REGRESIÓN LINEAL SIMPLE Email:[email protected] e





    Email:[email protected]

  • Objetivos:Al finalizar este capitulo el alumno ser capaz de: Representar la recta que define la relacin lineal entre dos variables Estimar la recta de regresin por el mtodo de mnimos cuadrados e interpretar su ajuste. Realizar inferencia sobre los parmetros de la recta de regresin Construir e interpretar intervalos de confianza e intervalos de prediccin para la variable dependiente Realizar una prueba de hiptesis para determinar si el coeficiente de correlacin es distinto de cero


    Prediccin: razn principal para usar regresin. Descripcin: La idea es establecer una ecuacin que describa la relacin entre la variable dependiente y las variables predictoras.Control: Controlar el comportamiento o variacin de la variable de respuesta. Seleccin de variables

  • REPRESENTACION GRAFICARelacin entre las variablesSugerir modelos posiblesExistencia de valores atpicos



  • La variable X es no aleatoria y observada con la mejor precisin posible.Los errores ei son variables aleatorias con media 0 y varianza 2 constantes .Los errores ei y ej (i,j=1,n) son independientes entre si. Es decir, Cov(eiej)=0.

    Suposiciones del modelo:


    OBJETIVO:Hallar los estimadores bo y b1 de los parmetros desconocidos o, 1 respectivamente, y obtener la ecuacin de prediccin

  • ANALISIS DE VARIANZADescomposicin de la variacin total

  • CUADRO ANOVATest de F de la tabla del ANOVA


    Fuentes de VariacinG.LSuma de Cuadrados(SC)Cuadrados Medios(CM)Test F


    Errorn-2SCECME =SCE/n-2




  • El coeficiente de determinacin R2Corresponde a la porcin de la variacin total SCTo, de la variable dependiente que es explicada por el modelo de regresin.

  • Se han recogido datos de una localidad mediante sendas encuestas sobre el consumo (Y ) de productos de hogar y del ingreso (X) de los consumidores consultados, obtenindose los siguientes resultados:

















  • Cumple los supuestos de la regresin?Hallar la ecuacin de regresin estimadaHallar el ANOVADeterminar el coeficiente de determinacinProbar si existe relacin lineal entre X e Y. Usar un nivel de significacin del 5 %..

  • 27.txtFitted Line Plot: Y2 versus X200Fitted Line Plot: Y2 versus X2;; HMF V1.24 TEXT;; (Microsoft Win32 Intel 386) HOOPS 4.50-11 I.M. 3.00-11(Selectability "windows=off,geometry=on")(Visibility "on")(Color_By_Index "Geometry,Face Contrast" 1)(Color_By_Index "Window" 0)(Window_Frame "off")(Window -1 1 -1 1)(Camera (0 0 -5) (0 0 0) (0 1 0) 2 2 "Stretched")

