Actividad 3.5

Post on 19-Mar-2017

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Transcript of Actividad 3.5







Lifestyles and consumption styles.

Consumerism can refer to the accumulation, purchase or consumption of goods and services considered non-essential, as well as to the political and economic system that promotes the competitive acquisition of wealth as a sign of status and prestige within a social group. Large-scale consumption in contemporary society seriously compromises natural resources and ecological balance.

Why are most societies immersed in consumerism?Consumerism is encouraged mainly by:• Advertising, which sometimes manages to convince the public that an expense is necessary

when it was once considered a luxury.

• The low quality of some products, which lead to a relatively low life span, which are attractive because of their low cost, but in the long run they are more expensive and more harmful to the environment.

• Some pathologies such as obesity or depression make us believe more easily in misleading advertising, believing with this that we can solve our problem indiscriminately consuming food, drinks, miracle items or other types of products.

Why are most societies immersed in consumerism?• The improper disposal of objects that can be reused or recycled, either by

us or by others.

• Culture and social pressure.

Cause: The lack of identity of each person, not knowing their essential needs and not being clear in relation to the needs of those closest to each; Influential factors like the imitation of television characters or other artetipo, that generate an idol that follows. - These idols induce to the lacking of identity to consume certain unnecessary products. Consequence: generation of infinite needs that can not be met, not happiness.

Victor Lebow’s proposal on consumerism

• In 1955 Víctor Lebow defined the North American consumerist thought5, essential for the economic development of the system.

• "Our enormous productive capacity demands that we make consumption our way of life, that we convert purchases and the act of using goods in rituals, that we seek the spiritual and ego satisfaction in consumption.

• "The measure of social status, of social acceptance, of prestige must be determined by our consumerist patterns.

Victor Lebow’s proposal on consumerism"The real meaning of our lives must be expressed in terms of consumption. The pressure on individuals to gain security and acceptance according to social standards must grow, which will make them tend to express their aspirations and their individuality in terms of what they saw, what they handle, what they eat, their house, their car, Your eating pattern, your hobbies.

"These amenities and services must be offered to the consumer with special urgency. Not only must we generate a 'forced change' in consumption habits, but we must also generate more 'expensive' consumption. We need things to be consumed, burned, broken, replaced, and discarded at an ever-increasing rate. We need to have people eating, drinking, dressing, driving, living, in an increasingly complicated and expensive consumption scheme. "

Mexico is following the US in the habit of buying more and more unnecessary goods, what do you advice.I think you have to spend what you have on things you need in my opinion I have seen that the Americans spend on artifacts to go fishing and pay a lot for them and only go fishing a lot once or two spend too much on junk food , They are going to eat to places like KFC or Starbucks and every one that the new IPhone leaves it change it only because it has a new thing more and I believe that in Mexico we want to imitate his style of life only to see us well before the society or that they think that we are Better people to spend a lot on unnecessary things the difference here is that people get into debt because they do not have to buy all those things.

Something that we must understand is that the Mexican economy is not the same as the American ones, the jobs there are better paid, you can not compare a wage there to that of here. That is one of the reasons why we must support what has been done in Mexico and thus help the economy of our country to make our food, buy what is necessary for education and housing and most important not to get into things we do not need.

How does consumerism relates to happiness.People who are not happy look for happiness somewhere and sometimes they have a different concept of happiness and one of those concepts is consumerism think of having branded clothes, expensive items, squandering money or just buying things just for " Luxury "are better people to others and are happy for their lifestyle, I think it is happiness for some, not for me and I do not share their thinking but it is the only relationship I find between consumerism and happiness.

Message to society about consumerism.The advice I would give is that we do not fall into the abyss of consumerism because that is going to be a well that we can not leave until the moment we have too many problems that not only affect us but our family or beloved.

Buy whatever you need with the money you have.