Lista de Precios - Dota2

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  • _HEROE _RAREZA _NOMBRE INGLES _NOMBRE ESPAOL _PRECIO EN SOLES_Otros Mtico Free to Play Collector's Pack Pack de Coleccionista de Free to Play S/. 53.00Abaddon Raro Anointed Armor of Ruination Armadura Consagrada de la Perdicin S/. 10.00Abaddon Raro Darkness Wanderer's Armor S/. 18.00Abaddon Mtico (corrupto)Sermon of the Frozen Apostle Sermn del Apstol Congelado S/. 45.00Alchemist Raro Alchemy Essentials Utencilios esenciales de la alquimia S/. 13.00Alchemist Raro Caustic Steel Acero Custico S/. 8.00Alchemist Raro Toxic Siege Armor S/. 13.00Alchemist Mtico Formed Alloy Aleacin Forjada S/. 40.00Anti-Mage Raro Legacy of the Awakened[2] Legado del Despertar S/. 12.00Anti-Mage Mtico Spoils from the Shifting Sorcerer Pack Botn del Hechicero Cambiante S/. 34.50Anti-Mage Raro The Clergy Ascetic El Abstemio del Clero S/. 5.00Anti-Mage Raro The Gifts of Yoskreth Los Regalos de Yoskreth S/. 10.00Anti-Mage Raro The Mage Slayers El Cazador de Magos S/. 8.00Anti-Mage Poco Comn The Nomad Protector El Protector Nmada S/. 4.00Axe Poco Comn Bloodmist Armor Armadura de la Niebla Sangrienta S/. 3.00Axe Mtico Forged in Demons Blood Forjado de la Sangre Demonaca S/. 12.00Axe Poco Comn Heavy Steel Armor Armadura de Acero Pesado S/. 5.00Axe Raro Red Mist Reaper Segador de la Niebla Roja S/. 9.00Axe Raro Saberhorns Armor La Armadura de Cuerno de Sable S/. 9.00Axe Poco Comn The Axecutioner El Axecutor S/. 3.00Axe Comn The Berserker's Blood La Sangre del Berserker S/. 3.00Axe Comn The Defiant Axe El Hacha Desafiante S/. 3.00Axe Poco Comn The Forgemaster's Tools Herramientas del Maestro de Forja S/. 3.00Axe Raro The Red Conqueror El Conquistador Rojo S/. 4.00Batrider Poco Comn Flamestitched Suitings Ropajes Tejidos en Llamas S/. 4.00Batrider Mtico The Rough Rider of Yama Raskav Jinete Salvaje de Yama Rahav S/. 10.00Beastmaster Raro Hunter of the Red Talon La Garra Roja S/. 10.00Beastmaster Poco Comn The Custom of Karroch Tradicin de Karroch S/. 4.50Beastmaster Raro Tribal Stone Piedra Tribal S/. 10.00Beastmaster Mtico Friend of the West Amigo del Oeste S/. 5.00Bloodseeker Raro Ardor of the Scarlet Raven Ardor del Cuervo Escarlata S/. 7.00Bloodseeker Comn Ritual Garb of the Seeker Atuendo Ritual del Buscador S/. 3.00Bloodseeker Raro The Bonehunter El Cazador de Huesos S/. 10.00

  • Bloodseeker Raro The Gallows Understudy El Sustituto de la Horca S/. 7.00Bloodseeker Raro Wrath of the Blood Covenant Ira del Pacto Sangriento S/. 12.00Bounty Hunter Raro Hunter in Distant Sands Cazador en Arenas Distantes S/. 10.00Bounty Hunter Raro Hunter of the Blood Stained Sands Cazador de las Arenas Ensangrentadas S/. 10.00Bounty Hunter Raro The Crimson Cut-throat El Degollador Carmes S/. 10.00Bounty Hunter Raro The Master Assassin El Maestro Asesino S/. 8.00Bounty Hunter Raro The Second Disciple's Bastion El Segundo Discpulo S/. 10.00Brewmaster Raro The Drunken Warlord El Jefe de Guerra Borracho S/. 10.00Bristleback Raro Emerald Frenzy Frenes Esmeralda S/. 7.00Bristleback Raro Heavy Barbed Armor Armadura Llena de Pas S/. 6.00Broodmother Raro Steelweb of Pytheos Red de Acero de Pytheos S/. 10.00Broodmother Raro The Brood Queen La Reina Criadora S/. 5.00Broodmother Raro Web of Thorns Red de Espinas S/. 4.00Broodmother Raro Webs of Perception S/. 20.00Centaur WarrunnerRaro The Conquering Tyrant El Tirano Conquistador S/. 10.00Centaur WarrunnerRaro Warrior of the Steppe Guerrero de la Estepa S/. 10.00Centaur WarrunnerRaro Weight of Omexe Peso de Omexe S/. 10.00Chaos Knight Mtico Arms of Burning Turmoil (sin ticket) Armamentos de la Agitacin Ardiente (sin ticket)S/. 13.00Chaos Knight Mtico Dark Ruin Ruina Oscura S/. 18.00Chaos Knight Raro Embers of Endless Havoc Ascuas de la Devastacin Interminable S/. 10.00Chaos Knight Mtico PACK Netolic Pro League 5 East[3] S/. 31.00Chaos Knight Raro The Hounds of Chaos El Sabueso del Caos S/. 5.00Chen Raro Arms of the Penitent Nomad Armamentos del Nmada Penitente S/. 10.00Chen Raro Desert Gale S/. 19.00Chen Mtico Gemmed Armor of the Priest Kings Armadura Enjoyada de los Reyes Sacerdotes S/. 10.00Chen Raro Wings of Obelis Alas de Obelis S/. 7.00Clinks Raro Crypt Guardian's Guardin de la Cripta S/. 9.00Clinks Poco Comun Demonic Vandal's Atuendo del Vndalo Demonaco S/. 4.00Clinks Raro Lost Hills Colinas Perdidas S/. 10.00Crystal Maiden Raro Frostiron Sorceress Hechicera de los Frostirn S/. 8.00Crystal Maiden Raro Frozen Feather Pluma Congelada S/. 12.00Crystal Maiden Mtico Glacier Duster Plumero Glacial S/. 40.00Crystal Maiden Raro Heart of the North Corazn del Norte S/. 10.00Crystal Maiden Raro Regalia of the Crystalline Queen Reina cristalina S/. 14.50

