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Transcript of JvE

8/8/2019 JvE

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dicho de Porfirio Diazdespues de las indicaciones y los usos de Lacan, pueden ser las matematicas lo mismo?el sujeto en Lacan y en Badiou. uno es pensado por las matematicas y el otro efecto deuna decision matematica.Matematicas y el nuevo estatuto de objeto (y de sujeto) Ver Althusserdebe un matematico leer a lacan? y un psicoanalista debe saber matematicas? "que nadieentre aqui que no sea topologo"mito, matema y cosas dificiles de decir en la lengua coloquial, rompen el sentido comun ypor ello son operaciones de pensamiento y tambien tienen una dimension politicaconstruccion del objeto a (fibonacci, no especularidad, cross cap, formulas de lasexuacion)matematizacion de la logicaborges y sus matemas, despejar incognitas, cercar lo realantifilosofía y matema, entrar/intervenir en el momento mas debil y por ello mas potenteequivocidad, univocidad, leyes y algebra (incognitas), formalizacion flexible de la letratopologia como geometria del caucho, nudos e invariantes (ecuaciones o leyes en latopologia) letra y cientificidad (Badiou)teoria y una practica no tecnica (desontologizar y metafisica)topologia y estetica trascendentalmatema y su poder de construccion, transformacion y transmision integraldesanti y la transmision integral el psicoanalisis trabaja con lo irrepresentable, lasmatematicas son letra irrepresentable pero que transforman, trabajan, con eso

logicizacion de las matematicas, Badio, negacion y logica da CostaLas matematicas como la imaginarizacion de lo real de lo simbolico

Patrice ManiglierFor it is a characteristic of every formal system that it is stratified: new systems can be builtby introducing new rules and symbols in the former one. Badiou provides in his article theformal demonstration that it is possible to deduce zero without making any appealwhatsoever to the Unthinkable, but instead by playing on these different layers, zero beingintroduced at one level, excluded at another one, and reintroduced in the last one. A lack,in a formal system, is always the lack of a mark: there is no “mark of the lack as such.”

Badiou’s original answer to the Lacanian question, it is its enduring scepticism towards thevery program of the “logic of the signifier.”

there is no semiotic of mathematics

Badiou, the subject is not a condition coextensive to the constitution of a structure, but israther something that arises from the introduction of a transgressive element within thestructure: the event, defined as a set that belongs to itself.

La herencia del Menon consideraciones: el escándalo de los números irracionales

depende de la distorsión entre números que no podemos evitar producir, que podemosescribir o simbolizar, y la imposibilidad de hacerse una representación imaginativa o

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intuitiva de ellos; la posición por la geometría de un real que no coincide forzosamente conla realidad empírica; la bisagra cuasi-inmediata de las matemáticas hacia el mito.

Finally, if "a spectre is haunting Western academia " as Žižek says, this is because,beyond all the impasses that modernity has left us with, (re)thinking the Subject hasbecome unavoidable in our times. With Badiou we state that the Subject is axiomatic and

is constituted by an intervention: the subject decides the undecidable on the existence ofthe indiscernible in a situation. Both these terms are negative and are defined rigorously byBadiou in Condition(e)s (2002). While the undecidable refers to a proposition that avoids anorm of language, the indiscernible avoids the positional (significant/signifying)demarcation of the terms. Badiou attempts to formulate a post-Cartesian articulation of theSubject beyond the opposition between phenomenology and structuralism.

Badiou seeks to delimit the status of the “thought decision” process involved in inventivemathematics, and tries to displace mathematics from the traditional domain within which it

is usually contained, and reduced to.

By doing so, concepts such as event, intervention, truth, etc. are (re)situated in theirradical originality. By being modulated around the points of impossibility (or impasses)closely delimited by mathematical discourse (from ontological correlates -axiom of choice / intervention, axiom of foundation / evental site- or more specifically of its Being qua Being-forcing / subject, multiple generic / generic-), the scope in meaning of these concepts isnarrowed down to its maximum/limit in order to avoid any possible interpretive(hermeneutic) shift.

