Download - St. Stephen Protomartyr Catholic · lectura del profeta Isaías en la cual el Señor le dice al maestro del palacio que él va a ser

Page 1: St. Stephen Protomartyr Catholic · lectura del profeta Isaías en la cual el Señor le dice al maestro del palacio que él va a ser

Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time ~ August 27, 2017

St. Stephen Protomartyr Catholic Church

1280 Prospect Ave, Des Plaines, IL 60018 847-824-2026

Page 2: St. Stephen Protomartyr Catholic · lectura del profeta Isaías en la cual el Señor le dice al maestro del palacio que él va a ser

Dear Parishioners, I imagine that you don’t give out your house keys to somebody you don’t trust. Handing the keys out to someone represents a great deal of responsibility. They are the access not only to the property and the values, but also they keep things safe and protected. If someone is in charge of the keys of any building, he or she has certain power and control of who can get in or out. Keys can mean so much. In biblical times they symbolized power and authority. We see that in our first reading from the prophet Isaiah in which the Lord tells the master of the palace that he is going to dethrone him, by placing the “the key of the house of David on Eliakim’s shoulder.” By doing so, The Lord God entrusted Eliakim to take control of the house of Israel. That will be not only an honor for his family but also he will be the governor of the king’s palace. So he is the only one who can allow the people to have access to the royal house: “when he opens, no one shall shut; when he shuts, no one shall open.” What a thoughtful image. The keys not only signify authority, but they also signify a perfect fit, someone exactly suited for the position, for the task at hand. And that brings us to today’s Gospel in which Jesus tells Peter: “I will give you the keys to the kingdom of Heaven.” It seems pretty clear that Jesus was entrusting Peter with certain powers and responsibilities – ones that have been handed down through the centuries to the present day. I wonder what Peter thought? Did he understand? Did he think he was capable of what he was asked to do? Was he happy that he was the “chosen guy”? or was he a little bit scared, a little bit apprehensive, a little bit confused? I guess we’ll never know. But one thing also seems clear, especially in light of our first reading. The keys given to Peter not only signified the uniqueness of the responsibilities entrusted to him. They also signified that Peter was a perfect fit, the right person, at the right time in history, for the right mission. This passage of the Gospel invites me to recall two ceremonies: The solemn Vespers of my first day at St. Stephen when I received the keys of the tabernacle and installation ceremony from the previous weekend. The responsibilities entrusted to me in assuming the office of pastor implies a committed dedication to continue building up this community with the assistance of the Holy Spirit. I am very grateful to all to all who helped in many ways to organize both the liturgy and the reception. I felt a warm welcoming at the parish and I humbly ask you to keep me in your prayers daily. In Jesus and Mary,

Queridos Feligreses, Me imagino que usted no da la las llaves de su casa a alguien

que usted no confía. Dar las llaves a alguien representa un gran responsabilidad. Quien tiene las llaves tiene no

solamente acceso a los bienes de una propiedad sino que además está llamado a que estén protegidas. Si alguien está a

cargo de un edificio, las llaves le dan poder para controlar quién entra y sale de ese lugar.

Las llaves significan mucho. En el tiempo bíblico simbolizaban poder y autoridad. Vemos esto en la primera

lectura del profeta Isaías en la cual el Señor le dice al maestro del palacio que él va a ser destronado y en su lugar

la llave de la casa de David se le dará a Eliakim. De esta manera Dios le está dando a este nuevo gobernante el control de la casa de Israel. No solo es esto un honor para su familia

sino que lo hace gobernador del palacio. El es el único que puede permitir el acceso a la casa real, lo que él abra, nadie

lo cerrará y lo que él cierre nadie lo abrirá. Esta es un profunda imagen, pues las llaves no solamente significan

autoridad sino que significan un perfecto nombramiento para la persona indicada, alguien que es la persona correcta para

un puesto y esto nos lanza a mirar la lectura del evangelio en la cual Jesús le dice a Pedro que le dará las llaves del reino

de los cielos, lo que ate en la tierra quedará atado en el cielo y lo que desate en la tierra

quedará desatado en el cielo. Esto se ve muy claro en cómo Jesús le está

confiando a Pedro unos poderes y responsabilidades, las cuales serán

transmitidas a través de los siglos hasta el momento presente. Me pregunto qué estaría

