
HSAR-252: ROMAN ARCHITECTURE Clase 1 Introducción a la arquitectura romana Clase 2 La fundación de Roma y los inicios del urbanismo en Italia Clase 3 Tecnología y revolución en la arquitectura romana Clase 4 Interrupción de la vida civil: la pesadilla y el destino el 24 de agosto del año 79 d.C. Clase 5 Estilo de vida de la clase adinerada: casas y villas de Pompeya Clase 6 Ambientes en Herculano y la decoración de interiores en los inicios de la Era Romana Clase 7 El broche de oro: la pintura de los palacios y las villas en el siglo I d.C. Clase 8 Motivos de especial interés en los muros de Pompeya Clase 9 Del ladrillo al mármol: César Augusto monta Roma Clase 10 El paso al más allá: tumbas de aristócratas romanos, libertos y esclavos Clase 11 El infame Nerón y su increíble legado arquitectónico Clase 12 La creación de un icono: el Coliseo y la arquitectura contemporánea en Roma Clase 13 El Príncipe y el Palacio: lo humano y lo divino en el Monte Palatino Temas para el trabajo Las provincias romanas y el diseño de una ciudad romana Clase 14 El foro de los foros: la arquitectura civil en la Roma de Trajano Clase 15 Roma y una villa: el Panteón de Adriano y el retiro palaciego de Tívoli Clase 16 El modo de vida romano y la muerte en Ostia, el puerto de Roma Clase 17 Cuanto más grande, mejor: las Termas de Caracalla y otras construcciones romanas de los siglos II y III


Arquitectura Romana

Transcript of Arquitectura

HSAR-252: ROMAN ARCHITECTUREClase 1 Introduccin a la arquitectura romanaClase 2 La fundacin de Roma y los inicios del urbanismo en ItaliaClase 3 Tecnologa y revolucin en la arquitectura romanaClase 4Interrucin de la vida civil! la esadilla y el destino el 24 de agosto del a"o #$ d%C%Clase & 'stilo de vida de la clase adinerada! casas y villas de (omeyaClase )*mbientes en +erculano y la decoracin de interiores en los inicios de la 'ra RomanaClase # 'l broc,e de oro! la intura de los alacios y las villas en el siglo I d%C%Clase - .otivos de esecial inter/s en los muros de (omeyaClase $ 0el ladrillo al m1rmol! C/sar *ugusto monta RomaClase 12 'l aso al m1s all1! tumbas de aristcratas romanos3 libertos y esclavosClase 11 'l infame 4ern y su increble legado arquitectnicoClase 12La creacin de un icono! el Coliseo y la arquitectura contemor1nea en RomaClase 13 'l (rncie y el (alacio! lo ,umano y lo divino en el .onte (alatinoTemas ara el traba5oLas rovincias romanas y el dise"o de una ciudad romanaClase 14 'l foro de los foros! la arquitectura civil en la Roma de Tra5anoClase 1& Roma y una villa! el (anten de *driano y el retiro alaciego de TvoliClase 1) 'l modo de vida romano y la muerte en 6stia3 el uerto de RomaClase 1#Cuanto m1s grande3 me5or! las Termas de Caracalla y otras construccionesromanas de los siglos II y IIIClase 1-0e vuelta a los orgenes! en ,onor a las races de un emerador del norte del 7frica romanaClase 1$'8travagan9as barrocas! tumbas e8cavadas en roca3 fuentes y santuarios en :ordania3 Lbano y LibiaClase 22 ;ino romano en botellas griegas! el resurgimiento de *tenasClase 21 Reroducciones de Roma en miniatura en los lmites occidentalesClase 22 'l retorno de Roma! el renacimiento de la tetrarquaClase 23 La Roma de Constantino y una nueva RomaLecture 1 - Introduction to Roman Architecture !anuar" 1#$ 2%%&'Chapter 1. Introduction: Roman Urbanism [00:00:00]Professor Diana E. E. Kleiner: (e)come to Roman Architecture* I+m ,ro-e..or /)einer$ and 0hat I+d )i1e to do toda" i. to 2i3e "ou a .en.e o- .ome o- the 2reat 4ui)din2. and .ome o- the theme. that 0e 0i)) 4e .tud"in2 to2ether thi. .eme.ter* I thin1 it+. im5ortant to note$ -rom the$ that Roman architecture i. 5rimari)" an architecture o- citie.