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  • 8/12/2019 Vocabulario Clases Ingles



    To snap- chasquear los dedos

    Straggler- a person who is always late

    Infamous- known for doing bad things

    To duck-agacharse

    Fire brigade-bomberos

    conomic- relating to economy

    conomical- better value for money (you get more for less money)

    To economise- to save money by spending less

    To toss- lanzar con cuidado

    To t!ro"- lanzar algo fuerte

    To "!ip- lanzar algo muy fuerte

    Blister- ampolla



    I$m going to pop to t!e s!op- do something that is easy and takes a short time

    After a short time, you stop bleeding !our blood clots"coagulates #t forms a scab (cicatriz) $ater it heals

    %ring- escurrir


    To get stuck- cannot move

    To be c!oking- ahogarse

    To c!oke-ahogar a alguien

    To splutter- beber algo y ahogarse con eso y toser

    To disloge-to loosen-to get rid of something stuck

    (US)$T- cannot %egative obligation

    #O)$T *AV TO- optional

    S*OUL#)$T- advice

    Foreign aid- ayuda al tercer mundo

    First aid-primeros au&ilios

    Aides- personal assistant

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    Flig!t attendant- azafata

    Ignorant- without knowledge, rude

    VITAR' sidestep, avoid, duck, dodge

    To glib-decir tonterias y pensar que tenemos la razn

    A wasp stings you with its stinger A wasp lives in a nest

    nakes are venomous not poisonous

    Venomous' venenoso porque te pica y mueres

    +oisonous- venenoso porque te lo comes y mueres

    Blurb-notas importantes

    S,nopsis- resumen

    Scantil,-clad- with few clothes

    Bree'e- a small pleasant wind

    #raft- a small unpleasant wind

    Spare- free e&tra *ave you got a spare cigarette+

    Tedious- negative adective A lot of detail oriented, repetitive work

    Time-consuming- conlleva mucho tiempo

    Loner-persona solitaria

    (ocous snot (slang)-mocos

    To sag- hundirse (colchn) sagg, mattress-colchn hundido

    Barging- elbo"ing- empuar con codazos

    +us!ing and s! empuones

    To s!o.e-dar un empun


    To barge- entrar sin llamar a la puerta, maleducadamente

    To "ane-become less

    Truism- idea"ideology

    To unleas!- desatar

    Li&uor- whisky, gim, rum

    Li&ueur- tequila, anis, aguardiente

    Commuter- the travel from your house to where you work lose your confidence or strength

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    Unner.ed- lose the courage

    /a"-dropping- a response to a very suprising situation, boquiabierto

    Blatantl,- obviously, cheekily

    To enact- to make it happen

    To enact re.enge- tomar venganza

    To glimpse at- a quick look I only caught a glimpse of Princess Diana and I recognized her

    To glance at- a quick look

    To stare- mirar fiamente

    /ab- a short punch .b en el medico cuando te pinchan de forma r/pida y dolorosa

    0our s!oe is untied1undone- su cordon est/ desatado

    ,elet- el redondel donde se meten los cordones en un zapato

    )ib- la punta del cordn

    Outfo2- mas listo que el zorro

    0hen you turn on the tap the water flows"comes out

    Random- without order, by chance

    On t!e spot-quickly, without thinking too much, spontaneously, under pressure

    C!oke- ahogarse o ahogar a alguien intencionadamente

    Crooked- torcido, not straight, corrupt (politicians)

    Straig!t- derecho


    A"k"ard- raro, incmodo, dif1cil 2mbarrassing, ashamed (situation), socially awkward (uncomfortable),difficult (physically)


    Cookies crumble- las galletas se hacen migaas

    +oliticians crumble- rompen sus promesas

    To stack- apilar (positivo)

    To accumulate- to pile up- apilar (negative)

    To nurse- to make something last and e&traordinary"unusual long time

    Assemble- to get together" to bring together" to gather" to put together"to build