pensando Pedro, habrá entendido lo que implicaba toda esta tarea, estaría un poco nervioso, o se

sentiría contento de ser el elegido, o confundido. Creo que nunca lo sabremos, pero una cosa es clara, especialmente a

la luz de la primera lectura, las llaves dadas a Pedro no solamente significaron una responsabilidad para él, sino que fue la elección exacta que Jesús quería para su Iglesia, para

su misión en ese momento de la historia. Este pasaje del evangelio me invita a pensar en dos

ceremonias: Las vísperas solemnes en mi primer día en St. Stephen cuando recibí las llaves del tabernáculo y la

ceremonia de instalación del fin de semana pasado. Las responsabilidades encomendadas para mi al asumir el oficio

de pastor implica un dedicado esfuerzo por continuar construyendo esta comunidad con la asistencia del Espíritu

Santo. Estoy muy agradecido a todos por la ayuda que prestaron de muchas maneras tanto en la liturgia como en la

recepción. Me he sentido calurosamente bienvenido y humildemente les pido que me tengan en sus oraciones de

cada día. En Jesús y María

From the Pastor

Page 3: St. Stephen Protomartyr Catholic · lectura del profeta Isaías en la cual el Señor le dice al maestro del palacio que él va a ser

STEWARDSHIP for Fiscal Year July 2017 - June 2018 8/20/17 Budgeted Actual Last Year Sunday Collection $7,000 $5,227 $5,572 Electronic Giving $715 $320 Other Income $3,300 $4,401 $6,805 For Week $10,300 $10,343 $11,977 Surplus (Deficit) for Week $43 Surplus (Deficit) for Year ($14,912) Extraordinary Expense $2,755 $2,113

MONDAY, AUGUST 28~ St. Augustine, Bishop & Doctor of the Church 8:00am For the Victims of Social Injustice

TUESDAY, AUGUST 29~ The Passion of St. John the Baptist 8:00am Thomas Family, special intention Carmel Thomas †Sabastine Nosike Sr. Elizabeth Nosike WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 30 6:00pm †Fr. Joseph Carmel Thomas THURSDAY, AUGUST 31 8:00am Communion Service FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 8:00am †Thomas George Thomas Family

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 2 8:00am For the Parishioners of St. Stephen 12:00pm Baptism ~ Elleanore Rose Bermal Marasigan 5:00pm †Albert & Meta Well Merlin Family †Jerry Jacoby Family †Waldemar Aleksun Elizbieta Aleksun †Maria Zygmunt Cebulski Zbroszczyk Family †Ivan Filyp London Alexian Family

SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 3 8:30am †Irma Edwards Geri & Ron Balut 10:00am †Bud & Ann Wenk Family †John F. Taylor Joan Burke 12:00pm †Maria Avalos Sergio Avalos

Masses, Intentions & Liturgies Pray for the Sick and the Homebound Lorraine Forbes

Claro Dulay Alex Rodriguez Michael Kramer Tom Niemczyk Jim Niemczyk Michael Fudala

Mark Gelinas Phil Scherer Marge Kopec

Norman Kozlowski Ed Degenhardt

Vernon Jonasson

Mark Pawelski Carmela Anderson

Vicki Foy Helen Krol

Edward Michael Sarney Alice Bialczak Virginia Davis

John Gorzelany Fr Martin Bedoya

Joe Stauder Lillian Morrison

Geri Maggio Mary Lou Eaton

Please pray for our loved ones who serve in the military,

PFC Kevin Reilly, Army CMDR Debbie Vavrus, Navy CAPT Kevin Niemczyk, Army SPC Matthew Appelhans, Army SGT Brian Shaw, Army SHSR Joshua Storck, Navy 1ST Lt. Jeff Erkel, Army PFC Ross Eugene Raupp, Marines PFC Emmanuel Garibay, Army CPT Chris Froelich, Army SPC Nathaniel Janzen, Army National Guard SA Mason Janzen, IL Air National Guard