* The Roman. .tructured a man-made$ 0or)d0ide em5ire out o- architectura) -orm.$ and tho.e architectura) -orm. re3o)utioni6ed the ancient 0or)d and e7erted a )a.tin2 in-)uence on the architecture and the architect. o- 5o.t-c)a..ica) time.*Thi. .eme.ter 0e 0i)) 4e concerned 5rimari)" 0ith ur4an communitie.--0ith ur4an communitie.--and 0e 0i))$ in the -ir.t ha)- o- thi. .eme.ter$ 0e 0i)) -ocu. on the cit" o- Rome$ and in the .econd--and a).o centra) Ita)"$ inc)udin2 ,om5eii* And I 0anted to .ho0 "ou$ at the$ an aeria) 3ie0 o- Rome--"ou .ee it o3er here$ on the )e-t-hand .ide o- the .creen--that .ituate. u. in the 3er" core o- the ancient cit"* 8ou .ee the -amou. Co)o..eum$ the 3er" icon o- Rome$ at the u55er ri2ht* 8ou .ee the Roman 9orum$ a. it )oo1. toda"$ and "ou .ee a 5art o- the Ca5ito)ine Hi))$ tran.-ormed 4" Miche)an2e)o into the -amou. Cam5ido2)io$ a. 0e)) a. the :ia dei 9ori Im5eria)i o- Mu..o)ini$ 4ui)t 4" Mu..o)ini$ and the Im5eria) 9ora*So the cit" o- Rome a2ain 0e+)) 4e concentratin2 on$ at the 4e2innin2 o- thi. .eme.ter$ a. 0e)) a. the cit" o- ,om5eii* An aeria) 3ie0 o- ,om5eii$ a. it )oo1. toda"* 8ou can .ee man" o- the 4ui)din2. o- the cit"$ inc)udin2 the hou.e. and the .ho5.$ and a).o the entertainment di.trict* Thi. i. the theater and the mu.ic ha)) o- ancient ,om5eii* The am5hitheater i. o3er here* And "ou can .ee$ o- cour.e$ )oomin2 u5 in the 4ac12round$ Mount :e.u3iu.$ the mountain that cau.ed a)) that trou4)e in ;& A* A.ia Minor$ 0hich o- cour.e i. modern Tur1e"* It 0i)) ta1e u. to North A-rica* It 0i)) ta1e u. to the Midd)e Ea.t$ in 0hat+. no0 !ordan and S"ria$ and it 0i)) a).o ta1e u. to Euro5e$ to 0e.tern Euro5e$ to citie. in 9rance and to citie. in S5ain*And )et me ?u.t .ho0 "ou an e7am5)e o- .ome o- the 4ui)din2. that 0e+)) )oo1 at a. 0e tra3e) to the 5ro3ince.* Thi. i. the Li4rar" o- Ce).u.$ in E5he.u.$ on the 0e.tern coa.t o- Tur1e"* Thi.--the theater$ a .5ectacu)ar)" 0e))-5re.er3ed theater at Sa4ratha$ "ou .ee on the u55er ri2ht-hand .ide> and do0n here a re.tored 3ie0 o- the ma.ter-u) ,a)ace o- .o "ou don+t ha3e to 0orr" a4out it toda"* The cardo and the decumanus$ and "ou can .ee that the" cro.. e7act)"> the" inter.ect e7act)" at the center o- the cit"* And then the re.t o- the cit" i. arran2ed in 4)oc1.$ 3er" re2u)ar 4)oc1.$ thi. 2rid 5)an that I mentioned 4e-ore* Then .ome o- the ma?or monument.$ 0hether it+. the theater or the -orum$ are arran2ed in di--erent 5art. o- the cit"$ and then the.e 4)oc1. con.titute e..entia))" the hou.in2 and the .ho5. and .o on and .o -orth* Thi. i. a cit" that 0a. 5)anned in around 1%% A* concrete$ in thi. 5articu)ar ca.e$ -aced 0ith 4ric1*Chapter 2. The Urban Grid and Public rchitecture [00:0!:"#](e ta)1ed a4out re2u)ar to0n 5)annin2 and the )ocation o- the cardo and the decumanus* I 0antto .ho0 "ou ?u.t an e7am5)e o- thi.