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Treatment for Building Humidity

The principles of the electroosmosic


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Rising Damp

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Rising Damp

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Before the installationWater within a wall moves in the opposite

way from the gravity force, upwards, from,

which is situated on the ground to

which is situated on the wall

Humidity and electric potentialIn walls with rising damp problem, the wall is negatively charged whereas the ground is positively charged. Water, by nature is attracted by the negatively charged element (fact based on the proven theory of electroosmosis).

It is relatively unknown that there is a direct connection between rising damp and electric potential within the masonry. Water rises in the capillary of the wall exactly as it does in plants. The opposite way from the way gravity works. This potential is countable and forces an upward movement of water molecules.

+ -

Rising damp

Salts on the wall

Evaporation zone

Wall above ground

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Electroosmosis as rising damp treatment

The electroosmotic method is known for 200 years. It is used in several areas (such as medicine) for many years, but in the last 20 years it has been applied in the dehumidification of masonries. The main point of the installation is to apply electrodes on the wall and the ground in order to reverse the polarity between them.

As observed in the picture, by installing electrodes the result of the reversal can be reached. In this way we can gradually remove the water from the masonry and force it to move towards the negatively charged ground.

Wall above ground

Salts solution

Water descending

Positive electrode on the wall

Negative electrode in the ground

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Wall within the ground with hydrostatic pressure and rising damp

Before After

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The diversity in the composition of building materials that are used in lower and higher parts of the buildings can cause a vast electric potential difference.For example, within a masonry, cement is much more alkaline that brick. The pH difference between the two attached elements causes the difference of electric potential (the battery effect).As mentioned above, water molecules by nature tend to be attracted by negatively charged elements. As a result we notice that buildings that have been dry for hundreds of years, develop rising damp, right after they get reinforced by concrete.It is necessary to apply the electroosmotic system in all renovations as a precaution, in order to avoid an increase of the capillary effect within the walls of the building, due to polarity.

Humidity and restoration

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•Suitable method for all kinds of walls•Suitable method regardless of the wall thickness•Internationally approved method of building dehumidification

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The electroosmotic installation works as a permanent horizontal and vertical barrier that prevents water from

entering the building.

Rising damp

Dry ground

Underground Water LevelWet ground


Power supply unit

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Wet ground

Side wall without insulation

Side wall with insulation

Wet ground

Water level

Rising damp and side damp in a building

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Eliminating rising damp and side damp in a building


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The major advantage of electroosmosis is that most of the water and salts return directly to the ground.The dehumidification begins with the reversal of the electric potential. The electric current always chooses the “path” with the smallest resistance within the wall. This means that the most humid area is the first to dry out. The current will then flow through different paths until the wall dries out completely.

The electric resistance of dry masonry is so high, that the original electric intensity falls down to 10%-20% as the wall dries out.

The electrosmotic method is internationally cerified as an electrophysicalmethod for building dehumidification, according to the Austrian Regulation Onorm B3355-2.

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The positively charged electric conductor that is used is made of specially enhanced/enriched titanium, for maximum endurance to corrosion.

The negatively charged electric conductor is made of 1,5 meter long rods, which are electrically insulated in most of their body, contacting the ground only at their end, far from the building (where we intend to guide the water molecules).

The positively charged electrodes are installed ont the masonry or the surface of the ground. The negatively charged ones are planted in the ground, keeping some distance from the building. The negatively charged rods are planted every 2-3 meters creating an equable electric field.

All the electrodes are connected to a main power supply unit creating a protection ring around the building.

The electric conductors

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Operation costDamp walls•Constant expenses for repairing damaged plaster•Efficiency reduction of heat insulation up to 80% , thus higher cost of heating the building

In comparison to all the above, the operational costs of an electroosmosinstallation for a ring of 100m are extremely low:

•Initially, 1 KWh/ month is required, which is reduced to 1/5 when the masonry dries out•The initial electric intensity may rise to 500mA, but in 1 year it drops to100-50mA.

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The required electric intensity in two years time, as the masonry dries out

It can be easily noted that as the building and the ground around it dry out, the required intensity of the electric current significantly drops. Upon reaching the point of completely dry walls, the initial intensity will be reduced up to 90%.

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Stages of the elecroosmotic installation

•Humidity diagnosis from our highly trained engineers using the most sophisticated portable lab equipment to perform DARR measurements

•Complete planning for the definitive deal of all types of humidity that appear in the building

•Installation of the electroosmotic system

•Installation of the power supply unit

•Repair of all the minor damages on the building that are caused during the installation (closure of holes, paths for the conductors etc)

•Measurement of electric potential around the building and final check for proper operation

• Planning for restoration

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Guarantee for operation

•The installation of the electroosmotic system guarantees the reverse of the polarity in the masonry and the ground, the creation of a barrier that water cannot surpass and the definite dehumidification of the building.

•The system is accompanied by a guarantee of proper function, for 10 years since the day of the installation.

•The guarantee does not cover extra damages caused by unexpected factors or faulty use of the system, in contrast to what is suggested by our company.

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Explanation of the reason that water molecules get attracted to the negative part

Water molecules are gathered around cations in a very specific way.

The arrangement around a Na cation.Water forms strong bonds with cations.

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Explanation of the reason that water molecules get attracted to the negative part

Water molecules are grouping around Na cationin a specific way, due to ionic bonds

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Explanation of the reason that water molecules get attracted to the negative part

By installing the electroosmosisSystem, Na cations are drawn towards the negative pole, causing water moleculesto follow

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In the following pages, several cases of electroosmotic installations are displayed.

In every case it is necessary to perform modifications in the installation,

depending on the needs of each building and the nature of the problem.

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Case 1

•Wall up to 1 meter thick•Bare ground•Floor and ground on the same level

Installation of electrodes•(+) Positively charged conductor on the wall•(-) Negatively charged rod in the ground, below the foundation

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Case 2

•Wall up to 1 meter thick•Outside ground with cement•Floor and ground on the same level

Installation of electrodes•(+) Positively charged conductor on the outside cement surface •(-) Negatively charged rod in the ground, below the foundation

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•Wall of more than 1 meter thick•Bare ground•Floor and ground on the same level

Electrode installation:•(+) Positively charged conductors on the inside of the wall and on the floor•(-) Negatively charged rod in the ground outside below the foundation

Case 3

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•Wall up to 1 meter thick•Neighboring field in which we cannot install•Floor and ground on the same level

Electrode installation:•(+) Positively charged conductor inside on the wall•(-) Negatively charged rod inside on the floor, below the foundation level.

Case 4

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Case 5

•Wall up to 1 meter thick•Neighboring field in which we cannot install•Floor and ground on the same level

Installation of electrodes:•(+) Positively charged conductor inside on the wall•(-) Negatively charged rod installed diagonally from the inside, bellow the foundation level

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•Lack of horizontal and vertical insulation•Basement ceiling on higher level than the ground

Electrode installation:•(+) Positively charged conductor installed inside the wall (skirting board level)•(-) Negatively charged rods installed outside, in the ground below the level of the foundation

Case 6

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Case 7

•Lack of vertical and horizontal insulation•Basement ceiling above the ground level•Inability to drill on the outside of the building

Electrode installation:•(+) Positively charged conductor inside, in the middle of the wall that is inside the ground.•(-) Negatively charged rods installed diagonally by drilling through the wall that ends in the ground, bellow the foundation

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By the end of the dehumidification phase, the phase of renovation begins. The biggest enemy of a previously wet wall, when it comes to proper renovation, is salts.

It is certain that a large percentage of these salts will return to the ground, drawn by the water. However, some of the salts will remain on the surface of the masonry. Part of our job is to guide our clients in order to avoid future restoration repairs.

Below you will find some methods and materials that are used depending on the nature of the case.

Treatment of wall and proper renovation

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Hygroscopic Humidity - Salts

Removal of salts with specialized techniques

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The Delta – PT membrane

•Delta-PT membrane is fixed on the wall with plastic plugs

•It allows the wall to breathe by leaving a gap of 0,8cm between the wall and the new plaster

•Its net allows the new plaster to find the necessary grip

•It can be applied directly, even on wet walls, in cases that the customer demands an immediate restoration

•High endurance to salts and humidity

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1.Starting stage of wet walls

5.Painting of the wall in the original colour

4.Application of new plaster3.Installation of electroosmotic system and DELTA – PT membrane

2.Removal of old plaster

Dehumidification and restoration

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Plaster series Deumidificazione by Diasen

•The first layer with Diasen Rinzaffoneutralizes salts that exist on the wall, not allowing them to reach the surface and liquefy.

•For the second layer we use Diasen Deumix to provide the necessary transpiration to the wall.The plaster includes detritus of cork which gives perfect transpiration and insulation to the wall

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Accompanying measures to deal with condensation and mould

• Diasen C.W.C. Insulation coating is applied internally suitable for elimination of thermal bridges and condensation damp – mould. Italian product.

• BioRid. Anti – condensation coating which specializes in countering condensation damp and mould. Swedish product

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Συνοδευτικά μέτρα αντιμετώπισης υγρασίας διεισδύσεων

• Diasen ΒΚΚ and O.R.A. Waterproofing for walls and floors. Transparent silicium based. Italian products.

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installations of electroosmoticsystem in buildings around Greece

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•Upper left: Hotel Akti Ouranoupoli•Upper right: Hotel Doors Potidea Halkidiki•Lower: Hotel Gkeea Halkidiki

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•Upper left: Hotel Poseidon Halkidiki•Upper right: Villa Livadi Corfu


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•Temples - Monasteries

•Upper left: Temple in Polihni, Salonika •Upper right: Monastery in Orestiada

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Έργα της ELDRY •Ναοί - Μοναστήρια

•Upper left: Temple of Saint Demetrious in Corfu•Upper right: Russian Monastery in Holy Mount

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•Left: The Clock Tower in Giannitsa•Down: Locker Rooms of the Municipal Stadium inTagarades

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Locker rooms in Tagarades. In just three weeks of operation.



After After