MODU 1984 Code

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Transcript of MODU 1984 Code

  • 7/28/2019 MODU 1984 Code


    Chapter 11Radio ommunicaion ins a la ons

    11.1 Applicationll.l.l The purposcof this chaptcr s to provic lc ninimun r rcquircrncntskrr distre s :rrrclsafew r:rclioconurrunicationsenvcerr rrrobile oflrhoretlrillirrgunits :rncl o:rst t:rtions, hipsanclsnpportingaircr:rft n t]rc maritinrernobilc scrr''icc.11.1.2 Tlic requirenrentsare applicable o the ftrllowing rnoclcsofopcrltion of nrobilc offshorcdriiling units:

    .1 'uvhenunclcr way sclf-propcllcd;

    .2 'uvhcntorvccl,or sclf-propcllccl rnd ccorrrp:rniccl y cscort slrips;:rtrtl

    .3 'uvhcnstltionery at the site or engagccln clrilling oper:rtions.

    11.2 GcneralCo:rst;rlStrr tcs n col lu1lo l1 arcas of in tcrcst slrotr lc l , o thc cxtcnt possib lc,est . rb l is l-rinr i l r rr racl ioconrnrt rn ic; r t iorr cLlu ircnle l) ts o : rvoid corrtusion rnclsc irnv arrcilllry cr:rft h:rvc to divcrt to :rnothcr co:rst:rl Strtc 1l) Jl rcnlcrgcncv.

    11.3 Self-propclled units under wayEach unit, rvhile Lrrrcler ry at sca, shcrulcl ornplv witl.r thc applicableprovisions conccrninq r:rcliocornnrunicatiorrsbr sl-ripsprescribe l inchaDtcrV of thc l9ul l SOLAS atrtendnrents.u

    11.4 lJnits whcn towed, or self-propelled and accompaniedby escort ships

    11.4.1 Thc rcclnireurents or non-self-propellccl urits r-rnder ou' r,vherrnrrrrrncd leperrrl.rpon hc raclio nstallations ttercln tl.rc o'nving hip, as sctout in prmgraphs 1. .1.2nd 11.,1.3.


    " Al l rctltrircnrcntsof ch:rpter V oi the 19lluposition thc ship is norurlllv nrn'igatecl" houldM() l)U is nonrrr l lv nrviq:r tct l " .S()l.AS rurrcrrdrrcnts cfi'rrctl to "frorr thcbe epplied s rrr errrins fionr the position thc

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  • 7/28/2019 MODU 1984 Code


    Oltalttcr I I11'4'2 I' c:iseswhcrc. thc towing s'ip cor'pries fully with :r ' annrrcablcrc(llrlrclnclltsconccnring raciioconrnrunicatir -- " "- - *_Lfch,rperv "r tr'.-'!,s SoLa",.,.,,;;;;;' i,"t::,rtlr5l*irl,?iir:T1,,iurrclerou' wherr nrannc-d houlcl:

    be fit tccl vith VHF faciUdcsrs .e..pirecly rcgularior Iy 17 1.1-arrci7.1. 2 of th c 19gii S()LAS .l,,l.,ir,",i, arcl with MFfici l i t ics rs equiredby regulatior,.;tii. l l-;,, d 9.1.2:bc fltrcd lvith thc satellite EPII{B or EpIRll rcqtrireclby:.S:lji l?rl 1.V17.1.6,s.appropri:ire,or th e area n which th cMODU is being owcd; ancl ''3 bc fitted r'r"ith.equiprre't or autor).rric c.ccptio' of navigatro'alarcl'rereorol",gi:il . warni'ss i' a.,cc,rda,.l;_;h igillrti..,,r,1V17.1.4 nd |y17.1.5,as 'approprratc,o f thc jgi lg SOLASlnrenclnrents.

