Post on 10-Mar-2016

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Meiby Balza Corrales

Lester Navas Escorcia

Raul Iriarte

Sistema de Gestión

de la Calidad

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje – SENA

Regional Atlántico

Centro Colombo Alemán


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Modal verbs

How to deal with emergencies

Expressing states of mind.

Emergency services

Illnesses and injuries. Tell us: Have you ever lived a real emergency?

Sistema de Gestión

de la Calidad

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje – SENA

Regional Atlántico

Centro Colombo Alemán


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3A. Read and match the headings to the paragraphs.

a) Brother goes missing c) Leaving home

b) Thieves in the house d) The journey to Yorkshire

An unfortunate weekend

0 c .

Sally Fox and her family left their home in Nottingham to go for a holiday in Yorkshire. Sally

wanted to go to France but her dad didn’t want to. Sally hadn’t been looking forward to the

holiday. She didn’t mind leaving her boyfriend and she thought Yorkshire looked beautiful in

the brochure. However, Sally felt that something terrible would happen.

1 ...............

On the way Sally had a row with her brother. He was listening to his music and he wouldn’t

stop singing. Sally got some sleep but still felt irritable. Mr Fox had said the journey would

take two hours. They left at nine o’clock and there wasn’t a lot of traffic, but the weather was

terrible. Sally knew her dad was a good driver so she felt safe. But, they were two hours late.

2 ...............

The next day they decided to visit a museum, but Sally’s mum had forgotten the map so they

couldn’t find it. Sally found museums boring anyway. Then her brother went missing. Sally’s

mum started panicking, but Sally stayed calm. Her brother didn’t have a mobile, but she

suggested they look for him at the local park. They found him playing football. They were

pleased and went to a restaurant to celebrate.

3 ...............

When they got home the front window of the house had been smashed. When they went

inside, the CD player and the computer had been stolen. The house was a mess. The thieves

hadn’t taken any of Sally’s necklaces but they stole some money. ‘We should have stayed at

home,’ said Mr Fox.

Sistema de Gestión

de la Calidad

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje – SENA

Regional Atlántico

Centro Colombo Alemán


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Read the text again and choose the correct answers.

1 Sally didn’t feel very excited about the holiday because …

a) she knew she would miss her boyfriend. b) she hated Yorkshire.

c) she thought something would go wrong.

2 Sally felt angry in the car because …

a) her dad was driving badly. b) her brother was annoying her.

c) she couldn’t get any sleep.

3 The Fox family arrived in Yorkshire at …

a) nine o’clock. b) eleven o’clock. c) one o’clock.

4 They didn’t go to the museum because …

a) they didn’t know where it was. b) Sally’s brother went missing.

c) Sally didn’t want to go.

5 While the Fox family had been away, …

a) the back window was broken. b) thieves had come into their house.

c) the house was tidy.

6 They found out that …

a) Sally’s necklaces had been stolen b) there was some money.

c) they no longer had a computer.

1. VOCABULARY CORNER. Do it yourself!!!

Instructions: Look up the following words / phrases in your dictionary. Make sentences and a dialogue using them.


1. Pick pocket

2. Bump

3. Forehead

4. Scratched up

5. Bruised

6. Go to your embassy

7. Scar

Sistema de Gestión

de la Calidad

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje – SENA

Regional Atlántico

Centro Colombo Alemán


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8. Swollen

9. Sprain

10. Wrist

11. Kidnapped

12. Cast

13. Phone your insurance company

14. Missing

15. Run a red light

16. A wreck

17. Burglarize

Discuss the following questions with a partner. 1. Have you ever been robbed? If so, what happened? 2. What would you do first if you have an accident? 3. What is the fine for running a red light? 4. How can we help our fellow citizens that have been kidnapped? 5. Do you have any scars?

LISTENING IV Street wise

Instructions: Listen and choose which subject the person is talking about

a. Mobile telephone safety b. MP3 players c. public transport

Sistema de Gestión

de la Calidad

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje – SENA

Regional Atlántico

Centro Colombo Alemán


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When we talk about ability, we mean two things.

First, we mean general ability. This is something that once you have learned you can do any

time you want, like being able to read or swim or speak a language, for example.

The other kind of ability is specific ability. This mean something that you can or can't do in

one particular situation. For example, being able to lift something heavy, or find somewhere

you are looking for.

Can / can’t (for both general and specific ability)

I can play the piano. She can speak English. He can’t drive – he’s too tired. We can’t come now.

was able to / couldn’t (for specific ability)

When the computer crashed yesterday, I was able to fix it.(not ‘I could fix it’) She was able to pass the exam, even though she hadn’t studied much.(not ‘she could

pass’) He called us because he couldn’t find the house. I couldn’t open the window.

How can we make QUESTIONS about ability? It’s easy!

Modal auxiliary + subject + main verb + ... ?

Can she play guitar?

Could you speak English when you were a child?

BE + subject + able to + main verb + ... ?

Are you able to understand the homework?

Were you able to finish the test?

Was he able to pass the exam?


The verbs may, might and could show possibility now and in the future. In this case, they

have the same meaning; although may gives a higher degree of certainty.