    ;; (Driver_Options "disable input,light scaling=0,subscreen=(-0.999875,0.322627;; ,-0.999833,0.176835),subscreen stretching,no update interrupts,use window id;; =2760")(Edge_Pattern "---")(Edge_Weight 1)(Face_Pattern "solid")(Heuristics "no related selection limit")(Line_Pattern "---")(Line_Weight 1)(Marker_Size 0.421875)(Marker_Symbol ".")(Text_Font "name=arial-gdi-vector,no transforms,rotation=follow path")(User_Options "mtb aspect ratio=0.667917,graphicsversion=6,worksheettitle=\"Worksheet 1\",optiplot=0,builtin=0,statguideid=2151,toplayer=0,angle=0,arrowdir=0,arrowstyle=0,polygon=0,isdata=0,textfollowpath=1,ldfill=0,solidfill=0,3d=0,usebitmap=0,canbrush=0,brushrows=12,light scaling=0.00000,sessionline=124")(Segment "include" ())(Front ((Segment "figure1" ( (Window_Pattern "clear") (Window -1 1 -1 1) (User_Options "viewinfigurecoord=0") (Front ((Segment "region" ((Front ((Segment "figure box" ( (Visibility "polygons=off,lines=off") (Color_By_Index "Face" 0) (Color_By_Index "Face Contrast,Line,Edge" 1) (Edge_Pattern "---") (Edge_Weight 1) (Face_Pattern "solid") (Line_Pattern "---") (Line_Weight 1) (User_Options "solidfill=1") (Segment "" ( (Polygon ((-0.99995 -0.99995 0) (0.99995 -0.99995 0) (0.99995 0.99995 0) (-0.99995 0.99995 0) (-0.99995 -0.99995 0))))))) (Segment "data box" ( (Visibility "faces=off") (Color_By_Index "Face" 1) (Color_By_Index "Face Contrast,Line,Edge" 1) (Edge_Pattern "---") (Edge_Weight 1) (Face_Pattern "/") (Line_Pattern "---") (Line_Weight 1) (User_Options "ldfill=1,solidfill=1") (Segment "" ( (Polygon ((-0.649967 -0.59997 0) (0.499975 -0.59997 0) (0.499975 0.59997 0) (-0.649967 0.59997 0) (-0.649967 -0.59997 0))))))) (Segment "legend box" ()) (Segment "legend" ( (Window_Pattern "clear") (Window -1 1 -1 1) (User_Options "viewinfigurecoord=1") (Front ((Segment "symbol1" ()))))))))) (Segment "object" ((Front ((Segment "frame" ( (Window_Pattern "clear") (Window -1 1 -1 1) (Front ((Segment "tick" ((Front ((Segment "set1" ( (Color_By_Index "Face Contrast,Line,Text,Edge" 1) (Edge_Pattern "---") (Edge_Weight 1) (Line_Pattern "---") (Line_Weight 1) (Text_Alignment "^*") (Text_Font "name=arial-gdi-vector,size=0.02356 sru") (Segment "" ( (Text 0.434375 -0.669967 0 "7"))) (Segment "" ( (Text 0.191817 -0.669967 0 "6"))) (Segment "" ( (Text -0.0507405 -0.669967 0 "5"))) (Segment "" ( (Text -0.293298 -0.669967 0 "4"))) (Segment "" ( (Text -0.535856 -0.669967 0 "3"))) (Segment "major" ( (Segment "" ((Front ((Polyline ((0.434375 -0.59997 0) (0.434375 -0.639968 0))))))) (Segment "" ((Front ((Polyline ((0.191817 -0.59997 0) (0.191817 -0.639968 0))))))) (Segment "" ((Front ((Polyline ((-0.0507405 -0.59997 0) (-0.0507405 -0.639968 0))))))) (Segment "" ((Front ((Polyline ((-0.293298 -0.59997 0) (-0.293298 -0.639968 0))))))) (Segment "" ((Front ((Polyline ((-0.535856 -0.59997 0) (-0.535856 -0.639968 0))))))))))) (Segment "set2" ( (Color_By_Index "Face Contrast,Line,Text,Edge" 1) (Edge_Pattern "---") (Edge_Weight 1) (Line_Pattern "---") (Line_Weight 1) (Text_Alignment "*>") (Text_Font "name=arial-gdi-vector,size=0.02356 sru") (Segment "" ( (Text -0.719964 0.543568 0 "57"))) (Segment "" ( (Text -0.719964 0.169055 0 "52"))) (Segment "" ( (Text -0.719964 -0.205458 0 "47"))) (Segment "" ( (Text -0.719964 -0.579971 0 "42"))) (Segment "major" ( (Segment "" ((Front ((Polyline ((-0.649967 0.543568 0) (-0.689965 0.543568 0))))))) (Segment "" ((Front ((Polyline ((-0.649967 0.169055 0) (-0.689965 0.169055 0))))))) (Segment "" ((Front ((Polyline ((-0.649967 -0.205458 0) (-0.689965 -0.205458 0))))))) (Segment "" ((Front ((Polyline ((-0.649967 -0.579971 0) (-0.689965 -0.579971 0))))))))))))))) (Segment "grid" ()) (Segment "reference" ()) (Segment "axis" ((Front ((Segment "set1" ( (Color_By_Index "Face Contrast,Line,Text,Edge" 1) (Edge_Pattern "---") (Edge_Weight 1) (Line_Pattern "---") (Line_Weight 1) (Text_Alignment "^*") (Text_Font "name=arial-gdi-vector,size=0.04206 sru") (Segment "" ( (Text -0.0749962 -0.737433 0 "X2"))) (Segment "" ( (Front ((Polyline ((-0.629969 -0.59997 0) (0.479976 -0.59997 0))))))))) (Segment "set2" ( (Color_By_Index "Face Contrast,Line,Text,Edge" 1) (Edge_Pattern "---") (Edge_Weight 1) (Line_Pattern "---") (Line_Weight 1) (Text_Alignment "*>") (Text_Font "name=arial-gdi-vector,size=0.04206 sru") (Text_Path 6.12303e-17 1 0) (Segment "" ( (Selectability "polygons=on!,text=off") (Visibility "polygons=off") (Text_Alignment "v>") (Text_Path 0 1 0) (User_Options "angle=90,polygon=3,linect=1,charct=2") (Polygon ((-0.855062 -0.0561464 0) (-0.855062 0.0415873 0 ) (-0.766742 0.0415873 0) (-0.766742 -0.0561464 0))) (Renumber (Text -0.788822 -0.0561464 0 "Y2") 1 "L") (Segment "raw" ((Visibility "off")(Renumber (Text 0 0 0 "Y2") 1 "L"))))) (Segment "" ( (Front ((Polyline ((-0.649967 -0.579971 0) (-0.649967 0.579971 0))))))))))))))))) (Segment "data" ( (Window_Pattern "clear") (Window -0.63 0.48 -0.58 0.58) (User_Options "isdata=1,viewinfigurecoord=1") (Front ((Segment "symbol1" ((Segment "points" ( (Color_By_Index "Marker" 1) (Marker_Size 0.421875) (Marker_Symbol "@") (User_Options "canbrush=1,brushsetup=0,grouping=0") (Segment "" ( (Marker_Size 0.210937) (Marker_Symbol "@") (User_Value 12) (Marker 0.437041 0.963015 0))) (Segment "" ( (Marker_Size 0.210937) (Marker_Symbol "@") (User_Value 11) (Marker -0.96149 -0.66418 0))) (Segment "" ( (Marker_Size 0.210937) (Marker_Symbol "@") (User_Value 10) (Marker -0.174816 -0.0313816 0))) (Segment "" ( (Marker_Size 0.210937) (Marker_Symbol "@") (User_Value 9) (Marker 0.0874082 -0.276752 0))) (Segment "" ( (Marker_Size 0.210937) (Marker_Symbol "@") (User_Value 8) (Marker 0.786674 0.756387 0))) (Segment "" ( (Marker_Size 0.210937) (Marker_Symbol "@") (User_Value 7) (Marker -0.699266 -0.883722 0))) (Segment "" ( (Marker_Size 0.210937) (Marker_Symbol "@") (User_Value 6) (Marker 0.480745 0.678902 0))) (Segment "" ( (Marker_Size 0.210937) (Marker_Symbol "@") (User_Value 5) (Marker -0.524449 -0.328409 0))) (Segment "" ( (Marker_Size 0.210937) (Marker_Symbol "@") (User_Value 4) (Marker -0.262225 -5.55313e-3 0))) (Segment "" ( (Marker_Size 0.210937) (Marker_Symbol "@") (User_Value 3) (Marker 0.262225 0.162332 0))) (Segment "" ( (Marker_Size 0.210937) (Marker_Symbol "@") (User_Value 2) (Marker -0.655562 -0.651265 0))) (Segment "" ( (Marker_Size 0.210937) (Marker_Symbol "@") (User_Value 1) (Marker 0.96149 0.627245 0))))))))))))))) (Segment "labels" ((Window_Pattern "clear")(Window -1 1 -1 1))) (Segment "annotation" ((Window_Pattern "clear")(Window -1 1 -1 1)(Front ((Segment "line1" ( (Color_By_Index "Face Contrast,Line,Edge" 1) (Edge_Pattern "---") (Edge_Weight 2) (Line_Pattern "---") (Line_Weight 2) (Segment "" ( (Front ((Polyline ((-0.608623 -0.474468 0) (-0.565933 -0.434256 0 ) (-0.523243 -0.394045 0) (-0.480553 -0.353833 0) (-0.437863 -0.313621 0) (-0.395173 -0.27341 0) (-0.352482 -0.233198 0) (-0.309792 -0.192987 0) (-0.267102 -0.152775 0) (-0.224412 -0.112564 0) (-0.181722 -0.072352 0) (-0.139032 -0.0321404 0 ) (-0.0963413 8.07117e-3 0) (-0.0536512 0.0482827 0) (-0.010961 0.0884943 0) (0.0317292 0.128706 0) (0.0744194 0.168917 0) (0.11711 0.209129 0) (0.1598 0.249341 0) (0.20249 0.289552 0) (0.24518 0.329764 0) (0.28787 0.369975 0) (0.33056 0.410187 0) (0.373251 0.450398 0) (0.415941 0.49061 0) (0.458631 0.530822 0))))))))) (Segment "line2" ( (Color_By_Index "Face Contrast,Line,Edge" 1) (Edge_Pattern "---") (Edge_Weight 1) (Line_Pattern "---") (Line_Weight 1))) (Segment "line3" ( (Color_By_Index "Face Contrast,Line,Edge" 1) (Edge_Pattern "---") (Edge_Weight 1) (Line_Pattern "---") (Line_Weight 1))) (Segment "line4" ( (Color_By_Index "Face Contrast,Line,Edge" 1) (Edge_Pattern "---") (Edge_Weight 1) (Line_Pattern "---") (Line_Weight 1))) (Segment "line5" ( (Color_By_Index "Face Contrast,Line,Edge" 1) (Edge_Pattern "---") (Edge_Weight 1) (Line_Pattern "---") (Line_Weight 1))))))))))) (Segment "figure2" ( (Window_Pattern "clear") (Window -1 1 -1 1) (User_Options "viewinfigurecoord=0") (Front ((Segment "region" ((Front ((Segment "figure box" ( (Visibility "polygons=off,lines=off") (Color_By_Index "Face" 0) (Color_By_Index "Face Contrast,Line,Edge" 1) (Edge_Pattern "---") (Edge_Weight 1) (Face_Pattern "solid") (Line_Pattern "---") (Line_Weight 1) (User_Options "solidfill=1") (Segment "" ( (Polygon ((-0.99995 -0.99995 0) (0.99995 -0.99995 0) (0.99995 0.99995 0) (-0.99995 0.99995 0) (-0.99995 -0.99995 0))))))) (Segment "data box" ( (Visibility "polygons=off,lines=off") (Color_By_Index "Face" 1) (Color_By_Index "Face Contrast,Line,Edge" 1) (Edge_Pattern "---") (Edge_Weight 1) (Face_Pattern "/") (Line_Pattern "---") (Line_Weight 1) (User_Options "ldfill=1,solidfill=1") (Segment "" ( (Polygon ((-0.299985 0.559972 0) (0.299985 0.559972 0) (0.299985 0.839958 0) (-0.299985 0.839958 0) (-0.299985 0.559972 0)))))) ) (Segment "legend box" ()) (Segment "legend" ( (Window_Pattern "clear") (Window -1 1 -1 1) (User_Options "viewinfigurecoord=1") (Front ((Segment "symbol1" ()))))))))) (Segment "object" ((Front ((Segment "frame" ( (Window_Pattern "clear") (Window -1 1 -1 1) (Front ((Segment "tick" ()) (Segment "grid" ()) (Segment "reference" ()) (Segment "axis" ()))))) (Segment "data" ( (Window_Pattern "clear") (Window -0.28 0.28 0.58 0.82) (User_Options "isdata=1,viewinfigurecoord=1") (Front ((Segment "symbol1" ((Segment "points" ( (Color_By_Index "Marker" 1) (Marker_Size 0.421875) (Marker_Symbol "@") (Segment "" ()) (Segment "" ()))))))))))))) (Segment "labels" ((Window_Pattern "clear")(Window -1 1 -1 1)(Front ((Segment "symbol1" ( (Text_Alignment "v*") (Text_Font "size=0.02524 sru") (User_Options "isdata=0") (Segment "" ( (Text 0 0.668967 0 "S = 2.11519 R-Sq = 82.2 % R-Sq(adj) = 80.5 %"))) (Segment "" ( (Text 0 0.780961 0 "Y2 = 35.1728 + 3.05029 X2"))))))))) (Segment "annotation" ((Window_Pattern "clear")(Window -1 1 -1 1))))))) (Segment "annotation" ( (Window_Pattern "clear") (Window -1 1 -1 1) (User_Options "toplayer=1") (Front ((Segment "text1" ((Color_By_Index "Text" 1)(Text_Alignment "^*")(Text_Font "name=arial-gdi-vector,size=0.05048 sru")(Segment "" ( (Text 0 0.979951 0 "Regression Plot")))))))))))