    l l '4'3 I'crses where th e towirli srripd.cs rlot co'rpry ful ly with th cpplicablcrccluirenre'ts-c--o'cer'irig .iri.,..rrr,rr.,r''cat1ol1sfor ships pre_cribecl.i 'chapterIV of th c f SgSSCiI_AS-.,r,.u,t,rr.,rrr,the MODU under()\v vl)( 'r rr.rrrredrr.trr.r orrrpryuirr, ,r i , i ;; .,;; i i . ;bi" ' i . lui- i ,,n.( ' ( ) r ) ( ' ( ' r ) r r ) l rr . r t l iot ' r r r r r r r r r r r ic. r r iorsprcs. . r ibct tr r r r . r r lpt t , r V .F r l rc l ( )grJSOLAS :urrcncLncnts.11.4'4 E.rchst-lf-propened 'i t accompa'icclby one or 'lore escortvessclsl r t ' r r l t l' t r r r l p l ln t l r hc p rov is io r r s, f i . . r . '11.5 [Jnits stationary at the site or engaged n drilling operationsll'5'l Eacl.r 'i r rvhilc stationary t thc site, rcl,cring when e'ga5;ed'rilline operarions, tl::!{_.glrpt *i ; ;[ reqrlrrclncntsprcscribecl n:]li't';:J,"",|,ji'["tJli"t?.!as,'i'"''a,,'",,i,t'"ia,c pplicabreoaship1t 1,, ^T*.t:l*.i''nt t'.c differentq,pcsof accide't r,vhichnrayocc'r' the M()DU, additionar adio equipr,erit'srro'rclbe nstailecin a .o.,,rro.1.r.siti.r' which co'ld be the briclgc r. ,r , ",-,'cy co'trol ro.r', situatecl.s fir :rspracticable:]l

    :n",rr,lin o*0,"",;; n,i"a ,, ' _,rriii."." *i*,cctror l l .5. l , so rhatno-sinqle cciclcnt i , . , . r ruar tof the MOL)U couldlcprivedrc MC)r)U of ar t aiitiet fct;r-.,il;nr'ru'icariors.Al l rct l t l i rer l te:r tsichrrptcr IV ofthc l9fJ8 s()LAS rrnrcrrc irnentsefcrr ing o,. f ionr th eli:;f,:','i,:1',il'lTlil,::l'ilil'l;,',',1:,'iij:1,,;i,;,i,,l_T,.'nX;;*,*il*rti,il,tt,' \ l l r t r l t t i r t r r r r ' l r r rr t ' 1 1 ; . 1 p 1 g pV r r t r l r L . , , 8 t t ( ) l A \ . rfl:)Tl:' ll;.r,"hi.r,,r,. ,nif il ,,orr.ttv navigatccl,,lrnul,l ,.ttt"' ll" 'ctrts rcflrring t. "fio' thel::,i:'ll,,,i:J*:m[:ii]llllJ:i:Tj;1ilti:j:i#*lr1;*iri,

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    Radi tconruu t icttt iot i rtst l at orr

    Thc rrdrlitional adio cquipnrent should conrply u'ith the follouirrgreguhtiorrs f thc IglJUSOLAS alncndrner)tor M()DUs drilling n:.l scl :rre:rA l , thc cquipnrent prcscribccl ,v cgul:rtiort V/7. i.1 ;.2 sc:i lrc:rA2, the eqtlipnrclrt rescribc(l y regtrl:rtiotrsV/7.1.1. r r t ( lV / ( ) .. l '.3 sc;l:rrca43, tlre ecluipurcnt rescribecln rcgulatiortsV/7.1.1ancl lV/ 10.1 1 plus 10.1 2; or altcrnrtjve1-, as reclttirccl yrcgulr t ions V17 I .1 and 10.2.1;.4 seil rc r A-1, he equiptncntprescribed v rcgulations V/7.1.1and V /1 ( ) .2 .1

