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La Espiral Tecnolgica Learning Organizations

Jos MarteLa Espiral TecnolgicaLearning Organizations

La Espiral TecnolgicaEs un modelo para entender como funciona la administracin de la tecnologa.

Permite evaluar el proceso de manejo de la tecnologa dentro de una compaa y prescribir cambios que pueden hacer ms exitosa a la misma.

Es el conjunto de conocimientos tcnicos, ordenados cientficamente, que permiten disear y crear bienes y servicios que facilitan la adaptacin al medio ambiente y satisfacer tanto las necesidades esenciales como los deseos de las personas.2

La curva tipo S

Usualmente usado para entender la tendencia de la industria.En fases iniciales el desempeo de la tecnologa puede ser pobre con respecto al dinero que se necesita invertir, pero se invierte en fases ms avanzadas.

Equilibrio puntuado

Perodos de equilibrio interrumpidos por pequeos intervalos de gran cambio.Innovar o morir.

Modelo de Utterback-AbernathyEl establecimiento de un diseo dominante al final provocar mayor desarrollo de nuevas tecnologas e inspirar a otras compaas a moverse en pos de innovar.

Este es un modelo que siguen las compaas que tratan de sacar el mayor beneficio de su tecnologa actual.

Interaccin entre los modelos

Espiral Tecnolgica

Aprendizaje OrganizacionalEs un lugar dnde los empleados sobresalen en crear, adquirir y transferir conocimiento.

Bloques constructivos:Ambiente laboral constructivo.

Procesos y prcticas de aprendizajes concretos.

Actitudes de liderazgo que refuercen el aprendizaje.

Ambiente laboral constructivoPermite tomarse una pausa en las labores para revisar y analizar los procesos organizacionales.

Ambiente laboral constructivoSeguridad psicolgica.

Apreciacin de las diferencias de pensamiento.

Aceptacin de ideas nuevas.

Tiempo para refleccionar.

BUILDING BLOCK 1Supportive Learning EnvironmentPsychological SafetyIn this unit, it is easy to speak up about what is on your mind.If you make a mistake in this unit, it is often held against you.*People in this unit are usually comfortable talking about problems anddisagreements.People in this unit are eager to share information about what does anddoesnt work.Keeping your cards close to your vest is the best way to get ahead in this unit.*Appreciation of DifferencesDifferences in opinion are welcome in this unit.Unless an opinion is consistent with what most people in this unit believe,it wont be valued.*This unit tends to handle differences of opinion privately or off-line,rather than addressing them directly with the group.*In this unit, people are open to alternative ways of getting work done.Openness to New IdeasIn this unit, people value new ideas.Unless an idea has been around for a long time, no one in this unit wantsto hear it.*In this unit, people are interested in better ways of doing things.In this unit, people often resist untried approaches.*Time for Refl ectionPeople in this unit are overly stressed.*Despite the workload, people in this unit fi nd time to review how the workis going.In this unit, schedule pressure gets in the way of doing a good job.*In this unit, people are too busy to invest time in improvement.*There is simply no time for refl ection in this unit.*

Procesos y prcticas de aprendizajes concretosPasos claros.

Revisin de los pasos y las prcticas.

Mejorar los procesos y prcticas.

BUILDING BLOCK 2Concrete Learning Processes and Practices

ExperimentationThis unit experiments frequently with new ways of working.This unit experiments frequently with new product or service offerings.This unit has a formal process for conducting and evaluating experiments or new ideas.This unit frequently employs prototypes or simulations when trying out new ideas.Information CollectionThis unit systematically collects information on competitors customersThis unit frequently compares its performance with that of competitorsAnalysisThis unit engages in productive conflict and debate during discussions.This unit seeks out dissenting views during discussions.This unit never revisits well-established perspectives during discussions.*This unit frequently identifies and discusses underlying assumptions that mightaffect key decisions.This unit never pays attention to different views during discussions.*

Education and TrainingNewly hired employees in this unit receive adequate training.Experienced employees in this unit receive periodic training and training updates training when switching to a new position training when new initiatives are launchedIn this unit, training is valued.In this unit, time is made available for education and trainingactivities.Information TransferThis unit has forums for meeting with and learning from experts from other departments, teams, or divisions experts from outside the organization customers and clients suppliersThis unit regularly shares information with networks of expertswithin the organization.This unit regularly shares information with networks of expertsoutside the organization.This unit quickly and accurately communicates new knowledgeto key decision makers.This unit regularly conducts post-audits and after-action reviews.

Actitudes de liderazgo que refuercen el aprendizaje.Liderazgo por s slo es insuficiente.Las organizaciones no son monolticas.Hacer medidas comparativas.El aprendizaje es multidimensional.

Education and TrainingNewly hired employees in this unit receive adequate training.Experienced employees in this unit receive periodic training and training updates training when switching to a new position training when new initiatives are launchedIn this unit, training is valued.In this unit, time is made available for education and trainingactivities.Information TransferThis unit has forums for meeting with and learning from experts from other departments, teams, or divisions experts from outside the organization customers and clients suppliersThis unit regularly shares information with networks of expertswithin the organization.This unit regularly shares information with networks of expertsoutside the organization.This unit quickly and accurately communicates new knowledgeto key decision makers.This unit regularly conducts post-audits and after-action reviews.

Asignacin #3

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