  • 28.txtNormal Prob Plot: RESI3

  • 29.txtResidual Plots: RESI3 vs FITS3TResidual Plots: RESI3 vs FITS3;; HMF V1.24 TEXT;; (Microsoft Win32 Intel 386) HOOPS 4.50-11 I.M. 3.00-11(Selectability "windows=off,geometry=on")(Visibility "on")(Color_By_Index "Geometry,Face Contrast" 1)(Color_By_Index "Window" 0)(Window_Frame "off")(Window -1 1 -1 1)(Camera (0 0 -5) (0 0 0) (0 1 0) 2 2 "Stretched")

    ;; (Driver_Options "disable input,light scaling=0,subscreen=(-0.999875,0.322627;; ,-0.999833,0.176835),subscreen stretching,no update interrupts,use window id;; =244")(Edge_Pattern "---")(Edge_Weight 1)(Face_Pattern "solid")(Heuristics "no related selection limit")(Line_Pattern "---")(Line_Weight 1)(Marker_Size 0.421875)(Marker_Symbol ".")(Text_Font "name=arial-gdi-vector,no transforms,rotation=follow path")(User_Options "mtb aspect ratio=0.667917,graphicsversion=6,worksheettitle=\"Worksheet 1\",optiplot=0,builtin=0,statguideid=2201,toplayer=0,angle=0,arrowdir=0,arrowstyle=0,polygon=0,isdata=0,textfollowpath=1,ldfill=0,solidfill=0,3d=0,usebitmap=0,canbrush=0,brushrows=12,light scaling=0.00000,sessionline=132")(Segment "include" ())(Front ((Segment "figure1" ( (Window_Pattern "clear") (Window -1 0.1 -1 -0.03) (User_Options "viewinfigurecoord=0") (Front ((Segment "region" ((Front ((Segment "figure box" ( (Visibility "polygons=off,lines=off") (Color_By_Index "Face" 1) (Color_By_Index "Face Contrast,Line,Edge" 1) (Edge_Pattern "---") (Edge_Weight 1) (Face_Pattern "/") (Line_Pattern "---") (Line_Weight 1) (User_Options "ldfill=1,solidfill=1") (Segment "" ( (Polygon ((-0.99995 -0.99995 0) (0.99995 -0.99995 0) (0.99995 0.99995 0) (-0.99995 0.99995 0) (-0.99995 -0.99995 0))))))) (Segment "data box" ( (Visibility "faces=off") (Color_By_Index "Face" 1) (Color_By_Index "Face Contrast,Line,Edge" 1) (Edge_Pattern "---") (Edge_Weight 1) (Face_Pattern "/") (Line_Pattern "---") (Line_Weight 1) (User_Options "ldfill=1,solidfill=1") (Segment "" ( (Polygon ((-0.499975 -0.59997 0) (0.59997 -0.59997 0) (0.59997 0.59997 0) (-0.499975 0.59997 0) (-0.499975 -0.59997 0))))))) (Segment "legend box" ()) (Segment "legend" ( (Window_Pattern "clear") (Window -1 1 -1 1) (User_Options "viewinfigurecoord=1") (Front ((Segment "bar1" ()))))))))) (Segment "object" ((Front ((Segment "frame" ( (Window_Pattern "clear") (Window -1 1 -1 1) (Front ((Segment "tick" ((Front ((Segment "set1" ( (Color_By_Index "Face Contrast,Line,Text,Edge" 1) (Edge_Pattern "---") (Edge_Weight 1) (Line_Pattern "---") (Line_Weight 1) (Text_Alignment "^*") (Text_Font "name=arial-gdi-vector,size=0.02607 sru") (Segment "" ( (Text 0.513724 -0.669967 0 "4"))) (Segment "" ( (Text 0.381231 -0.669967 0 "3"))) (Segment "" ( (Text 0.248738 -0.669967 0 "2"))) (Segment "" ( (Text 0.116244 -0.669967 0 "1"))) (Segment "" ( (Text -0.0162492 -0.669967 0 "0"))) (Segment "" ( (Text -0.148743 -0.669967 0 "-1"))) (Segment "" ( (Text -0.281236 -0.669967 0 "-2"))) (Segment "" ( (Text -0.413729 -0.669967 0 "-3"))) (Segment "major" ( (Segment "" ((Front ((Polyline ((0.513724 -0.59997 0) (0.513724 -0.639968 0))))))) (Segment "" ((Front ((Polyline ((0.381231 -0.59997 0) (0.381231 -0.639968 0))))))) (Segment "" ((Front ((Polyline ((0.248738 -0.59997 0) (0.248738 -0.639968 0))))))) (Segment "" ((Front ((Polyline ((0.116244 -0.59997 0) (0.116244 -0.639968 0))))))) (Segment "" ((Front ((Polyline ((-0.0162492 -0.59997 0) (-0.0162492 -0.639968 0))))))) (Segment "" ((Front ((Polyline ((-0.148743 -0.59997 0) (-0.148743 -0.639968 0))))))) (Segment "" ((Front ((Polyline ((-0.281236 -0.59997 0) (-0.281236 -0.639968 0))))))) (Segment "" ((Front ((Polyline ((-0.413729 -0.59997 0) (-0.413729 -0.639968 0))))))))))) (Segment "set2" ( (Color_By_Index "Face Contrast,Line,Text,Edge" 1) (Edge_Pattern "---") (Edge_Weight 1) (Line_Pattern "---") (Line_Weight 1) (Text_Alignment "*>") (Text_Font "name=arial-gdi-vector,size=0.02607 sru") (Segment "" ( (Text -0.569971 0.547142 0 "4"))) (Segment "" ( (Text -0.569971 0.273571 0 "3"))) (Segment "" ( (Text -0.569971 0 0 "2"))) (Segment "" ( (Text -0.569971 -0.273571 0 "1"))) (Segment "" ( (Text -0.569971 -0.547142 0 "0"))) (Segment "major" ( (Segment "" ((Front ((Polyline ((-0.499975 0.547142 0) (-0.539973 0.547142 0))))))) (Segment "" ((Front ((Polyline ((-0.499975 0.273571 0) (-0.539973 0.273571 0))))))) (Segment "" ((Front ((Polyline ((-0.499975 0 0) (-0.539973 0 0)))))) ) (Segment "" ((Front ((Polyline ((-0.499975 -0.273571 0) (-0.539973 -0.273571 0))))))) (Segment "" ((Front ((Polyline ((-0.499975 -0.547142 0) (-0.539973 -0.547142 0))))))))))))))) (Segment "grid" ()) (Segment "reference" ()) (Segment "axis" ((Front ((Segment "set1" ( (Color_By_Index "Face Contrast,Line,Text,Edge" 1) (Edge_Pattern "---") (Edge_Weight 1) (Line_Pattern "---") (Line_Weight 1) (Text_Alignment "^*") (Text_Font "name=arial-gdi-vector,size=0.03041 sru") (Segment "" ( (Text 0.0499975 -0.812976 0 "Residual"))) (Segment "" ( (Front ((Polyline ((-0.479976 -0.59997 0) (0.579971 -0.59997 0))))))))) (Segment "set2" ( (Color_By_Index "Face Contrast,Line,Text,Edge" 1) (Edge_Pattern "---") (Edge_Weight 1) (Line_Pattern "---") (Line_Weight 1) (Text_Alignment "*>") (Text_Font "name=arial-gdi-vector,size=0.03041 sru") (Text_Path 6.12303e-17 1 0) (Segment "" ( (Selectability "polygons=on!,text=off") (Visibility "polygons=off") (Text_Alignment "v>") (Text_Path 0 1 0) (User_Options 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-0.943349 0) (0.749962 -0.943349 0) (0.499975 -0.943349 0) (0.499975 -0.943349 0)))))))(Segment "" ( (Color_By_Index "Face" 1) (Face_Pattern "/") (User_Options "ldfill=1,solidfill=1") (Segment "" ( (Polygon ((0.249987 -0.943349 0) (0.499975 -0.943349 0) (0.499975 -0.471675 0) (0.249987 -0.471675 0) (0.249987 -0.943349 0)))))))(Segment "" ( (Color_By_Index "Face" 1) (Face_Pattern "/") (User_Options "ldfill=1,solidfill=1") (Segment "" ( (Polygon ((0 -0.943349 0) (0.249987 -0.943349 0) (0.249987 0.943349 0) (0 0.943349 0) (0 -0.943349 0)))))))(Segment "" ( (Color_By_Index "Face" 1) (Face_Pattern "/") (User_Options "ldfill=1,solidfill=1") (Segment "" ( (Polygon ((-0.249987 -0.943349 0) (0 -0.943349 0) (0 -0.471675 0) (-0.249987 -0.471675 0) (-0.249987 -0.943349 0)))))))(Segment "" ( (Color_By_Index "Face" 1) (Face_Pattern "/") (User_Options "ldfill=1,solidfill=1") (Segment "" ( (Polygon ((-0.499975 -0.943349 0) (-0.249987 -0.943349 0) ( -0.249987 -2.22033e-16 0) (-0.499975 -2.22033e-16 0) 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2)(Edge_Pattern "---")(Edge_Weight 1)(Line_Pattern "---")(Line_Weight 1)(Segment "" ( (Front ((Polyline ((-0.918851 0.85759 0) (1.02752 0.85759 0)) ))))))) (Segment "connect4" ((Color_By_Index "Face Contrast,Line,Edge" 2)(Edge_Pattern "---")(Edge_Weight 1)(Line_Pattern "---")(Line_Weight 1)(Segment "" ( (Front ((Polyline ((-0.918851 -0.85759 0) (1.02752 -0.85759 0 ))))))))))))))))) (Segment "labels" ((Window_Pattern "clear")(Window -1 1 -1 1))) (Segment "annotation" ((Window_Pattern "clear")(Window -1 1 -1 1)(Front ((Segment "text1" ( (Color_By_Index "Text" 2) (Text_Alignment "^*") (Text_Font "name=arial-gdi-vector,size=0.03476 sru") (Segment "" ( (Text 0.0499975 0.829958 0 "I Chart of Residuals"))))) (Segment "text2" ( (Color_By_Index "Text" 1) (Text_Alignment "*") (Text_Path 0 1 0) (User_Options "angle=90,polygon=3,linect=1,charct=8") (Polygon ((-0.754127 -0.252037 0) (-0.754127 0.230419 0) (-0.638641 0.230419 0) (-0.638641 -0.252037 0))) (Renumber (Text -0.667513 -0.252037 0 "Residual") 1 "L") (Segment "raw" ((Visibility "off")(Renumber (Text 0 0 0 "Residual") 1 "L"))))) (Segment "" ( (Front ((Polyline ((-0.499975 -0.579971 0) (-0.499975 0.579971 0))))))))))))))))) (Segment "data" ( (Window_Pattern "clear") (Window -0.48 0.58 -0.58 0.58) (User_Options "isdata=1,viewinfigurecoord=1") (Front ((Segment "symbol1" ((Segment "points" ( (Color_By_Index "Marker" 1) (Marker_Size 0.421875) (Marker_Symbol "@") (User_Options "canbrush=1,brushsetup=0,grouping=0") (Segment "" ( (Marker_Size 0.210937) (Marker_Symbol "@") (User_Value 12) (Marker 0.428795 0.943349 0))) (Segment "" ( (Marker_Size 0.210937) (Marker_Symbol "@") (User_Value 11) (Marker -0.943349 0.195216 0))) (Segment "" ( (Marker_Size 0.210937) (Marker_Symbol "@") (User_Value 10) (Marker -0.171518 0.039604 0))) (Segment "" ( (Marker_Size 0.210937) (Marker_Symbol "@") (User_Value 9) (Marker 0.085759 -0.943349 0))) (Segment "" ( (Marker_Size 0.210937) (Marker_Symbol "@") (User_Value 8) (Marker 0.771831 -0.121309 0))) (Segment "" ( (Marker_Size 0.210937) (Marker_Symbol "@") (User_Value 7) (Marker -0.686072 -0.735035 0))) (Segment "" ( (Marker_Size 0.210937) (Marker_Symbol "@") (User_Value 6) (Marker 0.471675 0.283239 0))) (Segment "" ( (Marker_Size 0.210937) (Marker_Symbol "@") (User_Value 5) (Marker -0.514554 0.0765575 0))) (Segment "" ( (Marker_Size 0.210937) (Marker_Symbol "@") (User_Value 4) (Marker -0.257277 0.253066 0))) (Segment "" ( (Marker_Size 0.210937) (Marker_Symbol "@") (User_Value 3) (Marker 0.257277 -0.368919 0))) (Segment "" ( (Marker_Size 0.210937) (Marker_Symbol "@") (User_Value 2) (Marker -0.643193 -0.341089 0))) (Segment "" ( (Marker_Size 0.210937) (Marker_Symbol "@") (User_Value 1) (Marker 0.943349 -0.70634 0))))))))))))))) (Segment "labels" ((Window_Pattern "clear")(Window -1 1 -1 1))) (Segment "annotation" ((Window_Pattern "clear")(Window -1 1 -1 1)(Front ((Segment "text1" ( (Color_By_Index "Text" 2) (Text_Alignment "^*") (Text_Font "name=arial-gdi-vector,size=0.03476 sru") (Segment "" ( (Text 0.0499975 0.829958 0 "Residuals vs. Fits"))))))))))))) (Segment "figure4" ( (Window_Pattern "clear") (Window -1 1 -1 1) (User_Options "viewinfigurecoord=0") (Front ((Segment "region" ((Front ((Segment "figure box" ( (Visibility "polygons=off,lines=off") (Color_By_Index "Face" 0) (Color_By_Index "Face Contrast,Line,Edge" 1) (Edge_Pattern "---") (Edge_Weight 1) (Face_Pattern "solid") (Line_Pattern "---") (Line_Weight 1) (User_Options "solidfill=1") (Segment "" ( (Polygon ((-0.99995 -0.99995 0) (0.99995 -0.99995 0) (0.99995 0.99995 0) (-0.99995 0.99995 0) (-0.99995 -0.99995 0))))))) (Segment "data box" ( (Visibility "faces=off") (Color_By_Index "Face" 1) (Color_By_Index "Face Contrast,Line,Edge" 1) (Edge_Pattern "---") (Edge_Weight 1) (Face_Pattern "/") (Line_Pattern "---") (Line_Weight 1) (User_Options "ldfill=1,solidfill=1") (Segment "" ( (Polygon ((-0.724964 0.123994 0) (-0.119994 0.123994 0) (-0.119994 0.705965 0) 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"" ((Front ((Polyline ((-0.422479 0.123994 0) (-0.422479 0.103995 0))))))) (Segment "" ((Front ((Polyline ((-0.563722 0.123994 0) (-0.563722 0.103995 0))))))) (Segment "" ((Front ((Polyline ((-0.704965 0.123994 0) (-0.704965 0.103995 0))))))))))) (Segment "set2" ( (Color_By_Index "Face Contrast,Line,Text,Edge" 1) (Edge_Pattern "---") (Edge_Weight 1) (Line_Pattern "---") (Line_Weight 1) (Text_Alignment "*>") (Text_Font "name=arial-gdi-vector,size=0.02524 sru") (Segment "" ( (Text -0.774961 0.668447 0 "4"))) (Segment "" ( (Text -0.774961 0.597035 0 "3"))) (Segment "" ( (Text -0.774961 0.525622 0 "2"))) (Segment "" ( (Text -0.774961 0.45421 0 "1"))) (Segment "" ( (Text -0.774961 0.382798 0 "0"))) (Segment "" ( (Text -0.774961 0.311385 0 "-1"))) (Segment "" ( (Text -0.774961 0.239973 0 "-2"))) (Segment "" ( (Text -0.774961 0.168561 0 "-3"))) (Segment "major" ( (Segment "" ((Front ((Polyline ((-0.724964 0.668447 0) (-0.744963 0.668447 0))))))) (Segment "" ((Front ((Polyline ((-0.724964 0.597035 0) (-0.744963 0.597035 0))))))) (Segment "" ((Front ((Polyline ((-0.724964 0.525622 0) (-0.744963 0.525622 0))))))) (Segment "" ((Front ((Polyline ((-0.724964 0.45421 0) (-0.744963 0.45421 0))))))) (Segment "" ((Front ((Polyline ((-0.724964 0.382798 0) (-0.744963 0.382798 0))))))) (Segment "" ((Front ((Polyline ((-0.724964 0.311385 0) (-0.744963 0.311385 0))))))) (Segment "" ((Front ((Polyline ((-0.724964 0.239973 0) (-0.744963 0.239973 0))))))) (Segment "" ((Front ((Polyline ((-0.724964 0.168561 0) (-0.744963 0.168561 0))))))))))))))) (Segment "grid" ()) (Segment "reference" ()) (Segment "axis" ((Front ((Segment "set1" ( (Color_By_Index "Face Contrast,Line,Edge" 1) (Color_By_Index "Text" 2) (Edge_Pattern "---") (Edge_Weight 1) (Line_Pattern "---") (Line_Weight 1) (Text_Alignment "v*") (Text_Font "name=arial-gdi-vector,size=0.03365 sru") (Segment "" ( (Text -0.422479 0.755962 0 "Normal Plot of Residuals"))) (Segment "" ( (Front ((Polyline ((-0.704965 0.705965 0) (-0.139993 0.705965 0))))))))) (Segment "set2" ( (Color_By_Index "Face Contrast,Line,Text,Edge" 1) (Edge_Pattern "---") (Edge_Weight 1) (Line_Pattern "---") (Line_Weight 1) (Text_Alignment "^*") (Text_Font "name=arial-gdi-vector,size=0.02944 sru") (Segment "" ( (Text -0.422479 0.0239988 0 "Normal Score"))) (Segment "" ( (Front ((Polyline ((-0.704965 0.123994 0) (-0.139993 0.123994 0))))))))) (Segment "set3" ( (Color_By_Index "Face Contrast,Line,Text,Edge" 1) (Edge_Pattern "---") (Edge_Weight 1) (Line_Pattern "---") (Line_Weight 1) (Text_Alignment "*>") (Text_Font "name=arial-gdi-vector,size=0.02944 sru") (Text_Path 6.12303e-17 1 0) (Segment "" ( (Selectability "polygons=on!,text=off") (Visibility "polygons=off") (Text_Alignment "v>") (Text_Path 0 1 0) (User_Options "angle=90,polygon=3,linect=1,charct=8") (Polygon ((-0.88598 0.292887 0) (-0.88598 0.526599 0) (-0.822452 0.526599 0) (-0.822452 0.292887 0))) (Renumber (Text -0.838334 0.292887 0 "Residual") 1 "L") (Segment "raw" ((Visibility "off")(Renumber (Text 0 0 0 "Residual") 1 "L"))))) (Segment "" ( (Front ((Polyline ((-0.724964 0.143993 0) (-0.724964 0.685966 0))))))))))))))))) (Segment "data" ( (Window_Pattern "clear") (Window -0.705 -0.14 0.144 0.686) (User_Options "isdata=1,viewinfigurecoord=1") (Front ((Segment "symbol1" ((Segment "points" ( (Color_By_Index "Marker" 1) (Marker_Size 0.421875) (Marker_Symbol "@") (User_Options "canbrush=1,brushsetup=0,grouping=0") (Segment "" ( (Marker_Size 0.210937) (Marker_Symbol "@") (User_Value 12) (Marker 0.817479 0.943349 0))) (Segment "" ( (Marker_Size 0.210937) (Marker_Symbol "@") (User_Value 11) (Marker 0.268075 0.195216 0))) (Segment "" ( (Marker_Size 0.210937) (Marker_Symbol "@") (User_Value 10) (Marker 0.0512427 0.039604 0))) (Segment "" ( (Marker_Size 0.210937) (Marker_Symbol "@") (User_Value 9) (Marker -0.817479 -0.943349 0))) (Segment "" ( (Marker_Size 0.210937) (Marker_Symbol "@") (User_Value 8) (Marker -0.0512427 -0.121309 0))) (Segment "" ( (Marker_Size 0.210937) (Marker_Symbol "@") (User_Value 7) (Marker -0.556941 -0.735035 0))) (Segment "" ( (Marker_Size 0.210937) (Marker_Symbol "@") (User_Value 6) (Marker 0.556941 0.283239 0))) (Segment "" ( (Marker_Size 0.210937) (Marker_Symbol "@") (User_Value 5) (Marker 0.155952 0.0765575 0))) (Segment "" ( (Marker_Size 0.210937) (Marker_Symbol "@") (User_Value 4) (Marker 0.3958 0.253066 0))) (Segment "" ( (Marker_Size 0.210937) (Marker_Symbol "@") (User_Value 3) (Marker -0.268075 -0.368919 0))) (Segment "" ( (Marker_Size 0.210937) (Marker_Symbol "@") (User_Value 2) (Marker -0.155952 -0.341089 0))) (Segment "" ( (Marker_Size 0.210937) (Marker_Symbol "@") (User_Value 1) (Marker -0.3958 -0.70634 0))))))))))))))) (Segment "labels" ((Window_Pattern "clear")(Window -1 1 -1 1))) (Segment "annotation" ((Window_Pattern "clear")(Window -1 1 -1 1))))))) (Segment "annotation" ( (Window_Pattern "clear") (Window -1 1 -1 1) (User_Options "toplayer=1") (Front ((Segment "text1" ((Color_By_Index "Text" 1)(Text_Alignment "^*")(Text_Font "name=arial-gdi-vector,size=0.05048 sru")(Segment "" ( (Text 0 0.979951 0 "Residual Model Diagnostics")))))))))))