    To c!ase- correr detr/s de alguien" perseguir a

    Coot- crazy old man

    Loose- suelto (ropa) a loose piece of paper (una hoa suelta)

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    Oaf- stupid, clumsy person

    Oafis!- 3r 4ean

    %ard- section of the hospital (specific one)

    Counting on !im- be relievable

    To sa.our- saborear"degustar 2noy and focus on something and try to make it last

    To de.iate- desviar

    #e.iation- desviacin

    #e.iant- desviado

    To persuade- persuadir

    To dissuade- disuadir

    *acking- breaking into a computer

    *acker- originally designed someone who was very good at computers

    Resign- quit (renunciar) to quit your ob voluntarily

    Resigned- resignado %o choice

    Stre"t!- something you say when you are surprised

    Scoop- to have a story or information before your competition does

    To scoop icecream- coger helados con una cuchara para helados"hacer bolas de helado

    Ta"dr,- dirty, not good for your character (dirty secrets) %ot fulfilling, enlightening

    A summons- citacin (an official request to appear 5sually in court)

    To summon-to call upon" bring out , up, forth

    *ost- presentador de un show de tv"anfitrin (en una casa)

    To !ost- ser anfitrin de

    He overacts. He tends to go a little over the top (exaggerate).

    A soundbite a short catchy piece of speech that ma!es people pay attention. A manipulated piece of info

    (orass- quagmire, an unsolveable" inescapable, huge mess

    *old back- indirect, don6t say everything you could

    "he ne#s is blea!harsh, difficult, strongly negative

    $ou%re in over your head to try to do something over your possibilities. &ut of your depth. 'uera de tu


    To rot- pudrirse

    Rotten- podrido

    +eak- rush hour (tube)" the top of a mountain" the highest point

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    At their pea! they sold m copies(most popular)

    #isgrace- verg7enza" intolerable, shameful

    3raceful- elegante

    To 'ing- engaar a alguien (tipo chiste) *acerle pensar otra cosa

    Scum- a film of dirty (en los alimentos, la capa de arriba, por eemplo)

    Bland- 3ild, boring

    Outrageous- e&tremely ridiculous

    Insig!t- vision, eemplo

    To ostracise- marginar

    To allege- not proven

    *us! (one,- acallar con dinero

    Coder- programador de inform/tica

    To indicte- imputer

    "here%s more to these stories that meets the eye- Algo impl1cito m/s importante que lo que vemos o nos

    dicen a simple vista

    To "ors!ip- hacer culto a

    +ra,- rezar

    (os&ue- mezquita

    BA)CO- bench (para sentarse en el parquet), pew (en la #glesia), bank (de dinero)

    Se"age- desag7e

    +lumbing- instalacin de agua

    scalators- escaleras mec/nicas (moving stairs)

    ,eglasses- gafas

    C!eck it out8-have a look

    )ice rack- 4uena delantera (mueres)

    To summar,- to condense a long story to its main points, to compress, to shorten, to compact, toconcentrate, to distill

    Planes ta!e off and climb to their cruising altitude. "hey usually level off at *+,,, feet. In order to ta!e

    from the run#ay (pista de despegue)+ it first has to taxi there.

    (otor- electric

    ngine- gasoline"gasoil

    Scra"n,-under weight, not muscular

    Brook4 creek4 stream- riachuelo

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    S!ade- sombra, tambi9n tonalidad

    To reform- to improve and modernize


    Boom-bombs, drums

    %ail- sirens, babies crying

    Cras!- glass, cars hitting, colliding

    Bang- guns

    To slam t!e door- cerrar la puerta dando un golpe

    Bu''- bees, mosquito

    %!ir- ruido de un ventilador

    Screec!- chirriar con mucha fuerza

    S&ueal- lo mismo de arriba

    S&ueak- los ratones hacen ese ruido y las ventanas tambi9n

    Creak- chirriar (suelo)

