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Profesorado de Inglés – Opción pedagógica a distancia.



Período de Práctica: Nivel Inicial

Institución Educativa: Jardín del Sol

Dirección: Cnel. Diaz y Esq. Obeid– San Martin de los Andes

Sala: KINDER 4

Cantidad de alumnos: 9

Nivel lingüístico del curso: Nivel Inicial

Tipo de planificación: clase

Unidad Temática: Familia y Amigos

Clase n°: 3

Fecha: 21/05/2015

Hora: 9.30 - 10.00hs

Duración de la clase: 30´

Fecha de primera entrega: 11/05/2015


Teaching points:

Review vocabulary about numbers and family and friends; Fostering group interaction; Work upon the value of sharing a limited amount of resources; To further promote logical-mathematical thinking

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During this lesson, learners will be able… To develop their pronunciation and listening skills by singing a song; To further practice division concepts by dividing a cookie; To develop gross motor skills by playing with play dough; To develop social skills by sharing real cookies.

Language focus:

Functions Lexis Structures PronunciationRevision Following

instructionsSharing cookies

Numbers, friends

Let´s count…How many cookies do you get?(one) each

New CooperatingFractioning

Fractions: half I take oneDivide in halfLet´s share

Recognition of /h/ (half)Production of /iː/ (c)

Teaching approach: The lesson is based on the Communicative approach but organized through the PPP method. Also it is based on CLIL.

Materials and resources: Song Reusable dishes Big cookie poster Simple operation poster scissors Fake cookies Play dough

Integration of skills: the different tasks involve listening comprehension as well

as repetition of vocabulary and the use of the language to convey simple meanings.

Pronunciation Listening Speaking

Seating arrangement: students will be sitting on the floor in a semicircle facing the board while they greet each other and watch a video. Then they´ll work on the tables.

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Pedagogical use of ICT in class or at home: in this lesson, no use of ICT is included.

Possible problems / difficulties and their possible solutions during the class: students may not want to cut out the cookies, but I´ll remind them that Sam and Victoria divide their cookies equally. Also, they may not want to stop playing with the play dough; however I´ll tell them that we must put them into the oven because there is a special surprise.

Potential problems students may have with the language: students may find it hard to understand the chunk “we divide it in half”. However I´ll guide them by showing them an example.

Classroom management strategies: a corner for the community circle and tables and chairs in the other side. I will use cushions or chairs during the community circle because these resources help students to stay in their places. Then we will move to the tables. If they misbehave I will sing the “we make silence” song or “1, 2, 3, silence/sit down please!” or stop the song so they notice that there is something wrong.

Assessment: what will be assessed and how: I´ll check students comprehend the meaning of sharing by performing diverse tasks such as manipulating fake cookies, working with play dough and sharing real cookies.

Lesson stages:


- I´ll greet students “Hello! How are you? Are you happy?”. Ss will answer “Hello! Yes! Happy!”.Now I´ll ask students to sit down in a circle on the floor, so that everyone can see and greet each other. I´ll sing “Let´s make a circle! A circle, a circle…” (Invented song)Then we will sing the welcome song, “Okay, let´s sing the hello song”´Hello´ song:




The song includes body language, that is, gestures and movements.

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The main purpose of this stage is to start the lesson and prepare students into the mood for work.

Transition: I´ll say “Very good!! How nice…! Okay, now we are going to listen to a special song.”

WARM-UP: (around 3´)

I´ll stick a big cookie on the board and I´ll invite students to greet this special friend.

I´ll explain students “this cookie wants to share with you its favourite song. Let´s listen” Cookies´ song:

“C is for cookie, that's good enough for meC is for cookie, that's good enough for meC is for cookie, that's good enough for me

Oh, cookie, cookie, cookie starts with C

C is for cookie, that's good enough for meC is for cookie, that's good enough for meC is for cookie, that's good enough for meOh, cookie, cookie, cookie starts with C”

Then I´ll ask students “Did you like cookie´s song?” and I´ll encourage them to sing it.