  • Crystal Maiden Raro Winter Snowdrop Copo de Nieve S/. 15.00Dark Seer Raro Aqwanderer Vaquabundo S/. 7.00Dark Seer Poco Comun The Seers Command El Mandamiento del Vidente S/. 3.00Dazzle Raro Ancestral Trappings Distintivos Ancestrales S/. 10.00Dazzle Raro Ritual Garb of the Father Spirits Atuendo Ritual de los Espritus Paternales S/. 10.00Dazzle Raro Yuwipi S/. 13.00Death Prophet Raro Witch of the Outlands S/. 13.00Death Prophet Raro Augur's Curse Maldicin de la Augur S/. 7.00Death Prophet Raro Foreteller's Robes S/. 17.00Death Prophet Mtico Gifts from the Gloom Regalos de la Penumbra S/. 12.00Death Prophet Raro Regalia of the Mortal Coil Galas de la Preocupacin Mortal S/. 14.50Death Prophet Raro The Bone Scryer La Pitonisa de Huesos S/. 5.00Death Prophet Raro The Corpse Maiden's La Doncella Cadver S/. 5.00Disruptor Legendario Rider of the Storm Jinete de la Tormenta S/. 15.00Doom Raro Impending Transgressions Transgresin Inminente S/. 13.00Doom Raro The Apocalyptic Fire Fuego Apocalptico S/. 13.00Doom Raro The Burden of Eleven Curses La Carga de Once Maldiciones S/. 13.00Doom Mtico Crown of Hells[4] Corona de los Infiernos S/. 24.00Doom Mtico Incantations of Hell Encantamientos del Infierno S/. 7.00Dragon Knight Raro Armor of Sir Davion Armadura de Sir Davion S/. 9.00Dragon Knight Raro Bones of the Slain Dragon Huesos del Dragn Cado S/. 12.00Dragon Knight Raro Dota 2 Romania 5 Spring Cup Bundle[5] S/. 19.00Dragon Knight Raro Enchanted Plate of the Crimson Wyvern Placas Encantadas del Wyvern Carmes S/. 9.00Dragon Knight Poco Comun Fire-Blessed Mail of the Drake Malla Bendecida en Fuego del Draco S/. 4.00Drow Ranger Raro (genuino) Tools of the Master Thief Herramientas de la Ladrona Maestra S/. 19.99Drow Ranger Raro Death Shadow S/. 17.50Drow Ranger Raro Gifts of the Shadowcat Regalos del Gato de las Sombras S/. 9.00Drow Ranger Raro Jewel of the Forest Joya del Bosque S/. 10.00Drow Ranger Raro Netolic Amateur League Season 1 Bundle[6] S/. 19.00Drow Ranger Raro Spikes of Frost Pas Glidas S/. 3.00Drow Ranger Raro Sylvan Guard's Finery Atavo de la Guardia Silvana S/. 7.00Drow Ranger Raro The Boreal Watch La Guardia Boreal S/. 14.00Earth Spirit Mtico Strength of the Demon Stone S/. 28.00Earthshaker Raro Forest Hermit Ermitao Forestal S/. 6.00

  • Earthshaker Mtico Golden Reel Guardian Guardin del Rollo Dorado S/. 12.00Earthshaker Raro The Stoneshard Majesty Majestuosos Fragmentos de Roca S/. 8.00Ember Spirit Mtico Flames of Prosperity S/. 28.00Enchantress Raro Araceae's Tribute Tributo a Araceae S/. 5.00Enchantress Raro Aspects of Summer Aspectos del Verano S/. 9.00Enchantress Raro Blessings of the Wildwing Bendiciones de los Alasalvaje S/. 8.00Faceless Void Raro Acolyte of Clasz Aclito de Clasz S/. 10.00Faceless Void Raro Chronite Defense Defensa Cronoltica S/. 9.00Faceless Void Comun The Dials of Claszureme Los Diales de Claszureme S/. 3.00Faceless Void Raro The Tentacular Timelord S/. 16.00Faceless Void Raro Viridi Inanitas Viridi Inanitas S/. 13.00Faceless Void Raro Ancient Cultist Cultista Ancestral S/. 5.00Gyrocopter Raro Armaments of the Dragon Emperor S/. 12.50Huskar Raro Sacred Bones Huesos Sagrados S/. 9.00Huskar Raro The Obsidian Blade La Hoja Obsidiana S/. 9.00Invoker Raro Cabalist of Dark Magic El Cabalista de la Magia Oscura S/. 7.00Invoker Mtico Vestige of the Arsenal Magus Vestigio del Magus del Arsenal S/. 25.00Invoker Raro Garbs of the Eastern Range S/. 15.50Invoker Raro Iceforged Talla de Hielo S/. 17.00Invoker Raro Mnemonus Arcanus Mnemonus Arcanus S/. 8.00Invoker Poco Comun The Fires of Exort Los Fuegos de Exort S/. 3.00Invoker Raro The Magus Magnus El Magus Magnus S/. 8.00Juggernaut Raro Arms of the Gwimyeon Warrior Armamentos del Guerrero Gwimyeon S/. 10.00Juggernaut Raro The Exiled Ronin El Ronin Desterrado S/. 10.00Juggernaut Raro Thousand Faces Mil caras S/. 16.00Juggernaut Raro Wandering Demon of the Plains S/. 21.50Juggernaut Raro Zotac Starleague 2014 Bundle[7] S/. 25.00Keeper of the LightMtico Attributes of the Foretold Atributos del Presagiado S/. 10.00Keeper of the LightRaro Dressings of the First Light Ropajes de la Primera Luz S/. 6.00Keeper of the LightMtico Empowered Vestments of the Gods Vestimentas Fortalecidas de los Dioses S/. 10.00Keeper of the LightRaro Keeper of the Northlight Guardin de la Luz del Norte S/. 8.00Kunkka Raro Armaments of Leviathan Armamentos de Leviatn S/. 10.00Kunkka Mtico Artillery of the Crested Cannoneer Arsenal del Caonero de la Cresta S/. 40.00Kunkka Raro Instruments of the Claddish Voyager Instrumentos del Viajero Claddiense S/. 8.00

