4 Elementos para enseñar a adultos

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  • 8/19/2019 4 Elementos para enseñar a adultos



    SHIFT's eLearning Blog

    4 Elements to Effective Adult Learning, Accordingto NeurosciencePosted by Karla Gutierrez  on Tue, Dec 01, 2015 @ 11:37 AM 

    Adult Learning or Andragogy highlights that adult learners are

    fundamentally different in their methods of learning in comparison

    with children. As an L&D professional, you need to understand these

    differences and figure out the best methods that can be employed to

    meet the adult learning needs.

    With adult learners, you will encounter different types of 

    expectations, demands, and challenges. The key is to accommodate

    to these needs and work in a manner that is most effective and

    engaging for them. Understanding human psychology and brain

    science can help in this regard.

    While there are multiple methodologies to make this happen, there is

    a model proposed by Lila Davachi, Associate Professor of Psychology

    at New York University that is known to be very effective. Known as

    AGES (Attention-Generation-Emotion-Spacing), this model highlights

    four key elements that are essential for effective adult learning. Let us

    go through the four elements in detail now.



  • 8/19/2019 4 Elementos para enseñar a adultos



    1)  Attention

    "Learning that happens while multitasking cannot be generalized— 

    and does not result in understanding or the ability to recall when 

    needed." --The Maritz Institute 

     The first and foremost step in any learning is to gain the attention of 

    the learner. While a little distraction is good in some situations, during

    learning, it is important that the learner is single-mindedly focused.

    This is especially true when a person is trying to learn something new.

    Research has revealed that though it is physically possible to

    multitask, the efficiency and effectiveness or the time taken to

    complete a task gets impacted negatively during multitasking.

    In fact, Edward Hallowell, MD, Director of the Hallowell Center for

    Cognitive and Emotional Health has reiterated that true multitasking

    is only but a myth. Though we are inclined to believe that we are

    doing multiple things at the same time, it is nothing but a

    misconception. This is because the cerebral cortex in the brain can

    focus on only one thing at a time. What happens is that the mind

    shifts from one thing to the other very quickly and in the process, the

    effectiveness of both is lost.


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    The importance of managing the attention of learners effectively

    cannot thus, be undermined. Keeping this in mind, you need to design

    eLearning courses that capitalize on the way brain science works.

    Read: The Science of Attention (And Why eLearning

    Professionals Should Care)

    2) Generation

    "Self‑directed learning is more in tune with our natural processes of 

    psychological development." --- Malcolm Knowles 

     Once you have managed to gain the attention of a learner for aparticular task, an idea is generated in the working memory. However,

    the important thing now is to decide how to maximize the likelihood

    of these memories forming. Research has proved that repetition has a

    limited impact on creating learning that lasts, unlike popular

    assumption. By repeating something for ten times, you are not

    necessarily creating the desired learning impact.

    Adult learning is totally different from the way children learn. While

    children learn from their surroundings without being choosy, adults

    learn in a more selective manner. Adults tend to capitalize on what

    they already know and build upon it. They take responsibility of what

    they need to and want to learn which is why self- directed learning is a

    hit with adults. Self- directed learning allows the learners to control

    what they learn and to an extent, how they learn. It provides a

    foundation for transformative learning. With this learning method,

    they use critical thinking to challenge and question what they have

    learned earlier and thereby, form conclusions on what they learn.

    Now, why and how is this more effective? The brain depends on

    experiences, both individual and social for its growth. Whenever the

    human brain is actively involved in the learning, it is more effective

    and efficient.

    Read: Self-Directed Learning: A Key Component of

    Adult Learning Theory



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    3) Emotion

    "The role of emotions is critical in adult learning as they are closely 

    linked with the construction of meaning and knowledge." --- Dirkx,

    2001; Shuck et al., 2007 

    It is a well-known fact that emotion and memory are interlinked.

    Research has shown that emotionally active events form a place in

    our memory for a longer span of time than the events that are slightly

    on the neutral side.

    Emotions create memories – both negative and positive. Each time

    you get an emotional cue, neurons get activated in the brain andremind you of things associated with that particular emotion.

    It is quite obvious by now that there is more to an effective eLearning

    course than just looking modern, attractive and functioning well. Your

    eLearning courses should spark the right emotions in the learner to

    aid the learning process. If we can connect with learners from the

    outset – establishing the need for a particular eLearning course,

    taking them through the course and also, connecting post learning,

    and then the desired result can be achieved. Not only will you have

    more rates of completion but also would have enabled a good

    learning experience.

    Read: Improve Learner Engagement by Using Plutchik's Wheel of


    4) Spacing

    "Repeating the information over a longer interval — say a few days or

    a week later, rather than in rapid succession — sends a stronger

    signal to the brain that it needs to retain the information." --- Tara

    Parker-Pope, NYTimes Article

    If you expect the learners to go through 40 slides of content in an

    eLearning course or sit through a classroom session for eight long


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    hours with just lunch and refreshment breaks, you are definitely not

    giving them the scope to learn. The human brain has limited cognitive

    power, and overloading information isn’t every going to ensure

    learning. As eLearning designers, it is important that you realize this

    and design courses that keep this in mind.

    Hermann Ebbinghaus, a German psychologist, came up with a theory

    called the Forgetting Curve. It refers to the period just after learning

    has taken place when we start to forget what we have

    learned. According to the findings, we tend to forget almost 50-80

    percent of all new information we have learned within a few days

    after the learning event has occurred. But we tend to recall more and

    forget less when the learning is spaced across time and repeated

    during the teaching session. According to these same findings,

    learning using the spaced repetition method, improves long-term

    retention by 200 percent.

    Learning designers should hence, design learning programs that

    space the reiteration of content delivered to the learners. When you

    distribute the learning in spaced stages, it ensures long-term memory,

    thus making the learning effective and more impactful.

    Read: Comparing Typical (Crammed) Learning vs. Spaced Learning




    Christina Angelaki, Ilias Mavroidis.Communication and Social


  • 8/19/2019 4 Elementos para enseñar a adultos


    Presence: The Impact on Adult Learners’ Emotions in Distance


    The Science Behind The Learning Process, CLOMEDIA (accessed

    November 01, 2015).


    Topics: adult learning, brain-based learning

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