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  • 8/17/2019 CPT Presentation


    The Industrial Production of Penicillin

     Pranjal Singhal 


  • 8/17/2019 CPT Presentation



    ●  What is penicillin?● History 

    ● General structure of penicillins

    ● Fermenters

    Important aspects of fermentors● Specific conditions for


    ● Media consideration &


    ● Production ofpenicillin

    ● Increase in yield

    ● References

  • 8/17/2019 CPT Presentation


    !hat is Penicillin"●

    First true naturally-occurring antiiotic e!er disco!ered" a greatmedical rea#through$

    % Group of antiiotics produced y the Penicillium fungi$

    It is a group of closely related compounds not a single

    compound$Examples: 'mo(icillin ampicillin pheno(ymethylpenicillin$

    %  'round )* drugs that are penicillins$

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     #istor$% &iscover$ ' Production

    ● +,." Scottish iologist 'le(ander

    Fleming disco!ered that the Staphylococcus

    culture hehad mista#enly left gro/ing in open /as hadcontaminated /ith a mold /hich

    destroyed the acteria$

    ●  'fter isolating a sample and testing it he

    found that it elonged to the  Penicillium


    0ater the mold /as classified as Penicillium


    ●  't first it /as difficult to con!ince people

    aout its potential uses$

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     #istor$% &iscover$ ' Production

    ● 1ut later 2+,3,4 using Fleming5s /or# t/o medical

    researchers Ho/ard Florey and 6rnst 7hain

    managed to purify penicillin in a po/dered form$

    % +,8+" 9hey successfully treated a human$

    % +,83" 9hey produced penicillin on a large scale$

    9his helped immensely to treat casualties during the

     WWII that had acterial infections due to their


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    General Structure of Penicillins

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     (edia )onsideration

    ● 9he aim of the media is to"

    of cell

    ○ pro!ide all the elements re:uired for the

    synthesis materials and the formation of the desired

    product$○ pro!ide fa!ourale en!ironment for the culture in :uestion$

    ○  e cost effecti!e$

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     (edia *or+ulation

    % pH ;$)

    ● 9emperature *-8 itrogen" corn steep li:uor .$)

    ● Glucose +● .* ethanol

    ● phenylacetic acid

    ● Proenecid

    ● 0actose +

    ● 7alcium 7aronate +

    ● Sodium hydrogen phosphate *$8

    ●  'ntifoaming agent" !egetale oil

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  • 8/17/2019 CPT Presentation


    Si+,lified *lo )hart 

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    Source" Pfi@er

  • 8/17/2019 CPT Presentation


    ★  (ediu+ for

     ,enicillin+$ 9he  Penicillium chrysogenum usually contain its caron source

     /hich is found in corn steep li:uor and glucose$

    $ ' medium of corn steep li:uor and glucose are added to the

    fermenter$ Medium also consists of salts such as MgS=8

    A 3



    sodium nitrates$ 9hey pro!ide the essential ions re:uired for the

    fungus metaolic acti!ity$

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    ★  #eat

     sterili-ation3$ Medium is sterili@ed at high heat and high pressure usually through a

    holding tue or sterili@ed together /ith the fermenter$

    8$ 9he pressuri@ed steam is used and the medium is heated to ++

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     *er+entation)$It is done in a fed-atch mode as glucose must not e added in highamounts at the eginning of gro/th 2/hich /ill result in lo/ yield of

    penicillin production as e(cessi!e glucose inhiit penicillin production4$

    ;$9he fermentation conditions for the Penicillium mold usually

    re:uires temperatures at *-8

  • 8/17/2019 CPT Presentation


     *er+entation.$ It is necessary to mi( the culture e!enly throughout the culturemedium$ Fungal cells are ale to handle rotation speed of around **



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  • 8/17/2019 CPT Presentation


    1. Reactor Size

    2. Reactor Configuration3. o!e of operation

    ". Con!itions insi!e t#e reactor

    Economic requirements:%$ 6asy to operate aseptically$

    %$ Reasonaly fle(ile regarding process re:uirements$

    %$ 0o/ po/er consumption$

    %$ Stale under fluctuating conditions$%$ 7heap roust simple and /ell understood for scale-up$


  • 8/17/2019 CPT Presentation


    T$,ical *er+entor 

  • 8/17/2019 CPT Presentation


    ★ Seed

    )ulture,$ 9he seed culture is de!eloped first in the la y the addition of Penicillium chrysogenum spores into a li:uid medium$ When it has

    gro/n to the acceptale amount it is inoculated into the


    +*$ 9hemedium

    is constantly aerated andagitated$

    7aronandnitrogen are added sparingly alongside precursor molecules for

    penicillin fed-atch style$ 9ypical parameters such as pH temperature

    stirrer speed and dissol!ed o(ygen concentration are oser!ed$

  • 8/17/2019 CPT Presentation


    ★ Seed

    )ulture++$'fter aout 8* hours penicillin egins to e secreted y the fungus$

    +$'fter aout B days gro/th is completed the pH rises to .$* or ao!eand penicillin production ceases$

    9he Penicillium fungus

  • 8/17/2019 CPT Presentation


    ★  .e+oval of

    /io+ass+3$Filtration is carried out as ioseparation is re:uired to remo!e the iomass from the culture 2remo!ing the fungus and other impurities

    a/ay from the medium /hich contains the penicillin4$

    +8$' R otary !acuum filter is commonly employed for filtration as it is

    ale to run in continuous mode in any large scale operations$

    +)$'fter filtration phosphoric acid

    a non-o(idising agent is introduced

    to decrease pH from .$* to ;$) so asto pre!ent loss of acti!ity ofpenicillin$

    Rotary !acuum filter

  • 8/17/2019 CPT Presentation


    ★  Addition of

     solvent +;$=rganic sol!ents such as amyl acetateD utyl acetate are added to dissol!e thepenicillin present in the filtrate$

