Download - Hacer Backup Qcn

  • 8/18/2019 Hacer Backup Qcn


    Install QPST and Backup qcn

    Page 5 of 8 - How to unlock the Orange San Francisco II for free

    Introduction » Install the USB drivers » ownload re!uired files » "heck F#$ %ode » Install

    QPST & Backup qcn »&estore !cn » &einstall stock &O$ » "o%%ents

    On this 'age( we will install )PS# and set it u' in order for *our Orange San Francisco II to

    co%%unicate with *our co%'uter+

    ,+ On *our P"( download to *ou deskto'+ Once co%'leted( etract it+

    .+ O'en the folder Install QPST /fro% the 0i' *ou 1ust etracted2 and

    run setup.exe /or setup2 to install+ Follow the on screen instructions+

    &un setup.exe+ Follow the wi0ard instructions to install )PS#+

    3+ $ake sure *our 'hone is disconnected fro% *our co%'uter+

  • 8/18/2019 Hacer Backup Qcn


  • 8/18/2019 Hacer Backup Qcn


    &un QPST 'on(igu#ation+

    ,3+ "lick the Po#ts ta7( and then click the 7utton Add )e" Po#t +++

  • 8/18/2019 Hacer Backup Qcn


    "lick the Po#ts ta7 then the Add )e" Po#t+++ 7utton+

    ,4+ "lick on '*% + USB,Q' Diagnostic and click *-. In our case( there was the nu%7er

    after "O$( as seen in the 'icture 7elow+ :ou %a* have a different nu%7er( which is fine+

    "lick '*% + USB,Q' Diagnostic and then *-+

  • 8/18/2019 Hacer Backup Qcn


    ,5+ "lick Sta#t 'lients and then So(t"a#e Do"nload+

    "lick Sta#t 'lients and then So(t"a#e Do"nload+

    ,+ "lick the Backup ta7 and then the second B#o"se 7utton+

  • 8/18/2019 Hacer Backup Qcn


    "lick the Backup ta7 and then click the second B#o"se 7utton+

    ,6+ :ou should now 7e 'resented with a =indow asking *ou where to save a file+ Save the

    file to *our Desktop( and na%e it os(

    ,8+ Press the Sta#t 7utton /it>s net to the Ao#t 7utton2

    ,+ =ait until *ou see ?%emo#/ Backup 'ompleted? in the Status 7o+

  • 8/18/2019 Hacer Backup Qcn


    =ait until *ou see %emo#/ Backup 'ompleted+

    .9+ @o to *our eskto' and check the file si0e of os(+ $ake sure it is )*T 9 AB in file si0e+

    :ou can do this 7* si%'l* hovering over the file with *our %ouse( as seen 7elow+ For us( the file

    si0e was ,53 AB( however it %a* 7e different for *ou( which is fine - 1ust %ake sure it is g#eate#

    tan 0 -B+

    "heck the file si0e of os( 7* hovering *our %ouse over the file+ $ake sure it is g#eate# tan 0-B+

  • 8/18/2019 Hacer Backup Qcn


    .,+ "lose all )PS# =indows+

    ..+ "lick Sta#t -< All P#og#ams -< QPST -< QPST 'on(igu#ation

    .3+ "lick the Po#ts ta7+

    .4+ "lick the onl* '*% device fro% the list+

    .5+ "lick the Disale 7utton and then click 1es+

    "lick the onl* "O$ device listed and then click the Disale 7utton+

    .+ "lose all )PS# =indows( and continue to the net 'age+