  • Kunkka Comn The Admirable Admiral El Almirante Admirable S/. 3.00Kunkka Raro The Commendable Commodore El Comodoro Encomiable S/. 8.00Kunkka Raro The Steadfast Voyager El Navegante Resuelto S/. 9.00Legion CommanderRaro Equine Emissary S/. 25.00Legion CommanderRaro Commander of the Dragon Guard S/. 28.00Legion CommanderMtico Stonehall Royal Guard Guardia Real de Stonehall S/. 18.50Legion CommanderRaro Flight of Valkyries[8] Vuelo de la Valquiria S/. 6.00Leshrac Raro The Thorns of Sundering Espinas Desgarradoras S/. 10.00Leshrac Raro Twisted Wisdom Sabidura Retorcida S/. 10.00Lich Mtico Dead Winter Invierno Difunto S/. 15.00Lich Raro Eldritch Ice Hielo Sobrenatural S/. 10.00Lifestealer Raro Trappings of the Ravenous Fiend[9] Distintivos del Demonio Hambriento S/. 8.00Lina Raro Ember Crane S/. 28.00Lina Raro Fashion of the Scorching Princess Moda de la Princesa Abrasadora S/. 7.00Lina Raro Jini the Bright Moon S/. 17.00Lina Raro Light of the Solar Divine Luz de la Divinidad Solar S/. 9.00Lina Raro The Battle Caster La Hechicera de Combate S/. 9.00Lina Raro The Garments of the Charred Bloodline Las Prendas del Linaje Calcinado S/. 5.00Lion Poco Comn Curse of the Malignant Corruption S/. 13.00Lion Raro Hell's Ambassador Embajador del Infierno S/. 10.00Lion Raro Tools of the Demon Witch Utensilios del Brujo Demonaco S/. 8.00Lone Druid Mtico The Atniw's Fury La Furia de los Atniw S/. 14.00Lone Druid Mtico Tools of the Haruspex Utensilios del Arspice S/. 12.00Luna Raro Starrider of the Crescent Steel S/. 13.00Luna Legendario Blessings of Lucentyr S/. 42.00Luna Raro Blessings of the Eternal Eclipse Bendiciones del Eclipse Eterno S/. 15.00Luna Mtico Flight of the Crescent Moon Vuelo de la Luna Creciente S/. 15.00Lycanthrope Mtico Armor of the Sanguine Moon Armadura de la Luna Sangrienta S/. 11.00Lycanthrope Legendario Form of the Great Grey Forma del Gran Gris S/. 15.00Medusa Raro Forsaken Beauty Belleza Maldita S/. 10.00Meepo Raro Spoils of the Bone Ruins Despojos de las Ruinas de Hueso S/. 10.00Meepo Raro The Riftshadow Roamer's El Vagabundo de la Grieta Sombra S/. 10.00Mirana Raro Gifts of the Heavenly Guardian S/. 13.00Mirana Legendario Garments of the Nightsilver Sentinel Prendas del Centinela de la Noche Plateada S/. 15.00

  • Mirana Raro Starlight Luz Estelar S/. 10.00Mirana Mtico The Moon Rider La Amazona Lunar S/. 20.00Morphling Raro Ancient Armor Armadura Ancestral S/. 6.00Morphling Poco Comn Bindings of Frost Ornamentos de Hielo S/. 3.00Morphling Raro Birot's Bindings Ornamentos de Birot S/. 5.00Morphling Raro Gift of the Sea Regalo del Mar S/. 9.00Morphling Poco Comun Luminary of the Dreadful Abyss Luminosidades del Abismo Temible S/. 3.00Morphling Comn Shards of the Falling Comet Fragmentos del Cometa Fugaz S/. 3.00Naga Siren Raro Designs of the Slithereen Nobility Diseos de la Nobleza Slithereen S/. 10.00Naga Siren Raro Outcast of the Deep Proscrita de las Profundidades S/. 15.00Naga Siren Raro The Slithereen Exile La Slithereen Desterrada S/. 10.00Naga Siren Poco Comn The Slithereen Knight La Caballera Slithereen S/. 5.00Nature's Prophet Raro Prendas del Portador de la Paz S/. 13.00Nature's Prophet Poco Comn Bird's Stone Roca del Ave S/. 4.50Nature's Prophet Mtico Fungal Lord Seor Fngico S/. 14.00Nature's Prophet Raro The Regal Forest Lord El Regio Seor del Bosque S/. 10.00Nature's Prophet Raro Woodland Outcast Proscrito de la Arboleda S/. 9.00Nature's Prophet Mtico Guardian of the Eternal Seasons[10] Guardin de las Estaciones Eternas S/. 7.00Necrophos Raro Immemorial Emperor S/. 14.00Necrophos Raro Relics of the Putrid Pontiff Reliquias del Pontfice Ptrido S/. 13.00Necrophos Raro Vestments of the Ten Plagues Vestimentas de las Diez Plagas S/. 9.00Nyx Assassin Raro Alpha Predator Depredador Alfa S/. 8.00Nyx Assassin Raro Carapace of the Hidden Hive Caparazn de la Colmena Oculta S/. 9.00Nyx Assassin Raro Chosen Larva Bundle (sin ticket) Larva Elegida (sin ticket) S/. 8.00Nyx Assassin Raro Sacred Orb Orbe Sagrado S/. 5.00Nyx Assassin Raro Shadow Hunter S/. 30.00Ogre Magi Raro Ancestral Luck Suerte Ancestral S/. 4.00Omniknight Comn Armor of Renewed Faith Armadura de la Fe Renovada S/. 3.00Omniknight Raro The Hierophant's Protection La Proteccin del Hierofante S/. 7.00Omniknight Raro Thunderwrath's Calling La Llamada de los Furiatrueno S/. 9.00Omniknight Raro Wings of the Paladin Alas del Paladn S/. 7.50Outworld DevourerPoco Comn Dragon Forged Forjado de Dragn S/. 3.00Outworld DevourerRaro Harbinger of the Inauspicious Abyss Heraldo del Abismo Inhspito S/. 10.00Phantom AssassinRaro Dark Wraith Espectro Oscuro S/. 8.00