  • The regression equation isY2 = 35.2 + 3.05 X2Predictor Coef SE Coef T PConstant 35.173 2.258 15.58 0.000X2 3.0503 0.4482 6.81 0.000

    S = 2.115 R-Sq = 82.2% R-Sq(adj) = 80.5%

    Analysis of VarianceSource DF SS MS F PRegression 1 207.21 207.21 46.31 0.000Residual Error 10 44.74 4.47Total 11 251.95

  • INTERVALO DE CONFIANZA PARA EL COEFICIENTE DE REGRESINSupuesto:Luego, un intervalo de confianza de 100(1-) para 1 est dado por:Donde:


  • ESTIMACIN DE LA RECTA MEDIAInteresa estimar la respuesta media en funcin de un valor especifico de Xh

  • Luego, un intervalo de confianza de 100(1-) para Y/X est dado por:Donde:

  • PREDICCION DE UNA NUEVA OBSERVACIONInteresa predecir una observacin que se producir para un valor especifico Xp

  • Luego, un intervalo de confianza de 100(1-) para la nueva observacin Yp est dado por:Donde:


    El anlisis de CORRELACION intenta medir la fuerza de la relacin lineal entre dos variables.Estimado por:


  • Un comerciante al menudeo lleva a cabo un estudio para determinar la relacin entre los gastos semanales de publicidad y las ventas. Se registran los siguientes datos:Resolver:1. Analizar el diagrama de dispersin2. Ajustar un modelo de regresin lineal simple3. Determinar si el efecto del monto de las ventas sobre el costo promedio de la publicidad es significativo.


    conrespConc 2 resp 2

    0.4240,4 24,0

    0.4240,4 24,0

    0.423.50,4 23,5

    0.424.50,4 24,5Costos por Publicidad402025203050402050402550

    0.4230,4 23,0Ventas($)385400395365475440490420560525480510

    0.530.50,5 30,5

    0.5300,5 30,0

    0.5300,5 30,0

    0.5300,5 30,0

    0.5300,5 30,0

    0.745.50,7 45,5

    0.7450,7 45,0

    0.7450,7 45,0

    0.7440,7 44,0

    0.7450,7 45,0

    0.8510,8 51,0

    0.8510,8 51,0

    0.850.50,8 50,5

    0.8520,8 52,0

    0.850.50,8 50,5

    1671,0 67,0

    166.51,0 66,5

    166.51,0 66,5

    1661,0 66,0

    166.51,0 66,5



  • 4.Calcule el intervalo de confianza del 95% para el parmetro .5. Podra afirmarse que por cada $10 de aumento en el costo de publicidad, el monto promedio de las ventas aumenta en $35?.6.Estime el monto promedio de las ventas si en una semana en particular se invierte en publicidad $35. Calcule un intervalo de confianza del 95% para esta estimacin.7.Suponga que la semana entrante se van a invertir en publicidad un total de $45. Cul ser el monto de las ventas? Encuentre un intervalo de confianza del 95 % para esta prediccin.8. Anlisis de los supuestos sobre el trmino de error.

  • 166.txtNormal Prob Plot: RESI5t76Normal Prob Plot: RESI5;; HMF V1.24 TEXT;; (Microsoft Win32 Intel 386) HOOPS 4.50-11 I.M. 3.00-11(Selectability "windows=off,geometry=on")(Visibility "on")(Color_By_Index "Geometry,Face Contrast" 1)(Color_By_Index "Window" 0)(Window_Frame "off")(Window -1 1 -1 1)(Camera (0 0 -5) (0 0 0) (0 1 0) 2 2 "Stretched")

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  • 167.bin
