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Usando el paquete de jaleo para traducir los títulos de la división automáticos los estilos del Editor de moda Version: 4.1 & 5.x - Scientific WorkPlace & Scientific Word

El Editor de moda llama, como en más especificaciones de typesetting de Látex, se crean los títulos de la división automáticos con los cordones del Inglés-idioma incluido, como Capítulo o Bibliografía. Cuando los documentos son escrito en un idioma diferente, las cuerdases automáticamente generadas no son afectado y permanecen en inglés.

Las direcciones de paquete de jaleo este problema sustituyendo los cordones idioma-apropiados para los cordones ingleses incluido para que los títulos de la división automáticos sean los typeset en el idioma seleccionado. El paquete de jaleo no es compatible con el sistema de Lambda.

En Versión 4.1 de Lugar de trabajo Científico y la Palabra Científica, apoye para el paquete de jaleo se agregó a la clase del documento (sebase.cls) para los estilos de Editor de Estilo. En Versión 4.1 y después, usted puede modificar Editor de Estilo llama para usar el jaleo para sustituir para los cordones ingleses en los títulos de la división automáticos.

1. Start the Style Editor and open the style you want to modify. 2. Choose Parts and then choose Division. 3. Select a division from the division item list to display information about the division. 4. Note the information in the Head components box. As an example, if you select chapter from the division list, the Head components box might contain this information: "Chapter "chapterCount break CurrentHeading 5. In the Head components box, replace the information in quotes, including the quotation marks, with the appropriate name from the table below:

Division Babel name


References refnameSE







List of Figures


List of Tables


Index indexnameSE

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Division Babel nameFigure figurenameSETable tablenameSEPart partnameSEencl. enclnameSEcc ccnameSE


Page pagenameSEsee seenameSEsee also alsonameSEProof proofnameSE


6. In the example above, replace "Chapter " by chapternameSE so that the information in the Head components box is as follows: 7. chapternameSE space chapterCount break CurrentHeading 8. Save the style. 9. Create a new document with the style or open a document created with the style. 10.Add the babel package to the document and modify the package options to select the language you want. 11.Choose OK to close the dialogs and return to your document. 12.Typeset the document to check that the modified string appears correctly.

Last revised 06/12/08

This document was created with Scientific WorkPlace.

Cómo agregar y quitar los paquetes de Látex Version: 3.x, 4.x, 5.x - Scientific WorkPlace & Scientific Word

Los paquetes usados por SWP y SW documentan se han escogido las cáscaras cuidadosamente lograr ciertos resultados del typesetting. Sin embargo, usted puede decidir agregar un paquete a su documento o quitar un paquete que usted no necesita.

Si usted agrega los paquetes, usted también puede poder agregar opciones del paquete y argumentos para los paquetes que usted especifica. En ocasiones, usted puede querer usar un paquete que no es parte de su instalación del programa. En ese caso, usted debe agregarlo a la instalación antes de que usted pueda agregarlo a su documento.

La nota A menos que usted está muy familiarizado con Látex y Látex empaqueta, nosotros le instamos que no quite paquetes especificados por la cáscara del documento.

De la etiqueta de Opciones de Paquete, usted puede ver la lista de paquetes en el efecto y aquéllos que están disponible ser agregado a su documento. Nota que la lista de paquetes disponibles difiere para las versiones diferentes del

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programa. Recuerde que el orden en que usted especifica los paquetes puede afectar la conducta de Látex.

Por defecto, el programa maneja automáticamente que Látex empaqueta, mientras agregando ciertos paquetes como el amsmath a la mayoría de los SWP y documentos de SW. Si usted tiene Versión 5, usted puede manejar los paquetes usted y puede impedir al programa agregar los paquetes automáticamente.

Agregando un paquete a su documento

1. On the Typeset toolbar, click the Options and Packages button or, from the Typeset menu, choose Options and Packages. 2. Choose the Package Options tab. 3. If the package you want to add isn't listed in the Packages in Use box, choose Add. 4. In the Add Packages box, scroll the Packages list to select the package you want and then choose OK.