"it will then be understood that my intention is never epistemological or related to thephilosophy of mathematics. Should this be the case, I would have discussed the greatmodern trends of that epistemology (formalism, intuitionism, finitism, etc.) " (Badiou 1999:27)

What Badiou finds appealing in mathematics is not so much its claim to accuracy orobjectivity (the main feature of logical positivism), but the rigor of thought thatmathematicians show on confronting the Real of the impasse, the undecidable and theindemonstrable; and to show how these moments are solved by means of a "decision of

thought ", that is to say, an axiom (or an axiomatic system). Unlike what we are often led tobelieve, this does not entail any absolutization of truth, but shows instead how, whenconfronted with the Real, thought must decide the consequences of such a decisionwithout any guarantees.

Ideas (mathematics) remain separated from concepts (philosophical) and both ideas andconcepts are different from the interventions or the singular nominations (science, art,politics and love). This radical operation of thought allows Badiou to displace and tooverturn the common order of priorities that usually support mainstream conceptual-

philosophical schemes.

The subject is neither the outcome of a previous information or a transcendental entity, nor

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is the effect/outcome of a structure a posteriori, as if it were modulated by instances thatwould determine it necessarily. On having carried out a supernumerary nomination, thesubject emerges from circumscribing the point limit of the effect of structure, (i.e. thesubject has no correspondence with the stabilized relations of the signifier). The novelty,with this approach, lies in the affirmation that only a "qualified subject" exists and isconstituted in diverse generic procedures: art, science, politics and love.

Crucial here is to establish a clear difference between such an axiomatic system as the settheory, on the one hand, and an inventive procedure, on the other, which takesdecisions/issue on undecidable points at a structural level. In set theory axioms arepostulated/posited against the need to decide on impasses presented by formalizedlanguages (Hilbert's project). Axioms in set theory do not comprise a system that begins bypre-supposing self-evident principles, valid for all and forever. What is questioned/pre-empted thus is the possibility of establishing a kind of capricious/fanciful and evenauthoritarian procedure that designates principles without reasons, and which carried overto the political fields lead to disaster. An inventive procedure takes decisions on

undecidable points at a structural level. This requires a certain "consequence" withdecision taken, as well as showing that the rules of the game do not change by fancy orinterest but for a structural need to the moment of facing the real of the impasse. This, asLacan says with regard to the act, divides/splits the subject, that is to say, does not offerroom for any full or self-centered identity.

Se trata de circunscribir la función de lo imposible en psicoanálisis, aquello que Lacanencuentra como núcleo traumático o sitio de la represión primordial (“ombligo del sueño”en Freud). Eso mismo que se intenta elaborar y transmitir por medio de las formulacionesconceptuales límite de otros saberes (i.e., matemáticas, biología, física); pero, justamente,

no en lo que podrían significar en su propio campo como elaboraciones positivas dedespliegue de un saber sino, por el contrario, en tanto señalan y delimitan los impassesabiertos por aquello que resulta problemático para el pensamiento: lo que convoca apensar e inventar cada vez modificando lo ya sabido. En definitiva, el fracaso indica mejorlo real (en sentido lacaniano) que el éxito; de allí que Lacan designe a la matemáticacomo “ciencia de lo real” en tanto sus letras (axiomas y fórmulas) señalan la funcióneminente de lo imposible.

más bien intenta circunscribir los puntos problemáticos y los momentos de impassepresentes en la teoría matemática (i.e. la desmesura entre la cardinalidad de un conjunto

y el conjunto de partes), el caracter esencialmente abierto de la problematica

Las matemáticas, al atenerse al uso estricto de la letra, nos permiten pensar más allá delas aporías que engendra el lenguaje en el juego sucesivo y alternante de significantes ysignificados, de interpretaciones sobre interpretaciones.

Parece que el giro lingüístico, si bien nos permitió romper con la metafísica aldesustancializar la referencia, es decir, con la idea de que existiría un primer orden derealidad que el lenguaje vendría en segundo término a representar; no obstante, parececomo si el pensamiento hubiera quedado reducido a ser sólo un mero juego de lenguaje,

es decir, que ahora es el lenguaje mismo la instancia omnipresente que ordena los límitesde lo pensable, “el lenguaje es co-extensivo al mundo” dirá Wittgenstein.

