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Autores e información sobre ellos

Resumen escrito por los autores

Citación para este artículo

Introducción: No to- das las revistas la mar- can con un subtítulo

Notas al pie, incluye información de contacto p/ autor de correspondencia y fuentes de financiación

Primera página de un artículo típico de  Plant  Physiology . (Vea el texto para más información sobre cada sección)

Citación en texto: Citación completa al final del artículo

Indica notaal pie

Indica nota al pie

Estudio de caso: Lectura de un Artículo de Investigación Este estudio de caso examina un artículo publicado en la revista Plant Physiology. El artículo completo se anexa a este documento. Por limi-taciones de espacio, sólo se cubren los puntos más importantes del artículo, y la ruta bioquímica se presenta en forma simplificada.

Copyright (2013) American Society of Plant Biologists.

Typewritten Text
Page 2: EsEstudio de caso Lectura de un Artículo de Investigacióntudio de Caso Lectura de Un Artículo de Investigación

Es como aprender a andar en bicicletaToma algo de práctica aprender a leer un artí- culo científico, pero con un poco de esfuerzodebe poder navegar a través de él con confianza.Esta es una caminata guiada a través de un ar- tículo para ayudarlo a comenzar. El Título Debe basarse en hechos y ser informativo y con-, ciso. La mayoría de las revistas tienen un estricto límite de caracteres; el de Plant Physiology es150 caracteres. Puede pensar en él como el re- sumen en un tweet.

P1. Cuál es el título de este artículo?

Los Autores Especialmente en biotecnología, la mayoría de los artículos reporta los esfuerzos de un equipo y tienen dos o más autores. Cada autor debe haber contribuido significativamente a la investi-gación y la redacción del artículo (para guías so-bre autoría vea Los contribuyentes me-nores pueden ser reconocidos en los Agradeci-mientos al final del artículo. El orden en que se lista a los autores es importante. Típicamente, la primera persona ("primer autor") realizó gran parte de la investigación y obtiene la mayor can-tidad de crédito. A veces dos o más personas obtienen co-primera autoría, lo cual se suele in- dicar con una nota al pie. Típicamente los prime-ros autores son alumnos de posgrado o investi-gadores postdoctorales que realizan sus investi-gacionesen el laboratorio de un científico más experimentado, típicamente citado al final de la lista. Si la investigación involucró una colabora-ción entre dos o más grupos de laboratorio, los autores senior típicamente se citan al final. Entre el primer autor y el autor senior, se cita a otrosque hayan contribuido significativamente al estu-dio. Algunos artículos citan las contribuciones decada autor al final del artículo. El autor de co-rrespondencia se indica en las notas al pie y esla persona de contacto para el artículo, usual-mente el primer o el último autor. En esta sec-ción se listan las afiliaciones institucionales de cada autor.

P2. Cuántos autores tiene este artículo? Cuántas instituciones y departamentosestán representados? Quién es el autorde correspondencia? P3. Qué organización proveyó los fon-dos utilizados para la investigación, yqué autor obtuvo los fondos?

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El Resumen El resumen es una síntesis de todo el estudio. Los autores resaltan la pregunta que abordaron, los métodos utilizados, las hipótesis testeadas, y los resultados de sus experimentos, y explicanlo que significan, todo en un párrafo (para PlantPhysiology, un párrafo de no más de 250 pala-bras).

P4. Luego de leer el Resumen, ¿qué entiende sobre este artículo? ¿Cuál es el organismo experimental estudiado? En sus propias palabras, ¿qué pregun- ta se aborda en este artículo?

La Introducción En algunas revistas, incluyendo Plant Physiology,no se utiliza el título "Introducción", pero la infor-mación introductoria siempre es la primera parte del artículo después del resumen. Provee los an- tecedentes y la justificación del experimento.Describe por qué se realizó el estudio y la pre- gunta o las hipótesis abordadas. Las afirmacio- nes deben ser sustentadas con una citación a otro artículo publicado.

Moreau et al. (2012) presentan las molé-culas de pigmento encontradas en flores, llama- das antocianinas, que son tipos de una catego- ría de sustancias llamadas flavonoides. El artícu-afirma que la bioquímica y genética de la pro- ducción de la antocianina han sido estudiadas en guisantes y otras plantas. El primer artículo cita- do en la Intrudicción es un artículo de revisión de Grotewold, publicaso en el 2006, llamado “The Genetics and Biochemistry of Floral Pigments,” publicado en el Annual Review of Plant Biology. Este artículo compila mucha información de otros artículos. Describe la ruta bioquímica parala síntesis de antocianina y las reacciones catali-zadas por las enzimas discutidas en Moreau et al. (2012) y provee información importante como

conocimiento base. Una versión simplificada dela ruta bioquímica de la antocianina se muestraabajo.

Como se muestra en la figura de arriba, un pre- cursor incoloro, la Naringenina, puede ser hidro-xilada en la posición 3′ por la enzima F3′H, o en las posiciones 3' y 5′ por la enzima F3′5′H. Estos compuestos, así como el precursor no modifica- do, luego se convierten en pigmentos. La pre- sencia o ausencia de los grupos hidroxilo afecta el color de los pigmentos. La Delfinidina (y el compuesto petunidina, no mostrado aquí) son púrpura y están hidroxilados en las posiciones 3′ y 5′. Moreau et al. (2012) afirrman que el guisantemutante b, que tiene flores rosadas en vez de púrpura, se asemeja a algunos mutantes que cambiaron de púrpura a rosado en otras plantas (Petunia y Gentiana) que resultaron de mutacio-nes en el gen F3'5'H. Sin embargo, en las plantas de Glycine max (soja) mutadas en el gen F3'5'H, las flores son blancas, no rosadas como en los mutantes co- rrespondientes de Petunia y Gentiana. Moreau et al. (2012) se preguntan si el guisantemutante b, que tiene flores rosadas, podría sur- gir de una mutación de pérdida de función en el gen F3'5'H. Otra posibilidad es que el guisante, que es una

legumbre emparentada con la soja, podría pro-

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ducir flores blancas cuando el gen F3'5'H estámutado. Para ayudar a aclarar esta aparente discrepan- cia, los autores decidieron investigar el guisantemutante b. Apuntaron a determinar qué gen está mutado en b y abordar el rol del gen mutado en la síntesis del pigmento de la flor.

P5. ¿Cuántas referencias se citan en la Introducción? ¿Cuántas de ellas le gustaría buscar para entender mejor el estudio? P6. ¿Especifican claramente los auto- res las preguntas que abordaron en el estudio?

Los Resultados Esta sección incluye una descripción de la in- vestigación realizada y los resultados obtenidos. Los resultados pueden presentarse como tablas, grandes conjuntos de datos, y figuras, que pue- den incluir gráficos, videos, diagramas y fotos.  

En el artículo de Moreau et al. (2012), los resul- tados se presentan en cuatro figuras. Figura 1 muestra fotografías de los organismos experimental y control para demostrar el efecto fenotípico de la mutación b. La Figura 1A mues-tra el patrón de pigmentación de un guisante wild-type. La Figura 1B muestra una flor de un mutante de b que tiene menos pigmento, y la Figura 1C muestra un mutante b inestable en el

cual el gen está activo en algunas partes del pé- talo (las partes más oscuras) e inactivo en otras (las partes más claras). Figura 2 muestra una separación cromatográfica de pigmentos extraídos de pétalos wild-type (A) and mutantes b (B). Este instrumento detecta

sustancias a partir de su tamaño y sus propieda- des químicas. Los picos llamados 611 y 635 re-presentan a la delfinidina y a la petunidina, queestán presentes en la muestra wild-type y ausen-

Glycine (soybean) 

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tes en la muestra b mutante. (Los paneles C y D, y la Figura Suplementaria 1 muestran ensayos adicionales que identifican los perfiles de pig- mentos de los pétalos wild-type y mutantes). Usando un método de clonación, los autores aislaron el gen F3'5'H de guisantes wild-type a partir de la homología al gen de plantas empa- rentadas. La secuencia de la proteína del gui- sante fue comparada a las de otras plantas. Las alineaciones de las secuencias se muestran en la Figura Suplementaria 2, y se muestra una representación filogenética en la Figura 3.

