoe arrangement and groups of 5/6 the

same way they are arranged by the class’ teacher• Possible problems / difficulties and their possible solutions during the

class: Ss might wander around the classroom as they will be asked to sit on the floor for one activity; in this case, I will accompany the S join the group.

• Classroom management strategies: clapping hands to call Ss’ attention, kindly ask students to be quiet / sit down, using an object (ball) to call Ss’ attention to understand the procedure of an activity.

• Potential problems students may have with the language: Ss will need to utter words/a sentence in front of his/her partners, this may makes them feel reluctant to participate. In this case, I will encourage Ss to speak by praising them whether they participate or not. L1 will be necessary at certain stages, e.g. explaining the rules of the memory game, even though many Ss may be familiar with them.

• Assessment: I will assess Ss pronunciation by having them repeat words/sentences in the game ‘Pass the Ball’ where they need to say a sentence out loud, and also while monitoring groups while playing the cards memory game.

Routine 5’Purpose: to greet students and begin the lesson. To continue practising and setting the routine for the opening of the class.I will tell Ss, in L1 if necessary, ‘Remember how we said ‘hello’ yesterday, shall we sing again?’ EA ‘Yes/Si’ , I will repeat the same procedure as the previous class saying ‘Hello’ for students to repeat then follow with ‘everyone’ until Ss complete singing the first stanza non-stop.

Hello, everyone. Tra-la-la-la-la.Hello, everyone. Tra-la-la-la-la-la.Hello, everyone. Tra-la-la-la-la.Hello, everyone.3

Transition: I will praise Ss for singing the song ‘Excellent, everyone! You’re great singers!’ Then I will fetch a chair and sit at the front of the class

Warm-up 5’ Purpose: to set the mood for work through TPR game Simon Says. I will sit on a chair at the front of the class, Ss will be seated in groups. I will say as the same time that I move my legs and arms ‘Shall we do some exercise?’ EA ‘Yes’ I will go on saying, in L1, ‘Great! You have to repeat what I say and copy what I do, okay?’ EA ‘Yes’

1 Pictures Retrieved from:http://www.independent.ie/lifestyle/article30179868.ece/BINARY/HEA_2014-04-14_LIF_008_31207881_I1.JPGhttps://blokecalleddave.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/papacerdito.jpghttp://media.claires.co.uk/pws/client/images/catalogue/products/27448/zoom/27448.jpghttp://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/033/3/1/peppa_pig__mummy_pig_eating_an_orange_by_dev_catscratch-d74w76k.png

2 Adapted from 100+ Ideas for Children, Jackie Holderness & Annies Hughes, Macmillan Heinemann

3 Retrieved from Cookie and Friends Plus B, Reilly Vanessa, OUP


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I will say, while seated, waving my hands ‘Hello’ and ‘Goodbye’. Ss should have no difficulties saying these two words, they I will say and act ‘Stand up’, then I will say and act ‘Jump’, then ‘Jump two times’ showing two fingers and then ‘Sit down’ As Ss repeat the words and the action I will clap my hands to show approval and I will praise in English saying ‘Great!/Excellent!’ with my thumps up so as Ss understand they are doing well.I will continue with the commands, this time not showing the action, so that Ss act out and repeat the words by their own. There could be some students who feel reluctant to follow the instructions, so during the stage I just say the commands I will go around the classroom inviting those students to join in.

Transition: I will praise students ‘Excellent work! Uff! Exercise makes me tired… Shall we sit down?’ I will invite Ss to move to the other part of the classroom and forming a circle.