5. If you need to reorder the packages in the Packages in Use list, select a package and use the Move Up or Move Down controls to place the package in the correct position. 6. Choose OK again to return to your document.

Yendo nativo Si el paquete usted la necesidad no se lista como disponible en su versión de SWP o SW, usted puede ir nativo para agregar los órdenes de Látex que obligan al programa usar el paquete. Cuando usted el typeset su documento, el programa pasa la información del typesetting directamente a Látex por procesar. Si los órdenes están en el error, Látex no será capaz al typeset su documento o para crear un archivo de DVI. La sintaxis extensa, incorrecta puede dañar su documento más allá de la reparación.

La nota Tiene el cuidado para entrar en los órdenes correctamente. La

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sintaxis incorrecta puede causar Látex para fallar y puede dañar su documento permanentemente.

1. On the Typeset toolbar, click the Options and Packages button or, from the Typeset menu, choose Options and Packages. 2. Choose the Package Options tab and choose Go Native. 3. In the Native LaTeX Packages dialog, enter the name of the package you want, enclosed in curly braces.

Remember The program passes your entries directly to LaTeX or pdfLaTeX. Incorrect syntax will cause typesetting to fail.

4. Choose OK twice to return to your document. You can add package options and arguments for the packages you specify.

Quitando un paquete de su documento

1. On the Typeset toolbar, click the Options and Packages button or, from the Typeset menu, choose Options and Packages. 2. Choose the Package Options tab. 3. From the list of packages in the Packages in Use box, select the package you want to remove. 4. Choose Remove. 5. Choose OK.

La dirección del programa suprimiendo de paquetes de Látex

1. On the Typeset toolbar, click the Options and Packages button or, from the Typeset menu, choose Options and Packages. 2. Choose the Package Options tab. 3. Choose Go Native. 4. Check Suppress Package Management. 5. Choose OK to close the dialog boxes and return to your document.

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Las opciones de paquete de Látex modificando Version: 3.x, 4.x, 5.x - Scientific WorkPlace & Scientific Word

Many packages have a series of options for which you can specify settings, much as you specify document class option settings.

If a package has options available, the program generally lists them on the Package Options tab. If an option is marked as (default), it is in effect. Defaults usually don't appear in the Currently Selected Options box. Selecting a default option has no effect other than to display it in the box.

When you select a listed option setting, the program creates the correct LaTeX syntax for your selection. You can also go native to specify package option settings. However, if you go native, the program passes your commands directly to LaTeX without checking for correct syntax. Be careful to enter the commands correctly.

Cómo modificar las opciones del paquete

1. On the Typeset toolbar, click the Options and Packages button or, from the Typeset menu, choose Options and Packages and then choose the Package Options tab. 2. Select the package you want to modify and choose Modify. 3. If the Options dialog lists options for the package,

a. In the Category box, select the option you want. b. In the Options box, select the setting you want. The program displays the options you select in the Currently Selected Options area.

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c. Repeat steps a and b for each option you want to modify. d. Choose OK twice to return to the Package Options tab. Note that the selected options are also listed on the Package Options tab sheet.


If the Options dialog lists no options for the package,

e. Choose Go Native.

f. In the Native LaTeX Options dialog, enter the commands for any package options you want to apply. The documentation for each package outlines the syntax and arguments of the commands for the available options. Incorrect syntax

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can prevent typesetting and can damage your document.

g. Choose OK twice to return to the Package Options tab. The dialog reflects the options you have selected.

4. Choose OK to return to your document. Last revised 02/16/06

This document was created with Scientific WorkPlace.

Using shells and typesetting specifications from outside sourcesLa versión: 3.x, 4.x, 5.x - el Lugar de trabajo Científico & la Palabra Científica

Aunque nosotros proporcionamos SWP y SW a muchas cáscaras y a especificaciones del typesetting, usted puede necesitar agregar especificaciones que usted obtiene de un publicador o de alguna otra fuente para TeX y Látex archiva, como la TeX Archivo Red Comprensiva (CTAN). El directorio de CTAN en su CD del programa contiene las especificaciones del typesetting y archivos como distribuído en CTAN, pero sólo esos archivos necesitaron para el typesetting se instala con el programa.

