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  • 7/29/2019 ANGLS 2007S3 Soluci


    P R O V A D ' A C C S A C I C L E S F O R M A T I U SD E G R A U M I T J D E F O R M A C I P R O F E S S I O N A L

    I E N S E N YA M E N T S D ' ES P O R TS 2 0 0 7




  • 7/29/2019 ANGLS 2007S3 Soluci


    1. Llegiu el text segent i marqueu la resposta correcta.

    Lespai 0 s un exemple.

    0 Laura ,

    My friend Jo gave me 1 address . I m wri t ing to you 2 I m looking

    for a Spanish pen f r iend I can wri te to and pract ise the language with.

    I 3 15 years old, I have dark hair and 4 brown eyes. I m 160cm ta l l .

    I love music and I play a 5 of instruments . I go 6 concerts every week

    and I have my own pop band . I l ive wi th my fa the r and m y mothe r . I have 2

    brothers but they are married and 7 l ive with us, they l ive with their wives

    and 8 .

    P lease , wr i te soon.

    Best wishes,


    Example:0. a) Lovely b) Friend c) Good d) Dear

    1. a) my b) your c) you d) yours

    2. a) because b) for c) but d) why

    3. a) ' re b) m c) 've d) 's

    4. a) b) the c) a d) some

    5. a) lots b) some c) many d) lot

    6. a) at b) with c) to d) in

    7. a) dont b) doesnt c) do d) does

    8. a) chi lds b) children c) chi ldrens d) chi ldrens

    4 PUNTS;


  • 7/29/2019 ANGLS 2007S3 Soluci


    2. Llegiu el text segent i responeu les preguntes:

    Linda Smith is a gir l f rom Manchester. She l ives in the c i ty of Barcelona and she

    arr ived f ive months ago. She wants to learn Spanish an d Cata lan because she

    wants to be a t ransla tor . She works as an au-pair with the Johnsons and their three

    sons. She cooks, c leans the f la t and takes the chi ldren to school . At week-ends she

    is free. On Saturdays she goes out with her fr iends. On Sundays s he goes to church

    in the morning and after that she goes to t he swimming pool until lunch time. Then,

    she normally has lunch in the park or i f i t is very cold she goes home. Next year

    she wants to go to Germany to learn the language. She has re la t ions there so she

    wil l l ive with them.

    A) Marqueu la resposta correcta dentre les tres que es proposen.


    0. (a) Linda does not speak English very well

    (b) Linda speaks Cata lan perfec t ly

    (c) Linda speaks English

    1. (a) Linda l ives in England

    (b) Linda l ives in a vi l lage near Barcelona

    (c) Linda l ives in a city

    2. (a) Linda works in a restaurant

    (b) Linda works with a family

    (c) Linda works as a t ransla tor

    3. (a) She works seven days a week

    (b) She has two days of holiday a week

    (c) She doesnt wo rk on Wednesdays

    4. (a) On Saturdays she goes to the park

    (b) On Saturdays she takes the chi ldren to school

    (c) On Saturdays she sees her fr iends


  • 7/29/2019 ANGLS 2007S3 Soluci


    B) Contesteu breument les preguntes segents:

    Es proposen a lgunes respostes per tamb es cons iderar cor rec ta qua lsevo la l t ra que s igu i coherent i que demost r i la comprens i de l tex t .

    1. What do you normally do a t weekends?

    I go to ( the c inema/disco/ spor ts cent re e tc . . . )

    I go to ( the beach/the mounta ins . . . )

    I see my f r iends/my boyf r iend/ my g i r l f r iend. . .

    I s tay a t home

    I go t rekk ing/ sk i ing/ swimming. . .

    2. Do you think Linda is a very ac t ive person?

    Yes, because s he does a lo t o f th ings

    Yes, because s he s tud ies, works, goes swimming. . .

    * I f the i r answer to quest ion 2 is NO, they shou ld jus t i fy why they th ink so.

    2 PUNTS;