Download - Tracción a Punto Fijo o Bollard Pull

  • 8/10/2019 Traccin a Punto Fijo o Bollard Pull


    Traccin a punto fijo o bollard pullCapitn Eduardo Gilardoni

    La traccin a punto fijo o bollard pull es la medida de la cantidad de fuerza que un

    remolcador es capaz de aplicar en un trabajo de remolque en determinadas


    El bollard pull es el resultado de la fuerza impulsora de la hlice y de los

    aditamentos que la misma posea para incrementar dicho empuje.

    Por lo tanto est en funcin de:

    1. De su dimetro

    2. De su paso

    3. De su R.P.M.

    4. De su calado

    5. De que posea o no tobera Kort

    Se debe dejar en claro que el bollard pull slo nos permite evaluar totalmente la

    traccin de remolque de un buque. Tambin debemos de tener en cuenta su

    desplazamiento y su maniobrabilidad.

    Generalmente la prueba de bollard pull debe de ser efectuada en aguas que

    exceda los 10 m. de profundidad intercalando un dinammetro cuya escala supere

    ampliamente la traccin mxima que pueda ejercer el remolcador.

    Se debe de utilizar una longitud de cable que permita que la popa del remolcador

    este lo suficientemente alejada del muelle donde se har firme el cable parapermitir que la corriente de expulsin de la/s hlice/s de diluya antes de llegar al

    paredn del muelle provocando efectos perturbadores que puedan modificar la

    lectura del dinammetro


    La eleccin de una hlice para un remolcador debe de ser hecha de acuerdo con

    las formas del casco del mismo.

    La hlice debe de ser construida lo suficientemente robusta para que no pueda

    sufrir con facilidad averas en los puertos o mares en donde encuentre desechosque la puedan daar.

    En realidad en la prueba de tiro sobre punto fijo se pone a prueba la fortaleza de la

    hlice y del casco.

    Las hlices convencionales o de pala fija estn generalmente proyectadas para

    velocidades cercanas a los 7 nudos y a esa velocidad entregan su mximo

  • 8/10/2019 Traccin a Punto Fijo o Bollard Pull


    rendimiento pero las mismas han sido ampliamente superadas por el sistema CPP

    (control pitch propeller) o hlices de paso controlable, ya que pueden adaptarse a

    una variedad de empujes a distintas potencias.

    Las toberas Kort y las carenas hidrocnicas terminan de optimizar el sistema

    propulsor de los nuevos remolcadores ocenicosNormas del Det Norske Veritas


    1. A proposed test programmed together with the relevant drawings and

    specifications for the vessel shall be submitted to Det Norske Veritas prior to

    the testing.

    2. During testing of Continuous Bollard Pull, (BP cont.), the main engine(s) shall

    be run at the manufacturers recommended maximum continuous rating


    3. During testing of Overload Bollard Pull, (BP overload), the main engine(s)

    shall be run at the manufacturers recommended maximum rating that can

    maintained for minimum 1 hour. (the overload test may be omitted).

    4. The propeller(s) fitted when performing the test shall be the propeller(s) used

    when the vessel is in normal operation.

    5. All auxiliary equipment such as pumps, generators and other equipment

    which are driven from the main engine(s) or propeller shaft(s) in normal

    operation of the vessel shaft be connected during the test.

    6. The length of the tow wire shall not be less than 300 meters, measured

    between the stern of the vessel and shoreline.

    7. The water depth at the test location shall not be less than 20 meters within a

    radius of 100 meters of the vessel.

    8. The test shall be carried out with the vessels displacement corresponding to

    full ballast and half fuel capacity.

    9. The vessel shall be trimmed at even keel or at a trim by stern not exceeding

    2% of the vessels length.

    10. The vessel shall be able to maintain a fixed course for not less than 10

    minutes while pulling as specified in items 2 or 3 and 6 above.

    11. The test shall be performed with a wind not exceeding 5 m/seg.

    12. The current at the test location shall not exceed 1 knot in any direction.

    13. The load cell used for the test shall be approved by Det Norske Veritas and

    be calibrated at least once a year. The accuracy of the load cell +/- 2% within

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    a temperature range of10*C and +40*C and within the range of 25-200

    tonnes tension.

    14. An instrument giving a continuous read-out and also a recording instrument,

    recording the Bollard Pull graphically as a function of the time shall be both

    connected to the load cell. The instruments shall be placed and monitored


    15. The load cell shall be fitted between the wire and the Bollard.

    16. The figure certified as the vessels BP cont. shall be the towing force

    recorded as being maintained without any tendency to decline for a duration

    of less than 10 minutes.

    17. Certification of BP overload figures recorded when, running the engine(s) at

    overload reduced RPM or with a reduced number of main engines or

    propellers operating can be given and noted on the certificate.

    18. A communication system shall be established between the vessel and the

    persons monitoring the load cell and the recording instruments ashore, by

    means of VHF or telephone connection, for the duration of the test.

    19. The test results shall be made available to the Veritas-surveyor immediately

    upon conclusion of the test program.

    20. Maximum Bollard Pull, (BP max.), shall not be tested beyond 50% of the

    breaking strength of the towing wire.

    21. Should it not be possible to comply with one or mew of these

    recommendations a notation of this fact shall be made on the certificate.