* Thi. i. a cit" in Ita)"$ in thi. ca.e the cit" o- ,om5eii* 8ou .ee it here in 5)an* Thi. i. a 5)an o- ,om5eii a. it )oo1ed$ ?u.t at the moment that :e.u3iu. eru5ted* So in Au2u.t o- ;& A* it+. 1ind o- e)on2ated$ .ort o- )i1e an o3a)$ 1ind o- an o3a)$ an irre2u)ar o3a)* @ut it ha. the .en.e> I thin1 it ha. the .en.e* It .ho0. "ou that a2ain e3en thou2h the Roman. 0ere thin1in2 to tr" to create their citie. in a 3er" re2u)ar 0a"$ it didn+t a)0a". 0or1 out e7act)" that 0a"$ de5endin2 on the terrain and .o on and .o -orth* @ut thi. i. a rou2h--it+. .ort o- an irre2u)ar rectan2)e$ a. "ou can .ee here*@ut i- "ou )oo1 3er" care-u))"$ "ou .ort o- .a" to "our.e)- )i1e$ B(here+. the cardo$ 0here+. the decC 8ou ?u.t to)d u. the cardo and the decumanus inter.ect in the center> )i1e 0here are the"C (h" aren+t the" inter.ectin2 in the centerCB (e))$ .ur5ri.e$ .ur5ri.e$ ma"4e not .uch a .ur5ri.e$ i- "ou )oo1 o3er here at the 4ottom )e-t$ "ou 0i)) actua))" .ee the ori2ina) cit" o- ,om5eii* In the -ourth centur" @*C*$ the third centur" @*C*$ the .econd centur" @*C*$ ,om5eii didn+t )oo1 )i1e thi.> ,om5eii )oo1ed )i1e thi.* And i- "ou )oo1 3er" care-u))" at ?u.t thi. .ection$ 0here 0e ha3e the 4ui)din2. in the 3ariou. co)or.$ "ou 0i)) .ee that there i. indeed a cardo and a decumanus that inter.ect e7act)" at the center o- thi. rou2h)" .Auare--.o thi. 0a. actua))" 5rett" re2u)ar ori2ina))"--thi. rou2h)" .Auare cit" o- ,om5eii* At three 0e -ind the -orum$ 4ecau.e the -orum i. a)0a". at the inter.ection* The Roman. tr"--the"+re 3er" care-u) a4out thi. .ort o- thin2--tr" to 5ut their -orum ri2ht at the inter.ection o- the cardo and the decumanus* 8ou .ee that here> and then "ou .ee a )ot o- other 4ui)din2. .5)a"ed o-- to either .ide*The )a0 court or the 4a.i)ica$ another tem5)e here* Here the main Tem5)e o- !u5iter$ and the Senate Hou.e or Curia$ and a .erie. o- other re)i2iou. and com5ara4)e .tructure.$ on the ri2ht-hand .ide* So it 4e2an a. a Auite re2u)ar 5)an$ cardo and decumanus inter.ectin2 at the center$ -orum ri2ht at the inter.ection o- tho.e t0o* And then o3er time it 2re0* It 2re0 and e75anded$ and the .treet.$ the .ame .treet.$ the cardo e75anded$ a)thou2h it 0a. no )on2er e7act)" at the center o- the cit"* Thi. i. a 3ie0 -rom =oo2)e Earth that .ho0. "ou ?u.t 5rett" much--I tried to an2)e it in .uch a 0a" that it )oo1.--that it+. e7act)" the .ame an2)e$ or c)o.e to e7act)" the .ame an2)e$ a. the 5)an that 0e ?u.t )oo1ed at 4e-ore* And "ou can .ee o3er here the am5hitheater* 8oucan .ee man" o- the .treet.$ inc)udin2 the .ho5. and the hou.e.$ and "ou can .ee o3er here the -orum$ a. it )oo1. toda" -rom the air* And a2ain it .ho0. "ou ho0 he)5-u) =oo2)e--and$ o- cour.e$a. "ou 1no0$ u.in2 =oo2)e Earth "our.e)3e. -or other 5ur5o.e.$ "ou 1no0 that "ou can 2o 0a" do0n> I mean$ "ou can -ind the entire cit" and then "ou can 2o and e75)ore each indi3idua) 4ui)din2 on "our o0n and in "our o0n time* In -act$ that+. 0hat I+3e done here*Here "ou .ee a c) 3ie0 o- the -orum in ,om5eii$ a. it )oo1. toda"$ -rom the air$ 3ia =oo2)e Earth$ here at the )e-t* And I com5are it to thi. 5)an that come. -rom "our te7t4oo1$ one o- "our t0o te7t4oo1.* Thi. i. the 4oo1 4" !*@* (ard-,er1in.$ 0hich i.$ o- the t0o$ the more--0e))$ the"+re 4oth im5ortant$ 4ut then the" 4oth do di--erent thin2.