Saxonville Case Study Solutions (Spanish)

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Saxonville Sausage Company Case study. Solutions and insights.

Transcript of Saxonville Case Study Solutions (Spanish)

1) Cul es la situacin actual? saxonville es una empresa de embutidos. tienen varios productos como bratwursts, tortas de carne, salchicha de desayuno, y salchicas italiana. Desde 2004 el mercado de las categoras brats y desayuno se han mantenido horizontal en todo el pas, y no se esperaba algn crecimiento en el corto plazo. El mercado de salchichas italianas era la unica categoria que se aumentaba al ritmo de 4% y 15% en los anos '04 y '05 respectivamente. Las ventas actuales de saxonville eran: Brat - horizontal Desayuno - cada de doble dgito (#6 de 8 marcas) Italiano - aumento con el nivel del mercado general, sin embargo Saxonville solo vendia en el mercado del noroeste (representaba 16% de los supermercados en el pais) Dado que la salchicha italiana era una categora creciente y Saxonville era subrepresentado en ella, Saxonville quiere desarrollarla en el resto del pas y expandir su alcance al mercado nacional. 2) Analice el mtodo de investigacin utilizado y fundamente si as es suficiente, o si le hara cambios y por qu. Steps: A) investigate to understand customer behavior and needs. create 4 groups, each with 4-6 subjects (men and women aged 15-50) who used brand name or store brand products. located in a research center in PA, to learn what the actual customers have to say about their use of that product. Used to confirm (or negate) information contained in the Uses & Attitudes report as well as give insight onto the language used by consumers to describe positive benefits of italian sausages. B) Focus group sessions w/ consumers. The selection process composed of initial interviews with consumers. participants selected based on certain specific criteria. FG research's goal is providing an understanding of behaviors, purchase incentives, unmet needs, the values and role the product plays or can play in the lives of the people, perceived benefits and ideals of the product. Identify factors or criteria that can be used for positioning. C) Analyze info learned: convert it into concepts, and make the consumers rank and improve the various concepts.

D) Additional testing of one or two concepts: Monadic test (customers test and opine on concept on its own rather than in comparison to competitors) 3) Elija 2 territorios del anexo 6 e identifique cmo fueron construidos a partir del anexo 4 y otra informacin contenida en el caso. Confianza: los encuestados han dicho que aun sentan satsifechas por hacerlos feliz a su familia, tenan pavor de una 'cena desastrosa'. . aun no sea la mejor cocinera, sabia que por lo meno la salchicha italiana e disfrutado por hijos y esposos Tradicion: los encuestados se recuadraron de "tiempos mas simples" cuando todos se sentaban a la mesa a compartir comida hecha en casa. La salchicha italiana ayuda lograr este deseo primeramente porque 'nunca' hay problema traer la familia a la mesa comer cuando hay salchichas listas. Segundo, "italiano" esta implica 'familia'. 4) Qu alternativa recomienda y por qu? Yo recomendara el concepto "equilibrio" porque se dirige mas a la tema de la vida moderna, en cual ambos parientes trabajan (pero la 'responsabilidad' de cocinar todava se siente por las mujeres) y presenta 'marca x' como una solucin rica y nutritiva. Satisfeche el deseo de una madre de proveer buena comida para la familia, mientras reconoce la realidad moderna de madres profesionales que trabajan. 5) Qu tcticas podran acompaar el lanzamiento del producto? in-store display communicating brand message, introductory discounts, coupons for repeat purchase (50% off on second purchase of two packs or more) Company Facts: 70% income from bratwurst 20% from 'beef cakes" 5% from Vivio italian sausage. matched market category growth of, 4% in '04, 15% in 05. BUT only offered in 16% of big supermarkets in the country (NY, NJ, Boton, Maryland, S. Carolina) 5% store brands

Products: Vivio: introduced in '02 and priced at the same level as others. -first six months they offered promotions and displays every two months. Market: italian sausage was the only market category to grow, 4% in '04, 15% in 05. Double digit decline in breakfast sausages (6th out of 8 place in market) Market research: Laura Bishop: -"breakfast sausage, we are not spending enough to compete with big playersalso B. Sausage is not eaten as often, only for special occasions, for example weekends" FG RESULTS: while FG women described hectic family lives. while they used prepackaged food, they didn't feel good doing it. ideal was making appetizing and healthy food, but few felt they had the time Positioning steps according to banks: 1) investigate to understand customer behavior and needs 2) sessions w/ consumers, use the same language provided by subjects in step one to develop and obtain reactions to different ideas of positioning. 3) refine what we learned, convert it into concepts, and make the consumers rank and improve the various concepts. 4) Monadic test (customers test and opine on product on its own rather than in comparison to competitors)