Download - Lesson 5

  1. 1. INSTITUTO DE FORMACIN DOCENTE CONTINUA LENGUAS VIVAS BARILOCHE (A-052) Profesorado de Ingls Opcin pedaggica a distancia. TALLER DE PRCTICA DOCENTE ALUMNO RESIDENTE: SOZZE AYELEN Perodo de Prctica: Nivel Inicial Institucin Educativa: Jardn del Sol Direccin: Cnel. Diaz y Esq. Obeid San Martin de los Andes Sala: KINDER 4 Cantidad de alumnos: 9 Nivel lingstico del curso: Nivel Inicial Tipo de planificacin: clase Unidad Temtica: Familia y Amigos Clase n: 5 Fecha: 28/05/2015 Hora: 9.30 - 10.00hs Duracin de la clase: 30 Fecha de primera entrega: 22/05/2015 LESSON N1 Teaching points: Revision of vocabulary about family (mummy, sister, brother) and body parts (hand); vocabulary related to family (daddy, baby) and body (finger) Aims:
  2. 2. During this lesson, learners will be able to To recognise members of the family in a meaningful context; To develop their pronunciation by singing a song; To develop their listening skills by listening to a video song; To reflect upon sharing and cooperating. Language focus: Functions Lexis Structures Pronunciation Revision Following instructions Naming family members Family (mummy, brother, sister) Body (hand) Recognition of Lets repeat Lets sing Production of He/she is Who is it? Production of // granddad New Describing people Family members: daddy, baby Body: finger Production of Where are you? Here I am Production of // finger Teaching approach: The lesson is based on the Communicative approach but organized through the PPP method. Materials and resources: Big Hand poster Crowns with characters faces (mummy, daddy, sister, brother, baby) Finger Family song Finger family video Computer Cd player Sticky tape Souvenirs Bag Integration of skills: the different tasks involve listening comprehension as well as repetition of vocabulary and the use of the language to convey simple meaning and sing a song. Pronunciation Listening Speaking Seating arrangement: students will be sitting on the floor in a semicircle facing the board while they listen to the song and watch the video. Then theyll be standing behind the chairs while they perform the dancing task.
  3. 3. Pedagogical use of ICT in class or at home: in this lesson, the use of ICT is included at the presentation stage. Students will watch a video song. Possible problems / difficulties and their possible solutions during the class: students may not want to take only one crown, but Ill remind them that we should share the crowns as weve done with the flashcards and cookies, so each friend can take one crown. Also I must monitor and enhance students cooperation with others. Potential problems students may have with the language: students may not immediately repeat the chunk he/she is. However Ill repeat the phrase as much as I can, as well as I will ask students to repeat them. Classroommanagement strategies: a corner for the community circle and tables and chairs in the other side. I will use cushions or chairs during the community circle because these resources help students to stay in their places. Then we will stand up and move behind the chairs so students can dance. If they misbehave I will sing the we make silence song or 1, 2, 3, silence/sit down please! or stop the song so they notice that there is something wrong. Assessment: what will be assessed and how: Ill check students identify the different family members by performing diverse tasks such as manipulating characters crowns and dancing. Lesson stages: ROUTINE: (2) - Ill greet students Hello! How are you? Are you happy? while I smile making a happy face. Ss will answer Hello! Yes! Happy! or they will be silent since they are shy at the very first time. Now Ill ask students to sit down in a circle on the floor or in a chair, so that everyone can see and greet each other. Ill say Lets make a circle! Just sit down, very good! Then we will sing the welcome song, Lets sing the hello song altogether. Hello song: HELLO, HELLO, HELLO, HELLO! TO YOU AND YOU AND YOU! HELLO, HELLO, HELLO, HELLO! TO YOU AND YOU AND YOU! WHAT A LOVELY WAY TO START THE DAY! HELLO, HELLO, HELLO! (adaptedversion) The song includes body language, that is, gestures and movements.
  4. 4. The main purpose of this stage is to start the lesson and prepare students into the mood for work. Transition: Ill say Very good!! How nice! Lets see who remembers the story while catching the bag. Ill take some pieces of a train with pictures of the story The Enormous Carrot and Ill put it in the middle of the circle. WARM-UP: (around 5) Ill say Now we have to put the railcars in order! Look! Each railcar has a picture. Lets start! Betty pulls and pulls but it is impossible! So Betty asks for help, Help me please! She says, repeat, help me please and students repeat help me please, Ill continue who might be helping first? Estefy, want you?. Ill repeat the same procedure, saying who might be helping now? till all the railcars are in the train. With the penultimate railcar Ill say and suddenly, up comes the carrot. And with last one Ill say and finally, the family has carrot soup for tea. Then I ll focus students attention on last railcar by taking it and show it.
