Mariano Porcel de Saint Georges - Director de Ventas Cono...

Mariano Porcel de Saint Georges - Director de Ventas Cono Sur Judith Scheepens – Director of E-commerce for Latam and Caribbean

Transcript of Mariano Porcel de Saint Georges - Director de Ventas Cono...

Mariano Porcel de Saint Georges - Director de Ventas Cono SurJudith Scheepens – Director of E-commerce for Latam and Caribbean

Notas de la presentación
Clean up new title

Nuestra agenda hoy

• Performance de GDS• Performance Web• Estrategias Venta Directa Web• Estrategia Online


GDS Performance Worldwide


Crecimento de los GDS en 2010 por Regiones


YTD en 2011…..


Resultados de America del Sur


El pace para America del Sur……


Estrategias en GDS


Posicionamiento en GDS

GDS Media:

Amadeus Instant Marketing


Graphical Promospots

Reportes de Inteligencia de Mercado


Hotelligence 360

Uso del internet en el mundo

Uso del internet en America Latina


Source: Smith Travel Research Note: Europe based on Euro, all other regions in USD

Notas de la presentación
Is source correct for this and next several slides?


Based on sampling of 2,000 independent hotels worldwide. Source: iHotelier, 2010

Crecimiento de reservas por web|2010 vs 2009 Hoteles

Web | Shifting Share Fourth Quarter Comparison


Chart above reflects reservations processed through a CRO. Property websites and other Internet reservations not booked through the CRO are not included.





2010 Q4

Brand Retail Opaque Merchant




2009 Q4

Estrategias Venta Directa Online

• Paridad de Tarifas

• Sitio Web del Hotel:

• Search Engine Marketing: SEO y PPC



Precio :: Lo que mas influye en el momento de la compra

Source. PhoCusWright

Factores de infuencia en la compra On-Line

Estrategias de Venta OnlineParidad de Tarifas :: Un Exito Comprobado

Notas de la presentación
A parte da sua marca, os dos fatores que mais influenciam no momento da compra na internet, os dois mais importantes são PREÇO e a GARANTIA DO MELHOR PREÇO Los precios todavia son un factor mas importante que la afiliacion de marca/nombre cuando se escoge una habitacion online. (Price still outweighs brand in choosing a hotel room online.) Source: PhoCusWright Consumer Travel Trends Survey Sixth Edition

Paridad de Tarifas :: Protege su imagen y su venta directa

Tarifas demasiado altas hacen perder VALOR

(no va satisfacer las expectativas del cliente)

Tarifas demasiado bajas hacen perder CREDIBILIDAD

(deteriora el valor y la imagen de su marca)



LA CONSISTENCIA aumenta a LA CONFIANZA = reservas !

Notas de la presentación
Porque Paridade de Tarifas? E paridade de tarifas ajuda o seu hotel gerar mas ingressos netos a traves do seu website.

Estrategias Venta Directa Online• Paridad de Tarifas

• Sitio Web del Hotel:: Parte Integral de su equipo de Ventas y Mercadeo

“Competencias Claves”

• Habilidad de traer negocios• Apariencia: la primera impresión es la que dura! • Habilidades de Presentación para poder representar su

producto de forma competitiva, incluyendo la visualización. • Habilidades de Ventas: calidades esenciales de un generador de

ingresos• Idiomas: atraer sus mercados principales• Habilidades Organizacionales e de Manejo de Tiempo• Creatividad: porque no todos los clientes quieren lo mismo• Habilidad de cerrar el Negocio!


Estrategia Online

• Social Media :

• Tripadvisor monitoring

• Tripadvisor Business Listing

• Facebook Booking Mask ligado a tu pagina web

• Image and Brand Management

• Vbrochure Distribucion de Imágenes y Rich Media en Canales online


Estrategia Online • OTA

• Grandes cadenas 70 % web direct , 30 % OTA

• Paridad de Tarifas – CHANNEL DIRECT

• Los OTAs son tus partners pero a la vez tus competidores.

• Sea estratégico - Escoge la mejor opción.

