Download - TAREAS DE INGLÉS · TAREAS DE INGLÉS Estimadas familias: Una semana más y cumpliendo con nuestro compromiso de acompañarles durante estos días les envío propuestas de trabajo




Estimadas familias:

Una semana más y cumpliendo con nuestro compromiso de acompañarles durante

estos días les envío propuestas de trabajo para que los niños sigan practicando y

no pierdan el contacto con el inglés.

Como siempre, les envío actividades para que realicen a diario y otras

orientaciones que espero que les sirvan para planificar la práctica del inglés

desde diferentes enfoques. Cada uno puede elegir aquellos que mejor se adapten

a sus posibilidades y gustos.

1. LUNES Y MARTES: ficha de lectura “Plants and growth”

2. MIÉRCOLES: dos fichas.

3. JUEVES: Ficha de lectura “Photosynthesis”.

4. VIERNES: documental acerca de Sebastián Salgado y el Instituto Terra.

Como hemos venido haciendo a lo largo del curso, estamos conociendo a personas

que con simples gestos han conseguido cambiar el mundo y para muestra un

botón… esta semana vamos a conocer la obra de Sebastián Salgado y su mujer

Lélia que decidieron reforestar un bosque devastado basándose en la capacidad

que la tierra tiene para regenerarse en las condiciones adecuadas.

Llevar a cabo, lo que en apariencia es imposible, está en la mano de los que creen

que es posible, es así de sencillo. Sebastián y Lélia fundaron el Instituto Terra,

una pequeña organización que desde entonces ha plantado 4 millones de árboles y

ha recuperado el bosque y todo su ecosistema.

*Por último les envío enlaces a una serie de canciones que hemos trabajado en el

aula a lo largo del curso e información acerca del aprendizaje de inglés

memorizando letras de canciones.

Un saludo y mucho ánimo, ya queda una semana menos...


PLANTS AND GROWTH: What are plants?

Plants are living things that grow from the soil and turn light from the Sun into food. Plants can

be big or small, from giant trees to tiny patches of moss.

Plants use a process called photosynthesis to turn sunlight into food in their leaves. They can

then use this food to grow. To help them do this, they also need water and nutrients that they

take from the soil with their roots, and carbon dioxide that they absorb from the air.

Top 10 facts

1. Plants turn light from the Sun into food that they need to grow.

2. Plants also need water and nutrients from the soil, and carbon dioxide from the air.

3. Animals can eat plants so that they can use the food the plants created to grow too.

Animals can’t turn energy from the sun into food so they have to get it by eating plants or by

eating other animals.

4. The biggest type of plant on earth is a tree called the giant redwood. Some of these trees

are as tall as a 15-storey building, and up to 3,500 years old.

5. Most plants reproduce by creating seeds using pollen from other plants of the same type.

6. Plants use flowers to attract insects to carry pollen from one plant to the next.

7. Flowers contain a sugary liquid called ‘nectar’ that the insects eat and while they are in the

flower, they get pollen on them that they carry to the next flower they go to.

8. Some plants spread their seeds by letting them float on the wind, other plants encourage

animals to eat them and some plants just drop them on the ground.

9. Not all plants get all their energy from sunlight. The Venus flytrap and pitcher plants trap

and eat insects!

10. Some people are allergic to pollen. All the pollen in the air in the spring makes them

sneeze. This is called ‘hayfever’.

Did you know?

• Plants need light to grow. If you put one plant on a windowsill in the sunlight, and one plant

in a dark cupboard, the plant in the sunlight will be green and healthy and the plant in the

cupboard will start to die.

• Brightly coloured flowers look very pretty to us, but that’s not why plants grow them. The

bright colours and patterns on the flower petals are very attractive to insects. The insects come

to the flowers to drink nectar, and they carry pollen from one plant to the next.

• When a plant has been pollinated, it creates a seed (or lots of seeds). These seeds will make

the next generation of plants. A seed contains the start of a new plant and some food to help it

grow until it’s big enough to get food on its own.