  • Phantom AssassinLegendario Dread of the Gleaming Seal Pavor del Sello Reluciente S/. 40.00Phantom AssassinRaro Nimble Edge Filo Sagaz S/. 12.00Phantom AssassinRaro Penumbral Vesture Vestimenta de la Penumbra S/. 14.00Phantom Lancer Raro Ancestors' Pride Orgullo de los Ancestros S/. 9.00Phantom Lancer Raro Arms of the Bramble Lord Armamentos del Seor de la Zarza S/. 9.00Phantom Lancer Poco Comun Honors of the Golden Mane Honores de la Melena Dorada S/. 3.00Phantom Lancer Raro Jewels of Teardrop Ice Joyas de la Lgrima de Hielo S/. 9.00Phantom Lancer Poco Comun Revered Arms Armamentos Venerados S/. 3.00Puck Raro Mischievous Dragon[11] Dragn Travieso S/. 7.00Pudge Raro Delicacies of Butchery S/. 17.00Pudge Mtico Gladiator's Revenge S/. 29.00Pudge Raro The Ol' Chopper's El Viejo Rebanador S/. 7.50Pudge Mtico Tools of the Mad Harvester Cosechador Loco S/. 16.00Pudge Legendario Chains of the Black Death Cadenas de la Peste Negra S/. 42.00Pudge Mtico Murder of Crows[12] Asesino Crvido S/. 24.00Pugna Raro The Nether Grandmaster's Robes S/. 13.00Pugna Raro Nether Lord's Regalia Insignias Reales del Seor Abisal S/. 13.00Pugna Mtico PACK Netolic Pro League 5 West[13] S/. 31.00Queen of Pain Raro Adornments of Blight Adornos de la Plaga S/. 8.00Queen of Pain Raro Bindings of Enduring Torment Ornamentos del Tormento Imperecedero S/. 7.00Queen of Pain mtico Bonds of Vincere Lazos de Vincere S/. 17.00Queen of Pain Raro Chained Mistress Amante Encadenada S/. 7.00Queen of Pain Raro The Queen of Agony Agona Angustiosa S/. 10.00Razor Raro Bindings of the Storm-Stealer Ataduras del Ladrn de la Tormenta S/. 10.00Razor Raro The Twisted Arc El Arco Perverso S/. 10.00Riki Raro Arms of the Bladebreaker Order Armamentos de la Orden Quebrantahojas S/. 14.00Riki Raro Highborn Reckoning Venganza del Descendiente de la Nobleza S/. 14.00Riki Raro Implements of the Tahlin Watch Herramientas de la Guardia Tahlin S/. 8.00Riki Poco Comn Tahlin Occult El Secreto de Tahlin S/. 4.00Riki Raro The Subtle Demon El Demonio Sutil S/. 10.00Rubick Raro Councilor's Raiment Atuendo Completo del Concejal S/. 9.00Rubick Mtico Garb of the Cruel Magician Atuendo del Mago Cruel S/. 31.50Rubick Mtico Peculiar Prestidigitator Prestidigitador Peculiar S/. 10.00Rubick Mtico Resonant Vibrance (sin ticket) Energa Resonante (sin ticket) S/. 18.00[14]

  • Rubick Mtico The Inscrutable Zeal El Fervor Inescrutable S/. 10.00Rubick Raro The Spellbinder's Shape Forma del Conjurador de Hechizos S/. 10.00Sand King Raro Caustic Consumption Consuncin Custica S/. 8.00Sand King Raro Ceremonial Carapace of Qaldin Caparazn Ceremonial de Qaldin S/. 9.00Sand King Raro The Ancient Sovereign El Soberano Ancestral S/. 10.00Shadow Demon Raro Chains of the Summoned Lord Cadenas del Lord Invocado S/. 8.00Shadow Shaman Raro Eki Spiritual Implements Instrumentos Espirituales Eki S/. 7.00Shadow Shaman Raro The Mysterious Vagabond El Vagabundo Misterioso S/. 10.00Silencer Raro Silent Champion S/. 13.00Silencer Raro Guardian of Silence Guardin del Silencio S/. 9.00Silencer Raro The Hidden Talent El Talento Oculto S/. 12.00Skywrath Mage Raro Divine Ascension S/. 13.00Skywrath Mage Raro Cloud Forged Battle Gear Equipo de Batalla Forjado de Nubes S/. 10.00Skywrath Mage Raro Rune Forged Forja Rnica S/. 17.50Skywrath Mage Raro The Arms of Retribution Armamentos de Escarmiento S/. 9.00Skywrath Mage Raro The Nightwatcher's Guardia Nocturna S/. 8.00Slardar Raro Arms of the Deep Vault Guardian Armamentos del Guardin de la Bveda ProfundaS/. 10.00Slardar Raro The Sea Dragon's Dragon marino S/. 10.00Slark Raro Deep Warden Haul Botn del Alcaide de las Profundidades S/. 7.00Sniper Raro Gear of the Tally-Ho Hunter Equipo del Cazador de Zorros S/. 7.00Sniper Raro Spirit of the Howling Wolf Espritu del Lobo Aullador S/. 9.00Sniper Raro The Hare Hunt La Caza de la Liebre S/. 8.00sniper Raro The Sharpshooter El Francotirador S/. 8.00Spectre Raro Phasma Phasmatis S/. 13.00Spectre Raro Malicious Efflorescence Florecimiento Malicioso S/. 8.00Spectre Raro The Ephemeral Haunt El Tormento Efmero S/. 13.00Spectre Raro The Eternal Light La Luz Eterna S/. 9.00Spirit Breaker Raro Barathrum's Fury Furia de Barathrum S/. 5.00Spirit Breaker Raro Battleseeker Buscador de Batallas S/. 4.00Spirit Breaker Mtico Death Charge Carga Mortal S/. 31.50Spirit Breaker Raro Heavy Armor of the World Runner Armadura Pesada del Trotamundos S/. 6.00Spirit Breaker Raro Vestments of the Iron Will Vestimentas de la Voluntad Frrea S/. 17.00Storm Spirit Mtico Gifts of Fortune S/. 28.00Sven Raro Armour of The Iron Drakken S/. 15.50

  • Sven Raro Commander's of the Flameguard Comandante de los Guardallamas S/. 34.00Sven Raro Raiment of the Chiseled Guard Atuendo de la Guardia Esculpida S/. 10.00Sven Raro The Flameguard's Armor Guardallamas S/. 9.00Sven Mtico Warrior's Retribution Retribucin del Guerrero S/. 45.50[15]Sven Mtico Forge of Iron Will[16] Forja de la Voluntad Frrea S/. 24.00Templar Assasin Raro The Deadly Nightshade La Belladona Mortfera S/. 8.00Templar Assassin Raro Redmoon Assassin's Secret Secreto de la Asesina de la Luna Escarlata S/. 7.00Templar Assassin Poco Comn The Dreaded Bravo Valenta Temeraria S/. 3.00Templar Assassin Mtico The Third Insight La Tercera Revelacin S/. 10.00Templar Assassin Raro Whispering Dead Muerte Susurrante S/. 3.00Tidehunter Poco Comn The Paleogenous Punisher El Castigador Paleogneo S/. 3.00Tidehunter Poco Comn The Pirate's Booty El Botn del Pirata S/. 4.00Tiny Raro Elemental Ice Infusion Infusin Elemental de Hielo S/. 14.00Tusk Raro Arctic Hunter Cazador rtico S/. 10.00Tusk Raro Bobusang's Traveling Necessities S/. 17.00Tusk Raro Frostiron Raider Asaltante de los Frostirn S/. 10.00Ursa Poco Comn Cryogenic Embrace Abrazo Criognico S/. 19.50Ursa Raro Radiant Protector S/. 16.00Ursa Comn The Iron Bear's El Oso de Hierro S/. 3.00Ursa Poco Comn The Savage Age La Era Salvaje S/. 3.00Ursa Poco Comn The Ursine Ravager El Devastador Ursino S/. 3.00Vengeful Legendario Vestments of the Fallen Princess[17] Vestimentas de la Princesa Cada S/. 45.00Warlock Mtico The Demonic Archivist El Archivista Demonaco S/. 14.00Warlock Mtico The Exiled Demonologist El Demonlogo Desterrado S/. 13.00Weaver Raro Dimensional Infestation S/. 13.00Weaver Mtico Armored Exoskeleton Exoesqueleto Blindado S/. 12.00Weaver Raro Ember Tipped Carapace Caparazn con Pas Cubiertas de Ascuas S/. 14.00Weaver Raro Master Weaver Maestro Tejedor S/. 7.00Weaver Raro Threads of Entwined Fate (sin ticket) Hilos del Destino Entrelazado (sin ticket) S/. 8.00[18]Windranger Raro Aria of the Wild Wind S/. 22.00Windranger Poco Comn Falconer's Design Diseo del Halconero S/. 3.00Windranger Mtico Featherfall Plumas Ligeras S/. 14.00Windranger Raro Flight of the Sparrowhawk Vuelo del Gaviln S/. 16.00Windranger Raro Northern Wind El Viento del Norte S/. 5.00