Activity 1 10’-12’Purpose: to practise the vocabulary items related to ‘Family’ playing ‘Pass the ball’4

After Ss and I are on sitting on the floor, I will take the toy ball and show it to Ss, I will ask ‘What is this?’ both in L1 and English, EA ‘Una pelota’, I will say ‘Yes! It’s a ball, can you say ball?’ I will encourage Ss to repeat the word ‘ball’ once or twice. I will give the ball to the student next to me and say ‘Pass the ball to your partner’ in L1 and English, I will mimic the action with my hands so that the next S understands he/she has to pass the ball to the following partner and so on. After four/five Ss I will say ‘Stop!’ and raise my hand showing its back so that they infer they have to stop passing the ball. Then I will ask the S with the ball to pass the ball to the S next to him/her, I will repeat the procedure until the ball comes back to me. I will retrieve the Peppa Pig’s Family pictures and show them one at a time asking ‘Do you remember him/her? Who is this?’ attempting to elicit the words in English of each family member. Then, to show how the game is played, I will make the ball pass around again (two Ss) and say ‘Stop!’ I will show the picture to the Ss with the ball and ask ‘Who is this?’ for the S to answer the question. If the S answers correctly, I will encourage him/her to way ‘This is the…brother/sister’. In case the S is not able to utter the word or does not remember the word, I will ask the rest of the Ss for help, then I will encourage the S to repeat the word and say ‘This is the…’. I will thank the S and check that everyone has understood the game in L1. Then, Ss play the game.Praising will take place every time after the S’s attempt to say the word and the sentence.As the class is quite large, only 5/6 Ss will get the ball, however the rest of the Ss will be alert to the possibility of getting the ball so they might be thinking of the vocabulary involved in the activity.

4 Very Young Learners, Vanessa Reilly, OUP


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Transition: I will say ‘Very good, all of you! Let’s stand up’ I will encourage Ss to repeat the command as we did at the beginning of the class, then I will say ‘Let’s go to your desks and sit down’.

Activity 2 10’Purpose: to practise saying ‘This is the…’ using vocabulary of the topic ‘Family’ through a memory game with cards.As memory games with cards are very common, I will resort to Ss knowledge in order to explain the rules of the game. Once Ss are seated at their desks, I will show Ss the cards and say in L1 ‘Let’s play a game’ EA ‘Yes’. I will continue in L1 ‘This is a memory game, who knows how to play the memory game with cards?’. In case none of the Ss knows how to play the game, I will explain Ss straightforwardly that the cards will be facing down on the desk and that they have to take turns to pick up two cards attempting to get the matching cards, the winner is the one who gets more matching cards.As the cards consist of a family (mother, father, sister, brother), only varying in terms of clothing pattern, I will take one and elicit the vocabulary repeating the question from the previous exercise ‘Who is this?’ I will encourage Ss to say ‘This is the…’ but I will not insist at this stage if they do not say the whole chunk of language.Using L1 again, I will tell Ss that this game has a trick; each time they pick up a card they have to say ‘This is the…’. In order to make this point clear I will ask one S to demonstrate the game with me. As Ss play the game, I will walk around the classroom monitoring Ss work, helping and praising.

The cards will consist of two copies of each one of these


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Transition: I will ask Ss who is the winner of each group and praise them by clapping my hands. I will congratulate them for they great work they have done today.

Closure 3’Purpose: To end the lesson with a chant and to say goodbye.I will attempt to have Ss sing the goodbye song in order to follow the plan of setting a routine for opening and ending lesson.I will say ‘It’s time to say good-bye, do you remember the song to say goodbye?’ Then I will ask Ss to repeat the stanzas after me.Bye-bye, everyone. Tra-la-la-la-la.Bye-bye, everyone. Tra-la-la-la-la-la.Bye-bye, everyone. Tra-la-la-la-la.Bye-bye everyone.5

Homework: For the next lesson I will ask Ss’ families to send a family picture to work with. This will be the request I wi -

ll ask the teacher to send the families:

5 Retrieved from Cookie and Friends Plus B, Reilly Vanessa, OUP


Estimada familia:

Hoy estuvimos aprendiendo a reconocer miembros de la familia en inglés. Les pedimos que para el día 18/05 envíen al jardín una foto de la familia del niño/a. Muchas gracias.

Miss Ludmila