--4ut one o- the t0o im5ortant 4oo1. that 0e+)) 4e u.in2 thi. .eme.ter* Here i. a 5)an -rom that 4oo1* And "ou can .ee the 0a" in 0hich thi. -orum$ and thi. -orum i. 3er" im5ortant at ,om5eii 4ecau.e it+. 3er" ear)" in date$ and con.eAuent)" 0e 0i)) ta)1 a4out it a -air amount*(e .ee thi.* The 0a" Roman -orum. 0ere" arran2ed 0a. to ha3e one 2enera) o5en rectan2u)ar .5ace$ o5en to the .1"$ .urrounded 4" co)umn.$ 0ith a tem5)e$ the 1e"$ the mo.t im5ortant tem5)e$ the chie- tem5)e$ 5u.hed u5 a2ain.t one o- the .hort 4ac1 0a)).$ and dominatin2 the .5ace in -ront o- it* Thi. i. a Ca5ito)ium> 0e+)) ta)1 a4out 0hat a Ca5ito)ium i. in a -uture )ecture$ 4ut it i. a tem5)e to !u5iter and other.$ a. 0e .ha)) .ee* Tem5)e o- A5o))o o3er here$ the 4a.i)ica or )a0 court. o3er here* And "ou can .ee$ intere.tin2)" enou2h$ the" ha3e e..entia))" the .ame .ha5e a. the centra) -orum 5ro5er$ rectan2u)ar 0ith a co)onnade in the center$ and then .omethin2 on one .ide> it+. not another tem5)e 4ut rather a tri4una)$ a 5)ace -rom 0hich the ?ud2e 0ou)d tr" the ca.e. in the )a0 court.* (e .ee the Senate Hou.e o3er here$ and a .erie. o- other 4ui)din2.$ inc)udin2 a mar1et5)ace and .ome other 4ui)din2. here$ on the ri2ht-hand .ide* So a t"5ica) Roman -orum at it. ear)ie.t* Thi. date. 3er" ear)" on$ .econd centur" @*C*$ and i. there-ore an e7treme)" im5ortant 4ui)din2 -or u.*!u.t .o that "ou 2et a .en.e o- 0hat .ome o- the.e )oo1 )i1e in actua)it"$ thi. i. the 4a.i)ica or the )a0 court$ 0hich i. 5art o- the 9orum o- ,om5eii* And 0e .ee that tri4una) that I mentioned 4e-ore$ a t0o-.tor" tri4una) -rom 0hich the ?ud2e 0ou)d tr" the ca.e.* The 4ui)din2 i.n+t a. 0e)) 5re.er3ed a. 0e+d )i1e$ a)thou2h there+. Auite a 4it there* (hat i. there a))o0. u. to create thi. 1ind o- recon.truction dra0in2 0here 0e can 2et a 3er" 2ood .en.e o- 0hat thi. 4ui)din2 actua))")oo1ed )i1e in antiAuit"* 8ou .ee the tri4una) o3er there* 8ou .ee that there are dou4)e .torie. 0ith co)umn. on either .ide* 8ou .ee the.e co)o..a) co)umn. a)on2 the ai.)e* @ut mo.t im5ortant)"$ un)i1e the -orum$ 0hich 0a. o5en to the .1"$ thi. i. roo-ed$ and it had a -)at roo- 0ith 0hat+. ca))ed a co--ered cei)in2--0e+)) ta)1 a4out that )ater in the term--4ut then a .)o5in2 roo- -rom the out.ide* And 4a.i)ica. 0ere a)0a". roo-ed> that+. 0hat di.tin2ui.he. them -rom a )ot o- other Roman 4ui)din2.*Roman tem5)e architecture* The Tem5)e. o- !u5iter and A5o))o at ,om5eii are not that 0e)) 5re.er3ed$ 4ut .ome Roman tem5)e. are ma2ni-icent)" 5re.er3ed* I mean$ )oo1 at thi. one$ it+. 5ri.tine> it+. )i1e it 0a. created "e.terda" a. a du5)icate o- 0hat a Roman tem5)e$ or a re.torationo- 0hat a Roman tem5)e mi2ht ha3e )oo1ed )i1e* 8ou cou)d 5ut thi. in Mem5hi. or .ome0here )i1e that$ and thin1 that "ou had a nice re5)ica o- a Roman tem5)e* That+. ho0 0e)) 5re.er3ed it i.* It+. an ama6in2 tem5)e* It ?u.t ha55en. to 4e 0e)) 5re.er3ed$ in 5art 4ecau.e it 0a. re-u.ed o3er time$ mo.t recent)" a. a .ma)) archaeo)o2ica) mu.eum* Thi. i. the -amou. Mai.on CarrDe$ or SAuare Hou.e$ -or o43iou. rea.on.$ that i. in the 4eauti-u) 9rench to0n o- NEme.$ in the .outho- 9rance* 8ou .ee it here in a)) it. 2)or"* And thin1 a. "ou )oo1 at thi. ho0 man" 4an1. 