La enzima del guisante (indicada por una flecha) está más cercanamente emparentada con la en- zima encontrada en otra legumbre, Medicago truncatula, indicada como CU651565 9.

Finalmente, los autores muestran que el mutan-te b que identificaron y caracterizaron tiene undefecto en la expresión del gen F3'5'H. LaFigura 4 muestra una caracterización de este gen y una copia en cDNA del mRNA del gen. Los autores pudieron amplificar el gen a partir de DNA del wild-type y del mutante b (carriles 1 y 3). Pudieron amplificar el cDNA de plantas wild-type (carril 2) pero no el de plantas del mu-tante b (carril 4). Las bandas más bajas mues-tran el producto de la amplificación de un gen control (gen Ago, carriles 1 y 3) y un cDNA con-trol (cDNA Ago, carriles 2 y 4). La presencia dela banda de cDNA AGO en el carril 4, que care-

ce de b muestra que no hay nada malo con la muestra; la ausencia de banda es específica- mente por la ausencia del cDNA b, no un proble- ma con el cDNA de la muestra en general. El carril 5 es otro control, que no utilizó DNA o cDNA; la parte borrosa al final del gel proviene de cebadores residuales de PCR utilizados en el ensayo. El carril de la derecha muestra pará- metros de tamaño.

P7. ¿Qué tan facil fue entender los datos presentados en las figuras?P8. ¿Qué información proveen las le- yendas? P9. ¿En dónde se puede encontrar in- formación sobre los métodos experi-mentales utilizados? P10. ¿Qué información se presenta en los Materiales Supplementarios? ¿Por qué piensa que algunas informaciones se colocan en esta sección?

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La Discusión Esta sección resume el descubrimiento del estu- dio e interpreta cómo la nueva información se integra con conocimientos previos. Este es el descubrimiento clave de Moreau et al. (2012): “In this paper, we have presented genetic and biochemical evidence to show that b mutants lack a functional F3′5′H gene that resultsin a rose-pink flower color due to the presence of cyanidin- and peonidin-based anthocyanins.” La primera parte de la discusión analiza el tipo tipo de mutaciones que los autores identificaronen los mutantes b, incluyendo la naturaleza delmutante inestable b mostrado en la Figura 1C. La parte siguiente compara a los genes F3′5′H en legumbres. Una observación interesante quehacen los autores es que aunque el gen del gui- sante está más cercanamente emparentado algen de Medicago truncatula, ¡esta planta tiene flores amarillas! Esta observación señala la com- plejidad de la ruta bioquímica de las antocianinas así como a la posibilidad de que un solo amino- ácido mutado en el gen de Medicago puede anu-lar la funcionalidad de la enzima que codifica (¡algo interesante sobre lo que aprender más!). La última parte de la discusión habla sobre el co- lor de la flor en la soja, empezando con una dis- cusión del gen F3H y sus mutaciones. Del terce-ro al último párrafo de la discusión se observa, “No obstante, no está claro por qué un w1 que codifica un gen F3′5′H defectuoso condicionaría el color blanco en la soja, cuando el guisante mu- tante b y otros F3′5′H mutantes derivados de plantas wild-type de flores púrpura tienen flores rosadas.” Los autores señalan que aunque el estudio sobre soja mostró que la mutación w1 se encuentra muy cerca del gen F3′5′H, no se ha probado que su identidad sea F3′5′H, dejando abierta la posibilidad de que la mutación w1 estéen un gen distinto. Si w1 no es una mutación del gen F3′5′H, entonces ya no tenemos la incógnita de fenotipos distintos para mutaciones del gen

F3′5′H en especies distintas (¡algo interesante para seguir investigando!). Así, caracterizando el gen F3′5′H en el guisante, estos autores han contribuido algo de claridad a un conjunto de ob- servaciones confusas y proveyó una nueva hipó- tesis sobre la cual seguir investigando.

P11. ¿En qué difiere la sección de dis- cusión de la de resultados? P12. Encuentre los lugares de la discu- sión que se refieren específicamente a los resultados y los datos presentados como suplementos. ¿Cada resultado sediscute de manera similar o diferentestipos de datos se discuten de diferentemanera? P13. ¿Qué información se da en el pá-rrafo final?

Los Materiales y Métodos En esta sección, los autores describen las fuen- tes de los materiales biológicos utilizados, las condiciones de cultivo y los procedimientos ex-perimentales que prosiguieron. Se puede encon-trar información adicional sobre sus métodos, in- cluyendo la secuencia de los cebadores de DNA que utilizaron para la secuenciación, en la sec-ción de Materiales Suplementarios del artículo.

P14. ¿En qué es diferente la fuente de esta sección de la del resto del artículo? ¿Por qué piensa que esta informaciónse presenta de manera distinta?

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Los Reconocimientos Aquí se agradece a personas que ayudaron con la fotografía, el cuidado de las plantas y asisten- cia técnica.

P15. ¿En dónde puede encontrar guías que especifican los tipos de contribución que merecen autoría y los que se reco- nocen en esta sección?

Las Referencias Esta sección lista artículos que fueron citados enel texto. Algunas revistas los citan en orden alfa- bético, y otras en el orden en que aparecen en el texto.

P16. ¿Cuántas referencias se citan? ¿Cuántas incluyen a uno o más de los autores de este artículo? P17. ¿Qué tipos de artículo se citan en la sección de referencias y qué tipos de fuentes no se incluyen?P18. ¿Cómo averiguaría sobre estas referencias? ¿De qué manera facilita el acceso a las referencias leer la versión HTML online?

Para más información Para más información sobre el formato y el esti- lo de un artículo científico, podrían parecerle in- teresantes las guías “Instrucciones para Auto-res”. Todas las revistas proveen guías específicas sobre el contenido y el formato de los artículos que publican, y la lectura de las instrucciones para autores lo ayudará a familiarizarse con el formato. La guía de autores de Plant Physiology se encuentra en Vea también: American Society of Plant Biologists. (2013). How 

to read a scientific paper  


Carpi, A., Egger, A.E., and Kuldell, N.H. (2008). 

Scientific communication: Understanding scientific 

journals and articles," Visionlearning Vol. POS‐1 




Pechenik, J. (2013). A Short Guide to Writing about 

Biology. Prentice Hall, New Jersey.  



Escrito por Mary E.  W illiams (2013) para  la American Society of Plant Biologists.

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The b Gene of Pea Encodes a Defective Flavonoid39,59-Hydroxylase, and Confers Pink Flower Color1[W][OA]

Carol Moreau, Mike J. Ambrose, Lynda Turner, Lionel Hill, T.H. Noel Ellis, and Julie M.I. Hofer*

Department of Metabolic Biology (C.M., L.H.) and Department of Crop Genetics (M.J.A., L.T.), John InnesCentre, Norwich NR4 7UH, United Kingdom; and Institute of Biological, Environmental, and Rural Sciences,Aberystwyth University, Gogerddan Campus, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion SY23 3EB, United Kingdom (T.H.N.E.,J.M.I.H.)