NoteWe have tested the shells and specifications provided with our products, but we can't guarantee that other specifications will work with our products, nor can we guarantee that the documents you create with those specifications will behave as the specifications advertise. Further, we don't support documents created with specifications not provided with our products.

Nonetheless, if you do add typesetting specifications, it's important to install them correctly. Please don't attempt to add specifications if you aren't familiar with TeX and LaTeX.

NoteWe do not provide Technical Support services for shells and documents created with typesetting specifications obtained from other sources.

Adding LaTeX typesetting specifications to your installation involves these steps:

1. Place the specification files in an appropriate directory. 2. Complete any required installation steps. 3. Test the specifications. 4. Open the sample documents, if any. 5. Create or modifying a style (.cst) file, if necessary. 6. Create a shell for the typesetting specifications. 7. Modify the program interface (optional) 8. Create a new document with the shell.

We illustrate these instructions by showing how to install the specifications contained in \CTAN\macros\latex\contrib\supported\uaclasses on your program CD. These files adhere to the typesetting requirements for theses and dissertations at the University of Arizona. These instructions assume you have installed SWP in the directory c:\swp55. If you're using SW, a different directory, or a different version, substitute the correct directory path in the instructions.

Step One: Place the typesetting specification files in an

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appropriate directoryA set of LaTeX specifications can involve several files: cls, .clo, and .sty files as well as installation files (.ins), sample documents, and readme files, which often contain installation instructions.

To ensure the new specifications are available to TrueTeX, place the files anywhere in the TCITeX\TeX directory of your SWP or SW program directory. We suggest that for each set of specifications you create a new subdirectory within TCITeX\TeX. If you obtained the files from CTAN, follow the directory structure used there.

1. Search your installation to make certain an older version of the specifications is not installed. If you find an older version, rename it. 2. Create a new subdirectory for the specifications within TCITeX\TeX. For this example, create a new subdirectory called uaclasses in the existing directory c:\swp50\TCITeX\tex\latex\contrib\supported.

3. Move all the typesetting specification files to the new directory.

Step Two: Complete any required installation steps1. Follow the instructions in the accompanying readme file, if any. 2. If you must process any files through LaTeX, use the TrueTeX Formatter outside SWP or SW:

a. From the Windows Start menu, select the SWP or SW program submenu and then select TrueTeX Formatter. b. In the Open TeX File dialog box, specify the directory containing the specification files. c. In the File name box, type *.* to display all files in the directory. d. Select the file you want to process and choose OK.

Processing the files often creates additional files required by the specifications. In the example, the readme file says to run LaTeX on two files: ua-classes.dtx and ua-classes.ins.

Step Three: Test the specificationsSpecifications can have associated sample documents. Test the sample documents by running them through LaTeX before you try to open them in SWP or SW.

1. If a sample document is provided as a .tex file, process it through the TrueTeX Formatter outside SWP or SW to create a DVI file. In the example, both ua-example.tex and ua-example.dvi are available. To make sure the installation is working, copy and rename ua-example.tex as newua-example.tex, and then process the renamed file through the TrueTeX Formatter to create a new DVI file.

2. Preview the DVI file with the TrueTeX previewer: a. From the Windows Start menu, select the SWP or SW program submenu and then select TrueTeX Previewer. b. From the File menu, choose Open. c. In the Open DVI File dialog box, specify the directory containing

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the specification files. d. Select the file you want to process and choose OK.

Step Four: Open the sample documents in SWP or SWOpening sample documents created with native LaTeX can have unpredictable results in SWP and SW. The program may not handle the documents correctly and might even crash while it tries to load the file. Make a copy of the .tex files for the sample documents before you attempt to open them.

1. Make a copy of the .tex file.

2. Choose or, from the File menu, choose Open. 3. Select the subdirectory created in Step One. 4. Select the copy of the sample document and choose OK. 5. If the program displays a message indicating that an appropriate .cst file was not found, choose Yes to load the document using a default .cst file. The program chooses a default style from the appropriate Styles directory.