• When a seed sprouts and starts to grow, it is called ‘germination’. You can see germination

in action by taking some seeds and putting them on a damp piece of kitchen towel in a dark

cupboard. This makes the seed think it’s in some moist soil, and it will start to grow after a few


• Lots of types of animal only eat plants. They are called ‘herbivores’.

• The huge variety of fruit and vegetables that you find in the supermarket doesn’t just turn

up there by chance. They have to be carefully grown and looked after. People who grow plants

for people to eat are called farmers.


Plants often go to a lot of trouble to attract animals that will help them pollinate their flowers

or spread their seeds. Some flowers are shaped so that only certain kinds of insects or birds are

able to get into the flower to collect the nectar.

Sunflowers grow into tall flowers very quickly. If you plant sunflowers in different places in the

garden – some in shady corners, some in sunny spots – you can see which ones grow the fastest

by measuring them every day.

Animals eat plants to get the food that they need to grow because only plants can convert

energy from the Sun into food. Even animals like lions and tigers that only eat meat rely on

plants for their food because the animals that the lions and tigers eat get their food from plants.

This is called the food chain.

Insects aren’t the only type of creatures that plants use to help with pollination. Some small

birds like the hummingbird or small bats are involved in the pollination process too.

When a flower has been pollinated, seeds will develop in the ovaries at the bottom of the

flower. These seeds will grow into plants of the same species and the plant will use animals,

wind or an explosive seed pod to spread them around.

Some seeds are very light, like the seeds from a dandelion, and plants use the wind to carry

these long distances. Other seeds grow in pods like peas – when these pods dry out, the pod

will burst and fire the seeds away from the plant.

Many plants use animals to spread their seeds, and they can do this in different ways. Some

seeds have hooks on them so that they catch on fur or skin, and the animal carries them a long

way before the seed falls off. Some seeds develop into fruits – this is when the flesh of the ovary

that the seed is in grows into something that animals like to eat (like tomatoes, cherries or

apples) – the animals eat the fruit and then either spit out the seeds or they come out in their


Carnivorous plants are plants that also eat meat. They use sticky pads or slippery tubes to trap

animals (mostly insects) inside them and then they dissolve them and eat them. Venus flytraps

and pitcher plants are examples of these.

Some plants live for a very short amount of time before they flower and spread their seeds.

Many types of plant that we like to eat (like tomatoes or cucumbers) only live for one year and

die in the winter. Other plants can live for several years and some plants like trees can live for

hundreds, or even thousands of years!



Did you know? Photosynthesis

Most plants are really luck

Interesting facts

In many tropical areas of the world there are huge forests. These are often known as the 'lungs of

the world' because they produce oxygen. These forests are really important because they reduce

the amount of carbon dioxide in the air. This is a gas that is increasing because of industrial

pollution. It is thought to be creating a 'greenhouse' in the sky that heats up the planet and

changes the weather.

Millions of years ago, the sun's energy helped prehistoric plants to grow. When we burn coal we

are reusing that ancient sun-energy, because coal is made from prehistoric trees.

There is an amazing plant from Southern Africa called Welwitschia mirabilis or Tree Tumbo, some

of which are nearly 1,000 years old. It only ever has two leaves! Each leaf can be over 8m (27ft)

long - that is longer than four baths!

The largest leaves grow on the Amazon water lily. In a single year the plant will produce leaves of

more than 2m (6.6ft) across.



Perhaps we have a solution. There is a single being which can transform CO2 to oxygen,

which is the tree. We need to replant the forest.

Here is an image that shows the incredible result of their project:

*More links:


*Aprender con canciones en inglés tiene varias VENTAJAS:

1- Se aprende de una forma divertida y entretenida, sobre todo, si escuchas

canciones que te gusten o de artistas de tu interés.

2- Podrás escucharlas en distintos momentos y es una forma de aprovechar tu

tiempo para aprender y mejorar tu inglés sin esfuerzo.

3- Incrementarás tu vocabulario. Aprenderás palabras cuyo uso es más habitual

en distintos países, entornos sociales, etc. y en un inglés real.

4- Mejorarás tu pronunciación y comprensión del inglés.

Aquí van algunas sugerencias…