The inheritance of flower color in pea (Pisum sativum) has been studied for more than a century, but many of the genescorresponding to these classical loci remain unidentified. Anthocyanins are the main flower pigments in pea. These aregenerated via the flavonoid biosynthetic pathway, which has been studied in detail and is well conserved among higherplants. A previous proposal that the Clariroseus (B) gene of pea controls hydroxylation at the 59 position of the B ring offlavonoid precursors of the anthocyanins suggested to us that the gene encoding flavonoid 39,59-hydroxylase (F3959H), theenzyme that hydroxylates the 59 position of the B ring, was a good candidate for B. In order to test this hypothesis, weexamined mutants generated by fast neutron bombardment. We found allelic pink-flowered b mutant lines that carried avariety of lesions in an F3959H gene, including complete gene deletions. The b mutants lacked glycosylated delphinidin andpetunidin, the major pigments present in the progenitor purple-flowered wild-type pea. These results, combined with thefinding that the F3959H gene cosegregates with b in a genetic mapping population, strongly support our hypothesis that theB gene of pea corresponds to a F3959H gene. The molecular characterization of genes involved in pigmentation in pea providesvaluable anchor markers for comparative legume genomics and will help to identify differences in anthocyanin biosynthesis thatlead to variation in pigmentation among legume species.

Flavonoids are a large class of polyphenolic second-ary metabolites that are involved in pigmentation, de-fense, fertility, and signaling in plants (Grotewold,2006). Their basic skeleton consists of two six-carbonaromatic rings, A and B, connected by ring C, a three-carbon oxygenated heterocycle. Flavonoids are dividedinto different subclasses according to the oxidation stateof the C ring, and compounds within each subclass arecharacterized by modifications such as hydroxylation,methylation, glycosylation, and acylation. Anthocya-nins, for example, the major water-soluble pigments inflowers, have a fully unsaturated C ring and are usuallyglycosylated at position 3. Two important determinantsof flower color are the cytochrome P450 enzymes

flavonoid 39-hydroxylase (F39H; EC and fla-vonoid 39,59-hydroxylase (F3959H; EC Thesehydroxylate the B ring of the anthocyanin precursormolecules naringenin and dihydrokaempferol, generat-ing substrates for the production of cyanidin-3-glucosideand delphinidin-3-glucoside, which can be seen in avariety of pigmented flowers (Grotewold, 2006).

The study of genetic loci regulating floral pigmen-tation has a long history, beginning with crosses madebetween white- and purple-flowered varieties of gar-den pea (Pisum sativum; Knight, 1799; Mendel, 1866).Later crosses made between white-flowered P. sativumand rose-pink-flowered Pisum arvense defined twofactors conferring flower color as A and B, respectively(Tschermak, 1911). The white flowers of pea anthocyanin-inhibition (a) mutants lack anthocyanins and flavones(Statham et al., 1972), in accordance with the role of Aas a fundamental factor for pigmentation (Tschermak,1911; De Haan, 1930). Another locus in pea, a2, similarlyconfers a white-flowered phenotype lacking anthocya-nins and other flavonoid compounds (Marx et al., 1989).It was shown that A and A2 regulate the expression ofgenes encoding flavonoid biosynthetic enzymes (Harkeret al., 1990; Uimari and Strommer, 1998), and recentlythey were identified as a basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH)transcription factor and a WD40 repeat protein, respec-tively (Hellens et al., 2010). They are likely to be com-ponents of the Myb-bHLH-WD40 transcription factorcomplex that regulates flavonoid biosynthesis in all plantspecies studied so far (Koes et al., 2005; Ramsay and

1 This work was supported by the European Union FP6 Grain Le-gumes Integrated Project (grant no. FOOD–CT–2004–506223 to J.M.I.H.)and by the Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs PulseCrop Genetic Improvement Network (grant no. AR0711 to C.M., L.T.,T.H.N.E., and M.J.A.).

* Corresponding author; e-mail [email protected] authors responsible for distribution of materials integral to the

findings presented in this article in accordance with the policy de-scribed in the Instructions for Authors ( is:Julie M. I. Hofer ([email protected]) and Mike J. Ambrose ([email protected]).

[W] The online version of this article contains Web-only data.[OA] Open Access articles can be viewed online without a subscrip-

Plant Physiology�, June 2012, Vol. 159, pp. 759–768, � 2012 American Society of Plant Biologists. All Rights Reserved. 759

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Glover, 2005). The gene encoding the Myb componentof this complex in pea, as well as genes at other loci in-volved in pigment production, such as Clariroseus (B),Roseus (Ce), and Fuscopurpureus (Cr; Statham et al., 1972),remain to be identified.

The major anthocyanins found in wild-type pealines that contribute to their purple flower color aredelphinidin-, petunidin-, and malvidin-3-rhamnoside-5-glucosides (Statham et al., 1972). Rose-pink b mutants(Blixt, 1972) produce a different range of anthocyanins(pelargonidin-, cyanidin-, and peonidin-3-rhamnoside-5-glucosides), suggesting that the B gene controls hy-droxylation of the anthocyanin B ring (Statham et al.,1972) and encodes a hydroxylase. Pink-floweredmutantsidentified in species that are typically purple flowered,such as Petunia 3 hybrida (Snowden and Napoli, 1998;Matsubara et al., 2005) and Gentiana scabra (Nakatsukaet al., 2006), were found to have resulted from the in-sertion of transposable elements into the gene encod-ing F3959H. If anthocyanin biosynthesis in pea were toconform to the enzymatic steps elucidated in otherplant species (Grotewold, 2006), then the activitymissing in b mutants would be predicted to corre-spond to that of a F3959H.

In soybean (Glycine max), however, the wp locus,which conditions a change in flower color from purpleto pink (Stephens and Nickell, 1992), was reported toencode a flavanone 3-hydroxylase (F3H; EC;Zabala and Vodkin, 2005). Furthermore, an insertion/deletion mutation in a gene encoding a F3959H wasassociated with the white-flowered phenotype of thesoybean w1 mutant (Zabala and Vodkin, 2007). Theseresults suggested that anthocyanin biosynthesis in le-gumes, or at least in soybean, may differ from that inother plant species studied, where F3959H mutationsresult in pink flowers (Snowden and Napoli, 1998;Matsubara et al., 2005; Nakatsuka et al., 2006) and F3Hmutations result in white flowers (Martin et al., 1991;Britsch et al., 1992). More recently, a Glycine soja ac-cession carrying a w1-lp allele was described as havingpale pink banner petals and a flower color designatedas light purple (Takahashi et al., 2010). Our analysishere of the b mutant of pea, which is also a legume,addresses the complexity of these findings in soybean.

Transposon-tagged mutations have facilitated theisolation of genes involved in anthocyanin biosynthesisin numerous plant species, and transposon tagging is auseful technology for gene identification that remainsparticularly relevant for species without sequenced ge-nomes, such as pea. Endogenous retrotransposons andDNA transposons have been identified in pea, but thetransposition rate of those studied to date has been toolow to be exploited for gene tagging (Shirsat, 1988;Vershinin et al., 2003; Macas et al., 2007). The identifi-cation of active DNA transposons usually occurs whensectors are found on pigmented flowers or seeds. Be-cause most cultivated pea crop varieties have whiteflowers, any chance identification of sectored flowersin the field is extremely limited. A secondary purpose ofthis study was to carry out a screen for sectors on

purple-flowered peas with the aim of identifying anactive transposon.

We generated pink-flowered fast neutron (FN) de-letion mutants and used these to identify the genecorresponding to B. Among the pigmentation mutantswe obtained were several new b alleles, includingpink-sectored mutants, which we characterized fur-ther. Stable pink b mutants were shown to carry avariety of lesions in an F3959H gene, including com-plete gene deletions. Analysis of one of these deletionlines showed that it lacked delphinidin and petunidin,the major anthocyanins of the progenitor wild-typepea variety. These results, combined with the findingthat the F3959H gene cosegregates with b in a geneticmapping population, strongly support our hypothesisthat the pea gene b corresponds to a F3959H.


