Navegar en La DEEP WEB

Navegar en la DEEP WEB (no tengan miedo) GRATIS 1ero: Descargar TOR desde aqui: 2do instalar el programa sirve para cualquier windows, mac osx,o linux, viene incorporado un navegador Mozilla portable para que no utilices el de tu PC. En la pagina te explica todo, navegas en el anonimato y podes , con este unico programa entrar a la Deep Web yo lo hice y lo hago cuando me aburro de la Web tradicional. 3ero Esta en mucho idiomas y es muy facil de usar ya que es portable. 4to y ultimo algunos links para navegar solo con TOR no sirven para ningun otro navegador prueben y van a comprobarlo.http://eqt5g4fuenphqinx.onion/ (Core.onion. It's bascially the welcome page for TOR) http://dppmfxaacucguzpc.onion/ (The Tor Directory. Has a list of the more popular .onion sites. WARNING! Contains links to CP!) http://kpvz7ki2v5agwt35.onion/wiki/index.php/Main_Page (The Hidden Wiki. You probably know all about it by now. WARNING! Contains links to CP!) http://am4wuhz3zifexz5u.onion/ (The TOR Library. A collection of interesting e-books, the majority of which are banned in various countries.) http://kpynyvym6xqi7wz2.onion/files.html (Parazite website. A "deep web" mirror of . If you compare the two, you should notice some differences.) http://ekwreugkil5ncyyh.onion/ (A rather off-the-grid collection of various .onion sites. This doesn't get posted as much, and is the place where I found those hilarious bug-catching stories. WARNING! Contains links to CP!) http://utovvyhaflle76gh.onion/sTORage/Books/ (sTORage's BOOKS page. Another collection of interesting e-books. If you remove the /Books on the end, it will take you to the main directory of sTORage.) http://xmh57jrzrnw6insl.onion/ (A search engine for public .onion sites. You'll mostly get links to Violent Desires though, regardless of what you search for. WARNING! Contains links to CP!) http://4eiruntyxxbgfv7o.onion/snapbb...6hqn6s04bu2va4 (A message board that's supposed to be dedicated to discussing the paranormal. Very inactive and most of the posts are trolls.) http://xqz3u5drneuzhaeo.onion/users/...exandrinaIndex (Yet another collection of e-books.) http://xqz3u5drneuzhaeo.onion/users/...wakka=HomePage (Contains information on various topics, most of which deals with "deep web" stuff)

Transcript of Navegar en La DEEP WEB

Page 1: Navegar en La DEEP WEB

Navegar en la DEEP WEB (no tengan miedo) GRATIS

1ero: Descargar TOR desde aqui:

2do instalar el programa sirve para cualquier windows, mac osx,o linux, viene incorporado un navegador

Mozilla portable para que no utilices el de tu PC. En la pagina te explica todo, navegas en el anonimato y

podes , con este unico programa entrar a la Deep Web yo lo hice y lo hago cuando me aburro de la Web


3ero Esta en mucho idiomas y es muy facil de usar ya que es portable.

4to y ultimo algunos links para navegar solo con TOR no sirven para ningun otro navegador prueben y van a

comprobarlo.http://eqt5g4fuenphqinx.onion/ (Core.onion. It's bascially the welcome page for TOR)

http://dppmfxaacucguzpc.onion/ (The Tor Directory. Has a list of the more popular .onion sites. WARNING!

Contains links to CP!)

http://kpvz7ki2v5agwt35.onion/wiki/index.php/Main_Page (The Hidden Wiki. You probably know all about

it by now. WARNING! Contains links to CP!)

http://am4wuhz3zifexz5u.onion/ (The TOR Library. A collection of interesting e-books, the majority of which

are banned in various countries.)

http://kpynyvym6xqi7wz2.onion/files.html (Parazite website. A "deep web" mirror of If

you compare the two, you should notice some differences.)

http://ekwreugkil5ncyyh.onion/ (A rather off-the-grid collection of various .onion sites. This doesn't get

posted as much, and is the place where I found those hilarious bug-catching stories. WARNING! Contains

links to CP!)

http://utovvyhaflle76gh.onion/sTORage/Books/ (sTORage's BOOKS page. Another collection of interesting e-

books. If you remove the /Books on the end, it will take you to the main directory of sTORage.)

http://xmh57jrzrnw6insl.onion/ (A search engine for public .onion sites. You'll mostly get links to Violent

Desires though, regardless of what you search for. WARNING! Contains links to CP!)

http://4eiruntyxxbgfv7o.onion/snapbb...6hqn6s04bu2va4 (A message board that's supposed to be

dedicated to discussing the paranormal. Very inactive and most of the posts are trolls.)

http://xqz3u5drneuzhaeo.onion/users/...exandrinaIndex (Yet another collection of e-books.)

http://xqz3u5drneuzhaeo.onion/users/...wakka=HomePage (Contains information on various topics, most of

which deals with "deep web" stuff)

http://jvrnuue4bvbftiby.onion/ (An .onion site that says you will earn money for uploading files. I don't know

what it is, I've never used it before. Go ahead and take a look though if you are interested.)

http://xqz3u5drneuzhaeo.onion/users/shew2/index.html (Shew's Blog. Mostly deals with anarchy-related

stuff. Might be worth a read.)

http://32rfckwuorlf4dlv.onion/ (Onion URL Repository. Contains links to various .onion sites)

THE FOLLOWING LINKS ARE USED WITH FREENET: (A work-in-progress website about mysticism.)[email protected]/38/ (Occam's Razor. A website about modern day

physics. Interesting read.)

Page 2: Navegar en La DEEP WEB[email protected]/timecube/3/ (Another "deep web" mirror. This one has to do

with the time cube. Again, it's different from its "surface web" counterpart.)[email protected]/cthulhu/20/ (Spanish website that claims Cthulhu is real or

something. I don't know a whole lot of Spanish.)[email protected] (A blog about a group of teenagers that allegedly

share a body. Something along the lines of conjoined triplets. I haven't read much of it.)[email protected]/2/ (What I assume to be a work-in-progress. It has to do

with science or something.)[email protected]_ftw_flog/4/ (Another blog, this time about "world secrets".

Hasn't been posted on except once, but it might be worth checking up on every now and then.)[email protected]/occult/7/ (A website dedicated to the occult. Contains

various e-books on the subject.)[email protected]/AnneFrank/0/ (Website that claims Anne Frank's diary was a

hoax, and contains "proof".)[email protected]/346/ (A collection of various freenet links.) (Another collection of freenet links. More

organized than the first. Un buen número de páginas se puede acceder desde el wiki oculto:

kpvz7ki2v5agwt35.onion/wiki/index.php/Main_Page Bueno espero que se animen si quieren ocultar aparte

su IP con el HIDE IP aganlo yo no lo hice porque el programa es muy efectivo.