  • Windranger Raro Wings of the Gilded Falcon Alas del Halcn Dorado S/. 10.00Windranger Poco Comn Zaru'Kina Protector's Garb Atuendo de la Protectora de Zaru'Kina S/. 3.00Witch Doctor Raro The Stormcrow's Spirit El Espritu del Cuervo de la Tempestad S/. 10.00Witch Doctor Raro The Traveling Tale-Teller El Cuentacuentos Trotamundos S/. 5.00Wraith King Raro Armor of Eternal Reign S/. 13.00Wraith King Poco Comn Regalia of the Bonelord Gala del Seor de los Huesos S/. 5.00Wraith King Raro Remains of the Dreadknight Restos del Caballero Temible S/. 15.00Wraith King Poco Comn Regalia of the Wraith Lord S/. 8.00

  • _HEROE _RAREZA _NOMBRE INGLES _NOMBRE ESPAOL _PRECIO EN SOLESComn Treasure Key Llave del Tesoro (unidad) Consultar stock inboxMitico Frostivus Treasure Key 2013 Llave del Tesoro de la Fiesta de la Escarcha 2013S/. 7.50Mitico Treasure Key of Ember Essence Llave del Tesoro de la Esencia de la Llama S/. 7.50Mitico Treasure Key of Earth Essence Llave del Tesoro de la Esencia de la Tierra S/. 7.50Mitico Emerald Polycount Key Llave Esmeralda de Polycount S/. 7.50Mitico Treasure Key of Rubiline Sheen Llave del Tesoro del Brillo Rubilino S/. 7.50Mitico Treasure Key of the Forbidden LotusLlave del Tesoro del Loto Prohibido S/. 7.50Mitico Dark Treasure Key Llave del Tesoro Oscura S/. 7.50Raro Treasure Key of Incandescent WaxLlave del Tesoro de la Cera Incandescente S/. 7.50Raro Treasure Key of the Malignant AmanitaLlave del Tesoro de la Amanita Maligna S/. 7.50Raro Treasure Key of the Shaper DivineLlave del Tesoro de la Limadora Divina S/. 7.50Raro Treasure Key of the Cursed WoodLlave del Tesoro del Bosque Maldito S/. 7.50Raro Treasure Key of Crystalline ChaosLlave del Tesoro del Caos Cristalino S/. 7.50Raro Seal of Vermilion Renewal S/. 7.00Raro Fragment of Radiant Ore Fragmento de Mineral Radiant S/. 7.50Raro Shard of Direstone Fragmento de Piedra Dire S/. 7.50

  • _RAREZA _NOMBRE INGLES _NOMBRE ESPAOL _PRECIO EN SOLESInmortal Golden Greevil Greevil Dorado S/. 20.00Inmortal Stumpy - Nature's Attendant Stumpy, el Ayudante de la Naturaleza S/. 8.50Inmortal Trusty Mountain Yak Yak Fiel de la Montaa S/. 8.50Legendario Baby Roshan Roshan Beb S/. 29.00Legendario Baekho Baekho S/. 30.00Legendario Blotto and Stick Blotto y Stick S/. 8.00Legendario Cluckles the Brave Cluckles el Valiente S/. 11.00Legendario Hollow Jack Calabaza Hueca S/. 9.00Legendario Itsy Tina S/. 15.00Legendario LGD's Golden Skipper Saltarn Dorado de LGD S/. 15.00Legendario Mok Mok S/. 10.00Legendario Na'Vi's Weaselcrow Cuervadreja Navi S/. 14.00Legendario Nimble Ben Ben el Veloz S/. 10.00Legendario Shagbark Shagbark S/. 15.00Legendario Skip the Delivery Frog Skip, la Rana Mensajera S/. 9.00Legendario Speed Demon Diablillo Veloz S/. 9.00Legendario Waldi the Faithful Waldi el Leal S/. 13.00Legendario Yonex's Rage Ira de Yonex S/. 15.00Legendario (Genuino) Smeevil (todo desbloqueado) Smeevil (todo desbloqueado) S/. 20.00Mtico Alphid of Lecaciida lfido de Lecaciida S/. 5.00Mtico Arnabus the Fairy Rabbit Arnabus el Conejo Ferico S/. 8.50Mtico Azuremir Azuremir S/. 13.50Mtico Captain Bamboo Capitn Bamb S/. 12.00Mtico Coco the Courageous Coco el Valiente S/. 9.00Mtico Deathripper Deathripper S/. 5.00Mtico El Gato El Gato S/. 14.00[19]Mtico Fearless Badger Tejn Intrpido S/. 5.00Mtico The Gama Brothers Los Hermanos Gama S/. 8.50Mtico Kupu the Metamorpher Kupu el Metamorfo S/. 7.00Mtico Maximilian the Beetlebear Maximilian el Escaraoso S/. 9.00Mtico MLG Scalehound Sabueso Escamoso de MLG S/. 7.00Mtico Nexon Sponsorship League Season 3 Pack[20] S/. 20.00Mtico Nibbles the Wartoise Nibbles la Tortuga de Guerra S/. 9.00