Generation of New b Mutant Alleles

We used FN mutagenesis to generate pigmentationmutants in line JI 2822, which is wild type at the flowercolor loci A, A2, Albicans (Am), B, Ce, and Cr. The fullyopen petals of JI 2822 flowers are nonuniformly pig-mented (Fig. 1A); the adaxial standard petal is palepurple, the two wing petals are dark purple, and thetwo fused abaxial keel petals are very lightly pig-mented. The standard and wing petals fade to a bluepurple. The JI 2822 flower is described here as purpleto conform with previous naming conventions (DeHaan, 1930).

M2 and M3 progeny from the mutagenized popu-lation were screened for flower color variants thatdiffered from the wild type. Six FN lines were iden-tified with pale pink standards, rose-pink wingpetals, and lightly pigmented keel petals (Fig. 1B).Backcrosses to JI 2822 showed that four of these lines,FN 1076/6, FN 2160/1, FN 2255/1, and FN 2438/2,carried stable recessive mutations that determined thepink flower trait. These lines yielded rose-pink F1progeny when crossed to the b mutant type line, JI118, confirming that they carried allelic mutations.Two further lines, FN 2271/3/pink and FN 3398/2164, were stable rose-pink and allelic to b; however,sibling individuals carried flowers with pink sectorson a purple background (Fig. 1C), suggesting theywere unstable at the b locus.

The b mutation is also known to confer paler stemaxil pigmentation than the wild type and paler podcolor in genotypes carrying the purple-podded Purallele (De Haan, 1930; Statham et al., 1972). All six FN balleles likewise differed from JI 2822 in having paleraxillary rings. No effect on pod color was observed inthe FN alleles, because JI 2822 is a green-poddedgenotype (pur). The FN bmutants are described here asrose pink to incorporate previous conventions(Tschermak, 1911; De Haan, 1930) yet distinguish themfrom cerise-pink ce and crimson-pink cr mutants.

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Moreau et al.

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The b Mutant Lacks Delphinidin and Petunidin

Methanol-HCl extracts of anthocyanins from the wingpetals of line JI 2822 and a stable pink M3 plant, FN2271/3/pink, were analyzed using liquid chromatogra-phy (LC) coupled with mass spectroscopy (MS). Chro-matograms with two major peaks showed that JI 2822contained two major anthocyanins (Fig. 2A; 611 and 625atomic mass units [amu]). MS data averaged across thepeaks indicated that these were anthocyanins isomeric todelphinidin and petunidin glycosylated with deoxyhex-ose and hexose sugars (Supplemental Fig. S1). Frag-mentation of the sugar moieties as mass losses of 146 and162 amu were consistent with Rha and Glc, respectively.Fragmentation consistent with the loss of both mono-saccharide moieties individually was observed, whichsuggested that the anthocyanidins delphinidin (303 amu)and petunidin (317 amu) were monoglycosylated at twodifferent positions (Supplemental Fig. S1). These resultsagree with earlier studies that identified delphinidin-3-rhamnoside-5-glucoside and petunidin-3-rhamnoside-5-glucoside among the anthocyanins present in wild-typepea (Statham et al., 1972).The peaks indicating glycosylated delphinidin and

petunidin were absent from FN 2271/3/pink samples(Fig. 2B). A range of ions consistent with glycosylatedcyanidin and peonidin were present in FN 2271/3/pinkand absent from JI 2822 (Fig. 2, C and D). These wereisomeric to cyanidin glycosylated with deoxyhexose andhexose sugars (595 amu), peonidin glycosylated withdeoxyhexose and hexose sugars (609 amu), and cyani-din glycosylated with a pentose and two hexose sugars(743 amu; Fig. 2C). Fragmentation of the sugars attachedto cyanidin (287 amu) as mass losses of 162 , 294, and456 amu was consistent with a pentose moiety buriedbeneath a Glc moiety (Supplemental Fig. S1). No singleloss of 132 amu, expected of an exposed pentose, wasobserved. These results confirmed earlier studies thatidentified cyanidin-3-sambubioside-5-glucoside amongthe anthocyanins present in b mutants (Statham et al.,1972). Fragmentation of the sugars attached to cyanidinand peonidin (301 amu) as mass losses of 146 and 162amu was consistent with cyanidin-3-rhamnoside-5-glucoside and peonidin-3-rhamnoside-5-glucoside, alsopreviously identified in b mutants (Statham et al., 1972).The conversion of cyanidin and peonidin to del-

phinidin and petunidin requires hydroxylation at the

59 position of the B ring of the precursor flavonoids.Because the products of this conversion were not ob-served in b mutants, it was presumed that the B genecontrols the hydroxylation of the anthocyanin B ring(Statham et al., 1972). Our studies confirmed thisconclusion and suggested to us that the gene encodingF3959H was a good candidate for B.

Isolation of a Pea F3959H Gene from a Purple-FloweredWild-Type Plant

We performed PCR on cDNA derived from JI 2822wing petals using primers based on aligned Medicagotruncatula and soybean F3959H sequences. This yieldeda product encoding a partial open reading frame (ORF)with extensive sequence similarity to F3959H. We usedprimers based on this new pea sequence together withprimers based on the Medicago sequence for adaptor-ligation PCR (Spertini et al., 1999), which enabled us toisolate genomic DNA sequences and a larger cDNAproduct including a TAG stop codon. Amplificationand sequencing of a single PCR product, using primersat the 59 and 39 ends of the surmised contig, confirmedthat a 1,548-bp cDNA encoded a cytochrome P450monooxygenase 515 amino acids long.

A BLASTP search of Medicago genome pseudomo-lecules (version 3.5) using the chromosome visualiza-tion tool CViT ( CU651565_9 on bacterial artificial chromo-some (BAC) CU651565, a F3959H 515 amino acids inlength, as the most similar sequence, with 89% iden-tity. The predicted pea protein sequence is 79%, 78%,and 75% identical to predicted full-length F3959H se-quences from lotus (Lotus japonicus; LjT34E09.40),soybean (AAM51564, ABQ96218, and BAJ14024), andbutterfly pea (Clitoria ternatea; BAF49293), respectively.The soybean sequences are classified as CYP75A17cytochrome P450s (Nelson, 2009). The Arabidopsis(Arabidopsis thaliana) sequence most closely related tothe pea F3959H (48% identity) is the cytochrome P450monooxygenase CYP75B1, encoded by TRANSPAR-ENT TESTA7 (At5g07990; GenBank accession no.NP196416). This 513-amino acid protein has beendemonstrated to have F39H activity (Schoenbohmet al., 2000), and it lies within a separate clade whencompared with other plant F3959H sequences (Fig. 3).

Figure 1. Pea b mutant phenotypes. A,Purple-flowered wild-type line JI 2822.B, Rose-pink-flowered b mutant lineFN 2271/3/pink. C, Unstable b mutantline FN 2271/3/flecked with rose-pinksectors on a purple background.

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A 3,231-bp genomic DNA sequence was obtainedfrom PCR products amplified from JI 2822 DNA usingprimers spanning the cDNA sequence and adaptor-ligation PCR products corresponding to the promoterand 39 untranslated region (GenBank accession no.GU596479). The position of a single 530-bp intron, 915bp downstream of the ATG start codon, was deter-mined by alignment of the genomic DNA and cDNAsequences. A single intron is predicted in MedicagoCU651565_9 at the same position, but in other legumes,

such as soybean (Zabala and Vodkin, 2007) and lotus(LjT34E09.40), two introns are reported or annotated. Inboth these species, the position of the predicted secondintron is coincident with the position of the pea intron.The first introns are predicted in different positions, 331and 348 bp downstream of their ATG, for lotus andsoybean, respectively.

