Let´s win the race to bad habits

Post on 29-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Let´s win the race to bad habits

Asignatura: APVEste recurso se realizará durante la semana

del Centro que este año se centrara en la “Alimentación saludable”

El objetivo de este recurso es que los alumnos se den cuenta de la importancia de los hábitos alimenticios saludables, y de la importancia de la utilización del inglés en un CFGM de Comercio

Ficha para el alumnoEsta actividad se realizará en parejasA través de las descripciones en ingles

deberéis descubrir de que alimento se trata Una vez descubierto, deberéis seleccionar y

buscar el significado de aquellas 4 palabras que mas os llamen la atención y exponérselo al resto de compañeros

BananasWe are smooth, yellow, soft, pliable skin and

edible, seedless, creamy-white, sweet flesh. and although most of us are about 20cm long and 4-5cm wide,

We don’t actually grow on trees. We’re grown on giant herbs related to the Lily and Orchid family.


We’re 2-5cm long, soft, red, plump and heart-shaped. We consist of a cluster of small fruits around the fruit stem; each single fruit having a seed surrounded by red flesh.

Now there are other berries in this world but admit it, we’re the best - sweet, succulent, easy to eat - no other berry is as good as us

AppleJust like you we come in all shapes, sizes and

colour of skin, which can range from green, yellow, orange-red to dark red.

When you bite into us you’ll find differences between varieties too.

Our flesh can range from green, to creamy-white or greenish-white and we also have different tastes depending on how much sugar or acid we contain.

KiwisIt is a small bright green fruit with a brown

fuzzy exterior.It also contains antioxidant vitamin E, which

can also help prevent sickness and keep your heart healthy.

OnionWe come in various shapes and colours, the most common being round to oval-shaped and slightly smaller than a tennis ball. Inside, we have thickish, moist, leaf bases which form concentric rings from the centre outwards.

It’s our acid which makes you cry when you peel us

PepperMost of us are glossy, smooth-skinned, and

blocky (10-12cm long by 6-10cm across). We come in a range of colours most

commonly green or red but other colours, including golden yellow, …… Americans call capsicum ‘bell peppers’, but our correct name is capsicum. nd orange are available.

CarrotMost of us have long, tapering orange-red

roots, 20-28cm long and 3-5cm wide, shaped like an arrowhead.

Some varieties are more rounded and shaped like a top whilst others are harvested when very young and small - they’re sold in bunches.

Doctors say that we improve vision, especially at night because of our very high level of vitamin A (carotene).

PizzaA dish made typically of flattened bread dough

spread with a savory mixture usually including tomatoes and cheese and often other toppings and baked.

TomatoOur colour and shape vary considerably depending on our variety and where we come from. The most common red, it is plump and round, about the size of a tennis ball, with a flattened top. Some varieties are heart-shaped, some are the size and shape of a ping pong ball, some are small and tear drop-shaped, whilst others are egg-shaped.

Our colours range from red to yellow-skinned with pink to yellow flesh.

We’re a good source of vitamin C

ChocolateIt comes from a tree called the Cocoa tree, or

in Spanish, Cacao. The cocoa tree or chocolate tree, is found in the Upper Amazon Basin where it can reach over fifty feet high. The fruit is thick and oval shaped, usually yellow or red, and can sometimes grow as big a as a football. The inside of the fruit is packed full of between twenty and sixty seeds

We belong to the melon family and can be round, soccer ball-size or an elongated, egg shape with smooth, hard, thick, green or yellow skin or rind. Our flesh can vary from red to yellow and our dark brown seeds are arranged around our centre.

We’re a good source of vitamin C


Americans spend more on fast food than on new cars, higher education and computers.

 While fast food may be convenient, regularly

consuming fast food has a damaging effect on your body, for example:

 Weigth gainHigh blood pressureHigh cholesterol