  • Mtico Porcine Princess Penelope Penlope, la Princesa Porcina S/. 8.00Mtico Prismatic Drake Draco Prismtico S/. 6.50Mtico REDBULL Esports Champion League 2013 Pack[21] S/. 23.50Mtico Snelfret the Snail Snelfret el Caracol S/. 9.00Mtico Snowl Snowl, el Bho Nival S/. 8.00Mtico The Llama Llama La Llama Llama S/. 8.00Mtico Throe Throe S/. 9.00Mtico Tinkbot Tinkbot S/. 5.00Mtico Tory the Sky Guardian Tory el Guardin de los Cielos S/. 8.00Mtico Woodchopper Leador S/. 10.00Mtico Yard White Festival Pack[22] S/. 20.00Mtico (Genuino) Dolfrat and Roshinante Dolfrat y Roshinante S/. 69.00Mtico (Genuino) Genuine Braze the Zonkey Braze el Cebrasno S/. 39.00Mtico (Genuino) Inky the Hexapus Inky, el Pulpo de Seis Patas S/. 15.00Mtico (Genuino) Ramnaught of Underwool Carneronte de Sotolana S/. 13.00Mtico (Genuino) Star Ladder Grillhound[23] Sabueso Abrasador de Star Ladder S/. 20.00Raro Cyril the Syrmeleon Cyril el Syrmelen S/. 13.00Raro Scuttling Scotty Pingn el Rapidn S/. 16.00Mtico (Genuino) Redhoof S/. 3.00Legendario (Genuino) Jadehoof S/. 10.00Raro ESPL Season 1 PACK[24] S/. 16.00Raro Korea Dota League Season 1 PACK[25] S/. 21.50Raro MPGL Season 6 Southeast Asia Qualifier PACK[26] S/. 22.00Mtico The XMG Captains Draft Invitational PACK[27] S/. 30.00

  • _HEROE _RAREZA _NOMBRE INGLES _NOMBRE ESPAOL _PRECIO EN SOLESBane Comn Nightmare Beacon Baliza de Pesadilla S/. 2.00Crystal Maiden Comn Blueheart Spotter Visor del Corazn Azul S/. 2.00Lina Comn Slayer's Glare Mirada de la Asesina S/. 2.00Shadow Demon Comn Eye of the Ozkavosh Ojo de los Ozkavosh S/. 2.00Venomancer Comn Toxic Gaze Mirada Txica S/. 2.00Witch Doctor Comn Eyeball Fetish Fetiche Ocular S/. 2.00Omniknight Comn (Antiguo)Staff of Faith Bastn de la Fe S/. 2.00

    Mtico Frozen Formation Formacin Helada S/. 9.00Mtico Aperture Science Wardcore Ncleo Guardin de Aperture Science S/. 18.00Mtico Augury's Guardian Guardin del Augurio S/. 11.00

    Jakiro Poco Comn Double Vision Visin Doble S/. 3.00Tidehunter Poco Comn Bottom Watcher Vigilante de las Profundidades S/. 3.00Lich Raro Black Pool Watcher Vigilante de la Laguna Negra S/. 3.50Rubick Raro Spell Surveyor Inspector de Hechizos S/. 3.50Shadow Shaman Raro Warding Guise Rostro Guardin S/. 3.50Skywrath Mage Raro Skywrath Sentinel Centinela Furia Celeste S/. 4.50Warlock Raro Hellgazer Observador Infernal S/. 4.50

    Raro Celestial Observatory Observatorio Celestial S/. 3.50Raro Eye of Lyralei Ojo de Lyralei S/. 3.50Raro Watchful Sotdae Sotdae Vigilante S/. 3.50Raro Ocula the Observer cula el Observador S/. 3.50Raro A Dire Gaze Mirada Terrible de los Dire S/. 3.50Raro Pro Dota 2 Solo Ranked League Season 3[28] S/. 15.50

  • _RAREZA _NOMBRE INGLES _NOMBRE ESPAOL _PRECIO EN SOLESPoco Comn Timber Fury Ira de Timbersaw S/. 11.00Poco Comn Thunder Spirit Espritu del Trueno S/. 11.00Poco Comn Omer Augurio S/. 9.00Poco Comn Tremor Temblor S/. 9.00Poco Comn Iron Cage Prisin de Hierro S/. 7.50Poco Comn Curiosity Curiosidad S/. 7.50Poco Comn Jungle Ruin Ruinas Selvticas S/. 6.00Poco Comn Elder Bark Corteza Ancestral S/. 9.00Poco Comn Driftwood Madera a la Deriva S/. 8.50Poco Comn Malice Malicia S/. 8.50Poco Comn Tempest Wing Ala de la Tormenta S/. 8.50Poco Comn Deepest Depths Las Profundidades Ms Profundas S/. 8.50Raro Familiar Woods Bosque Familiar S/. 13.00Raro Mana Pool Reserva de Man S/. 13.00Raro Necropolis Necrpolis S/. 9.00Raro Underwater Bajo el Agua S/. 11.00Raro Golden Treasures Tesoros Dorados S/. 13.00Raro Dragon Scale Escama de Dragn S/. 13.00Raro Furnace Alto Horno S/. 11.00Raro Gear Tooth Engranaje Dentado S/. 11.00Raro Empowered Potenciado S/. 8.50Raro Nature Naturaleza S/. 7.50Raro Frozen Touch Toque Glido S/. 10.00Raro Royal Crypt[29] S/. 14.00

  • _HEROE _RAREZA _NOMBRE INGLES _NOMBRE ESPAOL _PRECIO EN SOLESPoco Comn Clash of Heroes Choque de Hroes S/. 4.00Poco Comn Caucus of Heroes S/. 3.00Poco Comn Beneath the War Moon S/. 3.50

    Anti-Mage Poco Comn Legacy of the Awakened Legado del Despertar S/. 3.00Legion CommanderPoco Comn Stonehall Royal Guard Guardia Real de Stonehall S/. 3.00Ursa Poco Comn Cryogenic Embrace Abrazo Criognico de Ursa S/. 11.00

    Poco Comn Clash of the Ancients Choque de los Ancestros S/. 4.00Poco Comn Kunkka Loading Screen PACK[30] S/. 7.00

  • _RAREZA _NOMBRE INGLES _NOMBRE ESPAOL _PRECIO EN SOLESRaro 80% Battle Point Booster (500 minutes) Potenciador de Puntos de Batalla del 80% (500 minutos)S/. 4.00Mtico Master Artificer's Hammer Martillo del Maestro Artfice S/. 4.00Raro Artificer's Hammer Martillo del Artfice S/. 4.00Poco Comn Artificer's Chisel Cincel del Artfice S/. 4.00Raro Armory Expander Ampliacin de Armera S/. 22.00Raro Greevil Egg Huevo de Greevil S/. 4.00Raro Name Tag Etiqueta de Nombre S/. 4.00Raro Description Tag Etiqueta de Descripcin S/. 4.00