September 2 5:00 PM Rev. David Arcila

A Becker C Piasecki

Cantor Sr C Ahanihu, SLW MB Conte S Dalka B Stancato

B Veslino M Kindle

September 3 8:30 AM Rev. John Era, CM

L Giovanni J Regalado

Cantor K Krutz M Lafue M Ungaro R Velasco

Lee Manor - K Krutz M Ungaro R Velasco

R Ranola

September 3 10:00 AM Rev. John Era, CM

J Joseph R Thomas

Folk Choir M Bilodeau M Scully J Bilodeau P Suerth J Gallichio A Zagorski L Gallichio D Zagorski

A Williamson J Williamson G Figueroa

September 3 12:00 PM Rev. David Arcila

M Niemiec R Bahamon

Spanish Choir B Carrasco M Fernandez T Castro A Hernandez F Castro M Hernandez I Fajardo H Marquez J Marquez

C Avalos J Ibarra L Reyna

Liturgical Ministries Schedule

Please go to our website and click on the green online

giving icon. If you are a new user, then click on the link “Sign up for a new account” and follow the prompts as directed. If you have any questions,

please call the Parish Center.

Page 4: St. Stephen Protomartyr Catholic · lectura del profeta Isaías en la cual el Señor le dice al maestro del palacio que él va a ser

Ayari J. Rodriguez & Juan M. Rendon Denise Gomez & Mark Macalaguin


Cristina Trejo


Monday, August 28, 2017 7:00pm Charismatic Group Rental - Big Noise Theater

St. Isidore Room Room 20

Tuesday, August 29, 2017 7:00pm Folk Choir Rehearsal Rental - Big Noise Theater Fundraising Committee Meeting

Music Room 20 St Joseph Room

Wednesday, August 30, 2017 6:30pm Grupo de Oracion 6:45pm Traditional/Fil-American Choir 7:00pm Rental - Big Noise Theater

Church Music Room Room 20

Thursday, August 31, 2017 1:00pm HandMades 7:00pm Sol Azteca Dance Group Rental – Big Noise Theater

Santa Maria Rm Gym, Mezydlo Room 20

Friday, September 1, 2017 1:00pm Golden Hearts 7:00pm Hispanic Choir

Gym Music Room

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Weekly Parish Events/ Eventos Parroquiales Semanales

August Baptisms


Pamela Yatana Mendoza Valenzuela

Gil - Ramos Family

Ramirez Family

Lowder Family

Page 5: St. Stephen Protomartyr Catholic · lectura del profeta Isaías en la cual el Señor le dice al maestro del palacio que él va a ser

Third Annual Testimonial Dinner

Friday, September 29, 2017

Admission $55

Must be at least 14 yrs. old to attend

TICKETS ARE NOW ON SALE Cut off date is September 10th

No Walk ins

For tickets call: Para comprar sus boletos favor

llamar a:

Glenda Raupp 847-824-3089 Cris Mendoza 847-298-8040

Margarita Niemiec 847-299-3853 Nancy Palermo 847-824-0752 Marisol Reyna 847-712-1095

Terri Ring 847-296-3970 Delores Stance 847-299-1307

Barbara Stancato 847-269-0185 Parish Center 847-824-2026

or go to To buy tickets click

And go to Testimonial Dinner

Fr. David’s Installation Mass

Larry & Sally Fortier,

Congratulations on your

50th Wedding Anniversary

Blessing with

Fr. John Era, CM

Page 6: St. Stephen Protomartyr Catholic · lectura del profeta Isaías en la cual el Señor le dice al maestro del palacio que él va a ser

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Church News & Events // Eventos y Noticias Parroquiales ANNOUNCEMENTS ** The Golden Heats trip to the library & Giuseppe’s Restaurant on Friday, Sept 1st has been cancelled. The regular meeting will be held in the gym at 1:00pm that day. ** First Friday Adoration sign up sheet for September 1st is available by the parking lot entrance. Benediction will be at 6:30pm. ** The Fundraising Committee Meeting is this Tuesday, Aug 29th at 7pm in the St. Joseph Room. ** The Eucharistic Ministers meeting will be Monday, September 11th at 7:00pm in the Mezydlo Room.

AVISOS PARROQUIALES ** La hoja para apuntarse para el primer viernes de Adoracion al Santısimo el 1o de septiembre, esta disponible a la entrada del parqueadero. La Adoracion empieza a las 6:30pm . ** La reunion del Comite Hispano de Liturgia sera el 8 de septiembre a las 7pm en el salon Isidoro.