    %!oos!- r/pido (velocidad)

    *iss- lo que hacen las serpientes y tambi9n cuando un baln se desinfla

    Tine- pincho del tenedor

    A !ead start- start something before everyone else # will give you a head start

    .o fall pregnant (5:), to become pregnant, to get pregnant

    #ense- difficulty to get through, stupid, a dense forest

    T!ick- est;pido

    Slo"- est;pido

    To burp- eructar

    To bite- morder

    To c!e"- masticar

    To s"allo"- tragar

    To blink- pestaear

    To "ink- guiar un oo

    T"inkle- stars twinkle

    Sparkle- diamonds sparkle

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    stinguis!- put out something

    omeone set the building on fire .he firemen put it out

    To come back- volver al sitio donde est/s ahora (here)

    To go back- anywhere else (over there"away)

    Bumped into- toparse con

    To flip a coin-tirar una moneda al aire para ver si sale cara o cruz

    +oliticians flip flop- they never have a strong opinion .hey change sides a lot

    *e flipped out when # told him he was fired =lipped out- went' mad, crazy, ballistic

    (ild- medium, not e&treme, not strong

    Altoget!er- totally, completely

    All toget!er- as a group

    Alrig!t- ok

    All rig!t-everything correct

    Startled- sobresaltado

    S!out at-chillar porque est/s enfadado

    S!out to- chillar para llamar la atencin de alguien

    0e6ll gonna start dinner at >-ish (appro&imately >)

    Offended- took it personally

    Confirmation- aprobacin

    It "as all t!e place-it was mi&ed up

    TOO5 A#/CTIV- negative too difficult

    TA6 )OT 3T

    .ake a breath (rela&, calm down)

    .ake a shower" have a shower" shower

    .ake the bus" take a pill" take medicine

    .ake care (look after yourself, take care of something)

    .ake your time

    .ake after- parecerse (en personalidad)

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    $ook like- parecerse (en aspecto)

    To stump- to ask something that they can6t answer

    I am stumped- no encuentras la respuesta a algo

    I !a.e one &uestion about ta2es- you know everything about ta&es e&cept for this one question

    I !a.e a &uestion- diferente

    To smuggle- to carry contraband pass carry control

    Smuggler- contrabandista

    To drone- hablar mucho y de forma montona

    A manifestation- to be made real"tangible" touchable

    A demonstration-manifestacin

    A curfe"- toque de queda (tambi9n la hora de llegada que le ponen los padres a los hios)

    Opportunistic crime- take advantage when a lot of people is involved too

    To sno"ball- out of control 4ola de nieve que se va hacienda m/s grande cada vez

    (ob mentalit,- mentalidad que comparte un grupo de personas, que si uno hace algo los dem/s tambi9n#t creates chaos, lawlessness

    +re.enti.e- preventivo

    +re.entati.e- preventivo (5A)

    To pre.ent- stop something before happening

    T!uggis! be!a.ior- comportamiento criminal

    T!ug- criminal

    6icking off- happening" starting up .hings were kicking off kick-off- saque de f;tbol

    Flare up- happening" starting up (in some conte&ts)

    To scrape- rascar "to remove abrasively !ou scrape your knee on the pavement

    Troublemakers- people who make"cause trouble

    Unrest- disturbances

    In7ured- herido (stress en la primera s1laba)

    Suit up- put on your uniform (5A)

    To endure- suffer something over a long time

    To station- to be sent

    Bullet proof .est- chaleco antibalas

    +ane- a piece of glass

    +in- alfiler

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    %aistcoat- chaleco (5:)

    Vest- chaleco (5A)

    To pine for- miss someone very much

    Stripped- desvaliado

    Suitable- conveniente

    Left out- alone, reected

    #ress up- to wear the best clothes

    In t!e street- donde van los coches

    On t!e street- en la calle, lo puedes ver

    .er- lifetime (tiempo)