Tansition: I´ll tell students “Oh oh…! I forget the cookies…” while I look into an empty bag. Suddenly I may act as if the big cookie tells me something. I´ll

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say “what?” while I come closer to the cookie´s poster. After ´listening´ I´ll say “Oh that´s a very good idea! Thanks Cookie!”, and I´ll look at my students and tell them “Cookie says, ´share me!´”

PRESENTATION: (around 5´)

- I´ll explain students that there is only one big cookie to share and so we have to divide it equally. I´ll say “There are no more cookies… so let´s share it! We should divide it…how can we do that?”. If students do not answer I will show them a picture of a scissor and I will give them time to reply.

They will probably answer using their mother tongue “cortarla” so I´ll repeat after them “Yes great! We are going to cut it out!” while I act as if I´m using the scissor to partially divide the cookie. Although, the big cookie is already divided into 10 pieces:

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So I´ll put the pieces on the floor and I´ll say “let´s share it! Repeat, Let´s share!” and I´ll encourage students to repeat “Let´s share!”. Then I´ll invite individual students to count how many pieces are there. Then I´ll take 1 and I´ll say “I take one” and I´ll encourage students to take one and repeat the chunk “I take one”. Finally I will say “Great! One each” and I´ll invite students to repeat “one each!”

The main purpose of the steps above is to further expose learners to the target language and to foster comprehension of division concepts, essential for the tasks below.

Transitions: Finally I´ll say “Great we all have a piece of cookie because we share it!” while I move a chair and discover four fake cookies. I´ll say “Oh look! Here are five cookies” and I will ask students pair up and make a group of three.


- Activity 1: (around 5´)

Work in pairs or three:

I´ll encourage students to work together. They are nine so I´ll divide them into three pairs and one group of three. Each group will have one cookie to share. I´ll explain them “I don´t have more cookies to give you one each. We have to equally divide one cookie” while I place one cookie in the middle of the

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pairs and two cookies in the middle of the group of three, and some scissors.

The group of three probably will need a little more assistance if they do not know what to do with the extra half. I´ll tell them that they can give it to me.

Once students finish I´ll ask them “how many cookies do you get now?”. Ss will probably show me the half without saying a word, so I will say “Good! A half! Let´s repeat, a half!”, and I´ll encourage students to repeat “a half!”

Transition: Now I´ll show students the “surprises bag” and after taking the play dough out, I´ll say “I think we need to cook some cookies! Do you like cooking?”, Ss will answer “yes” and I will take the play dough out of the bag. Then I´ll ask them to move to the tables.

- Activity 2 : (around 10´)

Cooking with play dough:

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I´ll query “Do you like playing with play dough?” while moving the play dough. Ss will reply “yes!”I´ll show students a poster with a very simple mathematical operation.

Then I´ll give them time to think and answer. Ss will reply “Two” and I´ll repeat “good! There are two cookies!”Then I´ll explain students that they will have to build two play dough cookies “Now you will build two play dough cookies each” while giving students the reusable dishes with their names to put the cookies there. I´ll repeat “How many cookies?” and I´ll encourage Ss to repeat “two each”.

The purpose of the activities above is to foster contextualised practice of the teaching points, as well as to develop cooperative learning, foster group interaction and also develop students´ gross motor skills.

Transition: I´ll congratulate students and I´ll say “mmm delicious! Now we are going to put these cookies into the oven…” while I put the dishes into a box seeming an oven and I ask them to sit down in a circle “Come here! Let´s sit down in a circle…!”

CLOSURE: (around 5´)

Finally I´ll invite students to sit down again in a circle, on the floor. “Okay now is time to say good bye, let´s see if your cookies are ready…” and I move again to the fake oven. This time I´ll take from the box a tray with 18 real cookies to share and eat with students.

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I´ll say “Yummy! Now each friend can take one until all the cookies are gone”. After students finish eating I will ask them “Was it good?”. Ss will answer “yes!”.If in the previous lesson I´ve taken students drawing to stick the cookies on their drawings and prepare them a surprise, I´ll give them that surprise at this stage.And finally we will sing the goodbye song: