programa de recursos

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Transcript of programa de recursos

  • 8/20/2019 programa de recursos



    This template can be used throught the project life. From Origination to Executi

    In the Origination Phase the PM can use it to get an order of magnitute need fo

    In the Initiation phase you can use the template to wor with putting assigned r

    In the other phases of the project you can use it to do "#$%T IF" scenerios wh


    Originationhen starting the template you can put generic resources in the spreadsheet.

    for *+ resources is ,-.//. %lso) you can put any other hardware costs and c

    In the origination phase you should not really ha(e to worry about when the res


    1o ahead and put names to the generic resources and wor with percentages

     %dd any consultants in the template with the hourly costs as best the PM now

    $ardware and +oftware 2osts can now be further defined.


     %s you need to mae changes to your resources) whether hardware)software)o

    you can do "#hat if" scenerios and put the resources hours where you belie(echanges in Microsoft Project.

  • 8/20/2019 programa de recursos



    r resources.

      sources to the phases of the plan and percentage of utili!ation.

      n looing at new or changed resources prior to changing the Microsoft Project.

    i.e. 'e(eloper)tester)Project Mananger. The rate

    nsulting costs as best as you now them.

    ources will be within the phases of the plan or if they will be used more in %pril then 0une.

      f hours needed.


    r human resources

    the resource is needed. This will help to start your change re3uests prior to putting the

  • 8/20/2019 programa de recursos


    5 6/76 4egents of the *ni(ersity of Minnesota. %ll rights reser(ed. 4e(ised March 68) 6/76

    Resource Planning Worksheet  You May Enter Data in the light blue shaded areas .Progra !er"ices #lso$ you ay forat the bars for the %hase start and end

    Pro&ect Deli"ery Model !tart Date Phase End 'ul()*++ #ug()*++ !e%()*++ ,ct()*++ -o"()*+

    Pro&ect !olution Deli"ery !uary: Pro&ect 01+1)*++

      Pro&ect Definition

      Pro&ect #nalysis1Re2uireents

      Pro&ect Design

      Pro&ect De"elo%ent13uild

      Pro&ect 4esting

      Pro&ect De%loyent

    Resource Re2uireents

    ,rgani5ational #rea Role 64Y Rate 7 -ae Re2uested !tart Date 'ul #ug !e% ,ct -o"

    Days1Month )+ )/ )) )+ ))4E !4#I-8 9EMP,YEE!;

      !ub 4otal: / / / /