    Speciall,- unique .his shirt was made specially for you

    speciall,- above all # hate all *ollywood stars, especially .om ?ruise

    Aisle- corridor that has no walls


    +age- p/gina de un libro

    A loose piece of paper- hoa suelta

    Bullet- the lead (plomo) fired from a gun

    S!ell- casquillo

    Rotten- decomposed

    Crapp,- basura, mala (pel1cula), terrible (persona)

    To rot- pudrir

    Alla,ed m, fears- rela&

    To abort- abortar una mission .he pilot pushes a button to abort the take off

    (otion sickness- ponerse malo "vomitar en un coche, avion@

    Is it reall, "ort!89-is it a good idea+

    To propel- propulsar

    +ropeller- impulsor (de un barco, por eemplo)

    Bump, air- rough air .urbulence

    Bump, relations!ip- relacin con altibaos

    Fumes- vapor that comes out and you cannot see

    )a.igator- machine that help you to find your way around

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    To inflate1 to pump it up- inflar

    To deflate- desinflar

    To feel deflated- sentirse triste, cansado

    %!istle- silbato

    To spill- derramar

    Spill- mancha aun moada

    Stain- mancha seca

    To trip-tropezar

    To drip- caer agua gota a gota (grifo)

    I 7ust arri.ed1 got !ere- acabo de llevar (nunca usar come88)

    To pick- to choose

    -he didn%t !no# #ho her father is.uiere decir que antes no lo sab1a pero ahora s1

    # had : pieces of toastthis morning

    # am going to do some toasts

    %o8- a toast para decir una tostada A toast es un brindis

    i8- a piece of toast- una tostada

    motional blackmail- chantae emocional

    Fores!ado"ing- show the result of something before it happens A glimpse of the future

    Learn to be succinct- brief and direct (simple)

    Cabinet- armario

    Bookcase- armario para libros

    Babbling- trying to speak

    Roundabout- unction (5A)-intersection (5:)

    Appropiate- not too much and not too little

    Tag a "all- grafitis en edificios que pretenden decir de quien es el edificio

    #eterrent- to prevent other people to commit a crime against someone

    A bobb, pin- horquilla

    +oliceman- bobby, cop, peeler, rozzer, the fuzz, the filth, pigs

    Sir Robert +eel- fundador del 3etropolitan plice (por eso les llaman bobby y peeler)

    Lo" le.el crime-cr1menes menores

    Selfis!ness- ego1smo

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    Self-centredness- egocentrismo

    Board- tabla

    To board !is "indo"s- cerrar con 3adera"tapiar una ventana o puerta

    +ut ,ourself in t!eir s!oes- ponte en su lugar

    mpat!,- you feel the same emotion

    S,mpat!,- you think the same

    Coffin- casket-ataud (silk inside, pillow)

    (ortician- persona que trabaa con los muertos

    To pump- inflar

    Let t!e air out- quitar el aire de las ruedas

    /ail- in police stations mall, you stay one night hort term

    +rison- longer term *uge

    O.erdo- do too much

    3rump,- tired, impatient, unfriendly

    Curmudgeon- grumpy old man


    Bumper cars- coches de choque

    Rides- atraccin de feria (roller coaster, bumper cars, =erris 0heel (noria)

    (err,-go-round- tiovivo

    (err,-borracho (por eso los ingleses no dicen 3erry ?hristmas, sino *appy ?hristmas)

    2!austing- situation, action

    *ard-boiled eggs y soft Bboiled eggs

    $ou dip your toast into the yol!(yema)

    %!ite- clara de huevo

    O.ercomplicated-complicar las cosas

    To preser.e- to make food last longer

    I prefer to eat my o#n coo!ings

    Fun- divertido !ou have a good time !ou smile

    Funn,- gracioso (te r1es mucho)

    Condiments- k9tchup, mayonnaise, mustard, relish (salsa de pepinillo) -auce that you put to a meat