May Affirmative Negative Interrogative

Sistema de Gestión

de la Calidad

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje – SENA

Regional Atlántico

Centro Colombo Alemán


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I, you, he, she. It,

We, They may leave

early today

I, you, he, she. It,

We, They may not

leave early today

May I, you, he, she.

It, We, They leave

early today?

Might I, you, he, she. It,

We, They might

arrive on time

I, you, he, she. It,

We, They might not

arrive on time

Might I, you, he, she.

It, We, They arrive

on time?


We mostly use 'may' for more formal situations and 'may not' is used to say that someone is not allowed to do something.


"Mr. Smith, may I go to the restroom?" "You may go as soon as you have finished your exam." Retailers may not sell items below the manufacturer's price

However, we use the modal verbs of permission 'can' when we are giving permission to


Example: "You can borrow my book if you want, Diane." "You can go leave work now, I've got it covered." "Tom can go with you.

When refusing permission to someone, we use negative forms of the modals of permission; cannot = can't, or will not = won't, or shall not = shan't.


“Can I leave early?- “No, you can't!” “Ill go out on Saturday.” - “You will not!” You shan't get any money until the work is satisfactorily finished.

In many languages, the third person is used even when talking to an individual as a sign of respect and formality. In the English, however, we don't have such a luxury and resort to voice inflection and modal verbs to show politeness or respect to someone unknown to us or someone older than ourselves. 'Can' is less formal and more direct than 'could.' When asking in a simple or direct way we use 'can.' Can I ask a question?

Sistema de Gestión

de la Calidad

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje – SENA

Regional Atlántico

Centro Colombo Alemán


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Can we have something to drink? We are thirsty. When being polite, or wanting to show respect, 'could' is a better choice than can as it is a

more polite form than 'can.' Could I ask you a question, please? Could I try this coat on? 'May' and 'Might' can also be used when asking permission but are much more formal.

May I use your restroom, please? Might I ask what your name is? 'Might' is rarely used in this way as it's considered old fashioned usage, however, educated and polite people still use modals to indicate politeness and show respect and I, for one, am in favor of this kind of usage.


Modal Verbs are used to give advice or suggestions. There are two modal verbs used for advice: Should and Would. Should Should is used for advice in the present. The structure is as follows: Subject + Should + Base Verb

You should eat healthy food. You should exercise every day.

Should is used for advice in the past. Here is the structure: Should + Have + Past Participle

You should have gone to the party. She should have studied more often.

Sistema de Gestión

de la Calidad

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje – SENA

Regional Atlántico

Centro Colombo Alemán


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It is common to use "should" to give negative advice. In this case, add "not".

You should not smoke. You should not eat too much candy.

The contraction is "shouldn't".

You shouldn't drive too fast.


The modal verb "would" is used to give advice. In this situation, the speaker is giving hypothetical advice as if he/she were the listener. Here are some examples:

If I were you, I would return the book. If I were you, I would not wear that jacket.

It is not always necessary to include "If I were you".

I wouldn't eat that. I would choose the red shoes.

Normally, would is used to talk about yourself, and should is used to talk about someone else. Example:

I would study tonight if I were you. You should study tonight.

It is also common to ask for advice using these modal verbs:

What should I do? What would you do?

Sistema de Gestión

de la Calidad

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje – SENA

Regional Atlántico

Centro Colombo Alemán


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The modal verbs of necessity show obligations in the past, present, or future. It can be a necessary action that was required over and over again, or something that occurred just once. The modal verbs of necessity are have to, have got to, and must. Have to,must, and mustn't, are used to talk about a necessity in the present or future. He has to attend the meeting tomorrow. He must attend the meeting tomorrow. He mustn't be late for the meeting.

Had to refers to a necessity in the past. He had to attend the meeting yesterday. There IS a difference between must and have to when expressing necessity for yourself or others. I must be careful not to upset him. They have to be in Charlotte before Thursday.

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** NOTE **

We normally use have to for things that happen repeatedly with adverbs of frequency like

always, often, and regularly.

I always have to do the shopping on Saturdays.

You often have to wait in line at the grocery store.

Must not, or mustn't, shows that it is important for something NOT to happen or take place.

You mustn't talk during church service.

Must not and don't have to mean different things. Must not means that it is important that

you don't do something. Don't have to means that it isn't necessary to do, but you can.

You mustn't give me flowers because I'm allergic.

You don't have to give me flowers but you can if you like.

Sistema de Gestión

de la Calidad

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje – SENA

Regional Atlántico

Centro Colombo Alemán


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** NOTE **

Must is only used in the present or future... NEVER for necessities in the past. Also, we use

the auxilary verb 'do' for questions with the 'have to' modal.

How often do you have to buy milk for your children?

Must is never used with other modals, the 'ing' form, the full infinitive 'to' form, or a past

participle. These all require the have to form.

They may have to be sent out of the classroom.

I would have had to go through Leeds to reach Manchester.

He doesn't like to have to do his homework after football practice.


If something is not necessary or not an obligation, we use the modal verb “do/does not

have to.”

