Apuntes Unit I Part 1

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Transcript of Apuntes Unit I Part 1

Dirección General de Educación Superior Tecnológica

Diplomado de Inglés Nivel 4


L.I. Mauricio Meza Meléndez

Lic Mauricio



1.1 Deducir el significado a través del contexto.1.2 Títulos.1.3 Estructuras:

Presente Simple Presente Continuo

1.4 Cuadros Sinópticos 1.5 Traducción y su Propósito 1.6 Aplicación en el Texto Técnico.

What is the “Skimming”?(Reading test)

During any exam, the time can be both: your friend and your enemy.In order to do the best you can, you have to learn to work with time.

One of the biggest problems in the exams is the TIME.

You have one hour to answer 40 questions, which means you will have to be able to get the information you need be quickly.

All the readings questions will require you to use strategies and techniques in order to complete the task IN THE GIVEN TIME.

Dveloping these two Reading skills will help you manage your time:


1. Skim

This is a General Technique

Reading TechniquesSkimming(Reading test)

We need to follow specific steps or procedure when you SKIM

When we are using fast the Reading process, the first technique that we use is skimming.This mean just get an overview of the context. The main idea of the text.

How do we get that?

1. Skim

1.- Read the title first. (This is obvious)

2.- Read the first paragraph very quickly.

The title is the first information about the content.

Don’t try to understand Word by Word.Just read it rapidly in order that you notice What is this about it.

This step is vital, because the first paragraph give you more information about the content of the text.

1. Skim

3.- Read and underline the first two lines of each paragraph.

This is really important too, because usually on the first two lines comes all the information about the paragraph, it is a kind of summary of the text, what is going to be on the paragraph.

4.- Sub-headings and subtitles are very important too, if they exist.

If they exist, they are going to give information as same as the title.

1. Skim

5.- Read and underline the last two lines of each paragraph (very quickly)

This step it is not very necesary, but sometimes on this part of the text, shows a questions. (What is your opinión about the content?)(What is your opinión about the Americans?)Usually you’ll find these questions in the concluding lines of the paragraph.

When you are Skimming and need to find questions, you know where are located.

6.- Read the last paragraph of the text quickly.

Not in depth.Not Word by Word.

Usually in the conclusion you’ll find what the text is about it.

1. Skim

7.- Under Key-words We can underline terminology:Scientifics termsMedical terms.

Tips:If the Word is capitalize, underline it. These words can be your guide.Underline number, dates, percents, etc.Underline phrases like:

“the most…”“the best….”“important” etc.

Key words:the majority…the minority…

Other:places, nationalities,

countries,continents, etc.

If you find any of these words, underline them, they will help you very much.

1. Skim

8.- Underline repetition of words.

1. Skim


1.1 Deduce the meaning through the context.


What is the ?

1.1 Skim

The parts of a written or spoken statement that precede or follow a specific word or passage, usually influencing its meaning or effect:

You have misinterpreted my remark because you took it out of context.

the set of circumstances or facts that surround a particular event,situation, etc.


1.1 Skim

1.1 Skim

1.1 Skim

1.1 Skim

1.1 Skim


The Central Processing Unit (CPU) is the computer component that's responsible for interpreting and executing most of the commands from the computer's other hardware and software.

All sorts of devices use a CPU, including desktop, laptop, and tablet computers, smartphones... even your flat screen television set!Intel and AMD are the two most popular CPU manufacturers for desktops, laptops, and servers, while Apple, NVIDIA, and Qualcomm are big smartphone and tablet CPU makers.

You may see many different names used to describe the CPU, including processor, computer processor, microprocessor, central processor, and "the brains of the computer".

The computer monitor or hard drive are sometimes very incorrectly referred to as the CPU, but those pieces of hardware serve an entirely different purpose and are in no way the same thing as the CPU.

Deducing the meaning through the context

1.1 Skim

What is the title?1. The distinguishing name of a book, poem, picture, piece of music, or the like.2. A descriptive heading or caption, as of a chapter, section, or other part of a book.3. Title page.4. A descriptive or distinctive appellation, especially one belonging to a person by right of rank, office, attainment, etc.:the title of Lord Mayor.5.Sports. the championship:He won the title three years in a row.6.an established or recognized right to something.7.a ground or basis for a claim.8.anything that provides a ground or basis for a claim.9.Law.

legal right to the possession of property, especially real property.the ground or evidence of such right.

1.2 Skim

Present Simple

1.3 Skim


1.3 Skim

1.3 Skim

Present Continuous Structure

1.3 Skim

1.3 Skim

1.3 Skim

1.3 Skim

1.3 Skim

Cuadros Sinópticos

Un cuadro sinóptico —también conocido como síntesis de cuadro— es una forma de expresión visual de ideas o textos ampliamente utilizados como recursos instruccionales que comunican la estructura lógica de la información. Son estrategias para organizar el contenido de conocimientos de manera sencilla y condensada.Los cuadros sinópticos proporcionan una estructura global coherente de una temática y sus múltiples relaciones. Sirven para estudiar un tema, una teoría o una variable que tratan diversos autores, porque su principal función es contrastar, o sea, encontrar semejanzas y diferencias, entre una o varias variables de un mismo tema. Pueden utilizarse como estrategias de enseñanza tanto en la clase o como una forma de organizar las ideas.

1.4 Skim

Synoptic Tables

La traducción es la actividad que consiste en comprender el significado de un texto en un idioma, llamado texto origen o «texto de salida», para producir un texto con significado equivalente, en otro idioma, llamado texto traducido o «texto meta». El resultado de esta actividad, el texto traducido, también se denomina traducción. Cuando la traducción se realiza de manera oral se conoce como interpretación. La disciplina que estudia sistemáticamente la teoría, la descripción y la aplicación de la traducción y la interpretación se denomina traductología.1

Mientras que la interpretación es indudablemente más antigua que la escritura, la traducción surgió solo tras la aparición de la literatura escrita.


1.5 Skim

1.6 Skim Aplicación en el Texto



2.1 Mapas Conceptuales.2.2 Listas.2.3 Anuncios Clasificados.2.4 Uso de Diccionario.2.5 Estructuras:

Pasado Simple Pasado Continuo

2.6 Aplicación en el Texto Técnico.

2. Scan

2. Scan

2. Scan

This is a specific technique

2. Scan

2. Scan

2. Scan

2. Scan

2. Scan

2. Scan

2. Scan


Mapas Conceptuales

El mapa conceptual es una técnica usada para la representación gráfica del conocimiento. Un mapa conceptual es una red de conceptos. En la red, los nodos representan los conceptos, y los enlaces representan las relaciones entre los conceptos.

2.1 Scan

2.1 Scan


2.1 Scan

2.1 Scan

Used for Process

2.1 Scan

Conceptual mapVideo

2.1 Scan

2.2 Scan

Listasuna enumeración, generalmente en forma de columna, de personas, cosas, cantidades

2.3 Scan

Anuncios clasificados


Los anuncios clasificados son anuncios que se publican en la prensa escrita (diarios, periódicos o revistas) y en medios digitales para ofertar y demandar productos y servicios.

2.3 Scan

What for sale.PriceLocationPhone contact

2.4 Scan


Of the approximately 1 million words in the English language, the average English speaker knows 60,000 of those words. Besides helping with spelling and word meanings, being able to use a dictionary effectively and regularly is a perfect way to improve your English language skills through the dictionary's range of other helpful information on everyday language usage and grammar.

2.4 Scan

2.4 Scan

2.4 Scan