    To bake- cocinar

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    Regional- com;n en un lugar pero no en otro

    +esticides- pesticidas

    +est- annoying people on the streets (mendigos, gente que quiere que firmes en papeles)

    To sit a mood- atmosphere, ambience

    I%ve been living in Italy since I #as (!ou don6t live in #taly anymore)

    I%ve lived in Italy since I #as ($ife e&perience)

    I live in Italy(Ceneral truth)

    To lag-fall behind, go slow,

    A tip- a small piece of advice A clue, hint A gratuity (money given for good service)

    To tip- give some money

    To tip back- echarse para atr/s en la silla

    To tip- vaciar en algo m/s grande (una bolsa de basura en un contenedor)

    T!e tipping point- punto cr1tico .he point where something become very popular

    Crumple- arrugar, hacer una bola

    Divided intoparts

    A saga- a long story

    A pun-play with words

    Seldom-hardly ever, rarely, almost never

    To drip- gotear

    S!e$s a drip- negative thing

    To detour- to divert go in a different way because it is closed

    I$.e been snubbed- ignored on purpose by someone" intentionally ignored

    he6s a bitch- she is difficult (not prostitute)

    # was blown away8- shocked (positive), amazed, astounded, gobsmacked

    Cema is wobbling her table .he table is wobbly (que se mueve como la gelatin)

    !ou fill outa form by filling inthe blanks"gaps

    !ou fill upyour car with petrol" fuel

    !ou filla bottle (rellenar-refill)

    3lare- mirar fiamente de mal humor

    /ust t!en- 2n ese momento #n that moment- )O

    On t!e "arpat!- de mal humor

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    On time- punctual

    In time- llegar en el ultimo egundo

    3round-breaking- muy novedoso Algo que nadie ha hecho hasta ahora

    Launge-c!air- silla "tumbona para ard1n

    Le"d- very provocative behaviour

    Fond of- like but not very much

    )on conformist- people that doesn6t conform" they don6t follow accepted dogma

    2ploit- e&plotar

    T!e, e2ploited a loop!ole in t!e la"- buscar una forma alternative para burlar la ley

    Bucket- cube

    T!e genie "as out of t!e bottle- a process you cannot stop

    A !uge boom in tourism- a large increase (suddenly)

    A boost- ayudar" animar

    Fuel- combustible

    S!ebeen- ilegal drinking place

    Impulse- decide suddenly

    Storage- trastero

    Tofiddle- to play with (pelo), a trick


    To mug- rob in the street

    Speeding- drive high speed

    Vandalism- damage, destroy public or private property

    (urder- homicide

    6idnapping- ransom demands .ake people and hold them for money or e&change

    *i7acking- take a plane illegally tealing a plane

    Blackmail- e&tortion

    Rape- forced se&

    Se2ual assault- ahora se usa este t9rmino en vez de rape

    Assassination- important people (

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    Stealing- to take without knowledge or consent

    ;E F (el G se lee nought)

    To obliterate- romper en mil pedazos

    To s!atter- romper en mil pedazos (cristal generalmente)

    A flock of birds-manada de p/aros

    # ran into"bumped into her at the airport- meet someone accidentally

    uction no es blow

    To tan- to sunbat!e !ou sunbathe to get a tan

    Tanning bed- bed to get a tan (cama para bronceado)

    Bimbo- chicas rubias tontas

    Bubble !eads- chicas rubias tontas (airead)

    #f you have a sunburn your skin will usually peel

    *ammock- hamaca

    Sleep tig!t- have a good sleep

    To lean- apoyarse

    I am still thin!ing but I am leaning to#ards/(my preference is going this way)

    To sneer- people sneer to be arrogant =acial e&pression or attitude

    Snobb,- arrogant

    mitter- emits .o give off (scientific or technological thing' radiator, speakers@)

    0ranium 1 emits radiation.

