Download - “M IAS MITIGA IÓN IMPATOS N AV S SILV STRS Y · PDF fileN AV S SILV STRS Y MURIÉLAGOS” ... Información sistematizada nacional e internacional ... Directrices para la evaluación


    Informacin sistematizada nacional e internacional

    Gonzalo Gonzlez Rivera

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    Resumen Ejecutivo...........................................................................................................7

    Informacin Sistematizada...9

    Documentos Internacionales .................................................................................................... 13

    A large-scale mitigation experiment to reduce bat fatalities at wind energy facilities ............... 13

    A preliminary evaluation on the use of dogs to recover bat fatalities at wind energy facilities .. 15

    Anlisis de impactos sobre la avifauna de espacios naturales protegidos ................................. 16

    An ill wind ................................................................................................................................ 20

    Assessing impacts of wind-energy development on nocturnally active birds and bats: A guidance

    document ................................................................................................................................ 21

    Avian mortality from power lines: a morphologic approach of a species-specific mortality ...... 25

    Bats and wind farms in Europe Continental scale effects? ..................................................... 27

    Bats killed in large numbers at United States wind energy facilities .......................................... 27

    Behavioral responses of bats to operating wing turbines .......................................................... 29

    Best practice guidelines for avian monitoring and impact mitigation at proposed wind energy

    development sites in southern Africa ....................................................................................... 30

    Biological and conservation aspects of bird mortality caused by electricity power lines. A review

    ................................................................................................................................................ 34

    Bird and windfarms: What are the real issues? ......................................................................... 38

    Bird migration and wind turbines: Migration timing, flight behavior, and collision risk ............. 39

    Causes of Bats Fatalities at Wind Turbines: Hypotheses and Predictions................................... 41

    Collision mortality of local and migrant birds at a large-scale wind-power development on

    Buffalo Ridge, Minnesota ......................................................................................................... 43

    Directrices para la evaluacin del impacto de los parques elicos en aves y murcilagos .......... 46

    Ecological guidelines for electricity transmission projects: A standard approach to ecological

    impact assessment of high voltage transmission projects ......................................................... 60

    Ecological impacts of wind energy development on bats: Questions, Research Needs, and

    Hypothesis ............................................................................................................................... 62

    Effectiveness of Changing Wind Turbine Cut-in Speed to Reduce Bat Fatalities at Wind Facilities

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    ................................................................................................................................................ 65

    Electrocucin de aves en lneas de energa elctrica en Mxico ................................................ 68

    Estimating bat and bird mortality occurring at wind energy turbines from covariates and carcass

    searches using mixture models ................................................................................................ 70

    Geographic variation in activity and fatality of migratory bats at wind energy facilities ............ 72

    Guidelines for consideration of bats in wind farm projects ....................................................... 73

    Guidelines on how to avoid or mitigate impact of electricity power grids on migratory birds in

    the African-Eurasian region. ..................................................................................................... 77

    Impacts of wind energy development on birds and bats: looking into the problem .................. 83

    Impact of wind turbines on birds in Zeebrugge (Belgium). Significant effect on breeding tern

    colony due to collisions ............................................................................................................ 96

    Impacts on biodiversity of exploitation of renewable energy sources: the example of birds and

    bats. Facts, gaps in knowledge, demands for further research, and ornithological guidelines for

    the development of renewable energy exploitation. ................................................................ 97

    Influence of behavior on bird mortality in wind energy developments ................................... 102

    Meta-Analysis of the Effectiveness of Marked Wire in Reducing Avian Collisions with Power

    Lines ...................................................................................................................................... 103

    Mitigacin de colisin de aves contra lneas de transmisin elctrica con marcaje del cable de

    guarda ................................................................................................................................... 105

    Modelling the risk of collision with power lines in Bonellis Eagle Hieraaetus fasciatus and its

    conservation implications ...................................................................................................... 107

    Patterns of Bat Fatalities at Wind Energy Facilities in North America ...................................... 108

    Protecting Birds from Power lines: a practical guide on the risks to birds from electricity

    transmission facilities and how to minimize any such adverse effects .................................... 112

    Protocolo de muestreo para estudiar la influencia de los parques elicos sobre las aves y otros

    animales. ............................................................................................................................... 116

    Suggested practices for avian protection on power lines. The state of the art in 2006 ............ 126

    Synthesis and Comparison of Baseline Avian and Bat Use, Raptor Nesting and Mortality

    Information from Proposed and Existing Wind Developments ................................................ 133

    Testing the effectiveness of an avian flight diverter Sacramento, California............................ 135

    The catchment area of wind farms for European bats: A plea for international regulations .... 138

    The impact of power line-related mortality on the Cape Vulture Gyps coprotheres in a part of its

    range, with an emphasis on electrocution .............................................................................. 139

    U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Land-Based Wind Energy Guidelines ......................................... 140

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    Using echolocation monitoring to model bat occupancy and inform mitigations at wind energy

    facilities ................................................................................................................................. 146

    Wind energy development and wildlife conservation: Challenges and opportunities .............. 147

    Wind turbine interactions with birds, bats, and their habitat: A summary of research results and

    priority questions. .................................................................................................................. 149

    Wind farms and birds: An analysis of the effects of wind farms on birds, and guidance on

    environmental assessment criteria and site selection issues ................................................... 151

    Documentos Nacionales ......................................................................................................... 153

    Analysis of the echolocation calls and morphometry of a population of Myotis chiloensis from

    the southern Chilean temperate forest .................................................................................. 153

    Aprovechamiento de la energa del viento en la regin de Magallanes y potencialidades para su

    uso en Chile ........................................................................................................................... 153

    Colisin y electrocucin de aves en el tendido elctrico ......................................................... 154

    Conociendo a los Murcilagos a travs de sus Ultrasonidos .................................................... 156

    Electrocucin de guilas Mora Geranoaetus melanoleucus por electrocucin con tendido

    elctrico en Calera de Tango, Chile. ........................................................................................ 156

    Gua para la evaluacin ambiental de Proyectos Elicos - CNE, 2006 ...................................... 157

    Los Murcilagos de Chile: Gua para su identificacin ............................................................ 159

    Los pequeos mamferos de Chile .......................................................................................... 161

    Mamferos de Chile ................................................................................................................ 162

    Mamferos de Chile ...................