Genetic Mapping of F3959H Reveals Cosegregation with b

A cleaved-amplified polymorphic sequence (CAPS)marker for F3959H that distinguished the JI 15 and JI73 alleles was generated by TaqI cleavage of the PCRproducts amplified from genomic DNA. Cosegregationof the CAPSmarker with bwas tested directly in a JI 153JI 73 recombinant inbred population of 169 individuals,because JI 73 carries the recessive b allele. JI 73 also carriesk, the homeotic conversion of wing petals to keel petals,and d, the absence of pigmentation in foliage axils,whereas JI 15 carries ce, an independent crimson-pinkflower trait. The b, ce double mutant is almost white,so single and double mutants can be distinguished easily,except in a k mutant background, where only the palestandard petal gives a clue to flower color. The genotypes

Figure 2. LC-MS analysis of anthocyanins present in the wild type andb mutant lines. A, Extracted ion chromatograms showing the summedintensities of ions with masses corresponding to delphinidin andpetunidin, each glycosylated with Rha and Glc, present in JI 2822.These masses are m/z = 611 (delphinin) and m/z = 625 (petunin). B,Masses corresponding to delphinin and petunin absent from FN 2271/3/pink. A and B are plotted to the same scale. C, Extracted ion chro-matograms showing the summed intensities of three alternative an-thocyanin ions, with masses based on glycosylated cyanidin (m/z =743, m/z = 595) and peonidin (m/z = 609), present in line FN 2271/3/pink. D, Masses corresponding to cyanin and peonin absent from JI2822. C and D are plotted to the same scale. Chromatographic peaksare annotated with m/z of the mass responsible for the peak.

Figure 3. Phylogenetic analysis of cytochrome P450 sequences. Theoptimal neighbor-joining tree derived from the multiple sequencealignment in Supplemental Figure S2 is drawn to scale, with the sum ofbranch lengths = 4.7. The Jones-Taylor-Thornton amino acid substitutionmodel was used in phylogeny construction, and the scale bar indicatesthe number of amino acid substitutions per site. Percentage supportfor 1,000 bootstrap replicates is shown at the branch points. Labeledlines show GenBank accession numbers as follows: LjT34E09_40,L. japonicus; BAJ14024, soybean; BAF49293, C. ternatea; ADW66160,P. sativum; CU651565_9, M. truncatula; ABH06585, Vitis vinifera;BAE86871, G. scabra; P48418, Petunia 3 hybrida; CU651565_21, M.truncatula; NP_001064333, Oryza sativa; NP196416, Arabidopsis;ABH06586, V. vinifera; BAB83261, soybean; NP182079, Arabidopsis;NP775426, Rattus norvegicus.

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at b and ce are particularly difficult to distinguish in a k, dbackground, where axillary pigmentation is also absent.For these reasons, the cosegregation analysis was re-stricted to a subset of 160 of the 169 recombinant inbredlines. The b phenotype cosegregated exactly with the JI 73F3959H CAPS marker lacking a TaqI restriction enzymesite (b:B = 71:89; x2 = 2.0, not significant), consistent withour hypothesis that this F3959H identifies a single genethat corresponds to B.

Identification of Lesions in F3959H Alleles fromPink-Flowered b Mutants

In order to provide further evidence of a corre-spondence between the pea gene encoding F3959H andB, we sequenced alleles from known mutants. The bmutant type line, JI 118, carries a single nucleotidepolymorphism 332 bp downstream of the ATG. ThisG/A transition would result in a single amino acidchange, G111E (Supplemental Figs. S2 and S3). Line JI73, the b mapping parent used above, carries a 23-bpdeletion in the ORF, 291 bp from the ATG start. Thisdeletion would introduce a change in the readingframe at position 98, resulting in the inclusion of 29residues unrelated to the wild type followed by apremature stop codon (Supplemental Fig. S3). PCRanalysis using primers that spanned the F3959H geneshowed that lines FN 2160/1, FN 2255/1, and FN2438/2 as well as the stable pink line FN 2271/3/pinkall carry complete gene deletions (Supplemental Fig.S4). FN 1076/6 contains a genomic rearrangement thatis consistent with a reciprocal break and join betweenthe F3959H gene and a predicted Ogre retroelement(Neumann et al., 2003). The 59 segment of the Ogre el-ement lies 1,330 bp downstream of the F3959H startcodon, whereas the 39 segment lies upstream of position1,330 at the 39 end of the F3959H gene (SupplementalFig. S4).

Characterization of an Unstable Pink-Sectored b Mutant

Unstable b mutants occurred in the M3 families FN2271/3/flecked (Fig. 1C) and FN 3398/2164. It wasfound that sectored pink M3 siblings gave rise to sec-tored or stable pink M4 progeny, whereas stable pinkM3 plants gave rise to stable pink M4 progeny only.Wild-type purple M3 siblings gave rise to either stablewild type, or a mix of stable wild type and stable pink,or a mix of stable wild type, stable pink, and sectoredpink M4 progeny. Sectored pink M4 progeny gave riseto sectored or stable pink M5 plants in the followinggeneration. In order to study this instability further,PCR analysis was carried out on individual flowersand progeny plants of line FN 2271/3/flecked/8.Primers 39pinkS1 and 39pinkS2comp amplified 693

bp of genomic DNA and reported on exon 1 and theintron of the F3959H gene. Primers 39pinkS2 and 39extRamplified 683 bp of genomic DNA or cDNA and

reported on exon 2. Both pairs of primers were used inconjunction with control primers designed to a peaArgonaute gene, which verified that PCR amplificationhad occurred, even in the absence of a F3959H PCRproduct. Genomic DNA and cDNA were preparedfrom the purple petals of a JI 2822 wild-type flowerand from the petals of an entirely pink flower on a FN2271/3/flecked/8 plant that carried purple/pink-sectored flowers at other nodes. PCR using primers39pinkS2 and 39extR showed the presence of theF3959H gene in JI 2822 and pink flower FN 2271/3/flecked/8 genomic DNA samples; however, cDNAamplification occurred in line JI 2822 only, suggestingthat the F3959H gene was present but not expressed inthe entirely pink FN 2271/3/flecked/8 flower (Fig. 4).Stable pink-flowered M4 progeny were grown fromseed set on that entirely pink FN 2271/3/flecked/8flower. When these were analyzed by PCR, exon1 and exon 2 of F3959H failed to amplify from genomicDNA, suggesting that the gene was deleted in theseprogeny, as was observed previously in the stablepink-flowered line FN 2271/3/pink.


The early part of anthocyanin biosynthesis fromchalcone to anthocyanidin is well conserved in higherplants and has been studied in detail (Grotewold,2006). One of the key enzymes responsible for blue-purple coloration in flower petals is F3959H, whichcatalyzes hydroxylation at the 39 and 59 positions ofthe B ring of naringenin and dihydrokaempferol,yielding flavanone and dihydroflavonol precursorsof the chromophore delphinidin (Grotewold, 2006;Yoshida et al., 2009). Flowers that lack this enzyme,

Figure 4. F3959H gene expression in unstable b mutant line FN 2271/3/flecked. PCR amplification of F3959H and Argonaute (Ago) genesfrom JI 2822 genomic DNA (lane 1), JI 2822 cDNA (lane 2), FN 2271/3/flecked/8 genomic DNA (lane 3), FN 2271/3/flecked/8 cDNA (lane4), and no-DNA control (lane 5) is shown. Lane 6 shows 100-bpmarkers. The top Ago band represents PCR amplification productsspanning two introns from genomic DNA, and the bottom Ago bandrepresents PCR amplification products (without introns) from cDNA.The F3959H primers do not flank an intron; therefore, F3959H PCRproducts from genomic DNA and cDNA are the same size.