    To conduct- to transport"move" to control" to direct" behave

    Conductor- director de orquesta" revisor de tren

    To transmit- to receive (en una radio)

    To conduct ,ourself- actuar" comportarse

    Integrated- interconnected" combined" working together

    Tomingle- go around in different groups of people and talk to them

    To sc!moo'e- adular 3ingle and flutter at the same time

    To butterpeople up- lo mismo

    To cra"l- gatear

    A toddler- beb9 que no anda

    To condescend- hablar a alguien como si fuera un nio

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    %idespread- spread everywhere

    Settled- calm (weather)

    Classic- representative (weather)

    *ars!- duro, e&treme

    Strengt!ening- becoming stronger

    Frigid- frozen

    C!ill- I-J degrees, warmer than coled

    *a',- con niebla por la polucin" not clear, se puede usar con personas tambi9n

    To leng!ten- to make longer

    To brig!ten-clearer

    To "!iten- blanquear

    To darken- oscurecer

    I to#er above2over most famous actors- soy m/s alto que ellos, con gran diferencia

    To"ering- very big

    %isp,- very thin

    Venue- location

    *ard-packed- solid

    Contentious- controversial

    Loft,- !ig!l, placed(ideales imposibles' paz en el mundo@etc)

    Outraged- e&tremely angered by someone, pissed of

    Outrageous- escandaloso

    To set- get ready, place"put, establish

    olidificarse- to harden (concrete (cement), ello, glue@) to configure

    In.alid(stress en la KL s1laba)- not in good shape

    In.alid(stress en la EL s1laba)- not valid

    Scra"n,- under weight, not muscular

    Brook4 creek4 stream- riachuelo

    S!ade- sombra, tambi9n tonalidad

    To reform- to improve and modernize

    To admonis!- to tell you have done a mistake

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    In case of- if it happens

    Until- (negative) # won6t give you the money until you study harder

    To take off- your flight leaves the ground

    Memove clothes, gloves, shes@

    Discount, reduction in prices .hey lower the prices

    .o lose weight

    .o leave (# don6t know why but he ust took off suddenly) run away

    #ncreasing very fast ( #6m going to be very rich soon 3y business is really starting to take off)

    4ecome successful"popular (# invented a bicycle with octagonal wheels but it never really

    took off)

    +robabl,- probable- better chance it will happen

    +ossibl,- possible- it can be done

    #t is possible to go to the 3oon but you probably won6t do it


    Boom- bombs, drums

    %ail- sirens, babies crying

    Cras!- glass, cars hitting, colliding@

    Bang- guns

    Bu''- bees, mosquito

    Creak- chirriar (suelo)

    %!oos!- r/pido (velocidad)

    To !iss- snakes hiss .ambi9n cuando un baln se desinfla

    To slam t!e door- cerrar la puerta dando un golpe

    To "!ir- ruido de un ventilador

    Screec!- chirriar con mucha fuerza

    S&ueal- chirriar con fuerza

    S&ueak- los ratones hacen ese ruido y las ventanas tambi9n obect' machine, tool, gadget (not always a machine pecific use, multifunction)

    For pla,ing- ask someone to have se&

    2tortion attempt- try to get money or ramsom by force (e&' blackmail)

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    2tortionate- incredibly e&pensive

    "he 3itz Hotel charges extortionate rates

    "he prices of the 3itz #ere ripped off. He tried to rip me off- timar

    "hat light !eeps flic!ering and it%s driving me crazy(encender y apagar)

    4andle lights flic!er

    Have you finished (05)6 are you finished7 (0-A)

    To fuse- to oin together (fusion)

    Close do"n- go out of business


    Car.e- to write some in wood, wall

    (e"s- small street

    3room- novio que se va a casar, el que cuidaba a los caballos

    (en$s grooming- productos masculinos (afeitado@etc)

