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Grupo LOC en colaboracin con las autoridades de Jaliscoy IEEE Seccin Quertarose enorgullecen en invitarte a participar en el prximo congreso del rea de ingeniera Mecatrnica y mecnica, enfocado a:

Group LOC in collaboration with the authorities of Jalisco and IEEE Quertaro Section invite you to participate at the next congress of the area of mechatronics engineering and mechanical engineering, focused on:

Control inteligenteBiomecnicaDiseo de humanoides (Droids)Vehculo areo no tripulado (Drones)Automatizacin

intelligent ControlbiomechanicsDesign of humanoid (Droids)Unmanned Air Vehicle (Drones)automationEntre los principales objetivos del Congreso es dar a conocer los avances tecnolgicos y aplicaciones industriales en el pas.The main objectives of the Congress is to present technological and industrial applications in the country.

Los requisitos para participar es registrarse en nuestra pgina web y cubrir el costo de inscripcin de $800 pesos.The requirements to participate is register on our website and cover the registration fee $800 pesos.

Teniendo como sede el centro de convenciones del hotel Holiday Inn 5* en Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco.Having place the convention center Holiday Inn 5 * in Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco.

quisiera agradecerles por la invitacion a su interesa la participacion a su congreso pero tengo varias dudas acerca del hotel que me quedare. cual es el nombre del hotel?, las comidas se cobraran o van incluidas en el costo.I would like to thank you for the invitation to your congress.I'm interested in participation at its congress but I have several questions about the hotel I'll stay. what is the name of the hotel ?, meals are charged or are included in the cost.

tambin quisiera saber cuales son los dias que se realizara el congreso? y el horario de las conferencias. Esas serian mis dudas acerca de congreso y tomen en cuenta mi participacion.

I would also like to know what day that Congress be performed? and conference schedule.Those would be my doubts about Congress and considering my participation.