6. Typeset preview the document and compare the results to those obtained when you previewed the DVI file in Step Three. Similar results indicate a successful installation. If the document fails to compile, isolate and resolve the LaTeX errors.

Step Five: Create and modify a new .cst fileWhen you open a document, the program uses the associated .cst file to display the document on the screen and to reflect the available environments, objects, and tags. (The .cst file has no effect on the document's typeset appearance.)

Create a .cst file for the new specifications. You can probably copy and modify an appropriate existing file successfully. If the new specifications are similar to an existing document class and include no new objects, you can probably use any .cst file for a similar document class. The .cst files are installed in the Styles directory of your program installation or in one of its subdirectories. However, if the new specifications implement a new base document class, you need a new .cst file so that the program can display documents created with the new specifications. The process of creating and modifying the .cst file differs for earlier versions of the program

In the example, the uaclasses specifications represent a new base document class called ua-thesis, so a new .cst file is required. Save it in a new subdirectory in the Styles directory and then modify it so that the screen display reflects the new document elements, objects, and environments implemented by the typesetting specifications. Finally, modify the sample document to reflect the new .cst file so that it can be opened successfully in SWP.

Creating and modifying the .cst file in Version 4 and later1. Use an ASCII editor to open the .cls file associated with the new typesetting specification. 2. Search for a statement that indicates the base document class for the new specifications. 3. In the Styles directory of your program installation, find a .cst file that

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corresponds to the document class basis. 4. Rename the file using the same name as the document class name and save it in the Styles directory, either in a new subdirectory or in the [Special] subdirectory. 5. If the new specifications have an environment that isn't contained in the .cst file, search for another .cst file that contains a similar object and copy the object to the new .cst file. 6. When you have added all necessary environments, save the new .cst file. NoteIf the new subdirectory contains only one .cst file, you don't have to change the name of the .cst file in the sample document.

Creating and modifying the .cst file in Version 3.5 and earlierLook in the .cls file for new environments, theorem objects, and front matter elements. These objects are often signalled with \def or \newcommand statements. If you can find another .cst file that reflects the object, you can copy the object to the new .cst file.

In the example, the ua-thesis specifications add an abstract to the standard LaTeX report class, so the .cst file must reflect the new object. We searched other .cst files were searched to find an abstract object, copy it, and add it to ua-thesis.cst. The resulting .cst file is Styles\ua-thesis\ua-thesis.cst, on the program CD.

1. Use an ASCII editor to open the .cls file associated with the new typesetting specification. 2. Search for a statement that indicates the base document class for the new specifications. In the example, the .cls file indicates that the ua-thesis document class derives from the standard LaTeX report document class.

3. In the Styles directory of your program installation, find a .cst file that corresponds to the document class basis. In the example, use report.cst in the Styles\report directory.

4. Rename the file appropriately and save it in a new directory. In the example, rename the copy as Styles\ua-thesis\ua-thesis.cst.

Changing the sample document so that it will use the new .cst file1. Change the name of the .cst file:

a. Open the file in SWP or SW. b. From the File menu, choose Style. c. Choose Advanced. d. In the Style File box, browse to the directory containing the new .cst file. e. Select the file and choose OK.

2. Change the appearance of the tag environments in the document window, if necessary:

In Version 4 or later, use the Appearance command on the Tag menu to change the tag attributes. or

In earlier versions, use an ASCII editor to modify the tag attributes.

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RememberModifications to the .cst file have no effect on the typeset appearance of your document.

Step Six: Create a new shell document for the typesetting specifications Use the sample document as the shell document, modifying it as you wish.

1. Open the .tex file for the sample document. 2. Make any changes you want to the file. 3. Save the file as a shell:

a. If you're using Version 4 or later, from the File menu, choose Export Document. or

If you're using Version 3.5 or earlier, from the File menu, choose Save As.

b. In the Save in box, specify the directory for the shell. Choose an appropriate subdirectory within the Shells directory of your program installation. In the example, the shell was saved as Thesis - University of Arizona Thesis.shl in the Shells\Other Documents directory.

c. In the File name box, type the name of the shell. d. In the Save as type box, select Shell (*.shl). e. Choose Save.