    To erradicate- kill forever

    +o"erless- sin poder hacer nada

    A barn4 stable- caballeriza

    Trainers(5:) running shoes (?anada) sneakers (5A)

    Abbatoir- matadero (5:)

    Slaug!ter !ouse(5A)- matadero slaughter Bkill many

    Reno.ated1refurbis!ed- rehabilitado (edificio)

    ReformedB rehabilitado (persona criminal)

    C!oker- collar pegado al cuello

    Scaffolding- andamio (stress en la primera s1laba)

    To collapse- caer

    3et b,-make do apaarse

    To straddle- being in E sides of something

    Ladder- escalera que se puede llevar

    Forge- falsificar =orar

    Forger,- falsificacin

    To tiptoe- andar de puntillas

    To sneak into- do something without people noticing

  • 8/12/2019 Vocabulario Clases Ingles


    Sneak,- you cannot trust someone who is sneaky

    Baton1trunc!eon- porra de la polic1a

    !ou bluff- in poker !ou pretend

    Current- corriente marina

    Skunk- mofeta

    Cougar- pantera marrn .ambi9n muer que le gustan chicos m/s venes

    *O%+ B what6s the way to do something+

    %*AT+- to get info

    Fo24 c!ick- muer guapa

    *og- cerdo

    To !og- acaparar toda la comida

    #)O(I)ACI>) # LOS )I?OS S3@) SU #A#

    4aby"#nfant- born

    .oddler- E-N years


  • 8/12/2019 Vocabulario Clases Ingles


    $ou fire the gun by pulling the trigger.

    To meander1to stroll1 to "ander-pasear

    To stamble up- found accidentally (edificio)

    To bump into- encontrarse por casualidad con una persona

    To "ander around-lost, rela&, no destination

    It$s a drag-boring, too bad

    To drag- arrastrar

    To carr,- to lift- llevar

    "he murderer #as caught #ith his pants do#n(unprepared)

    A little- a bit, a little bit, a tad 3odifier, no number

    A fe"-N-I

    Fe"- not many

    Baffled- mystified"puzzled (you cannot understand something)

    Broll,- short word for umbrella

    Incessantl,- non-stop"without stopping

    Battered- rebozado (egg and flour)

    A coating- rebozado

    "he fish is coated in batter

    Troug!- abrevadero

    T!oroug!- detail-oriented, e&haustive, covering every aspect

    Stuff,- huele mal (a vieo)

    I beg your pardon7- muy formal

    :xcuse me7



    #ri''le- llovizna

    Bli''ard- a heavy snow fall

    #roug!t- unnatural period of no rain

    (ugg,- humidity is very sticky

    To clip- cortar alas (p/aros)

  • 8/12/2019 Vocabulario Clases Ingles


    "he ravens in the "o#er of ;ondon have had their #ings clipped

    To trim- cortar las puntas

    Trimmed- saneado

    I #ent to phone you but my battery #as dead2flat.

    # went to do something- # didn6t do it

    To attract- make them move towards it

    Attractive vs repulse

    A slum- ghetto, barrio pobre

    A s!ant,-to"n-ghetto

    I$m slumming it- voy a hacer cosas de gente pobre

    To bro"se-mirar cuando vas a una tienda y no compras nada #6m ust browsing (solo en tiendas)

    Tack,4 gauc!e(?anada)- bad taste, tasteless

    *e$s .er, gauc!e- *e has no manners

    Crass- in bad taste, tasteless

    Snitc!- chivato

    To snitc!- chivatear

    To s&ueal- pig squeal, babies squeal (gruen)

    Brain drain- fuga de cerebros

    +ouring mone, do"n t!e drain- waste money

    Too "ord,- demasiadas palabras en una frase

    To 7ingle- sonar (repiqueteo)

    A fender-bender- a $ittle accident by car

    To dent- abollar (coche)

    Stubborn- testarudo (persona), cosas que se quitan dif1cil (manchas)