  • _HEROE _RAREZA _ESPACIO _NOMBRE INGLES _NOMBRE ESPAOL _PRECIO EN SOLESLegion Commander Arcano Arma Blades of Voth Domosh Hojas de Voth Domosh S/. 93.00Lina Arcano Arma Fiery Soul of the Slayer Alma gnea de la Asesina S/. 89.00Terrorblade Arcano Arma Fractal Horns of Inner Abysm Cuernos Fractales del Abismo Interior S/. 99.00Abbadon Inmortal Arma Mace of the Chosen Maza del ElegidoKunkka Inmortal Arma Leviathan Whale Blade Filo de la Ballena LeviatnLone Druid Inmortal Arma Cauldron of Xahryx Caldero de XahryxPudge Inmortal Arma Whalehook Garfio Ballenero S/. 30.00Pudge Inmortal Arma Dragonclaw Hook Gancho de Garra de Dragn S/. 620.00Vengeful Spirit Inmortal Arma Scree'auk's Talon Garra de Scree'aukFaceless Void Legendario BattleFury Furia de BatallaPudge Legendario Rotten Stache Mostachos S/. 125.00Queen of Pain Legendario Wings of the Ruby WebAnti-Mage Mythical Arc of Manta (pack) Paquete de las dos armas S/. 45.00Juggernaut Mythical Fireborn Odachi Odachi Flamgera (normal sin gema cintica)Juggernaut Mythical Fireborn Odachi Odachi Flamgera (normal con gema cintica)Nature's Prophet Mythical Call of the Dendrochron Llamada del DendrocnSlark Mythical The Silent Ripper (incluye gema de animacin)Alchemist Mythical (genuino) Broken ShacklesAlchemist Mythical (genuino) Prisoners AnchorBatrider Mythical (genuino) The Dreaded ForgewingChaos Knight Mythical (genuino) Chaos Knight's Armlet of MordiggianChaos Knight Mythical (genuino) Entropic Battlegear of the Warrider (todo el set)Crystal Maiden Mythical (genuino) Frost Owl's BeaconDeath Prophet Mythical (genuino) Crown of the Death PriestessDragon Knight Mythical (genuino) Crest of the Wyrm LordsInvoker Mythical (genuino) Heaven-Piercing PauldronsJuggernaut Mythical (genuino) Dragon SwordJuggernaut Mythical (genuino) KantusaKunkka Mythical (genuino) Kunkka's Shadow BladeKunkka Mythical (genuino) BladeBiterLone Druid Mythical (genuino) Form of the Onyx GroveNature's Prophet Mythical (genuino) Flowering TreantNyx Assassin Mythical (genuino) Nyx Assassins DagonPuck Mythical (genuino) Aether-WingsPudge Raro Bloodstained Britches bombachos S/. 27.00Pudge Raro Heavy TenderizerSlark Raro Fishy Frillhawk PeloSlark Raro Wavecutter Spalda

  • Locutore _RAREZA _NOMBRE INGLES _NOMBRE ESPAOL _PRECIO EN SOLESMtico Announcer: Tusk Locutor: Tusk S/. 3.00Mtico Announcer: Dr. Kleiner Locutor: Dr. Kleiner S/. 3.50Raro (Antiguo) Announcer: Death Prophet Locutora: Death Prophet S/. 3.00Mtico Pirate Captain Announcer PackMtico Nature's Prophet Announcer Pack S/. 6.00Mtico Juggernaut's Announcer Pack S/. 6.00Mtico Axe's Announcer Pack S/. 6.00Mtico Storm Spirit's Announcer Pack S/. 6.00Mtico Defense Grid Announcer PackMtico Trine Announcer Pack S/. 6.00Mtico Glados Announcer PackMtico Bastion Announcer Pack S/. 6.00Mtico Pyrion Flax Announcer PackMtico Lina Announcer Pack S/. 15.00

  • _HEROE _RAREZA _NOMBRE INGLES _NOMBRE ESPAOL _PRECIO EN SOLESAnti-Mage Raro Taunt: The Magic Ends Here Burla: La Magia Termina Aqu S/. 3.00Axe Raro Taunt: Come and Get It! Burla: Ven a por m! S/. 5.00Broodmama Raro Taunt: Spider Shuffle Burla: Paso de la Araa S/. 3.00Crystal Maiden Raro Taunt: Beautiful Snowangel Burla: Bello ngel de Nieve S/. 3.00Drow Ranger Raro Taunt: Keep an Ear Out Burla: Estar Alerta S/. 3.00Juggernaut Mtico Taunt: Sharp Blade Burla: Hoja Afilada S/. 3.00Juggernaut Raro Taunt: For Death and Honor Burla: Por la Muerte y el Honor S/. 3.00Lina Mtico Taunt: Get Burned Burla: Que te Ardan S/. 3.00Nature's Prophet Raro Taunt: Victory Jig Burla: Giga de la Victoria S/. 5.00Nature's Prophet Mtico Taunt: Shredding the Lute Invisible Burla: Destrozando el Lad Invisible S/. 14.00Pudge Mtico Taunt: Shake Your Money Maker Burla: Menea el Trasero S/. 3.00Witch Doctor Raro Taunt: Celebration of Death Burla: Celebracin de la Muerte S/. 3.00

  • _HEROE _RAREZA _NOMBRE INGLES _NOMBRE ESPAOL _PRECIO EN DLARES _PRECIO EN SOLES- Raro Roshan Kills- Raro Heroes Revealed with Dust- Raro Inscribed Couriers Purchased- Raro Inscribed Wards Purchased- Raro Inscribed Wards Placed- Raro Roshan Kills- Raro Inscribed Kills- Raro Inscribed Barracks Destroyed- Raro Inscribed Kill Assists- Raro Inscribed Victories- Raro Inscribed First Bloods- Raro Inscribed Godlike Sprees- Raro Inscribed Buildings Destroyed- Raro Inscribed Towers Destroyed- Raro Inscribed Gifts Granted- Raro Inscribed Buildings Destroyed- Raro Inscribed Gold Spent- Raro Inscribed Gold Earned- Raro Inscribed Rune Spawns Spotted- Raro Inscribed Games ViewedAbbadon Raro Inscribed Borrowed Time HealingAbbadon Raro Inscribed Mist Coil KillsAbbadon Raro Inscribed Healed With Mist CoilAbbadon Raro Inscribed Aphotic Shield KillsAxe Raro Inscribed Enemies CulledAxe Raro Inscribed Battle Hunger KillsAxe Raro Inscribed Near Death KillsAxe Raro Inscribed Call Damage DoneAxe Raro Inscribed Call Damage TakenBeastmaster Raro Inscribed Hawks SummonedBeastmaster Raro Inscribed Boars SummonedBeastmaster Raro Inscribed Roar KillBeastmaster Raro Inscribed Roar Multi-KillsBloodseeker Raro Inscribed Rupture KillsBounty Hunter Raro Inscribed Tracked KillsBounty Hunter Raro Inscribed Tracked Invisible KillsBounty Hunter Raro Inscribed Invisible Jinada StrikesBounty Hunter Raro Inscribed Tracked Bonus GoldChaos Knight Raro Inscribed 4 Second Stuns