    11.5.3 f thc lcoustic noisc cvel n:l roorrl fitted r.vithopcrating otrtrolsfor rrrtlio ccpiprrrent is so hiqh or coulcl be so high, cluring particr.rlaropcrltingconclitions, hat it nrav c-listtrrb r prcvcrlt properr se of tl.rc lclicrequipnrcnt, hcn rclcqr-trrte trise protccfiorr shoulcl bc provided b,vmcch:rnicalr othcr nlc,ln\, u rssociatiorr it h thc opcratiltgcontrols orthe rrclio tlt-ti1-rttterrt.l l .6 Hcl icopter conrmunicat ionsln ordcr t() crlsLlre otntnuuicatiorr it h hclicoptcrs,MODUs scrviccd yhelicoptcrs hould carry a1r acromobile VHF radiotelepl'rone tattotlcornplvinevith thc relevatrt cquirentetrts f ICA().ll.7 Internal communicationsAl lrypcsof MC)DUs shouldbe fittcd u'ith ef Tjcientnclns of cotrirnut tic.r-tionbctu'cer.r he control roonr, thc bridge (i f providccl) ancl positiorr orpositionsittcd rvith fhcilitics or operation of raclioequiprttcnt.ll,8 Pcrformance standardsll.8.l All raclio cqr-ripnrcnt hould bc of a type rpprovccl b,v thcAdnr inistr r r t ionssuing the l icencc. Subject to scct io l l I 1.u.2, strchequipnrcntshoulcl confonn to appropriate pcrfbrtrrattce st;,tnclardsotinlcrior o thosc :rcloptecl y the Organization.-'Refcr to t l rc

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    l i r l lorving rcsolrt t iot ts edol. tcd by the ( )rgrniz. t t iorr :I lcsohrt iorr A.525(13): l)c#bnnrrnce statrt l : rrclsbr t t lrrol ' -brtrt i dircct-pt irt tingtclcgrrrph crpipnrcnt for thc' recept iotr of rr. rvisrt iot tr l rnt l t lctcorologicrrlu' lnrings :urrl urgert t i l r l i rrnt : t t iotr to ships.I {esohr t i on A . ( r9 . { (17 ) : ( }e l l e r . r l r ( 'L l t l i rc t t tc t t t r i ' r \ l l ip l ) ( ) r r lc r rc i io c t l t t ip l t lc t l tf on r r i r rqp r r t o f t hc q lob : r l tur t r tnrc d is l rcss , r t rd . r t i t \ \ \ ' \ t c r ] .1 C iM l )SS) r t rd f b rclcctrrnic rraviqrt ionrl l ic ls.l \csolrrt ion A.t t t ) l t (19): Pcrf t innatrce st: tut l t rt ls l irr shrp terth strt ions crpablc oftwo-\\': lv c()l l l l rLurcauolls lt rcl resolrt t iorr A.571)(1'+): Tr' fc . tpp1o1,xl f ship crrthst i l t ior s.l l c so lu t i on A. t3{)3(1t ) ) : l )c r lor tnut tce s t r t r t l . r r t ls t i r r sh ipborne VHF r lc l i t rirrst l lLrt ions crrpablc of voicc cottrt rt t trt ic lt iotr etrt l digit r l select ive crl l ing_, : rsrrnrcnclct l , rncl r:csolut iot t MS{l.6f l(6f l). arrncr 1 (vrl id fbr cqrt ipt t tetrt irtstr l led onor .rf icr 1 -|arrLreru (X)0). (tort t irtutd ott.lit lluvitt.{ pa.qt ' )


  • 7/28/2019 MODU 1984 Code


    Clnpfcr I I11.8.2 Ecltripment nstlllcd prior to I Febru'rry t)()l lrrry bc crerlrptedfiorll firll 'coi]rpliatrcer,vith ti,c appropriatcpcrfonllalrcc st;rlld:rrLlst tl]c6iscrerti.' of thc Acf i'istr:iti.r, p.,r.'.,uiit"dhat the cc*ripure't is,conrpetible:rvith cctr,rrp'rc't c.'rplyi'g rn tl i thc pcrlbr'ra'ce st:rrlchrcls,aving d'cil:;j;l;;ir: .rii"r*r.i1'i.lithc c)rga'iz.tion 'ray aclopt 'colr'cctio' withslrchst:rtrclarcls.