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such as rose (Rosa hybrid) and carnation (Dianthuscaryophyllus), contain only cyanidin and/or pelargo-nidin chromophores, so their natural coloration is re-stricted to yellow, pink, and red but not purple or blue.Flower color also can be affected by pH, the presenceof copigments, and whether the anthocyanidin chro-mophores are polyacetylated or held in metal com-plexes (Yoshida et al., 2009). For example, hydrangea(Hydrangea macrophylla) sepals can be red, mauve,purple, violet, or blue, yet only one anthocyanin, del-phinidin 3-glucoside, is present. It has been proposedthat the anthocyanin and copigments in hydrangeasepals are held in a metal complex and that color de-pends on the concentrations of these components andthe pH conditions (Kondo et al., 2005). In wild-typepea, the F3959H gene is intact and F3959H activityproduces delphinidin-based anthocyanidins, whichconfer a purple flower color. In this paper, we havepresented genetic and biochemical evidence to showthat b mutants lack a functional F3959H gene that re-sults in a rose-pink flower color due to the presenceof cyanidin- and peonidin-based anthocyanins. Thepresence of these latter 39-hydroxylated compounds inb mutants suggests that a F39H exists in pea, contraryto previous conclusions (Statham et al., 1972).

Lesions Present in F3959H Alleles

Plant P450 monooxygenases have not been charac-terized structurally because they are extremely insol-uble when purified; however, membrane-associatedmammalian P450s have been studied by homology tothe crystal structure of a soluble bacterial P450 (Ferreret al., 2008). P450s have only three absolutely con-served residues: a Cys that serves as a ligand to theheme iron, and an EXXR motif that is thought to sta-bilize the core around the heme (Werck-Reichhart andFeyereisen, 2000). The Cys lies within the P450 con-sensus sequence FXXGXRXCXG in the heme-bindingloop, corresponding to FGAGRRICAG in the peaF3959H (Supplemental Fig. S2). Another consensus se-quence, A/GGXD/ETT/S, corresponds to a proton-transfer groove, and this corresponds to AGTDTS inthe pea F3959H (Supplemental Fig. S2). The G111Emutation in the b type line, JI 118, does not occur inthese conserved motifs, but the change in size andcharge at this residue presumably affects proteinfunction. Alignment of the pea F3959H sequence withhomologous plant proteins (National Center for Bio-technology Information BLASTP) shows that substi-tutions occur at the G111 residue; however, none of thesubstitutes are charged residues, supporting our pro-posal that G111E is a detrimental change.

Line JI 73 carries a b allele with a spontaneous 26-bpdeletion that is predicted to encode a truncated versionof the F3959H protein. At the 39 end of the 26-bp de-leted sequence, there is a 10-bp motif, ATTTCTCAAA,that is repeated at the 59 end of the deletion breakpoint (Supplemental Fig. S3). This repeat pattern sug-gests that this stable b allele may have arisen from a

spontaneous deletion event as a result of recombina-tion and unequal crossing over. The same 26-bp dele-tion was found in lines JI 17, JI 132, and JI 2160 in theJohn Innes Pisum germplasm collection.

A genomic rearrangement consistent with a trans-location event involving a retroelement was evident inline FN 1076/6. Here, sequencing showed that a breakoccurred in the F3959H gene, between nucleotides 1,329and 1,330 downstream of the ATG, but we do not knowwhether the two fragmented portions of the F3959H generemain on the same chromosome (Supplemental Fig. S4).The 59 end of the genic disjunction was 95% identicalto nucleotides 77,728 to 78,111 of a Ty3-gypsy Ogre-like retroelement (Neumann et al., 2003) identified inpea BAC clone JICPSV-297I9, whereas the sequence atthe 39 end of the disjunction was 95% identical to nu-cleotides 77,213 to 77,726 of the same retroelement.This indicates that a break occurred in the Ogre ele-ment between nucleotides 77,726 and 77,728 and thatnucleotide 77,727 was missing from this copy of Ogreor was lost during the rearrangement. The presenceof this retroelement does not necessarily implicate it inthe mechanism of translocation but more likely reflectsthe abundance of the Ogre retroelement family. Datafrom 454 sequencing of cv Carerra estimated thatcopies of Ogre represent up to 33% of the pea genome(Macas and Neumann, 2007).

We gathered evidence of independent, recurring,spontaneous deletion events derived from unstable balleles carried by lines FN 2271/3/flecked and FN3398/2164. These sectored flowers carried an F3959Hgene, presumably in nonepidermal tissue where it isnot expressed, but repeatedly gave rise to stable pinkdeletion alleles in their progeny (Fig. 4). One possibleexplanation of these unstable b alleles is that FN 2271M1 seed carried both a deletion of the b gene and arearrangement of the chromosome carrying the wild-type B allele. This rearranged chromosome would beprone to the generation of acentric fragments thatwould fail to segregate properly at mitosis, generatingsectors with a haploinsufficiency for many loci, in-cluding b. Individuals with the unstable phenotypewould give rise to pink homozygous deletion progeny(with a wild-type karyotype). They would also gen-erate progeny that are homozygous or heterozygousfor the unstable chromosome, but the transmission ofthis unstable chromosome may be inefficient, or thosethat are transmitted efficiently may be selected forstability. In this scheme, the pink-flowered FN 2271mutants derive from a simple deletion segregating inthe population and the instability is not specificallyassociated with the b locus.

Alternatively, the unstable alleles at the b locus in theFN 2271 lineage may be prone to deletion, perhaps be-cause of the action of a nearby transposon activated inthe FN mutagenesis. Deletion of the b gene at one allelewould be masked by the presence of the other, wild-typeB allele, but the presence of such a deletion would revealsubsequent deletions of the B allele, which would beseen as pink sectors. In this scheme, deletion of b is not

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generated directly by mutagenesis and the instability isassociated specifically with the b gene. Pink flowers ofthis type could be indicators of a captured insertion el-ement, but in no case did we find a stable pink mutantwith the F3959H gene detectably present, even whenthese derived from seed set from an entirely pink floweron an unstable plant where the gene, but not the tran-script, had been detected by PCR.

F3959H Homologs in Legumes

Cytochrome P450s are one of the largest enzymefamilies in plants. A search of annotated Medicagopseudomolecules ( 142 F3959H homologs (BLASTP, P. 1e-40), withapproximately one-third of these located on chro-mosome 5. Gene clusters are found in many otherorganisms, and in Medicago, BACs containing five ormore homologous ORFs occurred on chromosomes 2(AC130800), 3 (AC145061), 5 (FP102223 and AC137079),and 6 (AC157489), although some of these may bepseudogenes. The soybean genome contains 712 cyto-chrome P450s, of which 380 are denoted pseudogenes(Nelson, 2009). Medicago BAC CU651565 carryingCU651565_9, the most similar intact ORF to pea F3959H,is unanchored in version 3.5 of the Medicago genomepseudomolecules; therefore, we were unable to gainany further evidence of orthology by analyzing collin-earity with b gene-flanking markers. In the previousversion of annotated Medicago pseudomolecules (ver-sion 3.0), BAC CU651565 was located on chromosome3, which is syntenic with pea linkage group III, where bmaps.Another predictedMedicago F3959H gene, CU651565_21