0ere 4a.ed on thi. 5)an* I mean$ "ou can 2o to a)mo.t an" .ma)) cit" in America and .ee a 4an1 that )oo1. .omethin2 )i1e thi.$ 0hich ?u.t 2i3e. "ou .ome .en.e o- a2ain ho0 in-)uentia) Roman architecture ha. 4een o3er time*It+. a Auite traditiona) tem5)e* (e+)) ta)1 a4out the di--erence 4et0een traditiona) tem5)e architecture and more inno3ati3e tem5)e architecture in the cour.e o- thi. .eme.ter* And a. inno3ati3e a. it 2et.$ i. one o- the 1e" 4ui)din2. o- Roman architecture$ 0hich i.$ o- cour.e$ the -amou. ,antheon in Rome* I+m .ure there+. none o- "ou 0ho+. 4een in Rome 0ho ha.n+t 4een in.ide the ,antheon* It+. an incredi4)e 4ui)din2* Thi. i. a =oo2)e Ma5* It 0a. done durin2--the 4ui)din2 0a. 5ut u5 durin2 the rei2n o- the 3er" im5ortant$ -rom the architectura) .tand5oint and man" other .tand5oint.$ the 3er" im5ortant em5eror Hadrian* And 0e .ee--thi. i. a2ain oneo- the 0onder-u) thin2. a4out =oo2)e Earth$ 4ecau.e "ou+re .eein2 here the modern cit"$ 4ut "ou+re a).o .eein2 in # there are o3er 15% .ho5.* 8ou can .ho5 on a 3ariet" o- )e3e).* 8ou can .ho5 in the hemic"c)e$ "ou can .ho5 a)on2 the :ia @i4eratica* 8ou can .ho5 +ti) "ou dro5 in thi. incredi4)e ma))* And a. one )oo1. at it in detai)$ one .ee. ama6in2 thin2.* Thi. i. a 3ie0 o- one o- the .ho55in2 .treet.* 8ou can .ee the t"5ica) 5o)"2ona) ma.onr" that i. .o characteri.tic o- Roman .treet de.i2n here* A)on2 it$ .ome o- the indi3idua) .ho5.--thin1 that a0a" at the to5$ that 0a. added )ater* @ut "ou .ee .ome o- the indi3idua) .ho5. here* And )oo1 ho0 in2eniou. the Roman. ha3e 4een to 5ro3ide not on)" a ram5 4ut a).o a .erie. o- .tair.$ -)at area .tair. and .o on* And thi. ha. a)) 4een 3er"$ 3er" care-u))" orche.trated 4" the de.i2ner. in a0a" that i. not on)" uti)itarian 4ut a).o 3er" attracti3e*And then there+. thi.* Thi. i. the =reat Ha)) o- the Mar1et. o- Tra?an in Rome$ a 1ind o- 4a6aar$ 0hich a).o ha. a .erie. o- .ho5. and a).o attic 0indo0.$ a. "ou can .ee$ a4o3e* @ut then the 5articu)ar mar3e) o- thi. .5ace i.--)oo1 0hat the"+3e done a4o3e* The" ha3e ta1en$ u.in2 concrete once a2ain--and thi. 2i3e. "ou .ome .en.e o- the mirac)e o- Roman concrete* U.in2 concrete$ the" ha3e created a ne0 1ind o- 3au)t$ 0hich 0e ca)) the groin vault$ 0hich i. a ri44ed 3au)t$ and "ou can .ee the ri4. 3er" c)ear)" here* And the" ha3e )i-ted that ri44ed 3au)t on to5 o- 5ier. that ha3e 4een attenuated$ narro0ed to the 5oint$ in a 3er" .o5hi.ticated 0a"$ much more than 0a. true u5 to thi. moment* So the" ha3e 4een a4)e to )i-t tho.e 2roin 3au)t. in a 0a" that a)0a". remind. me--it+. a. i- "ou 0ent and o5ened a .erie. o- um4re))a. o3er a .5ace$ )i-ted the .5ace u5 in a tru)" miracu)ou. 0a"* And a. an e7am5)e a2ain o- the -act that the Roman.--there+. nothin2 the Roman. didn+t do or didn+t in3ent* Here "ou .ee the 0e))-1no0n Mar1et5)acein San$ 0here "ou .ee e..entia))" the .ame idea> a .erie. o- .ho5. do0n 4e)o0 and then thi. ma2ni-icent)" )i-ted cei)in2 a4o3e*So Roman architecture$ a. I .aid in the 3er" 4e2innin2$ rea))" had a hu2e im5act on )ater architecture* The Mar1et. o- Tra?an 0ere 5art o- the -orum com5)e7$ the 9orum o- Tra?an$ 0hich"ou .ee 5art o- here* The -orum it.e)- 0a. rea))" Auite con3entiona)* Thi. i. an intere.tin2 4ui)din2 4ecau.e 0e ha3e a -air)" traditiona) a55roach to the -orum it.e)-$ and then an inno3ati3e a55roach to the mar1et.* Thi. i. a re.tored 3ie0 o- the 4a.i)ica or )a0 court o- the 9orum o- Tra?an* 8ou .ee that it+. 3er" traditiona)$ 0ith co)umn. and mar4)e and a -)at cei)in2 0ith co--er.* And that+. 0hat mo.t o- the -orum )oo1. )i1e* The mar1et. are done in a 3er" di--erent .t")e$ a. 0e .a0* And thi. 5articu)ar -orum 0a. not on)" a meetin2 and a mar1et5)ace$ or a 5)ace 0here ca.e. cou)d 4e tried$ 4ut 0a. a).o a monument in .tone to the mi)itar" 3ictorie. o- Tra?an*Tra?an 0a. the em5eror 0ho e7tended the 4order. o- the Em5ire to their -urthe.t reache.$ and the monument i. a te.tament to 0hat hi. accom5)i.hment. 0ere mi)itari)"* And the -amou. Co)umn o- Tra?an$ 0hich .ti)) .tand. and i. in ma2ni-icent condition$ a. "ou can .ee here$ i. a monument that i. 0ra55ed 0ith a .5ira) -rie6e that 5ur5ort. to de.cri4e$ -rom 4ottom to to5$ a)) o- the e75)oit.$ a)) o- the mi)itar" e75)oit. o- Tra?an+. t0o mi)itar" cam5ai2n. in thermopolium* A thermopolium0a. e..entia))"--0hat it 0a. made u5 o- i. a--it i. a .erie. o---a counter$ 0ith a .erie. o- rece..e.* And each da" tho.e 0ho ran thi. thermopolium 5ut di--erent -ood in there$ and .o 0hen "ou 2ot hun2r"--a2ain$ the 0ho)e .ort o- -a.t -ood idea--"ou ?u.t 0a)1 4"$ )i1e in a ca-eteria$ 5oint out 0hat "ou 0anted* The"+d .er3e it to "ou and "ou+d 4e on "our 0a"* So 3er" much -a.t -ood--.o 0e .ee )ot. o- them in ,om5eii and Hercu)aneum*(e+)) )oo1 at Roman hou.e.* Thi. i. one e7am5)e$ the Hou.e o- the :ettii in ,om5eii$ .5ectacu)ar)" 5re.er3ed hou.e$ 0here 0e can .ee a 5oo) that 0a. actua))" u.ed -or co))ectin2 0ater$ a ho)e in the cei)in2$ 4ut a 3ie0 -rom the atrium o- the hou.e into the 2arden* The 2arden o3er here$ "ou 2et a .en.e o- it -- the 2reener"$ the mar4)e -urniture$ the -ountain.$ and then the 5aintin2. on the 0a)).* I mentioned at the 4e2innin2 0e+)) .5end a -air amount o- time -- 0e+)) .5end a -e0 )ecture. on Roman 5aintin2* And the rea.on that I do that i. 4ecau.e it+. a4.o)ute)" 2or2eou. and it+. -a.cinatin2* @ut it a).o a))o0. u. to 2et a 4etter under.tandin2 o- interior decoration amon2 the Roman.$ ho0 the" decorated their 0a)).*@ut a).o$ 4ecau.e a. "ou can .ee -rom thi. one e7am5)e$ -rom @o.corea)e$ no0 in the Metro5o)itan Mu.eum$ the -amou. Met Cu4icu)um$ 0hich i. decorated 0ith Second St")e Roman 0a)) 5aintin2$ that the.e 5aintin2. o-ten de5ict 4ui)din2.* The" are architectura) 5aintin2.$ and the" are 3er" im5ortant in that re2ard 4ecau.e 0e .ee -- 0e o-ten .ee -- e75erimentation in 5aintin2 4e-ore 0e .ee it in architecture* And .o there are 2oin2 to 4e .ome thin2.$ -or e7am5)e$ thi. 4ro1en trian2u)ar 5ediment$ that 0e+re 2oin2 to .ee -ir.t in 5aintin2 andthen in 4ui)t architecture* So 5aintin2 -- e7treme)" im5ortant -or u.*(e+)) a).o 2o to the cit" o- O.tia$ the 5ort o- Rome$ 0hich i. a cit" 3er" di--erent -rom ,om5eii 4ecau.e it i. e..entia))" a .econd-centur" Roman cit"$ rather than a -ir.t-centur" Roman cit"* The con.truction techniAue i. concrete$ -aced 0ith 4ric1* I .ho0 "ou one e7am5)e o- that* @ut 0hat+. mo.t intere.tin2 a4out the hou.e. in O.tia ha. to do 0ith the 1ind o- cit" it 0a. -- a2ain$ the 5ort o- Rome$ a commercia) cit"* It 0a. 3er" con2e.ted* ,eo5)e 0ere not a. 0ea)th" a. tho.e in the re.ort to0n o- ,om5eii$ and con.eAuent)" the" needed--5eo5)e didn+t ha3e .in2)e-.tor" hou.e.