    +B$'t this point penicillin is present in thesolution and any other solids /ill e consideredas /aste 2can e used as fertili@ers and animal


  • 8/17/2019 CPT Presentation


    ★ )entrifugal

     traction+.$7entrifugation is done to separate the solid

     /aste from the li:uid component /hich contains

    the penicillin$

    +,$ Esually a dis# centrifuge is used at this point$

    *$9he supernatant /ill then e transferred

    further in the do/nstream process to continue

     /ith e(traction$is# centrifuge - =ne of the most

    common type of centrifuge for largescale production

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    +$' series of e(traction processes are carried upon the dissol!ed

    penicillin to otain a etter purity of the penicillin product$

    $9he acetate solution is first mi(ed /ith a phosphate uffer follo/ed

     y a chloroform solution and mi(ed again /ith a phosphate uffer and

    finally in an ether solution$

    3$Penicillin is present in high concentration in the ether solution and

    it /ill e mi(ed /ith a solution of sodium icaronate to otain the

    penicillin-sodium salt /hich allo/ penicillin to e stored in a stale

    po/der form at rtp$


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     traction8$ 9he penicillin-sodium salt is otained from the li:uid material y as#et centrifugation in /hich solids are easily remo!ed$

    1atch e(traction unit 1as#et 7entrifuge" 6(tremely useful in the

    remo!al of solids in this case Penicillinsalt

  • 8/17/2019 CPT Presentation


    ★  *luid /ed

    dr$ing )$ rying is necessary to remo!e anyremaining moisture present in the po/dered

    penicillin salt$

    ;$ In fluid ed drying hot gas is pumped from

    the ase of the chamer containing the

    po/dered salt inside a !acuum chamer$

    B$ Moisture is remo!ed this /ay and this

    result in a much drier form of penicillin$

    Po/dered penicillin eing

     lo/n y hot air

    Fluid ed dryingtue

  • 8/17/2019 CPT Presentation


    Storage.$ Penicillin is stored in containers and #ept in a drieden!ironment$

    9he White Penicillin-Sodium salt

    ,$9he resulting penicillin 2called Penicillin G4 can e chemically and

    en@ymatically modified to ma#e a !ariety of penicillins /ith slightlydifferent properties$

    3*$9hese can e semi-synthetic penicillins such as Penicillin

    Penicillin = ampicillin and amo(ycillin$

  • 8/17/2019 CPT Presentation


     Increasing ield 

    +$ 'dding corn syrup$ Selection of strain

    3$ Mutation and Selection

    8$ Se(ual reproduction

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    +$ 7orn syrup 'llo/ ma(imal gro/th of the culture at the e(pense of product

    2antiiotic4 formation$ 9his is ecause gro/th and antiiotic

    production are in!ersely proportional$More secondary metaolites during stress phase$

     Increasing ield 

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    $ Selection of strain

    ● Selection of the  est strain

    depends on the production

    rateof the secondary  

    metaolite 2penicillin4$

    %  Penicillium notatum 2+ mgDdm34

    and  Penicillium chrysogenum

    2)* mgDdm34$

    % Strains are gro/n on cultures in

    laoratories and those /ith est

     yield is determined$

     Increasing ield 

  • 8/17/2019 CPT Presentation


    3$ Mutation and Selection9his is ased on trial and chance$

    ● Se!eral strains of Penicillium are cultured$

    ● 6thyl methanesulphonate 26MS4 near-ultra!iolet light

    in the presence of .-metho(ypsoralen 2.M=P4 are used

    as mutagens$

    ● 7omination of the mutagens leads to a more positi!eresult$

    ● Strains are e(posed to the mutagens at different intensities andproportions$

    ● 6ach time the est strains are selected and are further e(posed$

    ● Statistical tests are done to determine the strains /ith

    highest yields$

    ● ry conidia is stored in silica gel at 8°C at each

     Increasing ield 

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    8$ Se(ual Reproduction

    ● It /as assumed that the penicillin-producing

    mould fungus

     Penicillium chrysogenum only reproduced ase(ually through

    spores$ Fungus also has a se(ual cycle 2an$. *+34

    ● 9he progenies possess a comination of genes from oth mating

    partners and thus ha!e ne/ properties oth at the molecular le!el

    as /ell as in their phenotypes$

    % Specific en!ironmental conditions in the dar# under o(ygen

    depri!ation conditions in a nutrient medium supplemented /ith

    the !itamin iotin$

     Increasing ield 

  • 8/17/2019 CPT Presentation


     .eferenceshttp"DDpenicillin$/i#ispaces$comDHome  2+)D*,D*+34

    http"DDpenicillin$/i#ispaces$comDGeneralJioprocessJflo/  2+)D*,D*+34

    http"DDpenicillin$/i#ispaces$comDariousJtypesJofJPenicillin 2+)D*,D*+34



    http"DD///$medicinenet$comDpenicillins-oralDarticle$htm 23*D*,D*+34

    http"DD///$eolss$netDSample-7haptersD7+BD6;-).-*)-*8$pdf  23D+*D*+34

    http"DDmic$sgmCournals$orgDcontentD++3DD*,$full$pdfJhtml 2++D+*D+34

    http"DD///$sciencedaily$comDreleasesD*+3D*+D+3*+*.*.8+3.$htm 2++D+*D+34

    h ttp"DDarchi!e$io$ed$ac$u#DCdeaconDmicroesDpenicill$htm 2++D+*D+34




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