    11.9 Gas exPlosion dangerAilv rlciio ccluiprtrcnt nstallccl n a zotre :rsclefrnecltr scctiotr (r.1 s}roulcl..rtitp\' rvith'rcgulation V/1'{ of thc 1988S()l'AS antcttdtlctrts'

    t 5l ( )

    f i,otrrotI ttttit t tt ' l lirttt )l'{'l'i()ll-\Llq('.).5 l l -csol tr t iorr . l l0- l (19): )ert i rnrnrrcc trnt lar. l ' ir r shipb.rrrc-$l '-nr: ] i ' l . l r rstr lh-t ionscrp:rblc f u,r ic. l onrrrrurr ic. t t iOnml digi talsclccttvcr l l t t l { . . tr l t tct t t lcd.,rncl csol,tr.rr'N,4il.OiifrSl. ,l',,r.x : lr,rlid fiir ecltripr'cnt 'stelctl .r t .r rfter1Jmurry 2(XX)) '. ( r l l ' e s o l u t i o n A 8 0 6 ( 19 ) : l ) c r f i r r l l t r t t c c . s t i u l cl ' l r d s t i r r s l r i p b t l n l e M F/ H F n i l i oinstrllltions crprrblcof voice conllr)urrlcrtloll, urrtxr'-bittcl.dircct-printil)g 'rl)(ldigital sclecti'l::;ili,,;. .;,.',,,..,,4.,r. .a rcsol'ti.. MSCI.(r8(68), rirrcx3 (r'alitliiril.,1,-ti1r,,t.,rtrrstellcd tl tlr rttcr i .flnu:rry 2(XX))'.7 l{csoiut io| A.t i lo(1,)) : rurt i , I I . r rrcc.r t . i l rd.rrdsi tr t lort- t l -cc rtc l l i te t t tcrgetrc l 'j ' , , . ; , i . , , ' - i , , . l i , , t i , ' * , . | i " i " u " t 't ' t t l U . \ r ' ) 1 1 ( r ' r t i r r ' " r r + { ) r ' M l l z r ' "l t "

    rcs()lutror) ,,tlrrfizl' f.vpc .rppror:rl i sati'lliti'e.c;rgc.f!.).p.siti.rr-inclicrttrng

    nt l io be:tcotrsUt\ t t iU9'r ipcr i t lns n the ( l()Sl 'AS-SAI\SAT svstct t t ) '.l J llcsolutiorl A.|tt)2(19): )crfi;nrl.tttcc trtlclrrc]sbr strrl'iv.rl r:rIi rrc]lr trirllsp()l)_clcrs ilr ttsc tr serrch tlt l rcsctlc )Pcriltlol)s'g l l c soh r t i t l r rA -8 i )5 (1 ( ) ) : l ) e r f i t r t l l l l t t c cs t f , l ) d r rds fo r t . l t l r t - f l - c cVF{Fc l r r c rgc t t cvpositiorl-ilrilicating lclitl bcrtcotrs'. 0 ll.cs.6tror A.lJOTi.-)): )crtirrrtt.rtrt rt.ttl(lJrds .r Illtltrrsrt-Cl sltip crrtS stltt.lls: l ; ; i ; i . ' ; i t r . r ' t r t i t t i r rg :", . :1-. t : : , i ) : l l 'g l i rcct-pr i . t i 'g co' ' 'urrrcrtr() 's ' :I s. l l l )e lrc1ecl 'r t r t l rcsol t t t io l tMS(i .(r8((rE) 'rrrncx3'(r ' : r l id i ixccluipr l rcrr t , i r rstr l lc t lOr rOr rf ter r .J"r , , , r ,1, ' i i iOi) j . - . i , . t, . i tu, i "" A.57{)(1-+):yp i rpprovelof shipclrth stlticltts'.l l ll.cstllrttltltlA.{r(r-l(16): )crtirnlrrttcc strtrtilrcls br crthattcccl rtlup crll cqtrip-