    Take care of- cuidarse

    Take care8 B .ake care of yourself, 4e careful (polite) ?uando despides a alguien

    To take up-empezar algo (deporte, por eemplo)

    Take place- happen

    Slack- cuerda suelta de un barco

    Take up t!e slack- remove the slack

    Compromise- hybrid

  • 8/12/2019 Vocabulario Clases Ingles


    Li.e a little- have a change- not having everything under control

    Take part- participate

    Take apart-desmontar

    Assemble- montar algo en piezas

    ?rawl- arrastrarse

    4unch- panda

    3outhing- mover los labios diciendo algo sin hablar

    Dim- darky" stupid (person)

    uiver- tremble

    .o linger- remain

    eized- picked up

    Agony- pain

    2&quisite- beautiful

    =lashed- came suddenly

    4lind- persiana

    .he verge- the edge

    huddering- shaking

    #nfinite- endless


    A??HMD#%C .H- opinion that someone has about something !ou can agree or disagree

    #%.2AD' a replacement, an option

    *H02P2M' to contrast

    0*2M2A' to contrast

    #%?2' because (reason)

    A$.*H5C*' but (contrast) 45. in the middle of a sentence A$.*H5C* at the beginning of a sentence

    2P2% .*H5C*' m/s 9nfasis que los anteriores

    #% =A?.' actually, (to contrast, to emphasise)

    2?A$A D2 ?A$HM A =M#H

  • 8/12/2019 Vocabulario Clases Ingles


    4oiling Q







    =reezing B

    TI+OS # +RSO)AL # VULO

    =$#C*. ?M20- pilot and co-pilot

    ?A4#% ?M20- flight attendant

    CMH5%D ?M20- preventative maintenance

    $our phone rings. $ou pic! it up. $ou%re finished spea!ing so you hang up.

    $ou set your alarm at night. In the morning+ your alarm goes off (suena). "o ma!e it stop ringing you s#itch

    it off.

    A)I(AL SOU)#S

    4#MD-tweety (canturrear), chirp, sing

    ?A.- meow

    DHC- bark

    ?H0- moo

    *HM2- whinny"neigh (relinchar)

    DH%:2!- bray (to bray- darse importancia)


  • 8/12/2019 Vocabulario Clases Ingles


    , ?H33A .H $#. 3A%! .*#%C .H .A:2 A 4M2A.* .H *H0 A 3A$$ PA-" PA3"I4IPA":

    5sually only stative verbs (love, hate, like, have, mind, know, want, need@)

    ?ontinuous effect I%ve @ust eaten something that%s ma!ing me feel sic!

    Mecent past I%ve @ust spo!en to him

    $ife e&perience Have you ever been to ;ondon7 .o-destination


    -0 HA?:2HA- > ?:3 IB

    Mepeated action (dynamic verbs)

    ?ontinuous action that started in the past and continue up to now

    Mepeated action over a long time I%ve been painting this house for days.

  • 8/12/2019 Vocabulario Clases Ingles


    +AST +RFCT

    5sed to e&press an action that happened before a definite time in the past

    .he first action was completed before the second one began

    Chen she had raisedsufficient capital+ sheput inan offer on the house.

    E actions in the past .he earliest one is in past perfect


    ?ontinuous action in an earlier past Mepeated action in an earlier past

    +AST SI(+L

    .o narrate past events in chronological order

    ?ompleted action, completed time

    Alice lefther family home in the morning and mo.edto the big city


    ?ontinuous action interrupted by a completed action

    -he was talkingto his friend #hen they hearda noise from the !itchen.

    Activity in progress or repeated activity

    -he was wearinga green velvet dress


    0#$$Q P2M4- %ot future8

    -#nstant decision #6ll take the most e&pensive one

    - ne&t year

    -Hffer # will open the window


  • 8/12/2019 Vocabulario Clases Ingles


    54T Q .H 42Q