$ )i1e the one in ,om5eii that I ?u.t .ho0ed "ou 4e-ore -- 4ut rather a5artment hou.e. 0ith mu)ti-.torie.> a 1ind o- condominium idea* And the.e are -a.cinatin2 in their di--erence -rom tho.e in ,om5eii$ and that+. a di--erence that 0e 0i)) .ure)" e75)ore*The 3er" 0e))-to-do )i3ed in--the 3er" 0e))-to-do had 3i))a.* The em5eror. had 3i))a. a)) a)on2 0hat i. no0 the Ama)-i Coa.t* Ca5ri$ the i.)and o- Ca5ri* The em5eror Au2u.tu. and Ti4eriu. had t0e)3e 3i))a. on the I.)and o- Ca5ri* The mo.t e7traordinar" 3i))a$ Hadrian+. :i))a at Ti3o)i$ 0hich I .ho0 "ou here -rom the air* A 1ind o- microco.m o- the Em5ire at that 5articu)ar time$ 0ith e7traordinar" 4ui)din2.$ 0ith 5oo).$ decorated 0ith .cu)5ture that .ho0 the ec)ectic ta.te o-the em5eror 0ho )i1ed thin2. Roman$ )i1ed thin2. =ree1$ )i1ed thin2. E2"5tian$ and .tatue. o---he 0a. married$ 4ut he a).o had a 4e)o3ed "oun2 4o" 0hom he met in @ith"nia* Antinou.$ the -amou. Antinou. that he met in @ith"nia and 0ho 4ecame the )o3e o- hi. )i-e* And 0hen Antinou. died he created a)) 1ind. o- .hrine. -or Antinou.* Thi. i. 3er" im5ortant architectura))" 4ecau.e a)) the.e are intere.tin2 .hrine.* @ut in each o- tho.e .hrine. he created .tatue. o- Antinou.$ and thi. i. one .ho0in2 Antinou. a. an E2"5tian 5haraoh$ 0hich 0a. 5er-ect -or thi. 5articu)ar )oca)e 4ecau.e it 0a. meant to con?ure u5 a cana) in E2"5t*Chapter ". Roman Tombs' +ueducts' and the ,astin& Impact o- Roman rchitecture [00:$#:0.](e+re 2oin2 to )oo1 at tom4 architecture--I 0ant to .ho0 "ou thi. 3er" Auic1)"--4ut 0e+re 2oin2 to )oo1 at a )ot o- tom4 architecture$ 4ecau.e tom4 architecture i. 5articu)ar)" intere.tin2$ 4ecau.e the on)" 5ractica) con.ideration -or a tom4$ i. that it had to hou.e the remain. o- the decea.ed$ that+. it* So "ou cou)d 4e 3er" 0him.ica) and 5er.ona) a4out the 1ind o- tom4 "ou 0anted to 4e 4uried in* Thi. i. a .erie. at ,om5eii$ 4ut 0e+re 2oin2 to )oo1 at tho.e o- the em5eror Au2u.tu. 0ho 0a. 4uried in a mau.o)eum that 0ent 4ac1 to tho.e o- the ear)ier Etru.can.$ 1in2.$ 0ho ru)ed Rome 4e-ore the em5eror. did$ and he 4ui)t a round tom4 0ith an earthen mound$ 3er" .imi)ar to that o- the Etru.can.*Hadrian$ the -amou. em5eror Hadrian$ 0a. a).o 4uried in a round tom4$ at the 0e))-1no0n Ca.te) Sant+ An2e)o$ in Rome toda"$ 0ith it. 4eauti-u) @ernini 4rid2e$ the an2e).$ @ernini+. an2e).on the 4rid2e -- a).o a round tom4* In it. current -orm$ tran.-ormed into a -ortre..$ it 0a. u.ed 4" the 5o5e. 0hen the" needed to hide out durin2 time. o- trou4)e* :er" 0him.ica) tom4.$ inc)udin2 thi. 5"ramid o- a man 4" the name o- Ce.tiu.$ and he 4ui)t thi. tom4 durin2 a time o---0hen a 0a3e o- thin2. E2"5tian came into Rome$ at the time that Au2u.tu. de-eated C)eo5atra and Anton"* And then e3en the.e communa) tom4.$ communa) 4uria) 5)ace. -or the )e.. 0e))-to-do$ 0here their remain. 0ere 5)aced in urn.* (e+)) a).o )oo1 at tom4. in other 5art. o- the Roman 0or)d* Thi. i. a -amou. tom4$ a roc1-cut tom4 in ,etra$ in 0hat i. no0 !ordan* And "ou can .ee that the tom4 i. e..entia))" the roc1> in -act$ the 4uria) cham4er i. in.ide the roc1 and the -aGade ha. 4een car3ed out o- the roc1*(e+re 2oin2 to ta)1 a4out aAueduct. in the cour.e o- the .eme.ter> ?u.t -)eetin2)" .ho0 "ou t0o$ the 0a". in 0hich the Roman. 