Download - Abstract 21-05-2015



El propsito de la presente investigacin es demostrar, la influencia de las actividades basadas en la afectividad en la disminucin de la agresividad de nios(as) de 4 aos e la Institucin Educativa N 1705 Corazn de Jess de Laredo, Trujillo - La Libertad, el 2015, para ello formulo una investigacin mixta, de diseo pre experimental, con una poblacin conformada por los 50 nios(as) de las dos secciones de 4 aos con que cuenta dicha Institucin, seleccionando como muestra a toda la poblacin, es decir, es un poblacin muestral, a la que se le aplic una escala valorativa, para determinar el nivel de agresividad que muestran, antes y despus de ejecutar las actividades basadas en la afectividad, cuyos resultados fueron organizados en Cuadros y Grficos, a los que se les elabor, apreciaciones objetivas con un ordenamiento de mayor a menor, esto nos permiti visualizar la diferencia entre los resultados del pre test y post test, que nos indujo a indicar que existe influencia de las actividades desarrolladas, con la disminucin de la agresividad, sin embargo para una mayor precisin cientfica, con los resultados, utilizamos como prueba de hiptesis la Student, que nos condujo a Aceptar nuestra hiptesis, que nos llev a recomendar utilizar este tipo de actividades en todas las Instituciones del nivel inicial para disminuir la agresividad, a esta edad que es la base o cimiento del desarrollo integral de futuro adulto humano

Palabras claves: Aprendizaje, constructivismo, enseanza, Estrategia didctica, Rendimiento escolar, Metodologa activa, Aprendizaje social, Agresividad, Comportamientos agresivos, Agresividad en educacin inicial, Creencias.


The proposal of the present investigation is to demonstrate the influence of the activities based in the affectivity in the decreasing of the aggressive of 4 year children of Corazon de Jess Laredo School N 1705 in Trujillo La Libertad department, in 2015. For that, we formulate a combined investigation, of a pre-experimental design, with a population conformed of 50 children of both 4 year sections available in that institution, selecting as sample of all population, that is to say, is a sample population, in what we applied a evaluative scale, for determine the aggressive level that shows, before and after execute the activities based in affectivity, which results were organized in tables and graphics, and the objective appreciations elaborated to them with a decreasing order, that permit us visualize the difference into the pretest and post test results, that induce us to indicate that exist an influence in the activities developed, with a decreasing of the aggression, however, for a major scientific accuracy, with the results, we used as hypothesis test the Student test, which led us to accept our hypothesis, which took us to recommend use that sort of activities in all preschool institutions in order to decrease the aggression, at this age which is the base or the found of the integral develop of the future human adult.

KEYWORDS: Learning, constructivism, Teaching, Didactic strategy, Scholar performance, Active methodology, Social learning, Aggression, Aggressive behavior, Aggression in preschool, Believes.