For example:

In Canada, children do not have to go to school on Saturdays, but many adults have to


Common Question: Do children have to go to school on Saturdays? No, they don't.

Common Question: Does Maggie have to study tonight? No, she doesn't.

Maggie doesn't have to study tonight because she studied all day.


We use “must not.”

For example:

Students must not copy their work from the Internet. It's illegal!

Children, you must not go in a stranger's car. It's dangerous!

Drivers must not drive on the left side of the road in North America.

You mustn't drink alcohol before you drive. You could cause an accident.

EXERCISES ON MODAL VERBS Rewrite the sentences and use the verbs can, may, have to or must.

Example: Read this book! - You must read this book.

1. Maybe she will return tonight. – She ____________ return tonight.

2. Don't stand up! – You ____________ stand up!

Sistema de Gestión

de la Calidad

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje – SENA

Regional Atlántico

Centro Colombo Alemán


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3. I'm sure they will finish it in a minute. – They ____________ finish it in a minute.

4. There is no need to answer the letter. - You____________ answer the letter.

5. Please, do it for me. - ____________ you do it for me?

6. I'd like to see your children. - ____________I see your children?

7. I am not good at football. – I ____________ play football.

8. Do your homework! – You ____________ do your homework.

9. Let's take a taxi. – We ____________ take a taxi.

Use the verbs CAN, MAY, MUST, HAVE TO in positive or negative forms.

1. Excuse me! ____________you speak French?

2. Alan isn't coming tonight. He __________ come tomorrow, I hope.

3. There's a lot of work to do in the house. You____________ help me!

4. She is over there. ____________ you see her?

5. ____________I borrow your pen, please?

6. Teachers____________ beat children. It's forbidden.

7. I can hear some voices. Someone____________ be in the house.

8. We ____________ eat sweets! We are on a diet.

9. You____________ buy it on Sunday if you want. The shops are open.

10. You____________ drive me to the station. I can walk.


1. On the plane: You don’t have to/must not wear a seat belt all the time.

2. You must/must not revise English words if you want to speak English.

3. You must not/ don’t have to take me to the station. I know the way.

4. You don’t have to /may not stop in front of my garage. I can't get out.

5. Is your telephone all right now? May/Can you hear me again?

6. It must/cannot be Greg. Greg is much taller.

7. Be careful! You must not/ don’t have to fall over again.

8. Don't panic. You must/may pass the exam next time.


Put in don't have to or doesn't have to into the gaps.

Example: I ____________ wear a pullover.

Sistema de Gestión

de la Calidad

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje – SENA

Regional Atlántico

Centro Colombo Alemán


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Answer: I don't have to wear a pullover.

1) Carolina_______________ work in the evening.

2) We _______________ go shopping.

3) The friends_______________ get up early.

4) Mandy _______________ read the instructions.

5) You_______________ do the project.

6) I_______________ play the guitar.

7) They_______________ carry the buckets.

8) Karol _______________wash my T-shirt.

9) Mum _______________make sandwiches.

10) Frank and Joel _______________draw a picture.


Write the phrases in brackets in their correct forms into the gaps.

Example: Yesterday I _____________ a film, today I can't. (can/to watch)

Answer: Yesterday I could watch a film, today I can't.

1) Last week we ____________swimming, this week we can't. (can/to go)

2) Maybe the Smiths____________ a new house next year. (can/to build)

3) If you try hard, you ____________your examinations. (can/to pass)

4) When I was five, I____________ . (not/ be able to /to swim)

5) Dennis____________ the trumpet after four months. (be able /to play)

6) Luke has passed his driving test, now____________ he a car. (be able to/to drive)

7) For three weeks I____________ to him on the phone. (not/be able to/to speak)

8) Alex ____________his homework when his desk is in such a mess. (not/can/to do)

9) They were so busy, they____________ me a text message. (be able to /to write)


1. Listen to that music! Our neighbors ____________play music that loud at this hour.

2. If your tooth is still hurting you tomorrow, you____________ go to the dentist's.

3. Cathy____________ keep ringing her ex-boyfriend. I think he is with another girl now.

4. Before going to Madrid for your holidays, you____________ try and learn something of the

language. You will enjoy things a lot more.

5. You____________ always knock on the door before entering. This is a private office.

6. We______________ bring something to Kate's party. I'll feel really embarrassed otherwise.

7. That model on the TV is too skinny. She______________ eat more, I think!

8. Lizzie______________ ask Bryan to help her with her studies. He did the same course last


9. Pregnant ______________women smoke as it can damage the baby.

Sistema de Gestión

de la Calidad

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje – SENA

Regional Atlántico

Centro Colombo Alemán


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WRITING Instructions: Write a report to your local newspaper narrating your experience at an

emergency room using the grammar and the vocabulary studied in unit 4. ________________________________________________________________________




















Sistema de Gestión

de la Calidad

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje – SENA

Regional Atlántico

Centro Colombo Alemán


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ON LINE RESOURCES Listening Dictionary Pronunciation Grammar and vocabulary. Phrasal verbs Modals Modals