Step Seven: Modify the program interface (optional)So you can work with the new specifications from the Options and Packages dialog box, you can modify the interface in two steps:

Modify Typeset/classes.pkg so you can select new packages. Modify Typeset/classes.opt so you can select document class options.

Step Eight: Create a new document1. Create a new document with the shell:

a. From the File menu, choose New. b. Choose the new shell file and choose OK. The program creates a new file based on the new shell document and its style and typesetting specifications. It gives the file the temporary name of Untitled. I

See also

How to add LaTeX typesetting specifications to SWP/SW: a closer look at some details. This article fills in the details for adding the typesetting specifications for a University of Georgia thesis. How to add LaTeX typesetting specifications to SWP/SW: another closer look at some details. This article provides step-by-step instructions for adding the extsizes package.

Last revised 08/18/05

This document was created with Scientific WorkPlace.

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Cómo cambiar la enumeración para las ecuaciones, figuras, y mesas en un documento creó con un estilo de Editor de Estilo Version: 2.5, 3.x, 4.x, 5.x - Scientific WorkPlace & Scientific Word

In Style Editor styles, the numbers of equations, floating figures and floating tables are determined by the settings in the division in which the equation, figure or table appears. To change the way the numbers appear in your document, you must change the specifications from the Division Counter tab sheet in the Style Editor. Follow the instructions below to change the specifications.

1. Open the style you're using in the Style Editor. 2. From the Style Editor Parts menu, choose Division and then choose the division level for which you want to override the numbering of equation labels, figure labels, or table labels (probably chapter for book and report styles or section for article styles). 3. Choose the Counters tab. 4. To change equation numbering:

a. Check Override Equation Label. b. Click the Equation Label Override button to open the Override Equation Label and Counter dialog box. c. If you want the counter to be reset to 1 at the start of this division type, check the Reset the Counter box. Otherwise, the equation numbers will continue in sequence from the previous equation in the document. d. In the Label Components area, enter the typeset material you want to appear for the equation label for this division. You can use the built-in counter equationCount in this component list. e. In the Cross Reference Components area, enter the typeset material you want to appear for the label of any cross-reference to a math equation in this division. f. Choose OK.

5. To change floating figure numbering: a. Check Override Floating Figure Label. b. Click the Floating Figure Label Override button to open the Override Figure Label and Counter dialog box. c. If you want the floating figure counter to be reset to 1 at the start of this division type, check the Reset the Counter box. Otherwise, the floating figure numbers will continue in sequence from the previous floating figure in the document. d. In the Label Components area, enter the typeset material you want to appear for the floating figure label for this division. You can use the built-in counter figureCount in this component list.

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e. In the Cross Reference Components area, enter the typeset material you want to appear for the label of any cross-reference to a floating figure in this division. f. Choose OK.

6. To change floating table numbering: a. Check Override Floating Table Label. b. Click the Floating Table Label Override button to open the Override Table Label and Counter dialog box. c. If you want the counter to be reset to 1 at the start of this division type, check the Reset the Counter box. Otherwise, the floating table numbers will continue in sequence from the previous table number in the document. d. In the Label Components area, enter the typeset material you want to appear for the floating table labels for this division. You can use the built-in counter tableCount in this component list. e. In the Cross Reference Components area, enter the typeset material you want to appear for the label of any cross-reference to a floating table in this division. f. Choose OK.

7. Save the style.

Cómo cambiar el título de la bibliografía en un documento creó con un estilo de Editor de Estilo Version: 2.5, 3.x, 4.x, 5.x - Scientific WorkPlace & Scientific Word

In documents created with a Style Editor style, reference sections are usually entitled Bibliography. You can change the title of the section by modifying the style with the Style Editor. Here's how:

1. Modify the style: a. Open the style you're using in the Style Editor. b. From the Style Editor Parts menu, choose Division and then choose bibsection. c. Choose the General tab. d. Position the insertion point in the Head Components box. e. Enter the title you want in quotation marks. f. Save the style.