4rou2ht---or tho.e the" conAuered$ the" 5ro3ided amenitie.$ inc)udin2 0ater$ that 0a. 4rou2ht -rom a 2reat di.tance* Thi. i. the -amou. ,ont du =ard at NEme.* And thi. i. the one I .ho0ed "ou 4e-ore on =oo2)e Earth$ the -a4u)ou. aAueduct at Se2o3ia that marche. it. 0a" throu2h the cit"*I ha3e ?u.t a cou5)e o- minute.$ and I 4a.ica))" 0anted to c)o.e ?u.t ma1in2 t0o 3er" Auic1 5oint.a4out the di--erence 4et0een traditiona) Roman architecture and inno3ati3e Roman architecture* I+m not 2oin2 to 2o into that in an" detai) here* It+. 2oin2 to 4e the to5ic o- one o- our )ecture. 3er" .oon* @ut thi. tran.-ormation -rom tem5)e. that are 4a.ed on =ree1 and Etru.can 5rotot"5e.$ )i1e that one here$ to .omethin2 )i1e the ,antheon* I a).o 0ant to mention -rom the .tart that un)i1e other cour.e. in architecture 0here "ou ma" ha3e 4een .tud"in2 9ran1L)o"d (ri2ht or @orromini$ @orromini$ or 9ran1 =ehr"$ 0e ha3e 3er" -e0 name. o- architect. 5re.er3ed -rom Roman time.$ 4ecau.e it 0a. the 5atron 0ho 0a. a))$ not the architect$and I+)) e75)ain that in a -uture )ecture* @ut 0e ha3e .ome$ and 0e+)) ta)1 a4out them 0hen 0e do*(e 0i)) a).o .ee--and I ?u.t 0ant to end u5 0here I 4e2an$ 0hich i. to .a" a2ain that Roman architecture had a hu2e im5act on architecture o- 5o.t-c)a..ica) time.* The Roman 4a.i)ica 4ecame the Chri.tian church* The round tom4 o- Rome 4ecame the round church in the ear)" Medie3a) and @"6antine 5eriod.* Tom4. )i1e the one in !ordan$ that I .ho0ed "ou ?u.t 4e-ore$ 0hich -orm 0hat I ca)) 1ind o- a 4aroAue 5ha.e o- Roman architecture$ 0ere the mode). -or .e3enteenth-centur" @aroAue architecture in Rome$ -or e7am5)e$ @orromini+. San Car)ino* The ,antheon had--"ou a)) 1no0 0hat thi. i.$ U:A* The ,antheon had a hu2e im5act* There are man" +,antheon.+ e3er"0here$ inc)udin2 in thi. countr" 4an1. and the )i1e* Thoma. !e--er.on )oo1ed to the ,antheon to de.i2n hi. rotunda at the" o- :ir2inia$ and the )a0n that )a" 4e"ond*@ut -or u.$ in thi. c)$ at thi. 5articu)ar time$ the mo.t im5ortant im5act$ a. -ar a. I+m concerned$ o- Roman architecture on more modern architecture ha. to do 0ith the am5hitheater at ,om5eii$ 0hich "ou .ee here> m" -a3orite am5hitheater* The Co)o..eum i. more-amou.* The am5hitheater at ,om5eii i. ear)ier in date* And 0hat+. .i2ni-icant -or u.$ in thi. c)$ at thi. 5articu)ar time$ i. that the am5hitheater at ,om5eii--and I 1id "ou not--i. the mode) -or our o0n am5hitheater$ and that i. the 8a)e @o0) -- it i. the mode)* Thi. i. the 4ui)din2--and "ou .ee it here -rom the air$ the am5hitheater in ,om5eii--on 0hich the 8a)e @o0)0a. 4a.ed* So a2ain$ the Roman. ha3e c)ear)" had a hu2e im5act on architecture 0or)d0ide> on our o0n architecture*And 0e thin1 0e )i3e on a =othic cam5u.$ 4ut I+)) .ho0 "ou$ in the cour.e o- thi. .eme.ter$ ho0 man" Roman 4ui)din2. there are* In -act$ 0e had a 5o.t--and ?u.t to 2et "ou in.5ired--0e had a 5o.t in an ear)ier "ear in 0hich 5eo5)e 0ent around the cam5u. to ta1e 5icture. and then 5o.t them on)ine o- 4ui)din2. that the" thou2ht 0ere in-)uenced 4" tho.e o- the Roman 5a.t* At an" rate$ that+. it -or toda"* =reat to .ee "ou$ meet "ou a))* I- an" o- "ou ha3e an" Aue.tion. at a))$ I+m ha55" to an.0er them$ a. are the teachin2 -e))o0.*