Confirmation Dates for 2017 Candidates

Retreat: Saturday, Sept 9, 2017 8:00am - 12pm Rehearsal: Friday, Sept 15, 2017 6:00pm Confirmation: Saturday, Sept 16, 2017 10:00am

Fechas para la Confirmación de los Candidatos del 2017

Retiro: Sábado, 9 de septiembre de 8am a 12pm Ensayo General: Viernes, 15 de septiembre a las 6pm Misa de Confirmación: Sábado, 16 de septiembre a las 10:00am

Minister of Care Training for New Candidates

Saturday, September 9 & 16, 2017

Holy Family Parish 2515 W. Palatine Rd Inverness, IL 60067

8:30am Sign In

9:00am - 2:30pm Presentation

If you are interested in registering for this training, please contact

Terri Ring at


Page 7: St. Stephen Protomartyr Catholic · lectura del profeta Isaías en la cual el Señor le dice al maestro del palacio que él va a ser



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Page 8: St. Stephen Protomartyr Catholic · lectura del profeta Isaías en la cual el Señor le dice al maestro del palacio que él va a ser

MASS SCHEDULE Weekdays: 8:00 AM - M, T, F, S Communion Service: 8:00 AM - TH OLPH Devotion 5:45 PM - W Week Evening: 6:00 PM - W Vigil Mass Sat: 5:00 PM Sundays: 8:30 AM & 10:00 AM 12:00 PM - Spanish COMMUNAL MORNING PRAYER Mon-Sat 7:45AM CONFESSIONS: Wednesdays 5:00-5:30 PM Saturdays 4:00-4:30 PM First Fridays 5:00-5:30PM & by appointment

PARISH CONTACT 1253 Everett Ave. 847-824-2026 Des Plaines, Illinois 60018 847-824-3842 (fax) OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Friday 8:30-12 & 1-5PM Saturday 9:00AM to 1:00PM Sunday Closed CHURCH: 1280 Prospect Ave., Des Plaines, Illinois 60018 WEBSITE: EMAIL: [email protected]

PARISH OFFICE STAFF: Rev. David Arcila Pastor Bill Warmouth Deacon Tony Towey Deacon Don Telposky RTD Deacon Toni Olague Rel. Ed. Assistant Marieth Quintero Music Director Phyllis Rotondo Bookkeeper Noreen Johnson Parish Secretary Ezequiel Teran Receptionist Daniel Roldan Weekend Help Andrzej Kasprzyk Maintenance

Homeschool Religious Education

Last chance to register is this weekend at our Orientation Session.

Orientation date will be this

Sun. August 27th following the 10am Mass.

If you have any questions, please call the office at 847-824-2026.



¡Inscripciones terminan hoy Domingo, 27 de Agosto, 2017!



SUPPORT FOR ORPHANS AND WIDOWS This is the work that Fr. John Era, CM does in the Philippines besides assisting his religious community as a Vocation Director. The parish will take a collection on the weekend of Sept 3rd to support his mission. Below is a description of his program. GENERAL OBJECTIVES To assist the families of the victims of extrajudicial killings (EJK) in their recovery by providing psychosocial interventions and treatments that will respond to their economic needs, their quest for justice, and their desire to be healed from the trauma brought about by the tragic death of their loved ones so that they may learn better ways of coping with the challenges of new life situations. A documentation of the cases of extrajudicial killings in Payatas and a record of families left behind shall be set up and continually maintained. The documentation shall also be done in view of future filing of cases whenever the families are ready and witnesses can be found. Various psycho-social interventions and treatments will be in place to improve resiliency and to hasten recovery from trauma. Interventions and treatments that will be implemented will respect and promote the culture of the families. Financial assistance for basic survival needs and the education of the children will be made available to the families. Moreover, families will be trained and assisted in finding viable sources of livelihood to regain their economic independence. Networking and coordination with other similar supportive agencies and organizations will be encouraged to maximize the utilization of available resources for the families’ empowerment. With the incidents and details of the killings documented, we network with legal bodies to prepare victims’ families to pursue legal accountability of the perpetrators.