Download - Tarea 1, curso en berklee


Assignment 1

By Christofer Bolaños Alvarado

My knowledge of music is very basic so is my English. Just want to say that here, in

the audio you can Cleary hear that the swing is quite fast. Also the solo uses a lot of scales

based on the chords and the chords progression. Another thing that you can find here is that

there are two parts on the solo. The part that one considers as part A and the other one as

part B. While both uses similar progression chords, the themes and the formations of the

scales are different. So you can hear at part Some kind of happy like melody, while the

second part not so happy.

The improvisation seems to use the intervals from the Cmajor circle, so problably

who those that want to improvise over the harmony will find kind of easy, cause you can

find this in a lot of popular music. Obviously the progression chords of Cmajor has some

variations in the notations, which you can see in the chart like the flats and the sharps.

The rhythm is on 4/4 and uses a lot of eight notes and triplets with syncopated

accentuations which makes the swing more “visible” and marks exactly the where the

swing is.

That’s all I can say due my knowledge in music theory.