La Extensión de Dvorak

Post on 31-Jul-2016

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Colaboración con MindsPlanet

Transcript of La Extensión de Dvorak


“El preludio”

Escrito por Mar Rodríguez,

en agradecimiento a J.M. de Arriba

Idea original de Tenebroso

traducido al inglés por Wastyd Tallant

Mayo 2016


“La leyenda de los avatares se extendió por el universo con la llegada del siglo XXI,

cuando la situación pasó de ser insostenible a hostil.”

Tenebroso, 3007

Se unieron los clanes del Norte…

Se unieron los clanes del Sur…

El aumento de temperatura en el planeta Tierra estaba desbocado. Nada

hacía para evitarlo una sociedad controlada por el espionaje tecnológico; manejado

por los poderes, atesoraban el control de cada vida. Mientras tanto la especie

obligada a adaptarse evolucionó bajando un grado su temperatura corporal. Esto

los volvía más aletargados, más vulnerables al control de los poderes.

Los clanes de activistas manejaban sus luchas particulares dispersos por

todas las latitudes. Para superar el letargo, probaban infinidad de métodos, cuyos

efectos desencadenaban las primeras transformacionesen sus organismos de agua

y carbono. Para ocultarse del gran ojo, se refugiaban en LostEmpìre Island, donde

aunaron sus habilidades. El mentor Ottman, maestro de la encriptación, creó los

senderos a salvo de los poderes.Con esta llave entre lo virtual y lo real, los sueños y

las fantasías, el pueblo gobernó internet.

En esta nueva dimensión surgieron los primeros evolucionados a la forma

de su propio avatar. La transformación era imparable. Nació de manos de los

primeros avatares, Minds Planet, guarida de los pertenecientes a la era Minds.

Se unieron los clanes del Este…

Se unieron los clanes del Oeste…

Escrito por Mar Rodríguez,

en agradecimiento a J.M. de Arriba

Idea original de Tenebroso


“The legend of the avatars spread throughout the universe with the arrival of the 21st Century, when the situation went from being unstable to very hostile.”

Tenebroso, 3007

The clans from the North joined forces…

The clans from the South joined forces…

As temperatures on planet Earth soared out of control, not much could be

done by its inhabitants. A modern society completely enslaved through

technological surveillance used by those in power to control every aspect of daily

life. Meanwhile, the Human species was forced to adapt to the rising temperatures

by evolving a lower body temperature. This evolution weakened Human beings

and made them more vulnerable to those in power by making them easier to

control. The clans were made up of activists who were attempting to fight back, but

were scattered throughout the globe and already weakened from previous

struggles. To overcome their weakened state they attempted an infinite amount of

methods whose side effects initiated a chain reaction of transformations within

their bodies composed of carbon and water. To hide from the great eye, they took

refuge on Lost Empire Island, where they all joined forces. Ottman, master of

encryption, and mentor to the clans created a safe haven on this island hidden

away from the surveillance of those in power. With this new key between virtual

worlds and the real world and dreams and fantasies, the people ruled the internet.

In this new dimension emerged the first wave of evolution, individuals evolving

into their own avatars. The transformation was unstoppable. Born from the hands

of the first avatars, Minds Planet… Home to those living in the Minds era.

The clans from the East joined forces…

The clans from the West joined forces…

Written by Mar Rodriguez Gratitude to J.M. de Arriba

Original Idea by Tenebroso

Translation by Wastyd Tallant