2. Insert the bibliography: a. Open your document. b. Position the insertion point where you want the bibliography to begin. c. Press Return to begin a new line. d. From the Section/Body Tag list, choose bibsection. e. Type a title. Note that the title you entered in the Style Editor will overwrite whatever you enter here. f. Create the bibliography.

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Cómo cambiar el previewer y copiadora para un tamaño del papel diferente Version: 3.x, 4.x, 5.x - Scientific WorkPlace & Scientific Word

Si usted cambia las especificaciones del typesetting para acomodar un tamaño del papel diferente, recuerda cambiar las escenas para el TrueTeX Previewer y para su copiadora. También, recuerde usar el papel correcto en la copiadora.

Cambiando el TrueTeX las escenas de Previewer para el papel de un tamaño diferente 1. Typeset preview the document. 2. From the Options menu in the TrueTeX DVI Previewer window, choose

Preferences and then choose Page Size. 3. Select the paper size you want and choose OK.

The Previewer remembers and uses the page size selected most recently.

Cambiando las escenas de la copiadora para un tamaño del papel diferente 1. From the Typeset menu, choose Print or Print PDF. 2. In the Page Setup tab, scroll the list of sizes in the Paper Size box to select the

size you want. 3. Choose OK three times to close the succession of dialogs and begin printing. Last revised 01/19/06

Cómo cambiar las especificaciones del typesetting para un tamaño del papel diferente Version: 3.x, 4.x, 5.x - Scientific WorkPlace & Scientific Word

The program can typeset most documents for a variety of paper sizes. You can specify the paper size in two ways:

Changing the class options. or

Adding the geometry package, which works with most but not all shells. Because the document class and package options can conflict, be careful not to use contradictory paper size settings. Previewing and printing the document successfully involves changing the previewer and printer settings and, of course, using the correct paper in the printer.

Modificando las opciones de la clase

1. On the Typeset toolbar, click the Options and Packages button or, from the Typeset menu, choose Options and Packages. 2. Choose the Class Options tab and choose Modify. 3. In the Category box, select Paper size. 4. In the Options box, select the paper size you want, and then choose OK. 5. Choose OK to return to your document.

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Usando el paquete de la geometría

1. On the Typeset toolbar, click the Options and Packages button or, from the Typeset menu, choose Options and Packages. 2. Choose the Package Options tab. 3. Add the geometry package to your document. 4. From the Packages in Use box, select geometry and choose Modify. 5. In the Category box, select Paper Size. 6. In the Options box, select the paper size you want. 7. Choose OK twice to return to your document.

Last revised 02/08/06

This document was created with Scientific WorkPlace.

The LaTeX geometry packageVersion: 3.x, 4.x, 5.x - Scientific WorkPlace & Scientific Word

The geometry package provides a simple way to customize the page layout of your document. If the shell you're using provides a largely adequate layout, you may be able to use the geometry package to customize the shell so that it meets all your typesetting requirements. In particular, the easiest way to change the typeset margins for a document is to add the geometry package and then include in the document preamble a command to change the margins.

With the Options and Packages command on the Typeset menu, you can set options for the geometry package. The options affect page orientation, elimination of the space for headers and/or footers, paper size, print side, margins, margin notes, headers and footers, and magnification. You can make additional specifications with TeX commands in the preamble of your document.

The package uses automatic completion of layout dimensions; if you don't specify all dimensions, the package supplies the remainder automatically. The geometry package also uses auto-centering and auto-balancing mechanisms so that you can use simple, minimal descriptions to define the page layout you want. For example, you can set the all margins to 3 centimeters without any space for headers or footers using this command in the preamble of your document:


The package uses the "key val" (key = value) interface. As seen in the above example, command arguments consist of key val options, separated by commas. Options are usually order-dependent. You can specify commands in multiple lines.

The package documentation contains additional instructions and a good illustration of LaTeX page layout concepts. The package is installed in the TCITeX/TeX/LaTeX/contrib/geometry directory.

See also

Fitting more text on a typeset page.