    1l C l l t ..1 2 l l c so lu t i on A. 812( l ( ) ) : l )c r t i r r t l t r t lcc s t i l ( l l r ( l s tb r t lor t - f l -cc s f , tc l l i t c c r l lc rqc t )cvp*it i . , r- iuJt i , rt t ,g t""ti" Serc.t ls .pcr. t i t ru t6rouglr th c gcost: t t ionary Irrrrt r lrs lt t

    \ ' l t t l i t ( \ v \ l ( l ) l o t t l t ' ( H z '.13I \csol r r t i t l l rA.662(16) : l )c r t i l r t r l .u tccs t r t tc ler t ls t i l r f l t l r t . l icc rc lc lscal t t l i lc t tv l t lo l )rrr l l lgcl) lents t i lr ctrrcrgcl lct ' r lrt l to ecltttpttlcttt '. l . l l l . e s t l l u t i t l r r R . t , ' l . l i t 7 ; . . S 1 ' t . ' n , p . , 1 . , r ' r r ' , . c C s t : l l l C ] l r ( l t t l r . t h c p r o r r l r r l g r t i c l t l l r t l r lco-ordiratrotr Oftrr: rr i t irrrc sltct), i l t tonI lf , t lon lrsing high-i iet l t t t t tcv trrrrorv-L' ' t t rt l

    t l i rcct prtttttttg.l le solut io:r A.7{x)(17): - l)crf irnn.urcc strnd:rrcls lb r t t : rrro$'-brtrcl dircct-prrr l t l l r l- lt ! . 1 ( . * r . . r l 1 l r. ( l . r l r ' L . r r r , . , , , , . . , . . . 1 . 1 1 r t i , i ,, f r r . ' , g . , r ' , , r r . r lr r r . l r r r . t , , r i ' 1 , ' - ; , , , 1r i . r r r l i r i q ' r l l ( l l r { ( l r f i t t t " r t t t l r " t l t r ) l l l l l \ { l v l ) l ) n \ I l ll lcsolu-t iort A.Sl l(19): l)cri irr l t t r l t tce stelr( lrrcls l ir ; r -dlplnrrre i l)tcqr: l tcd.. i t l . r i , t ir"t , ru"i.Lt i . r, , s1'rtc, t ( l l1' ( lS) rvhcn rtsecl tr th e (lMl)SS'} l c s o l t r t i o r r M s ( ] . 8 ( ) ( 7 ( ) ) ' r t l l t c x l : l ) c r f i l r t l r l t t c c s t l t t l c l l t r t ] s f i l r t l t l _ s c c t t eirc. , l l rut i , , .1) two-wav pirrtrrblc VH F ndiotelcpftotrc applntt ts '

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    R at l ottt r nun cat on i rt tal at onsl l . l0 Surveyof th e radiostation11;19,i.Thc raclio trri.r of a unit shoulcl c sulrjecto survey sspccifiecrDr'low:

    ' l by th e Adrninistration vhich ssucsirc iccnceor its authorizedreprescrtativebeforc the rldi. s&ltiorl s ptrt i'to scrvicc;'2 rvl-ren he trnit is rtrovedand colnersurider tirc adnrinistratrvcrc.'trol rf :r.othcr coastal tatea survey rraybc carricd.ur bytltat Stlte or its authorizerclcple5cntattve;.3 grlcc rvcry 12 uronths, carriccl or_rrby an oflicer of thcAclrrrirristrationarclor the coastal Statc .r tt-,"i. ."ri",,ti,r"authorizcd cprescrrunve.

    11.10'2Th c Acl'rirristrarorr rnay rccogr)rzc he coastal Statc as rt sauthorizcclcprcscntativc.ll.l0'3 I' evc'ry :rsevhcn an atrthorizccJcprescrt.tiveof thc coastal t:rtecarncs.t ar l'spectror, a rcport shorld bc issr_rcd.c-l cp t rvith the radiodocurrrc'ts. 'd r copy, i i rcqucstcd, shoirrc'l c fb'r-warde,do th cAtll'tul) strat1C)11.


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