  5. 5. Ill ask students Who is it there? Bettys mummyBettys sister and invite students to go on. Then Ill say This is a family, repeat please, it is a family and students will repeat its a family. The main purpose here is to review some family members and specific vocabulary, since students need it for the following stage. Transition: Ill say would you like to meet another family?, students will answer yes! and Ill take the bag of surprises. PRESENTATION: (around 5) Ill take five crowns from the bag and put them in the middle of the circle in this order: baby - mummy - daddy - brother - sister Then Ill start pointing to each crown and asking who is this. Ill first ask Who is this? (pointing at the mummy) Students will answer mummy. Ill congratulate them Great! She is their mummy! Lets repeat, she is their mummy and students will repeat She is their mummy: Then Ill say who is this? students will answer brother!, and Ill invite them to repeat He is her brother. And finally Ill say very good! And sowho is this?. Students will reply sister!, Ill say Good! She is his sister! Lets repeat it, and Ss will repeat she is his sister. Ill say This is daddy! Repeat please, he is daddy! and students will repeat he is daddy. Ill say Great, he is daddy And look, she is the baby of the family; she is next to her mummy! Repeat please, she is a baby. Students will reply she is a baby.
  6. 6. Finally Ill focus students attention at the babys hand Look at her hands, these are fingers, one finger, another finger can you see? while pointing at babys fingers and then using my hand and fingers to clarify what Im explaining. Ss will answer Yes and then Ill say show me one hand (Students show their hands) Lets count your fingers, onetwo while moving one finger at a time. Ill invite students to make the same. The main purpose here is to introduce the topic and to further expose learners to the target language, to foster comprehension of a song. Transition: Finally Ill say Well, this family brings a surprise for us. Do you want to see it?. Ss will answer yes! So now Ill focus students attention on the computer by opening and putting it in front of them. Ill say Look! It is a video song! Lets watch it! After checking students can see the screen by asking can you see the screen?, Ill play the video. (shorversion:fromthe beginning to 00.01.04) Song: FINGER FAMILY SONG Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you? Here I am, here I am. How do you do? Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you? Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
  7. 7. Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you? Here I am, here I am. How do you do? Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you? Here I am, here I am. How do you do? Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you? Here I am, here I am. How do you do? Ill invite students to sing aloud while they watch the video again. Ill say lets watch it again and sing! Finally Ill move the computer away and Ill encourage students to sing the song without the video. Students will be asked to move their fingers as theyve previously done. Ill explain lets sing it again! You have to move your fingers like this (while showing how) Transition: When we finish singing Ill say Ok, did you like this song?, students will reply Yes! and Ill tell them Great! Sooh no! My hand is growing while I walk outside the classroom. DEVELOPMENT: - Activity 1: (around 6) Ill enter again but this time with a big hand look! An enormous hand! and Ill stick it on the board, leaving the fingers without tape since students will put the crowns there, like rings. While we sing the song again, Ill encourage students to work with the crowns. Students will have to put the crowns in the fingers taking into account what the song says. Ill explain Now you are going to put the crowns in the fingers. Like this and Ill show them with one. Ill explain but we have to sing the song and
  8. 8. carefully listen what crown we should choose. If it says Daddyare we going to take the brother?, Ss will reply No. Note: Since fingers are only 5 we will repeat the activity so each student can take a crown. Transition: Ill congratulate students Excellent!! You sing lovely! Lets see what happened if we dancedo you like dancing?, students will reply yes! and so Ill invite them to stand up. - Activity 2 : (around 9) Dancing: Now Ill explain students that we are going to dance but first we are going to put the crowns in our head. Ill say So now we are going to use these crowns but look, there are only five, one two. Once students finish counting the crowns Ill say and you are one, two (Touching their heads) and Ill let students go on. Then Ill take the flashcard below and Ill say whos missing here? Lets see and Ill act as if Im thinking. Ill show students the family and Ill let them time to think and reply. Ss will answer granddad and granny, and Ill say Oh! You are right! Lets see and Ill take two crowns more from the bag. So now we can sing granny finger, granny finger, or granddad finger granddad finger
  9. 9. Then Ill take two crowns again and say look here is Betty too! Betty finger Betty finger And some carrotscarrots finger carrots finger while singing. Note: the number of flashcards depend on the number of students present. Finally Ill put the crowns on students head: Ill invite students to move behind the chairs and bend over. Ill say lets move behind a chair (moving behind my chair) and bend over (bending over). And Ill say Ok, now, where is the daddy?, one student will say here. Ill encourage students to say here I am. Ill explain Okay Emi, you are daddy, so when we sing daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you? you have to stand up, is it okay? Lets do it, daddy finger daddy finger where are you? Now stand up (Emi stands up) great! Now you say here I am, here I am repeat Emi, and Emi repeats Here I am, Here I am.
  10. 10. Ill repeat the same procedure with each student. Once students are ready we will dance and sing the whole song, adding those new family members and the carrots. The purpose of the activities above is to foster contextualised practice of the teaching points. Also students further practice pronunciation skills. Transition: Ill congratulate students for their fantastic job. Ill say Excellent children! Youve worked lovely! Did you like the new song?, Ss will reply Yes CLOSURE: (around 3) Finally Ill invite students to sit down again in their chairs All right! Lets sit down again Ill tell them that I have a gift for them, Ill say and finally, before saying good byethis is for you: Note: There will be one souvenir for each kid, and bags will have some more cookies inside, but I will cook them the day before the lesson. Finally Ill play and sing the C is for cookie song while I give students their gift. Ill invite students to sing along too. And then, we will sing the Goodbye song. Ill say Okay now is time to say good bye: GOOD BYE, GOOD BYE SEE YOU AGAIN! GOOD BYE GOOD BYE SEE YOU MY FRIENDS! GOOD BYE GOOD BYE I HAVE FUN TODAY, I HAVE FUN TODAY! (shorter version)