(Fig. 3), lies only 52 kb from CU651565_9. The codingsequence of CU651565_21 corresponds to a protein522 amino acids in length, which is anomalous com-pared with the lengths of related F3959H sequences(Supplemental Fig. S2). Multiple sequence alignment(Supplemental Fig. S2) suggests that CU651565_21may in fact correspond to a 506-amino acid proteinthat would be 63% identical to CU651565_9 and 62%identical to the pea F3959H. An alternative intron-splicing model derived from ORFs annotated inMedicago pseudomolecule version 3.0 is presented(Supplemental Fig. S5).It is not clear whether the closest related lotus and

soybean sequences are orthologous to the pea F3959H,because they have two introns; therefore, they arestructurally dissimilar to the pea and Medicago genes.The Petunia 3 hybrida F3959H also has two introns,whereas the G. scabra F3959H has one, indicating thatintron number is a variable feature of these genes.Diversity of exon-intron structure has been notedamong genes encoding P450 enzymes, with multiplegains and losses in their evolutionary history (Werck-Reichhart and Feyereisen, 2000).The amino acid sequence of CU651565_9, 89% iden-

tical to pea F3959H, is the closest match; however, theyellow (rather than purple/blue) pigmented flowers of

M. truncatula suggest that there are differences in an-thocyanin biosynthesis between these two species. Allof the conserved P450 motifs are intact in CU651565_9,but a comparison with homologous sequences fromother plant species shows differences that may be sig-nificant. For example, residue Phe-350, which is Leu orVal in aligned homologs (Supplemental Fig. S2), maydisrupt F3959H function in M. truncatula. In support ofthis possibility, overexpression of the Myb transcriptionfactor LAP1 in M. truncatula induced anthocyanin pig-ments, which were identified as glycosylated cyanidinsand pelargonidins but not delphinidins (Peel et al.,2009). The absence of glycosylated delphinidins in thesetransgenic plants suggests a defect in F3959H activity,especially because glycosylated delphinidins were ob-served in white clover (Trifolium repens) overexpressingLAP1 (Peel et al., 2009).

Three soybean sequences (AAM51564, ABQ96218,and BAJ14024) are all 78% identical to pea F3959H;however, they are themselves nonidentical. ABQ96218(Zabala and Vodkin, 2007) and AAM51564 (from cvChin-Ren-Woo-Dou) are 99% identical and 509 and508 amino acids long, respectively. They encode aCYP2 subfamily cytochrome P450, also classified asa CYP75A17 cytochrome P450 (Nelson, 2009), at lo-cus Glyma13g04210 on linkage group F of soybean( ABQ96218, originating from cvLee 68 and cloned from the Williams isoline L79-908,carries a G305D amino acid substitution (Zabala andVodkin, 2007) in the conserved P450 proton-transfergroove motif that would likely render this allelenonfunctional (Supplemental Fig. S2). BAJ14024(Takahashi et al., 2010) is a predicted F3959H fromsoybean cv Clark, 509 amino acids long, with in-variant conserved motifs and 99% identical to bothABQ96218 and AAM51564.

Flower Pigmentation in Pea and Soybean

Soybean is believed to have been domesticated frompurple-flowered G. soja (Takahashi et al., 2010). Studiesof the standard (banner) petals of purple-floweredsoybean cultivars show that these have a differentsugar moiety at the 3 position of the C ring of theiranthocyanidins compared with pea: the primary an-thocyanins detected in soybean cv Clark (W1W1 w3w3W4W4 WmWm TT TdTd) and cv Harosoy (W1W1w3w3 W4W4 WmWm tt TdTd) were malvidin, delphi-nidin, and petunidin 3,5-di-O-glucoside and delphini-din 3-O-glucoside (Iwashina et al., 2008), whereasdelphinidin and petunidin-3-rhamnoside-5-glucosidewere the major anthocyanins found in the wing petalsof pea line JI 2822 in this study, consistent with pre-vious studies on line L 60 of pea (Statham et al., 1972).As the intensity of coloration in pea petals indicates(Fig. 1), the concentration of total anthocyanins instandard petals is less than in wing petals of pea at allstages of flower development (Statham and Crowden,1974), whereas soybean flowers often have wing petals

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that are less intensely pigmented than their standardpetals.

The Wp gene of soybean lies on linkage group D1b,corresponding to chromosome 2 ( wp allele is reported to contain a 5,722-bp CACTAtransposable element in intron 2 of a F3H gene, F3H1,with down-regulated expression (Zabala and Vodkin,2005). A null mutation would result in a lack of thesubstrates dihydromyricetin, dihydrokaempferol, anddihydroquercetin required for conversion into antho-cyanins (Grotewold, 2006; Iwashina et al., 2008);therefore, a null mutant would be expected to havewhite flowers and, indeed, white-flowered mutantshave been observed in other plant species (Martinet al., 1991; Britsch et al., 1992). Analysis of a wp ge-notype obtained by back-crossing to soybean cv Lodashowed that the wp line had a low flavonoid content:9% of the total flavonol glycosides, no detectablekaempferol 3-O-glucoside, and 28% of dihydro-flavonols compared with cv Clark (Iwashina et al.,2008). The presence of dihydroflavonols indicates thatF3H activity occurs in the wpmutant, suggesting that itis not a null allele. Alternatively, if the CACTA ele-ment insertion does render F3H1 null, a second F3Hgene, F3H2, may be functional (Zabala and Vodkin,2005).

Although the presence of anthocyanins in the wpmutant can be explained by the considerations above,the pale pink coloration (instead of pale purple) re-mains unexplained. Many factors such as copigmentsand vacuolar pH could influence soybean flower color,but the presence of an additional defective pigmenta-tion gene, such as the ABQ96218 allele of F3959H, forexample, would also cause pink flower color. A com-parison of flower color and flavonoid content inavailable Wp and wp near-isogenic lines (Iwashinaet al., 2008) and cosegregation analysis of F3H1 and wpwould help to confirm which structural genes weredefective.

The soybean w1 gene on chromosome 13 conferswhite flower color; accordingly, no HPLC peaks cor-responding to anthocyanins were observed in a Clark-w1 near-isogenic line (L63-2373, w1w1, w3w3, W4W4,WmWm, TT, TdTd; Iwashina et al., 2007). However, it isnot clear why a w1 encoding a defective F3959H genewould condition white flower color in soybean, whenthe pea b mutant and other F3959H mutants derivedfrom purple-flowered wild-type plants (Snowden andNapoli, 1998; Matsubara et al., 2005; Nakatsuka et al.,2006) have pink flowers. Genetic linkage analysis of anF2 population segregating for w1 showed that 12white-flowered individuals out of 39 F2 progeny car-ried an F3959H allele containing a tandem repeat in-sertion that would result in premature termination ofthe protein (Zabala and Vodkin, 2007). This linkageevidence is consistent with w1 being less than 1.1centimorgan (Kosambi, 1944; Allard, 1956) from thetandem repeat-containing F3959H gene but with a highSE: the F3959H homozygotes in the purple flower classwere not shown to be W1 homozygotes by progeny

testing, and the population size is small. Thus, it is notclear that a mutated F3959H gene conditions whiteflower color in soybean.

One possibility is that w1 is a separate nonfunctionalpigmentation locus, distinct from, but tightly linked to,the F3959H gene. This w1 locus is predicted to befunctional in a G. soja line carrying the w1-lp allele,which has pale pink banner petals (Takahashi et al.,2010), and nonfunctional in Clark-w1. A cross betweenthese two lines produced purple-flowered F2 progenyat a frequency of 0.9% (Takahashi et al., 2010), which isconsistent with recombination between a distinct w1gene and the F3959H gene. Soybean orthologs of genesencoding components of the Myb-bHLH-WD40 tran-scription factor complex that regulates anthocyaninbiosynthesis (Koes et al., 2005; Ramsay and Glover,2005), such as a and a2 (Hellens et al., 2010), have notyet been identified. These are good candidates for theproposed F3959H-adjacent w1 gene.

Pigmentation loci in pea, which have been studied incrosses for more than 100 years (Mendel, 1866;Tschermak, 1911), represent historic anchor markersthat will aid comparative genomics between legumespecies as more physical maps are generated fromsequenced genomes. Further biochemical studies,combined with genetic and genomic analyses, willhelp to elucidate the differences in anthocyanin bio-synthesis that lead to variation in pigmentation amonglegume crop species such as soybean as well as im-portant legume forage species such as alfalfa (Medicagosativa) and clover.


Plant Material

The garden pea (Pisum sativum) type line for b, JI 118, also known as WBH22 (Blixt, 1972), multiple marker line JI 73 (genotype b, also known as WBH1238), multiple marker line JI 15 (genotype B, also known as WBH 1458), F13recombinant inbred mapping population JI 15 3 JI 73, and all FN mutant lineswere obtained from the John Innes Pisum Germplasm collection. Plants weregrown in 16-h daylength in John Innes No. 1 compost with 30% extra grit.DNA was prepared from leaves according to Vershinin et al. (2003), and RNAwas prepared from flowers according to Hofer et al. (2009).


A total of 1,400 seeds of line JI 2822 were subjected to 20 Gray FN irradiationfrom a 252Cf source at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Irradiated M1 plantswere self fertilized, and M2 families of up to four plants were screened forvariant flower color phenotypes. Rose-pink mutants were backcrossed to JI2822 to generate lines FN 1076/6, FN 2160/1, FN 2255/1, FN 2438/2, FN2271/3/pink, and FN 3398/2164. These stable pink lines segregated purple:pink in a 3:1 ratio after backcrossing, indicating that the pigmentation muta-tions were recessive.


Purple (JI 2822) andpink (FN2271/3/pink)wing petal tissuewas harvested from10 fully open flowers, ground in liquidN2, and stored inmethanol at220°C. Samplealiquots of 10 mL containing 300 mg of tissue in methanol and 0.1 M HCl wereanalyzed by LC-MS using a Surveyor HPLC apparatus attached to a DecaXPplusion-trap mass spectrometer (Thermo Fisher). Anthocyanins were separated on a

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100- 3 2-mm, 3-mm Luna C18(2) column (Phenomenex) using the following gra-dient of methanol (solvent B) versus 2 mM trifluoroacetic acid in water (solvent A),run at 230 mL min21 and 30°C: 0 min, 2% B; 40 min, 70% B; 41 min, 2% B; 50 min,2% B. Anthocyanins were detected by UV A520 and by positive electrospray ioni-zation MS. Spray chamber conditions were 50 units of sheath gas, 5 units of aux-iliary gas, 350°C capillary temperature, and 5.2-kV spray voltage. In order toinvestigate the structure of anthocyanins, data-dependent secondary fragmentation(MS2) spectra were collected at an isolation width of mass-to-charge ratio (m/z) = 4.0and 35% collision energy.

Isolation of Pea F3959H cDNA and Genomic DNA

Total RNAwas extracted from JI 2822 wing petals using the Qiagen RNeasyPlant Mini kit. DNAwas removed from RNA samples by digestion with DNA-free DNaseI (Ambion) in buffers according to the manufacturer’s protocol. Twomicrograms of RNA was reverse transcribed with SuperScript reverse tran-scriptase (Invitrogen) from an oligo(T) primer in a 20-mL reaction. Amplifi-cation of a F3959H cDNA fragment from pea was achieved using 1 mL of 1:20diluted first-strand cDNA in 20-mL PCRs containing 0.25 mM primersmtF35HF1 and mtF35HR2 (Supplemental Table S1) for 35 cycles with anannealing temperature of 62°C. Products were separated by electrophoresis ona 1% agarose gel in 13 Tris-borate/EDTA buffer. A 794-bp sequence obtainedfrom this fragment was used to design additional primers for the amplificationof 3,231-bp genomic DNA using successive rounds of adaptor ligation PCR(Spertini et al., 1999). The genomic DNA sequence was used to design primerspinkmtF1 and 39extR for the amplification of a 1,595-bp cDNA clone, minusthe ATG start codon and extending 50 bp beyond the TAG stop codon. Thiswas cloned into a Topo4 vector (Invitrogen).

Mutation Analysis

Genomic DNA from JI 2822 and FN mutant lines was analyzed using pairsof primers that spanned the F3959H gene sequence in order to determine thesize of deletion alleles (Supplemental Table S1). Primers PsAGO1 andPsAGO2, flanking introns 19, 20, and 21 of a pea Argonaute1 cDNA clone(accession no. EF108450), were included in the reactions as internal controls.For the analysis of unstable lines, wing petal cDNA and genomic DNA from JI2822, plant FN 2271/3/flecked/8, and its progeny were analyzed. Touch-down PCR was performed using 250 nM primers 39pinkS2 and 39extR, 250 mM

deoxyribonucleotide triphosphates, and 1 unit of Taq polymerase in a 10-mLvolume of PCR buffer. Primers PsAGO1 and PsAGO2 were included in thereactions as internal controls. Components were denatured at 95°C for 180 s,before being subjected to one cycle of 94°C for 45 s, 62°C for 45 s, and 72°C for90 s, followed by 10 further cycles with the annealing temperature 1°C lowerat each cycle. Twenty-nine further cycles of 94°C for 45 s, 50°C for 45 s, and 72°C for 90 s were terminated at 72°C for 300 s. Reactions were held at 10°C for300 s prior to analysis by agarose gel electrophoresis (Supplemental Fig. S4;Supplemental Table S1).

Genetic Mapping

A CAPS marker for F3959H was generated by TaqI cleavage of the 363- and340-bp PCR products amplified from 100 ng of genomic DNA from parentallines JI 15 and JI 73, respectively, using primers pinkmtF1 and psf35hF2comp.Reactions contained 250 nM primers, 250 mM deoxyribonucleotide triphos-phates, and 1 unit of Taq polymerase in a 20-mL volume of PCR buffer.Components were denatured at 94°C for 120 s, cycled through 94°C for 30 s,55°C for 60 s, and 72°C for 120 s for 35 cycles, and finally incubated at 72°C for5 min. Cleavage products of 293 bp from line JI 15 and 340 bp from line JI 73were separated on a 2% agarose gel. Cosegregation of b with the 340-bpF3959H CAPS marker was tested for 160 lines out of 169 in total at the F13generation of a recombinant inbred population derived from the cross JI 15 3JI 73. A total of 71 lines were b/b and carried the 340-bp marker, and 89 in-dividuals were B and carried the 293-bp marker.


Sequencing was performed using the BigDye Terminator version 3.1 cyclesequencing kit (Applied Biosystems) at the John Innes Centre Genome Lab-oratory. Genomic DNA sequence was obtained from line JI 2822 using theprimers listed in Supplemental Table S1. A 3,232-bp overlapping DNA se-quence contig was generated using the program BioEdit (http://www.mbio. Overlapping DNA sequence contigs from bmutant lines JI 118, JI 73, and FN 1076/6 and cDNA sequences from lines JI2822, JI 118, JI 73, and FN 1076/6 were obtained in the same way.

Sequence data from this article can be found in the GenBank/EMBL datalibraries under the following accession numbers: JI 2822 F3959H cDNA se-quence, GU596478; JI 2822 F3959H genomic DNA sequence, GU596479.

Supplemental Data

The following materials are available in the online version of this article.

Supplemental Figure S1. Ion fragmentation analysis of anthocyanins pres-ent in the wild type and b mutant lines.

Supplemental Figure S2. F3959H sequence analysis.

Supplemental Figure S3. Sequence characterization of mutant b alleles.

Supplemental Figure S4. Characterization of mutant b alleles by PCR.

Supplemental Figure S5. Proposed splicing model for Medicago geneCU651565_21.

Supplemental Table S1. Primers used for PCR and sequencing.


We thank Andrew Davis for photography, Ruth Pothecary and Hilary Fordfor plant care, and a Nuffield scholarship student, Priyanka Tharian, fortechnical assistance.

Received March 22, 2012; accepted April 3, 2012; published April 6, 2012.


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