• Movil

• Asegurese que su Web site esta habilitado y adaptado para Móbile

• Tenga la funcionalidad de “click to call “ en su web site móbile

• Codigos QR


Notas de la presentación
Large chains: 70% webdirect – 30% OTA Admit you have a problem. ��The OTAs are not the cause of the discounting problem, but they are enablers and your competitor hotels are codependents. By advertising heavily that they offer deeply discounted rates, OTAs have contributed to the firesale mentality among travelers. Hotels have exacerbated the problem by being always on sale, by offering discount rates on discount rates, and by treating all inventory as distressed inventory. ��2. Do the math. ��Yes, OTAs can move a lot of inventory, but at what cost? The terms of OTA agreements vary, but typical commissions range between 15% and 25%, with big-box chains paying the least and small independents the most. At $200 per night for a three-night stay, an independent pays $150 in commissions. Compare that to the low-to-zero costs of direct bookings. How could you use the difference to attract more lucrative direct bookings?��3. Don’t overestimate the billboard effect.��No question, OTA business is an important part of the market mix. As Mike Nelson, president of Partners Services at Orbitz, explained on, “In any economic climate, online travel companies are a strategic resource for hotels that want to stimulate demand, access a global distribution platform and benefit from vast marketing and promotional investments.” But to rank high on OTAs you must offer deep discounts. As powerful as the “billboard effect” is the “OTA effect” of training travelers to book via third parties. THE BILLBOARD EFFECT (o El Efecto Cartelera) cuya teoría viene a decir que aquellos hoteles que están presentes en distintas OTAs consiguen un beneficio adicional en sus ventas directas, dicho beneficio se denomina BILLBOARD EFFECT.��4. Make direct the best option. ��Travelers should get the best deals by booking direct, period. Honor your rate parity agreements, but implement a best rate guarantee and clearly state the advantages of booking direct, like Marriott’s Look No Further™ promise. As an added incentive, offer value-adds not available via non-direct booking methods.��5. Be strategic. ��Instead of discounting across the board, forecast demand in each market segment and develop separate strategies. Reward travelers for advance bookings and build rate on that base rather than offering the best deals on last-minute bookings. In an interview with EyeforTravel, Kurien Jacob of Highgate Hotels argued that opaque sites “should be used only if the hotel needs to protect its overall retail rate to maintain brand image, prevent group room dilution or maintain corporate negotiated rate protection.”��6. Use social media to connect with travelers. ��Private sales via members-only sites like Jetsetter and Vacationist allow you to bypass OTA rate parity requirements, but the terms can be even less favorable than those offered by OTAs. Use them sparingly to create base and sell off distressed inventory. Focus your efforts on social media and reputation management to build your email database and Facebook and Twitter followers and save your best deals for them. ��7. OTAs are partners and competitors. ��OTAs don’t care which hotels travelers book as long as they book through them. Traditional travel agents charge 10% commission and provide personalized service in bricks-and-mortar offices. How can OTAs justify such high commissions, and where does the money go? Seen the TV ads, the cost-per-click ads, the print ads and banners? They’re driving up your advertising costs and luring travelers from direct channels. Goldman Sachs estimates that OTAs generate 8% to 10% of Google’s gross revenue worldwide. ��8. Leverage your power. ��Competition among OTAs is fierce, and they need access to your inventory at competitive rates to compete. In an interview with the Chicago Tribune, Priceline CEO Jeffrey Boyd said, “You've got to have the best rate, and the hotel has to be available when the customer is searching on it." Leverage this power by negotiating the terms right for you. According to revenue management consultant Jil Larson, that means “either block space or last room availability but not both.” If the OTA won’t come to terms, find one that will. ��9. Loyalty means loyalty.��Loyalty program members who book via OTAs must understand that they’ve forfeited their perks to the OTA in the form of a hefty commission. Stipulate that members must book direct to qualify for privileges. This is especially true of opaque sites; booking blind isn’t brand loyalty. ��10. Make the booking experience seamless. ��OTAs are brilliant marketers and are constantly improving the consumer experience. How does your booking experience measure up? Is your website mobile compatible? Make voice reservations accessible, efficient and personal – an area where OTAs can’t compete. And invest in a two-way PMS interface to decrease time spent managing rates and inventory and free up time for strategizing.

U.S. Mobile Bookings Revenue2008-2010 (US$M)

U.S. Online Bookings Revenue2008-2010 (US$M)

Source: PhocusWright

Realidad de Mercado: :Canal en crecimiento pero no es prudente ignorarlo

Notas de la presentación
Mobile bookings are a small percentage of total online booking over the next three years, but 2009 has seen a significant increase in online bookings especially for hotels • To become a significant channel, travel companies have implemented specific applications that are location, contextual and situational-based using both the power of the network and the power of the advanced smartphone

Crece cada vez mas, la utilizacion de Celulares para busquedas de DATA


Uso Promedio Celular: 70% Voz iPhone: 45% Voz

Codigos QR


Notas de la presentación
You can use QR codes for a huge variety of applications. You could program a code to take you to a website, download a video, or even have the phone call a number. There are lots of neat ways for a hotel to use these codes… from an easy way to integrate offline and online marketing efforts… in addition to putting your URL on a piece of printed collateral you put one of these, and the possibilities are almost endless (you can print QR codes on tshirts, bill boards) but here is a list of 13 cool ways to use them that hopefully will give you some ideas If you want to be geeky about it… check out this site for some examples of QR Art!    

Failing to plan strategy is planning to fail entirely.

No planificar su estrategia es planificar para fallar completamente.

– Philip Kotler

In Closing …