  • Crystal Maiden Raro Inscribed Frostbitten EnemiesCrystal Maiden Raro Inscribed Crystal Novas CastCrystal Maiden Raro Inscribed Freezing Field KillsDeath Prophet Raro Inscribed Crypt Swarm KillsDeath Prophet Raro Inscribed Exorcism Building KillsDeath Prophet Raro Inscribed Exorcism Spirits SummonedDeath Prophet Raro Inscribed Multi-Hero SilencesDisruptor Raro Inscribed Enemies Fountain GlimpsedDisruptor Raro Inscribed Heroes GlimpsedDisruptor Raro Inscribed Thunder Strike KillsDoom Raro Inscribed Creeps DevouredDoom Raro Inscribed Doomed EnemiesDragon Knight Raro Inscribed Dragon Form KillsDragon Knight Raro Inscribed Breathe Fire KillsDragon Knight Raro Inscribed Dragon Tail StunsDragon Knight Raro Inscribed Splash Damage KillsDrow Ranger Raro Inscribed Enemies SilencedDrow Ranger Raro Inscribed Multi-Hero SilencesDrow Ranger Raro Inscribed Silenced KillsDrow Ranger Raro Inscribed Frost Arrow KillsEarthshaker Raro Inscribed Fissure StunsEarthshaker Raro Inscribed Three-Hero EchoslamsEnchantress Raro Inscribed Creeps EnchantedFaceless Void Raro Inscribed Multi-Hero ChronospheresFaceless Void Raro Inscribed Chronosphere KillsInvoker Raro Inscribed Sunstrike KillsInvoker Raro Inscribed Tornado KillsJuggernaut Raro Inscribed Omnislash JumpsJuggernaut Raro Inscribed Blade Dance CritsJuggernaut Raro Inscribed Blade Fury DamageKeeper of the LightRaro Inscribed Illuminate KillsKeeper of the LightRaro Inscribed Mana Leak stunsKeeper of the LightRaro Inscribed Teammates RecalledKunkka Raro Inscribed Double-Hero TorrentsKunkka Raro Inscribed Triple-Hero Ghost ShipsLegion CommanderRaro Inscribed Duels WonLegion CommanderRaro Inscribed Duels LostLeshrac Raro Inscribed Split Earth StunsLich Raro Inscribed SacrificesLich Raro Inscribed Chain Frost Bounces

  • Lich Raro Inscribed Chain Frost Double KillsLich Raro Inscribed Chain Frost Triple KillsLich Raro Inscribed Ice Armor CastsLina Raro Inscribed Dragon Slave KillsLina Raro Inscribed Light Strike Array StunsLina Raro Inscribed Laguna Blade KillsLion Raro Inscribed Finger KillsLion Raro Inscribed Mana DrainedLuna Raro Inscribed Eclipse KillsLuna Raro Inscribed Lucent Beam KillsLycan Raro Inscribed Shapeshifted KillsLycan Raro Inscribed Wolves SummonedMedusa Raro Inscribed Enemies PetrifiedMedusa Raro Inscribed Mystic Snake Mana StolenMeepo Raro Inscribed Successful EarthbindsMirana Raro Inscribed Maximum Stun ArrowsMorphling Raro Inscribed Morphs to ReplicateMorphling Raro Inscribed Heroes ReplicatedMorphling Raro Inscribed Max Adaptive Strike StunsMorphling Raro Inscribed Max Damage Adaptive StrikesNaga Siren Raro Inscribed Enemies EnsnaredNaga Siren Raro Inscribed Triple-Hero Rip TidesNature's Prophet Raro Inscribed Trees CreatedNature's Prophet Raro Inscribed Treants CreatedOgre Magi Raro Inscribed 4X Multicast FireblastsOgre Magi Raro Inscribed 4X Multicast IgnitesOmniknight Raro Inscribed PurificationsOmniknight Raro Inscribed Allies RepelledOmniknight Raro Inscribed Enemies RepelledOutworld DevourerRaro Inscribed Intelligence StolenPhantom Assassin Raro Inscribed Coup de Grace CritsPhantom Assassin Raro Inscribed Dagger CritsPhantom Assassin Raro Inscribed Dagger Last HitsPhantom Assassin Raro Inscribed Phantom Strike KillsPudge Raro Inscribed Flesh Heap Total Inscripcin de Total de Montn de Carne S/. 12.00Pudge Raro Inscribed Dismember Kills Inscripcin de Vctimas por Descuartizar S/. 11.00Pudge Raro Inscribed Enemy Heroes Hooked Inscripcin de Hroes enemigos enganchados S/. 30.00Pudge Raro Inscribed Meat Hook Kills Inscripcin de Vctimas por Gancho de Carne S/. 19.00Pudge Raro Inscribed Unseen Enemies Hooked Inscripcin de Enemigos enganchados a ciegas S/. 32.00

  • 1. Este color significa que hay un mensaje al pasar el mouse :)2. Incluye fondo de pantalla "Legacy of the Awakened"3. Este SET incluye el Ticket del torneo "Netolic Pro League 5 East"4. Incluye fondo de pantalla "Corona de los Infiernos"5. Incluye el set "Fire Tribunal"6. Incluye el set "Sentinel"7. Incluye el set "Gifts of the Vanished Isle"8. Incluye fondo de pantalla "Vuelo de la Valquiria"9. Incluye fondo de pantalla "Demonio Hambriento"10. Incluye fondo de pantalla "Estaciones Eternas"11. Incluye fondo de pantalla "Dragn Travieso"12. Incluye fondo de pantalla "Asesino Crvido"13. Este SET incluye el Ticket del torneo "Netolic Pro League 5 West"14. set (todo desbloqueado) a S/.25.0015. Set todo desbloqueado - S/.59.0016. Incluye fondo de pantalla "Forja de la Voluntad Frrea"17. Incluye fondo de pantalla "Vestimentas de la Princesa Cada"18. Set todo desbloqueado - S/.16.0019. Desbloqueado - S/.18.00 - Bho Azul- Bho Plateado- El Supergato!20. Pack incluye el courier "Kangdae the Dokkaebi"21. Pack incluye el courier "Snaggletooth Jerry"22. Pack incluye el courier "Amphibian Kid"23. Full effect - S/.38.0024. Pack incluye el courier "Vaal the Animated Construct"25. Pack incluye el courier "Blue Lightning"26. Pack incluye el courier "Forest Faun"27. Pack incluye el courier "JanJou"28. Incluye el ward "Bramble Watch"29. Incluye el ticket del torneo "ESPL Season"30. Contiene las Pantallas de carga:Choque de HroesCaucus of HeroesBeneath the War Moon