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la dignidad de pensamiento

Se suele creer que un sistema axiomático es algo así como una imposición autoritaria deverdades absolutas, cuando en realidad, si se sigue el proceso de formación del mismo,se ve claramente que ha resultado del encuentro contingente con ciertas contradiccionese inconsistencias, lo cual ha llevado a formular, justamente mediante axiomas,

restricciones y prohibiciones con el fin de seguir operando y abriendo nuevos campos deinvestigación. Es decir que se asume plenamente que la prohibición sólo viene al lugar delo imposible (de un impasse situado) a fin de pasar de la impotencia a la posibilidad dehacer algo luego de tal constatación. Es aquí donde encontramos el real lacaniano,entendido como lo imposible del impasse lógico que muestra la pura inconsistencia de lostérminos e induce a pensar e inventar otras soluciones; es decir que la prohibiciónsimplemente marca hitos, señales, por donde no se debe seguir si se desea ganarconsistencia por otro lado.

Lo que le interesa a Badiou de las matemáticas es, antes que cualquier pretensión de

exactitud u objetividad (tributarias, más bien, del neopositivismo), el rigor de pensamientoque muestran los matemáticos al confrontarse ante lo real del impasse, de lo indecidible,de lo indemostrable, y de cómo estos momentos se resuelven mediante una «decisión depensamiento», es decir, un axioma (o un sistema axiomático). Al contrario de lo que sesuele creer, esto no remite a ninguna absolutización de la verdad, sino a mostrar cómo elpensamiento confrontado ante lo real debe decidir sin garantías de nada en cuanto a lasconsecuencias de tal decisión. El pensamiento, así, se desmarca de cualquier saber (oconocimiento) presupuesto.

presupuesto. Por eso, en lugar de someter las matemáticas a un escrutinio filosófico o a

una interpretación epistemológica de su objeto, es, a la inversa, la filosofía quien debesometerse a la condición que impone la existencia de la matemática (como así también laexistencia del arte, la política y el amor), para pensar lo que ésta se prohíbe: el exceso, ladesmesura, y los modos de nominación suplementarios que se encuentran en otrosdiscursos.

which not ceases from not being writtenwedge = calcesolapa = lapel, flapaplanamiento = make even, to smoth, to level it (aplanir)

contornea = circunscribe, edge, surround, perimetersumerge = submerge, immerseenjambre = swarm, netCircunscribe = confine, circumscribe, (to maraud)

formalización matematizante y matema (letra)Interval, glipse in the instant, into the hitchesirreductible dimensionin a mode of an intransitive verb

El concepto como nudo borromeo

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"we can do without the father, on the condition of using him" (on peut se passer du père, àcondition de s'en server)

what would be a science which includes the subject and it's experience of the

unconsciouss? not to reduce psychoanalysis to science but to interpelate the very samescience

resistance to science, It is the story of a stubborn and widespread will to ignorance(scciachitano)They are the different semantics of logic: set-theoretic, topological or algebrical. Thesemantic formalization produces models.Reinterpreting, or translating the results of a theory in the terms of another theory, iscommon in mathematics. Analysis topologized itself. Topology algebrized itself.

we should avoid causal discourses,The aetiological principle does work in our everyday life.But it does not work in the scientific discourse where we deal with phenomenon with nocauseMathematics does not deal with primary truths, absolute and categorical. It deals withtruths under condition of certain premises. They are called, axioms.

Lo real está seguramente más presente en las matemáticas que en lo empírico.

Having said this,

oblivion / forgetfullness of the question which interrogates for being

21/11/72 encoreThis is where what we come to say about the real is distinguished. For this real, if you takeit as I believed I should in the course of time, a time which is also that of my experience,

the real can only be inscribed from an impasse of formalisation. And that is why I believed Icould sketch out the model of it, from mathematical formalisation in so far as it is the mostadvanced elaboration that we have managed to produced, the most advanced elaborationof significance (signifiance). Of a significance which in short ± I am talking aboutmathematical formalisation ± one can say that it runs counter to meaning. I almost said inthe opposite direction. The it means nothing about mathematics, is what is said in our timeby philosophers of mathematics, even when they are themselves VPrincipia.